#today imma have the busiest day
ik my blog is kinda on a hiatus rn but let me update y'all with my life
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tiredthinkbucket · 4 years
Setting 36 with trope V and Sentence five, please :3
this is just over 1k and i've been struggling with it for over 3 days and it’s almost 4am now so imma just chuck it out here, because i have a lot of other prompts to go thru and i feel bad i’m making you all wait so long haha
36. Hospital AU + V. Strangers to Lovers + 5. “You did WHAT?”
It’s not even thirty minutes into Tissaia’s shift in the ER, and it’s already chaos.
Which, granted, it kinda comes with the job. No one takes a position at one of the busiest hospitals in the city and expects it to be a calm and relaxing work environment. But there is a rather aggressive yelling match that appears to be going on down the hall, and when Tissaia walks closer, she realizes it’s the room she’s headed to. She double checks her chart just to be sure and, yep.
She knocks, but the sound is drowned out in a woman’s very angry shouting, and Tissaia has half a mind to just turn around and come back later because this is really not how she wanted to start off her work day.
Tissaia simply sighs, turns the handle and walks in.
Right into a woman. Who has to be an actual honest to god model. A very angry model, who is clutching her chin and scowling.
“Shit, what the hell? Can’t you knock?” she gripes as Tissaia holds her forehead and winces.
She looks up at the woman and for a brief second really considers whether or not she’s just given herself a concussion, because really, there is absolutely no way this woman can be real.
“I did, but it must not have been heard, sorry about that. And for your chin.” Because it’s a nice chin. She inadvertently glances at the woman’s chin and, by association, her lips as she says this.
The woman stops scowling long enough to look curious before she’s angry again. She spins to face the man sitting up on the bed, who Tissaia assumes to be her boyfriend, and says, “I’ll be right back, try not to dislocate anything else,” before storming out.
Tissaia raises both eyebrows slightly but says nothing as she picks up the chart, scanning through it.
“Mr. Rivia, correct?”
“Yes ma’am,” the man, Geralt Rivia, whose name sounds vaguely familiar, affirms. The guy looks like he’s gotten a new asshole ripped into him, and by the looks of his girlfriend, he’ll probably end up with a few more yet. She feels a bit bad for him.
“I’m Dr. de Vries. And I see you’ve broken your hand and dislocated your shoulder in a . . . ,” she trails off, and she takes it back. This man is a dumbass.
He also happens to be a professional athlete — she realizes why his name is familiar — who makes headlines even outside the sports section.
So a professional dumbass.
“Yeah, it was stupid.”
“Not the most ridiculous injury I’ve encountered, rest assured,” she consoles. And sure, attempting to tackle your own teammate in the locker room, slipping on gatorade, ending up with a four man pileup, cleats jammed into your hand and dislocating a shoulder, isn’t the absolute dumbest injury she’s seen by far, but it certainly takes the cake this month. “Any other members of the football team here with you today?” she asks.
“Fortunately, no, this is the only moron today,” and the model is back, scowl and all.
“Yen, why don’t you just wait outside,” Geralt suggests.
“Because whatever this pretty lady has to say to you I wanna be here to hear. And I know you won’t remember.”
And, huh, that’s. Ok.
“I’m injured, not incompetent, Yen,” he sighs.
The woman, Yen, rolls her eyes. “Please, do you even know what hospital you’re in right now? Did you even call your boyfriend?”
Oh. OH.
“I didn’t want to worry him,” Geralt mumbles a bit sheepishly.
“It’s fine, I already called him while I went to pee,” she says in response.
“You did what?” Geralt exclaims, and he’s probably alarmed that she’s gone and called his boyfriend behind his back, but Tissaia’s just a little grossed that she made a phone call on the toilet. She’s never understood people that do this.
Her face must have betrayed some disgust at the thought, because the woman corrects herself, “I mean, not like actually while peeing, that’s nasty. Just when I was on the way back.”
Geralt affects a confused expression, saying, “Yen, you do that all the time, why would I —” and then he stops, realization dawning and morphing into mildly horrified, but it’s too late.
And, cleanliness and etiquette aside, the fact that this flawless woman (again, cleanliness and etiquette aside) is livid about her spot being blown up is a bit. Cute? Or something.
“Right,” Tissaia says then. “Let’s start with some x-rays.”
The boyfriend shows up right as Geralt is about to get discharged. He’s all sorts of worried and clingy and he asks a lot of questions, but soon enough, they’re stepping out the door and Tissaia is just finishing up at the computer. As she turns to leave the room, she’s startled to find Yen, or Yennefer Vengerberg, as she’s learned her full name to be, and who is actually a model, still standing in the doorway.
“I didn’t know you were still here. Did you need anything else, Ms. Vengerberg?”
Yennefer gives a little smile before she asks hopefully, “Your number?”
Maybe she should check to be sure she’s not concussed, because it really just sounded like Yennefer was asking for her number. And surely that isn’t the case.
