#to poo in the reservoir
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 years ago
Yeah we're all laughing at Burning Man now. But it's going to stop being funny real quick when someone unites them over the untended portapotties and their new Legion takes Hoover Dam.
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mariacallous · 7 months ago
Urban ducks and crows might offer us a connection to nature, but scientists have found wild birds that live near humans are more likely to harbor bacteria resistant to important antibiotics.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is largely caused by the overuse of drugs such as antibiotics among humans and livestock.
The issue is of serious concern: According to data for 2019, about 4.95 million deaths globally were associated with bacterial AMR, including 1.27 million directly caused by such resistance.
Researchers say species of wild birds that tend to turn up in urban settings are reservoirs for bacteria with the hallmarks of resistance to a host of drugs.
“Basically what we’re seeing are genes that confer resistance to antimicrobials that would be used to treat human infections,” said Samuel Sheppard, coauthor of the research from the Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research.
The team say their findings are important as wild birds have the capacity to travel over considerable distances. Sheppard said a key concern was that these birds could pass antimicrobial-resistant bacteria to captive birds destined to be eaten by humans—such as those kept in poultry farms.
Writing in the journal Current Biology, Sheppard and colleagues report how they analyzed the genomes of bacteria found in 700 samples of bird poo from 30 wild bird species in Canada, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Japan, Sweden, the UK, and the US.
The team looked specifically at the presence of different strains of Campylobacter jejuni—a type of bacteria that are ubiquitous in birds as a natural part of their gut microbiome. Such bacteria are a leading cause of human gastroenteritis, although antibiotics are generally only used in severe cases.
Sheppard added that, in general, each wild bird would be expected to harbor a single strain of C. jejuni, specific to that species.
However, the team found wild birds that turn up in urban settings contain many more strains of C. jejuni than those that live away from humans.
What’s more, the strains found in urban-dwelling species contained about three times as many genes known to result in antimicrobial resistance, with these genes also associated with resistance to a broader range of antimicrobials.
The authors suggest that wild birds may pick up antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in a number of ways: Gulls and crows, for example, are known to lurk at landfill sites, while ducks and geese may pick them up in rivers and lakes that are contaminated with human wastewater.
Thomas Van Boeckel, an expert in antimicrobial resistance at ETH Zurich who was not involved in the work, said the research was unusual as it focused on the impact of antimicrobial use by humans on animals.
“What are the consequences of that for the birds? We don’t really know but it seems like we humans are responsible for this change,” he said.
Danna Gifford from the University of Manchester added the findings could have implications for human health.
“While alarming, the risk of direct transmission of resistance from urban birds to humans is unclear. Poultry-to-human transmission, however, is well documented,” she said. “With urban development encroaching on agricultural land, increasing contact between urban birds and poultry raises significant concerns about indirect transmission through the food chain.”
Andrew Singer, of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, said more samples were needed to ensure the results stood up, but that precautions could be taken.
“The most obvious place to start is to ensure birds do not congregate in our landfills, wastewater treatment plants, and animal muck piles, where both pathogens and AMR are abundant,” he said. “Moreover, we must also eliminate the discharge of untreated sewage into our rivers, which exposes all river-using wildlife—and humans—to human-associated pathogens and AMR.”
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nice-bright-colors · 1 year ago
Today’s Day Trip:
Simple task, go out for lunch. Only decide to drive up into the mountains to a Nepalese restaurant. So Home to Nederland to Boulder then back home. Simple right? Wrong.
Drove up to Nederland and the town was packed full. Have I ever told you how much I hate people? Luckily, we bypassed Kathmandu and found a nice quiet area called Barker’s Reservoir. We had planned to bring up some of Jack’s ashes.
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I took more pictures with my camera, so maybe later. Needless to say it was peaceful and quiet. Then I found a small piece of deadwood.
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We decided to drive down to Boulder and stopped at a spot off the highway with a small stream and rocks.
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We were going to hit the Falafel King for lunch in Boulder. However, today was the Boulderthon. Yep. Full on marathon, half, 10k, 5K, kids run…more people. No where to park. So we switched to Plan F and decided to hit the sister Nepalese restaurant, yep Kathmandu II just outside downtown. It was nice, until the small children at the table behind us started talking about ‘poo-poo in the mouth’. Really? Who raised you? Oh I see, they did.
Of course we stopped at the new Voodoo Doughnuts in Boulder before hitting the highway to head back home.
All in all. It was a good half-day drive. Nice scenery. Only one small trip back into crowded town for a gas station pit stop. Only a few white knuckle turns on hairpin curves without a guardrail. Many rock canyons with rock climbers above our heads. And only (1) set of motorcyclists that decided to pass multiple cars across a double yellow and blind corners in the mountains.
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naralanis · 4 years ago
My first pen was a Pilot Metro Retro. And was promptly broke by an E-2 I let borrow it to sign paperwork (i kept the cap so he would have to give it back, but alas). And then a couple years later I jumped to a TWSBI Vac700 Iris. Anyway, i have a few different pens, but I havent found even a basic instruction on how to tune tines or maintain them besides washing them out with distilled water. And suggestions?
Hi there! Sorry about your Metro, and hope you're happy with the TWSBI! I once let someone borrow my Décimo and they... mangled it. Heartbreaking! I was eventually able to fix it, but it took some doing, and it was also a last ditch effort -- I was already fully prepared to dish out the money for a brand new nib unit, so I figured there was no harm in trying.
