#told him to shush up but it was a good one ngl
sobashahzadi · 1 year
me and my bro was rewatching ina11 a while ago when Hiroto did this shot he shouted “LESBIAN SHOT” like rlly rlly loud
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he misheard it, I think, he said
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whydontyousaeso · 8 months
Hi, heres an idea for damian x reader
Reader these past few days has been stressed and tired while preparing for elimination chamber in perth. Before leaving to Australia he decided to have a self care day for them at their home
Damian priest x Reader
Type- fluff
A/n- Okay im ngl this was rough to write because i injured my hand, so because of that the Roman fic will be postponed until Friday! I hold this is what you wanted anon. 🫶
Tag list- @brideofinfamy @allyinwonderland18 @haileysmall2005 @alyyaanna @queencherryberry @new-zealand-chic @Bloodlinesceo @lizzyd1ish @southerngirl41
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You’ve never been so nervous for a match before.
You were gonna be in the elimination chamber match for a chance to go against iyo at wrestlemania for the title.
You were up against asuka, Liv, Bianca, Jade cargil, and Tiffany Stratton.
All of which made it painfully clear that they didn’t want you to win.
Just the week prior Asuka surprised you with a mist, and that was painful.
You were scared of them over taking you.
You had so many people expecting you to win.
only one made you feel like you could win though.
“Cariño, wake up”
You groaned and rolled towards your boyfriend, damian.
“Come on, I have things for you to do today.”
“Damian I’m tired-“
“I know you are baby, just trust me.”
You mumbled under your breath and sat up, reaching out for him.
He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your neck and rubbing your back.
“What are we doing today?”
“I’m taking care of you before your match Saturday”
“I dont-“
“Shush, let me help you darling”
You groaned lightly again and pulled away from him, looking him over.
“I made breakfast baby, come and eat”
He gave a quick kiss to your lips and helped you up.
Maybe this was gonna be fun.
After you ate the wonderful breakfast he made, he took you to your master bathroom.
He told you to get ready for a bath, which you knew was gonna be good.
You took off your clothes and put your robe on, another thing he had bought to make sure you were comfortable.
You heard the water running and smiled, he knew how to take care of you.
“Ready baby?”
You looked up and nodded, standing up and walking over to his smiling face.
He helped you remove your robe and kissed your collarbone, placing you in the warm water gently.
It felt good on your skin, along with the lavender salts he used, it was perfect.
You sighed softly and let his hands rub your shoulders, massaging all the tension out.
You closed your eyes and leaned your head back against his torso.
“Thank you Damian, I needed this”
“I know you did. Just relax sweetie.”
He was the only one that understood you.
The only one that understood your stress.
He was the only one.
You started to doze off, feeling safe with him.
“Do you really think I’m gonna win?”
He moved down to your arms,
“I believe you will, you have such a strong will to fight it would be hard to imagine you not winning”
You nodded slightly
“However, even if you don’t win, I wouldn’t be upset.”
“Rhea would”
“Rhea doesn’t matter. You just focus on your goals.”
You opened your eyes and saw him looking down at you.
“I love you Damian.”
“I love you too Y/N”
You lied as he leaned down and kissed your lips again, feeling loved.
“So what’s the plan for the rest of the night?”
You sat on his lap, letting him wrap his arms around your torso.
“Movie and pizza, unless you want something else?”
You shook your head.
“That sounds fine to me, what we watching?”
You smiled, normally he did this to get what you wanted.
“Hmmmm, scream?”
“You always guess right, you have to be psychic”
You giggled and kissed his cheek, handing him his phone to call in the food.
His body was warm on your skin, and you could hear his breathing consistently going.
You pulled up the movie, waiting for him to finish before starting it.
You’ve never felt so confident in yourself before.
“I love you baby girl.”
“I love you too darling”
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 5: 𝓘’𝓶 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱
anyways- holy fuck this is 4 days late. I’m gonna try to keep pumping em out.
This one is pure comfort for lil bby bc sometimes I just get a think and cannot veer off course of that think.
Pushing my found family headcanon on y’all once again. Yawn.
—CW: There are not much tickles under the cut ngl, established Leopika, Angst :(—
Tags: @giggly-squiggily @chrimsss
At the end of the day, Killua knew that he was loved by Leorio the same as Gon was. But sometimes… No- that’s stupid, he’s not- He’s not jealous or anything.
…Is he?
No, that’s silly. He’s never been one to care about affection, given his background and all.
And yet… why did he feel so pouty after seeing the two interacts?
Of course, he never let it show. He wouldn’t anyone to catch on or anyth-
“You alright, kiddo?” Kurapika inquired, squatting down to the younger’s level.
“I- what?” The boy blinked. “O-oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
The blonde grinned patiently. “Killua…”
“I said I’m good!” Killua crossed his arms with a slight pout, turning away from his friend.
Kurapika sighed as he stood upright once again. “Alright, don’t tell me then. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”
The white-haired boy slowly turned back around toward the older male. “W-Wait.”
A smile crept into Kurapika’s features. “Hmm?”
“Promise you won’t… you know, tell?”
“I promise I won’t… you know, tell.”
And so the young boy began to spill his woes and worries with great hesitation, fearing that Kurapika would spill the beans to Leorio.
The Kurta would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t worried. It took all of his power to not reach out and squeeze the boy in the tightest hug he’s ever given. The blonde listened to every word with great focus, heart breaking at every line. Had he really felt so neglected by Leorio?
When Killua had finished pouring his heart out, his face flushed as he looked away. A squeak left him as Kurapika gently pulled him into a hug.
“Would it be okay if I spoke with Leorio?” The Kurta whispered in inquiry.
“N-No it’s not important…”
“Killua, please. Just let me-“
“I said no!” The white-haired boy roared as he turn and ran to his room, slamming his door shut. Kurapika closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Two hands gently graced the blonde’s shoulders, thumbs rubbing gently. The chain user sighed.
“I’ll talk to him,” Leorio’s voice whispered, giving a small squeeze. He was met by his lover’s head falling backwards into his chest.
The blonde sighed once again, muttering. “Just be kind to him… it took a miracle to get him to open up.”
“Alright. Go check on Gon; I’ll take care of this.”
The two carefully stepped through the dark hallway , eventually turning in separate directions at the split. Leorio gently tapped on Killua’s door, a muffled “go away” came in response.
“Killua…” the brunette rested his forehead against the wooden door. “I just want to talk with you.”
“Don’t you want to talk to your f-favorite son, G-Gon?”
The medic’s heart broke in two, breath hitching. “Kil-“
A choked gasp left the boy. “I TOLD YOU ALREADY TO NOT CALL ME THAT!”
“God- right, right. I’m sorry. I just-“ Leorio’s mouth stuttered in movement, failing to find the right words. “I w-want to f-fix this. Please, let me in.”
After a good amount of silent seconds, the door opened very slightly to reveal a puffy-eyed Killua with his chest heaving. Leorio dropped to his knees and instantly pulled the boy into his embrace.
Kicking the door shut with his heel, Leorio cradled the little guy’s head against his shoulder, shushing the boy’s blossoming hysterics.
“I’m so sorry that I made you feel this way… I never wanted you to feel anything else but fully loved. When Kurapika and I took you two in, we didn’t-“ a hitch of the older male’s breath indicated a valiant effort to fight tears himself. “I didn’t- I still don’t- I don’t have all of the answers, and I want more than anything to have them.”
He was met with silent, albeit the sound of the ex- assassin’s heaving sobs.
“You know I love you so much, Killua. Taking you in was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I stand by that statement. I’m so sorry that I made you feel neglected… or-or feel like I don’t like you enough, or that I don’t love you anymore.“
“BUT YOU DID! You d-did! And y-you know how l-l-long it took me t-to trust everyone. I-I wasn’t loved by m-my family a-as a kid, Leorio. Do y-you know how it f-feels to think I lost the o-only person who really loves you?”
“I don’t, I really don’t kiddo. I can’t tell you I relate, or that I understand, because I don’t. But I’m here in this moment, and you are my family now. And I will love you until my dying breath…” the older man wiped his eyes, “Even if you do waste all of the soap in the bathroom.”
The white-haired boy let out a watery chuckle. “You don’t understand the art of potion making.”
Leorio smiled widely, “There’s my happy guy.”
“Happy is a stretch… you got one smile outta me.”
“Oh yeah?” The medic pulled Killua out of the hug and held him by his shoulders, “You want me to get more smiles outta ya’?”
“You could try, not much you can do.” He grinned.
One hand moved from Killua’s shoulder and wiggled its fingers in front of the boy. His eyes widened. “I’m not ticklish.”
“I beg to differ.” The brunette teased.
With a battle cry, Leorio pulled Killua into his lap and attacked his tummy and sides, prodding and squeezing at the boy’s torso.
Killua squeezed his eyes shut to keep his giggles at bay.
“Ohhh, now none of that! If there’s anything we do in this house, it’s laugh!”
A quick pinch to the rib led the boy to yelp and break out into laughter. The medic smiled evilly at him.
“Ohhhh! I thought someone wasn’t ticklish!”
“Ihihihim nahahahat! Thihihihis ihihihis juhuhust- hyeahahaha!”
Leorio looked at Killua with fondness, continuing to help the little guy get his giggles out. From now on, he should tickle the boys every day, he thinks. After all…
Killua is his son now, and he’s never letting go.
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eneablack · 1 year
I’m seeing this right after i posted that answer bRO HOW ARE YOU SO FAST-
Anyway I checked and I haven’t talked about it, I only shortly did in my insta stories, so let’s do this.
(long post ahead)
I was doing a trip to the mountains with my family in my void reality (cr) and I desperately wanted to experience it with the marauders too, so I started acting as if I was there with the marauders instead. And after being delusional I woke up there like only a day or two after.
It was the morning day before my birthday and I asked the marauders to go to my house in the mountains to celebrate and have a small vacation together. They agreed right away, wanting to skip school so bad, so we just took James’ car after preparing some stuff (we did this so fast we forgot so many things, like both Peter and James forgot their toothbrush lol so we had to buy them there).
Remus was driving and we fly for like a hour. It was a little chaotic from the start. James kept putting cringy indie italian music (se sei italiano sappi che James stava mettendo solo i Pinguini tattici nucleari) and singing out loud while dancing and just moving A LOT, like he couldn’t stay still for not even a minute. Sirius was talking a lot about everyone, not really in a gossip-y way but more like “i just wanna talk about literally everyone because i’m bored” so we had this long ass chat about all of our classmates and also teachers, he let it all out tbh. Peter was asking some questions from time to time both to Sirius and I if he was interested, but he was mostly chill. Remus did not make ANY noise and was just focused on the direction, he would just shush James from time to time whenever he would cross the line and like scream the lyrics.
Nothing much happened when we arrived beside having lunch and walking around the place. It was very chill actually, it’s a pretty quiet place there so despite James being noisy from time to time it was very comforting and calm overall. We did play a lot of board games (especially at night) like pictionary, mimes and cluedo, and we were so caught up in the game that I didn’t even realise we were making lots of noise so the neighbours knocked on the door and called us out lol.
When we had to go to sleep the first night I had to go with Sirius in one room at the first floor, while James was with Peter in the other one next to us, and Remus was alone on the couch-bed at the second floor. I wanted to use Sirius’ snoring as an excuse to share the couch with Remus ahem but I didn’t want to be desperate so I just kept it to myself.
BUT. BUT. the second night, we bought some beer and it didn’t end up well. With this I mean I got almost drunk cause I have zero tolerance (both in my cr and dr lol it’s pretty embarrassing ngl) but I mean they were too, at least a little tipsy, so I was not fully alone in that. AND. I kept saying that I didn’t want to sleep with Sirius cause he snores so much but I was obviously lying, so I sat on the couch that was fully open into a bed already and I got comfy while they were still talking. Then, I deadass faked that I fell asleep there, hoping that my plan would succeed. And it fucking did.
As I kept my eyes closed I heard them talking about how they were going to sleep since I fell asleep there, and then Sirius got close to my face and asked if I was really asleep (he’s my twin brother i meannnn he just knows everything so he probably figured i was faking) and I remember I told him something like “please help me stay with remus tonight” 😭 this is so embarrassing i’m sorry. So he just told everyone that I was asleep but he didn’t want to share the bed with Remus so this man replied “I could sleep here with Enea” (which is me) AAAAABWEBEB I DIED RIGHT THERE.
Then they all went to sleep. I heard Remus changing next to the couch and then slipping in the covers, not saying a single word (probably because he thought I was asleep, yk, I was a very good actor) and then he just went to sleep as I started to hear his deep breathing after some minutes since he falls asleep so easily. I wanted to do something but I fell asleep like a dumb bitch lol.
But THEN I woke up in the middle of the night and I opened my eyes and, deadass, started staring at him. It was dark but not fully as the windows were open and there was some light outside. He was so beautiful fuck, so pretty I swear. And I got closer. I was staring at him for some minutes till I got some courage (yea sure) and asked if he was asleep. I was very confident just because I was sure he wouldn’t reply buT he did, saying like, “yes I am sleeping, why aren’t you?” and I wanted to act nonchalantly but failed and just told him I wasn’t sleepy. Then he didn’t reply, he just turned over and looked at me. My heart was beating so fast I was like a little girl (I’m a grown ass man) but I didn’t say anything. And lol, he said “you can kiss me if you want” WHATTT. so yea, we kissed. for the second time. and it wassss,, it was cool I mean (my stomach is making flips ah ah ah shut up). And then he made me sleep closer to him, but nothing else happened. In the morning we acted like nothing and didn’t talk about it just like the first time we kissed lol, idk what this means, I’m having so many thoughts about this and not all of them are positive :).
Anyway the rest of the trip was very cool. We stayed for only two nights but it was very fun yet chill. And very relaxing too. It was awesome to skip some school days and just be with them and not think about responsibilities lol.
Some things that happened was that Sirius got catcalled 🧍🏼more than one time, and some of them were even old people, it was so funny tbh we just laughed about it. I also noticed he was very happy overall and I know why, don’t even have to ask him. Him and I grew up in that place and it always feels amazing to be there again, because since we got older we didn’t visit the place as much as we did.
