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famofbandb · 6 years ago
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This photo reminds me that we aren’t always who we want to be, that our dreams fall short sometimes. But we need to learn that we all make mistakes, get fearful and have insecurities. When we were in Denver CO taking this photo, we had been taking a break from the shoot we were models for, we told each other this is not us, we don’t like being on the other side of the glass that we normally hide behind. It made us insecure but stronger together. We have never liked being shot unless its one another with the trigger because we know how insecure we can be we know when to stop shooting. We realized this while we talked, calming us to where we could do this. It didn’t matter in that moment we both knew that they would never truly see who we were except that single moment they captured in time and the love it would carried on. @b_plus_b_fam @denver ———- #famofbandb #wearewhoweare #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #denverclocktower #milehighcity #thosecolorsdoh #colorado #denverco #denvercolorado #travelphotography #travelvideography #travelphotographers #vue #woah #insecurities #dreaming #forevertogether❤ #ontop #seethisplace #itsamazingoutthere (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJdz24j2Hz/?igshid=efj7zht59s11
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famofbandb · 4 years ago
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Hey Ya! Unlike Halloween, being one night and maybe a day of prep. Thanksgiving feels like a week long time. Where the entire time you are sitting there, licking your chops, fasting for the feast, and then left wanting to lick your plate. Hope your social distanced holidays are off to a great start, and you all still got the good memories even if through video chats and “wait what was that!” As well as still getting good food. Hope everyone ended up like Belle here, licking their chops and sitting after this marathon of a week. #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #famofbandb #coloradocouplesphotographer #happyfallyall2020 #oneholidayatatime #thanksgiving2020🦃🍁🙏🏾 (at Thanksgiving) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIKCw78jBTt/?igshid=hw27bcwgxvn2
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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A year ago next week we were chasing this sunset with a dear friend, krysta! Since this Cali hike in a mist, after a day filled with increasingly hard rain... then a break to mist and break right before sunset... . . . This hike restored the “keep going even if you don’t see the light.” . . We didn’t know if there would be a sunset. . . The clouds were ominous, the horizon did not hint at a sunset... yet this happened. . . So let’s remind everyone who sees this: keep going, even without promises dangling in the wind– keep going. Chase opportunities, rest when needed, and never lose hope (it’s the ultimate key on any map.) . . . #norcalbeach #norcaladventures #northerncalifornia #wanderlustphotographer #travelphotographers #traveling_sunset #calisunset #photooftheday📸 #staycurious #insta_travel #visitmontrose #visitcalifornia #visithouston #visittelluride #visitoregoncoast #visitwashingtonstate #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #motivationalmessageoftheday #worldtravelcaptures #bigworld_shotz #worldlywisdom #travelblogger #famofbandb #instagoodmyphoto #justgoshoot #exploretocreate #discoverearth #theoutboundcollective . . . Aloha 🌺 B+B Ben + Becca Vintage Cinematography + Artistic Photography = Visual Artistry Team www.famofbandb.com . . . @goworldtravelmagazine @visitcalifornia @natgeo @sunset.cali @worldtravelersassociation @visuals.collective @livefolk (at Tag Responsibly, Keep California Wild) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkrET4jBB2/?igshid=1fds6zhhzc0dj
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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One of my favorite quotes is “if you don’t stop and look around once and while you might just miss it.” - Ferris Bueller. When you go to the redwoods all you can do is stop, and lookup. . . On October 2, 1968, California made the 138,999 acres into the gorgeous Redwood National and State Park. It’s one of the kinds of places in the world that nature makes you feel like your in a completely different world. . . Traveling through the trees when they are this big makes us feel like kids again, where everything looks larger than life. When every step you take makes you even more curious by the moment. It’s a place that you end up searching for yourself and reflecting on how truly big your problems really are. . . #redwoods #redwoodsnationalpark #norcal #california #northerncalifornia #wanderlusting #travelguide #travelerphotographer #traveling_world #travelers #photooftheday📷 #instagoodshot #wanderers #visitmontrose #visithouston #visitcalifornia #visittelluride #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #usa #naturephotography #staycurious #travelgrams #instatravelgram #nature #travelholic #travelphotography #exploring_shotz #californiaadventure #travelblogger #famofbandb . @goworldtravelmagazine @calitravels @houston @mymontrose @telluridearts @natgeotravel (at Tag Responsibly, Keep California Wild) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIWUtiDcd7/?igshid=164oioakykhsl
