#tobirma x Reader
shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
I'm in love with an angel
Different naruto charakters with an angel hybrid reader
Some might be story some might be headcanons depends on what my ideas are
In here are : Kakashi , tobirama , madara
Warning : cursing
A/n : also even if no one missed me sad backgroundmusik starts playing , 'inhales' IM BACK AGAIN TO MAKE YOUR LIFE WORSE
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When you first told him he immediately wanted to touch your wings and when he did , you began laughing
"wait that tickles? "He wondered and continued touching them making you laugh even more "Kakashi please stop for a sec" you said while laughing .he stopped and you explained him that they are ticklish as hell as long as you aren't in a "fight mood"
He asked you what the fight mood means and brushed a hand through the feathers making you chuckle " it means when I'm fighting or want to fight they aren't ticklish anymore " "but angels don't fight ?" "Yeah but I don't have a halo or access to heaven the only angel thing are the white wings but this doesn't really makes me an angel " "ah okay" suddenly you're teleported to the training fields
"would you mind showing me how you fight with the wings,?" He asked handing you a few kunais "Uhm sure " you prepared you to fight while Kakashi hid somewhere watching you . Once you were ready you jumped and flew around taking one kunai in your hand and storming into a tree but landing there and watching Kakashi running to the tree in worry .
You sprang on him making him fall back and held a kunai to his throat the shock on his face quickly transformed into a smile " that was clever little angel" he said and you smiled "thanks " "but you forgot something" a voice said behind you ' damn you and your shadowclones Kakashi' you thought and heard him sprinting towards you but you were fast enough to launch yourself up into the sky . " Pretty good" Kakashi sprang at you ready to throw the kunai and bring you down but you quickly blocked the kunai leaving him in wonder . "Chidori!" You looked behind you and as you do so the 2nd shadowclone was gone with a puff
" You wings seem hard enough, can they block Chidori?" He asked and you shrugged with your shoulders while landing infront of him "idk let's find out " you answered and put your wings infront of you as a defense . You felt the immense painburning on your wings but after few seconds it stopped and you heard an out of breath Kakashi "thats so powerful it only burned a few feathers but they are still protecting you . How?" You opened you wings fluttered with them and folding them. " Idk the feathers are hardened and sharper than usual i guess that's why and how it works but I still feel the pain " you explained and Kakashi brushed a finger fast on the edges of your wings stopping when pain shot through his finger . They were indeed sharp "thats pretty good for a fight " the crouched and picked up a feather "imma keep that " he stuck it into his pocket and teleported you both back home
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He started taking some feathers from you and researched them to understand how they work he's really interested about them but when tobirama isn't his we need to research that and use it against uchihas in a fight self And is his soft self he loves that when you both cuddle you put your wings around him in a protective way
It let's him feel safe and makes him relax you can feel he's always near falling asleep and resting his head on your shoulder he once wanted to let you wings thinking it would relax you but wrong you laughed and he stopped "you're ticklish?" He asked and you nodded relaxing again in his lap putting your wings around him again you never thought of it as something useful but oh boy he did
Whenever you and him are in a fun argument or pillow fight (yes if he feels clingy he's another person) he's attacking your wings catching you off guard and winning the fight .every.Damn.time.
And sleeping with him is truly one of the sweetest things . Blanket ? What's that? He doesn't know it he only knows your warm wings . And when he's feeling really clingy he won't sleep until you put one of your wings around him
When you're on his back spread your wings to their biggest size and say " look you're an angel too!" His heart is melting and warm-hearted tobirama is active now " but you're still the most beautiful angel" making you smile and start a "no you "fight but he makes you accept you're the one
He absolutely loves how cute you look with those wings and how they move when you feel happy , sad , angry and when you're both alone he can't keep the chuckles and aawwwws in while looking down at the pouting you that wants attention
When he's at public his eyes are filled with love whenever he looks at you
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" but angels have pure white wings don't they?" Was his first question when you told him about it" no that's what many people are getting wrong the color of the wings is random only wings bloody and damaged so they look like they can't fly are the fallen angels or how we call it dark angels " you said folding your white with some black feathers wings " oh and what can they do ?" He was extremely curios what those wings could do besides flying and making you look cute asf" basically depending on my mood or what I want to do they feel different when someone's touching them , when I feel normal they are ticklish and to not get tickled all the time I unequip them then there's when I get turned on they are a special way of sensitive " on madaras face grew a dirty smirk 'we'll have fun with this ' he thought " and then last when I want to Fight they get incredible hard and sharp " after finishing the sentence you were picked up and brought to an open area
"show me what you can do pretty angel " he let you down softly and went into his attack position "ok " was all you answered before you launched yourself up in the sky and looked down at him " Bring it on little human " you teased and he immediately sprang at you but it was easy to dodge him . You knew teasing him with "little" made him want to kick your ass really bad . "Katon!" You turned around and see met with flames you were able to dodge in the last minute now was your turn to attack you flew a few rounds around him before storming down then up again while realising razor sharp feather at him that broke through his chakra shield but to his luck he wasn't hurt too bad . You landed right beside him " you broke through an easy shield can you break through the good ones to? And how?" He asked pulling the feathers out of him
" i can break through normal and easy. Shield bc of a special liquid but I'm not able to one shot harder shields but I'm able to break them by shooting on them more than one time " you explained helping him up but he pulled you into his lap and smiled " my little angel " he cooed (is that right?) And you relaxed in his grip and put your wings around them "ah!" You screamed as pain shot through your wing and you looked at Madara who now proudly held a black and white feather and pulled a string out of his pocket and made a small necklace
" so I can remember you every time my little angel" he said and put it on . Madara pulled you closer "mads i thought-" "no one is going to interrupt us here" he answered your half spoken question and you put your wings around him in a relaxed and lazy way but he felt protected by it He stood up still holding you but changed it and put you on his back "relax imma bring you home safe" he started running and you put your head bored on his shoulder
Idk what to think of it tbh but anyways ask box is open , if the links don't work tell me have nice day/night
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Why did you do that?