James had lots of fun too, but he always has fun lmaoo so idk. He wanted to visit all the possible places but actually some times he would call us out for being lazy and not walk a lot like him. He told me he wanted to take him back there some day in the winter so that we could ski too.
Peter was actually relaxed and that’s very rare since he’s worrying about things all the time, so I’m glad we did this together and had some chill time. He asked me a lot of question about the house and our memories there, he was very nice.
AHEM maybe I’m writing too much, but nothing much happened, it was mostly this. This experience was so nice, after this I shifted back to cr and I couldn’t go back to my dr and now I changed my destination (I’m going to my waiting room because I just want to chill and relax and not deal with anything) but I miss that place a lot, I’ll shift there again soon maybe in some days or weeks. I’ll let you guys know :)
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quietbluejay · 4 months
Ghost Warrior 2
back over to Yvraine and Eldrad Eldrad is a hoarder I think Yvraine should judge him for his messy room more
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where'd they come from? dude's not THAT pretty
I don't think this is saying what you want it to about Eldrad, dude Eldrad puppetmasters situations so he will get shiny magpie presents that he then brings back to his nest
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okay I was wrong, I guess he IS that pretty
he's a tomb robber missed that bit also: never lend a book to this man you know what this would make so much more sense if 40k had dragons and eldrad was one ngl Eldar Dragon Eldrad would be sick …make ALL the Eldar dragons
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is this…actually developing Yvraine's character??? so Iyanna tells them about the mysteriously appearing craftworld
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here we FINALLY have our hook for Yvraine, Eldrad thinks they might find the last cronesword in the well of the dead
Eldrad, everyone the chapter ends with Yvraine looking at a mini sculpture of Lileath and thinking about myths and legends AND THEN SHE WRAPS IT UP IN HER SCARF AND STEALS IT incredible
actual decent opening to this chapter as the mood on Iyanden is nervous so Iyanna is hiding from everyone lol so they don't find out she's secretly bringing the Ynnari I'm sure this will go well and yet i guess people sensed the vibes and came to watch lol
"aesthetic disdain" everyone turns to see Iyanna walk in surrounded by the dead
Yvraine's grand entrance
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Althenian and the Visarch chat and we get yet another gloomy reminder that
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YRIEL MENTION I cannot believe but I am grateful he's not gonna show up here he is safe from Thorpe for now… okay the Iyanden farseer tells Yvraine ominous things about the Tomb of Eldanesh on that note, after some back and forth where Iyanna basically gets told not to let the door hit her on the way out, the chapter is over
New chapter and Iyanna remembers happier times hanging out in the place they're in and cries a bit Yvraine shares her memories of Biel-Tan and believing that they'd Make the Eldar Great Again we've got some headhopping here but it's actually done in a decent way
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so are we going to get anywhere
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five generations since the fall so we have a rough estimate of average Eldar lifespan/age to maturity yeah i will say this for all Thorpe's faults at least he's not gross or weird about women so Iyanna is trying to activate…something this family heirloom except that, lol, she's got no clue how so she figures out how to activate it and it's to bring up all her negative feelings not like that should be hard for her in this book…
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cheerful! and it worked, the dead are waking up I also have to say this is the most grimdark, bleak, and hopeless warhammer novel I've read so far and I read the first three Ahriman books and The Buried Dagger it's not even ripping my heart out! I'm mad it should be making me care about these people and rip my heart out if that's the route it's going to go
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so iyanna lives like this so she always remembers girl..... gahhh this could have been great if it actually engaged with Yvraine feeling the huge amount of pressure and thinking on if she was chosen by accident or not
ghost meeting
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are you eldar or ents???
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SHUSH with the editorializing okay this part is…actually decent Yvraine thinks about all these guys arguing like hobbits over the silver
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it's just a different cage so FINALLY iyanna is calling on the dead to fulfil their oaths hi aragorn lol
okay this isn't too bad as far as this book goes but man i just really wanna do a complete rewrite and see if i can make it good this isn't really my genre though ...maybe I could make it my genre
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im still puzzled as to why they have to go through this special to-do to get the ghosts to help them and that iyanna didn't even know how to summon them before hey psst Thorpe adding "wraith" to every word just sounds stupid wraithcouncil wraithnobility wraithranks so the House of Ulthanesh is being the stinker here and they're mad that Yvraine resurrected Yriel and now he's stuck as a Ynnari whether he wants to be or not "lich-lieges" so all the dead who are helping them do a grand parade through the streets of Iyanden
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see this'd be okay but since i know the spoilers it's like "hoo hoo you thought they were gonna make actual progress but lol it's impossible " uggghh we switched back to the stupid omniscient narrator [10:49 AM] i really, really hate it when writers do this pose a question, like, say, "how will these characters reckon with the sins of their past" and then go "lol they're not gonna, you were stupid for expecting any kind of catharsis from this, any time a hint of resolution looks like it's going to happen BOOM headshot, and the survivors never actually did anything bad in the first place" yes i'm still salty about Sins of the Wreckers Roche is actually good at storytelling though, so that's one he's got up on this so the Shadowseers refuse to guide them any further (they're on their way) and now Yvraine gets to experience some oblivion, as a treat
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this is what this book is doing to me this is how I feel reading it
anyways after this little interlude which apparently affected everyone, the harlequins go "one will break" nice, the party is now suspicious of each other and go "oh yeah changed our minds we're gonna guide you anyways" so. we are FINALLY meeting this craftworld Iyanna is. the one making contact and won't bring any weapons I'm not even halfway through the book contact is finally made and Iyanna meets the first relative she's met alive in…i guess since whenever her family died and he has a pet flying monkey
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eh??? what about this is humble
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okay first off, eh?? second off, you are LITERALLY doing this because they have something you want (the Well) this book is just so sloppy (unrelated to previous comment) anyways finally meeting the Zaithustrans and a) they worship the old pantheon b) they're suspicious
the ynnari get put in a house out in the middle of nowhere, iyanna storms off to meet her relative despite everyone else going "this is SUSPICIOUS" and yvraine's kitty follows her
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i've been wanting to make this joke since i saw the craftworld name so we get 3 pages of telling not showing about a fraught conversation between yvraine and some of the zaisuthrans so what is iyanna up to okay i just looked up spoiler about what's up with this craftworld and you know what, sure, let's see how he does it
sidenote i don't think i'm ever going to be able to ship guillivraine now so okay i haven't actually read the gathering storm bit that involves them but like…they're just so completely uninvested in each other even disregarding that, personality clash not in a fun way i think they'd both find each other tiresome both of them are, tbh, more primarily oriented towards eldrad than each other well okay that's a bit of a strong term for guilliman's case anyways i'm thinking about rewriting this as Iyanna and Yvraine going on a magical journey of friendship there's actually some fun clashing you could do with Iyanna-as-written-by-Haley okay interlude over time to see what Iyanna's up to so she's going to meet her long-lost relative who looks a LOT like her dad
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HE CAN SHOWWW YOU THE WORLD i'm not really a fan of the quasi romantic vibe that's being given to these two given how it's repeatedly mentioned how much he looks like her dad back to the Visarch and, okay, this isn't written badly, he's thinking about "what is their secret as a small craftworld, how did they avoid falling" back to Iyanna and Sydari takes her to the nicest place
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Sydari gets surprised by her reaction and they leave this place of darkness annnd back over to Yvraine and co
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really? really? annd meanwhile Iyanna is semi-catatonic and Sydari wipes a tear from her face "to find one in whom the bloodline was still strong" I. Don't like where this is going. meanwhile Yvraine has gotten them to show her the Gate of Malice. where will this go… this chapter was probably one of the better-written ones! 60% of the way through let me finish it today
iyanna has a panic attack sydari talks about them being under attack by "the oldest Enemy" Iyanna takes this to mean Chaos, but I'm not entirely sure
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Hit image limit lol
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himbos-hotline · 6 months
muppet babies au????? i’m intrigued
The muppet baby au is the first AU in an installment of four fics regarding your [ngl mostly my and my siblings favourite wrestlers] as infant and young children. It is an au where nothing hurts and everything is cute and sweet. Think of it like a little episodic TV Show with linking characters and storylines. With a couple of OCs sprinked in for our own enjoyment! The cast include
Maddie Orton [OC] - Shes 5 - a tiny doctor - autistic and dyslexic - baby adopted sister of Randy Orton - Parents: Triple H/Shawn Micheals [Adopted the Orton/Rollins children after their birth parents died in an accident]
Finn Balor - Hes 6 - always full of chaos - thinks hes immune to being told off because his ma runs the daycare [that is fundermentally untrue] - Likes to be lavelled as Irish - Bites but for fun - parents: Ma and Pa Balor
Samuel 'Sami' Zayn: - 5 - Translates Generico to everyone else - Isnt too good at making friends - probably doesnt sleep enough for a kid - Wears his hat and glasses - Always has his fingers in his mouth -Parents: Edge and Christian
El Generico: - age: 4 - barely speaks so its mostly sounds [Danhausen and Sami can understand] - Dances and always on the move, cannot sit still - sleeps on tables - He always has the lucha mask on [adults are sure hes posessed by some kinda mexican wrestler and is thus an "old soul"] - refuses to believe the young bucks are seperate people - gets emotionally attached to things that arent human - Parent: Excalibur
Kevin Owens: - age: 7 - the kind bully very much - is very loud when he wants to be - Likes the slide so he can scream at people from the top - refuses to say hes samis friend [they are though, he will push you in the mud over it] - Parent: Chris Jericho [we found this funny when we were planning]
Aleister Black: - Age: 6 -Draws on himself and runs around in his pants - Has lost a tooth - Draws terrifying things, should probably be put in therapy over it but shhhh - literally an old soul, speaks very well for a six year old -gets strangely emotional if things fo wrong Parent: AJ lee [we kinda ran outta parents here shush]
Aleks Page [OC] - age: 5 - Has a crush on tiny aleister - British [confused about everyone else and sami but thats normal for Samuel] - Likes to be outside - Somehow becomes convinced that her and Adam Page are related because they share the same last name - Tries to drink her little weight in juiceboxes - wildchild Parents: Her bio mum and dad [catholic nurse and stay at home dad]
Balor: -Age: 7 1/2 or 7000 nobody is really sure -"Around finns age" supposibly - sleeps like hes dead -His hair always sticks up like hes got little devil horns - Understands Generico and Danhausen just doesnt tell anyone -Parents: Brodie King
Randal "Randy" Keith Orton: - 10 - the eldest kid at the daycare - eats bugs and things to look cool - plays with the younger kids cuz hes forced too - loves his sister but will never tell her -Overprotective -parents: Triple H/ Shawn Micheals
Seth Rollins: - Age: 4 - the youngest of the Orton trio - gets roped into shit Randy does -Has asthma -Jumps off talls things - wears terrible clothes because Shawn dresses him - Steals the colouring supplies - Him and Mox were in the same care home, bugs Mox about if their friends or not every week -he has unlimited power - wants a dog, no you will not argue with him -parents:
Jonathon 'Jon' Moxley: -Age: 5 -pretends hes not allergic to cats - constantly covered in bandaids- always has one on his nose - has ADHD and gets anxious about going to new places [Regal sits in for his first day of daycare] - Calls Regal dad, things regal will send him back if he screws up - Regal teaches him origami - Gets nosebleeds and is way too calm over it - Doesnt like tiny MJF -loves Rain - ADORES FROGS - scared of the dark but pretends that he isnt -Calls tiny Gernerico "champ" and pats him on the head or back -Will eat and bite everything - eats the paper on sweets - likes dragons - never wears his coat, always wears boots and either mismatched socks or no socks - Number dyslexic - Parent: Willam Regal
Rhea Ripley: -age: 8 - plays violin and plays things like the phyco theme - spooky child - tall for her age so everyone thinks shes older - wears spooky looking earrings - Parent: Lita
Darby Allin: - Age: 4 - Friends with Generico but doesnt know what hes saying, makes up his own conversations - Throws and jumps off everything - sucks his thumb when hes asleep - paints his face with the paint that isnt face paint - friends with Seth cuz they both throw themselves off high shit for fun -parent: STINNNNGGGGGG
Adam "Horseboy" Page: Age: 4 [but hes almost five] - wears tiny cowboy boots -not so social, more anxious. likes to colour with the girls - the newest kid on the block -horse girl - has little butterfly jeans - owns my little ponys -knows everything about cowboys and horsies - has sawdust in his hair sometimes - anxious cowboy but squashed into tiny - has resting sad face - cries randomly a lot - still has a pacifier and a weighted horse toy parent: Beth Pheonix
Maxwell Jacob Friendman: - Age: 4 - tiny asshole - has hayfever and it makes him mad - bullys Maddie and pulls her hair - refuses to do things that are "not fun" - wears expensive looking clothes - jewish and has adhd - always wears his scalf - Parent: Stephanie McMahon [we also found this funny]
Matthew "matt" Jacksonville aka Matt Jackson: - Age: 7 - basically a small lab as a human being - always seen with little kenny and his brother - always super happy to show off his shoes, bullys over people for their shoes - wears the loudest brightest clothes - little sunshine baby - likes to read - is in dance and tumble classes - has braces [hes not happy about it] - autistic, gluten and lactose intolerent [Matthew simply, cannot pick a struggle] Parents: mama and papa Buck
Nicholas "Nick" Jacksonville aka Nick Jackson: - Age:5 - Also wears the loudest brightest clothes - Holds tiny mattys hand when they travel anywhere - has a stuffie bird he carries everywhere - also autistic - atill plays with baby toys cuz theyre free stim toys - falls over a lot - parents: mama and papa buck
Kenneth "kenny" Omega: - age: 7 [older than matthew] - tiny traumatised child - wets himself a lot due to trauma - is suprisngly happy despite troubling homelife - has tiny curls, wears little ponytail - in chronic pain - has a little backpack filled with baby and kids pain meds - brings comic books to school to show friends - always with tiny bucks - plays hockey -Parent: Don Callis [we dont talk about it, it hurts]
Edward [Eddie] Kingston: - Age: 9 - friends with tiny kevin because theyre both filled with rage - small new york accent - makes friends with Mox - that kid who always wants to see gross stuff cuz it looks cool - plays baseball - never seen without a plastic hat - Parent: Mick Foley
Wheeler "Wheels" Yuta: -Age: 2 - Mute - is left at daycare because regal needs to work - follows Mox around - communicates through sounds and laughter - sits on Moxs little bike while he rides it - toddles like the sims toddlers - knows a little sign language - autistic -tomboysih - Parent: Willam Regal
Daniel Hausen: -Age: 6 - speaks Generico, sleeps under the tables that Generico sleeps on - keeps all his baby teeth and carries them around - plays dolls with hangman - spooky child - calls the children by their full names [Jon is Jonathon] - also plays with the not facepaint paint -will get himself into really weird "how the fuck did that happen?!" situations -Parent: Excalibur
HOOK: -age: 3 - selective mute - doesnt know what to do with the weird demon that keeps trying to make friends with him - anger issues - climbs trees to be alone and doesnt know how to get down - needs to be persuaded to eat food that arent chips - fucking ADORES dinos my guys! - reads the same dino book over and over again - punch first, ask questions later -parent: Taz
Lukas "Luke" Gallows and Karl Anderson: - ages: 8 and 7 respectfully - two half of a whole idiot - Luke is the tallest in the little kid class - Karl has esxma and wears gloves so he doesnt itch it - weirdly facinated by tiny kenny and little buckles - Parent: AJ Styles [like BC, get it?]
