#toaster: newbie anon
kopikokun · 4 years
Hello bub! I'm happy I make you happy, it means I'm doing something good! As for the age, I'd never do something burdensome as to cross boundaries with you. See me like a big sister who likes to talk a lot and be here with/for you ❤❤❤❤ Teachers that CAN ACTUALLY DO THEIR WORK are a bless? I mean It's sad when you love a subject but you can't understand/appreciate it because the person who explains it doesn't engage enough or just doesn't want to. ➡️
You want to scream, because you think "I'm here to learn, I'm doing my part, why don't they do the same??" NOOOOOO, STOP! I'M NOT AS BRILLIANT AS YOU THINK! I just thought it would be interesting, nothing more. OF COURSE I TRUST YOU, WHY SHOULDN'T I? I don't know if you've read what you write, but it's incredibly wonderful. . I also write (another way to keep myself trained with English) but lately I have so little time that ideas come to me ➡️
I write them but then I do not have a free second to do something! Who better than you for this?? NO ONE, YOU'RE PERFECT FOR THIS. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 After work I took a shower and watched an episode of one of my favorite k-dramas, pampered and relaxed! How are you??? I hope it's all right, that you're not doing anything too tiring and that you use your time to pamper yourseld a little! You deserve it all, bub! ❤❤➡️
P.s. Actually I'm kinda curious about your school. Here in italy schools are closed now (summer break) but you told me you'll start next week, how does it work?? If i can ask, of course! P.P.S SORRY FOR MY HUGE INCOME INTO YOUR INBOX, IF TUMBLR JUST TAKE OF THIS WORDS LIMIT IT'D BE BETTER! Love you ❤❤❤ - newbie anon
wait omg,, a big sister 🥺🥺 i’m the eldest in my family so i’ve never experienced that older sibling vibe, so you saying that makes me so happy!!! hearing you compliment my writing makes my heart do backflips bcs i’ve been feeling unsatisfied with it recently :( thank you so much for keeping me motivated and lifting my spirits 💗 you always seem to know just what to say and when,, are you perhaps a psychic?? :0
aw :( that’s unfortunate to hear that you haven’t been having enough time to write :( but because of that, i’ll make sure to make my content extra amazing so you can cheer up, okay?? also,, what kind of pieces did you use to write? were they fictions or perhaps more informative?? i’d love to know!!
i’m so glad that you got to relax, lovely 💖 rest and recuperation is always important to keep you happy and mentally healthy! what kdrama did you watch? i haven’t watched a kdrama in a while, to be honest hfgdhs i just have a short attention span and find it hard to sit through a whole hour of an episode. that’s probably why i’ve started watching more anime now, since they’re relatively fast paced! i’m not sure if you’ve seen my recent asks, but i just started watching avatar! do you watch anime? if you do, what are your favs? i understand if you’re not into it though! we all have our own preferences in what type of media we like to consume.
i’m feeling a little dizzy today unfortunately :( i have no idea why, but i think i’ll be able to sleep it off tonight! how are you feeling? i hope you’re feeling well 💓
and as for school reopening next week: where i live, since cases are low, the government has decided to reopen schools! we’ll still be practicing social distancing and our movement around school will be restricted, but all high school students will return at the same time. i’m a bit worried though, since my school isn’t the biggest and there are so many students, but i’m praying that everything goes smoothly. we’ll be taking our temperatures regularly in the compounds and parents are given the option to not send their children to school if they’re in fear of their safety.
i hope things are going good for you in italy! and pfftt i don’t mind having all your messages in my inbox!! i’m actually really happy about them since i feel like i have a older sister to talk to here 🥺🥺 i hope you return to my inbox soon 💗 here are some fruits to bribe you to come over again 🍎🍐🍊🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝🥑
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demented-dukey · 5 years
great news, i'm in a polyamorous relationship with my stove, toaster oven, and the microwave-- they're lovely tbh. - the stove anon, here to confuse newbies
Woot, Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you! Successful polyamorous relationships are a thing of beauty. 💚 It might be hard for you to sometimes participate in the activities that your partners are interested in (due to your frail human body), but I have faith that you’ll all be able to compromise and find activities that you’ll all enjoy! Thanks for the update, and I wish you well!
