#tokinada tsunayashiro x male! reader
huecomymundo · 9 months
The Death Of Me (Mildly NSFW, suggestive)
Tokinada x Male! Soul Reaper! Reader
Relationship Dynamic: sub! Toki, dom! reader
Summary: 'He's a poison, injected directly into your bloodstream each and every time he touches you, or kisses you.. You know your no more than a plaything to Tokinada, he's such an addicting poison... Is he going to be the death of you? You spend your time pondering that, today. In the here, and now with him..'
They say you can intake a small amount of poison to build up an immunity.. For some, this is true! But you know, your going to feel really really terrible up until then. And it takes a really long time.
"You know, (y/n)..."
Tokinada hums lowly, laying against you with that cyanide tone of his. It spreads a warmth through your chest, and deep to your core. This stinging poison which houses itself within you.. Tokinada's poisoned you with his love oh- so long ago.. But he has so much fun with you, he just kept coming back to play with you some more..
You hum lowly back, in response to his question.
"Hm?.. Yes, Tokinada?"
The green haired noble has this mischievous, plotting smile on his face as he chuckles.
"Have you ever had the thought.. That one day, I may just pivot on my heel, and kill you without a moment's notice. No hesitation.. Not even feeling sorry or sad?"
You sigh.. Tokinada knows how to make you uncomfortable, as he ruins this quiet moment between you both.
"And not get punished.. We've talked about this before."
You mutter, slightly unenthusiastically.
"Hey~ My thought's exactly.."
Tokinada hums, turning his head to look up at your (e/c) eyes with a glimmer of entertainment. Your not as amused, being the subject of his grim musings.
"It's almost like you knew what I was going to say~ Smart boy.."
Tokinada reaches up to cup your cheek with his hand. You don't even flinch, and just let him. After all.. He'll be annoying about it if you didn't. With a quirk of a corner of your mouth, you close your eyes and lean into the soft, pampered hand of Tokinada.
"Because you bring it up constantly... Don't you ever get bored of asking the same question?"
You reply, with a flat tone. He runs his thumb over your lips with a playful grin.
Tokinada laughs at you, like an evil little cackle, and leans more onto you, his back onto your chest, shifting to start crawling on you. But first, he puts his other hand on your face, and pulls your cheeks.
"Haha! What a stupid question (y/n).. How long have we been doing this little thing now? I live to watch desolation come onto someone's face.. I know you already know, but I just can't get enough out of you.. I like fucking with you.."
Getting annoyed you growl lowly and strike him back.. You pinch one of his cheeks, causing him to immediately whine and squirm.
"Oowh!! Hey!"
"Your such a brat.."
You say, watching him go from enjoying your reaction, to being a disgruntled child who's been scolded. He huffs and crosses his arms when you finally let go of his cheek.
Tokinada says with a frown, and a huff. You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around him, one going around his neck, hand resting on his chest, while the other takes him by the waist.
You lean down a bit, and kiss the top of his damnable green head.
"You started it."
You mutter against those wonderful smelling, silky green strands.. Right under to your chin, you could feel his tight braid, sat against his head. You sigh and close your eyes, feeling him practically melt against you.
Just because your holding him doesn't mean he's all soft and oogy gooey! With a cranky face, he lets you hold him.
"Yes, and? That doesn't mean you get to be as bad as me!"
You roll your eyes as he scootched up on you as you said this, getting comfortable in your lap as he firmly claims his rightful place.
Tokinada liked bad mouthing other's while he sat his bony ass upon your lap.. It was a pastime of his, to sit on his living chair and shit talk Shunsui.. Or anyone else, for that matter.
Tokinada hated alot of people, but you? You were his special.. What were you though? You considered him a lover, but does he view the same of you?
Who knows. Because he'll never tell you how he genuinely feels.. Don't bother asking him about soft, lovey feelings. Because he'll gag aloud at you, as if throwing up on the idea of him being anything soft..
He's Tokinada. He's.. Not soft. He's not gentle, or sweet. But.. What is he to you? Tokinada shows a secret side of himself.
This.. Touch-starved, hidden tenderness that he only shows rarely, to you. He doesn't cry, or weep. But he doesn't smile in those moments. Usually.. He's laying on you, asleep. Or reading.. He writes, rarely. You don't understand him, even after years of.. Whatever this thing between you two is.
Tokinada hides so many secrets, and he never shares them. Not by word alone, any way.
In this moment, you breathe in his scent, a heavy dose of noble scent. He smells.. Like sandlewood, and bergamot, with a dash of lavender. His arms reach up, and his hands slide into your (h/c),(h/l) locks.
Sitting the way he is, his palms face inward, letting him groom you and mess up your hair however damn well he pleased.
"Yeah?.. Well, you have no reason, so why should I?"
You shoot back at him, seeing as he wants to be like that today.. You feel like playing with fire. Why not go for it?
Your hand slides into his fancy shihakusho.. Getting a giggle from him as he feels your cold hand against his warm skin.
"Oh hoh~ Bold today, aren't we? Challenging my authority AND being an outright pervert? Tsk tsk (y/n).. You naughty man.."
Tokinada tuts, not doing a damn thing about your hand.. If anything, he scoots back on you, trying to provoke a certain reaction from you..
You snort in amusement, as your hand caresses against the soft, smooth warmth of his skin.  Tokinada gasps softly, as your fingers grace over one of his nipples.. He bites his lower lip, closing his eyes.
"I'll do both of those things happily, as long as your cute little ass lets me.."