Orange Cassidy: - Age: 6 - that one kid that just, doesnt care - sensitive to light, so wears sunglasses inside - likes wearing jeans - can sleep anywhere at any time -shows emotions rarely - Parents: Excalibur
Charles "Chuck" Taylor: -Age: 8 - isnt eager to move up to the big kids club - has rosacea - naturally comedic gold - that kid that laughs in awkward situations - really likes being helpful - sarcastic - "you ever warm up to talk to people?" - southern friends with little cowboy -Parent: Tony Schiavone
Trent ? Barreta: -Age: 7 - kindly that kid that knows nothing - asks tiny chuck questions -tiny chuck carpools with him - literally the most agreeable kid yall could meet - drives around in one of those like, tonka cars -Parent: sue
Adam Cole [Toddler]: - Age: 5 - little smug child - its very clear shes an only child - thinks her hair is very pretty - off and on again friends with the tiny elite - is actually kind when you get to know her -padengt queen -Parents: Claudio and RJ City
Jack "jungle boy" Perry: - Age: 3 - also loves dinosaurs - carries around a stuffed lunchasauras - climbs trees and knows how to get down - helps nicky indetify birds - like the best hair on a little one - parents: Edge and Christan
Ruby Soho: - age: 5 - tiny punk baby - isnt to be left alone with scissors - knows lots of myths and stuff - also draws on herself - once ate a thumbtack - friends wiht little eddie - parnet: Aubrey Edwards
Julia Hart: - Age: 2 - also speaks very well for a two year olf - seems to be able to read minds - likes her big hat and enjoys dressing up _ has kind eyes and the opposite of a resting bitch face - has spikey teeth - Grown up: Brodie King
Jay: - AGe: newborn - originally fostered by Regal - ends up being adopted by mama and papa buck - hangs out in the nursery/little play area with the younger ones - Maddies cousin
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: The Kidz are Aiight
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Oh god😕ew [What a way to start]
Seee this is the part where he seems to not care.  Like oh I love them …. But I’ll also let them die to find the others
[btw um.  Remember how I've mentioned the whole.  PsyOps thing.  That I've mentioned.  Occasionally.  because... this is PsyOps.]  OH SHIT not the laser to the eyeeeee!?!?  Blech
Is this a different Zach?  Like a recast?  [No, I don't think.  He's just.  Ragged]  He looks different 🤣
Is this real or is he losing it?  Or is this part of what they’re doing?  [Do you really think I'm gonna tell you that?  :)]  Rude
Ah, I see
Ew, creepy smile
[I like her pants]
Ma’am.  That.  Doesn’t seem… Sanitary.  
WAIT!  Is this the gif?!  [Yes.]  ISSS THE GIF!  [*sigh* you’ve found another mouse, I see]
This is sweet  [This is true!  The cane thing was kinda cute too]  I KNOWWW 😭😭
[Bruh, the first thing he's gonna have to do with the feeling in his feet is clean the grit from between his toes laksdjf]  🤣🤣🤣 so true
[They both pulling the 80s romcom obsess-over-the-outfit montage]  I’m loving this
☠️☠️☠️ the what is what sir
[Oop- leg shaving?!?!?!  Damn]  🤣🤣🤣  [Things are serious]
["Friendship" Bruh, Logan, you lie]  ☠️☠️☠️
Zach ded
See this is why I don’t like you Lintlicker
Nope! Ack!
Oh.  That-  [Digging himself out of the grave went better for him than it did for Dean ngl]  That was easier… yeah
Is the dr helping or is this a set up  [Nah, I think he was helping?]  Okay good  [I think we saw him hold Zach's hand earlier]  Awwww  [I don’t know for sure though]
You know what this means… Dr gonna die
Friends don’t need candles Logan  [:)))]
“So.” Awkwarddddd  🙂
When are we doing another NCIS!?!  I need someTony now lollll  [asdlkfjasldkfj we can do it soonnnn]
Poor Logan  [Getting stood up for incest vibes]  Logan: Zach?!? 💕💕
[Y'all, I'm not liking this parallelinggggg]  
Oh hello (annoying) Max. I was wondering when you'd show up
Bet Max is thinking “well shit… maybe Logan was right”
[Okay, sorry, but... Acting = 3/10, film staging = 1/10, overall judgement = bad]  “Oooooowuwuwuuuwuu”  That’s the noises that face makes.  Like… Suck it up ☠️☠️☠️  [And did I mention the incest vibes suck]  Yea.  They do
Yes, let’s get in this cave and scream.  Genius
["It's different with you" Ummmm See?!?!?!]  Um  ["How could I forget-" oh god]  Huh.  [“-one single thing about you”]  Ewwwww
– – –
Jezebel: *sigh* Aight, let’s see… We got another not much has happened yet episode.  Except I met PsyOp, or however it’s spelled
Wench: PsyOps.  And it's a department, not a person alksjdflkdsajf  
Jezebel: You shush! I know
Wench: But yeah
Jezebel: And the whole laser in the eye is *sigh*
Wench: So recall that I've told you that Alec's been there a good three times :)
Jezebel: Poor doctor guy tho! Like he did not deserve that… just to help the guy in love with his own sister (and maybe her “not boyfriend” too… it’s complicated)
Wench: I'm still not fully certain whether doctor guy was aboveboard btw.  I can't remember, sorry.  And I wouldn't spoil if I did anyway, so hah!
Jezebel: But alas Max and Logan were being cute and I finally got to see the waterside scene irl 💕💕
Wench: I swear, we're gonna find out later that you've actually watched this entire show through gif form.  It's just two seasons of the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme
Jezebel: The “not” date was adorable, but, also, I’m sorry Logan…  if that chicken sat in the oven (while it was off) long enough to have cooked fully…. She’s spoiled.  Manticore ain’t gonna be able to get Max if she dies from Salmonella
Wench: lkasjdf
Jezebel: And then its all thwarted by pre-Zachinator ‘cause he nneeeeedsss Max
Wench: Ugh. Like... it'd be different (maybe) if they were in different units, but, as it is. No. She and Zach are too fraternal to be anything but incestuous. It's about the vibes and theirs are. nop.
Jezebel: And, of course, anything for Zach. So I got a good heaping taste of the Max I hear so much about 
Wench: This is true!  You get proof @witchy-writer-lady and I aren't insane!
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣
Wench: Thoughts on their... *cough cough* dynamic?
Jezebel: Yes.  EW.  And that’s it!  That’s the thought. 
Wench: And that’s all for midpoint!
– – –
The flashback thing tho
[“It’s been a long time since I let my guard down long enough to sleep”  Buddy, you slept for two seconds wtf you mean]
Sooo i thought he was just a physical therapist  [I think he is?]  Oh.  He sometimes seems to be more  [alksjdf idk for sure, sorry]
Also, buddy has horrible timing
[Poor Logan, competing with his brother-in-law for romantic attentions... betcha he never expected to have to deal with that]
The cane looming in the background like the serial killer, scary music and all
Twassss a set up
[Real subtle there, undercover guy]  Yeah, lol… Like y’all know they’re senses are heightened
The doctor’s alive!  You dog!
[Y'all.  Why are you sending Ordinaries after two transgenics alsdkjf  They're begging to get their asses kicked]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
[Zach looking over at Logan like "shit, he's got his legs back; now I've got no chance!"]  Zach’s like oh hello  [Oh, shit, "no chance" with which one?!!? Askdjf] 🤣🤣 [See, normally, I’d make a joke about “Logan has two hands” but the incest is keeping me from being able to]  ☠️☠️☠️ True.  Solution: Alec’s gonna come and he’s gonna be like… Welp, I’ve run out of hands… sorry, Zach.
☠️☠️  [The bitchiness is a family trait]
Poor Logan   [I knowwww.  But at least she apologized this time]
[Oh, no, not Normal's excessive patriotism showing up already]  ☠️☠️☠️  He called him a weenie
Sir, you don’t get to call them your kids, you bastaddd.  Lintlicker!
[Um, I'm sorry, that does not qualify as hair that looks "like she hasn't cut it since we escaped" aslkdfj]  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Very true  [I swear that looked, like.  Shoulder-length]  Maybe it grows slow
[Okay, a little past shoulder length, but still.  Not nine years or whatever]
Does she die?  [Not answeringgggg]
Lintlicker’s Angels over here
Long gaze
[I find it kinda funny that her s2 mantra is "don't lose track of your family because I did and I regretted it ever since" and yet she legit Does Not Stay With Them despite many opportunities to do so]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Your “kids”
[Be concerned about this committee btw.  And about who this "she" is]  Ooooof  [They're not talking about executing the order]
[Um.  "She looks just like I remembered"  BITCH WOT.  Y'ALL WERE NINE]
That. Was.  *sigh*  Really adorable  [I knowwwww]
[She's kinda clueless missing that tbh.  Thought she was a supersoldier with keen senses alkdsjf]  Right  [How tf are you missing this]  Like… Ma’am  [THE VEIN IN HIS FACE IS HIGHLY VISIBLE]  *sigh*
Oooooop let me go talk in circles  [Not the monologues aksdjf]  On the skyscraper
[“Maybe it’s something in the way I’m made or something”  IT'S NOT IN THE WAY YOU'RE MADE, MA'AM, IT'S YOU!  YOU SUCK]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
– – – 
Jezebel: The ending had less happen then the beginning.  Minus the rescue, but like… We should have met the sister way sooner.  That was so rushed.  Like oooop here’s a new sibling!  Who you shall see for .05 secs!  Then she’s off to Canada!
Wench: Accurate assessment
Jezebel: But poor Logan
Wench: You're starting to see the Big Drama btw
Jezebel: Back to candle lit transfusions
Wench: Nom: dinner-I mean, what?
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣
Wench: Also, Max looking so annoyed at him was so funny.  Like, ma'am, he is literally holding onto the counter for dear life to stay upright.  And you're bitchy about him not letting you stay for salad.
Jezebel: I KNOW!  And like after the cute little see for yourself, why would he just switch up like that???  Ma’am.  How can you be so genetically enhanced.  And so stupid.  At the same time?
Wench: And it's not even answering nature vs nurture because they "nurtured" the observant side of her but clearly that paid zero dividends lakdsjf
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wench: Max legit just goes: yeah, no, nature and nurture have got nothing on my particular brand of sheer stupidity #girlpower
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣 I just don’t understand
Wench: You haven't even met Alec yet *sigh*  He puts her so far to shame.  ALSO.  To be fair!  s2 has a whole host of different transgenics and they're literally all better than Max.  Joshua is amazing, Mole is great, and BIGGS.  I love Biggs.  He's in one episode but he and Alec have chef's kiss camaraderie.  
Jezebel: Also!  For my final point of the reaction: that is not how you look at your sister.  And done!
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justwonder113 · 3 years
Halu! Saw your post, and I'm looking forward for your future works. Can I request a Dad! haikyuu scenarios? Cause I'm really into that. When he and his pregnant s/o, went to the hospital for feral ultrasound. And the obstetricians revealed there’s 3 heartbeats. Which mean, they are having triplets. I wanna know their reactions so bad 😂 When I think of triplets, I'm thinking those character who most probably have strong genes. (Bokuto, Osamu, Atsumu and maybe, Ushijima?)
Oh my god this is such an adorable scenario. Ngl I keep reminding myself that I'm too young to have kids now (not that I have a bf or anything lol). Thank you very much for requesting, I really hope you will like it.
Hearing that you're going to have triplets
includes: Bokuto Koutaro, Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu and Ushijima Wakatoshi.
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Bokuto Koutaro
Honestly you were so thankful that you had Bokuto with you, he was the most amazing partner you could ask for. Always supportive and kind, never failing to make you feel deeply appreciated and loved.
Especially since he found out you were pregnant. The man was over the moon! You hadn't even finished the sentence he already had you in his arms spinning you around while proclaiming how happy he was.  You felt silly that you were even worried about his reaction. You had never seen him more happy. 
You just knew he would be the most amazing father.
He was always with you and helped you with whatever he could, say goodbye to even holding stuff. Cleaning and sometimes even cooking were immediately off your shoulders. And whenever you tried to tell him that you were more than capable of doing stuff he immediately shushed you saying that he was more than happy to help.
 He didn't know much about pregnancy, tho he read everything with you and listened to you whenever you explained things to him, he just wanted to support you.
I see that he would also change his diet for you. It's important for pregnant women to have a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. So when he saw that you tried to cut off junk food and other unhealthy food he immediately gave up on them too. If you stopped drinking coffee he would stop to, everything to support you.
When you told him that you had to go to ultrasound to make sure everything was right he immediately called and took a day off. You were so thankful for it, you told him that you could go alone but honestly you were terrified, this was your first pregnancy. You read almost everything and asked so many questions too and did everything you were told, but you were still beyond terrified on what the doctor would say, so having him around was really a big deal.
