#toko afterschool summoners
summocrap · 3 years
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spaceguybob · 4 years
“A memory that remained” Housamo fanfiction Scenario - Ophion.
Tokyo After-school summoners. Fanfiction/scenario. "A memory that remained"
PREFACE - This Fanfiction is my personal love letter to the creators of the TAS game, their imagination and fantastic story telling. Especially to Ophion who is a amazing husband character and i thought his storytelling could use a bit more.
** That bizarre adventure was finally over with things seemingly back to normal. Both you and Seth laughed when you saw each other again this day, especially since you thought you may not see one another ever again. Faith has some odd twists and turns. But now, you were glad, able to finally relax. As much it was possible of course in the summer resort when you were surrounded by a gang of over-hyper friends chasing around the swimming pools, jumping into the water and causing general havoc. "Come on! If you don't get in the pool I'm going to bash you till you do!" Kengo yells impatiently from the water area but his words get blurred out by water sprays coming from Hanuman's water gun. Seth laughed in the background after seeing the scene, he and Shiro oddly found a common language together. Ganglie and Ryota snuck away to replenish the food supplies, and Toji and Moritaka were hiding in the shade debating something formally, perhaps it was sword fighting or training? Or just generally plotting revenge on Kengo for throwing both of them into the pool. Closing your eyes, sitting comfortably on the lounger you only want to drift away. The muscles still felt bruised and tired, although there is no physical sign of the experience you went through, the mind still thinks all the signs are there. Also, there are things you are still slowly processing. Especially one thing. There was a memory that kept creeping on you, almost every time you closed your eyes. It was hard to describe to be honest because memories have images and this one felt so distorted, it was a mix of colours, images, conversation and laugh, and most importantly music and a feeling. The last two things started following you in a pair, always. There is a melody you remember and a longing. Having been told multiple times that your rule has permanently cut you off from memories of your many lives past you have eventually accepted the fact that whatever the past was, it will have to stay in the past. Except for this one broken memory which felt like it was coming from a badly adjusted radio.
A sudden squirt of cold water pulled you sharply out of the depth of your mind. So sharply your whole body jerked up in surprise. “Undercover ninja attack!” Hanuman flashed his teeth from the edge of the pool waving his water gun at you. “Sleepy face gets a direct hit from the super water blaster 1000!” Kengo cheers with him jumping out of the pool heading in your direction fast.
“Sorry partner but you asked for it! I warned you” He grins rubbing his hands ready to grab your legs, but you are faster than him and swiftly turn around jumping off the lounger before he even tries, unexpectedly Kengo slips on a puddle of water created by Hanuman’s gun as he tried to outmanoeuvre you and ends up flat on the lounger waving his arms in panic. You can’t stop but laugh together with everyone else who was observing the scene. Kengo immediately tries to retaliate with a face red like a boiled lobster and chase you but he doesn’t have the stamina you have. Time and time again he tries grabbing you but with a swift zigzag, you outsmart him every time, having the rest of the gang cheer loudly with each of your successful escapes.
“Not fair partner! I’m barefoot!” Kengo huffs loudly.
“Like that stopped you before!” You shout in the air trying not to lose your path, still just to make sure you were far away, for only a split second you turned your head to see Kengo a meter behind, and he suddenly stopped with a surprised face and then – thump! Without knowing you run into something or someone solid feeling the air escapes your lungs as you sat down in shock.
Before you was Xolot standing still firm like a tree, unmoved. He looked down at you with an awkward, slightly fearful smile.
“Oh hi!” Then his expression changed as he realized what just happened. “Sorry! Sorry! It’s my fault I didn’t see you! Mistress Hakumen told me to find you and your friends I didn’t see you run. Are you ok? Sorry!” As you thought that nothing can beat the avalanche of his apologies a high pitched laugh pierced the air and immediately you closed your eyes in a grimace knowing Mistress Hakumen was incoming. Brace yourself you thought.
“Ohohoho! My darling Lucifuge why do you always assume I am up to no good? That’s so presumptuous of you! I’m but a flower pulled by the winds of never-ending emotion!”
“My dearest. You are a jelly fisher. One can have a conversation with you that seems all nice and friendly and sweet, then you suddenly feel like you've been stung with deadly poison, or end up locked in a prison, or even worse; without knowing what happened.” Lucifuge nervously giggled.
As you tried to sneak away back to your group Xolot extremely over-enthusiastically and loudly shouted: “Mistress Hakumen I have found him! You will be so happy I found him, Mistress! Yes!”
You felt as you were betrayed on the spot and couldn’t but grin covering your ears.
“Thanks for blowing my cover.”
“Oh sorry! Were you hiding? I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!” But, you couldn’t be angry at Xolot since he was always more than loyal to his mistress, even if it was in a very misguided and not very smart way. And so you braced hoping not to, again, become the object of their fights, and love arguments of these two.
“Milord! There you are! Oh!” Hakumen sang with her flirtatious voice toward you trying to hide behind Xolot, only for him to be shoved aside by her. “Move you idiot!” her songbird voice turned into a snarl. She still kept her flashy swimsuit on.
“I’m sorry! Mistress!” Xolot yelped putting down his ears.
Uhhh here we go, you think to yourself forcing a polite smile as they surround you from both sides.
“My fallen star! Don’t you just find it exhilarating here? My dearest remember, nothing succeeds like excess, well of everything! Maybe with one exception” Lucifuge glanced at Hakumen. You wondered how he wasn’t feeling hot in his flamboyant clothes where everyone else was practically half-naked.
Hakumen snarled slightly in response. “What does that supposed to mean Lucifuge, you half-jelly devil! I have not spared any excess to make this place perfect for my beloved Milord! Don’t you think my bellowed? I know it is so because you enjoyed it so far! Ah, the adventure we prepared for you! And the excitement you had! Ohohoho! There will be more!” She flutters her eyes to you.
“It’s fascinating my bellowed fallen star how Mistress Hakumen can turn any offence into a half baked compliment.”
“It wasn’t?”
“I must have said it wrong.”
“Maybe you should try it too Lucifuge. It would save us so many awkward situations when you behave like you swallowed a toad. Some aristocrat you are.”
Lucifuge looked genuinely hurt and shocked. “Mistress Hakumen, is this your new tactic now? Slander me in front of my divine lord! The beautiful star I wish to capture?! How low of you!”
You can feel like their argument and bickering is getting more intensive every second, completely ignoring your existence which oddly is a relief although you still didn’t even manage to say hello to anyone.
“I would never! Not in front of my beloved milord! For him, I’m a precious flower and I-”
She gets interrupted by the very familiar beaming voice that towers everything and everyone.
“I do hope I am interrupting something! What are you two arguing about now? Isn’t there enough scheming and plotting you caused recently?” Ophion towers above the pair, behind him Aizen marches with his ever-odd military precision and an angry look. You are sure he is judging every square inch of the summer resort and thinking of ways of purifying it from the filth.
Then Ophion saw you and skillfully moved himself in front of the arguing couple.
“My bellowed flower, my world, I heard what this vixen has done. Are you Alright? I should have known she cannot be left without a proper supervisor, as this may end up in another unplanned adventure as she calls them only to vow you into her claws.”
“That’s outrageous!” Hakumen squealed behind him but Ophion stopped her with his arm.
“Silence! Is it not another of your plans? Whenever my spouse is involved you always have a scheme ready. You twisted fox, you have schemes within schemes within schemes!”
“No need for such excessive complaints my dear! My beloved milord already knows his mistress is a genius among her peers!”. Now all three began arguing. It was fun to watch initially but it always becomes tiresome after a while. Especially with Aizen giving you murderous looks.
But the fact was, the moment Ophion showed himself you felt something change. It was that scrambled memory that keeps haunting you. Unsurely if it was the memory or yourself, or both your attitude changed towards Ophion. Yes, he was too much, but what can be expected of millennia-old god dragon that created life – or so he claims. And although it was extremely embarrassing for you to hear him proclaim his love to you every single time so loudly everyone within half a mile could hear, it was also cute. But, was it you or this memory. You couldn’t hear the music anymore, but there was something you decided to do during those nights you spent on the desert with Seth, Hanuman and Ganglie. You decided to gift that one memory to him.
Now only if you could get their attention.
“Hey everyone -!” But they were too occupied in arguing. Well, since nobody is paying attention, you though there is only one way. Next to where you were standing, on one of the loungers, there was a water gun, one of many that were left around the pool for the enjoyment of the guests. So you thought – Let’s see how they like a cold shower.
Their expression was priceless when you squired water around. The bickering stopped immediately and everyone looked just at you!
“Now since everyone is back to planet earth.”
“My dearest milord how could you!” Hakumen cried in shock.
“How undignified! I need a change of clothes!” Lucifuge complained. But Ophion didn’t say anything only piercing you with a highly amused look, you flashed his teeth to him winking innocently.
“How dare you! Have you no brain! Look what have you done to Sir Ophion’s clothes!” Aizen suddenly roared.
“Aizen, you need to stop this!” Ophion waved his hand annoyed at the man.
“Well, if the only way for You to stop arguing about nonsense was me squirting all over you then, I’ll gladly do it again!” You grin at the trio.
“Ohoho the wordplay! My darling milord, you make me blush! Ohohohoh I want to hear more! Please don’t stop!”
“Lady Hakumen, must you want him only for yourself all the time! Such lack of dignity eh!” Lucifuge complained loudly, messing about with his wet shirt. “No, no, no this will not do! I cannot be seen in such an imperfect, undignified outfit” He mumbled to himself and turned on a heel and walked away ignoring everyone.
“My darling spouse is absolutely right. How shameful of us, concentrating on tiny squabbles. Please forgive me, my beloved. “ Ophion steps in front of them closer to you, only to have Hakumen overtake his position pushing him away with her elbow.
“Hmpf! Speak for yourself lizard! There is nothing tiny about us!” She envelopes the curves of her body with her hands. “Mistress Hakumen is all about beauty and grandeur! We go big or not at all! We love or we fall! My milord must know this! He needs to know at all cost how I love him!” You could feel your face getting hot from embarrassment as Hakumen was performing her little dance around you, touching your shoulders and hips in an unwanted way.
“Ha! Pick your words and actions carefully fox-woman! You shall not touch what is not yours!” Ophion’s voice roars in the air.
“Lady Hakumen! Have you no shame! I shall not tolerate frivolous behaviour like this polluting our guests! Especially with this one!” Aizen adds after Ophion glaring at her with fire in his eyes.
With a heavy sight, you can see them start again.
“Lady Hakumen, Xolot mentioned you were looking for me?” The security therion moved his ears and grinned happily as he heard you mention his name.
“Oh, oh! Indeed my beloved milord! How could I get my mind clouded so much by this stupid debate!” Hakumen put on another singing performance. “We, wish in our grace, to invite you to an evening concerto today evening. Of course, you are welcome to bring your friends with you. Just make sure milord they like such events. We only want to make you happy! It won’t be your typical music show, however, ohohoho! Oh no, no, no! There will be a live performance and all guests will receive pillows and drinks or food for their leisure! It will be performed here in the resort and it will be marvellous!”
It sounded fantastic to you since, at least you think, you enjoyed music, saying you think only because with the lack of memories it’s hard to know if you ever heard a live concert. But always enjoyed listening to different radio stations whenever given the chance and craved the occasion to listen it live.
“I would love to!” You say eagerly without hesitation.
“You would, my beloved spouse?” Ophion jumps into the conversation.
“Yes, I never listened to the music being performed live. Or at least I don’t think I did.”
“Ohohohoho! Milord, you please me gratefully! Oh, so many preparations need to be made before tonight! Now my darling run along and let your friends know and leave everything in my hands!”
“My darling spouse, my beloved jewel of the skies, if you are attending so shall I! I will reserve us the best spot and the most luxurious of seating for your comfort!” Ophion shakes in excitement. “I, your husband, delight in well-played instruments!”.
