#toby cavenaugh
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crystalsbooksandtea · 4 years ago
Peter hastings treating spencer like she's insane is ... not the move
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that1random-girl · 8 years ago
Annonomys Donor
My top canidates for the sperm daddy are....
Wren (An obvious canidate, that i’m pretty sure 90 percoent of the fandom would guess. Wren has to be involved somehow and I think this could be it)
Lucas (I feel like he does have a bigger role to play than just Hanna’s sugar daddy, but I doubt very much that he is AD. He may have been blackmailed into being a part of it.)
Jason (This IS pll after all. He coulda donated sperm tryin to get a little extra cash and AD stole it.)
Charlotte (before the sex change. Her one last revenge story.)
Ezra, Toby, Caleb. (These would most likely be accidental, they donated sperm, AD got ahold of it.)
The donor isn’t Necessarily AD, but my favorite of these options is definetley Wren, because i miss his face and he shoulda been Charles, and he needs to have a bigger role here. 
Also, the baby from the stills i feel like is not Emily and Ali’s baby. because....well it’s white and blonde so..... Hanna’s maybe? or someone else but even if the donor of Ali’s baby is white, em is still the biological mom, so even though Marlene leaves a ton of plot holes all the time, you’d think she’d be able to remember that genetics exist. 
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killerbutera · 8 years ago
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raviposting · 8 years ago
Toby Cavanaugh: Horse Whisperer
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catching-starz94 · 8 years ago
MY PLL Predictions
I think Caleb is involved. That's why he married Hannah so she couldn’t testify against him. I wonder if he killed Charlotte
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bcoyne96 · 8 years ago
How I feel about pretty little liars ending..
Tomorrow is the series finale of one of my favorite shows since I was a young 15 year old and I'm 21 now, I have grown on this show instead of hanging with friends, I would sit down and watch pretty little liars and just get so into it and have so many questions, still kinda do but anyway that's not the point here, the point is that I would always come up with so many theories and just talk to my friends about the theories on who A is and do you like this person with this person and why some of the storylines come to play and then they just disappear and never return back on tv. I will always love this show, it has taught me several things, one of them is keep your friends close and ever how many or how few you have just value those people and there feelings. The other thing is never ever go into the woods alone and split up and also it has taught me to never ever give up on someone you love, no matter how complicated things might get. This show has also taught me to be confident and be who I want to be and don't ever try to fit in with the crowd, like all of the 5 girls are so different but in a good way. I also will never ever be like Aria and hook up with ever breathing guy on site either lol. I love each liar in different ways, Aria being creative, Emily having the sweet heart, Spencer for her brain and smarts,Hanna for her humor & Alison being the bitch,sweetheart and caring one all in one ❤️ years down the road I will tell my daughter about this show and tell her it was my show growing up in my early teens and early adulthood and let her watch it and see if she has the same questions i did watching it😂 anyway point is I will miss this show so much and Idk what I will watch after this ends but thank you so much pretty little liars for making my teens and early adulthood a great one 💗 and I will always support the actors and actresses in there new projects always will. love you PLL 💋🅰️
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disneydeb1928 · 3 years ago
Crazy PLL Original Sin Theory #2
So, one of my biggest questions going into this show was how they were going to explain this villain going be "A". Like, it's not as if Millwood is on the complete other side of the country. It's literally 30 minutes down the road from Rosewood. Yes, I understand it's probably supposed to stand for Angela. But, you expect me to believe that not a single person will think it's strange that when this all comes out into the open that this Masked Man who has been terrorizing this young group of girls is using the same exact moniker as hooded/coated/uber variety from down the road, that no one is going to find that strange?
So. I wanted there to be some type of explanation, though I didn't want to get my hopes up.
Angela Water's mom, Rose was in Radley Sanitorium from very early 2000 to when it closed down (around 2012) before being released. Girl was there for the entire saga: Cece/Charles, Bethany Young, Marion Cavenaugh's death, the 10,000 breakouts, Jessica DiLaurentis's visits, Mona's stay after the first "A" reveal, Spencer's psychotic break after Toby's supposed death, Aria's stint as a candy striper, Mona going back after confessing to shooting Wilden.
If she's still alive and well, she literally got an entire play by play on masterpiecing gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing from the queen of the alphabet herself, Mona Vanderwaal. I wouldn't be displeased if this was how they chose to explain this part of the story.
