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patrickdiomedes · 6 years ago
Please tell us more about how much you hate Nathaniel Hawthorne bcuz he is a lil bitch
Sorry I took so long to answer this. I don’t really have an excuse, this is just how I am.
I don’t even remember the Scarlet Letter that much, my hate starts earlier than that. See, in 7th grade I had to read this thing called “The Wonderbook for Boys and Girls” by Hawthorne. Yeah, the title alone is terrible.
It’s a kid-friendly version of a bunch of greek myths. Yes, it’s exactly as terrible as it sounds.
The worst one was the myth of Pandora. Before pandora opens the box, everyone on earth is just a happy naked child frolicking in nature and shit. Because apparently we gotta make it like the Garden of Eden except worse. There were illustrations.
long story short, Nathaniel hawthorne sucks and I hate him so much
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daffleboon · 5 years ago
HEY. Don't @ me.
Greetings professor, I did not do your assignment because I am mentally ill
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ournameisfun · 7 years ago
Hi!! I have a super red face too! Between acne and the way my skin tone is, I'm just a pink person all around. And I hear your insecurity and frustration about your red face and misbehaving skin! And I'm also here to tell you: it. Is. Going. To. Be. Ok. You are beautiful. You are smart, you are capable, you are astounding ❤️ I'm sorry those close to you pointed out some insecure points :(
thank you !
i really needed that today
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twsupernaturalimagine · 8 years ago
More Than Just a Dream Pt. 1
Title: More Than Just a Dream Part 1
Author: toboldlygointothedogpark
Word Count: 1,381
Warnings: self-harm, depression, anxiety, unwanted sexual advances, alcohol, abandonment
Summary: The reader unexpectedly falls under a Djinn’s spell and doesn’t realize it until Sam and Dean come to rescue them their dream.
A/N: “Can you do one where the reader goes on a djinn hunt with cas and the boys and they have to go in her dream world to get her out and it’s exactly like the life she lives now (hunting with them, living at the bunker, etc.) but she doesn’t want to leave. And they get her out and she’s shaken up for the next few days and they finally make her talk and it turns out in there she wasn’t depressed and she didn’t have anxiety and she didn’t self harm and they comfort her and it’s fluffy”- This was the anonymous request I got a few months back! Enjoy :)
The bar was hazy and dark. It was Friday, the regulars were there along with lanky college students trying to forget the bags under their eyes. You sighed and took another drink of your Old Fashioned. You knew that Sam, Dean, and Cas were somewhere in the background, waiting for whatever to come out of the woodwork.
You had been in Missoula for about two weeks, tracking a bunch of disappearances. You four had narrowed it down to a few culprits, but there wasn’t enough evidence to determine who or what was hunting college kids.
You readjusted your blouse and rearranged your legs, trying to be as alluring as possible. You stifled a yawn. Hunts never meant sleeping. You were tired and couldn’t stop thinking about your bed. With its nice fluffy comforter and pillows. You wanted to slip off these heels and crawl under until the comforter reached your nose. You took another sip and felt a slight touch on your arm. You turned to see an average looking guy, maybe around 23? 24? He looked like he was another one of the students looking forward to getting wasted that night. He was wearing a long sleeve black shirt and jeans. His hair was a ruffled dark brown.
“Hey. I’m Matt. Can I get you anything?” he nodded at my drink, over half gone already. Damn. The week had been hard.
You weren’t sure if this guy was the creature you were looking for, but why the hell not. Play the part, Dean always said.
“Sure,” you replied with a smile.
Matt sat down on the empty barstool next to you. He flagged the bartender down.
“Another for her and a whiskey for me. Neat.”
Matthew turned to you, obviously trying to turn the charm on you.
“So, you a student here?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m in town visiting my brother. He’s a grad student here.”
“Oh really? I’m a grad student too. What’s his name?” Matthew nodded at the bartender who plunked down two glasses on paper napkins.