“Not in a million years!” Hakumen snarls. “I won’t let you steal and hurdle him only for yourself!”
Aizen who kept quiet jumps straight into the conversation. “Ophion, sir! I beg you to rethink! This is absurd. You cannot waste your precious, glorious time on such idiotic whims!”
“Nonsense!”Ophion shrugs Aizen’s words away. “I have but all of the eternal time for whims that will please my beloved spouse!”
“Ophion… could I- Could I talk to you for a second? Please?” And so you said it loudly for the first time, unsure if it was best left alone, but you can’t just let it drill a hole in your brain.
“Absolutely not! You shall not pollute my lord's mind with your absurd ideas!” Aizen roared angrily pulling his whip. You were sure that one day the blood vessels in his eyes will rapture spectacularly.
“Silence!” Ophion snapped at Aizen that immediately shrunk within himself in fear. Then looked directly at you with an intense stare, so intense it could only rival the one you remember from when you first saw his younger incarnation that recognized the piece of the soul of his wife within you. “My dearest, my beloved, I am all yours! Please tell me what it is!”
“Uhmm..” You suddenly lost your courage having everyone, especially Ophion look directly at you. It was definitely harder than all of the scenarios you run in your mind before, and even harder when you had to ignore Lady Hakumen scowls and angry grimaces of her theatrical sobs just now. “Can we talk somewhere in private?” After saying that you did expect Aizen to come out with another snotty comment but the last reprimand hit hard on his ego.
“Ha! All these moments I have waited for such a request! Oh, everything of this world! Your Ophion shall give you as much time as you want! Let us find ourselves a quiet place and talk my love!” The golden dragon leads you to a fairly empty bungalow just a few steps away from where you stood. You don’t even want to look back at Lady Hakumen, because her theatrics are just too much. Both her and Aizen are probably burning a hole in the back of your head right now.
“Look here my beloved, shall we step in and hide from the prying ears of the world.” The inside of the bungalow is quite narrow and you are surprised Ophion manages to go inside at all for his massive posture. He is after all much higher than any human, with his wings and long tail and massive physique. But without thinking you follow and close the door.
“Ah, my beloved! I cannot contain my happiness! Please tell me what burdens your heart and mind! My flower of the skies I want to know everything.” Ophion’s voice boomed so loudly you were absolutely sure anyone outside could hear him. And you were also sure the walls had ears, so without thinking you lifted a finger to your lips. The golden dragon looked at you curiously with a smile and a playful wink.
“Are you sure this room isn’t too small for you?” You then said in a low voice. He did look a bit uncomfortable. “It would have been better if You sat on the floor I think.”
“My dearest spouse, I do not care about such trivial problems! The closer I am to you the happier I am but I shall follow your request. The roof of this place is painful for my wings.” Ophion answered and slowly sat down. It felt as he was sitting in a dolls house. “Now, my dearest, please tell me, is everything alright.” But you heard a creak just outside and were sure somebody was listening. The last thing you needed.
“I think somebody is trying to listen so I’ll have to whisper to your ear if that’s OK.” You say casually to Ophion. The dragon turns his head curiously and looks around. But as you think how you can whisper to him you realize how big his stature is. “I’m sorry but I will have to climb on top of you!” You whisper again oblivious about what you just said.
“My dearest! Those words! I can’t believe this wonderful day!”
“That’s not what I mean – ah!” You try your best to reach to his ears, especially since Ophion doesn’t seem to want to help you and without realizing you place your hands on his bare arm. And then it shocks you.
“Ah!” There is a quiet gasp that leaves your mouth
"Is everything alright my darling? My jewel! Are my scales to tough for you?"
"No... No... You are very warm." You leave your hand on his arm and then another on his shoulder for a few seconds.
"I don't think I've ever touched you but it is like I know how it feels all along."
Ophion glances at you with his dark amber red eyes with intensity for a few moments.
"And how does it feel my darling spouse. Is this body of the godly dragon wonderful? Please give me, your beloved husband an answer, my jewel." When Ophion isn't screaming to the whole world his voice is surprisingly husky.
You hesitate not knowing what to say but you don't remove your hands just looking at him.
"There is something I'd like to give you. I have... I've been remembering something and I thought you should have it. As a gift." You whisper closely to his years. " And I don't want others to know because... Because I would like to keep it between us only."
You feel Ophion's hand on your back, you think he was trying to help you keep balance but... Well, this feels really embarrassing and your heart is pounding. This is definitely too much for one encounter, especially since nothing is going as you imagined it. This is harder than fighting. Why does it have to be harder than fighting?
"My beloved, oh how adorable you look blushing like that. Oh my jewel, I'm at a loss for words. Do you have a gift of memory for me? For me? Your husband? Through the cosmos, I knew this day would come. I shall empty my whole calendar for you, my beloved spouse. Will this be a romantic encounter? I shall ask for dinner to be prepared! "
"No... No... Can it just be two of us? Nothing special, no dinner. I'll bring something with me. Will that be ok?" Gods you feel so embarrassed and it feels Ophion grew in size since you asked him. Not sure if it's because he is so proud of himself or excited or both, proud and excited, which reminded you.
"Please, don't go telling everyone."
"Ah, my beloved jewel, why do you think I would do such a thing?" Ophion protested quietly.
"Because you would want everyone to know how proud you are, and to make Lucifuge and Hakumen jealous and angry." You point out.
"My beloved, your words are so hurtful, however true. I would take great pleasure in making, especially that fox woman, jealous as you say. Her scheming is always troublesome." Ophion grimaced and then smiled towards you sticking his tongue out the way he always would. You both spend a moment in this odd silence. Your hand on his arm and shoulder leaning towards his head, Ophion's hand holding your back. You feeling his touch on your bare skin. His dark amber red eyes piercing through you with an intensity you haven't seen before.
"Sir Ophion! My lord! Please I beg you, enough of this. This is inappropriate! This situation should cease immediately!" You hear Aizen's voice coming loudly from behind the door.
You think of moving but Ophion's hand remains still holding you.
"My beloved jewel, I made a promise to shower you with my love for every day I have missed you from my lonely existence from when you have fallen into the sea forcibly. This short encounter, my beloved, has given me so much joy I struggle to express it with words. I... This young Ophion is stunned. You may think my beloved treasure, that I'm rash, and juvenile. But for one like me who lost so much and lived lonely in different worlds, I learned to treasure every moment. That's why my darling spouse, my heart's shouts so much whenever I'm with you. Please don't think any less of this godly husband of yours because of that."
You could hear a commotion outside.
"I... Think...I missed you." You say quietly embarrassed. Ophion closes his eyes with a smile and as your words were a magic spell his grip loosens letting you go.
"I will see you tonight before the concerto, yes my darling? Will that be suitable for you? And then tomorrow? Yes? My beloved?"
You nod in response. Suddenly the door bars wide open.
"My precious fallen star! Others have told me you were her-!" Lucifuge barges straight in completely oblivious he was set up probably by Lady Hakumen. He stops mid-word once he saw both you and Ophion and his face struck with panic and shocked grimace.
"Oh, gods this is so embarrassing." You back away from Ophion who pierces Lucifuge with a deadly stare and very, very quickly excuse yourself and leave both of them who just started their typical arguments.
"What do you mean you don't want to come with me? Come on? Nobody?" You cry annoyed hearing all of the gang decline your request.
"I'm sorry partner but I have a training session with Moritaka. Besides, I'm very into music and all sorts. Maybe if it's a fighting club or something. And we can join in!" He clasps his hands.
"I can't believe you are even thinking of asking this meathead. He doesn't know the difference between a drum and a cello if he saw one." Shiro huffs unimpressed. "Had I known earlier, and I mean days earlier I could have made different plans but this is too late of notice."
"I understand Shiro." You say resigned. "How about you Tsathoggua?"
"No!" He yells back at you from the gaming console.
"Nope! I mean there will be too many people there, and Hakumen and the rest. I just want a peaceful evening, yeah?"
You roll your eyes looking around the room.
"Ryota? Come on, please!"
"I would like to, but I've made plans to see Maria earlier so I can't. What's the problem anyway? Just go and enjoy yourself."
"Certainly, it will be a good, new experience for you and you can tell us everything about it. Just make sure you are back in time, yes? Keep me noticed about everything?" Shiro reminds you with a stricter tone.
"That goes to all of you. Not just our Guild Master!" He roars across the room.
"Sure dad" Kengo grins and quickly slips out of the room before Shiro reacts.
"Right, you all have fun. I wanted to see Mr Mononobe and ask him for a favour."
"Enjoy the music" Ryota's voice follows you as you leave.
"Thanks!" You stick your head back through the door with a grin.
Mr Mononobe wasn't the easiest to find but eventually, you spotted him during his round checking classrooms.
"Hello, Mr Mononobe. I hope you are well." You start politely.
"Ahhh. Hello, young one. Are you not getting ready to enjoy the weekend? I can see you have been spending a lot of time outdoors, the sun has definitely left a mark on you."
"It's just too hot to stay indoors if you don't have to. Can I ask you a favour Mr Mononobe?"
"Sure, let's hear it. I can't promise anything though." He smiles gently looking at you with his typical fatherly look.
"Can I borrow the star projector from the astronomy classroom for a day or two? There is a... project thing... I'd like to use it for."
"Project thing you say?" He measures you up with his look for a few seconds thinking. " Well, I can't see no harm in it. We do have more than one in the inventory, so I'm happy for you to borrow it as long as you return it in the same condition you took it." Mr Mononobe says, but then seeing you smile adds "But, in return, I'd like you to help Shiro out with his duties for the next week after that, yes? Fair deal?"
It sounded more than fair to you, especially since in your mind you imagined it going much less smooth.
"Thank you so much Mr Mononobe. You are the best!" You add with a smile.
"Everything for my students." He ruffles your hair flashing his teeth for a second then walks away to finish his duties.
Realising what's the hour you run back to your dorm room, but something catches your eye. On a wall within the main building was a painting, which you never noticed before. Thinking it through you realise it must have just been hang since you are absolutely sure it wasn't here before. The painting, presented in brilliant colours and detail a scene where a huge wave of water covers what looks to be Japan. With a red torii in its right lower corner and there a medieval warrior with a golden shield and what looked like a ghost of a woman.
Struck by the beauty of the painting and how unusual it was you remain in the hallway for a few minutes only to hear a familiar voice.
"Sheesh! It's so hard finding you! Hanuman gasps wildly, he must have been running all over the place trying to find you.
"I'm sorry. I was just on my way back to my room and got sidetracked". You reply.
Hanuman just gesticulates at you silently, clutching his knees and trying to catch a breath. Then he produces three envelopes and waves them in front of your face.
"Those came for you just now..."
You take the envelopes from him, all of them came from the Roppongi guild.
"Listen, Hanuman don't you want to go with-" You start saying but when you lift your head to look at him he is already running away.
"Sorry gotta go!" You can't stop yourself from making a sour face.
It's a bit off to receive three different envelopes from them, but you have a feeling you know what they are.
The first one containing a card that's so heavily soaked with perfumes you started sneezing. It's from Lady Hakumen who praises you in a million different ways and invites you to join her in her private pavilion for the concerto.
The second envelope contained a card that's full to the brink with gold leaves and very elaborate writing. You must admit the way the words were written is quite beautiful. It's from Lucifuge who also invites you to his private pavilion and to enjoy his company.
Holding the third envelope you are absolutely sure whom it's from and you feel a small tingling sensation when you open it and take the card which says: My dear friend. Would you like to join me today evening for tea before the concerto? I'm looking forward to seeing you. Licht
You read a few times, surprised and immediately make a decision as you haven't seen or talked to the Roppongi guild master in a while and thought it would be a nice change. At the same time, you feel just a small amount of disappointment you haven't received a card from Ophion. Quickly shaking that thought off, your return to your room and change. Thinking on your feet about what to wear you decide to put on a light yukata haori with a white upper part and a black lower one, hoping it's going to be presentable for the concerto. It looks good you think and leave. Glad about your choice you head towards Roppongi. Because of how light your clothes feel the summer heat doesn't bother you much anymore, still, the air feels heavy this evening.
