#today was the first time i've put it on all together & took a full height pic of myself
qqqqqqqqqqq0 · 11 days
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ratralsis · 1 year
8. The Anniversary
Table of Contents
Kevin stepped down from the stepladder. "Merry Christmas," he said, wrapping Marigold in a big hug.
"It's still two weeks away, even with a star on the tree," she said, her arms at her sides as she was squeezed. Seeing his disappointment, she rolled her eyes and added, "Still, sure, Merry Christmas. When it gets here."
Kevin released her and took half a step back. "Do you know what today actually is?"
"The eleventh?" she ventured.
He sighed and imitated her eye roll, having seen it too many times by now not to be able to do so perfectly. "It's the first anniversary of the night we met," he said. He turned and looked up at their fake tree, its cheap plastic star shiny with metallic yellow paint. There were garlands around the window next to the tree, and a stuffed snowman watched them from the end table next to their sofa. A scented candle provided them with the fresh scent of artificial pine, its flickering light reflected on the star and in the snowman's little black eyes. "A year ago I was buying you coffee. Now we're decorating our home together and everything."
"I can't believe you remember that," she said. She picked up her mug of hot cocoa and slid in next to him, and he put an arm around her without thinking about it. "Though I can't help but feel it's a waste to spend time and money decorating when it's just the two of us."
"About that," Kevin said, turning his head away from her. He cleared his throat, and took a deep breath of pine scent. "I was wondering if you'd mind if my family came to visit."
"If you really want them to," she said. "I guess that'd be okay. We'll have to find a night when I'm not busy."
"How about if we invite Henry and your sisters, too?" Kevin asked, because, sometimes, it was worth it to push his luck and ask for everything.
From the corner of his eye, he could see Marigold's eyes dart from the tree up towards him. He pretended not to notice. "I don't think this apartment is big enough for that many people," she said. "Not to mention we'd be asking them to take a long trip to come all the way out here."
"We could do two different nights, maybe," he suggested. "I don't think my parents will mind not meeting Henry. I mean, I'm sure they'd like to, but, you know."
She drummed the slender fingers of one hand on the mug she held, then took a long sip as she thought it over. "We can ask them, I guess," she said. "It might be fun to show the place off to everybody."
"Oh, and speaking of our families," Kevin said, turning to look at her. "Maybe I'm overstepping, but have you considered going to, like, a DNA or genealogy site or something to see if we could learn more about your heritage? Track down some other blood relatives of yours?"
She beamed at him and looked into his eyes. His heart still skipped a beat when she did that. "We don't need to," she said. "I already know what I am."
"Okay, sure," Kevin said. "But look, it's nice to say you're a musician or you're a Spade or whatever, but aren't you curious?"
At that, she laughed, and Kevin tried to hide his flinch of surprise. "No, I mean I've already spit in a few different tubes over the years and sent it off to some of those places." Seeing the confusion on Kevin's face, she continued. "They're all a little bit different, but I can nail down my lineages to a few percentage points." She drew herself to her full unimpressive height and smirked. "Care to take a guess?"
"I do not," Kevin said immediately. "Not even a little."
"Oh, boo," she pouted. "You're no fun at all."
"Are you going to tell me?"
"Not until you guess," she teased, but Kevin shook his head. It seemed he was unlikely to find out the answer anytime soon, and that was fine with him. She went on. "I found some suspected fourth or fifth cousins through one of the sites, but they were dead ends as far as tracking down closer relatives went. But yes, I am also a musician, and a Spade, and a lot of other things."
"Well, I'm glad I asked before ordering any kits, then," Kevin said, then, because she was still standing tall and presenting an easy target, he decided to lean down and kiss her on the cheek, more to see how she'd react than anything else.
Fast as lightning, as though she'd expected him to try this, she grabbed the drawstrings of his purple hoodie and pulled him down to her level. "And you know," she whispered seductively into his ear, "if you ever get around to giving me that ring I found so cleverly tucked away on the top shelf of the closet where you think I can't reach, I could add a couple more things to the list of things that I am."
Kevin froze, and only partly because he was worried that she might tear his third-favorite hoodie if he moved too quickly. "Oh," he stammered, and licked his lips. "That's actually, um, that's my grandmother's old wedding ring, you see. My mom inherited it, and she gave it to me when I turned eighteen. For someday, she told me. I've sort of held onto it since then, in case, that is, it wasn't meant to…" He trailed off.
Marigold let go of the drawstrings and leaned back, her eyebrows bunched together in a hurt look that pained Kevin to see. She bit her lower lip, her shoulders slumped. He tried to gauge her reaction, hoping she wasn't too upset. "You mean it wasn't for me?" she asked.
He could see the disappointment in her eyes. Kevin thought fast, and, after a moment that he feared was still a little too long, asked, "Did you want it to be for you?"
Her gaze flicked to one side. She squared her small shoulders, then looked straight at him, searching for her answer. A year into their relationship, Kevin still never fully knew what she was thinking, but he could tell the wheels were spinning in her head as she struggled to reach her conclusion and find the words to say it.
"Yes," she said. "Don't you?"
He looked into her big, brown eyes, and felt his heart thumping against the inside of his chest. What did that ring mean to him, anyway? What did she?
She reached out and gently took his hand in hers, and he felt the roughness of the calluses on her fingertips. It had been long enough that he knew he'd never get used to the feeling he got when she locked eyes with him.
But he thought it might be worth it to spend his life trying anyway. "I do," he said, and he did.
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 3 years
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Title: Comms
Pairing: Din Djarin x GN! Teen reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Rating: PG
Warning: Cursing, mention of wounds, blood, scared Mando.
Description: In an unexpected raid, Din finds himself unable to find his foundlings and searches for them.
Request: Hey! I love your stories and thought that I would submit a request myself. So this is about Din having a teen foundling/adopted child. They’ve known each other for a little over a year now and even if they don’t show it a lot they’ve grown attached to each other. So this particular story would be about the foundling nearly dying and Din being a scared Dad (I hope you get what I’m going for. Kind of a fluff/Angst story with comforting afterwards😅)
A/N: I'm so sorry this took forever to write, I've been travelling and my computer has been messing up so I have not had time to write at all. Anyways, here it is! I hope it's to your liking. It took me awhile for inspiration to hit but I am pretty happy with how it ended up. Enjoy!
“Okay kid, what do we do when we get in trouble?”
“Call for help and signal our location.”
Call for help and signal your location. That was all you were supposed to do, the one rule Din gave for you before he took you along with him anywhere outside of the safety of the Razor Crest. He considered himself lucky that you rarely wandered off without letting Din know where you were going, and that you always seemed to be able to handle most dangerous situations on your own. Maybe it was because you fretted to be too much of a bother for Din, seeing as he took you in almost a year ago when he could have easily left you. Din didn’t see it that way, if he was honest. You were valuable to the group, taking care of Grogu and the ship when Din could not, and he believed it his duty to protect all on the ship. Only once or twice did you call for him, and he was quick to come to your aid.
He did not think that today would be the day where his timing risked your life.
The Mandalorian found himself aiding a local trading village with a raider issue in exchange for information about a bounty he’d been pursuing. He’d led a group of men over to what they’d suspected to be the raider’s hideout and set up for an ambush. The Entrance of the cave’s dunes felt barren, and only after the mens’ legs grew sore from crouching and backs ached from huddling in the dark was it that Din began to suspect something was wrong. The quiet environment was abnormal behavior to the raiders he’d encountered before, no doubt this specific group would be any different.
“They’ll see you!”
Startling the men surrounding him, Din shot into the air and stalked the vicinity. The dunes’ walls stretched for meters long as he kept his piece raised, occasionally scanning weak spots for life forms or any piece of equipment. He paused, frowning a moment when his scanner detected nothing.
That was the first sign that things weren’t going as planned that day.
“...m..do... v.llage... here…”
There was the second.
Din raised his arm to speak into his comms.
“Y/N?” Nothing but static came back from the comms. Din fidgeted and smacked it a couple times before grunting in frustration.
Damn, comms were jammed.
Wait, they were jammed.
And in a moment of a horrible realization, Din was quick to grab the men and make their way back to the village. When they arrived they found the village in chaos- buildings were burning, villagers running, and materials and pieces and bodies strewn across the ground. For a moment, Din froze in fear and worried that you were on the ground as well, your comms still ringing static and Grogu taken from you, lost to the raiders, or worse, the Empire.
Din quickly made his way throughout the village, barely rounding the first corner when a group of raiders assaulted him. He threw punches at the first raider, using their momentum to kick them hard into another. After several dodges and shots from his blaster, most of them were dead aside from one that laid on the ground and clutched his blasted leg.
Din marched over and pressed his blaster against the wound. “Where are the hostages being held?”
As it turned out, the raiders had no plan of keeping hostages. When Din finally tracked the building where captives were supposedly held, he was unable to remain collected when he found that you and Grogu were nowhere to be found. Instead, he stood before raiders responsible for the attack, their blasters disturbingly put away as they argued amongst one another. Din didn’t bother listening, he looked around but saw no sign of his foundlings.
“Wrong door.” He said simply before taking out his blaster and shooting the raiders.
Pocketing his piece Din ran out of the stronghold and went outside, calling for you and Grogu. He thought about the worst possible scenarios that could have happened to you two as he took out the raiders pillaging the village, until all but one remained, the leader. He found him in the main courtyard of the village, his face hidden though his body seethed with labored breaths. He stood there for several moments before Din heard one last labored breath before the leader’s legs buckled beneath him and he slumped to the ground with a sickening crack of skull on stone. Hm? Din didn’t know what to make of this, and further stalked over, hand on blaster, examining the body. Upon closer look a blaster wound to the stomach was made more visible. So, someone got to the leader before Din could. That leaves the question… who?
A quick look around the area pointed out a trail of blood.
The Mandalorian followed this trail without any real reason behind it.
He found the remainder of the villagers at some point along the way. Sullen masses of faces mixed together, mourning the loss of their villages and lost ones but kept busy with treating the wounded. Women sat in huddles cooking with what food was salvaged and children sat quiet. One stood out apart from the rest in Din’s eyes, a large male leaning over a group of medics. Din recognized him as Cyrukee, the villager’s chief, who noticed the lone bounty hunter from the corner of his eye and stood up. In his arms was the most beautiful thing Din had seen all day, Grogu. The baby gurgled in joy as he walked up to the chief.
“There you are.” Din didn’t realize that he was holding his breath when he sighed in relief, taking Grogu into his arms.
“Sir.” Cryukee barely got a word out before Din turned to him.
“I’m looking for a youngling- my kid. Have you seen them?”
“Sir, please.”
“They’re this tall,” Din rears a hand near to your height, “they were with this little green baby. Your husband, he took them to the school. Where is he?” The Mandalorian made a full turn around to look for the red robed headman who was last responsible for your care. He reached for his comms and tried to reach you again. His voice rang back at him, and in a terrible moment of realization he realized that that was your comms.
“Where are they?”
“Sir, let me explain.” Cyrukee wore an exasperated expression and looked as though he was about to speak before one of the medics from the group he was with requested to speak with him. He spared a glance at Din as though he struggled whether or not to say something. And then, Din followed his arm towards the medics he was just with. Din didn’t know what to make of it, not able to recognize any of them. The Mandalorian took one last look at the chief, whose grave expression gave him reason to worry, and slowly walked towards the group of medics. He buzzed through the comms, trying to pinpoint your location. As he got closer he heard medics speak in soothing voices and their patient hyperventilating. Had it not been his own voice coming from the center of the personnel he would have moved on, instead he could not find the will to move. Grogu looked at him expectantly.
One medic in particular took notice of the beskar-armored man. He and some others quickly got up and pushed Din away before he could force his way through the medics to take a look at you.
“Hey, wait-wait-please.” Din grunted at the force and staggered several steps back. He took a moment to collect himself and Grogu sneezed in his arms. Dust must have gotten into his nose during the scuffle. “Please, my ward- my kid. That’s my kid.”
“Just a moment,” one of the bloodied nurses kept her hands on Din’s chestplate longer than he would have liked. He didn’t push her away though.
“I need to see my kid.” Din looked her in the eye, hoping that she could see his desperation through his helmet.
His kid. When Din looks back on this he would think about how he’s never referred to Y/N as his own before. He would have liked to think he said that so the nurses allowed him to pass easier. But deep down, he knew it was because of how much he cared for them.
“I understand but please let me explain. Sir, Sir!” Din retreated in defeat on his second attempt to get past her and the other nurses. She stared into his eyes and patted his shoulders, Din didn’t know whether she was trying to comfort him or control his movements. “They’re traumatized enough right now, and you moving around in that armor of yours will only make it worse.”
“What happened to them?”
“They had an encounter with Jetwal,” Din’s blood boiled at the recognition of the raider’s leader who’d died before him. “according to the children, your child was leading them to the outskirts when he found them. They killed him, he was threatening the children, and they shot him. Now, listen to me. They did get injured. Several blaster wounds to their limbs and upper torso- sir, listen please I cannot allow you to go to them just yet- they’re still panicking right now but I assure you their wounds are being treated right now. They’ll be fine, but disrupting our work will only inhibit us from treating them properly.”
She watched his gaze linger to the sound of your crying. “How much longer until I can see them?”
Din was not pleased to find that he was only allowed to see you when the nurse came for him herself. Reluctantly he walked a little farther away from the medics when asked to give them more space, and sat down with Grogu bouncing on his knee next to a young Twi’lek running their hands over their lekku to soothe themselves. Between glancing at the medics to keeping Grogu entertained, Din didn’t realize how much time had elapsed before noticing the nurse had come to his side to collect him.
She took a seat next to him. “They’re hurt very badly, but with time their injuries will heal. All they need to do is rest. You can see them now.”
Grogu giggled and played with the nurse’s finger that was threateningly wiggling on his little tummy. “Can you take him for a moment?”
Din stood up and gave Grogu a pat on his little head and rubbed his large ears out of habit. Something you used to do to calm the little green alien down after a terrible meltdown. Even under his helmet Din smiled at the alien before dredging towards you. You laid on a pile of fabrics that functioned as a makeshift cot, but you looked like you had a pile of fabrics on you with the amount of bandages that wrapped your body. You didn’t notice Din approaching you as you stared straight into the sky. Din wondered what you were thinking. What could you be thinking? From his knowledge, this was your first time dealing with major injuries from blasters. It must have made this whole ordeal so much more frightening to you.
Maybe Din was too light on his feet, recoiling instantly when you jolted at his touch and groaned in pain.
“It’s me, it’s me.” His voice was soothing, even more than normal which surprised him.
A sort of wheeze escaped your lips and you coughed. “Mando.”
“Hey kid.”
“I tried calling for you.” A gasp. “They jammed the frequencies.”
“Your message barely came through, kid. But it made us realize what was going on. We got here before more damage could be done because of you.”
Your form relaxed. “Good, good. Grogu?”
“With a nurse.” “The one with the sweet voice.”
“I liked her voice-” A cough. “Sounds like my mom’s. She was nice. She helped calm me down.” At this point Din had stared at you long enough to realize how puffy your eyes were from crying. He didn’t stop himself from reaching over to brush your H/C hair out of your face. You leaned into his touch.
“I’m pretty fucked up, huh?”
Your eyes were already locked onto his when he met your gaze. A tick passed, and Din’s eyes fell to the wounds you were referring to. He shook his head. “No, kid. That’s not what you are.”
“Feels like it.” Din scowled at your words.
“There are too many fucked up people in the galaxy, kid. You´re not one of them.” You look at him with a raised brow. “Y/N, you barely have any combat experience yet you took on Jetwal? What were you thinking?”
And you said something that surprised him.
“I was thinking of you.”
And Din couldn’t find any words. He cleared his throat and you continued, “We were alone and I had no idea when you’d come, I was scared something had happened to you because I couldn’t get a hold of you through the comms and that guy was coming at us and-” You inhaled sharply, wincing at what Din assumed was a jab in one of your wounds but he didn’t know how to help. You calmed a moment later, closing your eyes and furling your brows together. “I thought about what you would have done if you were there. You always looked like you knew what to do.”
To say that Din was proud of you would have been an understatement, he was beaming wonders underneath his helmet but realized that you couldn’t see through the beskar.
“I thought I’d lost you both.” Din admitted. “But I’m very proud of you. You saved lives, Y/N. That’s no easy feat for someone of your age.”
You grinned at him and laughed. “Did you do something like this when you were my age?”
“Yes, but I didn’t end up as fucked up as you did.” “Hey!” Din laughed and raised his forearm to block your playful hits.
A moment of silence falls between the two of you before you look at Din again. “Do you know how long we’ll be here for?”
“With your injuries, no clue. I’ll talk to the medics and Cyrukee to see what is to be done.”
“Okay.” You nodded, your fingers twitching involuntarily. Din’s hands find their way to your hair again. “Mando, I’m tired.”
“Rest. I’ll be here with you.” He watches you half-heartedly nod at his words and doze off in a matter of seconds. The injuries have taken a toll on your body, Din suspects, and he pulls a sheet over you. He sits with you, watching villagers talk amongst themselves, speaks with those who come by to thank him for his help, and accepts Grogu from the nurse when she comes over, thanking her for all she’d done for you. She told him that a thank you was not owed to her, and that if you were to need anything she was only a call away.
And when he was finally left alone, Mandalorian took one look to take account for his two foundlings. They slept soundly and with luck, heads full of dreams. Most importantly, they were safe in his care once again.
Din realized he’d been holding in a breath, and exhaled a sigh of relief.
@kiara-is-gay @pcotato @sagedgeek
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bitchfitch · 2 years
There was a level of grandeur that came with a castle's grand entry gates being opened. Dozens of strapping guards rushing around in the delicate dance that was required to lower the ornate draw bridge halves so that they would thunk perfectly into place as the nearly one ton metal fence before the door itself was hoisted with the satisfying click click click of a well put together mechanism. A grand preamble to the doors being pushed open, two men each it took to move them, to finally allow entry for a single man on an aging horse with barely more than a saddle pack to his name.
Reidar bit the inside of his mouth to keep himself from grinning. He knew full well these gates were never closed outside of active battle. It was too much fucking work to do this for every supply shipment.
This was all for him.
His horse carried him through into the ornate courtyard, the guards standing at full salute as he passed. Flowers blooming in the late spring sunlight, their golden and red petals making the green spaces look cloaked in flames when the wind tussled them.
Reider held his head high, kept his face stoic. This would be the first time these people saw their new general, and while his cloak hid the worst of the truth, he couldn't let the rest spill out this early.
The doors to the ancient palace that sat nestled within the much newer castle opened with their own sort of fan fair, the court maids coming to stand either side of the main walk, bowing as their king followed behind.
Reidar had a first impression to make, an air of competency and strength to maintain. He managed to dismount his horse, and hand his reigns to the stable hand who appeared to collect it, before he met eyes with Baldric and nearly melted from the warmth and adoration that waited for him there.
Baldric, the king with his crown of gold nestled between his proud horns and his dusty pewter skin that turned lilac at the cheeks. Baldric, who called for all this fuss just to put on a show to welcome him home with.
He grinned and rushed the old fool. throwing his arm around Baldric's shoulders as he was caught and held tight to him. Baldric's hands fisting in the back of his cloak as they held eachother once more for the moment it took them both to remember they had an audience.
"My knight," Baldric looked on the verge of joyful tears, "Oh- Just look at you! My Darling, My Soldier-" he swallowed thickly as they parted, taking Reidar's violet hand in his own and putting his other on Reidar's shoulder, careful of where he knew it would probably still be sore, "Thank all that listens that at least this much of you made it home to me."
"You act as though you expected me to drop dead on the way from the train," Reidar joked, as he shrugged Baldric's hand off from his shoulder. He wasn't quite ready to confront that change with him yet.
"It was but a month ago I received word you were in hospital half dead from an infection earned in the heat of battle. There's not been a day I haven't worried for you since," Baldric squeezed his hand, "But! Today is a day for celebrating. Not for getting stuck in that particular bog again. Come, Come. Your rooms have already been prepared, but i demand you let me show you about this dreary old place before the feast."
"A feast?" Reidar followed h through the doors as the entourage was dismissed with a wave from their king, "How much are you spending on this? Truly there was no need for so much fan fare."
Baldric guffawed and through his arm over Reidar's shoulder an easy task considering the near foot of height difference between them, pulling him close as they walked. "Did that showing disatisfy you my dear?"
"Thats not what I said-"
"Then I've spent hardly enough on welcoming not just this castles newest general, not just my lover, but a war Hero! You know that's what you are right? That's the reception you deserve."
"I'd hardly say I'm much more than any other soldier."
"And I'd never call you a fool, but you do act it sometimes," Baldric teased and pressed a kiss to the highpoint of his curling horn.
Baldric whisked him down the halls, ducking in and out of various rooms as he prattled on about this or that. Never once did he stop touching Reidar during the whole ordeal, always leaving a hand to stray across Reidar's back or to rest on his shoulder or to tangle their fingers together as they found some new corridor to explore.
Reidar could tell their path wasn't random or as meandering as it might have seemed, Baldric had that light in his eye that meant he was up to something. Searching something out within this ornate maze.
They come to a small space tucked down a servants path. It was more a nook made by the mismatch of a few expansions than it was a room proper. It's entrance being recessed and hidden as it was.
It was barely large enough to fit the small table and pair of chairs that had been set beside it's narrow window.
Baldric sighed heavily when he saw the space empty, drawing back out and almost turning before Reidar caught him by the sleeve.
"Would you at least tell me what we're looking for?" Reidar asked.
"Maskota. He's usually so quick to come greet our guests," Baldric sighed, "He's been out of sorts the last few days, but I'm sure he's just found a nice place to nap. We'll find him soon."
"I know we've joked about this before, but are you sure he's your husband and not your cat?" Reidar hoped to lighten his spirits with the prod, even as some anxiety began winding itself up within him, "But, you're certain he's ok with me being here, right?"
"Of Course! Me taking a lover while away on campaigns was his idea, and he's never had much qualm with my other lovers over the years. I think the worst thing he's ever had to say against any of them was that Bernard's perfume gave him headaches. He's just You know, Maskota. He has his reasons I'm certain of it!" Baldric rambled, wringing his hands and not meeting Reidar's eye.
Reidar held his tongue for a moment, letting the king in front of him sweat, Baldric had his half truths, Reidar knew that, but this one felt higher stakes than those that had come before.
"Please don't look at me like that, my darling."
"Look at you like what?"
"Like you can read my mind."
"I promise I can't. If I could I'd know why you're keeping something from me."
"It's nothing you need to worry about. Maskota was just anxious about something a bit silly. It's ... Colored his view of you somewhat. But that doesn't matter. As soon as you two finally meet he will love you just as much as I do," Baldric had so much nervous hope painted in the fine lines of his face that it made him look decades younger, "And you'll love him too, I just know it."
"Are you going to be ok if we don't get along?" Reidar asked carefully. He hoped they would, but with what he had heard about Maskota from even Baldric himself made it feel like the chances of them being more than amicable acquaintances were very very low.
"Of course! Of course. You two are your own men, you can do whatever you please. But... I will admit I have fantasies that won't come to pass if you two aren't at least a little fond of eachother. So maybe I am being, well, me and attempting to weigh the odds a bit."