“He’s uh.. Ya know you probably don’t know him. He usually sticks to himself.” You hoped that he couldn’t tell that you were pulling words out of your ass.
“What subject?”
“Ah uh.. History? I think?” If anything that might have been true if Dean went to college, much less go as far as to be a grad student.
“Ah okay! I’m a chemistry grad myself. Though history is pretty interesting. I probably know him though, there aren’t a lot of us, you get to know each other after a while. But enough about him, I’m more interested in you though.”
He scooted closer to you and rested his hand on the bare patch of skin between your boots and skirt. He started to slide his hand up your thigh. You looked up in alarm. His hand was surprisingly cold despite the packed bar and long sleeve shirt.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
His eyes held yours. Alarm swept into them for a second, then a grin set upon his small mouth.
“Okay sorry. Look you’re hot. To be honest I wanted to see if you wanted to come back with me to my place. But I suppose not. I’ll leave you alone. You’re welcome for the drink.”
He picked up his glass with more force than needed and left in a huff. You collected your thoughts and readjusted your shirt.
What a creep you thought. Men. What pigs. You didn’t want your drink anymore. You slipped off the bar stool and walked outside of the bar. It was cool, and the city lights sparkled ahead. You took in a deep breath, trying to shake the feel of Matthew’s hands.
“Hey,” a gruff voice said behind you.
You turned around to see Dean coming up from behind the bushes that lined the bar.
“What the hell was that?”
“Sorry Dean. Send Sammy in. I don’t mind being prey for bloodthirsty whatevers, but regular guys? Hell no.”
You were obviously shaken up. Cas and the boys didn’t know, but after your father walked out on you and your mother, you vowed to never let a man touch you again without your permission. All those nights he had come home drunk, with a temper fierce enough to make you wince when he slammed the taxi door. No more you vowed. No more men thinking they have a right to abuse, that’s it’s their job to put women in their place. You learned how to fight, how to protect your mother, who had never fully recovered from her marriage. The boys knew you had a rough life and didn’t ask about it. The most they knew was when Dean found you out in Bobby’s car lot, on top of a broken down pickup with a beer in hand and bottles littered around you.
Dean took a good look at you, eyes scrutinizing your outfit and overall shaken demeanor.
“Okay,” he said quietly, “I’ll send Sammy in. Besides, he’s got experience with these kinds of things.”
Dean took a final look on you and gestured for you to follow him back to his hiding spot.
As you walked back Dean’s original spot, he flipped open his phone, pressing a button. Dean held it up to his ear. He looked back at you, the light from the neon mixed with the outside lamps dappled his face through the bushes.
“Sammy? You’re on.”
The evening proved uneventful. Nobody seemed out of the ordinary, and besides the encounter with Matthew, there was nothing to report. The four of you rode back to the hotel in quiet. You were exhausted. You said good night to Dean and Sam and went to the room you shared with Cas. Though the angel never slept, there was a couch for him to sit on during the night if he wished.
“See you guys tomorrow morning. Bright and early. We’re hitting the streets.” Dean said, fatigue lacing his voice.
“Uh. I know that it’s a lot to ask, but can I have tomorrow morning off?”
Dean stopped and turned to look at you, the words already forming on his lips.
Sammy cut him off, “She’s worked hard Dean. Come on. You know she wouldn’t ask if she didn’t really need it.” He turned to you.
“Yeah. Be ready by 2:00 for an appointment with the Dean of Students.”
You ducked your head in a grateful nod, “See you then.”
You turned to Cas, “Coming in?”
He shook his head, “No. There are things I have to see to.” He nodded at Sam and Dean and disappeared.
“Looks like I’ll have the room to myself.” You spun triumphantly to your room.  “Good night boys.”
“2’oclock!” Dean called after.      
“Yup!” you replied as you turned the knob.
You stepped into a cold, dark, room. You flipped on the light, illuminating the room in a gold glow.