After a while, you reach the resort. Surprised you noticed Melusine.
"Hi, Melusine" you say approaching her.
"Good evening, young milord. I'm happy to see you." She bows slightly, so wearing a summer yukata in pastel colours.
"Did Licht send you to meet me?" You ask thinking you already know the answer.
"Indeed, Monsieur Licht asked me to show you to the pavilion and prepare tea for you." She answers and you start walking together slowly.
"That's very kind of him. We haven't spoken in a while, it will be so good to catch up. Is everything ok with you? "
Melusine seems a bit distracted and before she can answer a stranger runs up to you. She stops suddenly and immediately steps in front of you as if she is trying to protect you.
"Is it him! Is it the one everyone is talking?! Is it the one Mistress Hakumen mentioned? The one who's soul contains souls of others?!" Melusine stops him before he can even get near to you.
"I'm sorry but I won't allow such behaviour around young milord, he is a guest here and under my protection!" Her voice changes slightly, becoming less friendly, not yet threatening.
The man stops but there is an odd uncontrollable craze in the way he talks and moves.
"Melusine it's ok." You feel like you should help him if you can. "Can I do something for you?" You ask stepping forward, finally able to look in his face.
His crazy eyes search for something within your face for a few seconds and then... His whole body shrivels down, like life and all hope has left him.
"I... I... I'm sorry. I thought you may be her... I thought... I'm sorry." The man apologies in a shaking stream of words and leaves.
Melusine doesn't say a word and both of you resume your walk. When you get to the concerto venue you can see there is plenty of sitting space for everyone with a multitude of comfy pillows in from of a large stage and a few smaller ones. All this from three sides is enclosed by three private pavilions that let you hide from the public eyes but still enjoy the music and the atmosphere.
"Monsieur Licht had some guests earlier so do not be surprised by the decoration" Melusine adds softly as she opens the door for you and you stop in the doorway speechless. The pavilion it's filled to the brink with the most delicate orchid flowers in gentle pastel colours, their sweet fragrance seeping into the evening air. Like a child, you wander around with an obscene smile touching the flowers and smelling them.
"This is... This..." You start but Melusine finishes for you with a rare mysterious smile.
"This is amazing? Please have a seat-" she points at pillows and seats and a coffee table "I will bring the drink and... Monsieur Licht should be here shortly."
Before she disappears you ask.
"Melusine, that man we met, who was that?" There was something about him that felt familiar and made you sad.
She stops with a sad look on her face.
"That was Orpheus, he is one of the artists that's going to perform tonight. Beyond that, I can't say I know more." You thank her for this and Melusine leaves you alone. Yet within a few seconds you couldn't but get up to explore the room and the beautiful flowers and their shapes. You heard shushed voices thinking it must be Licht and returned to looking at the flowers. Some of them were small and looked like butterflies in dozens on a single spike, where others were easily the size of the palm of your hand with long pendulous garlands. They were just beautiful, and you struggled to find and other words to describe it. What Licht was thinking you had no idea, and what guest he had earlier but this went beyond your wildest dreams. And then you thought maybe, just maybe it was for Melusine knowing their history.
"My dearest, beloved jewel." That voice.
You turn around only to see Ophion standing in the entrance where Melusine disappeared. He was wearing a white and gold yukata that lightly enveloped his body, uncovering a lot of his imposing, muscular stature. His wings spread only slightly as he wanted to make sure you won't run away. "What do you think, my wonderful spouse? Has your husband surprised you? This is a beautiful, delicate trap I have prepared for you."
"I have walked straight into this one, haven't I" You agree defeated, it was never an option you thought about. You had to admit you felt flattered.
"Of course, my beloved, my light that fills the darkness. This young Ophion, although not as experienced in strategy or tactics as my elder self, has unprecedented knowledge of what may please your heart. And if I know, I will spend every moment to find out! Hahaha!" Ophion laughs triumphantly.
"I can't believe Licht would trick me..." You ponder amused.
"Oh, my darling flower, do not hold this against our Guild Master. I have merely asked him for a... favour, which he was happy to oblige. Because of this nobody shall interrupt us if we don't want it. My beloved, I planned this just for you, we have so very few moments together alone... " He opens his arms wide invitingly but behind him appears Melusine with a bow and quietly excusing herself.
"Ophion, sir. Please forgive me the intrusion, I have brought the requested refreshments."
Ophion only nods looking at her nonchalantly and let's her prepare the table, after that she retreats bowing slightly again and sending you a brief smile.
"I..." You start."The flowers are beautiful... I've never seen anything like this before." You add to him. You are embarrassed, especially that you let yourself get into a trap as beautiful like this. Especially when you feel really flattered and there is a lot of thoughts rampaging around your head.
Ophion laughs triumphantly "These are merely a shadow to your beauty my darling, but it warms my heart knowing you like this little trap I have made. Shall we rest?" He extends his hand to you. "Do not be afraid, we won't be interrupted by anyone. I made sure of that."
You sit down and offer to fill his glass with a cold juice which he accepts with a warm smile towards you. But you notice, not for the first time there is an odd flame in Ophion's eyes, and now it hits you, it's somehow similar to the one you saw in the man you met earlier, Orpheus.
"There was something strange that happened today." You start hesitantly. "A man approached me and Melusine, he seemed... Troubled... Very, troubled and sad. He wanted to meet me, he seemed desperate, having his hopes high up and once he did he seemed... Disappointed. Like he lost all hope."
Ophion listed in silence but you could see he wasn't too pleased yet you continued.
"Melusine said his name is Orpheus, and I was... Concerned. "
A few moments passed before the golden dragon finally responded.
"My beloved spouse, I know the man of whom you speak. He is a fool. A poor fool, but a fool nonetheless and there is nothing you can do for him. He brought his fate on him himself."
But not being too happy with such a puzzling answer you decided to push on being honest about what you realized.
"There is a look in your eyes, the Old Ophion was very similar to him." You say slowly trying to pick the gentlest of words. Ophion ponders for a moment with a stone expression and then extends his hand to you inviting to sit closer to him.
"My darling spouse, this what you speak of, is the experience of loss." You hesitantly accept the invitation and sit next to Ophion, feeling the warmth of his skin. "Let me tell you a story of Orpheus, the fool as he is."
"Orpheus was born with a talent of music he was and always will be a singer, musician and poet, carrying a magnificent lyre on his shoulder able to enchant god, man or beast with his music, he had recently proposed to Eurydice whom he loved with all of his heart and beyond, but on the day of their wedding, ‘in the very bloom of her life’, she was bitten by a viper and died of its venom. Distraught with such grief, Orpheus fell into madness and wandered the earth looking for a way to bring his wife back to life. He wondered day and night until he finally found the entrance into the underworld and descended into the fiery pits of hell itself, determined to restore her to mortality. Nothing could stop his brave loving heart. He finally pleaded with Hades the god of the dead and Persephone for his wife's return, and his courage, devotion and eloquence ‘melted the hearts of the gods and the denizens of the underworld, and all fell silent’. Even Cerberus, the fierce three-headed dog that guards the gates of Hell, lies meekly at Persephone's feet.
The gods agreed to Eurydice’s return: Persephone especially sympathetic as she recalled her own forceful abduction by Hades. The only requirement was that Orpheus would not glance back at Eurydice until she was safely ensconced in the upper world. If he broke his word, she would be lost forever into Hell and there would be no changing the god's mind this time.
Orpheus agreed with the loving lightness in his heart and both him and Eurydice depart the underworld, him in the front paving the way for them, she quietly behind him stepping softly. However, Orpheus as emotionally tormented he was through all this time, with the creeping madness slowly started doubting and struggling to look ahead soon the deities have consented to her return. Throughout the underworld, the lovers ascended a steep and misty path and, as they neared the earth’s rim, Eurydice hasn't spoken a word in fear of what the gods may make of it snd anxious Orpheus began to shake inside of his soul. "What if they lied to me and this is but a trick, a joke of the gods. What if this is not my beloved Eurydice but some monstrous wickedness." These were the thoughts in his head. His mind fought with his heart. And just as they approached the exit from the underworld, just as the morning light shone in front of them through the dark gate, the fool Orpheus looked behind thinking "We are almost here. It won't hurt and I must know. My heart must know! He looked for his bride, and as he did he saw her gentle face her loving lips and eyes filled with fear when their gaze met. Eurydice immediately fell in pain and only managed to whisper a final farewell before being taken by a deathly shadow that dragged her into to the dying place. A godly force punched Orpheus out of the underworld and the gates shut before him and disappeared. He cried, pleaded and begged but no one would listen to him and after many days and nights broken Orpheus began to wonder again the world playing his music, with a mind of madness and a heartbroken beyond repair. Somehow he found his way here to this world my beloved spouse, and he hopes, maybe, maybe his wife was reborn in a different form. " Ophion finished his story with half-closed eyes, being so engulfed in his voice you didn't even notice when the music started and it must have been playing for quite a while now. "There is something we share, your Ophion and the fool Orpheus, we both lost our beloved, forcibly taken away by the world. You have seen my elder self, who was beyond help with his heart darkened and madness in his mind. This is why my dearest, my glittering jewel, I promised to gift you my love, my passion, with my whole self every day. This Ophion has finally found you!"
He finishes with a strange note in his voice. You think you finally understand, both what Orpheus and Ophion went through, it's different yet so similar. Remembering how much it took for the elder Ophion to snap out of his destructive madness. What loneliness and sorrow must have driven him to such a state. Looking for words to say you realise that through the story Ophion was slowly using the fact you were so enthralled into his tale to get closer to you. Both his large hand and wing were wrapped around you as he was laying on his side stretched across the floor with your body naturally using him as back support. He was surprisingly gentle.
"They say we are all fools when we are in love." You say finally.
Ophion laughs delighted, his ego right now must be beaming knowing he has you where he wanted, and willing to accept his advances.
"Indeed my beloved spouse, indeed we are. But let this golden dragon tell you who knows many stories, in my millennia-long life I learned it's what you do every day about your love that matters."
You then thought to yourself well what if you are a bit of a child and a coward. Fighting is definitely easier than talking about one's feeling, even Shiro's knowledge tests are easier than... Ok just breathe. You look around the pavilion, the sun slowly setting down painted the inside in crimson and amber shades. Shades elongated everywhere and within them Ophion's burning eyes and the music in the air.
"My darling starlight, beloved spouse, you are so beautiful today, this husband of yours cannot take his eyes off you. Had I known it would be so easy to capture you in this beautiful trap of my devotion I would have done it a long time ago. "Ophion says caressing your shoulder with his arm.
"I wasn't expecting tonight to be like this, you are correct, but everything else after was because I wanted it to happen..." You say turning your head away, but Ophion's lures your gaze back at him by placing his fingers along your chin.
"Is that so, my beloved spouse? Has this husband of yours made you happy?" His voice lowers to a grumble.
"I can't confirm or deny because I'm worried you may want to tell everyone gathered here." You tease lightly.
"Bwahahahaha" Ophion laughs amused. "My beloved, always so feisty, always know how to keep your husband on your toes. How you turn my words against me my jewel in a delightful skirmish."
You close your eyes with an amused smile, having to admit this evening had turned so much better than you could have ever expected.
"Could you tell me another story? Something about heroes, or how the stars were created." You ask, Ophion seems to have a talent for telling captivating tales, or maybe it's because he tells them to you. The golden dragon smiles mysteriously sticking his tongue out.
"Ah, my beloved spouse, you want another story? But where is there a reward for your dearest husband? I have gifted you one tale of the past already. This dearest Ophion of yours should ask for something in return. All stories are of value." He says still smiling mischievously. But before he can make his loving demands you stop him.
"What about if... Umm... If I move closer." You say trying to move your body but Ophion's arm already pulls you towards him.