Reidar quirked a brow at him. It had been months since they were last in the same room with no one to observe them... Perhaps talking fantasies would be a way to warm Reidar up to the idea of 'being fond of' Maskota. "Will you tell me of these 'Fantasies' then?"
"Yes! I'm glad you want to hear. There's this corner in Maskota's garden, It's the most beautiful place in the entire world I'd wager. I'd love to have a picnic with you both there on a sunny day. Oh! and you both love horses so much, we need to all go for a ride in the woods just south of here-"
Reidar's grin turned to giggles as the king rambled on with so much enthusiasm and gusto, until Reidar was cutting him off with a kiss. Short and shallow but lingering I'm the way it left them both smiling quietly to themselves. Reidar leaned his head on Baldric's shoulder, and Baldric once again wrapped him in his arms.
"I love you," Reidar said against the side of Baldric's neck.
"I love you too, but I'm now realizing those weren't the sort of fantasies you expected me to share, were they?"
"They weren't. But I'm glad you did. I'll do my best to befriend him, so that you can have them come true."
"You could kill me with how gleeful those words have made me." Baldric held him a little tighter.
Reidar turned his head just slightly to press his lips to his lover's neck. The moment was sweet, the air calm, and the room private, why shouldn't they take this opportunity to sneak something quick in like they had many times before?
Reidar knew he had a private room now, and that Baldric would probably welcome him in his. There were no barracks for Reidar to return to before he was missed, no draft biting through the thin fabric of their tent. They had time now, security too. There was no need to be sneaky and quick about their affections, but as Baldric took the hint and let his hands trail down along Reidar's back to grope the firm muscle of his rear beneath the layers of his clothes, Reidar didn't care about there being a 'need' for any of this. It could just be a thrill with no fear to taint it now.
Reidar pulled back to catch the king in a more full kiss, open mouthed and wet, as he crammed his hand between their bodies to seek out the fastens on Baldric's trousers.
"Your Majesty!" a voice called from up the hall. Infuriating in its existence, questionimg in its tone, "Are you here? You are needed urgently in the throne room."
Baldric grimaced, Reidar glared in the direction it had come from.
"Duty calls," Baldric sighed. "You remember where my rooms are, yes? Be in my bed when I'm done so that we may continue this before the feast, but don't expect me soon. Explore for a bit, make yourself at home. Ok?"
"Yes sir," Reidar stole another kiss before stepping back to let him bustle past and towards the caller.
Reidar gave himself to the count of 30, readjusting his cloak to once again properly hide the stub of his arm. Straightening out his collar, and generally fussing as he let his frustration piddle out. It wasn't the first time they'd been interrupted, it wasn't even the worst time, but still.
He stepped from the small room and wandered back down the corridor until he was once again in one of the main halls. Vaguely he recalled how to get to his room from here, but still the task of navigating the grand and open spaces was daunting when he felt he looked so out of place within them.
He was dusty from his ride, still wearing a well worn pair of soldier's boots and the plain garb of a man who'd long since given up everything he had to serve in an army that had no use for a wrong armed swordsman. Even the maids bustling about on their day's labors wore silken bonnets and lacy ribbons, while he looked like a very lost beggar.
All the courtiers and maids and what not gave him a wide berth as he trudged to his room. All but one.
A stunning man with ivy green skin and hair like spilt ink knocked right into him. Their shoulders colliding as the mess of gold jewelry and flowy translucent silks failed to divert from his path.
"Oh- I'm so sorry-" the man apologized as soon as they both came to a stop, "I was just distracted looking for someone," he clasped his hands in front of him, his fingers heavy with rings and ornamental claw covers, and bowed his head in apology, heavy as it must be with the lightly jangling jewelry hanging from his swooping carved horns.
"Yeah?" Reidar asked, already having a feeling who it is he might be talking too, "Maybe I can help you find them."
He seemed a fool and vain as they come, but pretty, and polite enough Reidar could put aside his unobservant nature to begin working towards a friendship with him.
The man grinned, even his fangs were capped in gold, and it didn't reach his lilac eyes, "Thank you, mister. I'm looking for my husband's new toy. About yay tall-" he held out his hand at about a head shorter than Reidar actually was, nearly naval level on the willowy mess of opulence, "And he's supposed to be a skilled soldier, a Captain even, but I hear he couldn't even win a little scrap. Lost his arm to it and everything. He has a name I'm sure, but My dear only ever calls him something very rude when he speaks of him."
Oh, so he's going to be like That, Reidar thinks to himself bitterly.
"It's nice to meet you too, Maskota." Reidar fakes a smile equal to the one Maskota has plastered on his thin face, "Names, Reidar. Your husband definitely knows it considering how often I've made him scream it."
"Funny," Maskota let the act drop, his lips pursing as he stands to his full height, looking down his nose at Reidar when he does. "I will be frank with you soldier boy. I was here first. I'm the one he's married too. I get last say on whether you stay or get kicked to the street. Understood?"
"Funny," Reidar mimics, "That a man given to him as a pet has so much confidence."
"I'm his Husband."
"Keep telling yourself that, pet," Reidar spat. " And keep acting so big and I'll bring you down to size. I may be down an arm, but I doubt you would be much trouble with how much you've mutilated yourself to be pretty enough for him."
"I don't need to stoop to fighting in the dirt to be free of you, gnat," Maskota snarled, "Count your hours here, you won't be having many."
He stepped around Reidar, clearly planning on sashaying off like a man with dignity, but Reidar couldn't care to stop himself from stomping on the fine silk train of his dress, making him stumble and nearly topple, and hopefully leaving a boot stain on the fabric.
Maskota yanked his skirt free with a huff, not even bothering to glare at him as he stormed of once more.
Reidar felt it right the whore would have pretty diaphanous wings with so much decoration pierced into their clipped membrane that they looked useless for flight now. Of course the air head would ground himself to try and hold onto what should have never been his.
Reidar decided then and there. He could be cordial when Baldric was looking, Baldric deserved that much after dealing with that bitch for this many years, but as soon as his back was turned all bets were off.
He hadn't planned to be a homewrecker, but a man has to do what he has to do.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
“My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
requests open!
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scented-morker · 3 years
Speak now
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A beeping sound echoes in the small bakery, the scent of freshly baked cookies enveloping you like a warm hug. A bell over the door jingles as someone enters the shop and you all out a “I’m in the back, I’ll be with you shortly” as you maneuver the hot pan out of the way.
You walk to the front of the store, expecting to see one of the sweet old ladies who frequent your business, and it’s a struggle to hide your surprise when you’re met with the handsome face of a man about your age.
“Uh hello,” a smile situates itself on your face as you approach where the man is standing, admiring the pastries through your display case.
“Hello” he stands up straight, his full height making you crane your neck slightly as he smiles back at you.
“Is there anything I can help you with today?”
He explains that he's getting a party together for the HYBE corporation's end of the quarter celebration, and is looking for a caterer for desserts.
"Oh, yeah absolutely, why don't I set you up with a tasting"
You weren't completely sure what they did in that building, other than that it was fancy and they got paid a lot for it. But an event is an event, and you liked catering events.
"Actually I think I'm good, I already know what I want"
A jolt of surprise runs through your body as he says it, confused on how he could already know. You're very certain he's never been in your business before, as you would definitely remember a face like his.
"Alright then, um how big of a headcount are we looking at"
"About 100 workers and their families, just put me down for," he glances back at the pastry cases to read the tags sitting in front of the baked goods, "75 of those tarts, both in raspberry and mint, 50 of those vanilla twist pastries, and 60 of the chocolate cannoli's"
You furiously scribbled down his order as he spoke, internally freaking out at how much time it would take you to bake everything, eventually looking back up when he stopped talking.
"Okay and that is under what name, and for what date?"
"Lee Heeseung, and next Saturday"
You grimaced at the short notice, thankfully Heeseung didn't notice, writing down the last bit of information on the order slip before shooting him a wide grin.
"Alright I will get that all worked out for you, thank you for the order"
He flashed a beautiful smile and you immediately smiled back, trying your best to ignore the way your stomach did flips at the sight.
"While I'm here, can I also just get whatever that chocolate thing is in the display case"
He said it with a slightly embarrassed chuckle, followed quickly by "just don't tell my boss, he'll probably give my nutritionist a heart attack"
You laughed with him, going to get the pastry he ordered, ringing it up and passing it over the counter, quickly snapping your hands back into yourself at the brush of his fingers.
Heeseung doesn't seem to notice as he takes a seat at one of the tables, continuing small talk with you as you replace items in the display case with fresh ones.
When you finished your task he was still eating and nobody else had come into the store, so you start wiping down the tables around him, accepting his offer when he asks you to sit with him.
"So you own this place?"
"Yep! It was my grandmas before the previous owner took over, and they just happened to be retiring when I graduated so it got passed down to me"
"That's impressive, owning your own business this young"
His eyes shined genuinely when he said it and you could tell that he really was impressed.
"Thank you, I'm very proud of it"
He smiles again and somehow you just know that he's a good person. The way he actually cares about the things you talk about, not just pretending to be interested. You could tell he loved seeing other people happy with the look he gave you when you talked, and maybe it was unreasonable, but right then and there a part of you fell for Lee Heeseung.
"You seem quite impressive yourself, working for a big fancy company like HYBE at your age!" You complimented back.
"Oh it's nothing, just a," he paused for just slightly longer than necessary before saying "an internship."
"That's still so cool! What's it like?"
You propped your chin on your hand as you waited for his response, not noticing the way he stared when you did so.
"Uh it's really not as cool as you think," he brushes off the question, "hey, do you want to go for a walk with me?"
The change of topic caught you slightly off guard, but you recovered quickly, checking the time on the clock and realizing it was time to close.
"Yeah that'd be great, just let me close up"
You go through the routine, counting your cash box and storing away pastries, eventually locking the door behind you as you and Heeseung head out into the evening.
"Where do you want to go?" You ask, since he was the one that suggested a walk, and he smiled back at you as soon as the words left your mouth.
"I thought you'd never ask"
He grabs your hand, excitedly pulling you to follow him as he passed through alleys and patches of trees, before eventually stopping, letting out a "ta-da"
You turn in a slow circle, taking in the view, willow trees hanging down around the bank of a river, small flowers covering the base of the trees.
"Oh my-"
You finally turned back to the man next to you, finding his sparkling eyes already on you.
"This is beautiful Heeseung"
His smile is bright enough to light up the slowly darkening night around you as it graces his face, and he pulls you over to sit down under one of the trees.
"Hey Heeseung, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure, anything"
"How'd you already know what you wanted to order? I'm sure I've never seen you in my store before, I would remember you"
"Because I'm just so handsome?" He teases, laughing even harder when you reply "yeah, exactly".
"Well Y/N, can I be honest with you?"
"Yeah, of course"
"I've tasted your food before, even before you owned that place"
Your eyes widened at his confession, head cocking to the side as you tried to think of where he could have had your pastries.
"Were you at an even catered?"
He shakes his head dramatically, mumbling something unintelligible.
"What was that?" You lean closer to try and hear what he says and he looks up then, face mere inches from yours as he repeats himself.
"I said 'you give a girl her first kiss and she doesn't even remember you'"
You let out a small gasp as you realize and your face flares up in embarrassment.
Seventh grade, you had your first kiss with a boy who went to the same music classes as you, and you remember embarrassingly bringing him baked goods every class after that. His name was Heeseung, and now that you think carefully you can see the resemblance to the man sitting in front of you now.
"Oh my gosh that's so embarrassing, how'd you know it was me?"
He decides not to tell you he's remembered you since that little peck in middle school and has been begging his boss to order from your bakery so he would have an excuse to see you again.
"You haven't changed much since seventh grade" was his response instead, and you slapped his arm at the comment.
You two spent the next three hours just talking, catching up on each other's lives and reconnecting after your time away.
Before you knew it the sun had completely set and there were no light posts in the area Heeseung had brought you, you now struggled to see the boys pretty smile only a foot in front of you.
"Its getting late, and you probably have work tomorrow, we should probably start heading back."
He checked his phone at your mention, and you pretended not to notice the giant number of notifications while his eyes widened at the time.
"I didn't even realize it had gotten so late, let me take you back"
You're glad he offered, not sure you would be able to make it back to the cafe without his guidance.
The way back seemed much shorter than when you had been pulled down it earlier that day, and you found yourself disappointed that he didn't grab your hand again.
"Well here we are"
He looked around once you made it back to the familiar building, before turning to you.
"Where's your car?"
"Oh, I live pretty close so I just walk, it's easier than trying to find a parking spot in the city traffic anyway"
He nodded his head along with your statement but then shook his head slightly.
"You can't walk home alone at this time of night"
You felt touched by his concern, but fought him on it anyway.
"It's fine Hee, it's only like four blocks away"
"Nope, no way. That's way too far, come on"
He waved his hand towards you and you looked down at it curiously.
"I'm walking you home, now come on"
He grabbed your hand again, both of you smiling at how right it felt.
You reached your house in about five minutes, and you tried to hide your disappointment at the prospect of your fun night coming to an end.
"Do you want to come in"
His eyes lit up at the offer but were quickly turned down to look at his feet.
"I'd love to, but I have work early tomorrow"
"Oh, okay"
It was quiet for a few moments before he made eye contact again, taking a step closer to your body and pulling you in his arms in a friendly hug.
"Thank you"
You hugged him back, wrapping your arms around his torso.
"I should be the one thanking you, that spot was beautiful, and I had a really great time. Thank you for taking me with you"
Little did you know that he wasn't thanking you for the few hours you had spent together. But he said "of course" anyway.
"Well goodnight"
You went to go inside, sticking your key in the lock before quickly thinking of something.
Heeseung looked at you quizzically, waiting for you to say whatever it was you had just thought of.
"I need your number," he raised one eyebrow and you quickly added "so you can text me when you get home safe, I would be an awful friend if I let you get kidnapped after you so graciously walked me home"
He laughed at your reasoning, but handed you his phone anyway as you two quickly added each other's contact.
You took a look at his contact, bursting out in laughter at the sight of it.
"Did you really put your name in as 'Heedungie' with a bunch of hearts?"
He looked proud of himself for making you laugh and he nodded his head.
"Yes, yes I did"
"No fair, give me your phone back I want to give you something embarrassing too"
You didn't think he actually would, but his phone was held out to you and you took it, quickly turning around and taking an exaggeratedly cute selfie to set as the contact picture before putting in a nickname for your name, complete with the same aggressive hearts as his.
He took the phone back and laughed at the improved contact.
You shared one last smile before you entered your house, Heeseung leaving your porch after seeing you securely in, making sure he walked a block away before calling his driver so you wouldn't see.
Only once he was safe in the confines of the backseat did he look at the notifications on his phone.
23 missed texts from his father and 7 calls from his mother.
He clicked on the notification, skimming his eyes over the texts, rolling his eyes at their content. He didn't even read all the way through before shutting his phone off, throwing it across the seat for the rest of the ride.
You had just stepped out of the shower when you heard your phone ding, and you paused the music to go check the text.
'Just got home, all in one piece and no kidnapping attempts were made on me'
You laughed at his text, shooting back something along the lines of 'I'm glad to hear that' before heading out of your bathroom to get dressed.
Heeseung texted you a few more times after that, and you found yourself giggling at his messages exactly like seventh grade you did. Eventually you said your good nights, after you had scolded him for staying up when he needed to get up in the morning, and you smiled one last time at the obnoxiously cute contact name before floating off to sleep.
You went to work the next day, and the one after that, and there was no real difference in your life except for the constant texting and the extra bounce in your step. Even your regulars commented on how happy you looked.
Heeseung liked to come to the cafe on his lunch break, and you started making an extra lunch in the morning after the first day when he ordered three pieces of cake as his meal.
It was Thursday, and you were currently trying to find someone to help you bake the giant order for the party.
"Come on please, it's huge, and even one person would be a huge help to me"
"Sorry I can't, I'm babysitting for my neighbors the whole week"
You let out a sigh at yet another no, and put your phone back down on the counter.
You were so absorbed in the call that you hadn't heard Heeseung come in, and you almost screamed when you looked up to see him standing in front of you.
"Woah sorry," he was laughing so he obviously wasn't that sorry, "I didn't want to interrupt your call"
"It's okay"
"What do you need help with?"
It took you a moment to realize he meant the phone call and you let out another sigh at your empty search.
"I'm trying to get someone to help me with the order for the party, it's the biggest order I've gotten and it's just me so I can't make it all in one day by myself"
"Oh," he paused "what are you going to do"
"I don't know" you shrugged, "I'll have to start making things tomorrow, everything that would be able to stay overnight so that I don't have to do it all on Saturday, but even with that I don't know if I'll be able to get everything tomorrow done. Maybe I'll put a hiring sign up and hope someone applies by tomorrow"
He tried to stifle his giggles at how dumb of an idea that would be, but you still noticed.
"Heeeeee," you whined, holding the sound out for longer than needed, "stop laughingggg I know it's dumb. I'm trying to avoid a breakdown okay?"
He finally stopped laughing, and his eyes lit up like he just thought of an amazing idea.
"I can help you!!"
You look at him like he's crazy and he shrugs nonchalantly, "What? It's a good idea."
"No Hee, I would never ask you to do that. Besides it's literally for your order, I'm not making you cook for it, especially not on a work day"
"Nope, it's too late. I've made up my mind. I'm helping you"
"No Heeseung, you're not"
"Yes I am. Okay now I'm gonna run away before you can yell at me more. I'll be here tomorrow at- wait, what time do you even open?"
"Nine AM"
"-Then I will be here at nine AM"
"No Heeseung!"
He takes off running and you try to chase him down, both of your laughter ricocheting off the walls. A few people outside stop and watch as you run like children, most of them smiling at the sight.
"Nope, not happening"
He runs around you in a circle, quickly running up to the side of your body giving you a peck on the cheek and then taking off back towards the direction of his work.
"See you at nine AM" is the last thing you hear from him, a quiet message because of how far away he was, even though you know he was shouting when he said it.
You shake your head as you watch him turn the corner, turning around to come face to face with one of your regulars.
"So that's why you've been so happy lately?"
You try to think of something to say, some denial of how smitten you were, but all that came out was a giggle, one that solidified your current appearance of a lovesick school girl. You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth, embarrassed at your reaction, but the woman just laughed before heading into the building, you following shortly after to serve her.
And the next day, right at nine AM, the bell above your door rang, and in came the boy that had been the cause of your racing heart all week.
"Here I am"
"You're the worst"
"You say that, but you're smiling"
"Shut up"
He giggled as he followed you to the back of the building, teasing you more about how you were accepting his help anyway.
"I was hoping you wouldn't show up, but I guess since you're here I might as well get the help"
It wasn't true, you were up all night trying to decipher if he was actually going to show up. You even got out your cute apron and put some extra effort into your appearance this morning.
"I would recommend putting this on"
You toss him an apron to protect his clothes, going behind him and tying a nice little bow. He ignored the way his body tingled where your hands brushed it, and your breath hitched when he turned you around to do the same thing.
"This is my job Hee, I could tie it myself"
"I know," was all he said, letting his hands linger on your waist as he turned you back around to face him.
He tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear, his face a little bit too close to yours.
"Whatcha doing?" Your voice came out as a whisper and the way he smiled made your heart beat even faster then it already was, something you didn't think was possible.
"What do you want me to be doing?"
You gave a small laugh, throwing your arms behind his neck and angling your head up to get closer to the tall man above you.
"Does this answer your question?" You asked, referring to your previous actions.
"I think it's a pretty good indication" he spoke through a smile, leaning down to brush his lips against yours softly.
It was barely a kiss, absolutely no pressure from either end, but the butterflies in your stomach absolutely erupted at the contact, and you couldn't even try for an actual kiss because of the huge smiles on your faces.
"Did you feel it?" He whispered, and even without an explanation you knew what he meant.
A giggle left your lips, "yeah I felt it".
A jingle sounded as someone walked in the store and you pulled away from him to go serve the customer.
He was standing against the counter when you walked in, still just basking in the feeling of what had just happened.
"Alright lover boy, time to get to work"
He smiled at the nickname, coming up to you and spinning you around once, before speaking.
"Yes chef"
You laughed at his antics and gave him directions on how to help you start the tart shell.
By noon you were well ahead of schedule, the playlist you had chosen now blaring as you screamed the lyrics together, flour dusted over your faces as you took a break from kneading the dough for the twists.
"Thank you for this"
"Helping you bake?"
"No, everything else too"
He smiled and pulled you back in, this time for a real kiss.
That night you both went home early so that you could get up early for last minute party prep, after a goodnight kiss (or two, or three, or four...) at the your front door.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow"
"Can't wait"
He hesitated to pull away from you, not quite wanting to leave, but you pushed him lightly.
"One more?"
He puckered up and you laughed giving him one last kiss before running into your house, hearing his whines through the door.
"Okay baby, I'll see you tomorrow"
You almost screamed when the nickname left his lips and you could hear the laugh he let out when he heard your squeal from the other side of your door.
"You can go to the back room, there will be another girl in there and a changing station set up, guests are starting to arrive now"
You listened to the other worker speaking, trying not to show how tired you were after finishing all of the baking that morning.
Following her instructions, you headed to the back room to change out of your sweats and into something more presentable for the party. By the time you had exited the back, you could hear the chatter of people and could tell the party was starting.
They started by giving a small speech about how well they had done that quarter, thanking all of the employees for their work and their families for supporting.
Within 30 minutes you were carrying out trays of your pastries, everyone mostly finished with dinner and some random business video was playing in the front of the room.
You walked out to stand along the wall with the other miscellaneous staff people working the event, and watched as they moved on to giving out awards for things like "best costumer service" and "highest sell rate". The entire time you were looking around for Heeseung, trying to spot him over by some lanky guys who looked like interns, but no luck.
"Alright now that all of the awards have been passed out, an important announcement from CEO Lee"
You looked around trying to spot the man in question, eyes eventually landing on an old man, grey hair and a pinstriped suit, as he used a cane to lift himself out of the chair and up to the stage.
You spotted Heeseung then, sitting at the same table the old man had just left, along with an older looking woman you assumed to be CEO Lee's wife, and another male that looked to be a little older than Heeseung.
You thought about trying to get his attention, but the CEO soon started speaking, and your eyes were pulled away from him.
"As I think we all know, I'm not as young as I was when we started this business," there were a few laughs from around the room, and the man waited for them to be done before moving on. "I don’t want you to worry, I’m perfectly healthy, but I, along with my family, have decided that it would be best for me to step down from the company."
Murmurs erupted throughout the room, and it was enough to tell you that the employees had no prior knowledge of this decision. You look over to Heeseung to gage his reaction, but instead of surprise or confusion, his face is laced with something that looks more like... disappointment? You decide it must be the lighting that's obscuring his actual expression, since that wouldn't make much sense.
"I will be retiring within six months, and my son, I know you've all seen him around the company," the female population seems especially excited about these words, a few turning to make faces at each other, you even hear one say 'hot boss' to her friend.