Tokinada sputters a single laugh when your words reach his ears.
"God! Your so annoying!"
You squeeze him, with the arm wrapped around his waist. He's already as pressed up against you as he can be.. So you force a small noise out of him.
Tokinada's hands form fists your hair, and tug. The fistfuls pull your head back once.
"Release me at once, so I can face your insolence and perverted behaviors with direct punishment.."
You know he's not actually going to punish you.. But you do as he says any way, because it makes him happy. At least.. You think it does.
You give a small huff from your nose, sad that you have to leave his warm, hidden chest in favor of whatever he's about to do.. Releasing him, Tokinada immidietly twists his body around to face you.
His hips go first, his legs following after his pelvis to straddle your lap, his legs pinning you to the bench. With a toothy smirk, his olive colored eyes lock with your own (e/c) eyes as he fully turns around on your lap.
With his finishing shift, he sits his ass down on your lap as hard as he can. Oh, you are IN for it now..
The Nobles' hands reach up, and caress your jaw on either side as they slide back to your neck, and scalp.
"I'll teach you to treat the Head of the Tsunayashiro.."
He says with a playful curl of his lips and drawl of his words.
"Bring it on, glorified twink.."
You spat rather dishonorably back at him, you can see the visible annoyance appear as a vein on his forehead, and that little warp in his smile.
"Why you..."
He snarls lowly, fiercely grabbing fistfuls of your hair again, and harshly tilting it back forcefully.
The sting of it, you'll never be used to. You hiss and grit your teeth as your head is pulled back and at Tokinada's harsh grip.
You feel Tokinada bite at your neck, kissing your skin with lips and teeth that threaten to tear it out. He can feel your quickened pulse, the premise of your excitement just from this, riles him up to no end..
"Such a nasty, uncouth word.. Can't you use that damnable head of yours to think of something better to say about me?"
You pant out softly in pain, and mild arousal as Tokinada licks up your neck. His tongue is hot, and wet as he drags it upwards.. He sucks on your adams apple for a quick, fleeting moment.
"Or must I teach you again that I do not fraternitize with commoners and idiot's? Your lucky I've given you even a shred of my attention.. I'll remind you, of your place, you lowly dog.."
Tokinada says with a smooth, soft voice. You can feel him smile against your throat..
You scoff at him, and remind him of what place he is in. Your arms don't wrap around him again, and instead your hands go right for the Nobles' ass.
With one hand, you grab him as hard as you can, causing him to shiver, and press against you fully again. Your other hand, shoots upward and grabs a decent amount of the longer strands he had, hidden behind his head. You get a noise of surprise out of Tokinada- a moan.
"Ah-! You fucker.."
He hisses at you.. But you think it's funny. You grope and grab him rather gratuitously with one hand. For as thin as he is.. It's amazing Tokinada has something to grab at for an ass.
"How about I remind you, where you are currently.. In my lap, like an obedient little show dog.."
He wants to call you a dog? Fine. He gets it right back.. He wants to tug your hair? You'll tug his right back.
He whines as you pull his head back, so you can start attacking his neck just as he did to you..
"Ngh-!.. (Y/N)!"
Tokinada barks your name, but you do not answer when called, as you start placing kisses on his neck. You ever so slightly part your lips, as you open your mouth to surprise bite him.
You linger on his neck, kissing his lovely skin, before you find the exposed junction of his neck connecting to his shoulder.
Oh how the unbitten flesh calls you.. The bruises from the last time you bit him there, are nearly gone.. Looks like you'll have to make new one's, to make up for the loss.
You open your mouth as wide as possible, before biting down onto his flesh and muscle with all your might. Oh, that'll send him reeling for sure..
As your teeth sink into his flesh, a loud, pleasured yowl jumps from Tokinada's throat, and out his open mouth.
You can feel him arch against you, he's a greedy being.. A Noble lives pampered, and unbothered.. Getting everything they want, when they want. Tokinada must'ave been born with something screwy in his head..
You stay latched onto him, tasting that gently salty flavor of his skin. God- he smells so good. He's so warm.
You finally pull your teeth from his skin, feeling him shudder against you is ever so pleasing to you.
"With as loud as you are, If I wasn't who I am.. I'd think your having the time of your life.. You'd love it, if that was the case. Right, you filthy little Noble?"
You say to him with an amused chuckle following your words en suite.. He's figured out that you learned how to press his buttons, as he- yours. Sharp as a blade, you are.
With a noise that sounds like a grunt of irritation, but what is actually a noise of approval and validation, his olive eyes focus on you from the bottom of his lashed eyelids..
The corner of Tokinada's mouth curl upward in a devious way, as he gives you a soft breathe for a first response.
"How dare you threaten me with a good time?.."
His hands are no longer fists at the back of your head, instead, your (h/c) locks are released, and he lovingly scritches your head. While, you still have a rather ferocious grip on his own foresty green hairstrands with that avacado colored streak..
You chuckle, as he moans again when you tug his hair. His head is already as far back as it can go- but you knew that.
"I'll threaten you with whatever I want, whenever I want.."
Your (e/c) eyes glance around, to spy no one in particular watching on as you feel up the Head of the Tsunayashiro clan.. Him in your lap, like the good little bottom he is in secret for you..
Tokinada's eyes flutter and roll into the back of his head, and he gnaws on his lower lip as you touch the skin you just bit with your lips, tenderly kissing your teethmarks.
Tokinada starts getting a little too eager as he start's grinding his middle on your thigh. His hips roll back and fourth, ever demanding as he starts getting desperate.
