#to tell callie a lot of the things that shauna won’t
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saskiavanderbeek · 6 days ago
oh how quickly we’ve gone from shauna saying “she’s obsessed with my baby, tai!” to shauna’s baby actually being obsessed with her (it’s been 25 years)
( https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNdJ8yyNP/ )
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barblisa · 12 days ago
agere yellowjackets thoughts <3!!
pls ask me abt any of this.
sorry if this doesn’t align with ur thoughts. you have to be in my head to know my thought process. it’s not in order or organized at all, but here’s a list of thoughts.
for the teen timeline, i am currently thinking baby mari <33333. just imagine mari being a grumpy little toddler and here comes one of the girls to the rescue.
and laura lee (mostly for the teddy bear part). imagine she starts panicking constantly after the crash, regressing more and more everyday, and lottie cares so much for her.
for the older timeline, i can’t stop thinking of everyone babying van!!!! idk i just love how she’s gotten softer in her older days, still a badass cool chick but softer. and i just think she has a lot of repressed trauma and she needs all the comforts (even if she won’t admit it).
think of lottie being so gentle and patient with van, knowing that van is hesitant to be around her. slowly but surely, van opens up to her again and allows lottie to comfort her.
think of mama shauna putting her mommy skills to use and doing things with van that she knows van never got to do as a child - shauna reading her children’s books with all the silly voices, baking cookies, comforting her after a nightmare.
but also… little callie! someone mentioned this earlier and omg. can’t stop the thoughts.
shauna sees this as a do-over in a way, bc she knows that she wasn’t able to fully enjoy motherhood (no matter how hard she tried). somehow it’s easier now that callie is older and aware. somehow it’s easier now that callie has trauma too.
while teen callie would rather claw her own eyes out before spending time in the same room as her mother, little callie is all about mama shauna! that’s her mama!
teen callie also always favors jeff, but not little callie! if jeff comes near shauna for any reason, callie will push him away and protectively glare. she’ll say “my mama” and she’ll throw the biggest fit ever when shauna scolds her, until shauna says “okay okay i am your mama, you’re right, only your mama, my callie”.
callie would have BIG separation anxiety from shauna and hates babysitters. unless it’s her mom’s friends who are basically her family now. she loves them. they are her best friends.
lottie didn’t get a chance to be part of callie’s life as a child, so she sees this as a do-over. she often thinks of what jackie would do with little callie, and tries to do that. even though lottie hates getting dirty, she does often bring callie to play outside in her big field of flowers.
callie’s favorite snack is bananas. but she doesn’t bother saying the whole word. just “nanas, mama, peas?”
her speech absolutely gets younger as she regresses. that’s a very telling sign for shauna. she always knows when callie is abt to regress bc callie will start mumbling, not finishing sentences, or giving simple one-word answers.
nat being mama to anyone is so real. subtle affection.
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docholligay · 23 days ago
Yellowjackets 2.8: Jeff (sort of)
Hello! This is about up to Season 2, Episode 8 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY that of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond this spot, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
So Jeff is, surprisingly, kind of a major player in this episode. We’ve come around so far on Jeff in the last two seasons, and now we see him as a sympathetic character, one who, I think honestly, desperately loves his family. Jeff is not one of the world’s great criminal minds. We see how awkward he is at trying to tell even relatively easy and straightforward lie--even when he’s just telling a simplifioed version of the truth, with Shauna being at a spa camp with her friends! Jeff does all of this out of a love for Shauna and specifically for Shauna. Poor Callie, when Kevyn makes the very decent observation that he could get himself and Callie out of this mess, Jeff still will not betray her. 
And that’s Jeff’s tragedy, is he loves Shauna. I adore that we go back in time and we see it’s pretty likely he’s always loved Shauna. He loves Shauna and he loves Callie, but he doesn’t understand that he is the one in over his head here. Even in his moment of fear, even in the moment of comforting Callie, he takes the position that it is the things that have happened to Shauna that made her that way, and that it was unavoidable and permanent. He wants to humanize even her worst moments. He doesn’t understand that HE is the emotionally vulnerable one.
Jeff is gagging just at the pictures and description of what Shauna did to Adam, but she did it all fairly cleanly and with a straight face. Misty had to tell her what to do, sure, because Shauna can’t do anything that allows her to actually have made a decision about something, but it is Shauna who has always been the butcher. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Callie do some kind of murder before the end of all of it. And I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we see her take a more aggressive and straightforward way to it than Shauna. 