"Heeseung, please come up here"
You can hardly conceal your shock as you see your Heeseung stand up from his seat and go to the front of the room.
You furrow your eyebrows as he stands next to who you now realize must be his father.
"Heeseung will be taking over the company after my leave"
Your eyebrows shoot up as the words register in your mind.
Heeseung is going to be CEO of this giant company within 6 months.
Maybe you should have been mad that he lied to you, that he hid this part of himself from you. He definitely didn't tell you the position of his father, or the fact that he was going to be coming into said position, but you found yourself realizing that you didn’t really care.
'That's one hell of an internship' was the first thing you thought, and you laughed at yourself for it.
When you zoned back in to what was going on, Heeseung was ending what you figured was a short speech about him taking over, and you clapped along with the rest of the crowd.
His eyes met yours and you swore there was relief on it when he saw you let out a "whoo" along with a few others.
Heeseung steps down from the podium, taking a few hands that were held out to him, giving handshakes and responding to comments from men in high up positions.
You were called to the kitchen to pack up the few pastries that weren't needed, and the loud conversing of voices faded with the closing of the door.
You smiled giddily at yourself while transferring tarts to boxes.
'I can't believe I'm dating the new CEO'
We're you dating the new CEO? Technically you'd never gone on a date or at least one that you called a date. And he had never asked you to be his significant other. But you kissed? Multiple times.
"What is going on in that pretty brain of yours?"
You almost dropped the tart in your hand you were so surprised by the voice. A quick look reveals the person that had you so zoned out in the first place.
"You were thinking so hard it looked like smoke was about to come out of your ears"
You can't help but laugh at his words, finally continuing your actions of packing up the food and thinking up a lie.
"Just thinking about how my little intern became CEO in a week," worry crossed his face, but it disappeared immediately when you continued, "you must have been an AMAZING intern"
He laughs and moves next to you to help.
"So I might have lied a little bit"
"A little bit?"
You raise your eyebrows at him and he corrects himself with a laugh.
"Okay it was kinda big, but I just didn't want you to treat me different or anything"
He gives you his big doe eyes as you place the last pastry in the box, sealing it up to be taken to your car.
"Hee, you know I'm not mad right?"
He smiles, and you realize too late why he's coming closer to you, your feet leaving the floor as he spins you around.
"Hee, Hee, stop" you laugh out, and he finally puts you back on the ground.
"Okay, so you don't hate me"
You cup his face, leaning in until your noses are almost touching.
"Correct, I don't hate you"
"Then in that case," he backs up and you pout at the increased distance.
He takes your hands in his, looking at you in a way that has your knees about ready to collapse.
"Would you want to be, my official official, girlfriend?"
You giggle at how he seemed to have the perfect timing, pulling on his hands to finally plant a soft kiss on his lips.
"I would love to"
Part II
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Their Doll 11
Silent scream
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets shut up
Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
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"Fuck you." I snapped, mustering all the saliva I could before spitting it at his face. He flinched back when it splattered over his cheek, his fingers swiping through the spittle before he was shaking it from them and standing back to his full height.
"It appears this one is never going to cooperate. If she won't give us information, why let our experimentations on her possibly...benefit the girl the the future?" The general spoke menacingly to the guards behind me. "How about way find a way to shut her up?"
My heat thudded so hard in my chest it was like someone was punching me from the inside, all air knocked from my lungs before I was being hoisted up to my feet again with two rough grips on my upper arms. My chest heaving, I coughed a ragged breath before composing myself. The glint of the silver blade in the corner of my vision sent my eyes bugging out of my skull and my mind into a flat panic.
So, I did what any rational person with my capabilities would do. I began to hum the deep melody - one a seldom sung - and a smirk crawled its way onto my now curved lips. Clearly, the general was prepared, but the two guards behind we weren't so lucky.
A desperate cry pierced my tune, harmonising with my voice as I heard the havoc I was causing. This was the first time I'd enjoyed a kill, the very first time I'd wanted to use my powers for such a horrific reason. I'd only ever used this part of my power a few times, but this was the only time I'd been fully lucid whilst doing so.
Some people want nothing more than to blow their enemies' brains out, and trust me when I tell you; It felt good.
However, luck was never on my side, and the General had come full prepared. He wasn't even affected, it must've been something to do with the funny earpiece he was wearing.
As my eyes met his, the General's face held non of the cocky, smug tones that I'd expect. No, the only word I could use to describe his old and crinkled features was pure ire, and it was directed at me.
"You conniving, vile little bitch!" He snarled, the flash of silver weeding a sense of utter and complete dread, tangled with fear inside of me, uprooting my confidence. I don't remember a lot after that, to tell you the truth. I know the blade sliced along my throat. I know everything was rained black. And that's about it.
Awakening with a gasp was the last thing I expected to happen. The sight of the blade risen in front of the general burned into my mind, almost as if it'd been scorned against my flesh. But here I was: awake, gasping for breath, completely surrounded by doctors I'd never seen before.
My hand instantly flew to my neck, a stinging sensation pulsing from the delicate skin. I hissed as my sweaty palm made contact with the bandage, the material corse and scratchy against my skin. As a doctor waddled over to me, needle in hand, I flailed desperately, a silent scream ripping from my throat.
Hang on a second-
Silent scream? I tried again, the shrill noise that should be tearing from me simply vanishing as it hit my throat. My eyes widened with the realisation, my bottom lip wobbling as I suddenly pieces together what had happened.
He said he'd have to shut me up, didn't he? The thought made me want to scream loudly, that the blade had touched my skin and left me with no defence.
They took away the hell they'd reigned upon me, something I'd wished I could be rid of for years, and now I was disappointed. Maybe this was their plan all along, that little voice in my head sang. The tears pricked at my eyes, which rolled back lazily as the scratch of the needle poked at my neck.
My calloused fingers ran over the cut tirelessly, trying to itch somewhere that I could never seem to find. I don't know how long I was sedated for, but since waking up the bleeding had stopped and there was now an offensive red line that slid horizontally across my neck.
Every time I touched it, it coaxed a wince from me, and yet that's all I seemed to do. It was like poking a bruise, I guess. The more it hurts the more you want to do it.
They'd returned me to my cell, clearly very little need for restraints against my weakened, starved and dehydrated body. I could see the flesh thinning on my arms, my ribs pressing painfully against my skin. Not only could I see the hunger, but I could feel it.
Manifesting, biting, gnawing hunger. The type that are you from inside out, devouring everything of you until the only thing you could think about was eating. Huh, I guess I was already at that stage then.
My eyes remained locked in place, glossy with the endless tears as I stared at the floor. If I really looked hard enough, the still wet blood smeared over the floors of the hallway resembled something close to strawberry jam. The thoughts of the sickly sweat substance spread over a perfectly toasted piece of bread, accompanied with a big glass of fresh orange juice and washed down by a large coffee made my mouth water. The booming rumble in my stomach made the groan, even more drawn out than expected when I remembered all I'd get to eat today: a small bread roll and a tiny glass of water.
Sadly, the sink in my cell did not contain drinking water. The liquid was so discoloured that I purposely avoided washing me hands, preferring to possible have my own germs coating my hands than whatever they were giving me. I'm not kicking you about, I genuinely think the water was filtered through a clump of fucking horse shit, mixed with fish guts and complimented with a hint of rotting fruit. If I could help it, I'd be dodging that water like the plague (if it didn't contain one already) for the rest of my life.
I'm not really sure why, but my head snapped up in surprise why the door sprang open, a single guard entering.
"The general requires your presence." He deadpanned, eyes cold as eyes and sharp as a knife as they stabbed through me. I wanted to fight back, stay glued to the spot and snap back some snarky remark, but in my current condition I almost couldn't bring myself to care where I was about to be taken, or why for that matter.
I stood without a word, silently following the man until we reached an unfamiliar metal door. I found it almost laughable, really, that they'd reduced my strength so much, that no one even considered putting me any sort of restraints anymore.
The door was pushed open with a child-like whine emitting from its rusty hinges, the metal scraping over the concrete floor painfully. The guard simply grabbed my arm before tugging me into the room, letting the door shut behind his with a hollow thunk.
"Ah, she has arrived!" The general's voice exclaimed, a deviant smile spreading over his thin lips. "And just in time to meet Mr Pierce, too." He said menacingly.
I felt embarrassed, exposed, stood before the room of men. My hair was a mess, tears streaking my reddened face, eyes puffy from crying and the only clothes a wore was a now-battered hospital gown. My eyes darted around nervously, trying to avoid the blonde man sat before me, chin resting in his palm as he surveyed me.
"Why is this one...important?" The man asked, eyeing me up and down before his eyes seemed to fixate on my neck. The scar.
"This," the general spoke, but Mr Pierce kept his eyes on me, "is Miss y/n Stark." Mr Pierce's eyes widened ever so slightly, but it was barely noticeable.
"As in Tony Stark?" Pierce pondered.
"The very same." The general smirked.
"She seems awfully...quiet, for a Stark." Pierce said with almost a hint of disgust, eyes still glued to my shaking frame.
"That's because we shut her up." The general snapped, awfully harshly.
"Is that the scar? How fresh is it?" Pierce jabbed his questions, curiosity clearly becoming him in the moment.
"Indeed. Our doctors here are very good, Sir. They had her all patched up and out of bandages in just three days." The general bragged, shoulders back and head held high as if he was posing for a portrait.
"I see." Pierce mused, brows furrowed in thought. "What do you plan to do with her? Now that she can't tell you anything?"
"Oh, trust me, sir. She wasn't giving anything up either way," he paused, striding over to me and yanking my head back with a fistful of hair, my back mow  pressed to his chest and his mouth at my ear, "isn't that right, sweetheart?"he clarified, and I didn't hesitate to nod my head as much as his grip would allow.
"So why isn't she dead?" Pierce gritted, seemingly annoyed. "It's not like Tony's attached to her, he never looked for her and I've never even heard him mention her."
"But then they'll keep coming. I don't want the avengers on my back, and I'm sure you don't either." Pierce hummed in agreement. "She's with them - her and that Captain America guy arrived together - so why not use her to send a message?" The general suggested.
That's how I found myself tied up, wrists bound and gun to my head as I sat shakily in a chair in the middle of the quinjet. I had no clue how long I'd been since that day, but I do know that I had been sedated once again. The flimsy hospital gown allowed a shiver to chill me, skin  forming goosebumps as I sat before the open door or the quinjet.
"You will tell them exactly as I just did. Got it?" The general pressed, pushing the gun into my head hard enough to make by head throb. Tears biting at my eyes, I nodded furiously, now determined to live with the promise of being free again. "Good. Soldat, make sure she gets back to New York without being seen, I'd hate to have to spill more blood than we intended." The general demanded, a figure rustling its way out of the shadows at the edge of the room. A gasp tore from my throat at the sight of him - clad in black leather and arm as silver as the moon. The soldier - my soldier.
But he simple stared through me, eyes blank and clouded in a coldness I'd never had directed at me from him before.
"And make sure you don't fail this time, soldat." The general snapped. The soldier nodded solemnly, the echoing of boots thudding filling both their ears as the general walked off the ship.
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 8
A/n: This is one of the heaviest chapters i have written for this fanfic so it took couple of days to edit all over again.
Tw: suicidal thoughts
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    Scarlett went to Remus's room for dinner as she promised him last night. They were close friends since their Hogwarts years and the friendship continued since back then. At one point or two when all 3 of them were drunk, it might have gotten a little bit further than a friendship but none of them talks about that.
"Welcome Scar, i was waiting for you." He smiled and hugged her.
"Sorry i am late. I went to London today, needed to do some stuff. They took more time than i expectedt."
"It's totally fine. Take a seat and tell me about your day." Remus served some food for themselves and sat down.
"First i went to the ministry, needed to talk to the minister. Because yesterday the new deputy minister came here to meet me and it was very awkward. Then i went to my house to check the stuff i need there, i will be moving there around Christmas. And lastly i stopped by at my parents’ house. What about you?"
"Nothing new, just lessons. Why was the meeting awkward?"
"Everything was off with him. The way he talks, the way he looks at me..." she grimaced her face. "Also he is not from the ministry, i never heard of him before but weirdly he looks familiar. Dorian said he came from France."
"What did he do to you?" Remus asked in concern.
She sighed. "He said: " you are pretty, what a shame that you have been cheated on..."
"Stupid arsehole. That's very rude and none of his business." He rubbed Scarlett's arm softly. “I can beat him up for you.” Remus joked to change the mood.
"He is not worth to spend your energy, fucker...Anyway, I couldn't ask Carina but... How is he, Sirius...?"
Remus sighed softly. "You know him, he is miserable without you... He has been drinking and smoking for Merlin knows how long…"
"Take care of him Remus, please... I have Carina with me but he is all alone…" her eyes filled with tears when she thought about him. Even though she was still angry with him; Scarlett has missed Sirius so much, all she wanted to do was be with him in their home.
"I will, promise." He held her hand reassuringly.
"I… i need to go Remus, i am sorry but i..." She stuttered while standing up from the chair.
"Scarlett where to? What’s going on?" Remus was confused at her sudden reaction.
"I need to see him." And she apparated the next second before he could say anything or stop her.
Remus stood there awkwardly after her apparation; he wasn't sure what to do but then he decided not to go after her. He knew Scarlett had a soft spot for Sirius and nothing would stop her from seeing him when she wanted.
    Scarlett found herself in front of their family house's door. She was controlled by her heart right now and her brain wasn't willing to correspond with her at all. She was aware that she would regret this decision the very next day but she couldn't stop herself and knocked on the door. He didn’t answer immediately so she knocked harder this time. Maybe she should have taken this as a sign. But then she heard footsteps getting closer to the door and there he was.
"Scarlett...!?" Sirius couldn't believe his eyes. He hasn't drank that much tonight to see an illusion. "Am i having a dream?"
"I guess not..."
"Come in, it is cold outside and you are just wearing a dress."
Scarlett walked in and looked around. She was expecting a mess but clearly Remus and Carina did a good job here. She did pet the dogs for awhile since they have missed their mummy a lot. Then they headed to the living room and sat down on the sofa in silence for couple of minutes until Sirius broke it down.
"My love..."
Sirius held her hand which she was scratching, it was ice cold. He took it to his lips and kissed it then put it on his cheek, leaned into it. She rubbed his cheek with her thumb softly and looked at him. He was her happiest memories and the worst memory at the same time. Scarlett was still loving him, how couldn't she? It wasn’t easy to erase him from her life, he has always been there. But also she was really upset with him, he broke her heart so bad that it's impossible to heal. Her heart and her brain were fighting to take the control. She was at an in-between stage, but her heart won the fight when she decided to hug Sirius. When he hugged her back, she broke down the tears that she was holding. It was so overwhelming for both. He couldn't hold back his tears either and the ex-couple cried together.
"I missed you Sirius... I missed us..."
"Me too baby. It is pointless to live without you by my side."
She looked at him with a serious look on her face. "Promise me you won't do anything to yourself! You did it once and this time i can't recover from it..."
"Promise, anything for you..." he kissed her hair and inhaled her rose scent. He would do anything to stay in this moment.
"I wish we had one more kiss..." Scarlett mumbled and leaned into him slowly. Sirius was impatient and kissed her red lips longingly. The kiss felt intoxicating.
"Scar, i love you baby... You are my one and only." he pulled her body closer to his, he wanted to feel her all over him. Scarlett was playing with his curls that she loved so much while kissing him back passionately. Their emotions took over everything and they were both lost in the kiss until they heard a knock on the door. She pulled away immediately as it was a waking up call for her.
"Were you waiting someone?"
He shook his head. "No. Maybe Carina came to look for you?"
"She doesn't know i am here, i was with Remus. Maybe him?"
"Then forget about it, i don't wanna leave your embrace." Sirius kissed her again but the knocking continued and the dogs kept barking at it. Scarlett sighed and got up to answer the door. When she opened the door, there wasn't Remus but Arabelle.
"Ah Miss Rose? I wasn't expecting to see you here. Is Sirius he-. Ah here he is!" An evil grin appeared on her lips.
Sirius has heard her high-pitched voice and came to see what’s going on. "What are you doing here!? I said i don't wanna see you ever again! Leave now!"
"I've just came here to check on you and maybe relax you little bit, you know how." She winked at him and continued. "But i see you are busy with your fragile rose, unfortunately, I wonder when she will wilt... If you need me just write and I will be on your service, byeee!" And she disappeared into the darkness of the night knowing very well that she caused a scene.
Scarlett was standing by the door like a sad ghost, her face was full of disappointment and sorrow.
"Scarlett love, i had no idea. I have never seen her after i fired her, i swear..." he tried to hold her but she took a step back away from him.
"I shouldn't have come here, i made a fool of myself..." tears were running down on her checks.
Sirius fell on his knees in front of her. "Believe me Scarlett, i swear on my life i have nothing to do with her! She is playing a game with us, i don't know what exactly! But believe me baby please...I love you and only you."
"I wish i could believe you..." She apparated and left him there all alone crying.
    Scarlett was so frustrated and overwhelmed after what happened. She didn't want to go inside the castle while she was in this mood because Carina would question her, so she decided to go for a walk on the wooden bridge of Hogwarts. She has never liked it though, she was scared of heights and also bridges but tonight she wasn't feeling any fear or the freezing cold of the November night. All the moments she had with Arabelle and the things she said to her were running through her mind nonstop; especially “when the fragile rose will wilt”. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice what she was doing until she saw the cliff underneath her. Now she was standing the other side of the safety fences, she had no idea how she has managed to do it. But even in that moment she didn't feel any fear. It felt like she was a puppet and controlled by someone else. She looked up at the sky, it was so dark that stars were shining perfectly but the one caught her eye the most: Sirius.
"Whenever we are not together, just look up the sky and i will be there for you Scarlett. I will never leave you all alone and I will be your light."
She looked down at the cliff once again. What if she took one more step? Would everything be fine? She removed one foot from the edge to the air, her skirt was dancing with the wind like it was calling her.
The terrified voice echoed in the night and then running sounds followed it. It was none other than Severus Snape. He was picking some flowers that only blooms in the night for his potions then he noticed the red hair up in the bridge under the moon light. He has never felt that much scared in his whole life.
His voice has brought Scarlett back to reality, it felt like the dream-like curtain was removed from her eyes and now she was aware of what’s she doing and  she was scared truly. She was losing the feeling of her hands cause of the cold and she wasn't sure how long she could hold onto the fences and her shaking body wasn’t a help at all. But luckily Severus wasn’t so far away and he has rushed to her in an inhuman pace.
"I will help you, just hold onto me and i will pick you up. Scarlett listen to me." He was out of breath and adrenaline was running through his body.
"I cannot… İ am scared..." She whispered silently.
"You need to trust me. Turn your body to me slowly, I am holding you. And I will pick you up when you do it. I am here, nothing will happen to you."
She slowly did what he said and then wrapped her arms around his neck while he was picking her up and carrying her back to the other side of the fences carefully. Her whole body was shaking, and she collapsed on the ground with him.
"You are fine, you are fine Scarlett."
Severus was trying to calm her down but he was not any different than her. His heart was pacing so fast like it was going to rip his chest out. But he wrapped his head around the situation as quickly as possible and took his coat off to wrap it around her then he picked her up to carry inside. Scarlett was in a total shock and couldn't find herself to say or do anything. She just closed her eyes while snuggling into him.
    Severus carried Scarlett to his room and sat her down on the bed. Scarlett sat there with empty eyes, she couldn’t wrap her head around the situation at all yet. Severus stood in front of her for a while, he felt like she might vanish if he looks away. When he was sure everything is fine then he decided to light up the fireplace to warm up the cold room.
"Could you let Remus know that i am here?" Scarlett mumbled, she was just starting to feel herself again and finally spoke.
He nodded while brewing some hot tea for her. "You stay here, drink your tea and i will be right back." Severus wasn’t happy about leaving her alone but he wanted to do what she asked for.
Couple of minutes later he was back with Remus. Their bickering was heard before they showed up.
"Scarlett! What happened? Are you okay?" Remus run towards her worriedly. He couldn’t believe his ears when Severus told about the incident. 1 hour ago she was looking fine and he had no idea what happened with Sirius and she became that bad.
She shook her head as no. "Make up a lie for Carina please, i don't want her to see me like that..."
"Okay whatever you want but stay with me tonight. Come."
"I can take care of her better, Lupin." Severus stood between two of them stopping Remus from holding her.
"Don't try to take an advantage of the situation Severus."
"Remus don't, please..." Scarlett was begging, she couldn’t take an argument between them right now.
Remus sighed and rubbed her back. "I will write Carina that we are going to London and stay there tonight. She would believe it since i don't have any classes tomorrow. Okay?"
"Thank you, Remus."
"Let me know if you need anything anytime." He glanced at Severus one more time before left.
After Remus left the room, Severus sat down next to her on the bed.
"Did you warm up a bit?"
She nodded slowly. "If you weren't there tonight...I w-"
"Don't say it."  Severus wouldn't be able to forget that night till the day he dies. Once again, he realized how much he loves her and can't lose her.
"I am stupid, so stupid!" Scarlett talked to herself. When she thought about the night, she couldn't believe herself. She was really about to jump from the cliff.
"Don't wrong yourself, you are not a stupid woman."
"I went to see Sirius tonight then Arabelle showed up and i found myself edge of the cliff. If those things weren't stupid, then what?" She cried helplessly. "I don't know what am i doing or feeling... I am so lost."
"You need some time to heal, everything will be fine."
"I promise. If i am wrong, i will let you dye my hair pink."
A tiny smile formed on her lips. "You must be pretty sure then."
"I am." He smiled. "I will give you a potion, it will help you to relax."
"Okay. My whole body is aching..."
"Here, drink this." Severus did accio a potion bottle and handed it to Scarlett.
She did drink the colourless potion he gave but she grimaced her face because it tasted very bitter.
"Want some water?"
She shook her head and stared at the fire for a while blankly. "I was about to kill myself... for real..." Scarlett whispered.
"Scarlett look at me."
Her watery green eyes met with his black ones. Her eyes were like a forest that he got lost in them for a while then remembered to talk. "You are going through a hard time but you are a strong woman Scarlett, I know that. You just need to gain your power back then everything will be fine again. You will make a fresh start. And you are not alone in this. Your kids, parents, friends are here to help you anytime. You need to accept the situation and keep going for better."
She wiped her tears away with her shaky hands. He always found a way to comfort her and made her believe that everything's going to be alright.
"Thank you Sev." She looked into his eyes deeply. "Thank you for everything."
He smiled softly and patted her hand. "You should rest now. You sleep here in the bed and i will sleep on the chair."
"We can share the bed, i don't want you to sleep on the chair because of me. It is not like we never slept in the same bed before..."
Severus’s cheeks tinted with red a little bit. "If you are fine with that, okay..."
Scarlett nodded while taking her shoes off. Severus got his pyjamas and went to the bathroom to change his clothes in the meantime. When he was back, Scarlett was already in the bed with her eyes closed. He smiled at his view before turned the lights off.
"Good night..." she mumbled sleepily.
"Good night Scarlett."
He laid down and looked at her small body that laying next to him. After the end of their relationship, he didn't have anyone in his bed. And tonight there she was again, after 30 years. The bed was never warm enough without her. His eyes closed slowly while he was thinking about the past.
