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Posted @withregram • @banderaroja_pr Sin luz y más cara ¡LUMA PA' FUERA! #PuertoRico #BanderaRoja #TodoPRContraLuma #FueraLuma #RevokePromesa #AbolishPromesa #CancelTheDebt #DiásporaEnResistencia https://www.instagram.com/p/CUcLmWvrUYA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Posted @withregram • @nuestra_patriapr And this mi gente is why I love our people! In an act of resistance people have been arriving to the headquarters Of @lumapuertorico and have been leaving all their electronic that have been destroyed due to the constant and random power outages as well as food and other perishable items! LUMA FUERA DE PUERTO RICO! And a reminder for all those saying Luma isn’t at fault because they walked into a broken system, stop making excuses for a company that doesn’t give a fuck about the island nor stabilizing a broken infrastructure! No one is calling for the return of the AEE because many know the system was already trash. People are demanding accountability for the inflation in the cost of electricity! People are demanding accountability for the massive layoffs that came after Luma took over the system! People are demanding accountability from whoever the fuck is in charge including @senadopr and @camaraderepresentantespr and everyone else that keeps bullshit the people! We gotta stop making excuses and demand accountability from everyone! Video por @banderaroja_pr #luma #puertorico #LumaFueraDePuertoRico #TodoPRContraLuma #FueraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyZi0YlyOF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ths is why so many Puerto Ricans have always stated that he has a white savior complex. This exact information shared below has been shared with him by multiple people. Still he shows an unwillingness to change his perspective or interview workers. For something this sensitive he cannot use the excuse that he does this on his time off. He must still use the journalistic code of conduct and interview multiple sides. While that last interview could be seem as a humanistic one, the impact is having is on supporting union busting, displacing workers, privatizing an agency that the people of Puerto Rico don’t want privatize but revamped, while at the same time covering what the corporation did to the unionized workers by taking their working trucks and tools away, essentially rendering them unable to do their job. They did this so people feel they don’t want to the job, which is not the case. @cbsnews @cbsthismorning @davidbegnaud @utieroficialpr #TodoPRContraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CPiP4muh-Jw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Forced move to a different position that is not related to energy services... how much did it cost to the people of Puerto Rico to train this person to now be moved to an area where he/she will not able too use the skills already learned? #TodoPRContraLuma @aeeonline @utieroficialpr https://www.instagram.com/p/COVv1KRBgqY/?igshid=qxy3bt8k44xr
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Forced move to a different position that is not related to energy services... how much did it cost to the people of Puerto Rico to train this person to now be moved to an area where he/she will not able too use the skills already learned? #TodoPRContraLuma @aeeonline @utieroficialpr https://www.instagram.com/p/COVvlImBjyy/?igshid=1szzcobxzjivx
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Posted @withregram • @biancagraulau LUMA argues that some of the information requested is private & confidential. I’ll link to a news article in my stories for more info. #TodoPRContraLuma #LumaEnergy #FueraLuma #ParoNacional #DiásporaEnResistencia #SeAcabaronLasPromesas https://www.instagram.com/p/CVlAP4kLFEN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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¡¡From Puerto Rico to New York, we all say Fuera LUMA!! #FueraLuma #TodoPRContraLuma #NoPrivatization #debtrestrcturingisasham https://www.instagram.com/p/CVIMU7Tj3U7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Posted @withregram • @auditoriaya Al medio día en las escuelas públicas del país! Saca tu pancarta y sube la foto a redes! No al Plan del Tumbe! No al Pc 1003 No al pago de deuda ilegal Sí a la Ley por Un Retiro Digno Sí a la gente 1ero que la deuda Sí a la UPR #PuertoRico #PlanDelTumbe #RetiroDigno #CancelTheDebt #RevokePromesa #DiásporaEnResistencia #TodoPRContraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-ZASWlAV-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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¡La energía es un derecho humano!
La lucha contra la privatización de la energía en Puerto Rico es global Únase a nosotros el jueves 14 de octubre a las 17:00 horas (Puerto Rico) para escuchar directamente desde la primera línea de la lucha contra la privatización del sistema eléctrico de Puerto Rico. Lxs trabajadorxs del sector energético están luchando en contra de esta privatización. Por favor, participa y comparte la campaña de solidaridad global de LabourStart hoy. Transmisión en vivo en Facebook
@labourstart.org #TodoPRContraLuma #FueraLuma #PaFueraLuma #PaFueraLaJunta #CancelTheDebt #RevokePromesa #AbolishPromesa @psi.interamerica @utieroficialpr @dsainternationalcommittee @sindicato_mexicano_de_electric @labourstart
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Posted @withregram • @jsalppr La privatización de la distribución de la energía a través de la empresa LUMA Energy ha sido un fracaso, y un eslabón más de la política de saqueo al país. Ahora no les basta con este caos, pretenden privatizar la generación de energía y para eso han activado todo un aparato de propaganda mediática que busca culpar a la generación por el desastre de LUMA. #FueraLUMA #SeAcabaronLasPROMESAS #TodoPRContraLuma #AbolishLaJunta #RevokePromesa #CancelTheDebt #DiásporaEnResistencia #puertorico🇵🇷 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUaFab4r8AO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#FueraLuma #TodoPRContraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CQw01vNBfFg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#TodoPRContraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CQvvrLZBCZD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Summer is here and we know many in the diáspora are on their yearly travel to the motherland, to you all, here is an important event to support! Show up! #TodoPRContraLuma #TodaLaDiásporaContraLuma #FueraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CQapip2BGoZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Forced move to a different position that is not related to energy services... how much did it cost to the people of Puerto Rico to train this person to now be moved to an area where he/she will not able too use the skills already learned? #TodoPRContraLuma @aeeonline @utieroficialpr https://www.instagram.com/p/COVvi9MBLMh/?igshid=17qw2s97q80c0
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@pedropierluisi ¡Cancela el contrato ya! #FueraLuma #TodoPRContraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CP9e7_ahSZt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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@pedropierluisi ¡Cancela el contrato ya! #FueraLuma #TodoPRContraLuma https://www.instagram.com/p/CP9eqYchcix/?utm_medium=tumblr
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