Modern au tobirama
Warning : depression , self harm , sad, angsty , blood , attempted Suizide
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And there you are , sitting at the only place that keeps your problems away , that makes u feel better . The old bridge . How often you thought about jumping off , never having any problems again . To never feel that pain again , to never cry again . But your normal human sense didn't let you do that . The cold wind brushed over your body , to prevent catching a cold your crossed your arms . But you quickly took your arms back . The textile of your jacket pressed against the fresh wounds , sending a wave of immense pain through your body . You pulled on of your sleeves up revealing a few older wounds . All of them near the pulse vein , still aching because of the infection . You didn't clean the last wounds properly too , why? Because you stopped carring . A bit pain more or less who cared? Yeah who cared... Who cared about you? This question hurted you everytime but you couldn't stop thinking about it . Who cared about you? You parents ? No did they even love you ? You didn't think so they never loved you, love isn't abusing someone , love isn't calling someone a whore , love isn't something you ever had experienced . But who needs it anyways? Love always ends , may it be cheating on your partner or because you or your partner dies . It always comes to an end , so why are humans fighting for something that's gonna end anyways ? From where do they get that much hope? That were questions you couldn't answer , you looked into the sky again . Watching the sunset , and the night arriving . The sunset gave the lake a beautiful golden look , it looked inviting , free . You slowly stood up mind cloudy , and walked to the edge . It really looked like the answer to all of your problems , you wanted to take another step and fall into the lake but a string in your heart stopped you , and a picture of tobirama popped into your mind . Whats up with that boy ? Why does it keep you from jumping? Did you? No that was bullshit you can't love someone because he was a little nice to you . And he didn't care about you anyways . You shook your head again eyes focused on the edge of the bridge again . You took your last breathe before you took the last step .now or never you thought and closed your eyes . " Y/n no!" Someone screamed but it was to late you hit the water hard enough to make you black out . Were you finally free?
But you weren't dead.... A always repeating peep was heard to your left side , and someone screaming "Will she/he be ok?!" . Where were you? Heaven? No . You opened your eyes but they closed again because of the lack of power you had to keep them open . "She's awake !" A female voice said "how are you feeling L/n ?" She asked and with the little bit of power you had left , you managed to whisper good . Loud enough for her to hear . "Can I speak to her alone doctor?" A Male deep voice asked , your eyes now felt lighter and you were able to keep them open but soon shock hit you . The male voice was tobirama ? Why was he here? Too many question were in your head making you feel nauseous . "Y/n?" You snapped out of you thoughts answering a tired "hm?" Tobirama sat down beside you and took you arm in his hand and looked at the wounds . Why did you do that? He looked sad for a minute but then changed to his normal cold facade again " why couldn't I see it ... I could have saved you " His voice changed to a sad and broken tone . Did he really care about you? There were better people than you he could care about . Why you ? When you saw tobiramas expression you were about to facepalm yourself , you said it all out loud " Because I was silently in love with you , but I couldn't tell you I don't know why . Please forgive me , forgive me for not seeing how hurt you were " tears threatened to drop out of his eyes " you are perfect , kind , you don't deserve that pain , you deserve much better . But please if you don't love me it's okay but could you do one thing for me then ? Please stop hurting yourself ." The tears rolled down his face , his voice showing fear and sadness . He really cared about you "i love you too " it just dropped out of your mouth but you didn't regret it , you tried hiding those feelings for a long time . But now something grew in you , something that you haven't felt since a long time
Hope ... Welp hope y'all enjoyed It , it would be pretty nice if you tell me how you liked the story and what you disliked because I plan on taking this writing style for the next story's bla bla bla
Anyways guys and girls remember somewhere outside in this world is someone who cares about you and who loves you , don't do self harm love yourself , don't bully other people it makes them sad , don't hate other people for liking something you disliked just ignore that fact and most important be yourself and live free
And if someone of you needs someone to talk feel free to text me I'll try to do my best
Have nice day/night
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