"Closer you say, my beloved? I'm not sure if this husband of yours can accept such a payment" He murmurs amused.
"Closer..." You reply with a laugh feeling his arm move you further.
"Perhaps... This Ophion can agree to such a delightful agreement, but I'm not..." He continues pressing on your arm, you can feel the pillow you are sitting on moving.
"Just shut up and embrace me" You laugh finally in response and with these words you can feel his huge figure move suddenly, his large strong arms find their way under your own wrapping themselves around your chest. You are glad for your light clothes because of the heat emanating from his body, feeling the stone-hard musculature touch your back.
"This Ophion has finally captured the most beautiful pray in his delightful trap." He says into your ears.
"A pray would only allow such a thing if they wanted to be caught." You answer him with a strongly beating heart, feeling that Ophion will not let you go that easily tonight.
"My beloved spouse, you... You... hahaha I have fallen in my own trap! You make this Ophion's heart so happy, I can feel my body trembling." There was a shiver that travelled across his arms as he spoke, his words rumbling in your ears. "I shall grant your request, my beloved, my jewel in the skies, let me tell you a story of a war between two cities and a woman who caused it all..."  As he spoke his voice mixed with the music in the air that evening.
 You slept well this night after you returned from the event. Ophion purposely extended his story almost making you late for the school curfew. But you didn't mind at all.
This night you experience a dream, very different from the calm ones you seemed to have. Before you would see beautiful, serene scenery, hear a piece of gentle music that you taught yourself to replicate and a gentle song. What you remember most was a pair of gentle amber-red eyes following your every move.
This nights dream was different. You found yourself on a beach overlooking a vast dark ocean covered in thick clouds. A bright fiery light cut through these lights like and hit the ocean like a projectile of fire only to vanish under the waves momentarily. The clouds opened only for a second for you to see a tall mountain. Everything started to shake, the ground moving violently and suddenly the mountain top exploded ravaged by bright, angry flames sending massive pieces of rock everywhere. As you cover your eyes and duck you see a tremendous, angry wave approaches the coast growing bigger and bigger. The ground doesn't stop shaking.
 You wake up suddenly only to realize the shaking hasn't stopped and an alarm is resonating through the school. Slightly panicked you look around, furniture creaking and moving. Right now you should be making sure you were looking for cover and sticking to the disaster prevention and Safety protocol, but instead struggling to keep your balance you throw on your clothes and run out to make sure your friends are safe.
Not long after you see Kengo and Moritaka half crouched trying to hold their balance.
"Kengo! Moritaka! You are ok!" You shout running towards them
"You idiot! What are you doing here? It's dangerous!"
"Indeed my friend, you should not be exposing yourself to any dangers like that. Earthquakes are not something we can control with sacred artefacts."
"Oh? And I thought you just bashed Kengo's head hard enough the ground started shaking." Suddenly you hear Shiro, he was walking slowly toward you. "You shouldn't be looking for trouble in a situation like this!" He adds angrily.
"Same goes to you!" You respond quickly.
"It's my duty to make sure everyone is safe!" Shiro huffs unimpressed.
"I have to make sure my friends are safe. Where is Ryota? Did you see Hanuman?" You flash a challenging grin towards Shiro. His frow disappears hearing your words replaced by embarrassment.
"Ryota stayed over at the Aoyama yesterday, he called me asking for permission. "
"Hanuman was in training with us but left earlier, he said he was starving. I'm sure he will be fine..." Moritaka responded to your questions and halfway through the shaking eased down and stopped. Everyone was waiting in silence but the quake didn't return.
"Mr Jin there they are" You recognised Toji's voice.
"My students! My beloved students are you alright?! Is everyone safe".
"I'm so glad we found you!" Hanuman jumps all over the place happy as you slowly get up, lending your hand to Kengo, who is unimaginably heavy.
"You really need to cut down on chocolate." You say after he is up.
"Oi! Cut it out. It train really hard!" He protests with a fake anger outburst.
"Hey, why is everyone here," Toji asks. "Hanuman only said about Kengo and Moritaka, not you two."
"I had to make sure my friends are alright. Shiro did the same."
"I'm so glad you all are safe!" Mr Jin laughed and suddenly stopped. "What did you say?! You were ignoring the obvious dangerous situation?! "His angry roar could be heard from everywhere and it attracted the attention of Mr Mononobe who together with the other teachers was making sure everyone is ok and there is no structural damage to the school.
"Mr Jin, what is this shouting? Are the students alright?" Mr Mononobe was walking very with a serious face. He must have been incredibly worried and stressed.
"No, no, no Mr Mononobe. All of our beloved students are fine, except these two who blatantly ignored the crisis of the situation." Mr Jin talks very fast giving both you and Shiro an unpleasant, angry look.
"How do? What have they done." Mr Mononobe forces himself to be calm narrowing his eyes at both of you. Shiro's face went pale but you decided to take the blame even if there was nothing wrong about what you have done.
"Mr Jin, Mr Mononobe. We have only left the safety of our rooms to make sure our friends and anyone who may be in trouble is safe." You straighten up without letting the teacher speak. Mr Jin huff loudly surprised.
Mr Mononobe considers his words for a few seconds, his frow eases down.
"What if you helping others would put you in direct danger? Have you thought about that?" He asks you.
"It won't matter as long as we can help them." Shiro jumps in the conversation.
"That's right." You agree.
Mr Mononobe closes his eyes and nods slowly.
"It's ok Mr Jin, those kids have their heads and hearts in the right place. Now stop standing around and go help! "
Quickly the whole gang scatters around the school to help the teachers and other students. Your whole morning passes in a new busy routine, checking the news and listening to your elders to make sure everything is going to be fine. The earthquake was classified as an isolated tremor that came from the land, with no predicted aftershocks. The city didn't experience any problems or damage except some broken furniture and unfortunate accidents that were treated in the hospital right now. It seems everything was back to normal.
Having the chance to relax you pick up the projector from the inventory and send Melusine a polite message asking her for a favour explaining you would need something transported to Ophion tower, small personal items. Only if she wouldn't mind. Shortly after Melusine answers, she would be happy to help and she will meet you shortly at the school.
Gathering your thoughts you return to your room. You look at a guitar that stands hidden in the corner. So far you managed to keep it away from your friends, especially Kengo, as you were worried he would break it by just touching it with his large, clumsy hands.
When the dreams started, the memory a few weeks back you could hear a melody. Initially, it was all scrambled up, just like everything was in reverse or through a badly adjusted radio. You couldn't make sense of anything. But then you started concentrating on one thing, the melody and each time it was clearer and clearer. Then one day, on a whim perhaps you thought, this melody shouldn't be hard to replicate, and being able to play it yourself could help with understanding the memory.
Thus you found a music shop, that stored all kinds of instruments, from drum and percussion kits to electric guitars and pianos. A very slim transient feline covered with many colourful patches of fur welcomed you very enthusiastically. She introduced herself as Saraswati and proceeded to praise all of the instruments and types of music.
Her welcome filled you with warmth and confidence, so you proceeded to explain, however badly, you wanted to learn how to play a melody from your memory. Saraswati was perplexed by your explanation but it made her curious so she kept asking questions, what instrument.
"AHH... I'm sorry... It was ancient-looking. I know how it looks but I don't know the name."
"How did you learn that melody in the first place?" Saraswati asks curiously.
"Most kids come in here wanting to become the next great idol, play the cool thing. Very few come because they love music, even fewer want to learn to play the piano or a violin. Sad times are upon us. I know all instruments, maybe if you draw it for me I'll be able to guess." She gives you something to draw on.
You agree and take a pencil from her. The lines you draw are a bit shaky and in the end, you present an image of u shaped instrument that reminds you of a horseshoe with strings in the centre of it going to the crossbar connecting both arms.
Saraswati studies it for a few seconds and then presents you with a smile. "That's a lyre. It's an instrument used in ancient times. You can say it's similar to a harpe but the rules of its music are more like a modern guitar."
"A lyre? Oh, that would make sense." You think about your dreams.
"Would it? Why so?"
"I saw this instrument in a dream that I think maybe a memory. But it's only a guess."
"Well, the only problem is I don't have a Lyra in stock. So sorry. On fact, it would be hard to get one anyway. These types of instruments are done per request and are quite pricey. Then you would need to attend a special lesson... Oh, trust me you don't want that!" She chuckled softly. "But... I have an idea".
Saraswati adds seeing your disappointment and pushes you into the depts of the shop.
"As I said the modern guitar operates on a very similar principle as the lyre. If you look and listen carefully you may even find one that sounds almost identical." She winks at you mysteriously.
"None of them is secretly sacred artefacts are they?" You joke nervously.
"Ahahaha oh no! Can you imagine what problems that would cause? Oh no, I can't have that in my shop! I put too much heart into it!"
Following Saraswati advice, you slowly look through all of the guitar instruments. There are electric ones in futuristic shapes or ones that resemble those you saw musicians holding on posters, then there are large guitars called acoustic but their sound just doesn't sit ok with your ear. Lastly, you glance on smaller, simpler guitars called classical one, their soft strings produce a warm melody very similar to that from your dreams.
And then you see the prices of these and your heart sinks while the jaw levitates very close to the floor. You have some money you managed to save up recently but not nearly enough to afford even the cheapest of those instruments.
Well, this plan will have to be put on hold for now you think and then unexpectedly something draws your eyes. You just noticed a boxed display with a Sale label on it. Within it you see all sorts of instruments, some are ex-display models, some seemed slightly damaged. In this box you find a single classical guitar, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it except one string being broken. You have just enough money to buy it.
"What's wrong with this guitar?" You ask Saraswati, the feline takes the instrument from your hands to inspect it.
It's a beautiful light guitar, painted in a very dark blue colour that reminds you of the night sky with silver nylon strings.
"There is nothing wrong with it deary, except the broken string. I can thread one for you for free, it will take me just a minute."
"Why was it in the sales box?" You ask curiously.
"It's the colour you see. Very few people would buy a guitar that's not in a light colour like brown or cream. If they are lacquered then maybe but this beautiful thing is in matt."
You admit you are completely lost and ask if you could buy it.
"Of course you can. Let me put on a new string, you know what because you are my first customer today why don't I present you with a guitar case and a book how to play it, yes?"
Saraswati is so kind and nice there is no way you can refuse her. And from that day each free moment, you found you spent on learning how to play the instrument, learning how to replay the sounds from the dreams. Initially, it was hard, your fingers hurt but each time seemed a bit easier. Then the dreams slowly became clearer, and the melody guided you. With the melody came words and suddenly you saw a familiar face with burning dark amber red eyes. Then you realized it wasn't any memory or dream, it was something from Ophion's past.
"Now I know what you were doing all this time when you weren't with us! Are you planning to become a musician, Guild Master?" Shiro's voice interrupted your chain of thoughts as you were sitting on your bed plucking the strings lovingly. Your heart sank and you face immediately felt flushed. Shiro laughed hard seeing your expression. "Don't be concerned, I'm not going to tell the others unless you want me to!"
"Don't you know how to knock?!" You cry out embarrassed.
"You left the door crack open."
"Ah-! I'm... I'm sorry I have been distracted recently." You reply slowly feeling guilty.
"I have noticed that's why I came to talk to you. Your head seems in the clouds, you drift away more often than usual. Is everything alright?"
You scan Shiro's face and measure your words not to say too much and you tell him about the memory and then your last dream with the earthquake.
Shiro almost jumps excited but there is some concern I'm his voice too. "Having a memory recall like that is fantastic! It means something in you is unlocking its secrets even if just a small bit. Do you know who’s memory it is?"
"Y-yes..." You stutter.
"I'm guessing you don't want to share it ?"
You silently turn your head.
"No... Not yet at least. And then there is a matter of the last dream."
"Hmpf... I wouldn't worry too much now. I would think your dreams were merely the effect of the earthquake. Like when you hear a sound while you dream and your brain incorporates it into the dream itself. "
"How do you know things like that?"
