#to some tasteless women who don't know what music us
leeminholinoing · 2 years
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thenightling · 7 months
The reality of "Cancel culture" is jus an annoying casual bullying to make people stop talking about various subjects
Last night I posted something that amused me about Spirit Halloween. It was about spirit Halloween now selling adult sized reproduction Ben Cooper Halloween costumes (Popular but very cheap kids Halloween costumes from the 1930s to the early 1990s).
This resulted in someone hijacking my Tumblr post about to give a "Friendly reminder" that we shouldn't buy anything from Spirit Halloween because Spirit Halloween is owned by Spencer's Gifts and "in 2016 Spencer's gifts sold 'Grab America by the p-ssy' shirts and they have yet to apologize!"
I don't care. Yes, it's disgusting that Trump said he could grab a woman by her p-ssy and get away with it. Yes, the shirt was in poor taste but I'm not avoiding a store because it's owned by the same people who own another store that sold a tasteless shirt EIGHT years ago!
I am tired of being told what I should or shouldn't interact with.
I run a Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Facebook group and I was called a TERF apologist and even Transphobe all because I won't ban the mention of J. K. Rowling. She is literally mentioned in episode 11 of The Sandman Netflix series. And Neil Giaman's four part story The Books of Magic is often mistaken as a Harry Potter rip-off even though it was published over seven-years before the first Harry Potter book was published.
Even though my group's very first rule is "No bigotry" I was accused of leaving transphobic content on the group. Someone in "The Trailer Park Pagans are at it Again" group even kept a bunch of posts from transphobes from within my Sandman group from before I could ban them (Most of those troll posts were less than eleven minutes old when screen grabbed) to make it look like I allowed that crap.
When Hocus Pocus 2 was released to Disney+ someone in my group decided to announce that Bette Midler was a transphobe and she "No longer felt safe in the group" if I talked about Hocus Pocus. Like simply mentioning a fictional character Bette Midler played will make her manifest in their bedroom.
I am NOT justifying or "apologizisting" anything Bette Midler has said. Liking those films is not based on the personal lives of the women involved.
I posted an ASMR video by "Jim's ASMR" based on The Sandman and someone felt the need to tell me how "Problematic" he is because he cheated on his wife in real life with other ASMR artists.
I posted a Nostalgia Critic video and get a lecture about how problematic Channel Awesome is (Yes, I know. I know. I saw the manifesto.)
I really like Danny Elfman. Recently there were some awful accusations tied to him from decades ago that I will not defend but thankfully it appears there was no real evidence anyway. But apparently I'm not supposed to listen to my old recordings anymore, even though he's not getting any new money for them. Annoyingly some people have even used his Oingo Boingo song "Little Girls" as "Proof" that he's a sexual predator even though the song was meant to be a call out to shame people in Hollywood who take advantage of underage girls. You're not supposed to like the main character of the song, and he's even caught at the end of the music video version.
I was told Netflix's Castlevania is problematic and I should avoid it because of some misbehavior of the show's writer. I LIKE Castlevania!
I've been told to avoid Tim Burton because he's "racist" even though I've seen him make a conscious effort to be a lot more diverse in his casting.
On Facebook someone tried to scold me for being Wiccan. They lectured me because Wiccans borrow from other religions and there for "Culturally appropriate." Well, name any religion that doesn't do that. I replied with more or less that challenge and got "If you acknowledge the problematic elements of Wiccan why don't you avoid it?"
Because I'm a f--king adult and I don't avoid all things that are "Problematic." All religions borrow from other religions. There's no pure and untainted form of Paganism. It's Neo Paganism for a reason. And most of it was reinvented or cobbled together in the nineteenth century, just slightly older than modern Wicca pieced together from ancient folk beliefs.
Spirit Halloween Spencer's Gifts J. K. Rowling Harry Potter Bette Midler Hocus Pocus Nostalgia Critic Jim's ASMR videos Danny Elfman Castlevania Tim Burton Wicca (My own religion!)
I've reached a point where I'm sick of being told what I should avoid even discussing because it's "Problematic" or offensive. Note: I am NOT justifying sexual abuse or J. K. Rowling's anti-Trans views.
I understand there's a valid reason to avoid some of these things if you have strong convictions about them and that's up to you but I do not appreciate my posts being hijacked to be given a "Friendly reminder" why you shouldn't shop at Spirit Halloween.
"Friendly reminder" YOU don't get to dictate what I talk about or where I shop, or what music I listen to. If it's problematic that's on me. It's not your business. If I want to listen to an ASMR by a man-whore who doesn't know who to be faithful so what? I'm not sleeping with him, I'm listening to his semi-hypnotic insomnia aid videos.
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1-800-miss-ur-guts · 3 years
Ok so like. Honestly? I think the tramp stamps are getting way too much hate for what they deserve. I'm kind of conflicted about this because on the one hand, I'm not the hugest fan of their music. Kinda neutral on it. Idk punk/pop punk isn't really my jam (i of course do respect people's right to like it! u do u!). And there is undeniably some problematic stuff surrounding the band. The famous lyric in id rather die which has been repeated over and over can be interpreted as tasteless considering they're an all white band. Or wearing dollskill which is kind of a bougie brand and is problematic itself. And of course marisa (allegedly, not sure of the validity of the screenshots) said the n word like years and years ago. While she did apologize in the text post they released like an hour or two ago, i think she could address it on her own in a better way so that it's not caught up in the whole long ass thing. However. So much of the hate they've been getting is just so weird and aggressive. Like just screaming "plant plant plant" over and over again when ppl who personally know the band members and the members themselves have said "we had industry backing yeah, some of us already worked at a label, but we weren't created by a label and we did actually come up with this idea on our own." Just literally a lie. And there's definitely a ton of misogyny and queer erasure - saying that marisa can't call herself gay when she's not lesbian (???) which is super fucking biphobic, and also basically throwing so much shade and invalidation on bi/pan/queer women and saying they shouldn't be allowed to have complicated feelings towards or even some hatred of specifically cishet men because they're still attracted to them. And there's so much worse music out there, there's literally men singing about taking advantage of women and no one gives a shit. Ugh it's so infuriating! I don't get why ppl can't just. Not like certain music. Or a song. Or a band. It's literally not that hard, ppl are allowed to have opinions and not have to ruthlessly slander someone they don't like. I'm not the hugest fan of their stuff but I won't harass them and spread lies about them and claim that a queer member is lying about being lgbtq or send death threats to them. The band should be allowed to make music and explore their feelings about relationships and men and sex and everything even if you don't like their sound or style or think they're cringey. Let them be them! And let their fans be fans! I'm interested in seeing where they take this and if they keep making music. I hope they do because they have important things to say and their music definitely has the potential to make people happy and help them (and it already is!)
Sorry for the long post btw skskfhhdjdjfh I just have a lot of thoughts on this 😭
It's ok I'm fine if people don't like the band and I've seen people talk about their gripes w the band in a mature measured way but the people calling the members gendered slurs and telling them and fans to kill themselves that's over board. Also the gore and porn spam is too fuckin much.
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