Yen must have confused her hesitation for something else, because she says, “I solemnly swear I will not call you while on the toilet.”
Tissaia breathes out a little laugh, and then she walks towards the door, towards Yennefer. And normally when this happens she writes out a fake number, because she doesn’t have time for romance, but she’s on autopilot and she’s reaching into her coat pocket to pull out her business card. And now that Yennefer has seen it, it’s a bit too late to put it back.
She shouldn’t do this. She doesn’t have the time nor energy to date. She’ll just get Yennefer’s hopes up for nothing by giving her the card. But it will be fine, totally fine, she can just turn her down later. Doesn’t have to be now; it’ll be easy enough to text her and tell her she’s not interested when Yennefer does contact her, if she does contact her.
She holds the card out for the woman to take, and Yennefer is definitely brushing her fingers against hers on purpose, she is absolutely checking Tissaia out as she glances down, and holy hell this woman is forward, because she’s looking down at her lips and then she’s fucking smirking before she says, “Thanks, Doc. I’ll give you a call later, kay?”
“Make sure to empty your bladder before you do,” Tissaia sniffs and Yennefer grins, big and wide, and Tissaia feels her heart bursting a tiny bit.
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crzytwn · 3 years
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Leander. He’s dramatic and is screamy even in the best of moods.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Leander again
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Bro idek Alicia? She’d come back tho, obvs.
Who trashes the house?
Leander would. ACCIDENTALLY.
Do either of them get physical?
How often do they argue/disagree?
Once they get together I can’t imagine it being THAT often
Who is the first to apologize?
[Redacted because I refuse to consider threesome mechanics at this time]
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
Ya, probably.
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
Who is the favorite parent?
Cash is just BUILT to be a fun dad.
Who is the authoritative parent?
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
All of them, duh. But Leander specifically would STAN their kids in whatever they wanna do.
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
Cash and Alicia. Leander probably got banned for being That Parent.
Who changes the diapers?
All of them. Duh. But Leander probably less because he’s such a diva
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
I have no idea how one wouldn’t be able to wake up without at least one other waking up too.
Who spends the most time with the children?
All of them? But Cash probably because they’d all watch trolls or whatever.
Who packs their lunch boxes?
Are any of them particularly foodies? Leander inexplicably stans goat cheese tho, so I hope it’s not him.
Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
It’s a group endeavor!
Who cleans up after the kids?
Leander would do it magically
Who worries the most?
Cash? Alicia?
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Who likes to cuddle?
I wanna say Cash the MOST but they all do
Who is the little spoon?
Cash again, only because I feel like Initially Alicia would not be trusted to try and scurry away to try and give the boys “space” so she’s squished into the middle.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Alicia is the most Adventurous 
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Forever, jk it’s three of them so idk I feel like it’ll get hot fast
Who gives the most kisses?
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Spending time with each other idk
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Probably in bed?
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?
How often do they get time to themselves?
I don’t knooow
Who snores? If both do, who snores the loudest?
I think it would be funny if Leander snores in his sleep and no one clues him in so he can’t fix it
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Who talks in their sleep?
Uh feels like a Cash thing?
What do they wear to bed?
Leander naked, Idk about the other two
Are either of your muses insomniacs?
No? Right?
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Some wrapping and draping, they don’t come off like they’d lay in bed like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Alicia and Cash, Leander would rather die
Who wakes up first?
Uh? Alicia?
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Who hogs the sheets?
Feels Alicia-like
Do they set an alarm each night?
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
No because Leander would be worried about getting tricked into having to watch a movie.
Who has nightmares?
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Leander or Alicia idk
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Who makes the bed?
What time is bed time?
when they wanna sleep idk
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Leander is a little bitch
Who is the busiest?
Uhhh Cash or Alicia
Who rakes in the highest income?
Cash or Alicia?
Are any of your muses unemployed?
Leander likes performing but doesn’t have a specific goal for that yet so most likely him?
Who takes the most sick days?
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
I don’t KNOW
Who sucks up to their boss?
What are their jobs?
I sure don’t know? Cash does directing and Alicia’s into…archeological…things? Right?
Who stresses the most?
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Are your muses financially stable?
Who does the washing?
Who takes out the trash?
Who does the ironing?
Who does the cooking?
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Who is messier?
Leander but he can clean it up so
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Leander also, but at least he can magically replace it when Cash and Alicia scream
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
I don’t know?
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
No one
Who is the prankster around the house?
I could see their magic kiddos being pranky
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Uh Alicia???
Who mows the lawn?
Who answers the telephone?
They have cellphones
Who does the vacuuming?
Who does the groceries?
Imma say Cash idk he feels the most competent
Who takes the longest to shower?
Leander or Alicia
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Is money a problem?
How many cars do they own?
Two. I’m almost certain Leander doesn’t drive.