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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“Go out to dinner at least twice a month without kids.” 😏 . When you go on a date with your significant otter 💕it gives that extra touch of caring and can open up your evening to memorable 📸moments 🎞that can help connect the both of you. . . Connection can be a very hard thing to find when you have a busy work schedule ⚖️or taking care of kids. This twice a month moment is to allow you to have meaningful conversation.Talk about things that you forgot to mention the other day and to show affection when there had been a little less during a stressful week. . . Connection is a powerful way to make sure you aren’t putting up walls, arguing about little things and getting back to the reason you feel in love to begin with. Their company, that's why you fell in love🏵, when working and spending time with kids it’s a challenge to have that time with each other and feel your soul ✨is not being left behind. . . Follow our advice that we learned from a very successful pair of old souls to heal the bits and pieces that can trail like bread 🥖crumbs.The magically wondrous thing about a trail of breadcrumbs is it takes you back to the soul you once had with your soulmate.🥰 . . Aloha 🌺 B+B Ben + Becca Vintage Cinematography + Artistic Photography = Visual Artistry Team www.famofbandb.com . . #connection #datenight #nonegativeenergy #adviceoftheday #stopandthink #mentalheathawareness #statementstyle #feelingpositive #relationshipgoals #timetogrow #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #workflow💰 #story #filmfeeling #work #onlyincolorado #tellurideelopement #coloradoelopementphotographer #dirtybootsmessyhair #elopementinspiration #fearlessphotographer #worldofvisuals #adventureweddingphotographer #coloradovideographer #mountainwedding #elopeincolorado #keepcoloradowild #coloradogram #coloradocouples (at In Love) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4ESspDO4V/?igshid=1re5ky0vm442i
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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soulmates, out of all the stars, out all the galaxies. . I found you in the one of the most unexpected places. . If not for a someone I once knew. . I would have never met a star quite like you. . When I fully became the astronaut I needed to be. . I set me sights on the love I knew was meant to be. . . . #astrophotography #coloradostargazing #conightsky #covidlearning #summerchecklist✔️ #milkywaychasers #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #telluridewedding #tellurideskiresort #tellurideelopement #tellurideproposal #milkyway_nightscapes #nightskyphotography #growthmindset🌱 #youareworthy #twinkletwinklelittlestar #stardust #astronomical #montrosecolorado #blackcanyonofthegunnison #nightskyart #coelopementphotographer #poetrylovers #romanticpoetry💞 16x20 Metal Installment of “Summer Night” , 500 US dollars (at Tag Responsibly, Keep Colorado Wild) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2ZF4MDsTN/?igshid=epeblqvb4q9y
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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Our loved ones are there for us when no else will be or would be. Our loved ones are not just the ones we share blood with, but they are: friends who see emotional exhaustion and bring coffee, co-workers who see the boss bearing down on us, they are the family that pick up torches to light the dark when we are lost. . . . They will be truly there for you, and sometimes not in the ways we think we need. . . . By realizing when are lost in our turbulent moments, we can forget the magical memorable moments of being loved, that serves as a reminder to us that we are always worthy of love. So please make sure you tell people everyday that you love them, ESPECIALLY YOUR PARTNER IN LIFE. . . . Our partners see us at our worse, and we need to remind them when they are at their worse, they are still worthy of love, even when if they are being what society dibs as a “hot mess.” . . . #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #famofbandb #advicequotes #someoneyouloved #montrosephotographer #montrosevideographer #openyoureyes #openyourmind #loveadvice #lovestories #nonegativeenergy #adviceoftheday #stopandthink #mentalheathawareness #oldfashioned #statementstyle #feelingpositive #relationshipgoals😍 #timetogrow #travelphotographers #travelvideographer #loverules #oldsouls #lastinglove #youngbodiesoldsouls #memories #speaksvolumes #love (at Montrose, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDR9Cmjjgm_/?igshid=1uramo3rx2pjo
