#to those people who have indicated their own interest -- thank u ur saving my damn life
sevnthson · 5 years
might add this to my rules page but here’s a couple of guidelines to interact with me: 1) if you ask to interact with me or try to plot with me or whatever the case, at least come with an idea of which muses you’d most want to write with. just saying things like “you pick” or “whoever you want to write” doesn’t help. not only does it make it sound like you havent even bothered to take a look at the about pages, but it also doesn’t help me at all -- i want to write all of my muses, i want to know who YOU want to write with. even if its just a short list. ANYTHING helps. 2) if i send you memes, i’ll be sending you memes directed from a specific character. so with that in mind i expect you to do the same--that is, when you send memes, send them TO a character, not just all the characters on the blog. if i don’t know who you want stuff from you might not get anything. if we’ve spoken ooc/plotted it might be okay but if we’ve never interacted its really a good idea to pick a muse first. 3) if you like a starter call the same applies to the above--im asking for you to pick a muse otherwise you might not get a starter. if i dont know who you want to write with im not gonna write a starter from a character that you might not even reply to. once again, if you can’t even give me a short list whether on the replies or in IMs it really does look like you haven’t bothered to even see what muses are on my blog. 4) if i like a starter call and i havent given you a muse its usually me trying to indicate for you to pick, for the same above reasons, BUT that said it also means that you can come to me to ask if it was from someone specific or we can plot or whatever the case, but at the end of the day i want to know what you’re interested in writing.
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