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
Probably the coast since Alicia’s a lil merlady
Do they live in the city or in the country?
City, I’m guessin.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
They’re surrounded with each other so duh.
What’s their song?
Today I’m saying It’s Sleeping With A Friend by Neon Trees
What do they do when they’re away from each other
Text or Facetime like crazy
Where did they first meet?
Auradon Prep or whatever high school they all attended
How did they first meet?
They all tripped over each other on the track field!
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Leander because he’s the jerkiest but aww memories of how they met
Any mental issues
Surely, but i’m not looking into THAT
Who’s terrified of bugs? Who kills the spiders around the house?
Leander keeps them
Their favourite place?
Who pays the bills?
Do they have any fears for their future?
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Who uses up all of the hot water?  
Who’s the tallest?
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
All of them
Who wanders around in their underwear?
All of em?
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Leander because he thinks he’s the best at it
What do they tease each other about?
Idk lots of things
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Leander is really a whole jackass
Do they have mutual friends?
They ARE the mutual friends
Who crushed first?
Uhhh? It’s a fight between Cash and Leander cuz Cash MIGHT HAVE but Leander’s been incredibly vocal about it this whole time.
Any alcohol or substance related problems?  
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Alicia, queen of the gutter
Who swears the most?
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shaekingshitup · 5 years
Stay Grounded (Grindin Pt 2)
A/N: Writing this was a battle but I learned some things so it’s cool. Definitely don’t plan on anymore stories with these two. I don’t think I like Reader Inserts rn. But hey, he came back! If I told you I’d tag you and I didn’t I’m sorry. Idk a good method of actually keeping a taglist yet. D: This has been chillin in my drafts. Hopefully, you like it. Honestly, just thanks for reading! 💕
Word Count: 3.8k-ish but I swear it feels like 500 plot wise
Part 1
“Thanks Paul. I’ll see you next week,” you said as you placed one of your favorite regular’s drink on the counter.
“Bye Y/N” he called out on his way towards the exit. You checked in with your staff to make sure that they were doing okay. You weren’t an overbearing owner. You trained employees whom were competent and that you trusted to carry on your business when you weren’t there. But, you did your best to make yourself available to stop in when you knew your crew would be busiest. Plus, Grindin was your baby. You could never stay away for too long.
GRINDIN chimed out as another patron came in. You looked up to greet whomever it was with a smile.
“Michaela! Hey girl. Long time no see.” you greeted
“I know. I was honeymooning with my baaa-by,” she sang moving her goddess braids so that they were behind her back and making sure her diamond ring was on full display.
“YAS! Girl, I am so happy for you and Jon. I hope you two had a wonderful time. I see you over there Mrs. Kirk. Are you getting your usual today?” you asked.
“Girl, you don’t know the HALF of it. My boss paid for da baby and me to go on an all expenses trip to Bahamas,” you widened your eyes at this. You can’t even remember your last real vacation.  “Originally we were just going to spend a weekend away in San Diego. But, he surprised us with a week long paid vacation to the one place Jon and I truly wanted to visit. I can’t quit smiling.” she sighed with one of the brightest smiles you’d ever seen on someone. You couldn’t help but smile back. “But anywho, I’m not here for the usual actually. My boss just got back to the country from some away business as well and I guess his time away switched up his tastebuds. He’s going to take a large Brew Thang and I’ll stick with my usual small, hot Bad n Brewjie with whipped cream.”
“Absolutely girl. Comin’ right up,” Michaela handed over the business card to pay and afterwards you transitioned over to the bar to start on the drinks.It was clear that Michaela had more to say. You could see it in her body language that she was holding on to something that she needed to spill.
“Somethin’ on your mind sis? Gone ahead and spit it out.” you assured her.
“What’re you doing tonight?” she asked out of the blue.
“I’ve got a lil date tonight. Why do you ask?”
“Wait. Sis, you got a nigga?” Michaela whispered quite loudly as she raised her left eyebrow. That got you a few glances from some people working at the countertop. You were certain that the one with headphones in had heard her loud ass too. She could be really nosey sometimes but you still appreciated her presence and her business whenever she stopped in.
“Hahaha. Not at the moment.  It’s a date with myself because I deserve to eat well and be treated right -even if I’m the only one treating. Why? What’s happening tonight?” you asked trying not to reveal too much of your intrigue. Sure you had plans but if the offer was right, you could bend em.
“ Okay. So, my boss actually asked me to invite you to dinner tonight at The Liftoff because-“
“The Liftoff? Wait, who the hell is your boss? fucking President Barack Obama?” you damn near yelped as you stared at her with your eyebrows reaching the ceiling. In order to get into The Liftoff you had to have money. Not just a lil cheddar. But BIG BANK! More than that you had to have clout.  If you didn’t have someone invite you, you were never getting in. Many people hadn’t even heard of it- you happened to have a few wealthy and loyal customers stop in every now and then and had overheard them discussing it once.