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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How often do you say “I Love you” to your loved ones?💖 . . . This right here is so important in a relationship of any kind. We all need to hear that someone cares for us and if you love your partner they need reassurance and to know nothing has changed.💕 . . . Through all the bad times that you will go through, the good times that will follow and the hurt that will fade from the past. Telling someone they are the one you love is not something to take lightly but when you know it to be true should be said often. It should flow like melted butter, off your lips. In good times and more importantly in bad. 🌟 . . When we mess up, we need to hear we are still loved. 🌺 . . And that it is okay to want to be loved even if we aren’t perfect.✨ . . . Life and love can make a messy combo, but sometimes the best plates of food aren't the prestigious looking ones. 💕 Just like how the best moments aren’t somewhere out fancy, but the times of connection. So go look into the eyes of your love, take their hands, stroke their face, and say, “I love you.”💖 . . #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #famofbandb #coupleadvice #loveadvicequotes #beappreciative #couplegoals♥️ #loveoneanother💕 #bewithoneanother #loveyourspouse❤️ #beabetterpartner #behealthyandhappy #happilyeverafter❤️ #loverstale #beinlove #justlove❤️ #montrosecolorado #visitmontrose #elopementphotographer #capturingconnection #elopementvideographer #tellurideelopement #ourayelopementphotographer #tellurideweddingvideographer (at Lost In Love) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwG2hvD9P9/?igshid=1ofby7169m9xf
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?⏳ . . . When I first asked becca when we first started dating what would you do if you had 24 hrs to live?🥺 Her answer was humorous, long, and a sign that our life would never be boring– even for a second.🐝 . . . That was how we got started on a bucket list🗑 for the both of us, we talked about traveling✈️, eating food🍛 from different countries, and then making memories to turn into stories to tell. . . . Spain or Hawaii, Egypt would be the first stop of choice, . . Spain for the history, architecture, and the beautiful beaches. Hawaii🏝 for the culture, food, and adventure! Egypt, because someone enjoys researching history and Egypt for fun! #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #famofbandb #travelingbucketlist #spainbucketlist #visithawaii🌺 #visitegypt❤️ #travelingelopementphotographer #travelingelopementvideographer #tellurideelopementphotographer #ourayphotographer #tellurideweddingvideographer #getoutandexploretheworld #theworldiswaitingforyou #worldtravelersig #magicalworldshotz #justdancewithme #lovestorytellers #happilyeverafter #loverstale #montroseco (at Montrose, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjkQjaj8XE/?igshid=1g0u7u8kku7ot
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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This is Cassie and she does a lot of behind the scene magic for us✨ . . . Cassie, is a confident young lady chasing her dreams and overcoming her frustrations. Sweet, Sassy, and Classy, are three words that would describe her in a tweet.💫 . . . A little about her, she majored in Mass Communications with an emphasis in Broadcast Production. She has many interests, such as journalism, news production and public relations. She enjoys putting together the bigger picture. The creative process, finding ways to make things better and watching it all click together...it makes her feel complete.🌻 . . . She helped bring together our website and our art from yesteryear. She’s helped on various occasions, took messages when we were traveling, joined us when she could to help assist us during our events, and set up our website where we could take it to a new kind of standard.⚡️ . . . Cassie has set us us to continue on our own without worrying about our magic fading. But above all of that she is a great friend and brings her story to us to tell.🌺 . . . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #masscommunication #samhoustonstate #graduate #storyteller #goingplaces #montrosephotographer #ouraycolorado #montrosecolorado #mountaintops #littleswitzerland #clearskys #countryroads #gorgeousday #dressweather #summerdays☀️ #adventuretimeforever #getoutexplore #ourayelopementphotographer #elopementvideographer #tellurideelopementphotographer #sanmiguelelopementphotographer #explorecoloradoliving #wanderlustelopements #switzerlandofamerica #keepthewestwild #leavenotracebehind (at Ouray, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhZGb6DJ1_/?igshid=fbx5ftt2b1vo