"I pay attention in class compared to you and Kengo! That reminds me. Melusine is looking for you." Shiro replies and readies to leave only to turn around. "Remember if there is anything, you can tell us right?"
You nod with a smile.
"Thanks" and Shiro disappears behind the door. Taking a deep breath you put the guitar into a case and pack the projector into a separate box. With both of them, you direct yourself to the school entrance where Melusine is waiting patiently.
"Hi, Melusine!" You greet her from afar, as you get closer you notice her usual outfit has been decorated in many places with garlands of familiar flowers.
"Hello young Milord, I hope you are well? I must take this chance and ask for forgiveness after yesterday. I was only following Monsieur Licht's request who specifically requested not to mention at any point Sir Ophion will be joining you."
"It's ok Melusine." You interrupt her. "It turned out better than I hoped. I... I thought it was Licht's gift to you. "
"Ah-!" Melusine blushes "That would be impossible. But Sir Ophion made a great deal of effort to get everything prepared. Nobody except humble myself and Monsieur Licht knew about his plan. He must care about you very much young Milord. In fact... I don't ever remember him carrying about anything and anyone in the past as his older self. You seem to cause impossible change whenever you go." She added with a hint of a smile.
"What's with these?" You ask about the flowers.
"Oh, forgive me, Milord. Monsieur Licht said I can keep any flowers I want before they get removed so I kept a few of them."
" And you keep saying some things are impossible. They look beautiful on you. Send my kindest regards to Licht when you see him, and thank you so much for your help. Hopefully, I can repay it somehow one day. Oh, by the way, one more thing. Is there any way through the building I can take to avoid meeting literary everyone?"
Melusine takes the boxes from you and slowly explains a route that should help you pass unnoticed, then leaves with a mysterious half-smile as she was deep in thought about what you said earlier.
The weather outdoors is still sunny and pleasant giving you some hope you won’t need the projector and nature will provide the best possible scenery. Does Ophion have a balcony you think only to chase those weird questions away and return to your room to get dressed and leave.
As you leave the dormitory and leave the school building a heavy hand lands on your shoulder unexpectedly.
“Hey-ho partner! Where are you going? Don’t you want to join us for some combat training?” Kengo stops you mid-track, his hand is firmly stuck on your shoulder and you can’t wriggle out from under his tight grip. The grin you see means he is up to no good again.
“Heyy! Actually, let’s get some snacks. We feel like we didn’t have the time to talk recently and I’m curious how the concerto was. Kengo said you got back really late yesterday?” Ryota is just next to him smiling innocently holding a bag of what looks like different colourful candies and crisps.
“Did he now?! And why are you here not at your room doing your penalty studies?!” Suddenly Shiro’s voice pierces the air loudly.
Kengo’s face goes pale.
“Oh crap! Sorry partner gotta run! Catch you later yes? I want the juicy details!”
“Me too!” Ryota tries to catch up with Kengo who left a trail of dust behind him.
You raise your thumb up to Shiro and wave. You can see him smile at you and then you get a message on the App.
“Stay out of trouble, OK?”
“I will.” You reply and press send. As you arrive at the Ophion tower with plenty of time to spare and make your way to the security reception.
“Hi, I’m here to see Ophion. He… is expecting me.” You say nervously.
A completely uninterested transient measures you for a second and then lets you in. “Yes, we have been told.” With relief, you direct your steps following the route Melusine told you which is the executive walkway that is almost always empty and takes an elevator. In your mind surprise visit would be out of place, especially since Ophion is not any man and may be occupied. The corridors around are lavishly decorated and you feel slightly out of place. But finally, the elevator arrives and you step into it.
Pondering why there is always a piece of weird music whenever you go to the office buildings a slight shake resonates around you. Unsure if it was just your imagination or something else you squeeze yourself into the corner. Another floor beeped before your eyes, and as you were counting down, only three more to go, everything starts shaking around you. Whatever is happening knocks you off your feet and you land painfully on the floor. At the same time, the elevator slows down and stops. The lights around you suddenly go out and you hear and electricity creek followed by a metal one. Suddenly there is an empty feeling in your stomach and you painfully drop on the floor again. Panicking you somehow roll to the corner. The elevator must have dropped down but the safety break kicked in just in time. For what feels like an eternity you are in total darkness, unable to understand what’s going on, absolutely scared. And then blue safety lights turn on. Still scared you slowly climb up and try to use the help alarm button on the console and call for help. But there is no reply from anyone. So you try and press every floor button hoping you will be able to get out this way. And then the shaking starts again and instantly you cover in the corner hearing the elevator creek dangerously. It’s a situation your powers won’t do you any good and it feels like you stopped between floors too. You try the help button again. Nothing. You try again. The elevator creeks dangerously again and you start praying to anyone and anything for it to hold and the shaking to stop. Not sure but you think you hear an alarm and screams in the background. With what feels like the worst shake so far everything feels like liquid around you. Suddenly you hear a metal creek just a meter above you and the light blind you. For a moment you flicker your eyes looking at a huge silhouette before you. In the elevator door using all of his might is no other than Ophion covered in dust and grime.
“My beloved give me your hand!” He extends it to you and you gladly take it. Ophion who is extremely strong being an eternal dragon god lifts you out the elevator without any problem. Once you are out and on your own legs you embrace him as hard as you can. That was a horrible and scary experience. “I’m here, I’m here my beloved flower, and nothing is going to hurt you anymore.” He is completely surprised by your reaction and accepts the embrace without hesitation.
“I’m… I’m ok, thanks to you. What happened?” You ask.
“My beloved, we experienced consecutive shock waves. Much, much stronger than these before. Alarms are going through the whole city of Tokyo as we speak. You should thank Aizen here as he was the one who heard plead for help through the elevator device.”
Surprised you thank Aizen, who for once doesn’t look angry. He remains quiet and nods in response. Then you look back at Ophion.
“Are you ok?” You suddenly notice a scrape on his arm. There is no blood but still.
“Oh, my beloved you worry about me? My heart is touched beyond imagination.” He says still embracing you. “I am fine, it was just a few ceiling panels that fell on me. Nothing that can hurt this godly dragon. “
“Ophion, sir! Are you sure you are unhurt? Maybe we should finish this little scene and get into safety!” And the old Aizen is back, however his expression remained unchanged. Once he said that a group of security mobs appeared running toward them.
“Sir! We found you! It’s good you are unharmed sir! We have news!”
Ophion reluctantly lets you go, but won’t let you move away from the reach of his hands or wings.
“Report! What’s the situation? Are you evacuating the civilians? Are there any injuries? Where are the other tycoons?”
“Sir we have been informed by the security forces this was no ordinary shock, but it was caused by the world collision.” One of the mobsters has pointed at the windows. To your surprise, the Tokyo border wall from the harbour was gone stretching to an open sea covered with angry clouds. It wasn’t destroyed in the quake no, it just vanished due to the collision event.
“Where was the source of the earthquake located?” You open your mouth asking loudly. Your mind went straight into the geography lessons and then something else entirely.
“What?” The mobster asked stupidly.
“What the earthquake on land or at sea?” You repeat.
“My beloved, what are you thinking?” Ophion asked.
“If this world collision has temporarily exposed us to an open sea and there was an earthquake which happened at sea everyone in Tokyo is in grave danger. “
Aizen was the first one to get what you were saying.
“Tsunami! The god wave! If the harbour wall is gone the wave will flood the whole city, bottling up because of the border wall!” He turned pale as paper.
“We need to send a message to everyone who has the app! Tell them to go to higher ground!”
Suddenly Tsathoggua appeared from nowhere holding Melusine, breathing heavily.
“Oh, you are ok! Melusine said you were in the building. I was right to think…” He had to stop to breathe. ”I’m not getting any better at this.. huff.. huff.. I was right to think you will be where Ophion is.”
“I'm extremely sorry if my guidance has caused you any trouble young milord.”
“It’s Ok Melusine, you couldn’t have known something like this would happen.”
“Shut up everyone!” Aizen roared. “We need to warn everyone”
“What about the non-app users?” You ask immediately. “We can’t just hope they will be alright. We need to do something.”
“How much time do we have?” Tsathoggua asks still breathing heavily. You look at the long line of windows and with a shiver see a dark shadow on the horizon.
“We don’t have much. Look.” You say pointing at what you saw unconsciously squeezing your sword. Your sword. Then something hits you. A shiver travelled from the top of your head down to your toes. Something you saw earlier, something somebody told you earlier, something you have heard before. The music you have been hearing, It had words and until now you couldn’t understand them. These words were “In the day’s to come my darling, I shall love you, my child, I shall protect you with the power of my ethereal shield of light.” Feeling a warmth come from your sword you now understand those weren’t just idle lyrics. It was the words of a rule of a secret artefact. One of the 24 pieces of what was embedded in your sword. And the scene from your dreams was almost identical, but there is no falling star and an exploding mountain. But the wave remains. And it’s coming fast.
“Are you ok young friend?” Tsotsung pulls your sleeve, it seems everyone is looking at you. “You switched off suddenly.”
“My beloved, we need to get into the shelter.” Ophion insists.
“No?” He is troubled and confused. “But my jewel-“ You interrupt him.
“I need to get to the harbour. I think I can stop the wave... I’m not sure how yet but if this is a collision event and it’s somehow connected with an error within the app once this is over everything should go back to normal, yes? I had dreams and in one for them, this was exactly what I saw.”
“Those are just wild speculations! Where are those idiotic ideas coming from?! There are innocent lives at stake and you are trying to play a stupid hero! How incredibly childish of you, I couldn’t expect anything else.” Aizen snarled at your words.
“Aizen leave now!” Ophion almost hit the man in anger.
“Tell us what do you want to do.” Melusine insisted, together her and Tsathoggua expressed will to help.
“Since I know you, your plans and crazy ideas never failed. I trust you friend. I will take you to the harbour.” Tsotsunga said putting on a brave face.
“No! My beloved, my jewel, my darling spouse. I want to help you. I will take you to the harbour, but you must tell me about your plan. We don’t have much time. The wave is almost upon the city!” Ophion stepped in front of you showing all of his protective nature, almost as if hearing others offer help before he instigated a change of mind. Maybe he felt less worthy.
“My sword contains the shard of another sacred relic which was the Etheral Shield of Light its rule was Protection against all. Or so I think… ” Ophion’s eyes grew wider as he listened to your words astounded. “I have a memory that’s been following me for weeks now. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. It’s like something within me knew such an event may happen!”
“My flower! My love!” Ophion was trembling. “You must tell me everything once this is over. Let us haste to the harbour. I will be with you and be behind you at every step.”
You nod silently.
“Let everyone know to find shelter above ground. Tsathoggua please try and reach Mr Triton and others who have any degree of command over water if they can help.”
“On it” Tsathoggua vanished within a split second. At the same moment, you felt a strong arm wrap around you tightly and suddenly you were in the air. Ophion flew out of the terrace next to where you were, taking you with him.
“My beloved, why have you not told me sooner? Why keep this as a secret! My heart is trembling knowing there is even a minute piece of you that feels what I feel toward you!”
“Ophion, We are flying-!” you gasp shocked by the sensation.
“Don’t you like it, my love? There was no other way to get us to the harbour fast enough.”
“If it wasn’t for the circumstances I probably would enjoy it, but I wasn’t ready! Next time ask!”
“I'm sorry my darling, my fiery flower, my spouse. But you haven’t answered my question. Whatever happens, I want to know.”
You fall silent for a moment trying to gather words for an answer.
“I... I wanted to know if it was really me or just the memory. And then when the accident in the TSA happened and Seth’s shadow transported us to a real desert where we spent days wandering, each night I would look at the sky looking for the Dragon constellation… and think about the melody. And each night I would think that although I barely know you, I would miss you even if I never met you.”