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lostinanimage · 3 years ago
They don’t recast main characters “all the time” outside of soap operas after the pilot and a lot aren’t remembered fondly. Ie original Aunt Viv was much better. They could still do it but it’s not a common. That being said, idc. He has to go regardless of what happens to the character. He’s awful and now he’s spreading harmful misinformation. It’s unfair to ask others to work with him and wonder what he’s thinking or doing, and he shouldn’t be employed because of his actions. This isn’t his first offence and does anyone think it will be his last?
I can recall a fair amount of recasts that are outside of soap operas: Mandy Milkovich in Shameless Toby Cavenaugh in Pretty Little Liars Spartacus actually recast *Spartacus* Jesus in The Fosters - This was definitely a recast in an ensemble show that would be comparable to recasting Eddie. Robin Hood in Once Upon a Time James in True Blood Becky in Roseanne Alura Zor-El in Supergirl Capheus in Sense8 So many actors on Game of Thrones that it's funny. It's weird and sometimes it doesn't go over well, but I generally get used to it. I will accept that I probably get used to it more easily than other people because I have prosopagnosia, but Capheus and Spartacus were a big recasts of main characters that I really think people just got used to. The only reason that Eddie would be a bigger recast than Jesus is because of how big Buddie is for fandom. But 911 is a show were fandom is really not representative of general viewership. That said, it would be easy to write him out right now without doing much of anything. Buck could still have scenes with Gavin. Eddie can be off-camera similar to how I'm sure they'll still talk about David and Michael. I'd prefer a recast because I like Eddie, but I agree that he should be fired no matter how they deal with it.
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you-marvelous-creature · 7 years ago
would you do one where set during the summer before spencer went to college and after she escaped from the dollhouse toby takes her to dinner with his weird uncomfortable parents and spencer has anxiety rashes all over her body from ptsd and his step mom notices it and makes her feel uncomfortable or self conscious about it and then a while later toby goes looking for her and finds her in the bathroom trying to scrub at the rashes with hot water? you can rearrange this any way you want :))))
hello hello! thank you for this lovely prompt! i changed a lot of it around, i hope you don’t mind - kept the essence of spencer and toby going to dinner with his terrible parents though :) i hope you enjoy!
/set post dollhouse, pre-CeCe reveal
She really didn’t know why she had agreed to this.
Rationally, it made no sense to agree to it. Toby didn’t like his parents. Spencer didn’t like his parents. It didn’t make any sense to go to his parents’ house for dinner, while she was in the middle of trying to get the hell over -
Get the hell over -
All of -
All of this.
“Spencer,” he said quietly, practically in her ear. She looked up to see his parents - especially his stepmother, both her eyebrows arched, God, she looked so much like Jenna - staring at him, it was like their eyes were digging into hers, their eyes their eyes their eyes digging into hers,
as if they were waiting, perhaps? Waiting for the crazy girlfriend to go crazier?
She unclenched her fist from the fork and forced a smile. “Sorry, Mrs. Cavanaugh,” she said, putting on her AP Spencer voice. “What was that?”
It was her idea, was the most ridiculous part. She needed to do something to make up for what she had done to him, for almost having him lose his job. Something besides throw away all the “sweets” Samara had given her, something besides apologize over, and over, and over, and over again. She had needed to do something grandiose and girlfriend-like. Something normal. Something to prove that she was normal.
That she was back to normal.
(you’ll never ever ever ever be back to normal, who in the hell are you trying to fool, you’ll never ever ever be back to normal)
So she had told him, in a moment of desperation, “why don’t we have dinner with your parents like they’re always saying,” and he had raised his eyebrows and asked her if she was feeling oka - but he had caught himself because those jokes weren’t funny anymore. He was tiptoeing around her these days and she hated it, it made her want to break plates, it made her want to show him that she wasn’t, wasn’t, wasn’t -
wasn’t what?
She would have been able to handle it if he had been angry, about the drugs, about almost having him lose his job. And he had been at first. But he had backed off far too quickly, because he still saw it sketched all over her face whenever he looked at her. He saw The Dollhouse beamed over her face every time he met her eyes and she hated it, hated it, hated it, so she had kissed him and pretended she was normal (pretended she was real) and said “come on baby it’ll be fun and we’ll finally get it over with right?” And he had laughed and played along but it was like he was waiting, waiting for her to shatter into (bitsandpiecesandsmithereens) -
“Oh, it was just a rumor I heard when at the PTA meeting this morning,” said Mrs. Cavenaugh chipperly. Spencer had not spent much time with Mrs. Cavenaugh over the years. It seemed like there was not much time to spend. They had been eating dinner for the past half hour and she had not looked at Toby once.
Jenna wasn’t there, at least. Spencer had survived a lot of things, but she didn’t think she could survive a dinner in which Jenna Marshall was in attendance.