“His name is Erik. I’m not sure if you remember him but I guess he was in here a few weeks ago,”
2 weeks and 3 days ago sis. But hey, who’s counting? You thought.
“That was when I was out for my wedding. I guess it was a good thing too.”
Aloud, you feigned delayed recognition “Oh yeaahhh. Yeah, I remember him stopping in”
“He was planning on picking you up tonight at six to go to dinner and finish up where y’all left off..” she trailed and left the floor for you. She was not so subtly implying that you two had started something and she was all ears.
“Well, sis. You can let Mr. Erik know that I’m unavailable for the evening. And if he wants to see me, Imma need him to come in here and ask me himself,” you said placing both drinks on the countertop.
“You playing hard to get sis?” she countered.
“I’m not playing anything. I have standards and I know my worth through and through. If he can’t come ask me face to face himself, then the answer will forever be no.”  
Michaela was shocked by your response but managed to get out “I’ll be certain to relay the message.” As she made her exit, she turned back to you. “I respect you sis. A lot of females see a nigga like him and are ready to hop over the counter at one of his slick ass lines. You’re bout to give him a run for his money- and he got plenty!” she cackled.  With that she left and left you alone with your thoughts.
When you made it back to your place, it was time for a shower. The smell of coffee was one of your personal tell-tales signs of how long you’d spent at your shop to make sure everything was in order. Right now, the scent was permeating around you. It had been stated on more than one occasion that you were a workaholic. You simply cared about your baby and wanted to make sure that you gave the best back to the city that raised you. So, it was always hard to establish boundaries for when you had to tend to yourself rather than Grindin. But today was your day.
The second you opened the door, you started shedding your clothes as if they were contaminated. You loved walking around your condo bare ass naked- without a care in the world as to who did or did not see you in all your glory. You adjusted your A/C to a crisp 68 degrees and headed to your bathroom to start your water. Grabbing your phone, you put on a fun playlist to dance to a little. Kiana Ledé’s “Bouncin” started playing out of your waterproof speaker and you hopped in to wash the morning away and bounce a little yourself. The rest of the day was going to be a self-care day. You had it all planned out. First, shower. Next, nap. Then, you planned on putting on a little makeup, serving looks with your latest fit, doing some shopping and then you’d take yourself to dinner. You made sure to do this at least once a month with yourself. Sometimes people would see you dressed to impressed and they’d take pity on you for being alone. But that wasn’t how you saw it at all and you let them know it. Whenever anyone gave you sad eyes or took it upon themselves to join you on your night out, you let them know that this was your intended personal time and that you weren’t crumbled or broken by not having someone to sit across from you.
Obviously, there were times you really wished that someone would take it upon themselves to treat you so you didn’t have to do it yourself. But, on these nights you made sure to be appreciative of who you were whether there was an admirer to acknowledge this or not. Your mind drifted over these things as you hopped out the shower and moisturized your body from head to toe.
Shower ✅
You re-entered your room and buried yourself beneath your covers. The silk sheets had been calling out your name since you’d step foot inside and you were done denying them their request. It was time for that nap. 💤💤😴
called out from your bedside dresser as you stretched out your limbs and tried to reach out for the phone.
“Fuck it,” you said as you hopped out the bed and began your performance. You grabbed your phone and used it as your mic as your bedroom became your stage.
Check it, check it, check it
Now this is just an introduction
Before I blow your mind
The show is All of That and yes we do it all the time
So sit your booty on the floor or in a chair
Ground or in the air
Just don’t go no-where!
You gave it all you had for the full 1 minute and 6 seconds only ceasing when the alarm tune was starting over from the top. Dancing was one of your favorite ways to wake up. It made you feel more alive and ready to conquer the rest of your day.
Nap ✅
You meander over to the kitchen to grab a banana and some cranberry juice before tossing on an oversized t-shirt and sitting in front of your vanity. Next on your list was makeup. You synched your phone’s bluetooth to your mirror and played your Self Love playlist to sing along to. You planned on applying a light beat and wanted to make sure you did so without getting any makeup on your body.  Makeup was not your forté by any means but you loved to play a little and were able to copy all the simple tutorials. Today that mean browns all around. You dabbed on some foundation and two brown eye shadows, one that was subtle and another with more shimmer to compliment your natural glow. A little black eyeliner, mascara and nude lip gloss to bring it all together.
Makeup ✅
The fit for the evening was on point if you did say so yourself. A little casual but alluring nevertheless. 
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Jade green bottoms which accentuated your curves with a cream colored long sleeve shirt that had a very deep v cut. You were really playin into your sexy side for the evening and it made you feel bold and dangerous.
You went with rose gold accessories to compliment your brown skin and eyes. Your watch and lock necklace were simple but altogether the look had you feelin like you were an 11/10 and that was the goal. You always wanted to remember that you were desired-even if only by yourself. You removed your phone from the charger, responding to a quick text from Lu about your plans for the evening and when you’d be available, disconnected your music from the bluetooth mirror and headed to your front door to put on your heels.