“Ooh... Ooh...!” Ophion the Golden Dragon was trembling so much you could feel the hands holding you shaking. “This trembling feeling within my soul is equal to Heaven and Earth's creation itself. Those words! It filled the loneliness in this weary heart that has grown for millennia within seconds! My beloved! You cannot imagine how happy I am right now. But first, let’s save this diamond of a city from disaster. “ Your journey through the skies didn’t last long and you set foot in the harbour, that was already full of people and transients. Each one of them in a line trying to control the incoming wall of water.
“Thank gods you are safe!” You hear Shiro’s voice, behind him is Kengo and Ryota. All running towards you.
“What are you all doing here?! It's dangerous!” You shout at them as you set your feet at the ground.
“Well partner that’s not how you should be welcoming your friends!” Kengo measures Ophion with a cold look. “Looks like you had an interesting way of getting here!”
“Ophion sir! Thank you for helping our friend and bringing him here!” Shiro slurs out to Ophion.
“How did you get here? Where is Tsatsunga? Is he OK?”
Ryota gesticulates at a tall building nearby. “He collapsed exhausted after transporting dozens here. Moritaka is with him right now. Shiro used his powers to get us and Mr. Triton here the minute we got the message.”
“Shiro! Are you ok after that?” You ask your friend who seems paler than usual.
“Yes, yes I am fine. I had a minor nose bleed but it stopped now.” He answers avoiding your stare. “I’m not sure what can we accomplish. A Tsunami is a force of nature, us app users and other Transient don’t seem to have any chance to stop it. This is going to be a massacre!” He keeps trying to rationalize.
“My sword contains a shard of another sacred relic, the Etheral Shield of Light its rule was Protection against all. I know it is going to work.”
“How do you know what? Is it something to do with that memory you said you kept having?” Shiro asked looking at you and then at the approaching wall of water. It was getting nearer and nearer and it didn’t look like the united forces of water relics were doing anything beyond slowing It down.
“Come on kids! Put your back into it! We have a whole city counting on us!” Mr Triton was shouting louder and louder.
You turn around to Ophion. “Can you protect the civilians and anyone who may get into the harm's way?”
“My darling love, Of course! Whatever your plan you need to be ready. I will help as much as I can. I shall call upon my children to be ready to lift anyone into the skies to protect them from the flood wave.” And he has done as he said lifting his sacred relic into the skies, and with a blast of light, dozens of wyverns filled the skies ready.
The tsunami wave was incoming faster now, filling the whole horizon, the sky darkened angrily. This must-have happened somewhere you think, at some time in the history. You think about that picture you saw.
“Shiro, I saw a painting of a tsunami wave, and there were a man and a ghost of a woman that was trying to stop it. What is the story of that painting.” You ask bracing yourself.
Shiro is quite stunned after you tell him this.
“You are talking about The Great Wave off Kanagawa, but there is no man or woman in that painting.”
“Great, so either I’m hallucinating or something else is happening.”
“What if the collision of the worlds started happening much earlier than we thought, and what you saw had something to do with it.”
“I’m thinking my resurfacing memory has something to do with the tsunami.”
Shiro nodded eagerly.
“Don’t you remember? It happened before that you remembered a forgotten part of your powers before during different events.”
“But this is different, this started happening weeks ago.” You say to him.
“Whatever happens Partner, we are here to help you. We will always have your back.” Kengo adds. “Let’s see what my fists can do against a wall of water.”
“I will be with you my friends, even if you take me to the scariest places in all of the 23 worlds.” Ryota yelps quietly. He is scared and shaking yet still with you.
“Oh, gods it’s coming!” Somebody shouted! Screams started getting louder, some transients panicked and run and Mr Triton started having issues controlling the speed of the incoming wave. You could feel an unearthly rumble as the wall of water was before you.
You felt ready. You were ready, you had to be.
”Role of Wanderer, Rule of Rending! Engrave mine name onto thee Come out, Boundless Tail!!”
But nothing happened. Nothing at all. Your swords shone its normal light, but there was nothing your power could affect.
“No, no! This is not right! I know I can do something!”
Ophion lay his hand on your shoulder. “We must go now, my love!”
“No! I know I can help! I just… The song! The words were: In the day’s to come my darling, I shall love you, my child, I shall protect you with the power of my ethereal shield of light.” You panic seeing the wave almost upon on you, glancing over everyone.
Ophion gives away an odd laugh that seems so out of place right now.
“My dearest, you are calling upon the wrong artefact! You must call upon the rule of protection! With the memory this strong it means it has a power of its own over your sacred artefact.”
You turn back to the wave in fear.
“Role of the guardian, Rule of protection! Engrave my name unto thee! Come forth Ethereal shield of light!” But still, nothing happens.
But you don’t give up concentrating even more with your eyes closed. “ Rule of protection! Engrave my name unto thee! Come forth Ethereal shield of light!” There is still nothing.
Feeling the water droplets on your hair and screams around you shout again one last time. “ Role of the guardian, Rule of protection! Engrave my name unto thee! Come forth Ethereal shield of light!” Suddenly a force so powerful hits your body as something has torn the flesh out of your bones. The wall of light emanating out of your swords is so bright you can’t even physically keep your eyes open as and the vibration of the blade is almost breaking the bones in your hand. But you hold it tight as a wall extends in every direction. You know it’s the shield of light, the same one the goddess Euronome used to protect her children during the war of gods, the same she used on Olympos to protect those innocent around her dragged into the war of Titans. You feel your body strength failing and drop on one knee feeling tremendous pain. But there is a dozen of hands suddenly holding your back keeping you from falling. You hear so many voices, calling upon so many rules. You hear Mr Triton calling his rule, you hear Ophion shouting out commands to the Wyverns at the ready to help in an evacuation, You hear Ryota providing healing to others and yourself.
“You can do it, my child. Hold on just a little longer!” Somebody, a woman whispers to your ear. You will try as much as you can, but there is blood going down your nose. The force you are against may just kill you. But you don’t care hearing the words of Mr Mononobe in your head over and over intertwined with the song. “Prove yourself that you are not just a hero in the App. Prove you can defend those innocent from forces far greater than any battle.” With your hands in so much pain, you don’t know if you will be ever able to move your fingers again, with no sounds coming to you because you think your eardrums exploded and the blood is dripping down your neck the strength of your body finally fails you and collapse into darkness.
 In your dreams, you hear and see many things, and the beautiful watercolour world around you dances gently and suddenly a slender figure emerges from the kaleidoscope of colours.
“Well done my child, you have done it. I’m so proud of you.” The woman speaks to you, her voice feels like it is coming from far away.
“Are you-?” You ask without words spoken.
“I am. Or I may be, or I may be just the figment of your imagination. After all, you exhausted your frail body greatly.” She responds with a crystal laugh.
“I thought you would be…” You start but she stops you.
“A dragon? Like my husband? Ahahaha… We were born beyond such boundaries, unconcerned by shape.”
“You are strong for one who has such a great burden on them. I only hope you are strong enough for all the challenges awaiting you. “ She continues. “ As for what is perplexing you, it’s not the memory of me that’s keeping your mind confused, it never was.”
“Am I falling for a god then?” You ask, although unsure if you did but the words resonate anyway. Realizing you won’t have any secrets here.
“Haha-!” The woman laughs warm. “And what if yes? What burdens does it bring to you?”
“Ophion is a bit much. He is a god, a godly dragon… and…”
“And what of it my child? Give yourself and him a chance. Remember he is the father of all in our world, and his golden heart is pure, and his love eternal. Yes, he has spent millennia without a force to restrain his fatherly ego, and in loneliness. Such things would poison any mind. What you witnessed, in your last dream was the moment of my fall… and the moment his heart broke… “ She added sadly. “I am sorry this somehow has influenced your world.”
“It’s time for you to wake up my child. Beware thou, the Rule of the Guardian is not one to be taken lightly as it is a burden that will exhaust your body beyond the boundaries of this peculiar prison everyone is tied to.”
“Can I ask you-!” You suddenly try to find where the voice is coming as the woman seems to have disappeared. Only to approach you from behind and whisper to your ear “Wake up”.
You were in a hospital room, your head still dizzy and the sounds coming to you weren’t completely normal. “So everything truly happened.” You lift a hurting hand trying to reach to your ear but it is still painful. So that’s how physical pain feels like compared to a memory of it from the app. Then you notice Ophion on a large chair next to you. How odd it looks having him here, his large frame bigger than any human, sleeping so peacefully. He must have taken a nap while being here. And then he gave out a gentle snore making you laugh quietly to yourself. It didn’t take him long to wake up and yawn revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.  
“Hey, sleepyhead.” You greet him with a smile.
“My beloved! Forgive me, with so much going on I didn’t have the time to sleep at all.” He looked at you with his dark ember red eyes.
“How long has it been?”
“You slept for almost three days my jewel. How are you feeling? The healers here said your body needs rest. It was hard to explain to them what exactly ailed you since the App injuries seem to be beyond the comprehension of your medicine.”
“My head is still tired, and my body aches but I’m better. So… we have done it. The city is safe?” You ask with a weary voice.
Ophion shifts on his chair leaning towards you.
“Yes my darling spouse, everything is back to normal. It seems your conclusion was correct, my beloved, and after the wave of water was stopped the glitch in the app caused by the world collision cleared itself out. With one exception. World collisions don’t function as app battles, and some physical damage caused by the quake remained, but nobody was hurt.”
“I'm so happy everyone is ok.” You let out the words with relief.
“Yes, yes, my wonderful flower. My children scouted the city to help while you were resting. Your friends will be here shortly I assume. But before that, I need to tell you, my love, no, I need to ask you to promise me not to do anything like that ever again! It was brave but foolish! I, your husband will sacrifice my body for you If I have to! You should never endanger yourself! Not in this frail form! I could not bear losing you again! My beloved, you must promise me! If you won’t I will have to come up with a plan to perhaps enslave you temporarily whenever danger is near to stop you from running toward it.” Ophion is back being himself, with his voice booming across the room.
“You want to enslave me to stop me from getting hurt?”
“In the most comfortable of ways my love!” He adds quickly.
“You know you snore? I’m going to tell everyone if you even think about locking me up somewhere!” You tease him.
“My darling spouse you wouldn’t-!”
And you just thought you have a secret weapon flashing a cheeky smile at him.
 You found yourself staring at the elevator door at the Ophion Tower waiting for it to arrive. It’s been a few days now since the event and you are back on your feet. Of course, this goes without saying you got into trouble at school which Mr Mononobe was willing to turn a blind eye as long as you attend a few extracurricular lessons with him to make sure you caught up with all of the lessons you missed. But this Friday evening you were only thinking to yourself “I just hope I'm not going to embarrass myself”. The weather outside has taken a dramatic turn with a heavy downpour forcing you to rethink your plans. The elevator doors finally open, still with a bit of a fright after the last time you enter and purposely press the floor just below your destination. Closing your eyes for a few seconds you await the familiar sound and yes, you are here. As the door opens you exit with relief with. It was Melusine who told you to skip a floor, claiming you may walk into Aizen. She was right, as you approached the staircase you hear a loud marching noise and a very annoyed monologue.
“I can’t believe my beloved sir Ophion send me away! Me! His loyal servant! To meet this stupid brat! I will find a way! I will! The embarrassment! How dare he!”
“Oh dear,” You think to yourself waiting for the man to disappear and then you walk up the staircase. With each step, it feels harder to walk as if somebody would be adding sand to your burden. But you made a promise, and as nerve-wracking this is you knocked on the door. And there he was. Ophion opened, with his huge silhouette filling the door frame. You just realized they probably had to enlarge all entryways just for him. Unlike his usual clothes, he was wearing a black shirt that was fully pinned up which somehow felt odd.
“My beloved! Please enter. Welcome to my private chambers, that not many have the right to enter! You look unearthly today.” He says trying to sway you as always.
“Hi… You… look different?” You hesitate. “It’s a good different, but I never saw you buttoned up.”
Ophion laughs loudly.
“My darling, I, your husband still need to run a business. But if it pleases you I can change in something more attractive to your eyes? Yes, my love?” You can feel your ears burning.
