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notbutton · 8 months ago
Platonic todotsu
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They go soba 'dates' !!💞
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peachyyhollow · 2 years ago
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such a bad bakutsuyu fan i am, dropping todotsuyu on a bakutsuyu week
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mha-ship-of-the-day · 30 days ago
The Ship of the Day is:
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Shoto Todoroki x Tsuyu Asui
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meowhusband · 2 years ago
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they're gossiping
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fxwdeddie · 3 years ago
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shippingcrumbs · 3 years ago
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violetlunette · 3 years ago
As a late edition to thins bnha rare pair post ask, I would also like to add Todoroki x Tsuyu. I just found it last night and now I love it.
They’re both honest to the point of being as blunt as a hammer, but are genuine, compassionate, and kind. Both are observant and use their observation to nurture others, and are highly emotional people despite having stoic faces. The differences is that Todoroki is chaotic Good and Tsuyu appears to be lawful good. Both want to help others but have different approaches. Tsuyu also realizes the importance of working with others, but Shoto is more independent (this is because of their quirks but I digress).
These are just at the top of my head. There is so much potential for this pairing and I’m glad I found it.
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a-ghost-that-writes · 2 years ago
Tsuyu x Shoto for the ship meme
send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
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who is more likely to hurt the other?
Shouto is more likely, even though it would most likely be by accident
who is emotionally stronger?
Honestly? They are both equally emotionally strong.
who is physically stronger?
Although Tsuyu is pretty strong, Shouto is naturally stronger.
who is more likely to break a bone?
I’d say Tsuyu is more likely to break a bone than Shouto but Shoto is also likely to as well.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?
They both would but Shouto would do it more.
who treats who’s wounds more often?
Tsuyu treats Shouto’s wounds more.
who is in constant need of comfort?
Although he won’t admit it, Shouto needs comfort more.
who gets more jealous?
Surprisingly, Tsuyu is the one who gets jealous more.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
Truth be told, they both would likely walk out on the other.
who will propose?
Shouto will.
who has the most difficult parents?
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
who comes up for the other all the time?
They both do.
who hogs the blankets?
Tsuyu does.
who gets more sad?
Shouto does.
who is better at cheering the other up?
Tsuyu is better at cheering Shouto up.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Neither of them do that.
who is more streetwise?
Tsuyu is.
who is more wise?
They both are.
who’s the shyest?
Surprisingly Shouto is.
who boasts about the other more?
Neither of them boast about the other. 
who sits on who’s lap?
They sit in each other’s lap.
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astrochako · 4 years ago
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" 𝑙𝑒𝑡'𝑠 𝑔𝑜 𝑜𝑛 𝑎 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘! "
𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝗍𝗌𝗎 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍 ✔︎
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earthgravity · 3 years ago
||Até tu, Mina?||
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Uma fic de um casal que ninguém pediu, mas eu fiz;
Green, green, green
Capítulo 2 — Dona flor e seus dois maridos versão japonesa
Depois que fomos sinceros um com o outro, as conversas ficaram mais fáceis. Parecia que um peso enorme tinha sido tirado de meus ombros. Midoriya era uma pessoa incrível, mas não entendia o motivo pelo qual ele aceitou essa loucura.
— Já quis ser atleta olímpico uma vez, mas desisti quando terminei o colegial — ele comentou aleatoriamente enquanto caminhávamos pela praça.
— Em qual modalidade? — perguntei, não escondendo a minha curiosidade. Bebi um pouco do meu milkshake, fazendo um barulho agradável.
— Pratico taekwondo há anos e todos diziam que eu poderia seguir profissionalmente nisso, mas desisti por causa de uma lesão no joelho. — Midoriya levantou o joelho direito um pouco alto demais e depois soltou um suspiro. — Atualmente pego bem mais leve por conta da dor crônica, mas meu médico disse que eu não poderia seguir com isso porque forçaria ele demais.
Assenti, absorvendo a histórias aos poucos.
— Uma vez quase me afoguei enquanto praticava escondido, nesse dia, achei que fosse morrer. Alguns dias depois, sofri um acidente de carro e passei muito tempo internada. — Estalei a língua no céu da boca e rodei o copo de plástico no ar. — Foi uma época conturbada e entendo completamente como você se sente, mas se você está feliz agora, acho que vale a pena continuar.
— Ah… eu não me arrependo de ter desistido, gosto da minha vida agora. Lamento se pareceu o contrário. — Coçou o pescoço, rindo nervosamente. — Como assim você quase se afogou e sofreu um acidente de carro?! — exclamou surpreso e nervoso, apenas ri de sua preocupação.
— Foi quando eu tinha uns quinze, dezesseis anos. Meus pais resolveram se separar e descobri que meu pai estava traindo a minha mãe, além dele começar a me tratar diferente. Juntou toda a minha situação familiar com o estresse do começo da minha vida de atleta de alta performance. — Mirei o céu, suspirando. — Eu corri até a piscina que eu treinava, convenci o guarda a me deixar usar e comecei a nadar, até que praticamente desmaiei de exaustão. Não me afoguei porque o guarda me salvou. Dias depois, estava voltando de uma competição com a minha mãe e sofremos um acidente.
— Não sabia disso.
— Nunca revelei em nenhuma entrevista que eu dei… na verdade, eu não dou muitas entrevistas então não é uma surpresa. — Ri e coloquei uma mecha de cabelo atrás da orelha. — Mas acho que não é um assunto que deveríamos falar durante um encontro.
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brickercupmasterx3 · 4 years ago
hello~! D2 for Bakugou x Tsuyu x Todoroki? they're my ultimate ship!
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Sure. ^^ Here ya go. These three are my precious OT3! <3
Drew them in the order given for the pose. ;P
Always a pleasure to give the precious frog bae the love she deserves.
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bnha-ramblings · 5 years ago
TodoTsu for the win!
Fav thing: they both have very dry, blunt, socially awkward personalities and I dig that
Least fav thing: I just don’t see it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️
Fav line: Help! I couldn’t find anything! Send me things
Do I ship them: nah though my sister does apparently
Random headcanon: they go out to get something to drink and just people watch as bluntly as possible
Unpopular opinion: I don’t understand why they’re shipped but I’m open to people telling me why
Song associated with them: Dusk Till Dawn
Fav pic:
They’re just vibin’
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mha-icons · 5 years ago
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TodoTsu icons for @jaelyndoodles
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todochako-shipper-mdude · 5 years ago
I just wanna say I really stan that one celebrity that cosplayed todoasui with his girlfriend😤✊🏻Like they both looked really good and picked one of the many good rare ships to cosplay
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creative-hell · 6 years ago
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                       ⊰ ❝ Take my breath away ❞ ⊱
          A little gift for the beautiful @mistlekero
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fxwdeddie · 3 years ago
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