"Hhn-.. (y-y/n)~.. Your such a fucking mongrel.."
He snarls, quickly unravelling by the second.. As the wind blows through the sakura grove, petals fly all around you and your Noble lover.. If that's what he is.
You release his hair, and thus his head springs back ever so slightly. At the moment of his freedom, Tokinada's hands come out of your hair, and take up either side of your jaw again, as he forces you to look up at him. Your free hand travels down his back, making him shudder once more.
You expected as such- his lips hungrily crashing against yours, to clash in a lustful, sinful embrace of a hungry make out.
You bite down on his bottom lip, and like an obedient bottom, he opens his mouth to you. Your tongue invades his mouth, immidietly coming into contact with his tongue.
You trace his teeth, dipping the tip of your tongue into the grooves and dips of his teeth, catching the faint flavor of what he ate before meeting up with you..
Something sweet, and sugary. No one can tell him what to eat, especially since there are no other Tsunayashiro around. So.. He eats what he pleases, whenever he want. Not that it matters, truly. Just another luxury Tokinada holds over you.
Tokinada's moans are greedily swallowed by you, you swallow any and every noise he makes.. Muffling them as they come.
When you pull back, Tokinada whines at you for the nth time today, and you sit back to see the cute, desperate expression on his face.
You lick your lips, as from the moment you seperated from him, saliva broke from thin, glassy strands of spit. You savour the flavor.. And the sight. Tokinada's lips are parted, and his eyes are half lidded..
He doesn't look as malicious for the moment.. Like when he bathes in the afterglow of an orgasm. Only you have really watched him unwind the creature he's made himself out to be fully, but in doing so.. You are imbibing in poison.
He huffs at you, and his mouth fully curls up into a sultry smile.
"You horny bastard.. How are you so irrsistable..?"
You shrug, full well knowing why.
"Dunno.. Maybe you wanna be reminded?"
You ask, with an eyebrow raise and wiggle, causing him to snort at you like the snooty Noble he is.
"Maybe I do.."
He says, leaning in again, to steal your lips away, and to keep you from making a smart ass remark.. Again.
He will kill you, one day. For his poison has already claimed your heart, body, and mind.. All he needs to do now, is pluck your soul from it's vessal.. And your a goner.
Is it really, so bad? To be fodder for Tokinada? Fueling the green, envious flames that slowly swallow you up in bright flickering light..
There is no flame better to swallow you whole, other than Tokinada.
Hope you enjoyed reading 💚 I don't see any x reader's featuring Tokinada. Especially male reader's.. So, here I go!
I started this today, and finished it.. Today. Which is something I want to do more! 
Honestly didn't think I'd be doing Tokinada first, but I do love me pampered, snooty noble men who deserve to be put in their place.. Though, he's really putting you in his place.. If you catch my drift 😏
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syrma-sensei · 3 years
→ A Promise
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pairing: God!Aizen Sōsuke x fem!reader
setting: canonverse; a what if scenario.
rating: explicit.
warnings/tags: spoilers for the Thousand Year Blood War arc and Can't Fear Your Own World light novel, piv, vaginal fingering, sub/dom undertones, throne sex, oral (male recieving), breeding kink (if you squint)...
word count: 4.9k
summary: what if Aizen achieved his goal and became the Soul King, and you ruled by his side as his queen?
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Once, there was a war. A raging war rendered the three worlds precarious for the loss of their proclaimed God—The Soul King; dethroned by his own son, Yhwach. By the time the latter became invincible, the newly assigned Head Captain of The Gotei Thirteen, Kyōraku Shūnsui, deemed that they were in need for a certain criminal's help, the one who once had dared and rebelled against the Seireitei's traditional system, the one who believed that well-behaved bottoms rarely make history. The man who saw such a helpless God, one who let mere five nobels decide his fate, and sealed him motionless in a crystal, was no true God.
When it came to a closure, the war was named: Protection of the Soul King Great War. The Royal Guards' leader, Hyōsube Ichibē had plans for the new Soul King, he embedded the remains of Yhwach's Reishi along with Mimihagi's, the right hand of the Soul King, and set them together in the place of the late Soul King.
However, after the claimed triumph of the Shinigami, another atrocity had fallen upon the three worlds. As time passed, the Reishi grew unruly and unstable, upsetting the harmony of the three worlds again. Given that, The Monk couldn't jeopardize the safety of the realms, he knew that the time of crowning a new Soul King had come.
There were three nominees for the position: Kurosaki Ichigo the substitute Shinigami, Ginjō Kugō the first substitute shinigami, and the traitor Aizen Sōsuke.
The three had the qualities of becoming the new God.
However, Kyōraku Shūnsui knew about the matter and the suspicious movements of Tokinada Tsunayashiro were up to no good. He couldn't bring himself to see the same scenario repeating itself again, and forcing one of the first two was gravely unfair, Kurosaki Ichigo had sacrificed enough for the Seireitei's sake, and Ginjō Kugō had enough of its injustice, therefore, he came up with a plan to handing the divine throne to the most suitable nominee, he was fully aware that he was risking everything by doing so, yet he'd leaned that old-fashioned way rarely end up fruitfully. He proceeded on his scheme with utmost gingery, he had to do it without the nobles' knowledge, for if they were to know, everything would be doomed. He stole the keys of Aizen's seals from the Central 46 and fabricated a permission to descend into Mūken and set Aizen free although he didn't need all of them to do so.