“Oh?” She was forgetting, forgetting how to be Spencer - the real Spencer. The real Spencer, who she had been before the Dollhouse. Spencer beneath crazy broken PTSD Spencer, but God, who the hell had that been? Had she ever been that person?
(could she ever, ever be that person again?)
“Oh, yes,” said Mrs. Cavenaugh. Was she Southern, perhaps? It was funny how little Spencer knew about Toby’s parents. He never talked about them. She could kind of see why, she supposed. “Yes, a rumor that they’re not letting you girls go to prom!”
Toby laughed, so easily taking the conversation into his hands. Spencer had the strangest feeling that he was pretending, just like but better than her, to be more comfortable than he really was in this house he had never for a moment called home. “Come on, Melanie,” he said, which was what he called his stepmother, “I don’t think Spencer wants to talk about that.”
“No, it’s not a problem,” said Spencer, smiling, unsure if any of her words made sense. The rattling entropy in her brain was so effing loud. “Yeah, it’s - we were pretty disappointed, but it’s a security concern, you know?” Take a bite of food. Take a sip of water. Look around this room do you see any exits could you get out in a hurry? There’s food in front of you eat quick before he takes it away eat quick before he takes it away
I’M NOT THERE ANYMORE, she screamed at herself. I AM NOT THERE ANYMORE.
you’re always going to be here you’re always going to be here you’re always going to be here
“Security concern,” said Melanie, and was she crazy (yes) or was a touch of disdain? “For who, exactly? You all, or for..”
“Come on, Mel,” muttered Toby’s father, who was so inconsequential it didn’t seem he really existed in this household.
“Well, you know I like to look out, darling!” said Melanie brightly. “I mean, no offense, Spencer darling, but if you’re understood by the Rosewood PD to be a security concern..”
a l i a b i l i t y is what you are
Don’t act crazy don’t be crazy be normal but she was crazy, she was crazy, she was crazy
“Excuse me,” she managed to say before getting up from the table, before walking, before walking until she got to a door, opening it and stepping out into the warm May air.
He came out and joined her less than two minutes later. She was standing on the deck of his house, her elbows against the railing, breathing in the night, looking at the stars, trying to gather herself back together, which was impossible, because some giant, pertinent pieces had been left in a bunker underground.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
“Did you build this deck?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “A couple of summers back. My dad painted it.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Thanks. Spencer.”
“Toby, it’s fine. It’s - fine.”
“It’s not fine. My stepmother, she - ”
“It’s fine. I’m the one who wanted to come, remember?”
“Spencer - why?”
She swallowed and looked at him, and he was looking at her, too, and maybe he saw the word Dollhouse sketched over her face but maybe he saw her, too, underneath.
He was Toby.
“Because I don’t want you looking at me like I’m someone who could break,” she said, hearing her voice break even as she said the words. “I don’t want you looking at me like someone who’s already broken, and I just, maybe I am, but I thought, if I could be normal - if I could just - ”
He leaned forward, so gentle she could feel tears pulsing in her eyes, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She shuddered and leaned against him.
“I don’t mean to look at you like that,” he said quietly, his hands lacing through hers. “I’m sorry.”
She almost laughed, resting her head on his shoulder. She was so, so tired, all the damn time. “You apologize way too much, baby.”
He laughed, enfolding her entirely in his arms.
(for a moment, half of one maybe, she felt something like safe.)
“You’re not broken,” he said, pressing his lips to her hair. “You’re Spence. Being whole doesnt mean you have dinner with my parents.”
She laughed. Maybe it was broken but maybe it was good. Maybe she was broken, but maybe it could be good.
“I’m so sorry,” she said into his chest. “About your job. About the brownies. About - I’m so sorry.”
He pulled back a little. “To make up for it,” he said, and there was the lightest, gentlest note of teasing in her voice and it was like her chest splitting in relief for the normalcy, “why don’t, instead of dealing with the world’s most uncomfortable dinner in the world, you take me out to dinner?”
She laughed. The air was warm, and she was breathing, and she was here (i’m here) so she laughed. “That sounds like a pretty good plan to me. What about your parents?”
“They will have to learn to live with disappointment,” Toby informed her.
It was the best response he could have given her. They did go out to dinner, and sat in his truck for two hours together afterward listening to their playlists on loops, and maybe it wasn’t normal (maybe nothing ever would be again) but it was okay, and it was real, and tonight, it was right.