I think Saracusa is not at all wrong when he says that Callie is a lot like her mom, in all the fucked up ways. They both lie and manipulate and use their looks--Shauna’;s appearance as an average dumpy mom, Callie’s as a hot young thing--to get what they need out of people and hide their true selves. I think they have different motivations and manipulations of it all, but I think Callie is just as cold-blooded as her mother and it’s just Jeff holding down the humanity at House Sadeki. Callie is not out of line when she worries that she is like her mom, but she is much more self-aware than Shauna, so I wonder if that won’t save her in the end. 
(Hmmm hmm someone remind me after I’ve seen the last episode of the season that I’ve been wanting to talk about the possibility of Callie being the bastard lovechild of Shauna and Jackie.)
Anyway, back to Jeff. I love the dream sequence thing, where Shauna stabs him, because I think Jeff is only just now waking up to the realization that this has always been Shauna. That the knives in her hands have always been a part of her. That he can love her all he wants but it will not save him from the predator she is. (I don’t even think, necessarily, that Shauna doesn’t love Jeff, I think it’s more complicated than that. I think she is afraid that the other women would kill him and genuinely that is one part of her reason for hiding it) 
There’s a niggling thought I have in the back of my mind, and I’m not resting on it yet so no one fucking yell at me, but if it does end up being an unintended lesson of the narrative, I don’t like it nor agree with it: That if you experience trauma, you will undermine and destroy the lives of anyone who loves you. That there is no ‘getting better’ because it’s always lying right under the surface to make you into a monster. 
You hands will always be knives. 
I don’t know if I’ll rest on the narrative saying that, but it certainly seems true of our intrepid Yellowjackets thus far. Tai and Shauna are both horrible wives and mothers, abandoning or damn near killing them. Natalie and Van both have no relationship with anyone. Lottie fell right back into the exact position she left. I mean, at this point I would for us just to cut away to Akilah working as a veterinarian in Alaska or something, reading the paper and being all, “Damn bitches. Oh, well, not my problem” to break the curse or whatever. 
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ecotone99 · 5 years ago
(RF) Part 1 - Love is Overrated (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4 – Downhill from Here
We would keep talking endlessly. She would call me while I was at work. Ask me all kinds of medical questions because she was genuinely curious. She called before while she was making dinner just to hear my voice. The conversation lasted about 30 seconds just to say hi and that was it. She just missed me and I missed her. After playing with our friends at night we would sit around and talk for a while. She would call me or I would call her. Even after finishing up with our friends we would still talk till about 4 or 5 in the morning after which she would have to sleep for an hour before getting up for her mother's doctors appointments. I would have to sleep at work on the couch in the doctor's lounge. That's how much we talked to each other, we just couldn't stop.
There was one day after hanging out online with our friends and everyone went to bed, she called me. I walked outside where the weather was nice and sat on my porch while I talked to her. "You don't have to say it back but I'm pretty sure I'm falling…no, I am in love you with you." "I…uhh…" "You don't have to say it, it's fine." "No, I want to because I love you too. No one has ever talked to me like you do. It feels great. I feel loved, I do." "Well good, because I do love you."
The conversation then, sort of, got away from me but ended soon after. I will always remember that day. We told each other how much we loved each other. It was the best day of my life. From one day to another we were apparently dating, we hadn't even met. But we planned on it. We had set a date and I was going to fly over and stay with her. We shared pictures of each other and talked about so many things. I don't know why, I don't know how, but again, the conversation got away from me. We spoke like we would move in together soon, as soon as her mom recovered and was able to be on her own. We spoke of being together, bedroom colors, houses, places to live, children, marriage, so many things. Things I never dreamed of talking about with someone else because it wasn't something I planned. I had still planned to leave this world but now I wanted to stay. Now I want to be here with her forever.
At some point in time I was honest with her and told her everything of how I had planned to leave this world. She was sad, told me to not speak that way. I told her I don't want that anymore, I just want to be with her forever. Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when, it's just what I want. It doesn't even matter if I can't use any of my degrees, all I need is her. Time kept progressing and it was getting closer to the time we had planned on seeing each other. We didn't, issues arose with her mother being sick and I didn't want to intrude.