Especially when you noticed slight furrow on doctor's face. Your grip immediately tightened around his hand. Your mind immediately went to most terrible stuff in seconds, it didn't even cross your mind that you might be having triplets. You wanted to ask what was happening, but you didn't have courage, thankfully Bokuto got the clue and asked what was going on." I had to make sure, congratulations, you will be having triplets, I can hear three completely healthy heartbeats." The doctor beamed at you." Three heartbeats... Triplets..., oh my god Kou we're having triplets!" you couldn't believe your ears, heck you didn't even know what you were even feeling. You were thrilled yes but at the same time... Being mother of one kid seemed already hard, but triplets? Would you do a good job? What about Kou? Was he happy with the news?
You returned to reality after you felt two strong arms wrap around you tightly. Bokuto was beaming like crazy." Oh my god Y/N! We're having triplets!" He cheered loudly, startling both you and the doctor. "That's so amazing! We would have like half of a volleyball team! That's so cool! I never even thought we could have triplets, thank you so much, you really make me happiest!" He kept rambling on and on, pressing millions of kisses on top of your head. You never even realized when you started crying… "You're happy?" You asked quietly, almost a whisper."I'm beyond thrilled baby, this is going to be awesome! Don't worry about anything, we're going to do great you hear me!" He immediately assured you and planted another kiss on your head making you giggle as well. He was right as long you had each other you were not afraid of anything. You would do amazing!
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Osamu Miya
I feel like he would be the most amazing husband. Really doting and caring.
Would also really try to help you with everything he could. Both around the house and with whatever you needed. Just imagine being able to taste Samu's cooking every day. (And I just know he would try and come up with new recipes just so he would keep things interesting for you, like you hate some food, and it's hella healthy and is good for pregnancy, you bet your butt he would try and come up with a recipe, so you could eat it that way and not gag. Alsosatisfying your cravings with his cooking would be like a challenge for him, he would be excited to try out new things.)
I think that after you told him the news that you were pregnant he knew that he had to change things. Like he already felt bad when he worked all this long days at his restaurant leading to sometimes neglecting you. He was thinking to hire an assistant, but was reluctant because he didn't think they would do as good of a job as him. But when you told him the news all the hesitation went through the window. Like hell, he was going to leave you alone, especially now that you were pregnant.
You were glad you could spend more time with your husband still you felt guilty because you knew how much his restaurant meant to him, and sometimes you couldn't help but think you were interfering with it. Osamu reassured you million times that it definitely wasn't like that and that he was beyond happy that you were going to be parents even thought you weren't planning it just yet. He never failed to show you how appreciated and loved you were but the thoughts still lingered.
When doctor told you the news you felt your breath hitch. Osamu's grip on your hand tightened. You wanted to look at him for reactions, but you couldn't force yourself. 
You were terrified. What if he wasn't happy, what if he didn't want so many children. Your mind felt like a thread mill, you didn't even notice when the doctor left the room to give you two few minutes. You had your chaos going on in your brain. What if...
your chain of thoughts were interrupted when you felt the pair of lips clash against yours. You let out a startled  noise but returned it. Osamu cupped your cheeks, and rested his forehead against yours.
"Sorry for startling you love."He said and pinched your cheek playfully, giving you a heartfelt smile. "I'm so happy, I don't know what to say." He gave you another peck making you smile. "Three kids! This is going to be amazing love! And I bet your cute butt Tsumu's going to be so jealous!" He snickered and planted yet another kiss on our face. "You have no idea how happy you make me! You're the most amazing thing that has happend to me." The last comment made you crack and you let out all your emotions. Motherhood really scared you especially now that you knew you were going to become a mother of three. But still, you have never felt happier. What more could you ask for? You had the most loving husband and you would have three most amazing children.
"Thank you Samu..." You couldn't even stop your tears now, but you were grinning from ear to ear and Samu was returning the smile.
"No, thank you Y/n. Thank you for being in my life! You're everything I could ever ask for and so much more more. I know you're scared and so am I but we're going to do amazing you got me? Don’t worry your pretty head about anything"  He reassured, you nodded and kissed him passionately, your hands rubbing away his tears. "That's my girl. Come on let's rub it in on Tsumu's face!" He grinned mischievously, making you giggle. 
 He was right you two were going to do amazing, you just couldn't help but wait until you could hold your kiddos in your hands.
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Atsumu Miya
If you thought that Atsumu was clingy before you should have seen him now that he heard you were pregnant. He was basically glued to your side.
Not gonna lie the man probably cried when he heard that you were pregnant. And you felt silly that you were worried about his reaction to begin with.
He would try his best to help you with everything, but for the love of god don't let him near the kitchen. (I think out of these four characters he is the worse cook. I headcanon that Osamu learned how to cook because Atsumu couldn't cook at all and it was pretty much pointless to turn to him when he was hungry and there was no food at home, and I'm pretty sure he caused a kitchen fire at least once.)
Really supportive and tries to do everything for you, at some point you really have to make him stop because you can hold your own purce. I can clearly imagine him carrying everything for you, whispering reassuring things and proclamations of love whenever he can.
 And don't let me started about him showing you off. One would think that his amazing pregnant wifey is the only thing that he talkes about. All his social media would be filled with pictures of you too. Just imagine having all those cute photo sessions with him!!! ( Yes I have a baby fever now)
"Congratulations, I hear three completely healthy heartbeats. You're going to have triplets!" The elderly woman announced to you with a warm smile. You just stared at her dumbfounded cuz like 3?  You would have 3 little Atsumus walking all over your house?
Before  you could even react your husband engulfed you in the biggest hug ever, almost knocking you out of the chair. "Oh my god, baby we're going to have triplets it's so amazing! We're going to have three kids! This is so cool!”He gasped as he realized something. “Soon we could have like our own volleyball team! Oh my god, Samu's going to be so jealous. As long as we're out I'm going to rub it in his ugly face!" Let's say you had to drag your hyperactive husband out of the doctor's office after he also almost tacked her too thanking her for the news.
He just wouldn't stop rambling how much he loved you and how thankful he was to have you in his life. And let's say in a matter of minutes everyone knew you two were going to have triplets.
Also let's just say that at some point you really had to shut him up with kisses, because as much as you love him and felt happy he was this amazed, it was still 3 am, and you wanted to sleep
You sure as hell scored yourself one heck of an amazing family.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Precious baby!!!
He was so happy when you announced him your pregnancy! He spend whole night hugging your belly whispering all the sweet stuff and how he couldn't wait to meet your kid, and how he would teach them everything he knew. You couldn't stop your tears it was such a happy sight.
I just imagine him being on his tippy toes whenever he's around you, bacause he's so large and strong he's fraid he's going to hurt you or the baby.
Also have I said that he would do anything for you? You would be like "Toshi..." And he's like "on it!" No matter which weird craving you have he would bring you everything without a single thought. Your wishes are his top priority.
He would also read books about pregnancy, just so can he know what's happening, and he would also ask you questions so he can understand everything better.
He would also help with your healthy diet, he would bring you all kinds of stuff saying "I heard it's good for pregnant women." (He's such a sweetheart I can't.)
He would also give best massages whenever you feel sore or tired. Anything to make you feel comfortable.
I think that his love language is through acts of service and trust me when I say this, he makes sure you feel loved and appreciated every day.
When the doctor told you the news he gave you the sweetest and warmest smile, immediately washing away all your possible worries. He grabbed your hands and littered them with softest kisses. Muttering to you how happy he was, how he loved you and how much he coudln't wait until they were born with tears on his eyes.
Let's say the doctor had to give you few minutes to yourself because now you were a sobbing mess and were clingling to your husband like your life depended on it. You were just so happy!
The same night he would bring you all sorts of magazines and would help you choose whatever you needed just so the triplets could have the cutest nurcery. (He let you choose anything, he just made comments then and there as he had you in his lap all cutely, snuggled against his chest. His warm hands securely on your belly, softest smile on is face.)
So this is it, I really hope you like it, this was my first time writing headcannons like this; Sorry if it has any mistakes, English is my second language and I still make mistakes. if you have any other requests don't hesitate to ask, I will be glad to write them^^
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izukult · 3 years
little things with denki kaminari
happy birthday to my love. latest in this series here
—whenever one of you is listening to music, you always share earbuds (or at least offer). you have a shit ton of playlists for situations (bus rides with loser, people in class won’t stfu and we have to act like we care¿?, bored asf) etc. it’s also customary for you to have at least one song rec for each other a day.
—bro this motherfucker has bit you before? how odd.
—he really, really loves to talk. so no matter how talkative or how quiet you are, you two are constantly interrupting each other and it always makes him laugh.
—denki has no idea what to do when it comes to relationships. not one thought is running through that mans head and it shows. when you two first get together, he has genuinely no idea what to say. he’s smooth and casual when he’s not thinking about it, but the second he processes the fact he’s your boyfriend and he’s supposed to be boy friendly, he’s clueless.
—he literally quotes romance movies to try to sound cool. it’s so bad. he sounds awful. it’s horrible. it’s ugly. please, kaminari, i’m begging you. be quiet. it’s kinda cute tho tbfh
—also! he gets so flustered. he would never show you but like when you send a text that’s even remotely romantic he’s done for. that one video of the girl holding her phone to her chest and kicking the bed? that’s him tbh
—after every fight, near miss, or villain encounter all he ever wants to do is spend time with you. even if you’re both just sitting there silently, it calms him down so much.
—speaking of, he freaks out really easily. and he finds so much comfort in you. and he wants to do the same for you. he has a list of things he knows make you feel better. be like that for him or ur a fucking loser
—you’re a big motivator in his training. after all the shit he’s seen, he’s got a lot of valid fear and trauma. so he doesn’t want you to ever have to go through that type of thing, even if you were training to be a hero. he wants to be able to protect you, so he pushes himself super hard to learn how to channel his electricity.
—did you know kaminari skateboards? well, he does! and he is itching to teach you. you two love to go to this little park at night, only lit by street lights and the city. his hands are on your waist as you wobble on the board and he’s laughing at you. teaches you about footing and all the terms (“i’m not gonna be dating anyone who stands goofy, you hear me?” clearly he doesn’t actually give a shit.). once you’re pretty good, he buys you a board as a gift.
—denki is a pretty chill dude. he doesn’t get offended much and when he does he’s never really angry about it. but if someone even looks at you wrong he’s laughing almost politely and flicking his wrist back and commenting some snarky insult about that person not really to them but definitely loud enough for them to hear.
—he sneaks into your room every night to fall asleep with you. you fake being annoyed when he comes in and runs his mouth for fifteen minutes, but you don’t actually care. kaminari sleeps with his head covered in pillows, so i imagine he shoves his head into your neck or back, and wraps his arm completely around you once he actually falls asleep. very cuddly dude. once you complained about how it was too hot at night because of him, and instead of letting up he bought you a 75 dollar desk top power fan and told you problem solved.
—movie nights every thursday. you tried to argue it should be saturday for months, talking about sleep schedules and responsibilities the next morning but he does not care. it’s thursday’s, you will enjoy it. srz
—he unironically wants you guys to get one of those big shirts you can both wear. every time a birthday or holiday or anniversary comes up and you ask what he wants, he tells you that shirt. he begs for you to wear one with him. one time he was sobbing over something completely irrelevant and you asked him if there was anything that would make him feel better and through tears he said “big couple shirt” and cried harder when you said no.
—he wakes you up with a shitty pickup line every single morning. sometimes he looks them up, sometimes he makes up shitty ones specific to you.
—you two have matching bracelets. you made them together one night, he bought a bunch of beads and shit and insisted that you make them. he made yours, you made his. so yea basically you walk around with a shitty yellow and black bracelet that says denki (self projecting as i literally wear that bracelet right now)
—no matter where he is, he always makes sure a spot next to him is available for you, just incase you show up. he wants you to feel included and even if he’s silent about it, he makes sure you’re always comfortable.
—he makes you recreate funny couples photos all the time. like the reaction meme looking ones. his favorite (which is also his lock screen and his profile picture) is the one with that couple making out on the fence and the girls holding the guy up lol. also loves to take really uncomfortable ones that look like posed white people family photos and you’re both just doing thumbs up and standing too far away from each other.
—y’all are so funny for real. like constantly laughing, always having fun, just so comfortable?? such a good relationship i’m ngl would die for it
—he gets a star projector and makes you stare at it with him for hours. for the first thirty minutes he aggressively shushes you if you try to say anything. loves it.
—he’s really good at balancing being a good friend / conversationalist / person to be around and being affectionate. he’s pretty good at gauging what you need when you need it. he’s such a good boyfriend yea <33
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komoreangel · 4 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 (𝐫𝐞𝐪)
pairings: childe and kaeya x f!reader (separate) 
scenario: your boyfriend knows you tend to be calm and reserved, and one can only imagine his surprise when he sees what you’re like on the battlefield. 
request: Can I request Childe and Kaeya with an s/o who is usually stoic and doesn't fight enemies much, but when they're fighting some treasure hoarders or hilichurls she loses control and becomes bloodthirsty for a fight?
reply: aa this is a really good idea anon props to you + ive been wanting more kaeya and childe works so i hope you enjoy this ^-^ 
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childe knew you were calmer than most people
he didn’t mind it, in fact maybe even enjoyed it
you were one of the few people who could calm him down, too 
he had been reluctant to take you with him on missions before
but after hearing you had received a request to clear out some nearby hilichurl camps around liyue, he insisted on coming with you
to keep you safe, of course! who better than he, childe, the eleventh fatui harbin-
you shushed him in the middle of his monologue 
you went not today queen :D 
“hey, i was in the zone!” he exclaims
you would laugh if it wasnt for the situation you were in
“there’s a huge hilichurl camp over there.” you whisper 
he looks in the direction youre pointing to 
surprise surprise, a hilichurl camp
two mitachurls and maybe six to seven hilichurls
“okay, i’ll jump in from that roof, and you-” 
he looks back to notice you’re gone 
you’ve begun to sneak towards the camp
“y/n, waIT!” he whisper-screams 
before he knows it you’ve charged both mitachurls, and are 
singlehandedly holding them all off
okay he thinks thats kinda hot
but uhhhh 
you’re lowkey bodying them 
“go babe you’re doing great” type of beat 
before he can even do anything, all the hilichurls are on the ground 
but you keep attacking them 
like you’re still swinging your weapon around?