Serve these fuckin looks ✅
You were on your fourth store and your Gummy Bear smoothie was all but gone. Thus far nothing was really speaking to you. You’d purchased some accessories and  saw a lot of cute clothing items but nothing that was significant enough to bring home. Your shopping rule was : “If you don’t love it in the store, you won’t love it at home,”. You exited the boutique and made your way to the escalator ascending to the second level where you parked your car. You reached for your phone as it vibrated in your back pocket. Glancing at the screen you saw that it was Ray who was reaching out.
“Hey Ray J!” you laughed at the nickname he despised. His one wish was that you would stop calling him that.
“Y/N where are you?” he sounded concerned. He hadn’t even yelled at you for using the nickname that he couldn’t stand.
“I’m leaving the mall. What’s wrong?”
“Jaime had a family emergency and can’t close tonight. Eve is there but she’s still new you know. He had to leave and no one else is available to come in for him and close,” he said.
“Really? No Sherell, Chris or Rico?”
“No. None of them can make it. I would go in but I’m in Frisco right now. I know it’s your date night and I hate to do this. But, do you think you can close up?”
“Yeah.” you sighed, “Yeah, I can make it. It’s almost quitting time anyways. Plus I’m hella closer than you are. But just know you owe me! If you took your ass across the bridge on a whim, the dick better be good! ”
“Trust me boo it will be and I got you next time!”
“Yeah, whatever.” You hung up and wondered why the hell Ray decided to go to San Francisco on a whim when he was scheduled to be back up in case anything went awry for the evening. That was the whole purpose of the schedule that the two of you created. This was a perfect example of something unexpected occurring and yet he was M.I.A. You pondered these thoughts as you headed to your car and headed back towards your shop. You made sure to call and cancel your dinner reservation because that definitely wasn’t happening anymore.
Thank God I always keep a change of clothes at work you thought, cringing about how awkward it would be to slang coffee with your titties on full display considering you’d forgone a bra for the evening.
When you pulled up it was 6:30. The shop closed at 8 tonight so you had half an hour before you began pre-close. You walked in and scurried to the back to change into a merch sweater which read “Stay Grounded and some black leggings.
Eve was holding it down as best as she could. But it was evident that she was stressed.
“Hey, I’ll take the bar. You go ahead and ring em up, okay?” you offered.
She sighed and released a lot of the tension in her shoulders. “Okay.”
There were already 4 drinks waiting to be made. So, you got to work.
“Sorry your first night shift has been a bit of a whirlwind,” you told her once it had slowed down a bit. It was 6:58 and you didn’t anticipate there being too much of a let up. “Do you have your pre-close list with you?”
“Yeah. I was going to do the final bathroom check.”
“Great! Go ahead and get started. I’ll do most of the behind the counter stuff tonight. You focus on the customer areas. I may call you if orders get crazy,”
“Sounds like a plan boss!”
“Y/N!” you corrected.
Customers trickled in throughout the last hour. But when 7:45 came around and they saw that you were already cleaning up shop, most of them started to pack up their things and go. By 7:56 you were ecstatic. Everyone was gone. You just had to lock the door and then you could count money and tips, do a final sweep and mop and head out the shop. At least that was the plan, until you heard GRINDIN chime throughout the store at 7:58 P.M. You rolled your eyes. Unfortunately, this was no new occurrence to you. Customers were notorious for getting their final fix in the last few minutes before you closed up. Most of the time it didn’t bother you. But tonight, you were hungry and jaded that your plans for the evening had changed.
“Welcome! I just want to let you know that we will be closing in just a couple minutes here,” you called out without looking up as you wiped down the counter, “Let me know if you have any questions.”
“Yeah I got one.” the timber of his voice compelled you to stop and give him your full attention. You looked up to see Erik, dressed in a slightly less formal ensemble than when you’d first met. 
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He adorned a pair of dark trousers, a white button up shirt with polka dots and suede loafers. But, he still looked so..
“Delicious?” he asked.
Hol’ up. First he’s Barack and now he reads minds too?
“I’m sorry” you say trying and failing to hide your flustered nature. “What was that?”
He smirked. “It’s okay baby girl. I’m sure you got a lot to take in with your day and all,” he stated as he took a few steps forward which didn’t help to alleviate your confused state at all. “I said since you took the time to introduce me to something new. I haven’t been able to get you off my mind. How about tonight it’s my turn to show you something delicious?”
Your reaction came as if you were on auto-pilot.
“I would love to but I’m barely closing up shop. By the time I count the drawer and we find a restaurant and actually place an order it’ll be pretty late. You shouldn’t hold off on dinner on account of me,” you said.