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rumor has it [2/2] • jung hoseok
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words — 3K
part one
You took of your shoes, haphazardly kicking them into the shoe rack, pulling off your baby pink sweater as you padded to your room, humming with a gigantic grin on your face.
It wasn't five minutes since you arrived home when a knock sounded on your door. You threw your sweater on the bed, heading to the door.
"Yeah, I'm coming." You called, and the incessant knocking ceased. Probably Minji or Jamie that wants to borrow a book or some paper to print a project. You opened the door, frowning slight when you saw who was on the other side, "Hoseok? Is everything okay?"
"I'm not feeling very gentlemanly right now." He declared before stepping closer, grabbing you by the neck and kissing you until you were breathless, your socked covered toes curling.
"Good night." He said when he pulled away, then added on, "For real this time."
You laughed a little, feeling so ridiculously happy. You wondered if you could combust from it.
"Text me when you get home." You blurted, still catching your breath.
"Promise." He nodded, licking his lips. You leaned forward to peck them one last time. For now.
You laughed again, practically vibrating with giddiness as you closed the door for a second and final time.
You liked to think that maybe you would have a boyfriend, in the not so distant future, after that. It's not like you go around kissing any guy you go out on a date with. And yeah, there's been some horrible dates you went on that never went anywhere, but that's a story for another day.
Right now you were more interested in listening to what Hoseok had to say. The two of you were sitting in the Quad, eating lunch together. You warned your friends to pretty please stay away for now because this thing between you and Hoseok was still new and fragile. And maybe you want him to yourself for a little longer but that was none of their business.
"So, the Dance Department is holding its yearly talent show." Hoseok said after swallowing a bit of his chicken and mayo sandwich.
"I heard," You nodded, taking a sip of orange juice. "The whole campus is talking about it."
"I entered and I was wondering if you'd come?" He asked, looking at you nervously. "For me. For, you know, moral support."
"Absolutely." You nodded eagerly, belly fluttering. You liked the fact that Hoseok had invited you to the competition, especially knowing how much dance means to him. "Can I bring my friends?"
"Sure," Hoseok grinned excitedly. "The more, the merrier."
In the three months leading up to the competition, you would scarcely see him during the week with how much he practices but you make up for it by spending most of the weekend together.
You get to know much about Hoseok in the three months that pass. Little things, like how he swears when he gets startled, all of his phobias (spiders, snakes and heights you got, but fear of water was a little bit of a strange one for you, because you're in love with water but it's not like you own a swimming pool so it wouldn't be a problem), his likes (cuddling while watching a movie) and dislikes (watching scary movies at night - or just in general), habits (biting his lip when he concentrates) and hobbies (skateboarding).
Finally, the day of the competition arrived. It was pretty much a full day event, according to Hoseok, because there was the entrance round, which took the most time, quarter finals, semi finals and finals.
You were walking to the hall where the competition would be held with your two best friends, Minji and Jamie. Your arms were linked through each other's. "Thank you guys so much for coming."
"Of course. Where else would we be?" Jamie smiled gently at you.
Minji nodded, then said, "And we've been dying to meet the guy who has finally melted your heart."
"Just behave yourselves." You told them, pointing a finger in warning.
"Who, us?" Minji gasped.
"We're angels." Jamie smirked.
You snorted, looking around for Hoseok. He said that you would all meet out front. "Sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night."
"Hey, Y/N!" Hoseok's voice caught your ears and you turn in the direction you heard it. "Over here!"
A grin breaks out on your face when you see him, a few guys standing with him, and it takes all your will power not to run to him. You didn't even look at anyone else as you walked to him, stopping only when you reached Hoseok. "Hey."
You wanted to kiss him but didn't. PDA isn't something you've discussed yet, and you definitely don't want to be pushed away or make Hoseok uncomfortable.
"Wow, you look . . ." Hoseok breathed, eyes widening when he did a full body sweep of you. You wore a dress for the first time since he's met you, paired with some matching wedges and a little bit of make-up. "Beautiful."
"Thank you." You grinned, feeling your cheeks flush. "You look very handsome." And he did - a low cut white shirt that put his collarbones and little bit of his chest on display, tucked into black, ripped skinny jeans and a pair of white Converse sneakers.
A throat cleared from somewhere around you and both of you snapped out of the little bubble that unknowingly formed around you, the pair of you ignoring the world.
"Right, I should probably introduce you." Hoseok cleared his throat, tossing a glare over his shoulder when one of his friends snickered. "Guys, this is Y/N." He looked at his friends, gesturing at you. Then looked at back at you. "Don't worry if you can't remember all their names today. There's six of them. Okay, this is Namjoon, the best friend I told you about. That is Yoongi-hyung and his best friend Seokjin-hyung. Next to them is Taehyungie and his best friend Jiminie and next to the shorty is his boyfriend Jeongguk."
"I'm not short." Jimin huffed, a hand wrapped around Jeongguk's bicep.
"Of course not, hyung," Jeongguk consoled, patting his head. Then he smirked, "Just vertically challenged."
"Yah, you gigantic brat!" Jimin snarled as he used the hand on Jeongguk's bicep to try and hit him in the back of his head. Clearly this has happened before because Jeongguk expertly ducked away and grabbed Jimin's hand, spinning Jimin until his back was pressed against Jeongguk's chest. Jeongguk wrapped his hands around him a struggling Jimin, smiling as he pressed a kiss against his hair.
"Don't worry about them, they're always like that." Taehyung said with a grin when he noticed the way you looked at them, wide eyed.
"Good to know." You laughed. "Well, it's so nice to meet all of you." You stepped next to Minji and Jamie, who were eyeing all of Hoseok's friends with interest. "And these are my two best friends, Minji and Jamie."
Jamie stepped forward, peering at Hoseok, "It's so nice to meet Y/N's new beau. She hasn't had one since high school."
"Would you shut up?" You hissed, cheeks flaming, as you pulled her back to your side.
"Aww, look. She's blushing. I've never seen her blushing. Not even when looking at pictures of Idols' abs." Minji cooed, laughter and snickering following.
"You two are dead to me." You said with a glare as you went to stand next to Hoseok.
"Hobi-hyung was so excited when he told us you were coming." Jeongguk let know when everyone calmed down.
"I'm happy he asked me, even if it is moral support." You smiled happily, smile widening when Hoseok's hand slipped into yours. Now, hand holding was something you two did a lot.
"Hah!" Seokjin scoffed. "Moral support, my ass. Hoseok doesn't need moral support, he's won this competition since his first year." You could feel your eyes widening, jaw dropping open.
"The other's don't stand a chance." Jimin smirked.
"We're not trying to be mean or anything, but our Hobi-hyung is the best." Taehyung grinned.
"Hey, how come you never told me how good you are?" You huffed, nudging Hoseok's elbow with yours.
"I thought if I told you, you wouldn't come." He admitted, a slight pout on his lips.
"Oh my God, you idiot!" You lightly slapped him on the arm with your free hands. "I would have come either way. I've always wanted to see you dance."
"I'll win for you tonight." Hoseok promised, ignoring the wolf whistles and whipping sounds that came from the direction of your friends after his words.
You just smiled fondly at him, "That's sweet, but you don't have too."
"I want too." He said quietly. "I've never danced for someone other than my friends and family before."
"Okay, fine. I'll cheer for you."
(Hoseok does end up winning first place. And you two end up having a heated make out session in his dressing room afterwards.)
A few weeks after the competition, your mom asked you to go and pick up your sister. You don't warn Hoseok beforehand, wanting to surprise him. You hoped it wasn't a bad surprise. This would be the first time you picked up your sister again after the first time you met. You smiled to yourself, thinking how so much has happened since then.
You walked into the studio, making a beeline for Hoseok.
"Hello again, Hoseok-ssi." You greeted with a serious voice. He spun upto you, eyes wide, and you aimed a lazy grin at him, eyes full of mirth.
"Hello Y/N-ssi." His voice was professional but there was an amused twinkle in his eyes as he smiled at you. "It's good to see you again."
"You too." Was all you we able to get out before your sister joyously shouted your name and barreled into your legs. You laughed, crouching down to give her a proper hug. "Hey squirt. How was class?"
"It was sooooo good. Hobi-oppa is a really really good teacher and fun too. We learnt lots of things. Like this." Your sister ended her own ramble as she demonstrated a move that she learnt in class today, looking at Hoseok when she finished moving, silently asking if she did it right. She positively beamed when he nodded, giving her a thumbs up.
"That's awesome." You ruffled her hair. "Why don't you go get your bag before mom gets home before us and reports us missing?" Your sister nods vigorously, before running away. You turn to Hoseok, heart swelling with affection as you immediately catch his eye. "How's she doing?"
"Good," He said, eyes twinkling. "And I'm not just saying that because she has a gorgeous sister that I like very much."
"Ohhh, keep going." You sing-songed with a grin, crossing your arms over your chest, enjoying the way his cheeks flushed. "Flattery will get you everywhere."
Hoseok tilts an eyebrow at you, "Isn't it usually the other way around?"
"Yeah, but in this case flattery will get you anywhere." You smirked, enjoying the way his flush deepend from you teasing.
Your little sister appeared by your side, looking between the two of you. Then she announced, "Hobi-oppa, my sister is single, if you're interested."
Hoseok looked away and pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing.
You barely resisted the urge to yank her by the ears as you hissed to her, "Your sister is not single, stop trying to find her a boyfriend. I'm capable of getting one myself."
She gasped, looking at you with wide eyes. "I'm telling mom."
"Mom knows, tattletale." You deadpanned, much to her disappointment. It's true, she knows about you and Hoseok. You sister doesn't. You all decided to keep quiet around the dance school so the other children and their parents can't accuse Hoseok of playing favourites because he's dating you. You also decided not to tell your sister, because you didn't want her to accidentally let it slip out.
The three of you bid your goodbyes, and you and your sister left. You didn't get very far when your phone buzzed.
Hoseok : Not single, huh?
You laugh, practically seeing the happy grin on his face. You two made your relationship official not long after the dance competition and he loves it when you tell people that you're a taken girl. You type a reply with one hand as the other one held onto your sister's.
You: Nope, there's this really great guy that I'm dating.
Hoseok: Luckily guy.
You: I'd like to think we're both lucky.
Hoseok: Sounds fair.
Hoseok: Btw, your ass looked really good in those jeans.
You: Hehe, thanks.
You: You were were rocking the whole soft boyfriend look, btw
"Are you texting your boyfriend?" Your sister asks as she rises on her tiptoes, obviously trying to see on the screen. You make sure to keep it away from her curious eyes.
You smile down at her, "Yeah."
Hoseok: Soft boyfriend look?
"Do you love him?" She asked and you avoided answering her question to answer Hoseok's text, wondering about it. Do you love him?
You: Big t-shirt, sweatpants and barefoot = soft boyfriend look
You: For me, anyway
You: Idk about other people.
The answer came so easily to you. You smiled down at her as you wait for Hoseok to reply. "I think so, yeah."
Hoseok: Ah, gotcha
Hoseok: We still on for tomorrow???
You grinned, butterflies fluttering wildly. Tomorrow evening was Jeongguk's 18th birthday party and you were invited as Hoseok's girlfriend. Apparently it was the formal one - with Jeongguk's family - and then the next evening would be the informal one - with his school friends and Jimin's friends and their friends. You were a little nervous, because only Jeongguk's closest friends was invited to the formal party and while each one could bring a plus one, not everyone did.
At least, that's what Namjoon told you when you ran into him at a coffee shop a few days ago and told him that you'd see him at Jeongguk's party. So, it was kind of a big deal and you were kind of freaking out but mostly, you were excited.
You: Yep, I'll see you there.;)))
The next day, you decided on your nicest clothes, which was the second and last dress you own and a pair pumps.
"You look so cute, I want to eat you." Hoseok had blurted when you opened your dorm room. You raised a brow at him and smiled when he flushed and started back pedalling. "I, uh, um, what I meant to say was-"
"I think you're cute when you scrunch your nose when you don't like something." You cut him off, deciding to have mercy. "Come on in, we still have an hour until we need to go."
He smiled gratefully and you stepped closer to kiss him.
"About what I said just now Hoseok started when you pulled apart, closing the door behind himself.
"There is nothing to explain." You assured him with a gentle smile, heading to your couch.
"No, I need too. I want to be honest with you." He said firmly, but you could tell he was nervous. His shoulders was tensed and it make you feel unsteady. You didn't like that he was distressed. "It's just- I just, I've been thinking about it."
"What, eating me?" You joked, trying to make him relax a little. You looked at him over your shoulder with a teasing smirk, "Sorry, but I'm not into cannibalism."
"Y/N. I'm being serious." His tone made you sober up, turning to him. Hoseok was looking at you, biting his lip, but there was a determined set to his jaw.
"Oh." You felt yourself getting nervous out of nowhere. "Okay. Thinking about what?" You had a good idea what he was thinking about, just not if it was positively or negatively.
Hoseok cleared his throat, looking like he was searching for words before just bracing himself and saying it. "Having sex with you." So, you were right. You will weren't sure if he wanted to tell you that he wants to or not. "I want too." He added on barely a second later for clarification.
Your heart started racing. You blushed a bright red all over - chest, neck, ears, cheeks. You gaped at Hoseok and he waited silently, looking more and more nervous and unsure as each second passed.
You gathered your thoughts and told him the truth.
"Me too." You admitted softly, shyly. "I didn't want to bring it up or push for more during one of our more heated makeout sessions because I wasn't sure what you thought and while I am thinking about it, I'm just not . . ."
Hoseok breath a sigh of relief, so quiet, you almost didn't heard it it. "Not ready yet?"
"Yeah." You nodded. He took his hands in yours, tangling your fingers together.
"I feel the same. Like, in the heat of the moment I want to find out just how flexible you are, but then when I calm down its like something tells me it's not time yet. And that's okay. There's no need to rush. We'll get there." Hoseok said, squeezing your hands, both in comfort and promise.
"Yeah, we will." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. You kiss him deeply, trying to show him everything you were feeling but couldn't define and put into words yet.
Months later, when both of you are completely ready, it's not just right but it's perfect in that fairytale kind of way you always thought was bullshit but secretly hoped for anyways. Afterwards, when you lay on his chest, looking up at his sleeping face, you breathe those three special words, before falling asleep to the soothing sound of Hoseok's heartbeat.
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pinkispoggers · 3 years
Questions Lead to Answers | Lance Bishop x Fem!reader
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Prompt: Asking an artificial person questions is easy, but the answers, could lead to something a little different.
WARNINGS: Smut, light fluff, and rough sex.
Words: 3.8k
notes: if there is bad grammer, im sorry! PLEASE READ!!! (BIG CREDS TO SQUILF FOR REFRENCING THE PART WHERE (SPOILERS!!) ROBOT RELATIONSHIP TALK COMES IN AND ALSO THE IDEA OF GETTING DRUNK AND KISSING HIM!!) (If you think I haven't credited them for other things please let me know so i can credit them!)
Waking up from Cryosleep is always hard, like when you feel nauseous after finally waking up, or Sergeant Apone always on your ass. You rise up from your bed, peacefully, not feeling the need to vomit, and sleeping away from Apone. This was gonna be a great trip, you thought. You had heard the rumors of a new synthetic being put on board, or a new crewmate but nothing else about the situation.
You didn't say hello to anyone except for Hicks and Drake, as you had met them before beginning this trip. You were very new to the crew as this was your first trip with them. Before you could get a chance to hear Apone's morning bullshit, you rushed over to get your flight suit. 
As soon as you are done with that, you rush over to the cafeteria as fast as you could, not trying to catch the attention of anyone, keeping as quiet as possible. About half way there you're about to turn a corner when you see a pretty average height… male? You aren't sure but it makes you stop in your tracks. You try to stay as quiet as possible, trying to slip past him but when you tried to take a step, he turns around. He looks straight into your eyes, with soft ones.
You have never seen him before, not even when you were getting ready for cryosleep. "I'm sorry…" you whisper "no need." He says as clear as day, his voice almost soothing and a little deeper then you had imagined he would sound like when you saw his face. "I'm Bishop." He exclaims softly "I'm sorry if I scared you." He adds. "No, no your fine." You say, louder than you intended. He smiles at your response, a tight but soft smile. 
In all honesty, you were a little creeped out by the situation you were in but you couldn't deny that he was attractive. "I'm Y/n" you say awkwardly. "Well hello Y/n. Would you like me to walk you to the cafeteria?" "Uh… sure…" you answer softly and he starts walking and you catch up to his side. You walk to the cafeteria slowly, taking in every moment of your new surroundings and him, but you do not talk. 
He locks eyes with yours for a second as you look back at him and then he parts ways with you but not before he smiles which makes you blush. You just stand there, in the middle of the cafeteria awkwardly, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to do anything other than breath. When you finally notice your situation and surroundings, you get your shit together and find that you need to get food, which Bishop seems to be passing around. And of course the first person he walks over to, is you.
You aren’t even seated yet when he asks you, "do you want some cornbread" you are still anxious from all the new eyes gazing over at you "uh.. uh.. sure!!" You say and you take it. You don't look back and walk away to where Hicks is sitting with another crewmate. "Hey guys!" You blurt out and they look at you all smiley as you sit down finally. "Whats up man!" The unknown man smiles widely. "I'm Hudson, and he's Hicks" He says, lowering the smile on his face to a grin, awaiting your response. "I'm Y/n! I've met Hicks!" "Well great!" Hudson shrugs off. 
Hudson turns his head to Bishop, who was still serving cornbread. Bishop notices Hudson looking at him, and reaches out with the cornbread, raising an eyebrow. "Hey Bishop man, Do the thing with the knife!" "Oh please no-" he gets cut of by Hudson's begging and finally steps over to Hudson. Drake is standing right next to him and offers to play the game with Bishop. 
Bishop places his large hand over Drake's and pulls out the knife he has in one of the many pockets on his flight suit. He places the knife in between their fingers and starts. He raises the knife in and out of between both fingers, gliding to a new set each time at unhuman speeds. Your eyes widen, thinking he's going to hurt himself or Drake. You had almost reached your hand out to stop them but it ended.
A wave of reassurance washes over you and you are finally calm. Bishop heads to sit down right next to you and you freeze in your seat. "I thought you never missed Bishop." Says one of the voices at the table. You look over to see the man with white liquid in his fingertips. You are in shock when you see this.
"Oh… I thought you were… nevermind" you blurt and he looks over at you "is there a problem?" He says softly. "No, no, I just wasn't expecting you to be a synthetic on board" you say quietly "I prefer the term "artificial human" myself" He smiles. "Ok then!" You smile back. "We always have an andr- artificial human on board. It's standard practice, he's just new." A man called from the other side of the table. You just nodded, getting a bad, creepy vibe from him. 
It's been a fine day, and everyone is bringing out the drinks for a celebration of some sort, maybe to celebrate the first day out here. You have never had alcohol before, or any type of drink like that, so you were very nervous about how to act around everyone. You try to stay near to Drake, Hicks, and Hudson if you could. The first line of shots were rounded around you and the others. You took your first. It was a strong taste, but you loved it but didn't want to ask for more. Drake slides you over another and you take it
Apone was yelling at Hudson for a reason you didn't know. It's cause that's how drunk people act, you thought. You were 7 shots in and feeling woozy, but you needed more. You could barely walk, but you could walk over to grab the bottle, which had the marines cheering you on. "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" They cheered and you did. After that you could barely see straight and everyone was heading off to bed, except for Drake and an unnamed female. It was time for you to go, but you had the urge to see someone. You get up from the table and head out.
You found him. You continue your search, as drunk you is more persistent than sober you. You pass the docking and loading unit, but you still can't find him until "Y/n?" A familiar voice says, and you bolt around, not saying anything but wanting to scream. It's Bishop, emerging from the darkness. "Y/n what are you doing here?" He chuckles deeply. "I- i- Bishop- I was looking for… you…" you say, speech slurred. 
You walk up to him slowly, and unsteady. "You should have been there" You blurt and he smiles "I'm sure I would have enjoyed it" "I missed you" you smile drunkenly. You walk even closer to him and he just stands there, waiting for you. You plant your face in his chest, not knowing what was happening right now, but you liked it. He grabbed your waist and you blushed, hard. "You should be in bed right now." He hushes softly "but…" you smile wider, looking up at him. 
you get up to kiss him again.. Your teeth clash as you kiss him deeply. He puts his hands behind your back, but it ends as soon as it begins. You pull away to catch your breath, and he looks at you blankly. 
You fall forward, head meeting his neck and he holds you to support you. You never want this moment to end but… everything goes blurry.
You wake up to the normal nonsense, but this time with a burning headache, and Apone screaming at Hudson - but all of you at the same time but mostly Hudson - and getting everyone up. You feel like screaming. It's bad. You're rubbing your head, knowing that you were going on a mission today. To check on the Colonists of LV-426 since they hadn't heard from them in a while. Then you remembered it. Kissing bishop while you were drunk, it was the only thing you could remember from that night.
"Shit" you murmur and you get up fast. You get past everyone slowly and put on clothes, getting ready for the day. 
You get down to the room where the ships and transporters are held and you see him. "Fuck…" you whisper and he looks at you but you just walk away. You hop on the drop ship and sit alone as it falls down to LV-426. 
You get off and it's guns up. You are just there to supervise everyone so you don't have one. You know Bishop is coming down too but you stray far from him. 
You get inside the building and start to search but you see nothing. But when you get to a certain lab, you do. You see things that shock you there. In tubes, what looks to be a horseshoe crab with a long flexible tail is preserved in there. Until it moves. You jump in place at the sight of it and now you are shaken up… great, you thought. Such a great day so far. Everyone leaves to check out other things which leaves you on another path of your own. 
You reach the lab again and only to see Bishop… dissecting something? You knew he was gonna see you, alone nonetheless. Unless you could sneak past him, but you really didn't want to waste your energy doing so. Right when you were about to turn the other way, "Y/n, I want to show you something." He says politely and you blush "shit" you whisper. You walk towards him awkwardly and you see one of those… things under his hand, which was holding a scalpel. "That's a nice pet you have there, Bishop…" "magnificent isn't it" 
He started to ramble on about the thing he was dissecting and you had to admit his passion about it was quite cute. But you broke it with "Bishop…" you say quietly and he turns his full attention to you. "I'm sorry" you whisper anxiously. He grabs your hand which you are surprised about. You knew that androids can't touch people unless they are in danger of falling or they need to steady them or carry them. "I- you can't usually touch me." You exclaim. "Unless of emergency situations, I know, but I'm reflecting off of our relationship." 
"Relationship?!" You blush, knowing exactly what he meant but still acting clueless.  "You kissed me" He said confidently. You blushed even harder " Bishop, I was drunk I didn't-, I mean I did mean it but…" you smile. You noticed how close you were with him and you knew you needed to back up. "I can always change our relationship status if you want." "Wait? Are you saying we have a romantic relationship in your system… Bishop…" you say sadly. "Well, I cannot have a partner, but If a crewmember wants and gives consent, I can access my sexual functions to pleasure the crewmember for their physical needs." 
