#to show me He sees me and He hears my prayers ❤❤❤
sunflowerjune · 2 months
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
I'm totally late to the party about the one year carry on anniversary but I was channel surfing and I caught Deadpool 2 and I forgot they opened the movie with Ashes. I got no clue what came over me but I started thinking of Sam coming across this song after Dean died. Like we all know according to the show Sam loved Celine Dion.
So let's say Sam it's a few years, Sam is driving DJ to school and he's flipping through the stations because blurry wife has different music taste than him and he catches it,
What's left to say?
These prayers ain't working anymore
Every word shot down in flames
What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?
I'm losing my voice calling on you
He almost forgets what he's doing as flashes of Dean pop in his head.
"daddy are you ok?" DJ ask, Sam feels guilty for spacing out while he's got his son in the back seat.
"I'm fine baby." Sam's voice cracks as he changes the station again and isn't even paying attention to what's playing.
It takes him another week before he looks up the song and listens to it. He could almost hear Dean picking on him, it's not until later that he almost dies of laughter as he realizes the video for it. He cries in the end because he could hear Dean talking about the video and who would look better dancing behind Celine in the Deadpool costume him(dean) or Ryan Reynolds.
Anon!! You hit me hard in the feels 💔😭 and then split me with laughter. It's been so long since I've listened to Celine or watched that video. 😂
I can totally see Dean trying to dance like Deadpool to make Sam laugh--just a one-off thing. Sam remembering it when he watches the music video years later. He cries from the song, then from laughing at the silliness of the video and the memory, and he's left with a radiant warmth, like he's been visited by Dean. ❤
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chateautae · 3 years
I just finished reading the last chapter of MID. 🥺
IF sammy decides to answer/post this, IF FOUND ON DASH BOARD PLEASE SKIP. Unless you already read it too.
First of all, I want to thank your parents for giving you life. Second, the angels for blessing you with HIGH CLASS GRADE A+++ talent in writing and lastly (I think) thank you for sharing MID with us, Sammy. 🥺❤️
I'm a new (?) reader here on tumblr, I just started this year. Begining with twitter aus, Ao3s, wattpads, most of them were fics recommend by my sister. I seriously searched on google, what sites offer fan fics. HAHAHA luckly, tumblr was one of them.
Maybe I do, was the first thing that popped when I searched for a Kim Taehyung fan fic.
Reading the first chapters I was swoon away on how you were delivering the story, their story. The words you use are exquisite!! Like you can deliver it in a more simple way, but you put so much detail and effort on each sentence, and it makes all of your books not just MID, entertaining and fun to read. It really does make me feel I'm Y/N.
You created this world for us your readers. You relieve tour stress writing, meanwhile your writings are out stress relievers. 🥺❤️
Its bittersweet that MID ended. But I'm still genuinely happy that it did. It only means you'll be creating more and growing more as writer. I promise, I'll read anything you'll put out!! 😁✋
You made me actually believe Tae is this BDSM Dom who's a total softie towards his person. You made me believe that its okay to break the status quo like how Y/N did.
You made me believe that being in love really does change one person. That's what the Kim's did.
The finale was written beautifully. Made me kick my blanket with all the fluffiness 🥺❤️ How Taehyung stood up for Y/N, how he expressed his love for her, how he showed all of them that he chose Y/N over his family, cause she was his. 🥺
The angst you inserted, when Y/N had a false positive result. How she pushed Tae away. How she thought Tae would hate her and keeping it all to herself, cause she didn't want to add to Taehyung's stress and because they promised to travel the world before starting a family. How Taehyung took the news being pregnant when they were in New Zealand. I was like will my boyfriend be this soft if this ever happens to us?!?
I loved how you inserted the slice of life struggle on conceiving for couples. I mean, come on, these two are sex machines HAHAHA Seeing them get frustrated and sad everytime they got a negative. It was also funny when each month the impreg kink was getting harder and harder. Can't wait for drabbles you'll be writing jesus!!
When they finally had the answered prayer from the angels 🥲 I-I was screaming and happy crying for them (these two are just fictional characters but they do stuff to me okay!! That's how good of a writer you are!!!)
With the teaser you left from the previous chapter, I kinda got the clue Tae was going to re-prose. BUT I did not expect them to try for a baby!!
Plus, how you added glimpse for the up coming Jungkook and Jimin high-class fic, i see what you did there, Sammy. I seriously can't wait for them!!! How I'll be seeing the Kim's in their stories and how they'd impact the other characters too. Especially on Jungkook's marriage hahaha
The vows, god the vows. I cried girly! Wishing to find a love like theirs. 🥺❤️ I envisioned their wedding compared to their first and how you ended it with Y/N's favorite flowers. ❤️🥺
I still have to read the epilogue until I say see you again to Maybe I do.
You are amazing, Sammy!! Thank you for Maybe I do. Thank you in advance to your other works!!!
Awh loves this review is so so sweet and detailed, tysm for reading mid, joining me on this crazy journey and loving mid the way you do. It makes me so happy to hear your loved my approach towards this chapter and even more so how the story's impacted you, I swear it's such a dream to hear and warms my heart ❤ and yes for sure!! we still have the epilogue but in a way it makes me so so sad to even start it because the epilogue really means the end 😭
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