sanguine-wav · 7 years
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[images: The first two images depict my transgender rite of elevation altar from 2017 on day 1 and then again on day 9. The first night altar includes a small cup of water, two battery powered candles, a blue aragonite crystal, a rose quartz crystal, and a large amethyst crystal all surrounded by smaller clear quartz. A testosterone bottle sits at the center. The ninth night altar includes water, the crystals, a small sculpture of a pair of outstretched hands holding tiny clear and amethyst beads, a hand made clay pendulum, and the battery powered candles, all on top of a blue box that I use to hold my testosterone supplies. Below the box on the table are more crystals, the testosterone bottle, a makeup pencil, an earring, a heart button, and a “trans rights are human rights” button. Below those two pictures are pictures of my altar today. On a shelf, a rainbow boa borders the altar on three sides. The same water glass is present, now draped with a set of small prayer beads made of blue lace agate, fresh water pearl, and a pink tassel. On either side sit large ceramic figures of dfab and dmab bodies, with cur outs in their chests to reveal various items like mirror shards, glass gems, jewelry, dried flowers, and bells. A tarot deck sits on the left, and a pocket knife on the right. Three unlit tealights surround the water, as well as the pendulum, hands holding gems, and buttons, with the addition of a large trans flag button at the center.]
My Transgender Ancestor Altar Space
this year i participated in the transgender rite of elevation for the first time. Shortly before learning about the rite, I was given advice from tarot to seek out my family connections, and know my roots better. I have a very poor understanding of my family history, and I felt that perhaps that wasnt exactly what I was being asked to do anyway, so i waited. Then i happened upon a post about the rite and knew immediately this is what I was meant to do.
I was living at a temporary residence but i decided that i wasnt going to let that stop me from completing the ritual for all nine nights. I had very little supplies and not a lot to offer, but i designated time and space, and participated in divination and meditation. All nine nights i journaled a new focus for the night, spoke aloud prayers to the ancestors, raised the altar, and participated in divination. On the last night I attended an event, and a small altar had been set up there for people to leave offerings. I had a blue lace agate crystal, that I had felt strongly had to stay in my pocket for the previous couple days, and knew that was the offering i was meant to give. It wasnt expensive or extravagant, but meaningful and precious in a way. I went home, did the ritual for the last time, and ended the rite.
The experience was very rewarding, and so I have decided to keep a permanent space on my altar bookshelf so I can continue to pay my respects and communicate with my ancestors year round. I managed to acquire some blue lace agate beads to make a set of small prayer beads from to help me focus during mediation and prayer, and I have since been able to adorn the altar with trans-centric statuary and other odds and ends. 
I am a trans/nonbinary tarot and oracle reader, and I am about to present a workshop about gender inclusivity in tarot at a local tarot/metaphysical shop. It is scary to put myself out there and not know what kind of people will come and how well the information will be received. But every time I practice my craft at home, or practice for that workshop, I think of all the incredible trans people who came before me and all of the work they did so I could be where I am today. And I know theyre looking to me knowing that I will do great things for those who come after me.
I am so grateful to have encountered the trans rite tumblr and I hope that next year I will be able to do an even better job at honoring and engaging with my trans ancestors. 
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