“You are impossible.” You reply.
“Ah my beloved, of course, I am impossible, I am the godly dragon beloved by all,” Ophion responds with his typical smile and a wink. You are sure he didn’t understand what you meant.
“My flower, my love, I wasn’t sure if you were hungry or thirsty so I asked some refreshments to be brought up. And yes, my spouse, the items you asked to be delivered here were left untouched. You think I wouldn’t notice?” He teases you.
With a pounding heart you think to yourself “Well, this is a moment of truth”. And you approach the boxes that have the projector and your guitar case.
“I’m not hungry right now. And…” Ophion stares at you intensively. “Can we spread some pillows on the floor to sit down?” You ask hesitating.
“Anything you want my love.” As odd it feels you and him take some pillows of the elegant sofas that are within the living area of the apartment and move the furniture away to make more sitting space. You ask Ophion to sit and make himself comfortable, and with amusement you watch the dragon take his time to awkwardly sit on the floor, he smiles like a giddy child to you all the time.  You take out the projector and place it on the floor and then uncase your guitar. Finally, you kneel in front of Ophion who is with great anticipation is observing your every move. There is something in his dark amber eyes you can’t quite place or name.
“Right… I feel nervous and embarrassed.” You say out loud.
“My beloved, why would you be? There is nobody here beyond us.”
“I’m nervous because you are here.” You repeat.
“My darling spouse, I’m confused.” He reaches out and grabs your hand with his. It’s very warm on your skin.
“So… I wanted to see you because I have something for you. A gift let’s call it. It’s the memory I’ve been having, and I wanted to reconstruct it for you somehow.”
“Oh, oh-! My beloved, my heart is shaking. Did you go to so much trouble… for me? Your Ophion?” He smiles openly.
“Can we dim down the lights?” You ask.
“But my dearest jewel, are you sure the floor will be comfortable enough, what about the bedroom-!”
“Ophion!” You protest loudly before he can finish.
“I apologize, my beloved! But you made it so easy…” He sticks out his tongue and does as you request diming down the lights in the living area, not completely dark but enough to what you wanted to do.
“Because mother-nature has been fickle today and I can’t do what I wanted I thought I will present you with something.” You say like a magician preparing the audience for a magic trick.
“Oh my starling jewel, I cannot contain my excitement, I-!” He starts but you interrupt him.
“I give you the stars on a night’s sky.” You say and turn on the start projector. The device lights up the entire room with hundreds of constellations, and stars from all over our galaxy, gently moving to simulate the motion of a night sky above us. With that you pick up your guitar, and gently settle yourself in front of Ophion, with your back towards him, almost touching his chest feeling the heat of his body, but far enough not to touch him while playing.
“In this memory, I would sit like this and play an instrument very much like this and you were listening.” You say lowering your voice as you start gently pulling the nylon strings. Although in his memory the melody was played on an ancient lyre, you were able to easily reproduce it on a classical guitar with almost identical quality. The first few notes came out a bit harsh but once the nerves went away the melody flew gently and pleasantly in the night air with the stars above you. It felt magical and you didn’t want it to stop. Surprisingly you felt Ophion reach-out to you and slowly wrap his large, solid arms around you and place his head on your shoulder. It didn’t stop you from playing at all, it just made your heart beat faster and harder. The melody wasn’t long at all and it was easy to repeat in an infinite loop, perhaps even it was created that way.
“I know it’s not much but I wanted this to be a gift to you.” You say softly still playing.
“Oh my world, you need not say anything, this is the mo1st beautiful of gifts you have ever given me and I wish it wouldn’t stop. Among these riches that surround us, this is the only thing worth cherishing” Ophion says smiling with his head still on your shoulder.
“I’m happy you think so.” You add and after a moment of thinking you turn your head and kiss his cheek, feeling the gentle giant tremble as you do it.
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shopthetea · 4 years
Tokyo, the city that is pristinely clean!!
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Oniwaka in the Mountains - Date scenario / Fanfiction - PART 3 FINAL
Later that day, you felt something that only could have been described as divine exhaustion. Oniwaka seemed much calmer and cheerful, his eyes following you everywhere like a cat, even caught him standing right behind you a few times when you turned around. He would flash you the biggest grin and find an excuse why he is behind you. Then you decided to let him do whatever he wants and waited, soon after the floor behind you creek, and a pair of big hands enveloped you from behind with his warm breath on your neck. You felt happy.
After preparing food, which was hard considering you had a big Oni glued to your back trying to interrupt everything you were doing, you and Oniwaka sat down to eat. After your very, very long shower, you both changed into loose t-shirts and lounge shorts, and you were amazed how much bigger and bulkier he looks in a simple white t-shirt. Dangerously handsome.
"You alright? You have been staring at my t-shirt all the time. What? Don't you like it?" Oniwaka asked confused trying to read your expression. "I'll just take it off then..." He started pulling the material up but you stopped him and explained. Your face turned bright red as you mumbled it out.  Oniwaka picked your chin with his hand to look directly in your eyes.
"So... I should keep wearing it and then take it off when we are alone, is that what you are saying?" He replied with a sly smile and laughed when you started protesting it was not what you meant. But he knew exactly what you meant, and from that moment he would do everything to catch your gaze. 
"Why are you embarrassed?" He asked at some point seeing you blush again.
Of course, you were embarrassed, and you knew Oniwaka did all those things to make it worse. You decided to take the initiative and you pushed him up the wall, which was hard considering Oni was a mountain of muscle but he didn't resist at all.
"Now what?" He said with a low teasing voice.
"You... You make me... Ugh!" Oniwaka smiled at your lack of words.
"You are so beautiful and handsome in every way and I love you!" You finally said and your words had an immediate effect on the Oni who started blushing himself and tried to wriggle away from your weak grasp. It felt a bit like holding a wardrobe that was about to fall.
"Why are you embarrassed?" You asked this time giving him a taste of his own medicine. But Oniwaka wasn't going to be teased that easily, besides he was much stronger than you so he easily grabbed you and picked up.
"Just... Just shut up" he said with a nervous laugh landing a kiss on your lips.
Once the food was served you are slowly joking and talking, Oniwaka would tease you, especially about the rice balls which you spent hours making to have them look like small animals.
"I wouldn't mind having food like this every day of my life." He added with his mouth full.
"Cute and fluffy? It does take a while to prepare..."
"No. With you." He replied slowly. You couldn't stop smiling after that. After the food was finished Oniwaka seemed even more relaxed, it was something you already noticed early. He loved his food and after eating a good meal would be happy.
With a small surprise ready you asked the Oni to maybe see if there are any board games around. While he was busy with that you washed the dishes and prepared tea.
Choji was very kind with helping you and the treats you brought with you could make anyone dizzy.
Coming back to the main room you saw Oniwaka being excited over a Go game board, then he looked at you carrying a tray and quickly got up excited.
"What do you have here?" On the tray, you prepared a plate with dango and mochi together with some of the special fruit butter and a drink for both of you. "Wha-! Oh man, I didn't have dango in years!" He stole a skewer before you even managed to lay the tray on the floor between you.
"Hey! Manners!" You jest at him with a pretend frow. Oniwaka just shrugs innocently with his mouth full then points at the Go board.
"I challenge you to... Mmm.. uhh... A go game" he said chewing.
You always enjoyed playing Go with Shiro who was good at it and would kick your ass whenever possible at it. Happily, you accepted the challenge, and you both spent an evening getting excited over who is going to win. At one point you managed to win three times in a row only for Oniwaka to take you easily in a next round. In the end, it was a tie between the scores. The Oni rubbed his hands a few times pleased and then stated he will prepare the bed. There was no argument at all that you are going to sleep together, and Oniwaka pulled out the largest futon he could find and set up the bed.
Meanwhile, you cleaned the rest of the dishes and turned most of the lights out. The outside was peaceful and serene as before. Once everything was checked you closed the door and went back to the kitchen to make sure everything is washed or in the fridge.
You heard a grumble and cough, twice now. Oniwaka was trying to get your attention. Already in bed, completely naked with the duvet covering his hips and arms stretched wide in the air, his hands gesticulating for you to come, inviting. And there was this greedy, cheeky smile again. The Oni knew he can get whatever he wanted this way. You quickly undressed, turned off the main light leaving only a small lamp next to the futon and climbed into bed straight into his open arms burrowing your face in Oniwaka's chest. He was both soft and hard, and oh so warm. Within seconds he turned the tables and was laying on top of you, holding your head in his arms kissing your lips, then slowly your jaw and neck. His scruff grew anew since he shaved earlier and was tickling driving you insane. Soon with Oniwaka showering your body with tender kisses, and whispering into your ear how much he loves you, you fall into a long, deep and dreamless sleep.
Through your closed eyelids you could feel the light slowly creeping in, surrounding you.
A large, rough hand caressed your head, moving away from the fair from your face. You stop it before it goes away kissing the inside of the palm. Slowly opening your eyes you realize you aren't in bed at all. But wrapped in a blanket, next to Oniwaka sitting looking at... Oh your heart almost stopped seeing the mountains painted by the gold and crimson colours of the morning sun, another valley opened below before you. Surrounded by the blooming peach trees, it felt unreal. Oniwaka sitting next to you, with a mysterious expression, looking at you. He must have gently carried you to here, at the end of the tranquil valley from where you could see the whole mountain range.
"It's beautiful" You manage only a few words. "It's so beautiful." Rubbing your sleepy eyes, feeling a flush of emotions, trying not to show it. The sun slowly crept up your legs than your arms warming your whole body.
"I... A wish we could live like this... Together." You form the words slowly, maybe it's because your mind is still foggy and it all feels like a dream, but you say it anyway.
"Forever?" Oniwaka asks nervously rubbing the side of his hand. "Would... Would you like to be with me forever?"
"Y- yes!" You answer without hesitation reaching for his hand.
"I... Ah... I'm angry with myself. I wanted to..." Oniwaka was struggling to say why he felt getting angry on himself. "I... ah... thought about this for a long time and... It's nothing much because I'm really short on money but... "
He hands you a small wrapping he kept hidden away, his large hands trembling slightly and his face very red at this point.
"Would... Ah... I would like to watch the sunrise every morning with you from now on." Oniwaka says looking directly in your eyes, holding your hand, waiting nervously for you to open the wrapping. Feeling a hot flush in your chest, you unwrap the box and within it, you find a very simple silver ring, with a  lapis lazuli insert, polished to perfection, glimmering and changing colours in the morning sun. The Oni bit his lip nervously unsure what to do, you were unsure what to do, what to say.
"Oniwaka... I..." You start slowly holding the ring. Shocked and at the loss of words.
"You don't have to... If you don't want to." He interrupts you halfway. "I...I'm sorry... I'm an idiot." He turns his head away fidgeting slightly, but you pull the large hand to get his attention back.
"Hey, can I say something first?" You squeeze his palm.
The Oni glares at you with red eyes and a grey face.
"Oniwaka Houzouin, you make my heart very happy, You big idiot. Of course, I want to see the sunrise with you every morning, and see the moon set every night."
The shock on Oniwaka's face was so damn cute you had to smile, then passing him the ring you suggested he should put it on your finger. The Oni gently took the ring and slid it on, wrapping his both hands around your and kissing your palm, and your fingers. Then leaning towards to taste your lips with a smug expression.
"I made coffee while you were sleeping." He reached for a thermos and two mugs that were sitting next to him all along. You gladly take the coffee, filling the warm liquid fill your mouth and then the heat spread pleasantly through the body, cleansing the night fog.
"Hey... Listen." Oniwaka started with a softer voice, his eyes looking directly into yours. "Be patient with me, okay? I've never been close to anyone, I don't know how to behave. It's strange being just two of us... But at least now I don't have to... you know, worry about what I feel. And I can be there for you, and watch you sleep."
You smiled gently, and then move closer to him, having his arm around your neck, both looking at the sunrise.