When he was still the eighth squad's captain, Kyōraku hadn't had enough power to make a radical change within the system even though he was highborn and of a noble blood. But now, he was the Head Captain and he could make a change. He didn't want to see innocent people being stigmatized traitors and executed just because some scrawny old men deemed so.
Aizen then imposed himself as he already gained a God's powers, even the Royal Guards couldn't do anything when facing him. And Tsunayashiro was helpless against him. His powers were insanely strong, and his Kyōka Suigetsu had emerged with him already, victory was inescapably earned by him.
Aizen Sōsuke became the new Soul King.
With bare feet, you strolled down in one of the Reiōkyū's [Soul King Palace] large, crystalline porticoes. Serenity reigned the air as soon as the night had fallen dark. The coolness of the floor nipped on your toes, sending delightful shivers through your entire body. Heading towards the Throne Hall, your silky hair swayed right and left while a giddy smile crept into your lips. Tonight, you were wearing a pellucid lingerie that accentuated the lines and curves of your body. Since your husband dismissed all the Royal Guards when he ascended the throne of Godhood, stating: "A God who is in need for protection is no true God." it was only you and him in the Soul King Palace now, except for some attendants he allowed their presence only to serve you.
The great gates of the hall were fully-opened, showing off the magnificence inside. The roof towered over one that it would be dizzy to look at, supported by five huge pillars stood lofty, and few stairs steered down to the deep-set main court where, at the heart of it, a glorious chair was established. The hall rippled with astral purple and blue hues, scattered spots twinkled like dull stars adding more tranquility to the atmosphere.
Once in, you tip-toed behind one of those pillars, slanting to it then peering at the middle of the enormous chamber. Your eyes were drawn down for a moment as you gazed at your naked feet as if they were floating in the outer space; the tip of your stomach coiled at the sight, it always had done this to you, and would never fail to do so again.
Shaking your head you darted your eyes to the throne that imposed itself again. You watched your husband sitting there, with his thick, long hair that reminded you of a lion's mane, wearing his casual silky robs, and there was a naughty slit that exposed his chest for you.
You were a mere lost soul who'd passed to the Soul Society by the Konsō [Crossing over] process, when you saw the thing, it was so bizarre to behold such being, and given your curious nature, you wanted to know more. You'd always thought about Godhood and divinity when you were a living human, and tried to discover the world of supernaturalism because a lot of things didn't make sense to you.
You roamed the Rukongai neighborhood by neighborhood looking for answers but to no avail. The people there weren't interested in such things, their biggest concerns were to find a way to live peacefully in their afterlife. After a lot of research, you worked out that becoming a shinigami might be the start of fathoming your unanswered questions.
You applied to the Shinō academy and became a student, a thrilled and excited one. However, that enthusiasm of yours died away after a while. Nobody could give you a response that quenched your thirst to find out what the real truth was, it was quite the opposite, your teachers weren't so open-minded to the matter at all, and sometimes you were threatened by a detention if you didn't stop asking those questions. It was what it was except for one teacher whose name was Aizen Sōsuke.
Aizen-sensei was different, you could tell from the first time you laid your eyes upon him. He piqued your interest; he was highly intelligent, quick of wit, and somehow intimidating although everyone considered him the best and most kind-hearted teacher in the Shinō academy, you felt oddly different about him. Behind his gentle and lovable façade, you hunched that there was another different man. You could sense a dangerous aura around him sometimes, an aura that could give you shivers all over your body, and in time you became delighted by it.
Within his classes, he'd allow you to express your weirded-out notions, and sometimes he'd turn them into philosophical debates when a class of his ended. By time, you noticed that you developed some feelings to your handsome teacher, there was something dark yet alluring thing about him mesmerised you.
You became to believe that he might give you the answers you were looking for.
One time, you were sneaking to the academy's garden during the curfew because sleep didn't knock your eyes that night. You heard Aizen-sensei's distinctive voice coming from nearby; you couldn't control the urge that swept over you to know what might have he been doing in such late time.
You were drawn far away from the students' chambers, and before you realized it you found yourself in his very room.
"I didn't know you for a trouble seeker, (Y/N)-san,"
You would never forget the mischievous grin he shot you, it sent you goosebumps, and the darkness in his voice made you quiver.
You took a step backwards, "A-Aizen-sensei...I...I didn't mean to—"
Before you reached the door, he flash-stepped and closed it calmly.
"Uh, uh, you aren't going anywhere, little owl,"
This time, you were the one who flashed a girn. "I knew it," You said with a light chuckle, "You aren't that sweet sensei who all girls fancy you,"
The corner of his lips curled up into a half smile, "(Y/N)-san you truly have a nimble mind," He chuckled, "How expected of my number one student,"
You didn't know what to react, a side of you felt an undeniable danger oozing from him, yet the other side couldn't resist his charm.
"Why are you here, (Y/N)-san?"
You didn't hesitate to respond, "To find out the truth,"
The look he gave you made chills run down your spine.
"You have seen it, have you not?"
Oddly, you understood what he meant, you caught his drift; he was talking at that unable man inside the crystal you'd beheld.
Before you could answer, you heard him say, "Of course you did, otherwise why would you be here?"
You stepped forwards, clutching the hem of his shihakushō, as you pleaded, "Aizen-sensei, please! I want to know the truth. I beg you to tell me what you have of knowledge about this..." You let go of his clothes and splayed your arms, "All this. Everything seems insane to me,"
He tipped your chin up with his curled forefinger, looking down at you with dark eyes, "Do you think you can handle the truth of this universe, (Y/N)?"