"Ok… I thought robo- artificial humans were just flat down there." 
"Well, we aren't and yes, I do have one" He smiles and you blush feverishly. "My system could also trigger an erection if needed." "So you can get hard by what? Seeing some pretty?" "Well, its more like when someone makes a sexual joke or gesture that "turns me on"" "Will you kiss me again?" He whispers but you hear him and climb in him from where he is sitting so that you are in his lap and he smiles as you kiss him gently then you kiss him hard, lips clashing and he kisses you back. "Was that ok?" He asks and you nod and nuzzle your head in his neck. "Bishop… can we… further this?" 
"Are you sure?" 
But just before you could kiss him again, you heard footsteps towards the lab. "shitttt" you murmur and jump off of him and he frowns and you glance at the door. It's that weird dude from before. "Hello there…" He says seeing the two of you close to each other, not thinking anything of it. "Oh hello Bishop and Y/n, how are you?" He says. But before you could speak, he cuts you off "I don't think we've properly met, im Burke." "Ok… hi Burke, since you already know my name, I guess we don't have to properly meet." You say a little annoyed.
"Oh, yeah then." He exclaims anxiously as he shoots his hand around the back of his hand "I'm just here to tell you it's time to leave, the Colonists are safe, they just weren't responding." "Ok then, let's get outta here" you say and the three of you leave to the drop ship. 
You sit alone again, only this time, holding in sexual frustration. You wanted him, you needed him but you couldn't think of that now, it wasn't professional of you to have thoughts of intercourse with a ROBOT… no, you felt completely disgusted now. But also ashamed and you had to go back to talk to him about what was happening and how you felt, looking for someone, anyone to tell you if what you were feeling was ok or not.
You sit alone in your quarters, pondering endlessly. But the thought of going to see him was tempting. "Ah fuck it" you sigh as you get up, still in your pajamas to go to the place you knew you would find him. His lab. You walk alone, mildly afraid of something happening to you, or that someone would catch you going to see him. You finally got up to the lab and to no surprise, he was there, working on that thing he had taken back with him. "Bishop-" you whisper, secretly hoping he wouldn’t hear but he did. "Y/n, come in, I knew you would come see me" He smirked. 
"Yeah i- yeah." You say frowning. He walks up to you slowly and kisses you like he had done before. You grab the back of his waist and kiss him back. He smiles at your lips. Next thing you know, you are in his arms and he's guiding you to a table. You gasp, not expecting him to be able to lift you up. He sets you down on the table and pushes you back slightly. You blush, knowing that you weren't wearing anything under your pajama gown. 
Without warning, he pushes his hand up your gown, getting feverishly close to your area. He opens your legs with one hand. "B- Bishop" you moan softly, aching for him to go farther, to touch you. He looks up at you "are you ready?" He asks and you nod as he continues. His other hand is reaching for your breasts but instead of touching them, he unbuttons your gown, slowly taking it off to see your beautiful breasts, then taking them in his palm and squeezing them, making sure not to hurt you. 
"Ah Bishop…" you moan and he smiles, knowing that he's pleasuring you. He moves his hand farther until he reaches your warmth and sinks two fingers down to your clit and makes you flinch. You were very wet for him already soaking and dripping down your leg. His fingers start to move in a circle around your clit and your legs start to shake, you can't escape the pleasure running through your veins. 
He continued to swivel his fingers around your clit, making you whine and quiver under him, going feral. You now were shaking with pleasure that you couldn't control anymore. "Bishop im- I'm about to come" you shout through hard quick breaths. "Then cum for me sweetheart" He says as he smiles, knowing that he's getting the job done correctly. You explode with all the strength you have, going completely numb. This is the strongest orgasm you have ever had in your life.
Your chest is rising and falling and you're panting. "I'm guessing I did good" He grinned and you nodded slightly, still coming down through your high. With 2 fingers already on your now swollen clit, he drags them down to your entrance, and without warning, shoved them in you while smirking at you and keeping eye contact and you squealed. "Bishop!!" You yell. Thank the gods that this is a noise proof room, so you couldn't scream his name all you wanted.
He dragged his fingers in and out of you at a slow pace, curling them and getting close enough to your ear that he could whisper sweet nothings in them. "You are very tight Y/n" "thank you" you bite your lip and smile while holding in the urge to scream out his name. "Will I fit?" He asks as he quickened his pace, knowing that it would make it harder to talk for you. "How about- mph- you show me- agh!!" You whisper and he slows down, then completely stops to get up from on top of you, to unzip his flight suit.
He finally gets his flight suit all the way down and you can see everything, from his chest, which actually had a little bit of abs, to his cock from where he is standing and the position you are in. He has the perfect size for you, about 6 inches fully hard. He smiles as he notices you looking at it. "Will it hurt, because you know I cannot hurt you, and I only want to please you." He says shyly, but politely. "No, it won't, just start off slow and everything will be fine." You reassure him. 
 "I have to tell you this before we start. By performing sexual intercourse, I cannot get you pregnant, nor give you any stds or stis. Would you like to proceed?" "Yes Bishop, I would like you to fuck me." You say and he smiles. His cock is pressed up against your leg and you bite your lip. You sit up a little to guide him to your entrance. 
He pushed the tip between your folds and straight up to your clit making you shudder. He brings it down to your entrance, and pushes in slightly. "Ah!!" You cry in pleasure. He's not even an inch in and you are crying out for him. He looks up at you, worried but you smile at him, which calms his system. "Please" you look up at him with big puppy eyes and he looks back at you with his, pushing about half way in.
You want to scream out his name, for him to go further but it turns out to be just a whine and now he's all the way in. "Ah! Bishop!" You moan and your head rolls back onto the table as he looks up at you and smiles once more. He starts up a pace that is painfully slow, to which he moans softly, thrusting deep inside of you and you arch your back so it's easier for him to go even deeper, even though you were belly up. You start to move your hips around his cock, silently begging for him to speed up. "Bishop… faster!" You almost scream out for him. 
He speeds up to a comfortable pace but you still want more as you are a moaning mess now, but you still wanted more and maybe if "you're doing s- so well" you moan and he grunts as he speeds up, grabbing the side of your hips and pulling you inwards. "AH!!" You scream out. "Don't st- stop!!" You cry out, tears brimming your bottom lashes. He's trusting even harder, hitting your gspot and cervix every time. A single tear streams down your face. He's grunting and growling from pleasure going through him, more like sparks building up in him, ready to burst.
Next thing you know his fingers are on your clit again, circling fast around you, pushing you farther out to the edge. You're barely holding on. "Im- Im- gonna cum Bishop please!" You yell out and he sees that you are shaking under him so "please cum for me y/n" he says and his voice makes you just go wild. You shudder and quiver under him, your orgasm flowing through you at high speeds. It's even more powerful than the last one. As you are coming down, a hot liquid shoots unto your pussy, making you moan, just knowing that he is finished but he fucks you through it.
Your breathing hard, chest rising and falling fast. He slows down, then stops. While he's still in you, he bends down to wrap his arms around you and kiss you as you are still panting. "Did I do ok?" He asks. "Bishop" you pant "you did amazing" you say and he grins. "Thank you" he adds. 
He stands, pulling out of you slowly, and sliding on his flight suit. You got up, sorely and he rushed over to help you. "Y/n, are you ok?" He asks "Yeah I'm all good!" You get up, slipping on your flightsuit and you kiss him once more. You leave the room, holding his hand. 
you get back to the cryo room where everyone was getting ready to go back to sleep, to return to the ship you came from. You weren't ready to say bye to Bishop just yet so you pull him over to the side. "Hey Bishop?" You say and he turns over to you "I'll miss you, ya know" you smirk as you pull him down for a kiss. It doesn't last long but it was worth it just incase you don't see him again. 
"No you won't, im just an artificial person. You can always upload my data into another Bishop model." He says "I will miss you, trust me. And I know I can, and I probably will" you giggle. "I'll sure miss you Y/n, and I won't forget you just incase you do." He smiles and you release his hand and walk into the room. 
You both part your ways to get to your chainbers. You watch him get undressed, down to his underwear and you remember the moment you two had together and you sigh, slumping in place in your bed. Hicks comes over to shut the top of your bed down and you smile at him and he smiles back. You smile as you are going to sleep. And of you go to dreamland as you finally feel peace.
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
Writing Exercise 2 // AssClass x Tower of God AU - Reunion
Writing Exercise // AC x Tog AU - Catching up
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Summary: In their 10 years of climbing the Tower together nonstop, Team END should have known by now that anything could happen so suddenly.
However, a reunion with an old teammate was certainly not what most of them have in mind.
Word count: 2.3k words
• ▪ • ▪ •
Nakamura was exhausted.
Well actually, all of them are. But yeah, she's exhausted.
Team END had recently just cleared the final floor test that allowed them to arrive at the 30th Floor, which was basically a more brutal take of the Capture the Flag game, that lasted them over 8 hours to finish.
Injuries barely treated, bodies aching, sleep lacking, and stomachs starting to rumble, the last thing they'd want to happen was to encounter another trouble the moment they had been transported to the next floor.
"Oi Nakamura, are you sure we should be heading this way..?" Okajima barely squeaked out, frozen at his own spot as he fearfully stared at the sight before them.
"That's what it says on my lighthouse!" She hissed quietly, glaring at the glowing blue cube floating beside her.
Chiba should have been more specific about where his goddamn house is located in this floor.
He had told her before that he has his own residence here at the 30th Floor, somewhere beyond this swamp-like forest thingy, which he had given Team END the permission to reside in for the next 20 Floors until they become C-Rank Regulars.
Yet he never said anything about dealing with dangerous creatures along the way.
Nakamura had discreetly messaged him through her Pocket minutes ago, which he had replied to not long after.
"Wait, I just got off from work. I'll be right there." - Ryuunosuke
It had been 15 minutes since then.
Nakamura is surely going to give him a good slap the moment she sees the Spear Bearer. Well, if she can still recognize him, that is, since the dude had that annoying black cloak nearly hiding his entire body when she first bumped into him at a marketplace at the 21st Floor three years ago.
So here they all are, standing frozen before a sort of gigantic forest creature (who looks hungry, by the way), too exhausted and injured to put up a fight, let alone save themselves.
A Green Mulso, Kurahashi had informed them, is a shinheuh that resembles a gigantic Water Buffalo meant to guard certain areas in a swamp forest from outsiders. There are two types of Mulso, a green one and a brown one. The brown ones are much smaller and friendlier apparently.
Kurahashi then oh-so helpfully told the team that Green Mulsos are wild, incredibly sturdy, and cannot be tamed at all, even by the most talented Anima.
So in short, unless they still got enough stamina to spare, they're doomed.
I swear to god, Ryuunosuke. If I die here right now in the most pathetic way I will fucking haunt you for eternity-
A flash of bright blue from a distance had cut off Nakamura's thoughts, her eyes widening as she watched the water-like shinsu pierce through the wild beast before them at a frightening speed, killing it instantly.
A chorus of surprised yelps were let out at the sight, some where even full-out screams.
Everyone then instinctively moved away when the now dead green mulso had fallen to the ground, it's large size causing it to shake for a moment.
"Oh my god what was that..." Maehara breathed out, his hand clutching over his chest.
Some of them tentatively stared at the dead giant creature before them, some where eve cautiously approaching it to see the wound, while others chose to avoid looking at it.
Nakamura just stayed at her spot, the gears in her brain already working to find answers. A blast of water-like shinsu was what killed the creature, which could have been done by a Wave Controller from just the shinsu's form itself alone. Yet the blast itself looked too thin compared to what Nakamura usually saw what Wave Controllers do.
Not to mention it looked like it had come from a very long distance, which is a range that not even Rankers could reach, as once clarified by Koro-sensei when they were still at the 2nd Floor. A range like that is something only Spear Bearers could do.
Nakamura then frowned at the thought.
But are there even any Spear Bearers who use water-like shinsu to shoot? She knows about Lightning and Ice users who make their own spears, there have been plenty of Regulars and Rankers who were known for that after all, but a Water user Spear Bearer is unheard of.
This would be the first time she sees one if she was correct.
"Woah I got here just in time, thank goodness..." A familiar voice spoke out at a fair distance.
Nakamura's eyes then roamed around the tall trees surrounding them, assuming the guy was somewhere perched up at one of them, based from where she could hear his voice coming from. "Well, you sure took your sweet time to get here," she huffed.
A wave of murmurs and whispers gradually built up and Nakamura could make out some of them wondering how she seemed to know the voice that was talking just now.
"The town was especially busy today and I can't just jump between rooftops, you know that..." He sighed out. "On another note, I didn't think you guys would actually go to this part of the forest. This place is inhabited by Green Mulsos after all, you know how wild those things are."
"And yet it only took you a single shot to kill one," Nakamura raised an eyebrow, her eyes darting everywhere, still trying to look for him.
"I live around here. You just get used to them."
A flash of light and suddenly an overwhelming pair of bright maroon eyes were right in front of her, along with a wide smile gracing the face those eyes belonged to.
Nakamura hesitantly took a step back, giving the tall figure that had appeared before her a once over. Sharp maroon eyes, tall nose, plump lips, strong eyebrows, and long dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail with fringes widely parted at the middle ー a pretty one yet there's a tinge of manliness to it with that long brown coat over a white polo and black pants combo.
How handsome.
Nakamura then narrowed her gaze. Something about this person is ridiculously familiar to her but she couldn't recall anyone with this appearance or at least close to having it.
Hey wait a minute. Nakamura frowned even further. If that was Chiba who I was talking to just now and this person showed up then-
The person's smile dropped then raised an eyebrow at her instead. "What's with that look?"
A scream ripped itself from Nakamura's throat.
• ▪ • ▪ •
"Wow you changed a lot!"
"You think I'd still look the same after 10 years?" Chiba incredulously asked.
30 seconds of dodging mild embarrassment and composure regaining, Nakamura then revealed to the rest of the team that the person who had appeared before them was Chiba, their former teammate who had been seperated from them 22 Floors below.
After that sudden reunion, but not without a strong slap on the shoulder by Nakamura, Chiba soon led the whole team towards the place he is residing in, which was beyond the forest. The route they are currently taking was much farther away from where they were at previously and less closed off.
There were less trees around them and the pathway is much clearer and if they look even further ahead, they can see a wide clearing at a distance.
The walk was fairly quiet, as the whole team was too exhausted from the previous Floor Test to even make enough noise. Some even start to doze off and are just being carried by lighthouses instead of walking, and some of the Light Bearers in the team had just went inside their respective lighthouses.
Kurahashi in particular was fast asleep on Cattus' back, a cat-like cactus creature she had befriended back then, currently in its giant form as it cutely marched beside Chiba and Nakamura, who were walking ahead of everyone.
"Water spears are definitely the last thing I thought you'd use," Nakamura remarked. Unlike the majority of them, she still has enough energy to engage in a conversation. "I was kinda expecting you to wield a sniper rifle or something."
Chiba let out mellowed chuckles. "I actually do own one. But I only use it for specific types of Floor tests," he professed.
"Oh really?" Nakamura blinked at him im wonder. "Where'd you get it?"
"Ah I won it at the Workshop Battle I participated in 4 years ago."
Nakamura nearly faltered at the name almost bitterly but then quickly recovered. "I see," she forced a cheeky grin. "Probably gave them hell, huh?"
"That was Miki," Chiba rolled his eyes though his smile never left his place. "Anyways, water spears. I've always known how to make them but I've only started to utilize them even more around the time I came to the 12th Floor."
Nakamura hummed in response. "So like... 8 or 9 years ago..?"
"Nine years ago," he confirmed. "Enough time for me to solidify its reliability in battle and learn more ways to utilize it."
"I believe this is the first time I've heard of a Spear Bearer who uses Water shinsu to make their own spears," a golden-litted lighthouse suddenly flew in front of the two. "I apologize for abruptly joining in but I am personally intrigued by this discussion, if you don't mind, Chiba-kun."
"Oh Asano-kun," Chiba's smile widened. "You'd be surprised to know that I'm actually not the only one who does this."
"Is that so?"
"But you're still right," Chiba slightly moved away from Nakamura and faced the two of them, bringing his right arm out.
A small bang of water-like shinsu started forming on his palm then suddenly sprouted into a very long shaft that is twice the height of Chiba himself less than a second after. Its blade forming into a drill-shaped head with small flows of water spiralling around the shaft almost prettily.
With a proud smile, Chiba momentarily spun the newly formed spear around. "I'm the only Spear Bearer in the family who had managed to make it sturdy enough to be a main weapon of choice."
He doesn't need to elaborate for both Nakamura and Asano to know what he meant by 'family'.
Ryuunosuke is from the Great Family of Chiba, whose Head was one of the Great Warriors who had first climbed towards the top of the Tower along with the King himself. Anyone tied with the Chiba bloodline is automatically a Water User by default, unless they chose not to use the water-manifested shinsu, as the heritage is that strong.
Chiba himself is not a direct descendant of the Head, making him one of the less important members as the Family Tree is ridiculously huge that a random Regular could actually meet at least 2 Chiba members in each Floor.
But from what he implied just now, his unique standing as a Spear Bearer might just make him stand out in the vast sea mostly full of Wave Controllers.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't intentionally trying to get my name out there in order to be respected in the family as my own person and not be seen as 'just another Chiba'," he admitted with a determined look. "After all, I was born thousands of years after my greatest grandmother had become one of the Great Family Leaders in the Tower."
He then grinned almost challengingly. "But hearing what both of you said just now is just making me want to work even harder."
Nakamura smirked anticipatingly, trying to bury down the nervousness that had shot throughout her body. That frightening display just earlier and yet he's saying such things like this right now... damn he's grown out of our league...
A seemingly amused chuckle had suddenly come out out the golden lighthouse floating beside them. "It's almost admirable to see how very self-assured you are despite the strong clutches of your influencial family name. I can respect that."
Equally amused, Chiba had vanished the water sphere and turned to the giant glowing golden cube. "Well I suppose my conviction is new for someone who is the only descendant of the Great Lord Asano," he remarked.
"But enough about me, I want to hear your story." He gestured a hand towards him (or the cube) and grinned further. "How did the only child of the strongest Light Bearer in the Tower end up travelling with an old team of mine after that initial claim he had of taking no absolute interest in them?"
Nakamura, who had just been attentively listening to them the whole time, suddenly let out an evil cackle. "Oh man do I have the perfect story to share..."
"No! Her so-called 'perfect story' is nothing but exaggerated lies! Do not listen to her!"
"What exaggerated lies?" Nakamura laughed out loud, her grin even wider. "I literally got a lot of proof saved inside my lighthouse!"
She then gasped dramatically. "Maybe I should just send them to him!"
"Don't you dare!" Asano warned.
Chiba just owlishly blinked at the incredulous sight of Nakamura and a floating golden cube bickering. He was sure it wasn't that long ago when Nakamura had told him about Asano and Sakakibara temporarily joining Team END for a while. Yet the display before him made it seem like their newly formed alliance wasn't that recent at all.
Yeah, there's a lot of catching up for me to do alright...
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3a
Beware the Physical Exam!
Host Club x reader
Summary: Y/n has to deal with Maria's nephew coming for a visit right before the physical exams.
Word Count: 5k
Episode Masterlist
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"Welcome ladies!"
You were outside talking to some of your clients, and they were excited that you wore a kimono for cosplay. In the middle of talking to them Kyoya appeared smoothly, trying to sell picture books of the host club. It made you wonder, how did he get those pictures?
A little later you didn't have any clients so you asked Honey and Mori if you could sit with them, and they agreed. You and the girls became quiet once Honey tried to make some tea. He was mixing too hard and almost everything had spilled out, but none of you knew what to say. You bit your lip and looked from the girls to Mori, who understood. He leaned over to Honey, saying, "You overdid it."
Honey looked at the almost empty bowl and looked very sad. "It's okay Honey-senpai! I'll drink it." One girl exclaimed.
"Yeah, if it was anything more it would be too much!" The other one chimed in.
He then beamed again. "Really?" He looked at you. "What do you think y/n-chan?"
You smiled. "I think you made enough for the ladies to not have to drink too much. It's very modest and considerate of you Honey-senpai. It shows how good your heart is."
He jumped into a hug with you. "Thanks y/n-chan!"
Once the Host Club closed for the day, you wandered around looking at the cherry blossom trees. Tamaki saw you and decided to try to work his charm again.
"Hello y/n."
"Oh, hey senpai." You gave him a small smile.
"The flower viewing reception went quite well. What do you think? Aren't the flowers today captivating?"
"Yeah, they're really pretty."
He took this as his chance. "Even so, it's rather daunting being admired than doing the admiring."
You sighed. "Wow senpai, I can really see how much you're blooming today." You said sarcastically.
"You noticed! Yes, today my beauty is in full bloom." He then flicked a heart with his fingers to you. "I bet you'll fall you me soon."
"I'll take that bet." You joked.
Tamaki smiled and was about to say something back when the twins interrupted. "So y/n, what are you gonna take for next term?"
You paid no mind to Hikaru's arm around your shoulder. "I haven't really thought about it yet."
"Why don't you take conversational French with us?" Kaoru suggested.
"Yeah, it does make sense," Hikaru added.
They then turned back to Tamaki, evily smiling as they said, "Since we're in the same class."
Tamaki sat near a tree and hugged his knees into his chest. "Say, mommy dear?"
Kyoya smiled. "What is it now, daddy?"
"It might just be my imagination, but it seems like the twins get to spend more time with my little girl."
"Tamaki, you're just now realizing that?" It was like Tamaki was struck by lightning. "If you look at these two charts, you'll see that the twins spend roughly 8 hours a day with y/n, which is a third of her day. You, on the other hand, spend a mere 3 hours with her, meaning about 12% of her day—"
"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!" Tamaki quickly grabbed your shoulders. "Listen to me y/n, daddy wants you to stop hanging around those two shady twins!"
"Who you calling shady boss?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, take a good look at yourself!" Kaoru added.
"Tamaki-senpai, please calm down. It's just a class together." You took his hands off your shoulders. "You know what? If I need any help in French then I'll most likely go to you."
"Really?!" His eyes shown, only to go to confusion. "Wait, what do you mean most likely?"
"If I need help in the moment, I'll ask the twins." He began crying again. "Senpai, calm down—"
"All daddy wants is for you live a wholesome life!"
You sighed. "Why do you call yourself that?"
"Y'know y/n," Kyoya said. "It's pretty impressive that you're taking a class to learn a fourth language."
"Thank you senpai." You smiled at him.
"What does he mean by fourth?" Kaoru asked.
"Oh, Maria's latina so she taught me Spanish."
"A hispanic mother huh?" Hikaru said.
Kaoru then added, "You're very exotic."
You looked at them with an annoyed expression. "Sure." You then remembered something. "By the way, do you guys have anything you're doing this weekend?"
The twins looked at each other and then back at you. "No, why?"
You grinned. "Then let's do something! Anything."
They were taken back by your sudden forwardness. "What's got you so excited?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, where did this come from?" Kaoru added.
"Maria's sisters are coming over and one of them hates me."
"Why?" Hikaru asked.