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Things characters would do/say if the MC would wake them up during the night for suprise sex.
Oniwaka - Wait what... What are you! Stop you idiot... Ohhh... Fuck.
Ryota - He would scream then start crying and you'd have to spend the next 40 minutes apologising.
Kengo - Total brain freeze. After an hour he would probably get what was happening.
Horkeu kamui - He would be the one already awake and ready.
Ophion - My beloved, what is it? Oh... Don't stop. - And then you are awake all night and can't walk the next day.
Hephaestus - Well since Talos is always there you are stuck in a horny sandwich.
Snow - Your wish is my command.
Tsathoggua - If you manage to wake him up in the first place.
Xolotl - You wouldn't. You would just feel bad 😅
Any others?
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Oniwaka in the Mountains - Date scenario / Fanfiction - PART 2
Oniwaka kept his word through most of the time and kept holding your hand throughout the walk. Only to let go when there was a challenging part of some sort that required both hands on the ground or the supports. But immediately after you were in the clear he would find out your hand with his. Oniwaka didn't say much, but you caught him glancing at you a few times always making him smile slightly in content. Having spent so much time with him you were able to read his face and catch those minuscule changes. And you swear that he was a bit more possessive than usual. The Oni seemed prepared for any eventuality, his shoulders tight as rocks, his head checking every direction and listening to any sound or noise. Thinking of that you realized what was the familiar aroma you could smell in the air before. "You know you are not very effective in hiding if you wear perfume. I could smell it for a long time." "Who said I was trying to hide?" Oniwaka answered still busy listening to the surroundings. "It was a gift from you so I wear it every day as a sign of gratitude." He continued stating in a very matter of fact way. Without saying a further word you gently squeeze his hands and continue the climb. After a while you notice a change in your surroundings, thinking this must be the influence of one of the world collisions a bright orange building catches your eye. "Look! Quickly! Oniwaka come on!" You suddenly pull the Oni by the hand and begin power walking to get closer. "Hey! What are you? We need to be careful! Slow down!" But before he can protest any further, you reach the building you saw which reminds you very much of the Kumando Kodo waterfall shire you have seen in geography classes. In fact, to your surprise, there was a small valley surrounded by many waterfalls dropping down to a river with ponds surrounded by blooming peach trees. "This must be the place Zao was talking about." You say quietly with awe turning around to take in the view. The air felt like it was shimmering thanks to the water droplets. Oniwaka didn't say anything regarding his surroundings with raised eyebrows. "This is just like the Crimson Mountain and the Valley of Dancing Cranes. " You can barely contain your excitement babbling things to Oniwaka who follows you cautiously down a path leading to the valley below. "The what? Has somebody hit your head a few times too much?" The Oni sighted. You turned around to him with a grin on your face. " I've been watching recently this old movies collection about Kung Fu and warrior monks and Ronins and all sorts of amazing mystical fighting. There were dragons and demons, and the fights were just out of this world. And there is always one elder monk who teaches everyone and he is the master of wisdom, who is tough as steel but incredibly kind and generous." A whole waterfall of words spills out of you. The truth was you spent a lot of time talking to Krampus and you shared your love for action movies, especially when you were depressed and sad it was a sort of relief. "Kung Fu and Warrior monks huh? That's just stu-" Oniwaka started but you interrupted him with a gentle cough. "I was thinking about you watching that". You clear your throat embarrassed. The Oni behind you did say anything else but you are sure he puckered his lips. " Ehhh... I just wish I could be half as amazing as those warrior monks in that movie." You say quietly embarrassed as both of you reach the valley. There is a specific kind of quiet in the air, undisturbed, gentle. The waterfalls drop into a large lake which then separates into a few large streams and connects several small ponds. All surrounded by an orchard of blooming peach trees. The path has been carefully covered with decorative stones, and small bridges were connecting it up to an old fashioned small house. Probably a sanctuary guesthouse. As you turn to Oniwaka to say something you see him take off his white hoodie and pass it to you. "Hold this for me, will you?" He adds with a wink and walks to the water crossing. Then completely unexpectedly he performs a perfect backflip then performing a pole vault and another jump and another, all of this in front of you with a grace of a dancer, then to stop almost I'm the middle of the lake on one of the flat stones sticking out of the water performing a perfect staff balance pose for a couple of seconds then to slowly, with a circling motion of his legs, jump down on the surface of the stone. His movement was so perfect and beautiful with a promise of deadly strength. "Today, I will reach you the way of the three-headed dragon. You will know the true meaning of fear. Come now, you have much to learn." Oniwaka's low voice beams with an echo through the valley. Like a true child at heart, you are you can't stop yourself from shouting "OMG that was amazing! How did you-!" The Oni keeps his zen position with a mysterious half-smile on his face. "Uhmm... How are you going to come back?" You ask loudly concerned as the water looks quite deep. "Shut up! I'm meditating on my next move." Oniwaka growls in return making you only laugh. You patiently wait for him to find a way back to the shore, Oniwaka managed to perform more acrobatics getting just the reaction he wanted from you. While you try to return his hoodie he responds "Keep hold to it for now, for me. I'm wet and need to refresh myself when we get to the guesthouse." You hold tightly to the material wrapping it neatly when Oniwaka wasn't looking or you thought he wasn't you burrowed your face in the warm smelling material. Only for a few seconds not to get caught. The stone path leads straight to the guesthouse, surrounded by a small decking overlooking one of the ponds. The inside was refurbished and had all modern amenities. It was simple and very clean looking. "This is... Nice." Oniwaka pondered. "I'm surprised, I thought it would be more Spartan." You enter through the sliding door, finally taking off your backpack which started feeling heavy on your shoulders. "So this is what they call a Tranquil Zone. Zao has said it works like a safe house but it covers a certain area which would be this valley. " " I know what a Tranquil Zone is." Oniwaka cuts in slowly, he circles the rooms opening doors and cabinets, performing a full inspection as if there were supposed to be ninjas hidden somewhere. After a few minutes, he comes back to you. "It looks safe. There is plenty of food. You go relax now and I will prepare you a meal." "Hey, not so fast." You weren’t going to let Oniwaka boss you around. "You said you need to refresh yourself so you can start with that. I've made food before I left. " The Oni have you a challenging look, putting his hands on his hips. "Is that so? I can easily have my way with you." "I can't relax if you won't." You look at him without a sign of caving in. "Please? For me?" "You know that doesn't-... Sigh ok fine! I can't believe I'm letting myself be pushed around by such a little creature." Oniwaka ruffles your hair and walks to the bathroom. In that time you take out the food you prepared before leaving and move it to a small fridge in the kitchen section. On a small window overlooking the sink, you notice an envelope that says "To my mountain friend. From Zao." Curious you open the Letter and start reading. "My dear friend, I'm glad you have arrived at the guesthouse. My hope is you will enjoy your time here in your beautiful surroundings. Your friend was very persistent asking many questions about your trip. He requested if you two can be left alone without anyone interrupting. I agreed, in exchange, I advised him that if he keeps making you sad I will show him the peak of the black mountain and what lays below it. Enjoy your stay. Zao" You read the letter three times, slightly smiling each time, then for it to drop going back to one line - Oniwaka specifically requested for us to be left alone. Yes, you remembered Zao mentioned he would join you for some time to make sure everything is alright. With the letter in hand, you go into the bathroom and without knocking you open the sliding door. "Oniwaka Houzouin what did you tell Zao?" You say loudly. Oniwaka was standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving ande has just finished and turned around surprised. He was naked from the waist up which made you kind of lose your words. The Oni grinned seeing your confused look and grabbed your t-shirt pulling you into the bathroom and then pushing by the wall. You always forget how big Oniwaka is and now he was towering above you with his huge body. Both of his hands next to your head, with nowhere to run. Well maybe if you tried really hard. "I was making sure we are undisturbed." He breathed heavily into your ear. " I told you earlier, there are some really bad Oni around that may carry you away to the woods if you aren't careful.  "Oh really," you say looking into his eyes. There was something wild in the way he looks at you. "Yea, but there is this one Oni that's the worst out of them all. " He picks your chin up with his hand. "And this Oni is not worth a broken coin. Are you sure you want to spend your time with a monster like this? What if I decide to take whatever I want from you. There is nobody here to save you." "You are here to save me from all of the monsters. " You say quietly embarrassed. "Didn't you listen to what I just said?" He grumbled louder. "Just shut up and kiss me." You say impatiently. Oniwaka looks at you for a split second with a wild sparkle in his eyes and reaches out for your lips. "I'm a monster. You know that and you keep coming back for more." He pulls away breathing heavily. His self-doubt is worse than ever. "I've been told every monster has a week spot. I'm trying to find yours..." You add carefully not to put oil into the fire. Oniwaka looked into your face sitting in his hand. "You are my weak spot. I feel in love with you." "Then you are not a monster anymore. You are my Oniwaka, my. Do you understand?" "Your Oniwaka. I'm yours." He repeats quietly to himself, shocked or embarrassed even. His muscular frame shifted closer to you, almost squeezing you to the wall. Now there was no way or place to run, and you could feel the heat of his body and your own emotions rising to your face. "The things I want to do to you, the things I want... They are so bad." He leans forward to your ear. "I want you so bad." Without a word said you get up on your toes and reach to kiss him only to be swept up in his arms and his lips greedily tasting yours.  You don't know when Oniwaka turned on the shower, but his huge arms lifted you and carried under the stream of water. You giggled in panic trying to remind him you are fully dressed but he ignored your pleas silencing you with his lips. It was the longest shower of your life. 
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Now listen... I know it sound crazy but MC and Oniwaka are basically Poo from Kung Fu Panda and Tai lung but instead when the fighting ends Tai lung falls in love with you.
This is now stuck in my head..... Forever
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Day in life...
Shennong: Everyone over here is running around doing App battles and training and I’m like: I’m horny and need a coffee.
MC walks in: Hey! I brought you the coffee you asked for. 
Shennong rubbing his hands: Well... that leaves one.
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spaceguybob · 4 years
The Sad Sad day!
Ive broken my phone and lost all data including my access to Housamo. 
Trying really hard to get in touch with their Developer team to get the account codes.
Fingers crossed.
Never been this devastated over a game.
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spaceguybob · 4 years
What about...
Huge wishing upon a star, but I would love if there was a part of the Housamo story especially when fighting over Michael, where the MC gets access to all of his powers, but only for 1 hour and, within that time completely turns the tide of the battle. Saving his friends and everyone, and just really being like : Wait here. And jumping into a battle with a huge force.
I mean, he should become a battle archangel who goes through the crowds with the 23 souls acting like a small army of his helping him, just taking everyone out on his way and then - say Michael is being defended by several walls of artefacts, and MC cuts through them with ease and when he reaches his sibling he demands him to give up.
Michael who is a idiot will say No because he is to proud, so MC will be like : Very well.
Performing a show of his infinite powers taking a ultimate form of the highest archangel enveloping everything in the most brilliant light only for Horus to scream in fear and panic ‘Retreat!!’ pulling Michael out of there and all of the angels just going down to their knees begging MC for mercy and forgiveness.
And knowing his time is almost up MC decides to use the last moments to break the barriers of the app battle and get everyone back healed and safe, completely shocking all of his opponents who never in the previous loops seen anything like that when MC flies as high as possible and shatters the barrier walls getting everything back to normal.
This is so stuck in my head now. 
Because the MC is and has been suffering a lot so he should get a bit of a unlimited power moment where he shows all of the nasties What if? 
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Flirting the doctor
MC: Shennong, what’s the inner part of the human heart?
Shennong: Papillary muscles.
MC: It’s the most inner part?
Shennong: Well, yes?
MC: So I can say I love you from the bottom of my papillary muscles?
Shennong: oh really.....
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spaceguybob · 4 years
New Housamo fanfiction scenario idea.
The MC travels for a hiking weekend into the mountains being joined by Oniwaka, who is trying way too hard and causes all sorts of delightful mischief and trouble.
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