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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This is a broad statement, what does it mean to you?... . . . To us it means anything that does not state a healthy opinion nor promote growth, it is not to be spoken in our home. . . . This is coming from a place where if I, Mr. 🐝, has a bad day at work and walked inside our home, then started to be a negative person to my wife– I could wreck both our days just because I was being grumpy, non-communicative, and projecting. . . . Instead I, Mr. 🐝, explain the situation without losing my temper over something that my wife had no control over. I might curse, bellow, have attitude while discussing my problems, but at least Mrs. 🐝 knows she isn’t at fault for my bad day. This allows her to listen fully, understand, and 🐝 helpful in getting me out of my funk. . . . It’s a broad but simple statement that gets you to stop and think about what you are bringing home, we’ll be addressing more next time you see this rule. . Next time we’ll talk more about how instead of focusing on negativity, we focus on giving one another our attention and best solution mindset. . . This is how you take your Lover’s Tale, and turn it into a Once Upon A Time Day, leading into an actual Happily Ever After ✨ . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #coloradolove #ouraycoloradoelopementphotographer #relationshipgoals #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #nonegativeenergy #adviceoftheday #stopandthink #mentalheathawareness #emotionalhealthmatters #oldfashioned #statementstyle #feelingpositive #timetogrow #grandparentsadvice #tellurideweddings #goodvibes #dreamrelationship #tellurideelopementphotographer #telluridevideographer #aloverstale #happilyeverafter❤️ #onceuponatime🌸 (at Montrose, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdwUhPD4VH/?igshid=1rnzvmlhmuhk8
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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No we aren’t viewing the clouds above pouring directly into the waterfall, but this is….. . . . Cascade Falls in @ouray_co it is one of the easiest, gorgeous, and wondrous waterfalls you can get to in less then a half hour. . . . On one of our many adventures out into the wild, we had hiked this one many of times but what is magical about something unless you share it with others. . . . Typically we try to #keepcoloradowild (a way to prevent areas in colorado from getting too much traffic and eventually destroying what made it wild to begin with) but this is a hot spot and brings in plenty of visits all by itself with how easy the trail is! . . . Although we love sharing this art with you, sharing it on mass media and potentially causing a huge spike in traffic and higher risk of nature getting destroyed #forthegram ... when you are out exploring and adventuring try to #leavenotracebehind and that’s even being responsible for geotags! . . . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #mountains #naturewallart #travelıngphotography #hiking #explore #waterfall #getoutsideandexplore #colorado #coloradoinstagram #landscape #travelingcinematographer #cascadefallstrail #beautifulscenes #beautifulday #onlyincolorado #explorecolorado #keepitwildkeepitbeautiful #ouraycoloradoweddingphotographer #ouraycoloradoelopementphotographer #ourayday #blackandwhitephotographer #getoutsideandexplore #themountiansarecalling #leaveearthbetterthanwefoundit #dontgochasingwaterfalls🎶 (at Cascade Falls Park Ouray) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUD63qj9FV/?igshid=a9cnyc8mhjef
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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If you are new this gorgeous girl looking back at you is Belle and the bridle booty on the other side of me is Beast.. . . . These are our fur babies, they are a big part of our family as they are like our kids. On this day we were going on a 2 mile walk through a favorite park enjoying one of the perfect days of 70 degree weather and the smell of sunscreen. . . . Do we do this often? Yes, at least once a week! We plan out our weeks and label everyday with a title like this day was “Sightseeing Saturday”. We spend half the day inside and half the day adventuring whether it’s as easy as a 2 mile walk in the park or we go farther into the wild to find something new. . . . Do you organize your weeks into Taco Tuesdays? . . . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #furbabiesarefamily #gorgeousday☀️ #dogsmiles #goodvibes #perfection #mygirls #bestfriend #petlovers #dogwalkingadventures #furparents #adventuringincolorado #adventuredogsofficial #takeawalk #sunnyrays #nikonphotography #familymoments #walkingonsunshine (at Montrose, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMdQ_5DUz3/?igshid=446eq5gellqg