That was the first time he called you by your first name without the polite honorifics that you were used to hear from him.
Beads of tears gathered around your eyes; you couldn't handle it anymore, you couldn't carry on with living with no clear vision of the world you were living in, you needed to know.
"Poor little thing you are," He chuckled softly as he brushed your streaming tears with his thumbs, "Are you sick of being a puppet of the unknown?"
You nodded.
He caressed your cheek tenderly, you felt warmed by his large hands as he cupped your face, "Are you tired of being controlled by this old system?"
You gave another nod.
"Very well then," As your eyes were closed, you could feel his fresh breath slamming your face. It was mere moments before you felt his lips pressing against yours.
You didn't resist him, in fact, you welcomed him; you kissed him back. Your lips meshed to one another, syncing, suckling, and bitting.
Soon, you were both on his mattress, your naked bodies glistening from love making, your skin was full by his love bites, as his back was full of your nail scratching. You felt something strange sweeping through you, strange yet ventilating, you felt somehow free while he claimed you.
Laying on his side, he rested himself on his elbow, an arm drapped idly around your waist. He told you about how the creation began, and how the current Soul King sacraficed himself for the sake of the worlds, and about the sin of the founders of the Five Great Noble Families of the Seireitei.
You listened to him very carefully, your heart beat increased as he continued telling about the ragged system of the Central 46, and how he despised their very being.
Unsurprisingly, you could relate to him in everything. You were disappointed in fact. The truth behind everything wasn't thrilling at all to you. But what did thrill you was his plan of change, the plan that would change everything once and for all.
"And now you know the truth and my plans, would you join me, (Y/N)?"
You arched an eyebrow, "Do I have a choice now, Aizen-sama?"
Flashing you a conceited smirk, he said, "Clever girl,"
You became one of his subordinates after that, his loyalest one, plus you were his paramour. You just couldn't resist but to be drawn to him; he was perfect.
You believed in his case, and you knew he was right; the worlds were indeed in a need for a new God, an almighty one. Although his methods were cruel and filthy, you believed that sacrifices had to be made.
Your faith in him was fortified, nothing could swing you away from it.
After the incident with Urahara Kisuke and the other captain-ranked shinigamis, and after Aizen became the captain of the fifth squad, you were given the position of the third-seat of the same squad.
He wanted you to be under his eyes, but not to a degree that might arouse any suspensions of you two. You were jealous though, jealous of your vice-captain Hinamori Momo, she had the opportunity to be with him almost all the time, and her huge admiration for your lover was so obvious that the blind could see it, and sometimes you had qualms of him cheating on you with her due to his overly amiable attitude with her. One time, you couldn't hold it back anymore, and you had a fight with him. It was silly of you, you were aware of that of course, but that time your emotions got the better of you.
It made you feel betrayed when you were the one who was giving him everything you got; your mind, soul, heart, and body.
Not to your surprise, he managed to subdue you, and you were punished for defying you master. He'd made sure you would do nothing of the sort again. It casted upon you that he deemed you as a tool, and you were bothered by your stupidity that you didn't realize it from the outset. Perhaps you did realize it, yet you chosed to carry on with him.
Be that as it may, you had no choice but to continue this because you knew there was no way back.
Your wounds nonetheless were soon healed when the time of the next stage of his plans came. The part of him faking his death in order to pull the strings comfortably behind the scenes as he desired.
You were astonished by the quality of your acting as the heart-broken third-seat of your beloved captain, and played it along with Hinamori as you were instructed to do so.
Nothing was more satisfying than seeing him stabbing her right in the chest, you were utterly relieved by that.
At Las Noches you discovered you became a whole new person. You acted like a queen there, with Aizen's permission of course, and you enjoy the role of being his pleasure thing. With the liberty from the Seireitei's eyes, Aizen showed you levels of depraved euphoria you had never imagined before; it became like a drug to you. However, you were careful not to be demanding or clinging, and to know your place with him. He was your lord after all, and you made sure not to meddle with matters that had nothing to do with you.
You were obedient, loyal, and a good company to him. And in time, you realized he was everything to you. Even if he didn't see but a mere pawn, you were fine with that, and though you knew he might get rid of you once he got bored with you, you didn't mind. He was the one who opened your eyes, and for that you had an infinite gratitude for him.
You were at peace with that, untill he gave you a promise, a promise you'd treasure for the rest of your life, when you were riding him upon his throne in Las Noches.
"We shall be doing this on the divine throne, me and you, my beloved,"
You couldn't hold your tears from pouring down your cheeks, he made your heart fall to your toes, you swooned. You finally knew that he considered you his lover, and not just a plaything for his pleasure.
You gave him a promise of your own too at the time, "And I'll be forever by your side, my love."
The Winter War came you were encountered by your previous co-workers again. You showed undeniable courage with your well-trained skills of sword-fighting, Kidō spell-casting, and usage of Bankai.
Nevertheless, after you were at the near brush of winning, you lost at the hand of Urahara Kisuke's sealing spell on Aizen that the Mugetsu gave it a chance to be activated.
You were taken away from your twenty-thousand-years sentenced love, and The Central 46 deemed that you were under his Kyōka Suigetsu's hypnosis, thus you were sentenced to spend time in the Maggot's Nest prison untill otherwise to be declared.
You spend your days alone in a solo cell, they feared you might arouse a rebellion inside the prison. You never lost hope in his return, you knew he'd return. It was true that he kept a huge part of his plans hidden from you, but you knew it was a test, and you had no intention of failing.