“get up.” you poke at the poor hilichurl who you’ve decided to challenge
“you’re not dead yet, get up!” 
i kinda feel bad for the hilichurl ngl 
you start to swing your sword at it, before you feel a hand hindering any further movement
“hey, you beat them, it’s over.” 
you turn to look and childe is holding you back 
he walks you over to a nearby tent (left by the hilichurls) and sits you down
“i’ll get you some water, just try to relax, okay?” 
you dont want to relax you want to go back out and show that hilichurl who’s boss-
before you can do that, however, childe is back with some water. 
“here. drink.” 
you reluctantly do so and feel yourself calming down 
“you feel better now?” 
you nod, regretting that you lost control a bit 
he puts a hand to your shoulder, rubbing it at an attempt of comforting you
he helps you up and kisses your forehead 
“try not to get too excited, okay? you might tire yourself out.” 
you two head back to liyue harbor, with him seeming lost in thought on the way back
you reminded him so much of himself right after...the abyss.  
he wanted you to know there’s nothing wrong with it...but that it can be dangerous to lose control in a fight
however he doesnt want to assume your situation
so he’ll just try his best to calm you down most of the time 
but if you think he isn’t going to tease you about it later
oh boy 
“my sweet y/n is capable of such violence!!” 
until you’re groaning in annoyance :P
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you aren’t all that energetic 
kaeya knows that you’re quiet and don’t tend to talk much
and thats okay!
it makes it a lot more fun for him to flirt with you :) 
he likes seeing you flustered 
so he decides he’ll take you along on one of his assignments to clear out some treasure hoarders from mondstatd
send ‘em running back to liyue, (sorry ningguang) 
his plan was for you to be all impressed at seeing him absolutely wreck those thieves
as you two are approaching he pats you on the head 
“dont worry, y/n, no need to be scared~”
you roll your eyes and shove him 
he takes your hand and leads you behind him as you sneak closer
“stay here, alright? i don’t want you to get hurt.” he kisses your cheek and then dashes 
you can hear the sounds of fighting from where you stand and you’re itching to join in 
after you hear your boyfriend say “cool it!” for the 7439853th time you cant stand it anymore and surprise attack the treasure hoarders facing him 
“y/n! i thought i told you to-” 
“sorry darling, just couldn’t hold back anymore, you understand, right?” 
he’s kind of shocked
since when did you-
how did you-
???? is that like battle flirting ????? 
he doesnt know where your confidence came from but he’s into it
you take on three of the treasure hoarders that stepped towards you and in an instant they are on their backs, groaning 
kaeya chuckles to himself
who knew his lover was actually quite skilled in combat? 
he goes over to interrogate them on why they’ve come to mondstatd 
when he notices you haven’t put your sword away
in fact you’re almost about to kill one of them-
he places a hand on your shoulder, dragging you away from the poor guys 
“hey, we’re not here to kill anyone, okay?” 
you have a faraway look in your eyes, like you’re not completely there with him
“y/n?” he’s confused now
he cups your face and looks at you
“look, it’s okay, i’m here, everything’s fine alright?” you blink and stumble a bit
“are you okay?” 
you drop your sword, a bit disoriented 
“yeah, i’m fine! just, uh...need a minute.” 
you sit down and stare at the sky above you
relax, y/n.
you close your eyes and when you open them, kaeya is standing over you 
he helps you to stand up and takes you by the hand, leading you both back to mondstatd 
he’ll ask you about it someday 
but for now he’ll just be there for you 
maybe flirt with you about it later lol
like asking if you could pin him to the ground :) 
he will publicly simp for you there is no stopping him 
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a/n: im sorry this took so long lolol i’ve been grinding for venti’s rerun! goodluck to all of you who are rolling for venti or childe (or both i admire your ambition jhkgnfdsgl) and enjoy this! to hu tao havers: congrats! 
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hi! I really love ur writing and if u still do requests, can you make a scenario where the reader is an artist and asks kuroo, akaashi and tendou to pose for them (maybe naked hueh uee) thank you so much! ❤❤❤❤❤
c u t e- I used the aspect of paint in a lot of them tehe hope you guys don’t mind <3, the endings to these btw? Kinda hot ngl 
Plus these are kinda long to make up for me being gone for a bit aha 
Asking Them To Pose For Your Drawing w/ Kuroo, Akaashi, and Tendou 
warning(s): slight nsfw themes
“Knock knock!” 
“Um, hi Kuroo-senpai?” You say it like a question, startled from washing your paint brushes as you quirk an eyebrow at the feral captain leaning against the doorframe, jacket slung over his shoulder with a casual feel to his actions. You cock your head as he whistles, situating himself with the stool before finally meeting your eyes with a grin. 
“Yeah, so Kenma couldn’t make it.” 
“Could he not make it or did you steal this from him?” You sweat drop, a knowing grin tickling your lips as you make small-talk with your friend, hearing the feigned gasp of shock in your ears as you mildly meet his eyes. 
“I’m offended-” 
“Kuroo-senpai, you said no when I asked.” You hum, looking around for your apron before glancing back at him. “Sudden change of heart?” 
“I didn’t say no, I asked what was in it for me.” The captain protests as you resist the urge to palm your face, crossing your arms as you stand in front of your easel. 
“Nothing. Other then helping me with my piece, nothing.” You sigh, tying your hair back while narrowing your eyes. “So will you please tell Kenma I didn’t cancel? He’s willing.” 
“Oho kitten, I wouldn’t say nothing. I get to stare into your pretty eyes while you get to stare right back? That’s something.” Kuroo replies easily, jacket falling to a heap next to the stool as you will your eyes not to follow the clothing. 
“...right.” You roll your eyes at the captain’s flirtatious nature, still a little glad you were able to get your first-choice pick in the first place despite the slight hassle it took. 
“Don’t trip over yourself in excitement-” 
“Aaaand we’re starting.” You step behind the easel, beginning to situate your paints. You go to look around the easel when you’re done, eyes becoming owlish at the sight of Kuroo in the process of pulling his school pants off. At your shriek, Kuroo stops mid-way before lifting his head, a lazy smirk crossing his face before he tilts his head, 
“What are you doing?!” 
“This...this is a nude kinda thing, right?” 
You stare at him blankly before turning around abruptly, trying to keep your head straight before sighing heavily with a hand on your forehead, cursing the heat beneath your skin. How did you end up here?
“Just...I’ll give you three seconds to get all your clothes back on.” 
“All of them?” Kuroo’s voice is whiny as you grow more agitated.
“Yes.” You snap, biting the end of your thumb, feeling an unsteady beat in your chest. The sex appeal of Kuroo Tetsurou was insanely high, and most of it came from his actions- not to mention your little crush on him that had been tame for the most part, unexpected situations like these causing said crush to grow immensely. 
Still, you didn’t think he could be that bold. 
“Sir, that is not all your clothes-” 
“I’m sweaty though.” Kuroo shrugs, winking once before taking a swig of a water bottle, and you’re left dumbfounded before he stops mid-drink, a grin tickling his lips. “Are you gonna keep staring at me or get started? Or should I pour this water on-” 
“I-I’ll get started.” You huff, picking up your first art utensil to begin drawing, instructing him on how to pose. Surprisingly, you get past your embarrassment easily, your face falling to a relaxed nature with a slight furrow to your brows. 
Kuroo couldn’t help but admire the way your hair fell into your face out of it’s knot, a paint-stained hand coming up to brush some of it out of the way while smearing some on your face in the process. He liked messy. 
And that’s just what you were right now, messy and doused in color. 
You gave special attention to the sharp look to his eyes, spending more time than you thought you would after a few looks. When you go to look again, you blink in confusion to see he was no longer in his seat. Before your irritation could grow at his lack of following directions-
“That is some talent.” 
You yelp, spinning around in your seat to face the dark-haired boy who reached an arm out to steady your piece, looking down at you with a lazy grin as he saves your portrait of him, his bare chest pressing to your back while one of his muscular arms remains outreached to your side. Trapped, but not really trapped as his hazel eyes seems to pin you there, your breath hitching in your throat. 
His hands go to smudge at the paint on your face, frowning as you flinch away in embarrassment, tone falling to a serious one. 
“Tell me if I’m crazy, sweetheart, but do you like me the way I do, or am I just batshit insane?” 
At your stutter, the heat that flames your cheeks, and the rattling of the paintbrush as it hits the floor- 
Kuroo grins, cupping your face with a paint-stained hand before closing the distance, one of your hands resting on his chest as you kiss him back shyly. He lets go of the easel to cup your face with both hands to deepen the kiss, grinning when he feels you smile into it while the colors smudge your heated skin- 
the brush rattling to a stop as you pull back, sighing at the feel of Kuroo untying your apron. 
“Need help?” 
Your hands still from behind you to lift your head, smile crossing your face as the setter examines the art room, blue-eyes falling onto yours with a small greeting one of his own. His eyes fall to your hands in the midst of tying your apron as you laugh, spinning around. 
“Be my guest. Thanks so much for doing this, Keiji.” 
“I owe you, Y/N. Ever since high school started you’ve been the only one to keep Bokuto-san on his feet at games.” 
“A kiss on the cheek always gets Bo going.” You giggle, not noticing the ways Akaashi’s hands had stilled for a second before going again. “He’s like a kid, you know?” 
“Such a great kid. Wow.” Enthusiasm drains from his tone as you laugh.
“Keiji.” You begin to scold, only to feel the tightening of your strings as Akaashi hums, spinning you around by the shoulders as his blue eyes seem to keep you in place for a second, taking in your features with your hair pulled back. 
You chuckle nervously. “What?” 
Akaashi hesitates, sighing before letting you go and looking off to the side. “Is this where you want me?” 
“Akaashi, it might take a little bit-” 
“...Keiji.” You correct yourself, smiling at the way the furrow between the setter’s brows disappeared. Standing before him, you adjust the way you want him to pose, tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth as you did so. You grin when you achieve what you want, sitting in front of your easel while picking up your ink. 
“You ready? I need you to stay that way for awhile.” 
He nods, doing as he’s told as you immerse yourself in your work, ten minutes later that immersed expression becoming one of irritation as the setter takes his chance to speak. 
“Is everything alright?” 
“Clothes are a bit hard for me...don’t worry about it though- Keiji what on earth are you doing?” 
You blink, bewildered as the setter’s shirt gets flung to the side- your eyes following the material as Akaashi settles back into the pose as if nothing had happened, tilting his head at the pink that floods your cheeks. He hides his smirk with his hand at your flushed expression. 
“Better? That should be a bit easier, right?” 
“Keiji- to put it nicely, what the fuck-” 
“Shush.” Akaashi rolls his eyes playfully at your words as you try to keep your thoughts level, the look of Akaashi’s toned arms and chest complimenting his v-line perfectly. He was the perfect model. 
A perfect model you had to hide hidden feelings for with the sake of your friendship in mind. 
“Don’t call me a pervert.” You warn, voice uneasy before going back to your painting as Akaashi’s smirk only grows. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
The heat from your cheeks fades as time passes on, the portrait coming out quite nicely with only the minor details to fill in that can be done without the model. You give him a thumbs up after about an hour, the outline finally done and ready for color as you set your ink down. 
“Finally done.” You stretch, Akaashi falling to a more relaxed position with a short exhale, causing you to frown before pulling an icy water bottle from the fridge nearby. He looks up when you press it against his cheek, meeting his tired stare with a warm one. 
“Thanks for doing this, Keiji.” A tinge at your chest. “You’re a really good friend.” 
Akaashi stills at that word, not being able to stop the downward tug at his lips as you untie your apron before beginning to turn around so your back is to him. 
“Want to get some food? My treat-” 
Toned arms reach out before he realizes it, wrapping gently around your waist to hug you to him, a surprised sound slipping your lips as the setter’s lips speak against the small of your back. 
“Akaashi?” He whispers softly, and you shiver at the feel of it before biting your lip. You never would have imagined this situation would fall in your favor. 
“Keiji, what-?” 
“Remember when you asked me to stay like that for awhile?” He murmurs, holding you a little tighter as the messy-haired boy feels a surge of confidence at your nervous tremble. “Let me do the same.” 
You stop trembling, letting out a breath you knew you were holding before turning around, your hands resting on Akaashi’s shoulders as he looks up at you the way he always looked at you. 
With love. 
“How long?” You ask softly, the side of Akaashi’s lips quirking up ever so slightly as his arms drape around your waist naturally. 
“Since the start of our first high school year.” 
You smile, Akaashi easily pulling you into his lap as you tense up at the movement, heat flooding your cheeks yet again as Akaashi clasps his hands under the small of your back, blue-green eyes taking in your ink-stained features. He listens patiently for your response, and your voice is quieter than ever as one of your fingers trace his chiseled jaw, ink on your fingers leaving a small trail.
His chest was hot as your lips hover over his. 
“Then I guess it’s a good thing I don’t want to be friends anymore, is it?” 
“Then what do you want to be?” Akaashi’s voice is dazed as you smile, hands resting on his bare chest. 
“Best friends.” 
Akaashi rolls his eyes, putting a hand on the back of your hair to kiss you with a fervor unkown as the ink on your fingers leave marks on his bare skin as he speaks against your lips. 
“Best friends don’t do this.”
As his hand gently tugs your hair out of it’s knot, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his shirt remains forgotten against the wall. 
“Tendou, you’re late.” You sigh, looking up from adjusting your easel as the redhead pouts, coming over to help you adjust it. Tendou slips both of his hands into his hoodie pockets, frowning when he sees that you were still wearing your school uniform. 
“Hon, you’ve got paint stains already on your uniform.” 
“Don’t hon me, Satori.” You retort, mixing some colors on a pallete before narrowing your eyes at your best friend who replies with an easy grin before you look down again. “The art club sent the aprons to get washed, but I need to get this piece done-” 
“Boo you pulled out my real name.” 
Tendou ignores your shocked look when he snatches the pallete from you, holding it up arms reach before draping his hoodie across your face. You take the hooded material off with a glare, the redhead smirking in his shirtless glory back down at you. 