(also, ngl, whenever I see this commercial I think of you)
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salvaation · 7 years
(1/2) Hi, I'm a newbie here so um, is it ok if I can send this prompt? I understand if this is too uncomfortable so feel free to ignore this. Reader has been mutilating themselves and tried to commit suicide but UT/UF/US Sans stopped them just in time. The boys put them under watch and frequently check for self injuries and trying to help their friend in various ways. If one of them notice Reader having an episode they eat them so that they can't hurt themselves and their tums are safe places
(2/2) They play the reader’s favorite games, such as hide and seek that leads to noms and trying to help them get fresh air outdoors, slowly trying to heal their pain. After all this, they finally open up to them, saying they hate themselves and feel they must punish themselves out of hatred. I recently tried to commit suicide and been trying to love and accept myself as a person. I had an episode recently so that’s kinda why I sent this. I feel selfish in asking this so I apologize. -Blue anon
Nonono honey of course it’s fine! You can send in anything you want, I want to be here for you guys. I’m sorry it took me so long to post this, I spent a lot of time on it to make sure it was good enough. I hope it helps. You’re a borrower in this.
You didn’t understand.
You weren’t funny, or pretty, or even very nice. You weren’t special in any way, so why would anyone care about you? You weren’t important, no one would miss you if you were just gone, right?
But they did care. When you’d closed yourself up alone and tried to kill yourself, the three wonderful friends you lived with had stopped you.
Red seemed angry with you when he pulled you out of your room, his furious snarling and growling face making you shiver and shrink away, but his anger abruptly vanished, leaving fear and distress behind. “Dammit, kid, what the hell were ya thinkin’? Ya really don’t think it’d upset us, f’ya- f’ya fuckin’ dusted yerself? What kinda assholes d’ya take us for?”
His hands were shaking as he cradled you carefully, the faintest glimmer of unshed tears sparkling in his eyesockets. You didn’t think he cared so much - you were so small and helpless, and you’d been living in their house for months before they’d found you, taking food and whatever else you’d found.
Blue had been the first one to see you, having gotten yourself stuck on the kitchen counter when he showed up - at four in the morning, no less - to make some breakfast. But he wasn’t upset or angry at finding a little thief - instead he’d made you some eggs and sat down at the table, just talking as you slowly crept out from behind the toaster towards the offered plate of food. After you’d eaten he asked how long you’d been hiding in the house, and seemed distressed when you answered. He immediately said that you didn’t have to hide and scavenge anymore, he wanted to be your friend. And your life changed from then on.
“I-I’m sorry, I- I just- you shouldn’t have to be upset about me- I’m useless a-and weak, why do you even bother?” You cried, scrubbing at your face with your sleeves. The worn fabric covered the multitude of scars that crisscrossed your arms, hiding your pain from view.
“Stars, sweetheart- I dint- fuck, why would ya even say that shit about yerself? Ya really…” He ran his empty hand down his face, holding you up closer as he sighed. “Kiddo, m’not the best at this sappy shit, but… yer important, ta me an’ Blue an’ Judge, alright? Don’t hurt yerself anymore, please - there’s too much shit in this world, I don’t wanna lose one’a the only good things left, doll, jus’ please don’t hide if yer feelin’ like shit - yer not the only one, kiddo.”
Another sniffle escaped you at his words, your little body shaking as you cried. Red gently curled his fingers around you, rubbing your back with his thumb carefully.
“Pl- pleas-se don’t- don’t tell any-yone els-se, R-Red, I- I don’t- don’t wanna wor-rry an-anyone-” You were hiccupping, wiping tears from your face as you shook.
“I ain’t gonna f’ya don’t want, doll, but I gotta tell em’ somethin’ - Blue an’ Judge’re jus’ as worried about ya, sweetheart, we wanna help.”