Almost two years passed since the Winter War, and no sign of your beloved. Not even for the slightest moment did you lose faith in his return.
You were laying on your cell bed, looking aimlessly up at the ceiling when it happened. You could've sworn you could feel his unique reiatsu, your heart fluttered in your chest when you did. Thrill enflamed your whole being again, and you knew his promise was soon to be fullfiled.
It happened after another six months, when you found yourself overwhelmed by his nearing reiatsu. He, himself, came to collect you to be forever by his side.
You smiled at the memory as you looked at his glorious figure.
Given his closed eyes, and the astral atmosphere around you, you knew that he was rummaging through the universe's souls.
As you were about to slide behind another pillar, you felt yourself being levitated up from the ground. With a surprised squeal from your mouth, you were dragged swiftly through the air to the center of the the hall.
"My, my, look at we have here," you could hear the mischief in his lilt voice very clearly; you felt a pleasurable quiver running through your body.
The astronomical environment recessed and retreated back to its source which was your husband himself, and the large room turned into its crystalline colours again.
You found yourself sitting in his lap, your legs rested at the either side of his thighs, and your hands were flat on his chest.
With half-lidded eyes he probed you thoroughly, you could feel him looking at your very soul, and for a moment, you caught a purple glint glittering in his eyes before they turned to their chocolate colour back again. A seductive smirk visited your lips. You knew what the glint meant; he desired you, he wanted to ravish you, and you liked how wild he wanted you.
He raised his brow rather playfully, "Did you really attempt to hide your reiatsu from me, darling?"
You cocked your head to the side coquettishly as you took one of his sleek tresses and rolled it around your fingers. "Yes." you answered, unabashed by your silly attempt to conceal your spiritual pressure from the Soul King himself.
A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest, "And why is that?"
You trailed your fingertips from his temple down to his cheek, "I wanted to know if I still have the attention of my lord husband," the tips of your fingers were now right beneath his mouth.
Grazing your delicate fingers with his lips, he asked with a rasp voice, "Is that so?"
You nodded affirmatively, a dallying grin playing on your lips.
Before you knew it, you felt his luscious lips on your own. He grabbed the back of your head roughly and deepened the kiss. His hands wandered your shoulders, back, down to your derrière, giving it a light squeeze, making you yelp.
Your wet kiss grew feistier, your tongues danced in a vicious wrestle. Pleased grunts emitted from the both of your throats, as your hands dived into his lush mane. His odorous scent tickled your nostrils, his touch inflamed your skin, his voice filled your ears.
He broke the kiss, gazing lasciviously at you. He saw a pleading look in your eyes, and for that he gave you a smug smirk.
He knew how weak you were in his presence, your fragility, the idea that he could break you any moment he wished aroused him.
He kissed you once more, invading your whole senses again, as he surrounded you both with his overwhelming reiatsu. You shivered, you moaned, you took pleasure of him domineering you, of him claiming with you as his property. You relished it, you loved it.
Your lips separated with a wet sound, a sound made your core throb in delight.
You were nose to nose when the lavender gleam flashed through his eyes again, sending shudders down your spine.
"My Lord," You breathed softly.
"My queen," He said in whisper.
"Sōsuke..." His name always tasted good on your tongue, it had a strong impact, just as his holder, "My king, my Lord, my God, I want to worship you, I want to be the only one who brings you pleasure, I want to show you how good of a slave I am to you,"
You could feel his chest hitch a tad for a moment before shooting you one of his handsome smirks.
"Then do," He grumbled, "Show me how much you're devoted to me,"
You pecked his lips gently before getting up from his lap and standing proudly before him. You stripped of that piece of clothing, showing off your nakedness to your lover. He gave you a satisfied look as you swayed your way back to him again.
Kneeling on before him, you began to loosen his robes with agile hands, making sure you caress his clothed member accidentally.
His cock sprang with pride towards you, so you dipped your head down and gave it a quick sweep of your warm and wet tongue. You looked up at him again, to see what kind of expression he wore. Your eyes locked with his intense ones, everything was conveyed by the eyes.
Encouraged by his gesture, you kissed the tip of his shaft, then licked it. His member twitched at your touch as you continued to lap it sensually with your mastered tongue.
Pleasuring him always enraptured you, it brought you delight when it was only you whom allowed to do so. You knew how to make him pleased, how to make him addicted to you; you made yourself the only one whom he desired, and for that you were proud.
You took him fully in your mouth, and you felt his hand perching lightly on your head. You moaned libidinously as you moved your head up and down, as you tilted it aside as if you were giving him your last kiss.
You heard him growling, enjoying the sensation you ignited within him. His grip on your hair tightened a bit, as his voice made a series of sonorous grunts of pleasure.
You felt your core pulsating, your liquids started to seep between your legs. You felt the urge of rubbing your thighs together when you felt something reminded you of the touch of his fingers brushing your heat. Your cry was muffled by his cock as you sensed his reiatsu fingering you. Your eyes rolled backwards as he inserted two reiatsu-made digits into you, and a thumb circling on your hot, red pearl.
Intense tears rolled down your cheeks as you bucked your hips towards his fingers as they teased your blazed folds.
You felt something building up quickly, as the tip of your stomach waved with tingles and shudders, and before you came, you heard him letting out a heavy growl of satisfaction. His hot seed filled your mouth profusely, drowning your whole throat. He let go of your head, so you could pull him out.