We still planned on meeting each other, we wanted to, of course, but it was tough to find the time. At work we were short staffed at the time so I couldn't take that much time and anytime I wanted, I had to choose wisely. Regardless, we wouldn't get that far. One of my exes, the most recent, lives close to me and is very close with the girls. She hangs out at my house all the time and spends time with them. She really likes them and they really like her. Her name is Callie. She happened to find out I'm interested in another girl and starts working to intervene and ruin our relationship. I would later find out she messaged Chelsea to tell her to stay away from me and they had arguments, but that comes later. In the meantime I had no idea anything was going on and Chelsea was growing distant. I had told her most of my friends were girls and if she was ok with it. If she wasn't I would change it but she said it was fine so I paid no attention to it. I would end up going to various events with them – gaming conventions, bonfires, bowling, movies, etc. To me they're just friends but I can understand her predicament. Multiple times she was drunk and would ask me if I wanted to be with them and I would have to reassure her that I only wanted her, everyone else is just a friend. I was being honest, I didn't want them. Not even a little.
The more conversations Callie had with Chelsea, the worse it became. It came to a point where I went to a gaming convention with Callie, my nieces, Madison, Shauna, Katerina, Taylor, Cody, etc, just a lot of us and I had asked Chelsea before if it was ok and she said yes, it's completely fine, if you want to go then go, I won't stop you. I wanted to go, of course, so I did. There was no mal intention behind my actions, I just wanted to see and play some games. I didn't actually know she didn't like the idea, I found that out the hard way. She didn't answer me for a while, she didn't talk to me, it seemed like she was ignoring me because she would talk to other people but not me. I felt alone again, ignored, hurt, I had no idea what was going on or why.
I found out a few days later when she finally told me directly that she didn't like it and she's been upset by it. She was trying not to let it get to her but it did and she feels like hurting Callie and she doesn't want to feel that way. She hates feeling that way. It was that day she ended up breaking up our relationship and I was devastated. That night, she called me to tell me she couldn't do it anymore. She was leaving my life, she wanted to walk out of my life and hope the best for me. I didn't really have an answer except for "if you really loved me you would give us a chance." Low blow, I know, but its true. I didn't wanna let this go, it was too much for me. I finally had happiness, it was there, I reached it and it was being ripped away from me. I fucking hate it. Not only was I sad, I was filled with rage, rancor, anger, any way you can think of saying it, that was me. I managed to calm myself down enough after the conversation ended to just go for a run. It didn't matter, the damage was done.
The thing I remember most was going across the street, literally across the street, and yelling at Callie to stay out of my life. I hated her at this point. I can't keep her away from the girls but I can tell her to let go and move on. I don't want her. It's never going to happen, I just want to be happy. I think I'm allowed that right. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I don't deserve it. All I know is that from that moment on, nothing would ever be the same. She ruined everything.
Chapter 3 - https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/giplq6/rf_part_1_love_is_overrated_chapter_3/
Chapter 2 - https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/gi3xks/rf_part_1_love_is_overrated_chapter_2/
Chapter 1 - https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/gh79uk/rf_part_1_love_is_overrated/
submitted by /u/TheBaitAndTheSniper [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Zcx2TN
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docholligay · 1 year ago
Ep 6: Bullet points
Hello! This is about up to Episode 6 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY episode 6 of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the sixth episode, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
They’ve been there about three or four months, if we assume that May or June is when the girls left--I would assume May because of prom. I know this because deer shed their velvet in late August or early September here. 
I do not have time this exact second in my lie, but I would really like to go over the opening, which In think is showing us a bunch of stuff that is going to happen, maybe, but in ways we won’t possibly be able to contextualize until we’ve seen it. 
Did Jeff or Callie hide Shauna’s postcard? I doubt it’s Callie because that would involve Callie giving one solitary shit about her mother, but Jeff I could see doing that. What did he think that would do? Did he think it would help? 
I am absolutely not buying the baby eating thing. Can’t make me. I’ll believe it when I fucking see it. I wasn’t sure where to put the abortion bit, and maybe my current style of dividing the posts into each of the girls is going to work less and less well, but, I think the idea of her trying to give herself an abortion in the woods is among the most crackers things I have ever heard. Shauna’s such a coward on the subject of Jackie that she’d rather maybe die than tell her the truth. 
I continue to not give a shit about Nat and Travis’ awkward cruise toward their weird codependent bullshit. But Jackie is right! They should not be quite literally FUCKING AROUND while everyone is going hungry. They are so so immature. God. I love how much I loathe this whole thing. 
Me talking to Jetty about this show: When you were watching this, did you see Taissa and think of me? Jetty: Oh, IMMEDIATELY and always. 
I wonder if Coach Ben is Less Heterosexual Than Originally Assumed given what I know about Seattle cruiser culture in the 90s
Line of the episode: I can’t do crazy right now, Lot! What a beautiful moment for like, what would living with this sort of thing really look like? Even in a generally positive way? 
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