“Wear it. I don’t like it anyways.” 
“How kind, considering you probably stole it from Semi-” 
“Details, details!” Tendou waves it off as you shrug the material on, the scent of Tendou filling your nose as he hums, helping you tie your hair back for you in a way that was almost sweet-
“Tendou, you know you’re ass at doing my hair.” 
“You act like guys are supposed to know how, missy.” 
“Good thing you’re not a guy to me, mister.” You reply, lying as if you weren’t completely and helplessly in love with your best friend. Tendou’s hands freeze up before he pulls your hair through the final loop, clearing his throat before crossing his arms to face you seriously. 
“My body is ready.” 
“Just go sit down!” You push him, Tendou’s cackling filling the air as you roll your eyes, still smiling widely at his antics that interrupted the awkward silence. Settling down in front of your easel, you face palm at Tendou’s stupid-ass pose as he looks at you as if he had just won a prize. 
“Like this?” 
“Satori, I will walk out this door-” 
“You must be real fun at parties.” 
“It’s hard to be fun at parties when you’re the fun one at parties, so I have to be the responsible one.”
You shake your head, actually beginning the drawing and getting really far, despite Tendou’s annoying tendencies. 
“You starin’ at my abs? Should I feel harassed or complimented?” 
“Y/N...is that...a blush I see?! Because of lil old me?” 
“Y/N...Y/N I bet you’re feeling a tickle on your cheek.” 
“Y/N, you’re hot when you draw-” 
“Satori!” You groan, an hour of Tendou’s shiteating comments finally coming to a stop as you turn the portrait on him, tired look in your eyes from both him and the concentration as a proud grin crosses your lips. 
“I did it.” 
Tendou blinks at how well-drawn the portrait was, swallowing back his compliments. Was he really that...attractive? 
“...Bout time, I’m hungry.” 
“At least say something!” You swat at his bare arm, Tendou laughing chaotically as you groan and walk over to the sink, pouting over-dramatically as Tendou sighs in response. 
“Sunshine, don’t do this.” 
“Tendou I spent an hour drawing your ugly ass-” 
“Ugly ass? My ass? Ugly? Excuse me-” 
“-at least be grateful.” You finish with a huff, and Tendou stalls when you pull his hoodie sleeves up. The hoodie had been rightfully his in the first place, and the sight of you tugging the sleeves up to wash your hands had the redhead wetting his lips at the sight. The hem of his hoodie draped around the upper portion of your thighs, just covering your school skirt that gave the illusion of his hoodie being the only thing you were wearing. 
And that was all it took. 
“What do you want to eat, you jerk-” 
You’re cut off at the feel of Tendou’s arms wrapping around your waist from behind, the redhead digging his face into the juncture between your shoulder and neck with a sigh. His bare back presses against your clothed back as your chest begins to pound. 
“Satori.” Your voice comes out as a whisper as Tendou’s mumbles into your skin. 
“Do you really not see me as a guy?” 
You freeze. 
“What would it take, huh?” 
His hold tightens. 
“Can I make you fall for me the way you made me?” 
The seriousness of his tone had you turning gently in his hold, your thumb swiping over the redhead’s cheek as you eye him, fragility in your eyes. 
“Are you being serious right now, Satori?” 
“Depending on your answer, yes and no.” 
You roll your eyes, smiling as Tendou pulls you in closer by tightening his hold, your noses brushing as your voice falls to a hush. 
“You don’t need to make me fall.” Your voice falls to a hush as you smile, kissing the tip of his nose softly. 
“Because you already did.” 
And then you were placed on the counter, Tendou stepping between your legs heatedly to cup your face with one hand, his other one gripping your waist tightly as his lips capture yours. His touch was fierce and hungry, lips moving against yours like a man starved as you merely whimpered into his mouth. 
He pulls at the material of the hoodie, whispering almost angrily against your lips as his hand slides up your bare thigh.
“As much as you look all cute in my hoodie hon, let’s get it off.” 
General Works: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @wisepandaslimeland @deadontheinsidebut @lmkjimin @h0ngh0ngh0ng @theworldupthere @itz-tooru @orangegiraffe7 @let-me-have-my-own-name
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nanamismoonchild · 3 years
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chapter 3- entrance
pairing: god!namjoon x goddess!reader
genre: fluff, angst, smut , greek god based au
warnings: this chapter is chill :D
wc; ~1.6k
Summary:   You’re a beauty. He is handsome. You’re Life. He is Death. You love him. But does he love you? There’s only one way to found out. And it’s by being the Queen.  
A/N: ngl im starting to love oc/reader persephone. what do yall think?
The journey to the Underworld was quicker than you had imagined it would be. Possibly because of Jungkook rowing quickly across the Styx in a hurry to meet your demand. The ferryman was afraid of going any slower than he usually did in case you decided to feed him the other drachma that hung from your ear.  It was not as pleasant as you expected it to be. You could hear the agonizing moans of the Wraiths who lurked around the river Styx. They were doomed to be there for at least one hundred years as a result of not being able to pay the dreaded fee. 
The boat rocked back and forth, some of the water sloshing onto your feet. It was cramped and you could feel your backside begin to hurt from falling and from sitting on the bare floor of the dingy boat. 
Thankfully, the ride was over soon. The blue man helped you off of the boat while Jungkook was forced to glance at everything but you.  Probably because you were now wet and naked, something you hoped to remedy soon. 
“The entrance to the Underworld is just beyond the hill. I’m afraid your friend will meet Hecate as soon as he crosses the threshold. I am very ashamed of how I treated you Persephone. I beg your forgiveness,” Jungkook’s hoarse voice pleaded. He knelt down in front of you and kissed your feet. 
How sweet. 
“I will think about it. I still have to meet your ruler. Where would he be located?”
“In the throne room. He’s usually always there. I-I will escort you there.”
“There are too many dead people waiting to be taken across. I will guide myself. A throne room should not be hard to find. Consider yourself dismissed.”
You took the blue man’s hand and marched towards the entrance to the Underworld. It was strikingly brighter than the rest of the domain. The symbol of Namjoon, a large cornucopia that spilled its bountiful contents while a scepter was embedded into it, was the golden highlight of the door.  It was most definitely the only welcoming sight you had seen thus far. 
You could hear growling on the other side. 
Your mother had told you many stories of the land of the dead. They had been as dull as a well-used sword. The sheer boredom from listening to your mother tell the tales had put you to sleep as a child. Hearing the growls of the multiheaded dog named Cerberus, who guarded the entrance into the Underworld, made you wish you paid more attention to them. You had no idea how to pass the guard. Killing it was surely not an option. You had no plans to upset the God of the Underworld with any of your reckless behavior.
Unless it was in self-defense. 
Cerberus’s growling became louder as you neared the golden door. The energy from the door was making the Blue Man shake with nervousness. You were shaking as well, but it was mostly from the cold air that wrapped around your naked body. Hopefully, someone in the castle would offer you something to wear. That or you’d simply just steal the clothes off of the nearest servant.  
“How do you even open this door? It’s huge!” You exclaimed as the both of you stared at the door. 
The Blue Man shrugged and gestured a pushing motion.  He hadn’t spoken since the two of you dropped down into the Underworld. Perhaps he was afraid of you after the stunt with the ferryman. Good. 
“You want me to push the door? By myself?” The Blue Man shook his head quickly.  “That’s what I thought. We’ll push together on the count of three and once it opens, even a little, I want you to peek over and see if the guard is near. I do not have the time for running for my life in the Underworld.”
The Blue Man nodded again and placed his hands on the door, putting himself into a lunging position, prepared to push on the door with all of his ghostly might. You mirrored his stance. 
“On three, one, two, three, push!”
Both of you pushed and immediately fell faces first into the threshold of the entrance. The door might have seemed heavy, but it was the entrance to the underworld. It was as light as a door to a home.  
Groaning, you sat up on your knees and took a peek at your surroundings. Cerberus was nowhere to be seen but his growling could still be heard in the distance. 
The door had spilled you and the blue man onto a pathway that forked into two paths. The ferryman had mentioned Hecate, and if you remembered correctly, the goddess ruled over crossroads among other things.  The fork was obviously a crossroad but where was the goddess?
“Dear Persephone.  There are many crossroads here in the Underworld. This is the one your little friend is supposed to see,” the goddess’s voice echoed as she appeared behind you. 
You startled and swiftly spun around to face her. Hecate had a knowledgeable smile on her face. 
“He knows what he must do. I have set up a nice set of decisions for him. He can choose to live and be reborn in Elysium. He has done many good things in his life. Or the other option is to live as a servant to Namjoon. Perfect right?”
“I do believe that is as fair as it comes. You are very generous.”
You turned towards the man who was turning a lot less blue. You could just make out his facial features. He was handsome for someone who lived poorly. His hair was nicely combed into a fashion that men wore these days-a side part that showcased his broad forehead.   His jaw was set in thought as he pondered his decision. This was his fate. 
He took a hesitant step towards the path as if he were weighing the benefits and outcomes of each path. You could only imagine what he could be thinking about. 
He could be reborn, but what if his new life was even harder than the last. He wouldn’t remember his old family, his children, his wife. He would have to create new memories, good or bad,  if the new life let him. 
On the other hand, who knew what the ruler of the Underworld would have him do. He could live out his eternity behind in the castle walls, bowing to every command. He had possibly about the kindness  Namjoon showed his servants and the freedom they were allowed. He only requested they complete their duties.
 Could he live with that? Could he live with knowing that he would be allowed to remember his old family, and possibly see them in the future when they grew old or died an early death such as he did?
The man took several more steps before he was bounding towards the path that led to the right. And then he was gone. 
“What a wonderful choice he made,” Hecate sighed dreamily at your side. She was holding a torch that had manifested in her hand as the blue man’s light disappeared.
“What choice did he make?”
“I cannot tell you, Persephone. But I do think you’ll find out soon. The throne room is just beyond that same path. I’m sure Namjoon is waiting for you. Goodbye.”
After answering and not answering your question, Hecate disappeared leaving only a white mist in her wake. Fortunately, she did leave the torch that floated in her place. Grabbing it, you straighten your shoulders and step into the same path the man had taken only moments ago. 
The man had simply vanished but the path before you seemed to stretch on for the gods know how long. 
“Of course, it would be hard for me. It isn’t my crossroad to walk on,” you muttered to yourself and continued on. 
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You were beginning to regret not turning around (a first for you) before you heard the murmuring of voices. You started running in the direction of the voices.
Please, please, please, let there be a fire or something. My body is on the verge of hypothermia.  
The murmurs were becoming louder and you could make out a faint glow. 
Finally. Finally. 
You burst out into a crowded room. The murmurs had been coming from the servants who were surrounding something in the middle of the room.  They were all dressed in a mix of black, white, and grey clothing. There was a fire near where you had come from, so you snuck over to get a little warmth and to eavesdrop.
“Oh wow. Someone new!”
“He could take over my extra duties.”
“No mine!”
“Why did someone so handsome choose to become a servant?”
“Everyone, shush! Our King is coming.”
The crowd quieted down as loud but calculated footsteps resounded through the room. Everyone was holding their breath, including you. You had never met Namjoon in person as he preferred to stay in his domain.  
Nothing prepared you for the man in front of you. Your mother had always made it sound as if he were the most average man alive. 
He was nothing like that. Namjoon was exceptionally darker than the proposed pale that your mother had told. He held himself with an aura of royalty.
Namjoon made his way up to his throne where he stood tall and proud in front of his audience. 
“We have a newcomer today,” his deep tenor resonated through the room, “Please come up and introduce yourself to me before I sit.”
The man who you had journeyed with kneeled before Namjoon. He was dressed in the servant’s clothing and his brown hair was pulled back into a bun. 
“My name is Kim Seokjin. And it was an honor to serve you today, by leading the woman who you have been desiring to you.”
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
My brain told me I need something angsty, fluffy but also spicy today✋🏼 So uh could you pls write a small scenario where Iwa, Satori and Bokuto sees their s/o with someone who is actually flirting with them and they think that their s/o is cheating? Because its mostly where the reader thinks that the boys are cheating and I thought it would be interesting if its different this time 👀
Ngl anon reading this made my heart hurt a bit esp Bokuto I’m sensitive when it comes to him 😣 but only Tendō’s isn’t fluffy. I tried to make the other ones a bit fluffy. Mostly angst and spice. Bit of hcs + drabble mix again.
Hints of possessiveness, implied spiciness, Tendō has no shame
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> It’s Oikawa’s fault, as usual. He got sick the day before he promised to go with his sister to some orchestra show and to sightsee. It was supposed to be a bonding day for them, but he came down with the flu and Iwaizumi was kindly volunteered to take his place. As in Oikawa begged him.
> It was fine, they got ice cream afterwards and she wanted to take a picture to remember the day. He took the picture and sent it to the group chat, letting Oikawa know his sister was having fun. The boys all laughed and congratulated Iwaizumi for going on a date with such a “bombshell”, as Makki said.
> You think it was an accident, which makes the pain sting more. He’d share his cheating with his friends so easily, it’s sickening. You immediately shut off your phone after that, deciding to not deal with it.
> The next day, when Iwaizumi goes to greet you, you continue walking. It’s something everyone notices, but nobody says anything. Makki and Mattsun give each other similar looks of ‘oh shit’ while Oikawa is still missing.
> Once Oikawa is back to proper shape, you welcome him back with a big hug. It’s the most emotion you’ve shown all week and Iwaizumi gets pissed. He continues to ignore you, though. He finds it hard to continue, though, when you start flirting with Oikawa.
> Mattsun fills Oikawa in on the situation while a plan forms in Iwaizumi’s head. He knows he did something wrong, but what? He decides to apologize anyways. Not having you talk to him was putting him on edge, worrying him.
> The next day, Oikawa tells you Iwaizumi won’t be attending since he’s busy. At first, you got worried, but when Oikawa winked at you, your face felt hot as anger boiled. You figured it would come to this, but it still hurts more than you thought. Then, Oikawa tells you he forgot his knee pad and could you go get it for him. As the helpful manager, you oblige. It’s not like anyone is in the locker room.