"Cause I'm not Maria's biological kid. It's stupid. But it's not her I'm worried about." Your face then turned to a grimace. "It's her son, Satan."
"Geez, what's with the name calling?" Hikaru asked again.
"He gets his annoying personality from his mother, and he loves to go out of my way to try and get me mad. It makes him feel better or something. One time he cut the head off of my stuffed dinosaur my first mother had bought for me." You pouted.
Kaoru asked, "Just because Maria's not your mom?"
"Yeah, he feels like I'm at a lower class than him, and that I need to learn to stay like that. Maria tried to fix my stuffed dino, and God bless her tomboy heart, her sewing skills are terrible. It looks like a voodoo doll now." You sighed, shrugging. "Anyways, I wanna see his face as less as possible. So, you do two wanna hang out over the weekend?"
"Why are you so weird about Hikaru and Kaoru?" You asked. "They aren't even doing anything."
"I'd hate to break up this little chat," Kyoya said. "But do you recognize the name Alarico Gonzalez?"
You whipped your head over to Kyoya's direction. "Why?"
"Because he's from y/c and just booked each host towards the end of host hours for tomorrow."
"It's him." You grumbled. "I'm gonna go clean up."
Tamaki then spoke up. "It's not to fret about. This is obviously a romantic comedy fic, and me and y/n the main cast! That means that in the end I'll swoop in and make her feel better."
"Yeah, then what are we?" Hikaru asked, referring to the rest of the hosts.
"You boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" He then drew a line on the ground with a stick. "So please make sure that you don't step over this line."
"This is ridiculous." The twins said.
"And boss, I don't think you get it." Hikaru said as he smiled.
"Y/n-chan values friendship very much." Honey said.
"And she considers all of us her friends." Kaoru said.
Kyoya chimed in. "If you were to take her away from the rest of her friends, she would probably become quite unhappy and limit her contact with you."
"That means that the rest of us get to spend more time with her, while she ignores you." Honey said.
"Especially more time with us," Kaoru said. "Since we're in the same class."
You walked up to them. "Okay guys, I'm done—"
"Tamaki grabbed you again." Don't worry y/n! I'll let you go with the twins this weekend."
"I mean, that's nice of you to say, but I wasn't asking for your permi—"
"As long as the rest of us go as well!" He then turned to everyone else. "Listen up gentlemen. We are all going to hang out with y/n this weekend."
"Sure, I guess. If you wanted to come senpai, why didn't you just ask?"
"Nevermind that!" He panicked. "Make sure you choose where you want to go."
You smiled sweetly. "Okay!"
The next day you felt irritated, knowing it was only a matter of time before you see Alarico and his stupid face. Kyoya reminded you that during host hours you had to be on your best behavior, which meant that you couldn't defend himself.
The twins were staring at you all day. They made in incredibly noticable when you were setting up the tea sets. "Can I help you two?"
"You haven't smiled at all today." Kaoru said.
"Yeah, this isn't normal."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to smile when the guests come." You went around them and kept working, setting everything up.
"Why do you look sad y/n-chan?" Honey asked, trying to guilt trip you. "I don't like it. You're not like that because of me, right?"
"Of course not senpai. You're a sweet person." You said with a straight face. "Now excuse me." You continued and eventually finished up everything. You then walked to your place to welcome the girls. Sucking in a breath, you put on a smile.
"Welcome ladies."
You greeted your clients and they talked to you about what was going on with their lives. You threw out compliments and encouragements, and you hoped your smile would pay off. The stress was slowly coming off of you and your smile was becoming real. You did enjoy talking to all of your clients after all.
Your smile eventually became forced when Kyoya told you that someone requested for you to greet them at the door. You walked over to the door and opened it, smiling as best as you could. "Welcome sir."
He slapped your back hard. "Hey nickel. Long time no see."
You remained calm. "I didn't know we were using our nicknames Lucifer."
"Nickel?" Kaoru asked.
"Y/n would play the guitar and sing in the streets to save up some money. That's how she could afford to move. She would come home with bucket full of change. It's hilarious. So I call her nickel." He said, breaking out into a laugh. Though he was two years older than you, he was the about the same height as the twins. He then tossed his coat to you. "Show me where I go."
"Your first appointment is with the King. Right this way."
He looked you up and down. "This suits you nickel."
You ignored his comment. "Have a nice time."
You went back to your couch and talked to your clients. Meanwhile, Tamaki smiled warmly. "It's nice to meet you. The only person I've heard of from y/n is your aunt."
"Yeah, well, that's because she doesn't like what my mom and I have to say." You could feel his smug smile staring at the back of your head. You kept talking to your girls, trying to ignore him. "She just needs to accept who she is."
"And that is?" Tamaki smiled.
He smirked at Tamaki. "You know what they say, you can take the girl out of the streets but you can't take the streets out of the girl." Tamaki frowned. "Hey, what do you think of her? She was very keen on starting over, so I was wondering if she would be willing to share her past."
Tamaki tried to keep his princely self in tact. He smiled and sat up straighter. "I think she's a bright and smart person to be around. I enjoy her company, as do the rest of us here. And yes, she has shared some information with us regarding her past. We are her friends, after all."
"Trust me man, you don't wanna be too deep in her friend group. She had some really weird friends in y/c, and it's cause she's weird herself. She's got a lot of issues, and I wouldn't blame you if it sent you running." You knew what he was trying to do. Tamaki knew it. The rest of the hosts listening in knew it too. He was trying to isolate you, just to mess with you. "Well, gotta go to my next appointment."
He then got up and walked over to the twins' table. They hesitated to speak, but knew they had to be nice. "Nice to meet you." They said.
He quietly laughed. "Do you guys like to answer questions at the same time?"
They shrugged. "Sometimes."
"That's... strange." He grinned. They looked at him, offended and annoyed. "That's also the opposite from y/n, which is even stranger to me."
"Shit." You mumbled. You began to breath a little unsteadily.
"What do you mean?" Hikaru asked.
He laughed again. "You guys don't know?" They stared blankly at him. "Y/n has a twin brother. He up and ran away before their mom died. Apparently all three were supposed to leave together, but her brother left them high and dry."
You were starting to panic. Other people were turning their heads. Exposed. You felt so exposed.
"Excuse me for a minute." You quickly left the room and sat down on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You couldn't breathe, and your eyes began to sting from tears forming. You just couldn't breathe.
Tamaki and the twins shot up and ran to the door, but we're stopped by Kyoya. "Go back to your seats. There are guests waiting for you."
"Are you kidding?!" Hikaru barked.
"We need to see if she's okay!" Kaoru added.
"Kyoya, step aside!" Tamaki exclaimed.
"I don't have any appointments right now. I'll check on her. Go back to your seats." He then quickly left.
He saw you on the floor and sat down right to you. He put his arms around your upper arms and began to squeeze you tight in a hug. You tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. Soon you stopped moving and your breath stilled.
"Thank you." You weakly said.
"Of course."
"How did you do that?"
"It's a pressure point that calms a person's nerves." You weakly smiled at him. "How long have you been having anxiety attacks?"
You looked down. "I don't know. Years. It's been a while since I've had one up until now."
"Have you been medically diagnosed?"
You frowned and shook your head. "Let's go back in." You patted his thigh and got up. You stuck your hand out and he took it, having you hoist him up. You brought back your smile. "Thanks again senpai."
He nodded, though he also felt like the conversation needed be revisited, and would have to make sure of it. He opened the door for you. "Y/n!" Tamaki and the twins zoomed over to you.
"Sorry if I worried any of you. I just needed some air." You then sat back down on your couch. "Momo, let's resume our conversation."
"O–okay." She said, unsure whether she should ask if you were okay. "Is it okay if we take a walk in the maze? It's wonderful weather."
You grinned. "If you want to, I want to. Let's go."
When you two left, Alarico scoffed. "Still a damn baby." He then checked his watch. "Oh, switching time."
He walked over to Honey and Mori. Honey smiled at him. "You made y/n-chan really sad, so I think you should say sorry to make up for it. Kay?"
He shrugged. "I don't have to make up for anything. Like I said, she just doesn't like what I have to say. She doesn't want to face her reality, and I'm just trying to help her see it."
"So," Momoka asked you with your arms interlocked. "I was wondering if you would like to talk about what that boy you knew said."
"And here I thought I was host." You teased.
"Well, as a host it's your job to make the customers happy." She quietly stammered. "It would please me so if you had someone to talk to."
You scrunched up your nose. "You are way too nice Momo. It's grossing me out." You then looked straight ahead. "But it's much appreciated." You felt her eagerly stare at you. "Okay, we can talk."
"Really?" You nodded, and she hugged you.
"Out of the people I talk to everyday, and those who make an impression on me, I'm glad you're the one to want to talk to me like this." She smiled brightly. "Now, lead the way to that nice sitting stop first. I have no idea where to go." She nodded and took your hand, rushing to the spot.
Honey's face became darker. "Don't say mean things about y/n-chan, or I won't forgive you."
"No offense kid, but how old are you?"
"He's the same age as you." Hikaru angrily said as he sipped tea.
"Even so, some may argue that he's twice a man as you." Kaoru said as he also angrily sipped on his tea.
"Who knew important people would actually care about some rando girl from the nowhere."
"Don't talk about her like that." Mori said, standing up to hover over him.
"Stop talking about her like that, now." Honey warned.
Alarico scoffed. "Sorry little man, we're out of time." He then walked over to Kyoya, who was writing in his notebook. Honey was about to attack, but Tamaki quietly assured everyone that he knows Kyoya would handle things. "You seem to be the only who isn't phased by anything I say. That's good, since everyone's being weird about y/n."
"I assume it's due to the impression she's left on everyone here. It seems like the hardships she's had to endure has shaped her into a hard working and ambitious person."
"More like audacious." Kyoya just kept writing. "Not much gets to you, huh? That's pretty uninteresting."
"Well, I don't have a lot to worry about considering the position I'm in. You see, my family owns the largest police force in Japan. Just one phone call away and I could have over a hundred men in less than five minutes. So you see, I in fact do not have anything to worry about in this particular moment."
He frowned as you and Momoka came back in. "We're back." You happily announced.
"Did you ladies enjoy your walk?" Tamaki asked as he greeted you two at the door.
You and Momoka looked at each other and smiled. "We did." You said. "I had the pleasure of learning a few new things about Momo."
"Y/n! Those are secrets!" She blushed heavily.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything. Anyways, have a safe way home."
"You as well." She said, leaving.
You closed the door and saw that Alarico was the last person there. "Okay Lucifer, let's get on with this. Shall we?"
He said nothing but smirked at you as he bumped your shoulder walking to your couch. Everyone watched. You sat on opposite ends. "So, your friends don't know about Christian."
You calmly smiled. "He's not in my life, so there's not much to say about him. How've you been doing back in y/c?"
"You mean back home?" He asked tauntingly.
"This is my home now. A step up, don't you think?"
"For now, yeah. How's money been? You still singing in the streets?"
"Nope. Don't have to. Maria got a management position at this club. She got the job from a friend she made at a store. His name is Ryoji, and he's awesome. We've had dinner at his house a few times. His daughter's pretty chill."
"Look at you making little friends. Just like at the liquor store." You grinned, and he scooched closer to you. "Y'know, I just don't get the hype for you. There's something about you that I don't like."
"I'm well aware."
"I don't know where to put my finger on it." He looked you over. "Maybe it's because I've seen those nasty scars on your legs. It a pretty big turn off."
You grinned and shrugged. "Maybe that's it. Maybe it's because you don't like what I have to say about you. Just maybe."
He didn't like that. He grabbed your jaw, holding it tight. "Or maybe it's your face. I've seen the pictures of your parents, and you have your dad's looks." He roughly took away his hand. "Get me some tea."
"Of course." You calmly got up and went over to pour the tea.
"Hey, who was that Momoka chick? She was hot. You think she's easy to bed?" He then laughed.
"Hikaru, what time is it?" You asked as you stared straight ahead.
"Uh, 5:02?"
You nodded, setting down the tea pot. You calmly wrapped your arms around Alarico's shoulders, leaning in as if you were about to whisper him something. Instead you kneed his dick. He yelped and fell to the ground. "You bitch!"
"It's after hours now so I can say whatever I want." You looked down at him. "I don't give a shit about what you think of me, I never have. You know it, and you hate it. But when you talk about sleeping with a sweet girl just to spite me, that's when I get pissed."
"Fuck you!" He rolled to his side.
"Never talk about her in that way, ever, and stay away from her. Don't even try to fight me on this. It wouldn't be the first time I've kicked your ass. Now it's time for you to leave. Go." He got up and stumbled away.
You turned and saw everybody looking at you. "Well," Kyoya said. "I believe it's time to clean up."
You all began to clean up in silence. It was almost unbearable for the twins, as well as Tamaki. Hikaru and Kaoru had finally snapped when you accidentally bumped into them. "Excuse me—"
"Oh, that's what was bugging you?"
"Among other things." Tamaki said. "But that is a good question."
You remembered the fond memory you had of that night and giggled. "It happened one time, and it was totally his fault."
"Well, what happened?" The twins asked.
"He thought that it would be funny to scare me so he could hold it over me. But his plan for it failed miserably. He made a plan to come through our window in the middle of the night with a ski mask on and act like he was robbing us."
"But if it was in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be asleep?" Honey asked.
"Yup. He's not the smartest person around. Anyways, right when he climbs in he trips over our shoes and was unintentionally makes a lot of noice. I woke up and assumed there was a robber in the house, so naturally I grabbed the bat from under my bed and—"
"Why on Earth would you have a bat under your bed?" Tamaki asked.
"In case some idiot decided to put on a ski mask and climb through our window." You giggled, and everybody smiled in response. "Anyways, I ran up to him and swung to his stomach. He fell, and broke a flower pot in the process. When he got up, I swung again. He once again fell, but this time when he tried to get up he slipped and landed on our table, breaking it. He fumbled around and tried to grab onto this shelf, but the house was old and the shelf came down on him."
The twins bursted into laughter. "Where was Maria during all this?" Kaoru asked.
"Sleeping! I swear, I don't know what she'd do without me. There was so many crashing sounds!" The twins laughed again, and this time Tamaki chuckled as Honey giggled. "So I'm about to swing again, but he takes off the mask and yells at me. We're yelling at each other, and I drop the bat on the floor. That's when Maria finally comes in, by hearing the bat, and just asks if I'm okay. Super relaxed and half asleep."
The laughter erupted again. "What happened after that?" Hikaru asked.
"I told her that Alarico was trying to rob us, and she says hands down the most 'I don't care' question ever: So, like, I can go back to sleep then right?" More laughter. "I told her no, and she called her sister who came there dead silent. She wrote us a check for the damage and they left. One of the most satisfying experiences of my life."
Everybody was smiling at the story. It was no wonder why you became a host. You were very interesting. "Do you think you'll be in trouble when you get home?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "I mean, Maria's sister will yell at me, but that's kinda it. Maria thinks that I should only be punished if I'm in the wrong. He was being a creep to another girl and I defended her honor. Not in the wrong, and I'll probably just get a smack to the back of the head."
"Seriously?" Hikaru asked.
You shrugged. "She is Latina. And don't worry, since she's not the wealthiest person here, Maria's sister won't try to fight the school or anything."
"Not the wealthiest? What does that mean?" Tamaki asked.
"They're high middle class so they flaunt their money at people who don't make as much. She's a Karen."
"A Karen?" The twins asked.
"I don't believe I'm familiar with the term." Kyoya said.
"It's when someone makes a not bad situation so much worse for no reason. Like, let me speak to your manager for something dumb or my child would never do that when their kid is horrible. Stuff like that."
"Geez, you have to go home to that?" Hikaru asked.
You pursed your lips. "I really don't want to go home right now. Maybe I'll visit Ryoji's house. Or maybe I'll just stay at a fast food place for a bit."
"We'll come with you." Hikaru offered.
"Yeah, it'll be fun." Kaoru added.
"Thanks guys. Let's go then." You began walking towards the door, but stopped and turned around. "And thank you, all of you. I'm really happy that you guys still like me."
"Wait y/n!" Tamaki zoomed over to you, invading your personal space. "I want you to be careful around those shady twins, okay?! Daddy just wants the best for you!"
You ruffled his hair and smiled. "I'll be fine senpai. You trust that I'll take care of myself, right?"
He looked at you, almost in a daze, and smiled. "Of course. Have fun." You nodded and left with the twins. "Well Kyoya, it seems like our little y/n is very capable of handling her problems."
Kyoya put on a smile and said nothing. On the outside, it could easily be seen as that. But that wasn't the case. You should see someone about your anxiety. You should accept help. That meant that he would have to tell Tamaki.
After having a fun time with the twins and getting chewed out by Linda, you went to bed hoping that the club wasn't actually upset with you.
The next day you got up and quickly left early before anyone else woke up. Unfortunately, you skipped breakfast in order to do so. So there you were, eating a breakfast burrito from WacDonald's on the steps of Ouran, way too early for anyone to be there yet.
The silence was pretty nice. It was peaceful, and the school was beautiful. You did notice someone though. A man in a lab coat. He looked lost, but you decided not to think anything of it. It was probably just a school doctor, since it is physical exam day.
Later on you threw away your wrapper and bought some coffee at a gas station. That's when some people began arriving. "Hey, you're the honor student, right?" One person walked over and asked you.
"Um, yeah. I'm sorry, I don't think I know you."
"I'm in the same year, though we're in different classes." He said.
A few minutes later the twins arrived to school, though they were peeved to see you talking to another guy. They ran over to you and began dragging you away.
"It was nice to meet you!" You called out. They then put you down, hearing you huff. "What was that for? I almost dropped my coffee."
"Who was that?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "Some guy. He just came up to me and started talking."
"More like flirting." Hikaru grumbled.
"No he wasn't." You took a sip of your coffee. "Do you guys want some?"
Hikaru hesitated before shrugging. "Sure." He took a swig.
"Kaoru?" You offered.
"Are you sure that's Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, trying to trick you.
"Yes, I am." You said, taking back your coffee. "I'm not stupid."
Before they could say anything, you all heard. "Y/n~!"
A gush of wind passed you three as Tamaki ran over to you. "Morning senpai."
"Did those two shady twins hurt you last night?! I knew I should have gone with you!" He took your hands.
"No, they didn't. Calm down senpai. It was actually nice." You smiled at them.
"Oh, right." Hikaru took out an old phone. "Here."
You just stared up at him confusedly. "You don't have a phone, and this is my old one." Kaoru explained. "I don't use it anymore, so you could have it."
"Um, that's kind of a big thing to give someone." You nervously smiled. "You could turn it in to a phone company and get some money for it. Or maybe some store credit, depending on the company."
"We don't need money or credit stuff." Hikaru said. "Just take it."
You hesitated before taking it. You then smiled and wrapped your arms around each of their necks. "Thanks guys!"
"You're welcome." They smiled before looking darkly at Tamaki. Before Tamaki could say anything, the twins then pulled away. "Well, let's go to class!"
They rushed you off. "Bye Tamaki-senpai!" You called out.
Tamaki got angry. "But what about the plan?!" He barked.
"What did he say?" You turned as they carried you.
"Nothing!" They said.
Instead of going to your class though, you ended up going to the Music Room. "What's going on? Why are we in the host club class?"
Tamaki then stormed into the room. "You two could have waited for me!" He barked out again.
Kyoya then came out. "Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
Author's Note: I hit the limit for the paragraphs I can write (since there's a lot of dialogue), so I had to cut it short.
I guess I have to split it up into 2 parts and put the fast food part in my own filler .—.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7
120 notes · View notes
fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
I love the idea of the Hidden Seven throwing a party at the mansion instead of taking Five along for his first college party. I think it would be very considerate of them since he probably would not like so much social interaction at once so the familiar environment and the fact he can kick everyone out the minute he's uncomfortable would give him some semblance of control over the situation. I'm imagining the Hidden Seven in a huddle, maybe while Reader and Five are on a date, and deciding this among themselves cuz they care about him and they've been to High School parties but college parties are on another level and Five has never been to ANY party. He's part of their little group now too so they take care of him in the little ways.
Additionally, as part of the "how to summon the H7", Five discovers eventually that it's not just memes that grab their attention but if he dares say anything slightly self-loathing about himself or says he's hungry/refers to his past trauma of any type, he can summon them as fast as if they have his power too, Usually along with a Hargreeve, notably Allison and Vanya as well. (there's a tumblr chat post used for fandom characters for this exact scenario or I'd type it out but I just can't remember it exactly rn D:)
Also would Five participate on the Hidden Seven's missions as well when not trapped by Big Bad Evil Guys? I can see him mostly taking a backseat with the fighting, acting as a distraction more than anything else but definitely getting used to the H7s antics and participating in these menial conversations unless he's in an agitated mood in which case he takes a more hands on approach as well.
Five (flashing in front of a robber so he doesn't realize Dean is about to shoot him in the back): Can we PLEASE go get a decent cup of coffee after this. I've been in class since 8 AM and now this?
Addison: Do you ever stop thinking about coffee? Sonata and I brought you some on our way to class! We thought it would tide you over til 3 at least!
Reader (melting someone's brains): He spilled half when someone bumped into his desk. I had to keep him from committing murder. Our Physics professor was not amused.
*Five kills someone in his peripheral with nothing but a paper weight*
Lucas (throws a guy against a wall): Ohh so that's why he's so murdery today... Normally he just distracts people for us.
Bren (using his whips to hold someone in place): Is that also why you asked to borrow my extra shirt?
Everyone looks and Five is indeed wearing one of Bren's usual shirts.
Kenny (punching the guy being held in place) : Hey! I offered too!
Bren: Yeah but none of us would be caught dead in your clothes after you bought your neon atrocity.
Kenny (gasps): You take that back! My jacket is the height of fashion!
Five (doing his stapler trick): Cool stapler, my guy. *kills him* Anyway can we get back to the point. COFFEE! I can't take Professor Snotty's class without it or I won't need paradox psychosis to feel homicidal rage... (flashes to reader's side) Hey, mon amour, need some assist? *holds guy in place so reader can do her thing*
Viktoria (pauses bad viola playing to say over the sound system): You call a Professor as Snotty?
Reader (taking her time with the destruction of the bad guy): His names Snitty so it's not any better. The entire phys-chem departments calls him that.
Kenny: I would like to meet this professor Snotty.
Reader and Five pause and consider it... The bad guy tries to sneak away.
Dean: Anyway so... Coffee after this? I have like 2 hours before my next class (impales sneaking away bad guy with an arrow) and I really don't wanna do my homework.
Kenny: Ooh! I want a unicorn milkshake!
Lucas (roughing up a bad guy): That sweetened monstrosity? Really?
Bren (slashing a guy): I am NOT babysitting Necrotic if he gets a unicorn milkshake. He's all yours.
Meanwhile, the bad guys are all dead and the H8 then go and get their well earned smoothies, milkshakes and coffees.
(Sorry for the long message, I almost sent three asks with all three topics separately but then combined them into one for ease after I caught up on the discussion this morning xD do you think it's all accurate to your vision?)