Eventually you relented, still scared of what would happen - they’d see how messed up you were, how broken and weak you’d always been. They’d leave you, just like everyone else left, and you’d be alone again. No one would care.
“hey, kiddo, are you alright?”
The soft question pulled you out of your thoughts, looking up to see Judge’s worried face peering down at you. The two of you had been watching a movie, and you’d drifted off into your thoughts, it seemed.
“I… no.” You murmured in reply, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. “Bad time…”
He smiled sadly, offering a hand to you in silence. You climbed on without comment, shivering slightly as he lifted you up towards his face.
You relaxed as he ran a finger over your head, smoothing your hair gently. An odd habit had grown between you and your three skeletal friends. You’d come up with a simple phrase for when you had a bad day, and whenever you needed somewhere safe to hide, or somewhere you couldn’t get hurt you’d use it. No questions asked, they’d take you in and keep you safe as long as you needed.
Judge was quiet and caring, opening his mouth and letting you crawl in at your own pace. You couldn’t help but feel a little shiver of fear at the sight of his massive fangs closing behind you, but you knew that he wouldn’t hurt you. He gave you a few minutes to orient yourself, a quiet humming purr surrounding you and making you feel calm as he gently tilted his skull back and swallowed.
You wriggled slightly as you slid down, the flexible tube surrounding you opening out into a wider space before long. Surrounded by warmth and softness, you soon relaxed in the dim blue light that came from your surroundings.
“you alright in there, kiddo?” Judge murmured, resting a hand over your little frame nestled inside.
“Y-yeah,” you replied, already feeling the tension draining out of your body in the calming space. The gentle weight of his hand pressing through his stomach comforted you, and after a few moments your eyes closed, slipping into an exhausted sleep.
Blue had been the one to suggest taking you out on errands. At first you declined, not wanting to be a bother or anything, but at his disheartened face you agreed. He smiled, gently scooping you up in his hands and settling you in the bandanna around his neck, making sure you were comfortable before heading out.
It was a nice day, warm and sunny with a light breeze. You could hear birds chirping in the trees as Blue walked down the street, the rhythmic movement lulling you into a sleepy daze. Maybe you should go out more often, this was nice.
You did end up accompanying your boys on errands more often than not, perched on a shoulder or tucked away in a hood or pocket when you rode along. Getting out of the house seemed to help, since you were away from the places of your bad memories and seeing new things.
Stars, they loved you so much it almost hurt. You didn’t understand what was so important about you - but they didn’t care, whenever you so much as sighed heavily you’d be swept up by one of your boys and comforted, showered in affection until your dark thoughts vanished. You didn’t deserve them - no one did, they were so sweet and caring. But you loved them right back, and even when you told them everything you hated about yourself they didn’t leave. Your boys stayed with you no matter what, and you were grateful.
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kopikokun · 4 years
Awwwww, you make me melt every time I see you answered my asks! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I'm glad you're teachers are fun and actually DO their work lol Thanks again for your words, you can't even imagine how much helpful they are. I started when I was 17 (I had some ups and downs, stopped for a "little" aka 6 years lol and then started again) so 7 years maybe? I'm almost 30.... YEAH, I'M OLD I KNOW. IT WAS ME WKFIWIFIROR. STOP FLATTERING ME, MY MIND ISN'T THAT BRILLIANT! ➡️
AND I KNOW FOR SURE YOU'LL DO AN AMAZING JOB WITH ARCHER!JENO Actually I love archery but never had a chance to try it and BOOM! my mind went overdrive with the idea of him and archery in the same sentence lol Oh hun, I'll take care of myself and do something I love (after work lol)don't worry, then your presence helps a lot! Have a great day or night hun, love yourself and stay healthy. ❤❤❤❤❤ I love you bub! - newbie anon p.s. hope my age isn't a problem cc
babe 🥺 every time i see your asks in my inbox, my heart skips a beat 🥺🥺 also, i’m very fortunate in that aspect where most of my teachers are hands on and good. i’m sorry that your english teachers may not have been the best :( i’ve had my share of those types of teachers, and it’s really hard to focus in class if even your teacher doesn’t seem interested in what they’re teaching, even if you love the subject. props to you though for never giving up and not letting that diminish your strength to continue studying english!
