#to show ranma will choose her every single time even when presented with ‘better’ choices bc he loves akane for akane and they understand
petz5 · 2 years
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there’s so much i want to say, there’s so much i want to talk about!!! like when he sees her with her wedding kimono and he’s so taken aback by her and daydreams about her after being beaten lol .. when he tells akane he’s moving in with shampoo to handle a problem and she assumes he got her pregnant and he says that’s gross (pretty much destroying everyone who automatically thinks ranma would want to have a relationship/family with shampoo) … or when he is so righteously angry at akane for not coming to say goodbye that he destroys their boat .. i have so much to say about all those moments but i think this is the moment where he just knew in his heart and head, that akane tendo was his home !!!!
when he thinks he’s stuck and unable to get out, his regrets all revolve around her: how he wishes he said goodbye, how he wishes he were home with her because he still hasn’t lived a whole life with her yet!! and more than that, this is an example of akane saving him because when he thought he couldn’t escape, he saw her and she guided his way out .. she’s literally his guiding light !!!!!!
it’s driving me insane how the ending emphasized three things:
how ranma wants to marry akane (just not yet cause they are way too young)
how ranma only ever thinks of akane whenever he feels like he might not make it (and then for the akane in his mind to push him forward/save him)
how akane tendo truly is the home ranma saotome always wanted
this is why they all think akane is his weakness but in reality akane is his strength, because for her he literally never stops trying !!! his ego is no longer his reason to always be the best .. it’s her !!!!!!!!!
(sorry for totally taking over your inbox but i just love this arc so much and this is like a tenth of my thoughts lmaooo)
I’ll b real I do not remember the shampoo thing u mentioned LMAO it’s been like 10 months since I read the manga tho but that’s so funny. Akane I love u so dearly but GIRL…. THATS QUITE THE MENTAL JUMP…
Ur so right tho!!! I always think about the herb arc where he’s almost killed and
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he chooses akane even if it means being a girl for the rest of his life (oh how tragic. also i could talk all day abt how he realizes how different his feelings abt his curse are from herb’s despite having the same one, and how he’s kinda like “hm. this guy is clearly super dysphoric and i’m not. hope this doesn’t lead to any realizations.”)
He’s so dedicated to her that by the end shampoo’s last resort is threatening akane’s life if ranma doesn’t choose her. but u know. ranma’s an idiot for not picking shampoo bc uhhh shes hotter 🤪
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