Oh yeah, they definitely take his lack of party experience into consideration. Giving him as much control as possible will make it such a better time for him. I think when the party actually occurs at first Five is a little hesitant just because it’s a lot of people he’s never met and it’s a new experience but which a couple of shots that Kenny definitely offered him he starts to loosen up and enjoy himself more. He would absolutely be by the readers side the whole time tipsily telling her about all the stuff he admires about her and pulling her on to the dance floor with him the more comfortable he gets. He would be having a hell of a time and would totally tell his siblings to leave if they showed up early.
Because of how much they care for Five if he ever said something negative about himself you would hear a chorus of “Nooooooo!” coming from across the house as all the rest of them ran from different directions to get to him. They’d immediately go into helping mode because even though they themselves would say similar things because they’re Gen Z so of course they wouldn’t want their friend to feel upset.
And yes, Five would definitely join them to fight criminals because it’s a very casual bonding activity for all of them. They just get notifications about stuff that is going down and they will all collectively drop what they’re doing and go there because it’s probably better than whatever they were doing before. And to the bad guys it is so infuriating that not only that they’re being beat by such young people but that they won’t even focus on the fight. They’re just that good together. Also:
Five: (spatial jumping around aggressively taking out people)
Kenny: (knocking someone out) Jeez he’s aggressive today. What happened?
Reader: (Throwing knives at some guys) Oh our physics professor was just well snotty today, as always.
Viktoria: (making some criminals ears bleed) Oh god...is your professor still alive?
Reader: Yes
Dean: (releasing an arrow into a guy) Five you would’ve put him in the grave.
Five: It’s where he belongs
Addison: (kicking a gun out of a criminal’s hand and across the room) Ringmaster, what did you do to stop him?
Reader: (disintegrating someone’s stomach) I had to use my powers to make him so dense he couldn’t jump. Believe me it took a lot to stop him.
Bren: (catching someone running away with his whip) Damn that’s crazy.
Lucas: (tossing a guy down a staircase) If it makes you feel better Five I would’ve done the same thing for Spotlight.
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nightshadeshadow123 · 5 years
Paw prints on the Agent's heart🐾part 3:
Alex Danvers x reader🔫🐾
Here's part three, hope u guys enjoy.
Tag list:
@retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere
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Kara landed on the balcony and make her way into the facility, searching for her sister.
"I'm here." Kara founded her discussing plans and other mission with J'onn and two other agents.
They turned their attention towards the blonde.
"You two are dismissed, we will talk about the failed mission later." J'onn dismissed the two agents, watching as they leave to do their other work.
"Sorry I'm late, Cat was on my neck about that article and had to finish it before finding time to slip away unoticed." Kara explained, hugging Alex before releasing her as J'onn smiled warmly at the two sisters.
"It's quite alright, don't worry Supergirl." J'onn assured the blonde Kryptonian.
Alex took a seat, waiting for her sister to sit next to her while J'onn sat on a sofa in front of them.
"We found out something about the wolf girl." J'onn began, gaining a curious look from Kara.
"What about her?"
"Winn were snooping around on their computer data system and have manage to find a list of people they've expirimented on, and turns out that she was one of their best expiriments yet. Their favourite weapon until someone betrayed CADMUS and helped her to escape." J'onn explained.
"That's....unbelievable, hate the way they use humans and aliens as test subjects." Kara looked at Alex when she putted a comforting hand on her shoulder, knowing full well that she was thinking about her father and history with CADMUS.
"We need to get this wolf before CADMUS." J'onn went on.
"I agree, we fear what might happen if they find her first." Alex agreed with J'onn.
Kara nodded. "Yeah then let's make sure they don't. I'm tired of all the problems they cause."
"And maybe I can ask Lena Luthor if she knows something of the she wolf." Kara went on.
J'onn thought the idea over while Alex casted her a concerned look.
"Kara I don't think that's a good idea." Alex warned.
"I don't think so either." J'onn looked reluctant."But she might be able to give a few awnsers."
Alex let out a sigh at that, not too happy about the idea.
"Well then, off to Luthor corp." Kara waved them bye before leaving but not before noticing the concerend look Alex wore.
"Well good thing she doesn't know I'm Kara." Kara said under her breath, landing on Lena's office balcony.
She reluctantly knocked on the glass doors, trying her best to not look nervous, hoping that she is doing the right thing.
A few moments later Lena opened the door, curiously looking at Kara.
"Supergirl? What are you doing here? I'm not done with the project yet if that's why you are here." Lena smiled at the blonde Kryptonian.
Kara returned the smile. "No it's alright. I'm here for a completely diffrent reason." She assured Lena.
"Oh, okay then. What is it?" Lena asked, staring down at National City below them.
Kara nervously cleared her throat.
"I....I just wanted to find out if you know something of..."
Lena spared her a quick glance.
"Know what Supergirl? Spit it out, I don't bite." Lena urged her.
Kara smiled at that."I wanted to know if you perhaps know something of that wolf all over the news. I've found out that she've escaped CADMUS with the help of someone and since your mother, your brother now I suppose is the leader of CADMUS that you might know something? Maybe who helped her escape?"
Lena gave her a look over her shoulder before looking down at the city again.
"I know that she was my mothers best expiriment and weapon to use against her enemies. And for who helped her escape, I don't know who it was. Maybe it was someone with a death wish." Lena explained, grip tight on the cold rails.
Kara kept quite at this.
"And my mother made her even stronger than she already were. She wanted to use her to defeat you but before that could happen she have escaped." Lena went on, still not looking at the Kryptonian.
Kara looked shocked at this.
"Wait? What? Well good thing she escaped, I just hope I can find out who have helped her escape so I can thank them."
Lena finally looked back at Kara.
"Maybe it's a good thing yeah. All the suffering she had went through, I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Lena tilts her head to the side slightly, swiping some of her dark hair over her shoulder.
"Thanks Lena, I must go now. Duty calls." Kara said as a alarm went off in the distance.
Kara took off once again.
"Farewell Supergirl." Lena said before going back into her office, a tiny smile tugging at her red lips at the person now sitting at her desk.
"Good afternoon, and how may I help you today?"
"Ugh these damn CADMUS agents." Kara huffed out, hauling him into the DEO prison cells.
Alex were helping to put another one away too.
"Yeah, they just keep getting even more annoying everyday."
"Agent Danvers, Supergirl." J'onn greeted them.
"Get ready for an outing Supergirl, got a little piece of information that the wolf have been spotted somewhere and I want you to go and have a look." J'onn said to them, waiting for them to follow him. "And Alew will be closeby."
"I've got eyes on the wolf." Kara said into her ear piece. "And she's with someone."
"Keep her in sight, and who is the person with her?" J'onn asked through his ear piece.
"I can't make out who the person is. My Xray vision won't work, the person have lead on them somewhere and they are wearing a hood." Kara explained.
"Mhm, what are they doing?"
"The person appears to be not treat...yet, and the wolf seems to be trusting of them." Kara squinted, keeping a close eye on them.
Kara went to step closer to the ledge of the building she have landed on but ended up tripping over a pipe contected to the roof and she end up falling to ground, grabbing the attention of both the person and the wolf that whipped their heads in her direction.
"Ugh why did I had to be clumsy in this moment?" Kara muttered under her breath, slowly pushing herself to a half up right position.
The wolf looked at the hooded person, making a slow jerk position to the side in what Kara suppose means that the person should run.
The mystery person, patted the wolf's side, whispering something in it's ear before spritting away into the darkness.
(Y/N)'s POV:
I stare the blonde Kryptonian down, growling lowly at her when she tried to stop her from running away.
Kara held up her arms in surrender, keeping a safe distance and not make any sudden moves.
"Hi." Kara awkwardly greeted, waving a hand.
I let out a huff, steping towards the blonde. She's still as akward as she was when we were little children back on Krypton. How I miss those days.
You stopped right in front of her, glowing red eyes meeting with her sky blue eyes as she looked at you cautiously as your wolf form towered over her.
With that you turned into your human form again, still towering a tad over her in height.
"We meet again short stack." You smirked down at her, (E/C) glistening with amusement at her now shocked state.
"Wha?Wait?!…(Y/N)?! But how?!" Kara fired out questions, a mix between shock, excitement and also a bit emotional.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you! But how?!" Kara rambled on.
You chuckled at her. "Kara Zor-El calm down. I'm was sent her by my parents before Krypton was destroyed. They wanted me safe and got me here." You explained.
Kara stopped, looking at you while you explained what have happened.
"Okay we'll talk about that later but now I really need to come with me to the DEO."
"Nope, I won't go there, they've been trying to catch me for years. I can't go there." You glared at her.
"Why not, we aren't your enemy. And we need your help against CADMUS." Kara tried to reason but you tensed up at the word CADMUS.
"No way. I won't go anywhere near them."
Kard pursed her lips at this. "Why not? And The DEO can help, why not come with me so I can show you that?"
"Well for starters, I don't really trust The DEO, and secondly, no I prefer to stay away from CADMUS, I don't go towards the people that have expirimented on me for years. Heck I was suppose to be dead a long time ago but that grimey wrinkly coot kept reviving me time and time again. Just got lucky to have had made a...friend there that helped me escape." You explained, a distant look crossing your face before meeting with her blue eyes again.
Kara looked at loss for words. "What? But...The DEO won't do that to you. That's not a reason to distrust us....you can trust me, we've been...childhood besties. Always got in trouble together and bother both our father's durning family dinners."
You chuckle light heartedly at the memories. "Man your father was really scary when he got angry, esspecially that one time we've got lost on a strange planet and almost got killed."
Kara laughed. "Yep his face was priceless when aunt Astra took us to him."
Suddenly you snapped back to reality, keeping a close eye on the blonde Kryptonian.
"Come with me please. It can be just like old times." Kara held out her hand, waiting for you to take it, eyes pleading but briefly lingering over your shoulder.
You stared down at her outstreched hand before slowly looking back at her face.
Suddenly you spun to the side, grabbing the person that have tried to sneak up on you from behind, a starled yelp falling from their lips.
"Do you honestly think I wouldn't sense someone sneaking up on me princessa?" You growled against her ear as you held her in a choke hold from behind, their hands on your arm to attempt escape.
"A-Alex?! (Y/N) Please don't hurt her." Kara begged, a tad of fear in her that you might hurt her.
Just gonna leave it on cliffhanger😏suffer a little. Just have to make a choice now where I want to take it from here. The next part have me like😏😏not sure when I'll be done with the next part but I'm trying to make it a soon as possible.
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deadsaigon · 5 years
Kindred spirits || Carl Grimes
Summary: In a parallel universe where Carl is still alive, he experiences the events during the 9x15.
Warnings: Death, and yeah, a lot of cuteness and sadness. All at the same time.
Note: The flashbacks are in italics. Gif is not mine.
A/n: I've been working on this for a while, I hope you like it. Honoring my baby Carl, he deserved to live longer in the series. Requests are open. Sorry if it's too long, but I think is worthy to read. Hope you like it.
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"I stand before you today at the start of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow made possible by the sacrifice of many over the years. Among them a man whose mission was to build community and strengthen the bonds between us. A man who had to destroy the very thing that connected us in order to save us. It took us far too long to fulfill the promise of what Rick Grimes and his son Carl, who is here with us, envisioned" King Ezekiel stoped his speech, due to the ovation that the people started when they heard the name of 'Carl', Carl was a living legend. He and Amunet were between the crowd. One of his arms was around her waist and her head was over his shoulder. When the people around them began to applaud him, Carl blushed a little and he thanked them with his hand. "The same promise, Paul Rovia, better known the most as Jesus believed in when he brought us all together those many years ago. We've always been bound to each other. We always will be. We fought our way back to each other. We've grown. The crossing over the river may be gone, but we rebuilt a bridge nonetheless. Today is the proof that we can unite, not against a common enemy but for the common good. So eat, drink, trade and be merry, cause we got a lot of lost time to make up for" Ezekiel ended his speech.
Jerry stood in front of all the people. "That the first Annual Inter-community Reunification Fair begins" He said.
"Jerry, we changed that" Ezekiel told him with a little smile. All the people laughed. "Carl, could you make me the honor to say some words and inaugurate this?" The King asked him. "Amunet, you can pass, too". Carl blushed again, but Amunet encouraged him. They hold hands and passed to the front.
"Mmm, hello" He said, he was so nervous but Amunet pressed harder his hand, trying to calm him down. "I would like to thank you all, for not abandoning my dad's dream, the dream he worked so hard for so many years, the dream he gave his life for: the dream of being a big and unite family." Carl reached the cage of the white doves. "That the Fair or the New Beginning begins" He finished by setting free the doves. The people started to applaud again, and yeah, Carl blushed, once more.
Once the people got disperse, Carl and Amunet started walking around the Fair. "You're so cute when you blush" Amunet said.
"Stop it" He answered.
"It's the true, you are adorable" She laughed. Carl take her from her waist, pulled her close to him and kissed her.
"I love you, Amunet"
"I love you too, Carl" Amunet and Carl met each other since the beginning of the chaos. They were friends in the Atlanta camp, in the Hershel's farm, in the prison, and they started dating when they arrived to Alexandria. They had been a couple for 8 years approximately. They had always support each other.
"Alexandria is granted to give asylum to Lydia" Carl spoke. The leaders of each community, Tara for The Hilltop, Carol and Ezekiel for The Kingdom, Rachel for OceanSide, and Carl and Michonne for Alexandria, were discussing about the fact of Lydia forming part of the communities now. Henry, Lydia, Judith and Amunet were also there.
"If her mother retaliates it's gonna be against Hilltop, not Alexandria" Tara said, she didn't seem to be happy with Lydia being around.
"Tara, remember when you stood in the prison with the Governor? You were our enemy. But Glenn saved you, and brought you with him. At the start, people didn't trust you, obviously, but we gave you the doubt benefit, and look how it come, now, you become part of the family" Carl told her and Tara seemed to understand what he was trying to say. "That's why we propose a mutual protection pact. If her mother wants to attack Hilltop, it won't be easy, cause she is going to have to fight the four communities. They mess with one, they mess with us all" Carl continued talking. Everyone in the place agreed.
"How do we seal it? A blood pact? Do we cross the pinkies?" Tara said making everyone laugh.
"I just got an idea" King Ezekiel said and searched for something. Finally, he found the agreement that Rick had made so many years ago.
"How do you have it?" Michonne asked.
"Maybe I took some things when I left Alexandria" Tara answered.
The first who signed it were King Ezekiel and Queen Carol, then Tara, it continued Rachel, and then, it was the turn of Alexandria. Michonne took the pen in her hand, but extended it to Carl. "It should be the Rick Grimes son" She said. Carl took the pen and signed the paper with 'Carl Grimes'. It was it, the mutual protection pact was signed.
Amunet and Judith stood next to Carl. "Carl you did it amazing!" The little girl said and give him a hug.
"Thank you Judith" Carl took the body of his little sister in his arms and carried her.
"Thank you, Carl. Thank you so much" Lydia said.
"It's okay Lydia, I couldn't let you alone. You are one of us now. Also, Henry needs you" Lydia and Henry laughed. When Henry went for Lydia, after Alpha took her from The Hilltop, Carl, Daryl and Connie searched for him. Daryl and Connie didn't understand Henry, but Carl did.
"So, that's how you make CPR to a person" Enid finished her explication. "Who wants to pass and do it with the doll?" Judith raised her hand. "Okay, Judith, let's see how you do it" The doctor said her. Judith stood near to the doll, and started to do the steps that Enid had explained before. "You did it very well, congratulations! Take a lollipop. That's all, thank you"
The people dispersed, and Carl walked to Enid. "Hey, my favourite cowboy is here" They hugged each other. "How are you doing? Did Amunet came?"
"Cool, I'm pretty cool. Yeah, Amunet is here too. How are you Enid? Or I should say 'doctor Enid'?"
"I always call you 'cowboy', you have the right to call me 'doctor'" Both laughed.
"I'm happy to see you, Enid"
"I'm happy too, Carl. It's been a long since the last time we see each other"
"But we saw us in The Hilltop, when Rosita and Eugene got in trouble"
"I know, but I refer, to see each other like this, like family, not like two strangers. I'm sorry for never had get back to Alexandria, but Maggie needed me here"
"And I'm sorry for never have go to Hilltop to visit you, but you know what happened with Michonne, I needed to stay in Alexandria taking care of Judith and Rick Jr."
"Maybe we can be the same best friends that we were"
"I'd love that"
"It's gonna be a little different, I'm not the same depressive Enid that used to hate everything and used to sneak out the walls"
"That Enid was pretty cool, tho"
"It was cool for the emo Carl you were in that time. The antique Enid doesn't fit with the famous leader Carl you are now. But the doctor Enid, she fits perfect"
"I'm not famous" "Of course you are. You know that the adults tell about 'the Grimes' to their children?"
"I've heard about that, but I didn't think it was true"
"It's true, Carl, everybody knows your story, and I'm so proud of you"
"Heeeeyyyy, you're talking without me? I feel betrayed" Amunet got into the conversation.
"We were about to look for you" Carl said.
"I'm gonna pretend that I believe you. Enid! I've missed you so much" Both women hugged each other.
"I've missed you too. What have you being doing in Alexandria?"
"I'm in charge of the hydraulic system that provides water to the community. Also, I'm in charge of the maintenance of the solar panels, and the power generators. If they don't work, I fix them" Amunet said proudly.
"Woah, did Eugene teach you that?" "Who more could it be? The dude is a freaking genie. I'm glad to say that Siddiq did a good job training you, doctor"
"Can you believe it? Six year ago we were only teenagers trying to survive in the end of the world, and now, look at us" Enid said.
"This shit is crazy"
"Language, Carl!"
"Judith, what are you doing here?"
"I want a caramel apple, can we get one?"
"Okay, come on. Ladies, I'll see you later" Carl kissed Amunet before going with his sister.
"You don't have to go. They can patrol the surroundings by themselves" Amunet said to Carl.
"It's okay. I'm gonna be fine. Daryl is going too"
"Yeah girl, I'll take care of him, even if he doesn't need it anymore" Daryl said.
"You should reconsider it" Michonne said.
"Mom, you are worrying to much"
"Mom is right, Carl, it's too dangerous. What if something bad happens to you?" Judith said sadly.
Carl kneeled to be at the same height that his sister and put his hands in her cheeks. "Judy, do you trust me?" The girl nodded. "I'm going out there because I want to help. I can't stay here pretending that everything is fine with those crazy people with skin masks around. I want to guarantee the safety of you three" He said to Amunet, Michonne and Judith. "I have to do it"
Judith jumped into Carl's arms. "Just be careful Carl, please" The girl said.
"Be prudent. And do what Daryl says, Okay?" Michonne told.
"The last time I listen to Daryl I was fifteen, but sure, I will" Michonne, Carl and Judith involved themselves into a warm hugged.
Amunet was the only left to say goodbye. "Promise me you'll get back"
"I do. I always get back to you"
"I can't loose you, don't make me get through that"
"You are not going to loose me. I'll be back" The couple shared a kiss full of love and hope.
"I love you so much" Amunet said.
"I love you more. I'll see you later. Don't forget that you have my heart and that you are the fucking love of my life"
"Carl! Language"
"Sorry, Judith"
"It's time to go" Daryl said.
"Daryl, please, protect him"
"I will. But you have to understand that he's not a kid anymore Michonne" The man said before the group conformed by Magna, Yumiko, Carol, Kal, Marco, Dianne, he and Carl left.
"What the hell is that?" Carl asked.
The group had meet with DJ, Alek and Ozzy. They had found a destroyed carriage and dead horses. "We don't know. The bodies that were in here are missing. They must had been going to the Fair" DJ said.
"Do you think they were them?" Carl asked again, making reference to the people with masks.
"I'd like to say no, but you are not dumb"
"We should separate. Daryl, Carol, Yumiko and I will follow the rast of the bodies, and try to find them. Magna, Dianne, Marco and Kal, get to The Hilltop, and make sure everything is okay. DJ, Ozzy, Alek, keep patrolling around here. Let's go" Carl ordered.
When Carl's group moved, Carol and Daryl kept watching at Carl. "What's wrong guys?" He asked them.
"You did it pretty well in there. Being a leader is your thing, kid" Carol said with a little smile.
"Your dad would be so proud" Daryl told.
"Please, stop. People have been saying stuff like that all day"
"You shouldn't be ashamed of that, Carl" Yumiko said.
"Can we just keep going?" Carl ended the conversation.
The day turned into night. Carl's group was still searching for the bodies of the people from the carriage. Suddenly, some walkers appeared in their way. "Take care, watch their hands, they could have knives" Carl said.
Walkers grew in number, and then, a body of 2 meters of height appeared in front of them. Carl, Yumiko, Carol and Dary prepared their weapons. "Drop them. I won't ask twice" Beta ordered. The four obeyed him, and the tall guy directed his voice at Carl. "You just had to give me the girl. Now that deal is over. You are coming with us"
Beta took them to the Whisperer camp, and tied them to a tree. Then, Alpha appeared. "You, one-eyed, come" She said and unleashed Carl. Ponting at him with a gun, she took him to a pit, where a big horde of walkers was in. "I hope I'm wrong saying that you can't take care of my daughter" Alpha said.
"You are. We will be the family that Lydia never had. She is better with us" Carl answered her.
"You and your people are alive because I let you live. But I'm done with you all. If you cross into my land, once more, I'll guide the horde to the communities. I've mark the border to the North, you see it as you leave. Now, reunite with the rest of your group and get away from my sight".
After Alpha let go Carl, Daryl, Carol and Yumiko, they found Siddiq roofed to a tree, he had some injuries and the eyes bended.
"Siddiq! What are you doing here?" Carl asked him.
Siddiq wasn't able to answer him, so Carl helped him to get up and to keep walking.
During the way back home, they saw it, they saw the final warning that Alpha was talking about: some heads in pikes, marking the border of the Whisperers' lands.
Ten heads. Ten reanimated heads. Ten reanimated heads of people they loved and cared about. Ten people that were gone. Ten people that had died in a horrible way.
Once Yumiko, Daryl, Carol, Siddiq and Carl were close enough to the heads, they could finally saw who they were. And that only disturbed them more.
First head.
Ozzy was the leader of the Highway men. He was working with his men to get to chance to watch a movie, and he didn't was capable to do that.
Ozzy was working only a few hours, and now, his head was the first of ten.
Second head.
Alek was the right hand of Ozzy, and a member of the Highway men.
He was working with Ozzy for a benefit for him and their people only a few hours ago, and now, his head was the second of ten.
Third head.
DJ was a reformed Savior that rebuilt his life six years ago when he redeemed himself and took the invitation of living in Alexandria. Since then, he had shown his effort by making sure that the surroundings of the community were safe. And Carl appreciated that.
Carl felt sorry seeing his head, cause he had live and worked with him for a long time. DJ was the proof that a person can actually change for good.
DJ was talking with Carl about his concern about the possibility of the Whisperers were killing people only a few hours ago, and now, his head was the third of ten.
Fourth head.
"Hey, Nabila, have you seen Frankie?" Eugene asked to the woman. He and Frankie's daughter were looking for her, there had been a long time since the last time they had saw her.
But Nabila hadn't seen her, cause Frankie wasn't in the fair anymore.