Erik kissed his teeth. “Yo workaholic ass don’t know how to say ‘no’ to anyone who wanna show you a good time, do you?” It must have been a rhetorical question because he went on, “Gone ahead and finish up closing your shop. When you done, meet me in the back.”
“Hold on. I
“Aht- aht- aht. This is no longer an option. This is the game plan. Close up, freshen up into some non-coffee gear and meet me out back. I’ll be there.” he said sternly and with that, he left.
Eve came out from the back of the shop with a broom in hand. You stood there frozen for a moment.
Did this negro just boss me around? In my own damn shop?? You thought.
Yes. Yes. He did sis. And you liked it so shut up and close up!
You locked the front door to bar anyone else from coming in and started counting the drawer. By the time you were done, Eve had swept, mopped the front and turned on the fans to help the floor dry quickly.
“Great job tonight Eve! I’m sure in the future it won’t be as.. disruptive. Either way, you killed it.”
“Thanks Y/N did you need me to stay or-?”
“Uh-uh. Go ahead sis!”. The second you locked the door behind her. You dashed to the restroom to freshen up and put on your clothes from earlier in the day. You rolled on some perfume and reapplied your gloss before you hit all the lights, locked the door, set the alarm and circled around the back of the shop.
When you got there, you came to a full stop and your jaw dropped. It was gorgeous. The back lot of the shop was decorated in lights throughout the trees. In the center there was a table for two, a whole ass waiter and was that music? You glanced around to find that tucked away in the corner there was indeed a harpist playing beautiful melodies.
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“Damn girl and I thought I was going to surprise you with my view,” Erik said as you turned around to face him. He was holding a single purple daisy- which just happened to be your favorite flower. He placed it in your hands and pulled out your chair for you to have a seat.
“How? How did you do all of this and how did you know this was my favorite flower?” you asked with an expression of bewilderment taking over your features.
“I promise I’ll explain alldat baby girl. But first, I need to say I’m sorry”. This surprised you. You’d spent less than an hour in this man’s presence but he already didn’t strike you as the apologetic type.You placed your flower on the table and gave a nod of your head for him to go on. “When I met you a few weeks back. I meant to ask yo fine ass out right then and there. Unfortunately, that call that I got was urgent and it needed me to leave the country immediately,”. He finished.
“Oh my. Is everything alright?” you asked
“It is now. I handled it as I always do,” he stated with a conceited grin, “That’s why I came back to ask you out. I don’t leave anything unfinished.”
“Last time I checked this wasn’t an option. You didn’t ask nothin” He chuckled at that. The waiter came over at that moment to introduce himself, present the menu and fill up your water. He didn’t need to explain anything because there weren’t options on it. It was simply an itinerary for what your palette could expect. Appetizer, Entree, Dessert. They were all your favorites with a subtle twist. You were impresed. The menu was elegantly done and it looked fly as hell. You might have to keep a copy to give to Lu for inspiration.
“Well, actually I did,” Erik began when Duke, the waiter made his exit, “I was in earlier to ask yo stubborn ass-”
“You got one more time to talk about my ass before this becomes a solo event,” you interjected.
“Aight, bet. We can take a pause on that ass for now,” he smirked, “I was in earlier to ask you to dinner face to face, but yo people told me that you were unavailable for the evening. So, we made a few changes to make you available.”
“You what?”
“I paid ya mans Jaime a few bills to take the night off. Ray and Lulu was already on board,” you glanced down at the menu of our favorite foods again, “yup. That was them. They told me what you like. I just got the chef and made sure that Michaela hired the right people to make this vision come together. We all agree that it’s time for you to take a break, ma”
“Wait a minute. You bribed my staff? Plus, Lulu and Ray were in cahoots with you on this?! You barely even know me.”
“And? I’m tryna know you”
“I’m just sayin that’s a hole lotta trouble for a virtual stranger.”
“But you not a stranger. You the one that left me satisfied. Now just enjoy the rest of the evening and let me do the same for you,” he said as he picked up your hand and caressed it all the while never breaking eye contact with you.
“Okay.” you got out meekly. You cleared your throat and tried again. “Okay, Imma let you finish what you started,” you said
He smiled one of the most genuine and naturally alluring smiles you’d ever seen.
“ I can already tell you ain’t used to letting others take control. But don’t worry ma. I got this and I got you,” you were all the way blushing at this point, “Tell me about your day. Was it as brewtiful as you are?”
You laughed out loud as Duke placed your appetizers in front of you. “You corny.”
“And you like it,” You could already tell that he was going to do good on his word. You were leaving satisfied tonight one way or another.