You whipped your face from your tears as you looked up at him with lustful eyes, swallowing his release, licking the creamy beads off the corner of your lips. As a reward, he continued pleasuring you with his made fingers untill you came with a lewd cry of passion.
He lifted you up with his spiritual pressure and set you on his lap again. Your tired eyes looked at him adoringly. You couldn't withhold the sensations you felt at the moment.
Being the Soul Queen meant nothing to you when compared with being with him. He meant everything to you, and you couldn't imagine how miserable your life would've been if you didn't come across with him. You loved him, you adored him, you worshipped the ground he walked on, and the fact he chose you to be by his side forever always made you feel extraordinarily unique about yourself.
You were resting your head on his muscular chest as he caressed your hair tenderly. You pressed the tip of your finger on the spot where the Hōgyoku used to be embedded. The divine jewel was no longer visible to one's eye, for it was completely fused with his soul.
You had come to learn that his stay in Mūken was also part of his plan, or within his considerations to say the least; someone meticulous like him didn't play but to win.
He had a monstrous reiatsu to begin with; a reiatsu could be compared to a God's, the gratified amount of spiritual pressure around him in Mūken was insanely immense due to the seals were set upon him. That worked in his favour by subjugating the Hōgyoku to be completely under his command.
Your admiration for him grew wilder when you learnt that, his intelligence never failed to astonish you, you were amazed at how detailed he was.
That man—that God now was in love with you, and you were madly in love with him that if he were to ask you to kill yourself in the ugliest way possible, you would do it with no hesitation.
A naughty smile stretched your lips as you shifted in his hold. You straddled him, wrapping your arms around his powerful neck, his hair brushing your skin ever so lightly.
"Was I good, milord?" You said between your kisses.
"You were good as a goddess should be, my dear" He crooned with sultry laced to his voice.
You mewled when you felt his actual fingers brushing your wet folds, and your reaction was bucking your hips to increase the fraction.
"Is it...not...better...if we continue this...in the bedroom...milord?" Your purred between your gasps.
Pulling his fingers away, you groaned in disappointment, you wanted them to stay there, playing with your feverish flesh.
"Hmh, as far as I remember, there's still a promise I have yet to fullfil,"
Your heart wavered at his words.
"Y-You remember?"
He raised a perfect eyebrow, "How could I forget such thing?" A playful smirk crept into his lips.
You couldn't hold the tears from falling from your eyes, as you put a hand on your mouth as you gasped.
"Now now, my love, is it convenient to shed tears in such joyous ti—"
You didn't let him finish his sentence as you crushed you lips on his; he groaned approvingly.
Your hands rested on his shoulders as he filled you with his well-bestowed cock, and grinded your hips smoothly against his body.
Your moans and the sound of your wet kisses echoed through the hall. You felt incredibly aroused by the idea of you riding your God on his throne.
The both of you were plunged by eachother, and the astral hues gleamed again in the hall as you two made love. For a moment, you felt a bit ditzy but soon you felt yourself as if you two were a released Phoenix flying freely through the universe.
Your unstoppable mewls grew higher as you felt reaching your peak. Your walls clamped down to his cock and released tremendous waves of pleasure through your whole being. Moments later, you heard your lover's ecstatic roar of climax, and soon he filled you with his semen blissfully.
You two hold eachother in a passionate embrace as a happy aura surrounded you. One hand was on your back, and the other was on your hip, while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He was still inside you, and you wished he'd stay there forever. You felt satisfied, euphoric, and most importantly completed.
You pressed a peck on his neck before whispering playfully, "Do you think we made a tremble in the three realms, milord?"
He gave you a smooth chuckle, "No, but rather creating a new one,"
Giggling, you pulled back to gaze at him directly, "Aye, so my God wouldn't mind creating others, no?"
Your heart swooned at the perfect smile he gave you, "No, as long as my Goddess is by my side,"
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huecomymundo · 9 months
I have another fic already in the works, just because I want to have more posted here 💙
This is the teaser I'll provide (basically the interaction that takes place):
Tokinada: you were ignoring me :(
Reader: i was fucking working you ass hat
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huecomymundo · 9 months
Salutations! Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm not new to tumblr, I've been around the block~ So here's what to expect from me:
Writing! Oc's! X Reader! This is a request blog! Send me your request, and I may or may not write it! I'm doing this for free, and will only have so many slots for requests.
This is an NSFW blog! If you are a minor, please do not interact with my NSFW or ask for it. You will not receive it.
Requests unspecified to be a: Drabble (short but sweet), Headcanon's, or a short story/scenario (full fics are not offered at this time, because that means 1000+ words and words are hard lol) will be randomly chosen by ~moi~ so if you want something specific, you MUST include it.
I only write x Male Reader or Gender Neutral for personal reasons. Besides.. There isn't enough Male Reader's out there. 😏
I'll have 5 slots open for requests.. Now, just straight up asking me a plain 'character x reader' is fine and dandy! but.. The more specific you are, the more I can write! Example: Kenpachi x Shy! Male reader going on a cute but embarrassing date (because Zaraki loves embarrassing him 💜) give's me more to work with since it gives me a set personality I can build around, instead of doing everything myself. Which I have no problems with!
You can request up to 9 character's max, but be aware that the writing will be shorter or vary in length.
It's acceptable to ask for:
-X reader (will be Male or Gender Neutral as a given.) Please specify if you want SFW or NSFW, and who's topping/bottoming in the NSFW scenario.
-Character x Character (Ships include: Kisuke x Aizen, Gin x Rangiku, Shunsui x Jushiro, Gojo x Geto, Yomo x Uta, you get it!) Self Inserts/OC x Character is something your better off commissioning me. I will not write your OC for nothing..