Frankie used to be one of Negan's wives. After the Saviors' defeat, she was accepted in Alexandria, where she adopted a girl and became in a great mom.
Carl felt sorry too. Judith sometimes used to play with Frankie's daughter and some others kids, and Frankie had always watch them. Frankie had take care of Judith on several occasions and he was thankful for that.
She was hugging her daughter and enjoying the fair only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the fourth of ten.
Fifth head.
Tammy Rose.
"Have you seen Tammy?" Earl asked Connie and Kelly, with his son in his arms.
Kelly repeated the question with sign language, so Connie could understand.
The answer was no. The sisters hadn't seen her, Tammy wasn't near.
Tammy was an old lady that lived in Hilltop with his husband Earl. They had lost his son Ken six years ago. But life had give them happiness again with the arrived of a baby that Connie had rescue from The Whisperers.
Tammy was talking with Earl about how they should name their son only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the fifth of ten.
Sixth head.
Rodney was a teenager that lived in Hilltop. He was trying to have a normal teenager life.
He was hanging around with his friends only a few hours ago, and now, his head was the sixth of ten.
Seventh head.
Addy was other teenager from Hilltop. She had worries about the walkers, but also, she had some teenager worries, like, trying to make the guy you like to like you.
She was talking with Henry only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the seventh of ten.
Eighth head.
"It feels so sweet" Alden and Luke were singing on the stage. They had a large audience, but still, Alden noticed that someone was missing. Someone special. Had she forgotten? of course not. she was eager to see her boyfriend sing and be able to make fun of it. If Enid wasn't there, it was because she wasn't in this world either.
Enid was a resident of Alexandria when Carl met her. She was mysterious and mature, things that made Carl to got interested in her, an also, to liked her. Both had a realistic perspective of the world, and they became best friends cause of that.
Now, Enid was a doctor. She had something worth to work for. She was an important member of her community. She was living the happy life that she always had deserved.
When Carl saw her, something cracked inside of him, his heart for sure. He couldn't deal with the fact of seeing his best friend's head on a pike. So, a tear fell down his cheek.
"No" He mumbled. "Not you".
Carl was being Siddiq's support, but at that moment, the roles got changed. Carl's legs shaked like he was about to fall. " It's okay, Carl, it's okay. Stay with me, please" Siddiq said.
"Hey, my favourite cowboy is here"
"I always call you 'cowboy', you have the right to call me 'doctor'"
"I know, but I refer, to see each other like this, like family, not like two strangers. I'm sorry for never had get back to Alexandria, but Maggie needed me here"
"Maybe we can be the same best friends that we were"
"It's true, Carl, everybody knows your story, and I'm so proud of you"
Memories of her didn't leave his mind. Memories of Enid being happy. Memories of his best friend for all life.
He remembered the first time she saw her, on that abandoned house at the entrance of Alexandria. He remembered the times that he followed in the woods and lost her from his sight. He remembered when they used to sneak out the walls and go into the woods to read comics. He remembered all the times that she gave him advices about his relationship. He remembered when they skated in their way to Hilltop. He remembered a lot of things that they could never do again.
He had lost his best friend and he couldn't get her back.
Enid was teaching people how to do CPR only a few hours ago. Enid was eating caramel apples with his boyfriend only a few hours ago. Enid was getting back the lost time with her best friend only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the eighth of ten.
Ninth head.
"If you happen to see her, could you tell her I need to speak with her?" Gabriel asked Eugene.
"I haven't seen her in a while, but she must be around" Eugene said. Sadly, he was wrong. Tara wasn't around, not anymore.
When the prison got under attack, Tara was in the Governor's army, she was with the guy who killed Hershel, she was the enemy. But things changed. Glenn needed her help, and, Tara needed to help Glenn, she needed to help him so the guilt she was feeling could disappear. It was when she was ready to die in that tunnel full of walkers, so Glenn could live and continue searching for his wife, that Tara stop being the enemy, and became family.
She was Hilltop's leader since Jesus' death, she was capable to lead, and she was ready to. She was supposed to be a great leader.
Carol, Daryl and Carl looked at her head with melancholy. They had survived with her during a lot time, and now, that girl with an incredible sense of humor that used to brigthen their days didn't exist anymore. She had been reduced to a sad walker.
"If her mother retaliates it's gonna be against Hilltop, not Alexandria"
That thought arrived at Carl's mind. Tara was protecting her people, but she must have protected herself.
Tara was thinking about what was the the best for her people only a few hours ago. Tara was signing the mutual protection pact only a few hours ago. Tara was being the leader that the Hilltop needed only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the ninth of ten.
Tenth head.
"Where could she be? She's not the kind of people that disappear without telling someone where she is going" Rosita told to Eugene.
"Maybe she wanted to be alone. She wasn't happy about Carl going out there. Maybe she wanted to distract herself"
"Eugene, she wouldn't do that. If she didn't tell anyone what she was going to do, it's because she is going out there and look for him. She care so much about him"
"In that case, I hope she is still in here. She can get hurt if she goes alone"
"Come on, we need to find her. Carl is going to kill us if something happens to her" Rosita commanded.
Even though Rosita and Eugene went to look for her as soon as they realized that she was missing, someone else had already found her.
And then, Carl saw the last pike. With his eye wide open, he unconsciously left Siddiq alone. He dropped the Colt Phyton that he had in his hand. He couldn't take his sight apart from the head. He approached to the pike a little more, he was wishing that his sight was playing tricks on him, because in case it wasn't, and the head was of the person he was thinking it was, he couldn't stand that.
He was about to get close enough when Daryl got between his sight and the pike. "No! No!" Daryl shouted, while he was holding Carl of his shoulders. "Don't look at it. Don't look"
Carl's legs shaked again, but this time, he fell on his knees. Daryl got on his knees too, to comfort him. "Kid, please, don't look at her, don't do that".
Carl's cry was making him look so vulnerable and so broken that even Yumiko felt the need of hug him. But nobody dare to do it, except of Daryl, who was already with him.
Daryl was speaking to him, but he wasn't listening. His heart was so broken and he was so submerge on his memories that everything around him didn't seem to be important.
Inside of Carl, it was like his mind wanted to live again all the moments that he had shared with her, like he needed to remember everything he had done with Amunet.
Cause, yeah, the head that was on that pike was hers.
"Hi, my name is Carl, what's yours?"
"I'm Amunet" The little girl answered. They were in the outsides of Atlanta, in a camp.
"Do you wanna play with me and Sophia? She wants to meet you"
"I would like to"
"Great! Follow me" Carl took her hand and guided her to where the other girl was. They played all morning and all afternoon, that when the sun hid, the three kids could barely stay awake.
The memorie of the first time they talked arrived. Carl felt like he was just being stabbed in the heart, so he let out a heartbreaking scream, toring apart his lungs.
"Carl! You woke up" Amunet had been waiting to him to wake up since Hershel operated him. She was happy that his friend was okay.
"Hello, Amunet. How's Sophia?"
"We hadn't find her" She said, sadly. But at least you are okay, I've missed you"
"We'll find her. I promise. I've missed you too. My dad gave my his hat, cool, no?"
"Yeah, now you are a cowboy"
"You can try it on, it must look great on you" Carl put the hat on Amunet's head. Both kids were laughing, but Carl started to cough.
"Carl, are you okay?" The girl asked worried.
"Yes, I shouldn't laugh too much, it hurts"
"You should get some sleep. Hershel said you're still weak"
"Could you stay here? I don't like to be alone"
The boy made a space in the bed, so Amunet could lay on it. "Sweet dreams, Amunet"
"Sweet dreams, Carl"
The sound of Carl's sobs were mixing with the sound of the moans that Amunet's head was doing. It was a brutal and depressive mix.
When a walker Sophia appeared out of the barn, Carl and Amunet started crying. They hugged each other and stayed like that for a while. After Rick put her down, and the adults began to move the bodies, they were the only ones that were near the barn.
"I thought we would find her" Carl said.
"I did it too. I'm gonna miss her" Amunet started to cry again.
"Hey, don't worry, we are you and me now, okay? You and me, together"
Carl scratched the dirt under his hands, like the only way he had to express his anger. He could felt the Daryl's arms around him, but he didn't feel comforted.
"My mom's dead, Amunet. I killed her"
"You did what you needed to do. You couldn't just leave her, you know what would've happen"
"I'm a killer. The last moments I had with her I acted like an idiot"
"You were a great son, your mom loved you. And you are going to be a great big brother. Big brother Carl, remember that?"
"Can you give me a hug?"
"You don't have to ask for one"
"We should put them down" Daryl said, and his arms left Carl's body.
"Left Enid and Amunet, please, I'll do it" Carl said, standing up. Daryl moved his head in approval.
Carl got in the wagon that Garet told him. It was dark, but he could see that there were more people in there. A familiar silhouette appeared.
"Carl?" A voice that he knew perfectly asked.
"Amunet!" He said with joy. Both kids got together in a lovely hug, with tears in their cheeks.
"I thought you were dead" Amunet said crying. "When we were running out of the prison and you covered me from the walkers cause I didn't have ammo, I lost you, I looked for you but you weren't there"
"I had to get away from other way. Sorry"
"Don't you ever left me like that again"
"I won't"
Carl finally stood up, with his hands still shaking, he took the knife that Amunet had got for him in one of the running supplies that she did in Alexandria.
Carl opened his eye for the first time since he had get shot by Ron. The first thing he saw after had defeat the death again was Amunet, who was sat next to him. Amunet was submerged in her mind, she didn't notice that he was awake.
"Hi" He said.
Amunet made eye contact with him, and she smiled. She was showing him that beautiful smile and seeing him with those precious grey eyes that had him hypnotized.
She didn't said anything. She just stood up, got near to Carl and kissed him on his lips. "Thanks for wake up. I was losing my mind"
"I just lost mine with that kiss" He joked.
"I should've done that a long time ago"
Carl reached Enid's head.
"Why did you come to get me to The Hilltop?" Enid asked.
"I was worried about you. You didn't take any knife with you"
"I can take care of myself"
"I know, but..."
"But what?"
"You are my best friend. I needed to know you were going to be fine"
Enid hugged Carl and talked to his ear. "And you are my best friend, too. Thank you for made me company"
He raised the knife and buried it in the skull.
"I'm so sorry, Enid. Go to rest, it's time"
The head stopped moaning and Carl felt a little relieved. His best friend was resting now, in a place without suffer, that was what she deserved.
What Carl did next wasn't easy. He was in front of Amunet's head. It was the only left to put down. Everyone was waiting for Cark to do it.
Carl raised his hand, but this was shaking a lot that he dropped the knife.
"Carl, I could do it" Daryl said.
"I have to do this, please" Carl took again the knife. He looked at the walker's eyes. They were grey, but not the beautiful grey that Amunet's eyes used to be. And that was because that walker wasn't Amunet anymore, Amunet wasn't a sad head, Amunet was a shimmering start that guided Carl's life during so many years, and that wasn't going to change. A last memory appeared before Carl had put down the walker.
Amunet and Carl hugged after Carl almost got killed by Lucille. "I love you, Carl, I love you so much"
"I love you too, Amunet. I love you too" That was the first time they said 'I love you' to each other.
"I will always love you, Amunet" Carl said before he buried the knife, making the moans stopped. Amunet was now a free soul. Amunet loved Carl until the ended of her life. Amunet died thinking about Carl. And Amunet would always be with Carl.
Amunet and Carl were kindred spirits.
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g-lbertblythe · 5 years
The Bracelet | Brad Simpson
My native language is not English. That's why there'll be a lot of mistakes. So sorry.
Warning: Full of clichés.
"Tristan, have you seen my bracelet?"
You asked the blonde who's sitting on the couch with his phone on both of his hand. His legs were on the coffee table you all use.
"What bracelet?" He asked.
"The one I always wear." You said to him. You see him literally 7/24 but clearyly he doesn't pay attention enough. The bracelet was really important to you. You never take it off, even when you go in the shower. You had two best friends, three of you had the same bracelet. You wore it since you were 12 or something.
"I don't know. It's probably where you put it last time. " He tried to be funny in his own way. He gave you a little smile then turned back on his phone.
"Funny." You said with a voice full of frustration. You always get so angry so easily when you lose something and can't find it or when you're really, really hungry. You started to search the breakroom with a rush. Tristan didn't even mind you throwing everything in your way to the ground until the thing in your way is him. You poked him so he would stand up. Instead he searched under and near him with his hand but didn't find anything. "I think it's not here."
"It has to be. This is last place I've been yesterday before we go to that pub. If it's not here then I probably dropped it in there and it means it's gone forever. "
"Yeah, someone probably took it."
"Yeah." You refused to believe it's gone. You can't tell your friends you lost the bracelet after all these years. You all promised to each other you'll wear it until you're dead or something. They wouldn't mind it and probably tell you that it's okay but they'd be sad. You'd ve sad. Actually you already were. That's why you continued to tear up the room. It has to be around here.
"Woah. What's going on?" Connor asked when he entered the room. Probably here to have some snacks and relax. That's the only time he had while touring. But when he stepped up the room he didn't expect it to be like that.
"You've seen my bracelet?" You asked him, you got drunk yesterday. You don't usually lose yourself after drinking but maybe you gave it to him and you just don't remember now? It could be.
"What bracelet?"
"The one I always wear!" You said almost yelling. Any one of them noticed it you're wearing this bracelet like all the time? It's been so long you've been on the tour with them.
"I didn't see any bracelet."
"Are you sure? Maybe I gave it to you last night? Please say, yes you did."
You were about to cry. You really wished he would say yes.
"No. Sorry. Did you search your own room?"
This was such a stupid thing to ask. You didn't know it sounded so stupid because you're angry or because it's really a stupid question. If you lose something, you'll start searching for it in your room first. God!
"Of course I did. I searched everywhere!"
Connor tried to make it to the couch where it's comfortable. He carefully walked and tried not to step up anything you thrown. "Maybe you lost it in the pub. " He said and he sounded like it has just popped up in his brain. Like nobody could think of it before.
"I told you it's in the pub." Tristan said to annoy you.
"I'm going. You guys are no help." And intend to leave the room. "Hey! Who's gonna clean this up?" Connor yelled after you and you yelled to him before you close the door. "Not me!"
They were right. You lost it in the pub. The pub that has served atl least 40 people last night. One of the 40 people over there probably took it. You decided to go to your room and check it one more time even tough you made sure yourself it's not there the first fifteenth times you searched. You saw James and Brad are walking in the corridor. You ran towards to them. You hoped, at first, Brad didn't have it because you guys, kind of, had a fight. It wasn't something serious or it was. You weren't sure. You always have that kind of fights. He was just so annoying sometimes. But as long as you get your bracelet, it wouldn't matter if it was him.
"Hey. By any chance, did you see my bracelet?" You asked directly to James. You didn't want to speak to Brad until it's the only option.
"You have a bracelet?" He asked.
"Oh God! I wear that bracelet everyday! Are you guys blind or something?"
The second James realized you're mad, he wanted to get away from you. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He tried to be really polite and calm so it could have a mirror effect and you get calm too. " Haven't seen any bracelets." He said while trying to sneak out slowly.
He put his hand on your shoulder and patted it lightly. Then quickly made his way away from you and didn't care he left Brad standing with you. Once his hand was off your shoulder you turned to your last option.
"Did you see it?" You asked with a low voice. Didn't really want to talk to him. You don't clearly remember what you two had a disagreement about because you had a couple of drinks, he had too. But mostly because it was always something stupid but somehow it'd always become a much big deal than it is.
"The one that three diamonds on it?" He said and started walking. He wasn't looking at you, playing the bottle on his hand. He squinted and looked like he was trying to remember something.
"Yes." You said with a excitement. It was the only good news you had about the bracelet today.
"The silver one?" He asked and you nodded right away. You didn't care it was Brad who has found it or not. It has been found.
He kept walking very slowly and you were following his footsteps. "Is it the one also have this little stars on it?" He stopped and turned to you still his eyes squinted and you realized he's mocking you.
"Yes. Yes it is. Did you see it?"
"Nope." He said and walked away. You walked after him. " I have a feeling like you did."
He kept walking and his hair was flipping with every step he took. He opened the bottle of water on his hand and started drinking. Took one sip just to avoid to answer the question. You knew him very well.
"No. Didn't see any bracelets or find it on the sofa last night." He turned to you and gave you a smile knowing that it'll make you mad.
And it did.
"Okay, give it back."
"What do you mean no? It's important to me okay? Give it back."
"No. "
"Give it back Brad." You tried to sound more serious. You were serious before too but you needed to make it clear. But he wasn't just taking you seriously. He tried to keep his face emotionless but sometimes he couldn't help himself and a smirk that so annoying showing itself once in a while.
"Give it back!" You said with pitch highed voice. You hated that tone of yours but he was making you crazy and you couldn't help yourself.
"Nooo." He said.
You stopped with the idea that came to your mind. It was probably in his room and he never needed to lock it. It was probably open and you could've just find it there. He noticed you stopping and he did too. Turned to you and tried to understand what you're thinking. Before he could do that you started running to the other direction, to where his room is.
"Hey!" He yelled out after you and started running but it only made you faster. Once he figured out what you're doing he got fast too.
"Do you think I'm that stupid to hide it in my room?" He yelled after you. He didn't believe you would run this fast. He knew you weren't fond of running too much.
If it wasn't in his room, he wouldn't be running; you thought at first. But then maybe it was a trap so you would believe it's really in his room but it isn't. You didn't know and you weren't gonna risk it just because you didn't want Brad to fool you.
As soon as you reached out his room, you grabbed the door handle and yelled at him before you let yourself in. "No. Maybe even more."
You closed the door behind you and started searching but it opened seconds later. You didn't know where he'd put it and you didn't have a chance to search.
You stood right in the middle of his room. He knew where he put it so before you'd find it he would grab it and run away. So being calm was the right thing to do.
"Okay. " You said raising both of your hands to stop him and not to move closer. "Just give me the bracelet okay?"
He smiled, he knew he got the advantage of knowing where it is. He put his hands on his waist playfully and smiled. "You can have it on your own now you're here. " he said and pointed the room with his head. "Go on."
You tried to keep it calm and turned your head to look the room more carefully and started examine the room but still holding your hands still in the air like it was the thing that stopping him. Before you could understand he rolled down on his bed to the other side and reached the nightstand. And you saw your bracelet on his right hand.
"Stop goofing around and give it back. " You said and got your serious back again.
"Come and get it." He said with much wider smile this time. He held the bracelet closer to his head and pointed at it with his eyes.
You frowned. You were searching for that all morning. You were tired and exhausted. Playing games, making jokes weren't something you can handle now. "Can't you just give it to me?"
"You're a big girl. You can get it on your own."
You rolled your eyes. "You'll start running once I try to make a move."
"I might." He said laughing and still wandering his eyes on the bracelet. He wanted to play, well, you'll play. You, literally, jumped on him. He lost his balance a little but pulled himself together so quickly. You tried to reach for his hand that he lifted higher.
"We're almost at the same height, you're not keeping it from me for too long!"
And finally you grabbed his hand but he closed it and it was in his palm. You grabbed it and tried to pull under but he was strong. You only managed to drag it to your head level. And tried to make him open his fingers. He was struggling not to so hard and you hated he goes to gym almost everyday. His other hand was pushing yours.
He pushed you to the wall and it hurt your back a little but thanks to the change of position you got him to lower his hands a bit to your stomach. It started hurting your stomach too and It only made you angrier and you did the most stupid thing ever.
"You bit me! " He said in shock but sadly, it didn't make him open his hand but started trying to avoid another bite attack from you. And started laughing he remembered you bit him.
You didn't feel like laughing, your back was hurting and your hands got sweaty. And he was breathing all over you and it was making you more sweaty. You were using your all strength but still you were stuck between him and the wall. You gave up. You never did before. But you gave up at the moment. You loosened your grip and let his hand go. Not even giving him a angry face, just a face that showing that you're sick and done. You looked at him at eye.
He thought it was some kind of trick you trying to pull to steal it from his hands so he just kept smiling like an idiot and didn't take the pressure he was applying. He waited for a move. He was really having fun. Making you mad, constantly teasing you something he enjoyed somehow. And you were the perfect one to mess with because you liked it too. You were too stubborn to ever give up. It was making it too much fun.
When he saw you're making the similar expression you do before you start lying, he knew you were going for some distraction. You always do that when you realize what you're doing at the moment isn't working so you stop suddenly and do something different. He wasn't going to let you get away with it so he even got closer so you wouldn't run away.
"If you want the bracelet this much. Keep it. Don't want it anymore." You said and really meant it. One day he would give up and probably give it to you anyway.
"Uh-huh..." He hummed and nodded his head like he's buying what you're saying. A little smirk wasn't leaving his face.
"I'm serious."
It was something you said to make your lie believable so even it was for real this time. It didn't work. He thought you're faking it.
"You sure you don't want it? You even bit me for it! "
You remembered what you did and wanted laugh at your action like he does but didn't have the energy and will to do that.
"I give up. " You said even though you hate to admit it.
Brad lifted his eyebrows and opened his wider when his smiling this time. "Yeah, right (!)"
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You rolled your eyes. He was right to not to believe you if he's not stupid but you were getting uncomfortable between his body and the wall. You wanted to get out of here.
Word ain't good enough so you wanted make him understand you really are done, with your eyes. So he did focus on your eyes and his' were screaming like "I know what you're doing and it's not gonna work!". He even opened them wider to to make you understand that he's still thinking this is some kind of act. He moved his eyebrows while waiting for your next move.
So you gave him the next move, probably not the one he's expecting. You put your lips on his started kissing him and incase he tries to let go, you put your hands on his cheeks. You didn't know why you did this but you know, somehow, you needed to do this. Probably for a long time.
Of course, you caught him off guard. He didn't know what to do at first so he let you push him. Once your back was off the wall you felt better but then it hit you, what you're up to? Where you going with this? You pushed him to the middle of the room, your legs hit the bed couple of times but all you felt was his lips. And they started moving what felt like a million years ago. Once you realize he was kissing you back, it felt different. You wanted to throw up and scream at the same time. Your heart race went wild and it wasn't because you weren't getting enough air.
You were holding him so strong so he wouldn't run away but when he puts his hands on your cheeks too. You loosened your grip and started actually thinking. You separated your lips from his'. Didn't give yourself and him the time to figure out what you did a little while ago. You grabbed the bracelet from his hand that was on your cheek. It was in the air now and it was empty.
You smiled so big to hide what you really feeling. "Huh, I got it." You said, hoping he wasn't seeing through your eyes and your fake giggle.
When you made the move, he knew it'd end up like this. But he found himself kissing you back even though he knew results would be like this. But he didn't predict that it would make him feel so bad that it was just for a game. It gave him a cold feeling in his neck.
He gave you the same smile you gave him. He nodded slowly and showed his teeth more to make it more real. His eyes stayed closed more than they should but you were so busy getting away from the situation you didn't care.
"Well, yeah. You've earned it." He said still trying to smile and it was much harder than usual. How did they get to this soap opera scene? Why did you feel like kissing him to only to get what you want?
Now you got what you wanted all along and left him wanting more. And he knew he'd never get more.
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