Shower. You needed a shower. In these walls, Dean and Sam couldn’t see your shaking. God you had tried to harden yourself to the world. But it had been a long time since anything like this had happened. Sure, when you had first met the boys Dean tried to make a few passes and even Sam had asked you for a drink, but no. Not at the time. Not when everything was so fresh.
But time had passed, and wounds started to heal. You started to harden your edges, started to be…better.
You stepped into the shower. Soon steam started to cloud the room and you inhaled the scents of your shampoo and soap. Your muscles started to relax. You looked down at your thighs. The scars that were so angry, so malicious were faded into purples and whites. It was odd, usually when you looked at them, you felt a black ball in your stomach, rolling full of regret and self-hatred. But now? Just..
There was no itch to open fresh wounds again, no itch in your fingers to paint your legs red..
It was just acceptance.
You wrote it off as the fatigue. It was late, you were tired. Maybe you’d feel normal in the morning. Well, your version of normal. As normal as normal could be.
To be continued
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jeongeunjis · 8 years ago
toboldlygointothedogpark replied to your post: just so everyone knows shinee world v in la was...
His arms tho ��������
he has very nice arms i can confirm they are also nice irl
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wonesite · 6 years ago
Please for the love of Christ don't go anywhere near a dick shaped decision. Bad territory. No man's land. Dolldrums.
I was gonna respond to this with a witty thing but now I want to just show everyone the Whole Ass Mood that tumblr mobile (feat. @toboldlygointothedogpark) cooked up for me
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its-furiohsa-not-furiosah · 7 years ago
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Artwork by @toboldlygointothedogpark
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daffleboon · 6 years ago
I am genuinely upset at these people. You have a boating license and you don't know that WHALES ARE THE GENTLE SHEEP OF THE SEA THEY ARE FINE CALM THE FUCK DOWN
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“Hello? Yes, this whale looks very suspicious. I think he may be trying to get inside a part of the sea that’s not his. Just come quickly.”
So now white people are calling the cops on whales, SMH.
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askjaelyn · 8 years ago
toboldlygointothedogpark replied to your post “I’m just gonna come out and say it…I really need people to stop trying...”
Okay to reblog?
Yeah, go ahead
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fentonio · 9 years ago
Honeybee: Name something positive you have done for yourself or someone else in the last two weeks.Well i went to Costco a few days ago and found a ladybug in the strawberry section, so i carried it safely to a bush outside where it wouldnt accidentally fly back inside or anything. That was pretty positive! :’)
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passer-fringillidae · 9 years ago
come scream about it with me. 
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thelastofhiskindcenturion · 9 years ago
@toboldlygointothedogpark sassafras 
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twsupernaturalimagine · 9 years ago
“Nothing's Gonna Change My World pt. 1″ One Shot
Author: toboldlygointothedogpark
Summary: On a hunt for a something terrorizing a Montana college town, the reader and the boys encounter a djinn. The reader falls prey to the djinn’s ways and Cas and the boys have to enter their dream world to get them out. 
Warnings: alcohol, swearing, self harm, self loathing, depression, anxiety, abuse. 
Word Count: 899
A/N: This is so late, I apologize so much to the anon who asked this like… three months ago!! Sorry sorry, hope you enjoy. Look for part 2 soon! xxoo
The bar was hazy and dark. It was Friday, the regulars were there along with lanky college students trying to forget the bags under their eyes. I sighed and took another drink of your whiskey . I knew that Sam, Dean, and Cas were somewhere in the background, waiting for whatever to come out of the wood work for me.
We had been in Missoula for about two weeks, tracking a bunch of disappearances. We had narrowed it down to a few culprits, but there wasn’t enough evidence to determine who or what was hunting college kids.