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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Is your best friend your spouse? If not, is there a different method that you use? . . . Look for this book graphic for the ongoing series, sharing the 9 rules of advice that we received from our wise couple friends– that are successfully in love 26 years later. . . . We are aiming to do more than just artworks and moving pictures this year, giving future buzzing bees a taste of honey. This taste is one of the bits we connect with our clients about during our extraordinary times after their magical day. . . . Treat your spouse as if they were your best friend, it's a simple sentiment that speaks volumes. . . . Having a best friend as a spouse doesn’t just mean that you have to only be friends with them, it means that you do the little things together that best friends do like masks and talks, adventures and laughter. . . . Or even sharing a hobby of interest together. You’re present with them like when you have been with your best friend. . . . It’s being comfortable to be goofy, dance like a boss, or dance like a fool. . . . It’s the trust that you find in a best friend that helps move through life with just a little more ease. This is why rule numero uno is the foundation to more than just a magical day but a lifetime of ever-evolving love. . . . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #advice #walkwithus #montrosecolorado #travelphotographers #travelvideographer #loverules #oldsouls #lastinglove #youngbodiesoldsouls #memories #speaksvolumes (at Montrose, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_k80xDbev/?igshid=1olkwfskizgxl
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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“We illustrate your tale in highlights and lowlights.” . You’ll see this on our home page, and meet us page of our website. . You’ll see us use terms like story teller, teller of tales, etc. . You’ll read about our bees of our beehive. . You’ll read about their highlights and some low lights. . And what a crying shame it would be if that was the only time you heard anything. Just bits of snippets, and a happily ever after. As if that is life. . If we are story tellers, then we owe it to retell all tales. Including the ones that aren’t our clients. . During these times of division, where you want a safe space to tell your tale of how an encounter with the law, had you scared who did you call to let you know that you were safe..... . This is not the time to bury them or forget all of the stories that need justice in this time of chaos. . We are all human no matter the race, we all deserve a chance at our stories. . . . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #walkwithus #readtheirstories #saytheirnames (at Black Lives Matter) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6WffeDvVP/?igshid=uaff3hffnl2j
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famofbandb · 5 years ago
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Why “biscuit”, we believe that negative names have no place in a household. . . . Whether you are being: Stubborn, Technical, Miscommunicating, 🔥 “Biscuit” is how we describe “Hey please check how you are handling this right now?” . . . How to be a biscuit: It’s being stubborn in choosing to not grow and become better. 🧠 It’s being technical about little things, so you can feel “right”. It’s miscommunication because you don’t want to listen. . . . How to be a Bee 🐝 : It’s being stubborn in making healthy habits so you can continue to grow. 🌹 It’s being technical in making sure your points are communicated and factual, to have a healthy conversation- not caring who is “right.” It’s listening, not just hearing, so you can communicate and be present. . . . Being a Bee 🐝 means you make time to reflect and communicate, to not only fix the moment at hand but to prevent future dilemmas by changing behavior. If you want to do the opposite, then you are very well a biscuit having a bad day… and it sounds like you need tea and a hug and someone to listen to what is going on with you. . . . What is something you feel like makes you a biscuit, that you can see making you a buzzing bee 🐝 ? . . . #famofbandb #tobeextraordinaryistobeincomparable #adobespark #montrosecolorado #telluridephotographers #montrosevideographer #htx #motivation #quotestagram #advice #biscuit #attitude #communication #beehappy . Thanks to @classi_cassie for the graphic!👑 (at Montrose, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtfmuhjDam/?igshid=1eu4o1ayoqtfr
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