😡😡😡 no!! stop being so humble, bub 😡😡😡😡 you have a HUMONGOUS brain and you must accept that fact!! i, could never, in a million years, think up the brilliant concept of archer!jeno, and yet you have and you’ve entrusted me to execute that spectacular plan,,,, what a saint. i really hope i don’t butcher it. thank you for your faith in me 🥺
archery seems so interesting to me, esp since i have a friend who does it competitively! i hope you get a chance to try it one day, honey!
if you’re at work right now, i hope it goes well and you have a great day! and if you’re back, then i hope you’ve managed to find something that’ll relax you and make you feel ten times better! if you can, go ahead and treat yourself! maybe a small snack or a little nap, it’s totally up to you. you deserve it for how happy you’ve made me lately 🥰🥰🥰🥰
aNd what??? your age would never be a problem?? as long as we don’t cross any boundaries, feel free to visit my blog and send me asks any time 💗 i love to see you in my inbox 🥺
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kopikokun · 4 years
MY LIL BUB! SORRY IF I WAS MIA, BUT WORK LITERALLY DRAINED ME IN THESE TWO WEEKS. I'M SO TIRED, UGH. I MISSED YOU A LOT AND COULDN'T TALK TO YOU WAS SHIT! How are you doing? Is school going good? I hope you're taking care of yourself or your big sister will come there and hit you....with a lot of love and hugs. There's news? Your family is okay too?? P.s. I started avatar, I'm at the first episode but I already love it 😍😍😍😍😍 - newbie "big sister" anon
aHHH it’s totally fine!!! i’m just glad that you’re back because i missed you, sis ෆ⃛(ˇᵋ ˇෆೄ) oh no :( i hope you feel better now!! i always say this, but please make sure to rest up when you can (◍•ᴗ•◍) and i’m doing super well actually! school’s been draining, but it’s been okay so far (not excited to do my landscaping hw though aHa) but can you still hit me with that luv? (๑•ૅૄ•๑) that would be nice 🥺👉👈
and actually i’m on holiday rn hehhehe!! the place is crazy cute and i’m so happy to be here, though admittedly i can’t help but fantasise about coming here with my future partner lol (also my mind is really struggling to come up with an idea for my next req aHhhhhsh) my family’s been doing great! how’s yours? i hope they’re doing well too ♡ and yEAHHH i’m so glad you like atla so far Ꮚ•̀ꈊ•́Ꮚ i just finished it recently and ugh, i luv it so so much! the firebending master ep was so good!! ugh, the use of leitmotifs was great and musically speaking, that episode was hdhfgdhshs AMAZING!!
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kopikokun · 4 years
Hun, hope you're doing okay and school isn't too stressful 😡 I don't know if you received my answers to the last ask, in the case just know that I miss you. Love you ❤ P.s. JAEMIN'S SCENARIO WAS SO PRECIOUS, SPECIAL, SPECTACULAR AND SKFOWKFKDKRIOE. thanks for that piece ❤❤❤❤❤ - Newbie "big sister" anon
hello!! i’m doing great! i just answered your asks actually. sorry fro the late reply :( and HSGSDHSH I’M GLAD YOU LIKED MY JAEMIN ONESHOT I WAS SO HESITANT TO POST IT SINCE IT’S SO??? SUGGESTIVE??