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yohandere · 8 years ago
toby "fox" cavenaugh
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spobyficstalker · 8 years ago
Its a common issue that rape victims often blame themselves but especially men since they feel ashamed and emasculated and are to afraid to admit how a woman or another man humiliated and hurt them. This is terrible though, since it ALWAYS has consequences. Yet theres characters like Toby cavenaugh who does exactly what society wants him to do:He just sucks it up, never "Whines" about it and just moves on. Yes PLL shame on every guy that does something else!
I think both male and female rape victims tend to feel a great deal of shame. Women because society teaches them that they could have prevented if they’d acted differently, dressed differently, had less to drink, etc. And men because it’s still taboo. Plus, if they’re raped by a woman there’s also the issue that they’re physically superior, which leads people to claim it wasn’t rape because they easily could have said no. It’s no secret that the psychological consequences of sexual abuse are often horrific, and PLL did a terrible job at conveying this. I want justice for Toby in that aspect, I always have - but as much as I hate how the writers handled it, it also helped pave the way for one of my favorite things about him. He has one the of most tragic backstories of any character on the show, but not once has his history been used as an excuse for him to do shitty things. He remains pure, kind, flawed but unquestionably good-natured, and I personally love that about him so much. Theorists love to point out that he has so much motive to be A, and I agree. He had more motive than Charlotte and Mona put together. But it would completely go against the nature of his character, and I think it’s very important for fiction to demonstrate that not all people who have been wronged decide to continue that cycle. 
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ao3feed-pll · 7 years ago
ghosts and locked doors
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LWt601
by palaces_outofparagraphs
(sequel to after laughter.) toby proposes.
Words: 2267, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pretty Little Liars
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Spencer Hastings, Toby Cavenaugh, Aria Montgomery
Relationships: Toby Cavanaugh/Spencer Hastings, Spencer Hastings & Aria Montgomery
Additional Tags: proposal, Flashbacks, set abt a year after After Laughter, lapslock
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LWt601
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myunimaginativeurl · 8 years ago
Things I Might Blog About
TV Doctor Who How I Met Your Mother Pretty Little Liars Riverdale Call the Midwife Torchwood Gossip Girl Brooklyn 99 Eastenders Ackley Bridge Degrassi The Big Bang Theory Victorious Outnumbered Class
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Ships The Doctor x Rose Tyler Amy Pond x Rory Williams Martha Jones x Mickey Smith Captain Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones Gwen Cooper x Rhys. Williams Zoe Sugg x Alfie Deyes Rose Dix x Rosie Spaughton Jess Conte x Gabriel Conte Patsy Mount x Delia Busby Shelagh Turner x Patrick Turner Aria Montgomery x Ezra Fitz Emily Fields x Alison Dilaurentis Hanna Marin x Caleb Rivers Spencer Hastings x Toby Cavenaugh Zoe Rivas x Rasha Zuabi Miles Hollingsworth x Tristan Milligan Jade West x Beck Oliver Blair Waldorf x Chuck Bass Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago Bex Fowler x Shakil Kazemi Stacey Fowler x Martin Fowler Ben Mitchell x Paul Coker Barney Stinson x Robin Scherbatsky Lily Aldrin x Marshall Erikson Ted Mosby x Tracey McConnell Sheldon Cooper x Amy Farrah Fowler
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ezrialoves · 9 years ago
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starvinbohemian · 10 years ago
replied to your post
“catmemj replied to your post “Fandom: Pretty Little Liars”Is scary how...”
That is why he is so annoying. I wish Spencer would handle his over protectiveness the way Hannah handles Caleb's. Love Spencer crazy bag & all. lolYah, Dean needed to take a sit. He reminds me of Brant though so if I can't have Noel, I'll take him.
See, I knew I wasn’t supposed to, but I felt frustrated with Hanna’s response to Caleb post-doll house. They were all recently kidnapped and held hostage in a nightmare house where no one could find them for weeks. I think the people in their lives are justified in being concerned about them, and I don’t resent them for taking steps to protect them. Six seasons in, and going at it alone hasn’t really worked out for them. The girls need help. Caleb putting a tracker on Hanna’s car was smart. They should have done that a long time ago. Yeah, he should have talked to Hanna about it first, but eh. 
Let’s be real. It’s not as if the girls have ever had a handle on their nemesis. They run around like crazy things, always on the defensive, making ridiculous moves, and living constantly on the brink of getting murdered or getting other people murdered. When they get indignant about other people feeling as if they need to step in, whether it’s boyfriends or parents, I really don’t think the Liars have a leg to stand on. Another reason I wasn’t annoyed with cop!Toby so much as with Spencer’s needlessly hostile reaction to cop!Toby. Ali is the only one I trust on her own.
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prettylittlesammy · 10 years ago
Imagine if Charles was Toby Hahahahaha
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