I readjusted my blouse and rearranged my legs, trying to be as alluring as possible. I stifled a yawn. Hunts never meant sleeping. I was tired, and couldn’t stop thinking about my bed. With it’s nice fluffy comforter and pillows. I wanted to slip off these heels and crawl under until the comforter reached my nose. I took another sip, and felt a slight touch on my arm. I turned to see an average looking guy, maybe around 23? 24? He looked like he was another one of the students looking forward to getting wasted that night. He was wearing a long sleeve black shirt and jeans. His hair was a ruffled dark brown.
“Hey. I’m Matt. Can I get you anything?” he nodded at my drink, over a half gone already. Damn. This week had been hard.
I wasn’t sure if this guy was the creature we were looking for, but why the hell not. Play the part, Dean always said.
“Sure,” I replied with a smile.
Matt sat down on the empty bar stool next to me. He flagged the bartender down.
“Another for her and a whiskey for me. Neat.”
Matthew turned to me, obviously trying to turn the charm on me.
“So, you a student here?”
I shook my head. “No, I’m in town visiting my brother. He’s a grad student here.”
“Oh really? Me too. What’s his name?” Matthew nodded at the bartender who plunked down two glasses on paper napkins.
“He’s uh.. Ya know you probably don’t know him. He usually sticks to himself.” I hoped that he couldn’t tell that I was pulling words out of my ass.
“What subject?”
“Ah uh.. History? I think?” If anything that might have been true if Dean went to college, much less go as far as to be a grad student.
“Ah okay! I’m a history grad too. Though I’m more interested in the history of science than just basic history. I probably know him though, there aren’t many of us. But enough about him, I’m more interested in you.”
He scooted closer to me, and rested his hand on the bare patch of skin between my boots and my skirt. I looked up in alarm. His hand was surprisingly cold despite the packed bar and long sleeve shirt.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
His eyes held mine. Alarm swept into them for a second, then a grin set upon his small mouth.
“Okay sorry. Look you’re hot. To be honest I wanted to see if you wanted to come back with me to my place. But I suppose not. I’ll leave you alone. You’re welcome for the drink.”
He picked up his glass with more force than needed and left in a huff. I collected my thoughts and readjusted my shirt.
What a creep, I thought. Men. What pigs. I didn’t want my drink anymore. I slipped off the bar stool and walked outside of the bar. It was cool, and the city lights sparkled ahead. I took in a deep breath, trying to shake the feel of Matthew’s hands.
“Hey,” a gruff voice said behind me.
You turned around to see Dean coming up from behind the bushes that lined the bar.
“What the hell was that?”
“Sorry Dean. Send Sammy in. I don’t mind being prey for bloodthirsty whatevers, but regular guys? Hell no.”
I was obviously shaken up. Cas and the boys didn’t know, but after my father walked out on me and my mother, I vowed to never let a man touch me again without my permission. All those nights he had come home drunk, with a temper fierce enough to make me wince when he slammed the taxi door. No more, I vowed. No more men thinking they have a right to abuse, that’s it’s their job to punish women. I learned how to fight, how to protect my mother, who had never fully recovered from her marriage. The boys knew I had a rough life, and didn’t ask about it. The most they knew was when Dean found me out in Bobby’s car lot, on top of a broken down pickup with a beer in hand and bottles littered around me.
Dean took a good look at me, eyes scrutinizing my outfit and overall shaken demeanor.
“Okay,” he said quietly, “I’ll send Sammy in. Besides, he’s got experience with these kind of things.”
Dean took a final look at me and gestured for me to follow him back to his hiding spot.
As we walked back to Dean’s original spot, he flipped open his phone, pressing a button. Dean held it up to his ear. He looked back at me, the light from the neon mixed with the outside lamps dappled his face through the bushes.
“Sammy? You’re on.”
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champagneyr · 9 years ago
Honestly you look like 'Riptide' by Vance Joy or "Summer" by Joe Hisaishi 💜💜
I LUV IT to look like a hisaishi song is the dream
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presidentcthulhu · 10 years ago
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fentonio · 9 years ago
!!!!!!!!! 💜💜💜(wait is this for that ask thing or are u just sending me hearts)
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