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kopikokun · 4 years
Hello bub ❤❤❤ From today you'll experience the feeling of having an older sister! I have an older brother but I've always wanted a younger sister, so I think it's perfect! you said you're the oldest, how many siblings do you have? No darling! why don't you appreciate your talent? believe me that your writing is fantastic! If not, do you think I and the other followers/anons will say you what we tell you? no, of course! ➡️
You should believe more in your qualities, of course there's always room to improve, but you're already pretty good! I  know, I hate having so many ideas but little time to realize them! Cutie, everything you write is like a soft caress for my sometimes overburdened soul, so don't worry! I write a little bit of everything??? One shot (various from fantasy to noir to comic etc) but I also enjoy FF, they're among my favorite things to write! ➡️
I was watching One spring Night, I need to admit I'm a HOPELESS ROMANTIC GIRL so these kind of dramas kill me every single time! Yeah, I saw your previous ask! Actually I watched the movie when it came out and I was "meh" but a lot of people told me the anime was TOTALLY different and I've put into my list of "stuff I ABSOLUTELY need to watch" lol but as you know it I don't have time 😣😣 I love anime and manga too! ➡️
My favourite too far are: Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, Cardcaptore Sakura, Devil May Cry... I'm a old school, do you have something to suggest??? 😍 How are you feeling today?? I hope dizziness is gone for real and you feel a lot better cc try not to overwork yourself, okay? Big sister's order!!!! Talking about school I got it, but I'm slightly worried about it since you said it's a small school with a lot of student. If someone plays dumb just hit him with a bat 😡😡😡 ➡️
In Italy things are going "meh", since a lot of people underestimate the problem and the other part is crazy about it. In some regions the numbers of positive is above the 2 digits so yeah, I hope people will learn something and STAY FRICKING SAFE. Your fruits' display actually did its job and here I am, again, to annoy you lol. Joking, hope you'll stay happy with my asks and if I'm being annoying just say it u.u love you, lil sister ❤❤❤❤❤
my dream is finally becoming a reality 🥺 i have two younger siblings! they’re both such a handful and are the only two people who can make me so annoyed that i see red lol
and thank you for being so incredibly sweet! i obviously do have my moments where i’m proud with my work,, but i feel like i’m bragging if i just outright say it? you gotta stay humble ykyk 😌and i feel like keeping humble, like you said, opens the gateway for improvement? regardless, your kind words are really appreciated since i don’t share my writings with any of my irls (except for one of them who follows this acc on and off) so hearing all this praise makes me really want to experiment more with my writing and get better at it too (also the compliments lowkey stroke my ego,, but we won’t talk about that)
and that’s also impressive how you write so many kinds of different stuff? i usually just stick to teen fic centred content because i’m too scared to venture into fantasy/historical/action/crime which is ironic considering my favourite book series is a fantasy one. which also reminds me, what’s your favourite genre to read and do you have a favourite book?
and i actually really debated watching one spring night because jung hae in is in it and i LOVE him but nam joo hyuk and kwak dong yeon will forever be my top favs 🤩 is it any good??? 
i’ve never seen the live action avatar but i know it’s infamous for being an absolute disgrace dhsgdhf i might watch it just to see how they butchered my babes though lol and i really recommend atla! it’s lighthearted and although it’s meant for a young audience, i still really enjoy it (or maybe i’m immature lol) i hope you get time to not just watch it, but to do whatever else you desire, sis 🥺
i’ve actually been meaning to watch full metal alchemist too, since i’ve heard a lot of good things about it. as for recs... if you like comedy or slice of life, Saiki K is really good. i cried over it even though nothing remotely sad happened. if you like action, Attack On Titan and Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer are amazing! Boku No Hero Academia and Haikyu! are good too, even though some may say they’re overrated. Devilman Crybaby and A Silent Voice will definitely make you cry. i don’t watch much romance/shojo now? but i remember loving Nisekoi and Hyouka. i’ve watched a bit of the remastered Fruits Basket but ehh, romance isn’t really my thing right now? i've never watched the Yona Of The Dawn anime, but I’m 100 chapters into the manga and i love it so far! i haven’t watched any old school anime actually lol but i have quite a few of them i want to watch soon. sorry, i really went off huh?
i feel much better now thanks to you!! i actually went for my first day of school today after being in quarantine for so long and thankfully it went really really well! i hope things get better in italy soon. i hate it when people take stuff like this lightly like, hello? just because it hasn’t affected you or anyone around you, does not mean that you’re safe from it? people are just... :| sometimes.