Tag List: @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @shewrites02 @shewritestheblues @ghostfacekill-monger @sarcastic-sunshines @fd-writes @eyeknowmywrites @twistedcharismaaa @thadelightfulone @raysunshine78
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maggic-wintcrss · 4 years
OKIE DOKIE it’s 2 am here and i have a ton of stuff to do today (wednesdays are my busiest days) because i have class with my tiny intelligent students and then a final exam later in the evening at around 6 pm so imma head out for now. 
i did replies and posted a starter so if any of you want to reply and dunno already, maggie has some memory issues due to an accident a while back and so yeah she has it under control but she sometimes gets disoriented and lost around town despite having lived there for like fifteen years. your charrie knowing that or not is 100% up to you guys! 
good night and hope to talk to you all soon <3
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skesgo · 6 years
Just a little announcement
So this week's going to be the busiest week for me quq
I have to compile my students' grades before Monday cuz next week's their Exams. I won't be answering the asks for today so, Imma just leave the ask box open for now if you still have any more questions. The ask event will be up until This Friday anyways quq. ((And also, this means that I have to delay the next page for my IF IT'S FOR YOU comic because of this))
I'll be answering them once I have the free time. You can also send asks about the reset au in general if you're curious ^^.
Thank you for listening! And I hope that you all have a nice day ^^
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driftinggem · 4 years
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hey guys! sorry I haven't rlly been posting, this month has been hectic and this week was the busiest of all. which is also the reason why my giveaway video is (several days) late, sorry :( I will be trying my best to have that up by later today! and vlogmas day 1 will be up on Wednesday (: ALSO my hair will be changing colors (and has already changed haircuts TWICE lmao) what color do y'all think imma do??👀👀 • • • • • {TAGS: #alternativegirl #altgirl #aesthetic #alternative #alt #emogirl #sadgirlsclub #girl #tiktok #onlyfan #tiktokgirls #lunartideshair #lunartides #purplehair #bluehair #emogirl #emo #scene #scenegirls #coloredhair #update } (at Fort Worth, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIMFf3OAkNm/?igshid=1b0hr8ulfb9xn
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
27 Things We Learned On Set With Auli'i Cravalho
27 Things We Learned On Set With Auli'i Cravalho
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
1. If anyone could play you in a movie, who would you pick?
I would choose Viola Davis because I think she’s one of the best — if not the best — actresses of color.
2. Describe your style in three words.
Imma. Be. Cute. Which means, I’m gonna be cute in whatever I’m wearing, whether it’s heels or flip flops.
3. Craziest fan story?
“It was probably one of the worst moments of my life…”
I am Moana first and foremost and then I’m Auli’i, and I remember I was walking through the grocery store and I could tell that there was a mother and her child just kind of tailing me throughout the entire store… So, I kind of turn around, and I was like, “Hi, I’m Auli’i Cravalho. I think you know that.” And she’s like, “Oh my gosh, it is you. It’s so nice to meet you. Do you mind taking a picture with my child?” And I look at her child, and her child’s probably like four… and this kid does not know who I am. And she’s like, really tired, I can tell. She wants to go home. She has no idea who this 17-year-old girl is. And I’m like, “Sure, you want to take a picture?” So the mom picks up her kid who is NOT having it, and places her in my arms. And she starts bawling. Absolutely bawling. Just screaming her head off. It was probably one of the worst moments of my life because her mother wanted nothing more than for me to hold her and I was like, please just take her home.
4. Which emoji do you use the most?
Either the laughing/crying emoji or the red heart emoji. I’m either crying or just loving.
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
5. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Grammar. Just wrong usage of grammar — it kills me.
6. Last person who texted you?
I texted my mom last. She said, “Good luck today,” and I said thank you.
7. What’s one beauty product you can’t live without?
Sunscreen. I’ll give up mascara, I’ll give up a hairbrush — sunscreen.
“I’ve been told that I look like Vanessa Hudgens.”
8. Who’s your celebrity doppelgänger?
I’ve been told that I look like Vanessa Hudgens and Miranda Cosgrove from iCarly.
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
9. Favorite reality show?
I actually don’t watch any TV at all. I don’t have a TV. I don’t want a TV. Because as cool as reality shows seem, my reality is enough of a craziness for me to live. But, it was through Rise that I was like, mom, I know that you raised me without TV, but I feel for intensive study purposes we should get Netflix. And she was like, fine. So now I’m binge-watching Stranger Things, and all of the shows that I didn’t get to watch.
“I actually don’t watch any TV at all.”
10. So, you’ve never seen your Rise co-star, Josh Radnor, in How I Met Your Mother?
No! I haven’t! I really have to watch it, I know that I do. Especially now after meeting and knowing Josh. He’s so smart and kind off camera. Knowing all of that, I now need to see him in How I Met Your Mother.
11. What’s one thing you can’t live without?
My mom, my cat — my family. I’m not in Hawaii and they’re miles away. I just have to feel that they’re close to my heart.
12. What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
I don’t feel guilty about any of my pleasures, really. I will eat ice cream straight out of the tub!
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
13. Favorite place to visit?
Hawaii — back home. There’s no better place. I go back as often as I can, so if I’m off for a long weekend, I will be on that 10-hour flight back.