“What’s this?” Your voice cracks as you stare at Iwaizumi. He’s standing in the room, holding flowers and an apology note. His face is a dark shade of pink, his eyes glancing at you before going back to the floor.
“An apology. I’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend,” he says, clearly and cleanly. His palms are sweaty, but he is able to at least speak properly. “I don’t know what I did—“
“Oh, please. You’re tired of me, I get it. You don’t have to go apologizing on my account. Shouldn’t you be with the brunette girl?” You feel hot tears streaming down your face, quickly wiping them away as Iwaizumi looks at you, dumbfounded.
“Brunette— do you mean Shittykawa’s sister?” A confused look crosses your face as he groans, running a hand down his face. “Fuck, I forgot to tell you. Shittykawa made me fill in for him and go sightseeing with his sister. He didn’t ask before telling her, but she watched over us as kids, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to just hang out. I didn’t think it’d be a big deal,”
“Not a big deal, Hajime? Not a big deal? I honestly thought you were bragging! It didn’t help Makki was all like ‘oh man she’s so hot’ in the chat!” Tears are freely falling now, as your blink away the blurriness. “I thought you had just gotten tired of me,”
“Baby, no, never,” he shushes you, hugging you. It’s nice to be talking to him, wrapped in his arms. It’s a sweet and tender moment, relaxing in his hold as he whispers apologies and sweet nothings into your hair, shifting on the balls on his feet as you follow suit. It’s not until you’re pressed against the cold metal of the lockers do you look at him. His face sports a familiar look, one that always has your knees buckling to his command.
“Hajime, not now,” you whimper, feeling his warm hands sliding underneath your shirt. Had you been in your uniform, you’d most likely have his hand down your panties right now. He just presses a kiss to your temple, hands moving the waistband of your pants.
“I gotta remind you that I’m all yours, baby. And you’re all mine, so don’t ever go flirting with Shittykawa again,” he growls out, sending heat down to your core.
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> So first off, your relationship with him is on the down-low as in the only person outside the relationship who knows is Ushijima because Tendō cannot keep a secret from his BFF. You wanted it to be a secret because you did like him when he confessed, but your friends would tease you for dating him. Coach Washijo didn’t allow his player to date, so it was a secret relationship.
> However, when a girl ended up flirting with Tendō because she wanted a free pass to see the games, you wished it wasn’t so secretive. He was obviously flirting with her, enjoying the attention, while you listened from the girls’ bathroom. When he called her a “pretty lady” though? You felt your world shatter. He never called you that.
> The following practice, you passed by the gymnasium doors to see that girl standing outside them. A brief glance in her direction before continuing on your way, back to the dorms. You didn’t text Tendō the rest of the day.
> Tendō was frantically looking for you, wondering what he did wrong. When that girl was outside the gym and not you, he panicked. It was lunchtime, so he expected you to be in your class. When he got there, you were gone.
> He asked your friends, but they didn’t give him an answer, asking him “why does it matter?” So he went back to perusing the halls, looking for your familiar hair color or your voice. He heard a male’s voice first. Then your laugh.
> Turning a corner, he saw your hand on some guy’s bicep, a smile on your face. He recognized the stranger as the dude who tried to date every girl in his grade. Why were you talking to him? Another giggle had him moving towards the two of you.
“Why don’t you and I, I don’t know, meet up for some drinks after school? There’s a good milkshake joint nearby,” he grins, flashing his bright teeth. It would make most girls keel to his demands, but you’re different.
“Oh, I’d love to—“
“But she’s my girlfriend, loser,” Tendō sneers, his hand gripping your elbow as he drags you away.
“Tendō-san, what are you doing?” You attempt to resist his pulling, but he doesn’t let up. “I thought I was barely a classmate to you,”
“Yeah, well who gave you the right to flirt with some fuck boy?” He looks down at you, anger flashing across your face. The guy is still standing there, watching.
“Oh, I figured I wasn’t a priority to you. After all, you called that other bitch a ‘pretty girl’, so what’s up? I don’t get a cute name like that, except ‘girlfriend’?” You wrench your arm free. “Leave me alone, Tendō. Go to that other girl,”
“You mean Hana? Ōno Hana? The girl who’s crushing on Wakatoshi-kun?” He raises a brow. “As if she’d like me. I was complimenting her because she was anxious about talking to Wakatoshi-kun,”
“Well, it didn’t seem like that. I listened to the conversation. Leave me alone,”
“Why would I want her when I have a perfect little girl in front of me? Who else could trust me enough to bind them so tight, or who could cream on my fingers so easily?” He smirks as your face gets hot. A swift smack to his chest is useless when he turns to the guy, holding your arms. He maneuvers you to face the guy, smushing your cheeks together. “Tell him who you’re a good girl for, because it’s not gonna be him,”
“Tendō, this is so awkward,” your muffled voice comes out, dealing with his fingers pushing your lips together. “I’m not gonna say it,”
“Then he can watch as you cream on my fingers. Front row show, you know?” He snickers, moving his hand off your face and moving it underneath your skirt. A brief flash of your underwear towards the boy has you submitting properly, squirming as you practically shout what Tendō wanted you to say. “See, not that hard? Oh look— he’s running away! I hope he enjoyed the show!” Tendō waves happily, smiling all the while. You’re finally released from his hold.
“What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you? Thinking you can go be a whore?”
“You want the relationship on the down-low! You wanted it to be a secret!”
“Well, if that means boys think you’re available, we’ll have to change that, won’t we?” He smirks, once again dragging you off. As he heads towards a closet, you know you’re not going back to class with steady legs.
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> It was unusual for Bokuto to miss practice, so the managers and Akaashi were asking if you had seen him. You had not, but offered to go looking while everyone else started practice. Akaashi thanked you, leaving to fill in for his missing captain.
> Roaming the school, you checked the bathrooms to see if he was in there and even checked the classrooms to see if he fell asleep. When you didn’t find him, you went through checking the halls only to find him walking next to some girl with his arm around her shoulder. The scene hurt you, but a part of you knew he wouldn’t ditch practice and cheat on you, it was not in his nature.
> When the girl laughed at one of his jokes, you felt tears prick your eyes and ran off, back to the gymnasium where Akaashi was the first to greet you. You explained what you saw, after he took you to sit down on the bench, while the team continued. He said it probably wasn’t what it seemed like, but the scene kept replaying in your mind.
> The next day, you didn’t meet him on the roof for your normal lunch date so he got worried. Bokuto can usually read your moods, since you wear your heart on your sleeve, but he hadn’t seen you at all. He went looking for you, ignoring the strange looks he got as he ran through the hallways. Once he got to your class, he expected you to be sitting at your desk. Instead, he turned to your friends for help.
> One of them mentioned a dark haired student invited her to eat with him in his class and after he got a description, he went looking for the mystery man. He thought it might have been Akaashi, but he didn’t have brown eyes and a mole beside his right eye. It was finding a needle in a haystack, looking in each class until he saw your familiar hair color sitting in an unfamiliar class.
> He just kind of looked at you and the stranger through the window, watching as you laughed at the guy’s jokes. It was the same laugh you used at his jokes. It made an strange feeling in his chest burn, it made him jealous. Walking inside the classroom, you continued talking to the boy as he moved behind you.
> You closed your eyes for a moment but when you opened them, you saw the boy’s face drop as a shadow loomed over you. Looking behind you, you saw your boyfriend standing behind you. “Whatcha doing?” He asked. His voice seemed to be bright and cheerful, normal to the innocent bystander. To you, with the fake smile on his face, it sent shivers down your spine as you looked up at him.
> He wanted to talk to you alone, a hand on your back as he guided you to the stairs leading to the roof. You tried to ask him questions, but he didn’t answer. He didn’t turn to look at you. He just stared forward as anger simmered in his chest and his eyes.
> Once the roof door had shut, you were roughly pushed against it as his eyes finally met yours. His eyes bore into you, demanding an answer.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why were you flirting with him? Do you no longer love me? Did I do something wrong? Are you tired of me?” As his questions poured out, the anger in his eyes melted into sadness, guilt forming into a ball on your chest. His hair drooped down as he put on his pouty face. “Do you wanna break up?”
“N-No! Not unless you want to, that is. I saw your arm around that g-girl in the hallway. I—“ you gulped, unshed tears on your lashes, catching the sunlight as you look at him. “I thought you were tired of me,”
“Why would I be tired of you? You’re the love of my life!” He shouts, you flinching as his booming voice made your ears ring. He apologizes, hugging you tightly into his chest. You do a heaving motion, fighting back the tears as his words play on loop in your mind. “I could never see anyone replacing you in my life,”
“That’s nice, Bo,” you mumble, rubbing your nose into his chest. It’s warm and comforting, a nice contrast to the brisk wind in the autumn air. When he moves, you look up to see him grinning at you, a glint in his eyes. “What are you thinking?”
“We’re all alone and obviously my little bird needs to remember just who she belongs to,” he murmurs, rubbing his nose against yours before he quickly drops to his knees. It’s a sudden movement, his face in front of your skirt and then it’s under your skirt, a leg hooked over his shoulder. He’ll make sure you’re screaming his name before lunchtime is over.
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mxvladdy · 3 years
wait holy shit youre taking requests???? okay first of all, im in love with your writing skills especially those true forms they are *chefs kiss* magnifique. second, may i request for an angst but fluff ending prompt for barbatos/simeon/solomon (im an absolute simp for them) about MC having a really bad asthma attack and coupled with anxiety attack? (totally not me lmao) please and thank you! sorry for being too specific!
A/N: Oshbagosh! I hope you are good fam! You have excellent taste in simpin ngl Barbatos came out of left field for me, though I am weak for a quick wit and sharp tongue lol. And thank you for liking my works! Sorry, this took so long;.;
I hope my research was good and accurate! 
Does not know what is going on at first. Were you having an allergic reaction to something you ate? Had you gotten into some Devildom spices he hadn’t secured well enough?
Panics internally. He is very ready to spend the exurbanite amount of energy it would take to turn back the clocks before you started wheezing. 
Externally he keeps a level head, glad his gloves hide how sweaty his palms are. He remembers then your human medical file. 
He tends to you quickly grabbing your medication and carrying you away from whatever triggered this attack. 
“Do you need a doctor?” Barbatos asks for the umpteenth time. He runs a gloved hand up and down your back. You shake your head weakly coughing to try and dislodge some phlegm now breakdown in your throat. You take a shaky breath feeling your airways loosen, the fresh air that fills your lungs taste so sweet. 
“I’ll be ok Barb.” You wheeze taking another deep inhale from your inhaler. “Stop hovering and sit please, you are starting to stress me out more.” The demon makes a weird tutting noise in distress but comes to sit next to you. You lean back with a groan. The garden wall was rough on your back but you didn’t care at the moment. It had been so long since you had a flare-up you had almost forgotten what it felt like. You shift over slightly seeking out the heat of your companion's body. Exhausted you flop over to rest your head on his shoulder.
“Here let me.” He pulls out his ornate handkerchief and starts whipping at your nose and eyes. “What triggered this love? Have I missed someplace in my cleaning?” He knew he didn’t, never in all his years had he ever missed a spot. He would retire in shame if he did, but he felt like he had to fill the silence. If you were talking that meant you were alright. Right? He curses at himself. He thought he knew more about humans than this, yet you somehow threw curveball after curveball at him. He needs you to be safe and happy yet he choked on something like this? Perhaps he would suffer more of Solomon’s companionship to pick his brain on human ailments. As long as he could dodge eating any of his cooks.   
You fidget as he cleans your face and fusses over you, but you let him. This was for his benefit more than yours. “No, I think it's pollen. Your plants are not something I’m used to yet, and with the wind, it just hit harder.” He grunts, not pleased with your answer. He could do anything about the plants, and things out of his control were few and far between. You catch the inner argument he was having with his many selves and scoff. “Barb-” You take the cloth from him and tuck it in your pocket. “You and all your selves absolutely cannot control my illness, and that's ok.” He doesn’t look convinced, no doubt looking for a loophole in the webs he weaves. 
“Given the time I-” He stops at your withering look. “I don’t like not being in control.” Your look softens. 
“Who does?” You clear your throat finally feeling a bit more like yourself. Well, at least the garden wasn’t spinning anymore. “There. I think I can manage. Can you help me to the nurses' office? I should get a check-up since it’s been a while since I’ve had an attack. Then I think I’m going to call it a day.” 
Barbatos nods helping you to your shaky feet. His hands locked around your arm like he was afraid you would crumble again. You give him a reassuring look and lean into his weight. You didn’t need it, but it was a nice feeling, being looked after. Besides, it was so rare to get his sole attention. “I’ll inform the young master  that we will be taking the rest of the day off.” 
“Of course.”  He says resolutely. “Unless you wish for me to leave?” He barely contains his smile when he feels your hands squeeze tighter around his bicep. 
“As long as I’m not impeding.” Your words are half-hearted at best. You don’t give a damn if it throws off some super-secret agenda, you were happy to have more time with him. He calmed your nerves. 
He hadn’t meant to trigger an attack. The weather outside was simply lovely.  It was dry and warm with a breeze that made grass dance in a mesmerizing way. The track around one of the Devildom’s many bodies of crystalline water was beautiful at this time of the day. He had to share his enthusiasm.
He just wanted to go for a walk with you. He had so much to talk about with you that he forgot how long his legs are compared to yours. He was so excited he didn’t realize how fast his gait is and how much you were struggling to keep up with him. He didn’t realize your troubles until he felt a sweaty palm on his wrist. 
Openingly gets panicked but knows about human medicine and where you store your inhaler. 
Simeon breathes deeply through his nose and out his mouth. One deep inhale and one long exhale- focus just focus. His chest clenches in alarm at your shallow pants, his eyesight narrowing down to pinpricks. Blessedly he keeps a steady hand.
“Slowly now my dear.” He shakes your inhaler before bringing it to your lips. His strong fingers massaging your jaw to loosen it. Squeezing your cheeks he slips the apparatus past your teeth noticing how glassy your eyes were becoming. “Inhale.” He orders thanking his father you understand him enough to comply.  He watches you like a hawk till he hears your heartbeat steady. Once he is sure he could look away he calls Lucifer. He doesn’t remember what he said, but he knew it was a panic-fueled rush.