and i’m glad you’re back! i’m the one who should be sorry for saying so much hdfhdgs since you ate healthily last time, here are some sweets for you: 🍧🍡🎂🍮🍨🧁
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kopikokun · 4 years
NOPE, YOU NEED TO ENDURE MY PRESENCE AND THE FACT THAT YOU'RE SUPER CUTE. It's pleasant knowing there's someone like you in this world and I can talk to you. My first language is italian, but I speak a bit of french too! I always loved english so I've set my mind on it when I was 17 (my english teacher was..... meh) and every day I learn something new! AND WE FOLLOWERS ARE SO PROUD OF YOU AND YOUR CONSTANT CONTENS AND WORK! bish, I'll continue in the next ask, I hate tumblr ---->
----> I WAS THE ONE WHO REQUESTED ARCHER!JENO LOL I was shy at first but then I thought it was a beautiful idea??????? Take your time doing it, don't rush yourself and take care. Ugh, school sucks and with covid I think it'll be a little uglier than usually. Promise me you'll take care and be careful, okay? Even if the number of positive doesn't reach the double digit, stay ALWAYS safe hun. Ily ❤❤❤ -Newbie anon
🥺🥺 thank you for calling me cute, doll! hey, i understand how some teachers can be a bit meh :( fortunately, my english teachers are really fun here!
how do you study english? learning a new language takes a lot of time and effort and i know i keep saying this but you’re truly amazing for learning it and being so good at it too! how long have you been learning english for?
aND WAIT THAT WAS YOU HFGDGGSHSHSHGDD WHAT A COINCIDENCE I CANT BELIVE THAT WAS YOU!!! your mind is just sPECTACULAR!! an iCON, A LEGEND!! you have the biggest brain EVER 🤩🤩🤩 i’m literally so excited to write it and i hope i’ll do it justice. is there any particular reason you requested archer jeno?? aH i’d love to know!!
and thank you for looking out for me and saying that 🥺🥺🥺 you stay safe too and i hope you know you’ve made me genuinely smile like a little kid today 💖💖💖 i love you too and make sure you do something that makes you happy today!
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kopikokun · 4 years
Unfortunately I know that feeling too, it always saddens me when I make an ask without receiving a reply. YOU'RE SUPER DUPER CUTE? MY GOD FMSKFOWIE. Thank you so much for your words, I've studied it alone and I'm still learning but you encouraged me to do better 😍 I'm so happy to have stumbled on your blog, you're so sweet and appreciate ALL OF YOUR FOLLOWER AND WHO ASKS SOMETHING. Swimmer!jeno is something else 😍😍 just got off work (uff) but I'm okay. And you hun?? -the newbie anon
you think i’m cute, bub?? you’re ADORABLE!!! ugh, i cannot deal with you 😡 bcs you make me so soft and giddy 🥰🥰🥰
woah, that’s really impressive that you’re studying it alone! learning a language is a lot of effort so i applaud how dedicated you are to learning english! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but what’s your first language? and are there any other languages you can speak in?
aND AHHHH STOP FLATTERING ME!!! honestly, me answering asks is something that makes me happy so i love to do it 🥰 everyone here is so kind and warm too 🥺 my followers are the people who’ve given me confidence in my writing and happiness when i’m feeling a little down. answering these asks is honestly nothing compared to all that they’ve done for me!
yEs swimmer!jeno is a mindblowing thought. i’m really excited to work on this req with archer!jeno,, ugh that anon’s mind is just wow, amazing.
i hope work wasn’t too bad for you :( i hope you had enough rest after and got to do something to relieve any stress from the day sweetie 💖 as for me, school’s starting in a week, and i’m not really looking forward to it :( i’ve just been in such a good mental state this quarantine so i’m a little sad to go back. but!!! i’m happy bcs school reopening means that the number of cases in my country isn’t increasing dramatically and so far, the amount of new cases surfacing everyday hasn’t breached double digits :) i hope you’re doing well too, and although it may seem like things have died down a bit, make sure to take care of your hygiene and wellbeing, lovely 💗💗💗
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