14. Hidden talent?
I’m double jointed!
“I’m so proud of myself for working a full-time job as well as completing my school work.”
15. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I’m working so hard to graduate high school. So I will be graduating and I’m so proud of myself for working a full-time job as well as completing my school work. I’m almost there!
16. Dream vacation spot?
I would love to visit Spain!
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
17. Name something on your bucket list.
Jumping out of a plane — with a parachute! I should probably say that.
18. Biggest fear?
Drowning. Specifically, in the shower, which is why I don’t sing in the shower. Fun fact.
19. Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“I got to meet Justin Timberlake. Greatest guy. Beautiful blue eyes.”
I’ve received a lot of really good advice in my 17 years of living. But I will say that, before I performed on the Oscars, I got to meet Justin Timberlake. Greatest guy. Beautiful blue eyes. But most importantly, he told me that I was meant to be there. Which was crazy to hear, because at 16 years old, I was like — this is too much. There are so many amazing people who have worked hard to get into this industry, and I managed to just kind of slip my way in and now I’m living this amazing dream. However you got here, you’re meant to be here. That was just mind-blowing and it just warmed my heart.
20. Background wallpaper on your phone?
[checks phone] L-M-A-O, it is Moana! I am Moana!
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
21. Describe the perfect day.
My perfect day would be surrounded by my family, all of us drinking some type of warm hot cocoa/coffee/chai/tea beverage. It’s cold outside and we’re just having a blast.
22. What’s been your favorite song to perform on Rise so far?
Might be “Mama Who Bore Me (Reprise)” [from Spring Awakening]. I love that song. It’s a strong belt song. It’s with all of my gals and we are all just singing our heads off. There’s also some really cool choreography — I’ve never really been a dancer, but I got to learn choreography and put some moves into my singing. It was really fun all around.
23. You’ve now worked with Lin-Manuel Miranda on both Rise and Moana. Any fun stories about him?
“I will never forget singing to Lin-Manuel Miranda over FaceTime while he was dressed as Hamilton.”
Lin actually wrote the rap that my co-star Damon Gillespie raps in the pilot. So you’ll be able to hear that. It’s amazing, as per usual with all of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s work. Working with him on Moana was absolutely amazing. The first time I stepped into a recording booth to sing the actual music, we had to FaceTime with Lin while he was here in New York for Hamilton — the BUSIEST guy on Earth — and so we FaceTimed him, and, I’m pretty sure he was in a white button-down, and I didn’t quite realize it at the time, but it had a little bit of flounce to it and I think he might have been in costume for Hamilton as we were FaceTiming him. He was like, “Okay! I’ve got like 20 minutes, I’m below the stage! Just let me hear it!” And so I sang, “How Far I’ll Go” for the first time and I will never forget that — singing to the incredible Lin-Manuel Miranda over FaceTime while he was dressed as Hamilton.
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
24. Which Disney character do you relate to most other than Moana?
Mulan. I loved Mulan. I always have. I don’t think I realized it when I was younger, but older me now realizes that part of the reason I loved what she did was because she was breaking gender norms. And she was like, “I really couldn’t care less if this is what a girl is supposed to do, because this is what needs to be done.” She also just really wanted it. To honor her family. So that’s something, as I sit here in this interview, as I go out in the world, I always want to make my family proud. So it’s always something I keep in mind.
25. Do you have a favorite memory about The Rock from working on Moana with him?
“Dwayne Johnson is amazing.”
Dwayne Johnson is amazing. He’s so funny, he’s so nice. I really couldn’t have gotten luckier working with the cast of Moana, because they were all so professional but also so heartfelt. And, it being my first movie — my first job — it was really important, I felt, to work with kind individuals. So, I got to work with him while we were in Los Angeles on the press tour, and — you can watch the video on YouTube — Dwayne had spent weeks trying to learn my name. Auli’i — he got that down. But on my last name, Cravalho, I was like, “Oh yeah, my name’s Auli’i Craval-YO” and he was like, “Wait – Craval-HO” and I was like, “No, actually you can drop the HO, it’s a YO.” And it was hilarious, you can actually watch that. I don’t really let up on that and he takes it all in good sport.
26. What’s the last thing you searched for on Google?
The boroughs of New York. Because I don’t know all of the boroughs of New York just yet, and I’m trying to figure out where I should live.
27. What do you hope for in 2018?
I think actually a lot of my hopes, I’m currently seeing come to fruition. I am in an amazing show. I know that people are going to see it, so I’m very excited for that. I’m also really proud, on a personal level, of my generation. I’m proud that they’re speaking out, that they’re making a difference. And that’s MY generation. In 2018, I will be 18. And a lot changes. I’m looking forward to the elections — 2018 holds a lot for myself and for everyone who wants to see change.
Taylor Miller/BuzzFeed
Don’t miss Auli’i on Rise when it premieres tonight at 10 p.m. ET, and then airs every Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.
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