“Simeon,” He looks up from his phone. “I’m ok…” You wheeze blinking up into the afternoon moons. Simeon shushes you running his warm hands over your cheeks. They were ice-cold despite the heat. He warms his palms with magic watching the fog clear from your gaze. “Thanks.” 
“You shouldn’t thank me.” He pulls away, shaking his head. “This is my fault. I apologize, my dove.” You chuckle breathlessly becoming aware of your surroundings. Last thing you remember was walking up the shoreline. Now the hardwood of the bench pokes at your back. Had you collapsed here? Or did Simeon carry you over? “I should have been more aware of the situation.” He pulls at his hair in frustration. His lower lip turns red as he worries it with his teeth.
You swat his hand away from his hair wincing in sympathy when a few chunks of hair that follow. Linking his dexterous fingers with your clammy ones, you trace the lines in his palm with your thumb. You try to breathe in time with the steady rise and fall of his chest letting your meds take full effect. Your breathing was better, but you still had spots in your vision. “It’s not your fault really. I should have told you when I started feeling bad.” 
“I should have noticed. How can I protect you if I can’t even realize your limitations?” He bemoans. You exhale a jerky laugh. Your lungs throbbing with the sharp movement. It ached for sure, but not enough that you couldn’t get up. Ignoring his protests you get off the bench and pull him up with you.  
“None of that!” You wag a finger in his face. I’m allowed to panic, not you. You try to make light of the situation but your finger trembles in his face.  “You did exactly what you should have so don’t doubt yourself. Sides’-” You clasp yours. hands together playing with your thumbs. “I got horribly distracted too, and pushed myself.” 
“By what?” 
“You.” Your cheeks heat in embarrassment. “ You were so excited to have the day with me I didn’t want to ruin the mood.”
Simeon blinks. “You-didn’t want to ruin the mood by telling me you were having an asthma attack?” You shrug, a childish smile crossing your face. Unbelievable. Simeon swears under his breath. “I-I am at a loss for words.” He places both his hands on your shoulders squeezing them. “I will find them later and then we'll talk about your amazing lack of self-preservation, but for now, Lucifer is waiting for us at the nurses' office.” Not giving you time to argue he scoops you up, arm holding you under your knees and securely around your shoulders.  Once he knew you were safe, he would make sure to have an eye on you at all times.
The dusty old library located in the catacombs of the school was a dead giveaway to be trouble for your lungs. You both knew that. He warns you, the moment you feel ill they are leaving, no questions, no arguments. Very much the calmest of the three. He is human...mostly… so he knows the signs and can catch it much faster than the others. 
Still worried about you though. You aren’t a mage,  just his regular old human. 
When he gets nervous he makes jokes. Not appropriate given the circumstances but they just come out. So while he is dragging you from the school he is making the obligatory joke about him taking your breath away.
He will have whatever medications or potions he can think of at the ready for you to use if you need them. Won’t baby you or hover, you’ve lived with this for long he doesn’t want to insult you in any way. But he will keep close and have his ringer on loud in case you need him.
But now he wants you to rest and recover. He’ll keep you company though.
You gaze sleepily out of the bedroom window propped up on an exorbitant amount of puffs and pillows. You breathe out with caution, testing to see if you were still having any lingering effects from being down in the catacombs. It wasn’t anything too serious this time, thankfully. The moment you started clearing your throat and breathing just a little too hard to be considered normal, Soloman had grabbed both your bags and dragged you from the moldy and dusty space. You were a little put out at how quickly your asthma had acted up. You had just found the book you were looking for too. 
“If you keep squirming out of your blankets I’ll seal you in there with magic.” Your captor friend appears, pulling aside the drapes around his bed to sit next to you. He flashes you a cocky grin placing a tray on his bedside table. Solomon scans your face looking for any inkling of pain that might linger. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m hot.” You lie. In truth, the many blankets he wrapped you in felt marvelous, but you were being cantankerous. You wanted to get up and go back to work. The mage raises a pale brow, not believing a word of it.
“Of course you are, my little scholar.” He tucks you in again a little tighter then props your cocooned feet on his legs. “How are you really?” 
You shrug. Compared to other attacks you’ve had this one was thankfully mild.  Most likely because he had whisked you out the winding maze-like library faster than you thought possible. The jitters from the panic attack that followed took more out of you. Luckily for you, Solomon handled that easily too. “You know I want to go back.” You had your hands on the book you wanted when you started feeling a little breathless.  You wanted to believe it was out of excitement for the tomes. But the back of that section of the library was damp, cool, and dark. The perfect trifecta for your lungs to riot. 
Solomon nodded unfazed. “Yes, I’ve come to realize that whenever danger is present you seem to gravitate towards it.” He smiles fondly at your pout. Your thirst for knowledge was almost as insatiable as his, and both of you seemed to have a knack for attracting danger. He watches you fidget in your confines for a little bit more before sighing. “Alright-alright, I get the drift hold still.”  Leaning over you he loosens the covers around your arms to give you a little bit of freedom. As soon as you were free you pinch his nose hard in retaliation. “Oi!”  He laughs pulling back to rub at his nose. “Such violence! And here I came bearing gifts!” 
“That’s for insulting me!” You huff settling back down. “I hope it’s food, I’m starving.” You eye him expectantly. 
“Feed you? After that assault? My, you are brazing.” He picks up the tray he brought despite himself. The school cafe was serving your favorites today. Placing it on your lap he brushes his lips across your cheek. “Plus, I made tea.” You hum in excitement, eyes lighting up with glee. While he couldn’t cook worth a damn (you chalk it up to him irretrievably destroying his sense of taste and smell tolling over potions for years). He did have amazing luck with blending tea leaves and spices. A skill he severely took for granted. 
You pick up the tea and breath deeply only to have a coughing fit. His warm broad hands are there in an instant pushing you back into the pillows. “Sorry-sorry. Still a bit tender.” You smile through watery eyes. “It smells great!” 
“Does it? What do you smell? I admit, I just picked out things that looked pretty together.” He flushes pink rubbing at the back of his neck. 
You take the cup again and sniff. It had a hint of springtime in it, warm and sharp. Something earthy mixed with fire. You take a sip. “Hmm, spicy. Is that licorice?” Solomon nods. 
“It is indeed, I read that licorice and black pepper can help with asthma symptoms and circulation. I figured it could wash the  taste of your meds away.” He jokes watching you eat and take small sips of the steaming brew. He smiles to himself, glad you could get so comfortable in his room. Perhaps once you were dozing he could slip back into the library and conveniently “borrow” the book you had to leave earlier.
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cheryllcher · 3 years
Sole crusher thought bubbles 👠
disclaimer: dont read if u havent watched sole crusher
so i finally found a video with subs (again big shoutout to fellow translators out there yall r AWESOME) so yes we be having another crazy session :>
- omg that tour rlly makes me wanna go paris!! too bad we cant actually see lb and chat patrolling around 😔
- omg tom and sabine’s bakery is officially the best bakery in paris YES
- idk if it’s just me but zoe gives off ✨ gay vibes ✨
- the second marinette hears abt zoe only having one friend she immediately showers her with food and love and exchange numbers WHO WOULDNT LOVE THAT GIRL
- i know some ppl r asking why we’re getting another new character but honestly i find it refreshing and also i may or may not already be trying to adopt that girl oop-
- audrey ma’am do u just wear those sunglasses everywhere???? like u’re literally indoors reading a magazine
- chloe those r literally the tackiest shoes i have ever seen how is audrey not screaming at them
- okay i honestly was wondering why the sudden attitude change but now im realising that she’s acting to actually fit in djejdjjene
- chloe: “all the boys must fall over for u and the handsome ones must carry ur stuff” also chloe: picks someone who is not all that good looking (no offense to the guy :< )
- uhhhhh where did that red carpet come from????
- did- did she just say she’ll buy her a new name???? uhhh her name isnt all that different from yours ma’am
- okay ngl zoe’s a rlly good actress (ahem liela take some notes)
- oooh but she’s in aurore’s class??? i can totally see them being besties doedkke
- rose: “can we adopt her??” OMG U SWEET CHILD CAN I ADOPT U????
- marinette seeing right thru zoe’s act and trusting the girl she just met in the morning 🥺
- okay i always thought andre was like ehhh but he just wanted to be loved by his family omg i hope he can stand up for himself and achieve his dreams 😭😭
- omg zoe my poor baby I WISH I CAN GIVE U A HUG
- oh frick the akumatised item isnt on her this is interesting
- also idk if anyone’s told gabriel but that shadowmoth outfit he’s got on is kinda ugly and he’s a fashion designer —
- chloe, the first reaction when u see an akuma isnt to ask why they stole ur image U R IN DANGER GIRL
- okay idk why the cheese floating im space sent me 🤡
- omg chat arriving and marinette just being like “shush it kitty im not done” HAHAHAHA
- chat waiting for marinette to finish before tripping sole crusher WE STAN A GENTLEMAN
- omg chat suggesting he cataclysma here before she destroys the city 😦 wut is this man capable of
- okay i didnt recognise the lucky charm object this is why i cant be lb yalls 😔😔
- wow that was a slow punch if i’ve ever seen one
- hello where can i get one if those charms they’re so pretty 🥺🥺🥺
- awww ivan was the first one to hug zoe i love u mannn also did yall see adrien’s face GIVE SUNSHINE BOY A HUG PLEASE
- audrey listening to chloe??? who r u and wut have u done to audrey bourgeois
- aww i can see this father daughter relationship between andre and zoe even tho she isnt his actual daughterrrr i rlly hope this will help him stand up for himselfff :<
- okay i rlly love that pink hair thooo wishing i had light coloured hair now :<<<
okayy that’s all for today folks thanks for joining :D
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
“I see you’ve gone to bed… and that I am the bed” with Kyou and a tsuntsun reader please? 🥺
Hope you like it, bby! Ngl I really enjoyed writing this for personal reasons. 🥰🍉
Kyōjurō x Tsundere!F!S/O: “I see you’ve gone to bed… and that I am the bed” (Fluff, Soft & Sassy Starters, SFW Scenario)
Tired couldn’t have even begun to describe how Kyōjurō felt. He was so worn out from having had to do back to back missions, but it was for the sake of protecting people— especially his wife and their unborn child, so he didn’t really mind a few aches and pains.
Still, it would have been really nice if he could have gone to the onsen with his wife for a quick vacation.
But that was nothing but a pipe dream at the moment, since he already had a mission lined up the day after tomorrow. And he was spending as much time as possible with (Y/n), even though they would do nothing but spend it in silence seventy percent of the time.
She was such a silent woman, and so averse to excessive amounts of physical contact, yet he wouldn’t have her any other way.
A small smile tugged at his lips at the thought, then he shook his head with a quiet chuckle to dispel it from his head. And slowly, he padded down the hall to get to their room— trying to be as silent as possible when he saw his wife humming under her breath, all while rubbing the small bump on her stomach.
As gently as possible, he sat down behind her and put his hands on her shoulders— rubbing his thumbs in circles, before he leaned in to press a kiss to the back of her head.
If he were to be honest, he would say that that completely surprised him. Because, usually, she would have already given him a narrow-eyed look over her shoulder; yet she still kept on humming— even relaxing beneath his touch, and leaning back against his chest.
He almost wanted to shout with happiness, because it was one of those days for his wife; when she was feeling so touchy-feely and cuddly enough to let him do what he wanted.
And his heart almost leapt out of his chest when she reached her hands up to his wrists— maneuvering them so that they were wrapped around her, with his hands pressed snugly against her baby bump.
Then, in a move that had Kyōjurō screwing his eyes shut and mouthing ‘thank you, Kami-sama’ to the heavens: (Y/n) put her hands on top of his, before leaning her head back against his shoulder.
Subtly, the Flame Hashira tilted his head down to brush his lips against his wife’s left temple; biting back a smile when he saw her eyes drift shut, all while her nails gently scratched at the backs of his hands.
“Someone’s being really affectionate,” The young man teased softly— good-naturedly— as he grew bolder and pressed two more kisses against (Y/n)’s temple. And instead of quirking an eyebrow at him, like she usually would have done, she let her eyes stay closed.
Then, she answered, “Shush. I just missed my husband.”
Kyōjurō’s chest tightened at that; not because he didn’t know just how much his wife really loved him, but because she rarely verbalized her feelings. As opposed to him who told her each and every time that he felt like showering her with his love and affection.
He knew that she loved him, but it made him so giggly like a teenager whenever she made the effort to tell him.
“Really? Then, could I get a kiss?” The blond asked, as his peppered butterfly kisses down the side of her lips.
“You’re already kissing me, Kyō.”
Despite her answer, however, (Y/n) cracked one eye open before lifting her left hand to her lips; kissing the tips of her fingers, before reaching behind her and pressing them against her husband’s lips.
The Flame Hashira wanted so badly to melt at that, that he couldn’t help but hug his wife tighter and bury his face against the crook of her neck, if only to bite down on it and leave his mark on her skin.
Thankfully, (Y/n) still felt indulgent enough to let it pass. So, she just closed her eyes once more, all while trying to suppress the smile that threatened to tug up at the corners of her lips.
Kyōjurō acted like such a teenager sometimes; it was too adorable.
“Very happy. The happiest man in the world, (Y/n).” He pressed another kiss to her cheek, one that was louder than the ones that came before it, before leaning down to press his cheek against his wife’s.
They lapsed into a comfortable silence after that, with Kyōjurō gently swaying them from side to side, as if rocking (Y/n) to sleep. And, somewhere along the way, she had laced their fingers together, so he really couldn’t pull away from her even if he tried.
Not that he even wanted to.
Though, he couldn’t help but tease her, seeing as she was already softly snoring against him, “I see you’ve already gone to bed…” He whispered with a soft kiss to her shoulder. “And that I am the bed.”
However, instead of (Y/n) pulling away from him to scoff at his words, he received a mere sleepy hum that made him chuckle.
It was going to be hell on his back later on, but he found himself snuggling further against her and letting his eyes drift closed for a short nap.
“I love you, (Y/n)… and our little Renjurō too.”
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