-Fetish writing (ex: Pregnancy/Mpreg, Cumflation, belly bulge, overstim, spit, more cum, bondage, all those lovely things.) If you have a specific kink you want written, then tell me about it.
-Fluff, Angst, or Slice of Life.. Etc. If you have something you specifically want, make sure to include it or you might not get what you want.
-An emotinally traumatic event. Such as death of a loved one, still birth, loss of a body part, so on. If it's anything extreme/beyond that, I will ask you to send me a DM/ask detailing on how you want me to go about it. I love writing about heavy subject's!
Don't be shy! I don't bite! This isn't an outline of what you should say in an ask, so don't worry if you go beyond what I've listed.
The fandoms I will loyally work for:
-Jujutsu Kaisen
-Tokyo Ghoul
They are a large comfort margin to me as I am the most familiar with their universes, and the character's. I've written alot of personal fics and original character's with these fandoms, and I will die for them.
There is also a possibility you will see another fandom guest star here, or someone might just be so convincing I'll write for another fandom~
It's a bonus if you ask for a character whom is blorbo- meaning I'll write extra for them! The one's with hearts are my utmost favorites.
Which I'll list!
-Geto Suguru 💙
-Uta ❤
-Tokinada Tsunayashiro 💚
-Toji Fushiguro/Toji Zen'in
-Ulquiorra Cifer
-Aizen Sosuke
-Kisuke Urahara
-Gin Ichimaru
Those are the faves~ If thou ask, ye shall receive..
You may also inquire about my Oc's! I don't think anyone really cares if I do or don't list them, so if your interested send an ask for one or all three of the fandoms, and I'll blab about my kids.. My very tall, older than me kids.
Now everybody's least favorite- The things I won't do:
-Anything relating to Fem! Reader. I'm a gay man, and I love men. That is my preference, I don't have to write what I'm not comfortable with. If your unhappy about that, oh well! It's my blog, not yours. (I've written it for asks before, if your curious. Please do not ask for it.)
-Extreme/Gross fetishes. Meaning- anything to do with scat, watersports, diapers, de-aging.. You get the idea.
-ANYTHING, anything relating to sexual assult. I will absolutely not write about rape and never will. Everything I write is consensual. I will write a scenario where it's a agreed upon act between the character's and part of the foreplay. Consent is given and a relationship is established. There is no 'one party wants and the other doesn't.'
-I will not write about Minors in any sexual fashion, because no. Absolutely not.
-Abuse. I will not write physically abusing someone. They can do all the drugs they want, drink all they want, but they will not raise a hand against their lover. You can ask for past abuse, but I will not write present abuse.
-I will not kill a character just because You don't like them.
-Anything morally questionable, if the character isn't already so. If it's out of character, you must negotiate with me. (Being morally questionable, for someone like say, Kisuke, to murder someone. I need a reason why he would do such a thing.. But OOC is not something you need to negotiate with me, and can be asked for. Such an example, is cuddly Tokinada. That's fine.) Dead Dove content is not my thing, sorry.
That's it (for now) of what I won't do.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns about anything, feel free to DM me or send an ask!
I'm open to chat, but as I have a life I may have spaced out posting and replies. If you are pushy about your request it will take longer! Feel free to send an ask about your request if you are unsure if I got it.
If you are mean/disrespectful to me I have every right to block you without warning. I will not tolerate hate directed twords me and my audience.
FIVE OUT OF FIVE SLOTS TAKEN: check the pinned post for wip update's! Please be patient because writing takes time and thinking. I take my time so I can give quality writing. Remember I am a person too, and have a life outside of tumblr.
SLOT 1- Byakuya Kuchiki x Gin Ichimaru Fic (WIP, ask received!)
SLOT 2- Sub! Byakuya x Dom! Reader (WIP, ask received!)
SLOT 3- Shunsui/Ukitake Comforting M! Reader who had a really bad day, and is snappy! (Ask received!)
SLOT 4- Shinji getting his back blown out (Ask received!)
SLOT 5- Enemies To Lover's Top! Tokinada x Male! Reader /history is tense btwn these two 👀/ (Ask received!)
If you want to commission me, it's a huge help! And will help me keep writing. You get a quality fanfic specially written for you, and I get to write for you. I also draw! I will write and draw for you for money. Prices are negotiable.
(Yes its alot of tags because I intend on writing, requests or no.)
TAGS: #🌜mod mori🌛, #bleach x reader, #bleach/reader, #bleach x male! reader, #bleach/male! reader, #bleach x m! reader, #bleach/m! reader, #bleach x gender neutral! reader, #bleach/gender neutral! reader, #bleach x gn! reader, #bleach/gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x reader, #jujutsu kaisen/reader, #jjk x reader, #jjk/reader, #jjk x male! reader, #jjk/male! reader, #jjk x gender neutral! reader, #jjk/gender neutral! reader, #jjk x gn! reader, #jjk/gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x male! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/male! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x m! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/m! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x gender neutral! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/ gender neutral! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/gn! reader, #tokyo ghoul x reader, #tokyo ghoul/reader, #tokyo ghoul x male! reader, #tokyo ghoul/male! reader, #tokyo ghoul x m! reader, #tokyo ghoul/m! reader, #tokyo ghoul x gender neutral! reader, #tokyo ghoul/ gender neutral! reader, #tokyo ghoul x gn! reader, #tokyo ghoul/gn! reader
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