#to speak on kevin i think you should pass a 6th grade reading test
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dayurno · 10 months ago
Every day I have to come into your blog to cleanse myself from awful Kevjean takes. Every time I see a TikTok video about how Kevin was evil for leaving Jean in the Nest and blatantly misinterpreting the scene where they talk about it in TSC I have to come here or I'm gonna start shooting people
ITS BEEN SO WEIRD LATELY RIGHT……. i feel like more people are making downright untruthful claims on kevin’s good name lately. it’s not like it didn’t happen before but there is certainly a degree of desperation lately especially with kevjean because i suppose they believe kevin is a threat to jerejean 😭 relax…. unclench. how are you letting a man on the other side of the country threaten your favorite ship
this subject is so exhausted too but one thing that’s been annoying me more than anything lately is the people either calling kevin a coward for leaving or making up that other characters find him a coward for it. alright you do it then aftg fan. you stand up and leave everything you have ever known after years of cultist abuse and seclusion with nothing to your name, beaten as all fuck and literally only your father’s name as a guiding light 👋
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brownboymeetsworld · 7 years ago
Challenge #4: Fat Kids on Fire & the  Arctomecon californica, or Bess.
Fun Fact of Reading “Into the Wild”,
so it was Tuesday, and me and my A.P.U.S.H amiga, Maddy Wharry were doing things not A.P.U.S.H related and trying to find something to write for Challenge #4. Looking hard. AND THEN YES IT HIT,
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We are going to write about camping, and try to make ourselves relate to Chris,and his whole “off the grid” life, which is when you think about it, a nice topic to hit, but that is not what we were going to do. 
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I then was reading through Chapter 4, and passed the whole part and skimmed read out loud about the beautiful Arctomecon californica, and mispronouncing it differently everytime, on purpose, just to annoy Maddy. 
Yet, she thought about it more, and outloudly explained her notion.
Lundeen was impressed by the way. 
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And created this comparison of Chris and the flower towards, the one and only, KEVIN MARCUS. Haha, she came up with a funnier name, for the blog’s sake “Mevin Karcus”. Yet, Kevin, a good and prime example, I immediately turned towards Bess, the main character of the humorous and dramatic play “Fat Kids on Fire” by Bekah Brunstetter. 
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Chris and Bess, are very much alike. 
McCandless is a fond character, who is most likely liked by his general sphere.
In the play, everyone at the fat camp, places Bess, as the most adored person, and all the girls envy her. Yet, Bess, IS VERY SHY AT FIRST. 
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And in the beginning, does everything in her power to stick to herself, not stand out, and do all she is told. Yet, in a camp, where no one does where they are told, and constantly fights over a buried chocolate bar, Bess DEFINITELY STICKS OUT. 
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Yet, before summer camp ended, in the brief introduction scene at her school, Bess hides her short small big self into the crowds of the hallways, with her tall pink backpack with a little Christmas ornament bell at the top, that she puts on every Friday so she can get goodluck on her tests, quizzes, and projects. Yet, at the camp she does nothing to make anyone mad, and always is willing to help anyone, and constantly tells people they look so “pretty”.To the extent where they are like “I can’t hate her, but I love it. I just can’t she’s so nice, and works so hard”.
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 Speaking that Bess, is the most successful at the fat camp in losing fat, and even cheating sometimes eating Skittles from a gas station down the street, and still not gaining weight. Also, so organized, well educated, and puts her best attitude and effort in the face of adversity.
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Through this brief mentioning of Bess, one would assume “These are two different characters, no where near alike, but think about the big picture, they are in fact very similar”
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Bess can be picked on, commented, and have fellow campers even her camp counselor give her hard time, but that is her allure.
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Chris and Bess are definitely worms in the books.
Well educated.
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Bess always reminds them of her camp stickers, badges, and grades through fitness, nutrition, and mental states, and they immediately back off.
Halfway through the play, the campers do not even dare try Bess anymore.
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Chris and Bess contrast another yet share a standpoint with one another. 
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Upon reading Chapter 4, there is a present comparison of Chris to an Arctomecon californica flower. The flower grows in isolation located in the desert. 
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Only in the springtime does it bloom for a very shortened time, and then for the rest of the remaining year to be left unacknowledged. Bess is a fraction of similarity. In a crowd of people at her school, no one would notice Bess, and she would be another person unseen in the hallways and just play another extra background character in this play we call life. 
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Bess is a blender, until Fridays. She blends in
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  till Friday with her Christmas bell. So Bess,  once in a while she blooms, and opens up.  If you do happen to spot her in a sea of humans and wait for the halls to clear and help her find her 7th period class, because 6th to 7th are when she gets lost in the busiest passing period and just sits in the middle of the hall until it clears, if you stay she most likely will possibly open up to you.
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 Bess will indeed share herself, and I can assure you , that you will fall in love with her, not only as a character, but a friend. To her school, Bess goes unacknowledged, but on Fridays,  she's kind of hard not to notice.
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In the beginning of the play, Bess goes to the bathroom after lunch on the last day of school to apply makeup, seeing her next door neighbor Bianca (also biology partner) who gets Bess’s name wrong when encountering, and now finds out Bess has been her neighbor for 7 years. Bianca is popular and asks Bess why she does not seek it.
Bianca: Mallory? , right?
Bess: It’s Bess.
Bianca: Oh right, you are in my biology class (applying mascara)
Bess: (pulling out her makeup pencil case) Yeah, and your next door neighbor for 7 years, but that is okay, you’re also very pretty, and i like your hair, you are so popular.
Bianca: Ohhh? Thank you, I know I am. Yet, Bess I think you should stop looking at me like that, or people might start saying things, I’m just trying to be nice, well I got to go to sign up for July cheerleading camp, bye bessy
Bess: (staring at Bianca) i like your hair, and i’m totally going to a camp in July, too!
Bianca: Cool. And that is?
Bess: Fat camp, i love it! (pulls out Skittles and hands a Snickers bar to Bianca)
Bianca: Oh. Well. I just stick to my own kind, you know, the populars? Why didn’t you seek if before, well the Snickers and Skittles took over your life?
Bess: I’m a blender. That is why you probably didn’t notice me.
Bianca: A blender? Like you sexual identify as a?
Bess: No! I blend in. The crowd? It’s an artistic lifestyle.
Bianca: Oh. Yeah, bye. 
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