I'll get to the easy stuff first: if your fountain pen is writing OK, it doesn't really require more maintenance than a good flush every now and then. You don't even have to use distilled water (unless the water in your area is like, exceedingly mineral-heavy) -- plain tap water and regular dish soap will do just fine.
As for nib tuning/readjustments, they are not part of a pen's general maintenance. Readjustments are done if there's a problem with how your pen is writing, and personally I view nib tuning as something done to improve the experience to the user -- mostly to smooth a scratchy nib.
Here's the short answer as to why info on making these adjustments is a little less widespread (though still relatively easy to find):
1) While often simple, these alterations can be a bit fiddly, and it's very easy to irreparably damage your pen.
2) These alterations, but especially tuning/otherwise modifying your nib/feed, will almost certainly automatically void your pen's warranty.
Keep that in mind if you decide to undertake any tuning -- it is always at your own (and your pen's) risk.
That's the short of it! For the (much, much) longer version, as always, see below the cut!
sorry this one took so long, I got really, really into it and it is stupidly long adalskjadhls
So, first things first. Your pen writes completely fine, you wash it every now and then or whenever you're changing inks, and have an overall pleasurable experience writing with it.
Congrats! Nothing else needs to be done. Enjoy your pen.
Now, let's say your pen isn't writing completely fine. Maybe it's skipping, maybe it feels scratchy, maybe it's laying down too much ink or not enough.
Before you go straight to tuning your nib, the first thing you do is: you clean it.
"But Nara, I already cleaned it." Clean it again. You'd be amazed how often a more thorough flush fixes simple flow problems -- do it with dish soap if you used only water the second time.
The next step? Try a different ink, if you have some. Then, try some different paper. It's good to have a paper/ink combo that you're familiar with to use as a standard. I like to use a Rhodia No. 19 Dot Pad and Waterman Serenity Blue to test all of my pens -- nearly every pen I buy writes an 'inauguration' page with that exact combination.
If your pen is a cartridge/converter, always make sure the cartridge or converter is the right fit and that it's seated properly. It should fit securely without a ton of pressure -- if you can basically bop it off without trying, it's probably the wrong fit. If the converter provided to you by the retailer doesn't fit, contact them -- maybe you got a defective pen.
Alright, so you've done all of the above, but your pen is still writing funky or not at all. Now it's time to take a closer look at the nib.
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Enjoy this expertly made reference image I made on my phone before I realized I could just link you to a better one.
Before you start researching how to tune/grind your nib, let's check the nib and feed alignment -- the feed is what allows the ink to travel from reservoir to paper, and if cleaning your pen hasn't solved the problem, there's a good chance it is probably not seated correctly.
Here's what you should check for:
1) Make sure your feed is flush to the underside of your nib
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If there's a major gap between the underside of your nib and the top of the feed (where the ink channel is), the ink simply can't get to where it needs to be (i.e. the tip of the nib). I
If there is a major gap, you can check if your nib and feed are seated correctly in the nib section. This depends a little bit on the pen and the model, but most of the time, you can try grasping nib and feed together and gently pushing down. Remember to never grab your nib by the shoulders/tines, as that will most likely ruin it.
2) Make sure your feed is properly centered with the nib.
This is easier to check if your pen has a breather hole, which most of them do. Basically, check to see if the ink channel at the top of your feed (you can see it through the breather hole) lines up with the ink slit. Here's a good example:
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And here are... not so good ones. Coincidentally, both on Conklin pens.
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This is usually a simple fit -- sometimes you can gently wriggle it back in place. Other times, you need to remove the nib and feed from the collar (basically the plastic thing that holds the nib unit together) or they are friction fit to the section altogether (like in the Lamy AL-Star). Do a bit of research on your pen model before you try disassembling it.
Feed is centered? All good to go? OK, now we move on to checking the metalworks, so to speak. I recommend using a magnifying glass or loupe for this part. Here's the one I use.
4) Check your tines for a) factory oopsies and b) misalignment.
Here's an example of tines that were just... cut very wrong (sorry for poo-poo pic quality, but you should be able to see the tine on the right just... ain't right)
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In the case above, contact your retailer. I noticed this one before even inking my pen, but they should cover a replacement regardless.
DISCLAIMER: all adjustments from here on out may void your pen's warranty.
(maybe not a simple realignment, but don't risk it, or ask your retailer before you try anything).
Here's an example of slightly misaligned tines (ON THE SAME PEN AFTER EXCHANGE BTW).
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I stupidly didn't get pictures of my Décimo or the Duragraph above looking straight at nib pointing up -- you could actually see one of the tines sloping slightly downward. That causes unbearable (to me) scratchiness and can tear off paper fibers. No fun.
There are better examples from JetPens' Fountain Pen Troubleshooting Guide (which you should absolutely check out!)
You can fix misaligned tines yourself. It requires patience, a little pressure, and a lot of finesse not to overdo it. You can manually bend the tines back into place, but before you try it yourself, I recommend going to YouTube to see how other pen people do it. My method is similar to this one, but there are several others. You can use your fingernail to push it down, just be very careful with how much force you use.
The one method I personally don't recommend is, ironically, the one JetPens recommend on their guide. It might work just fine, but I just think it is way too easy to overdo it and get splayed tines or create a major gap between nib and feed.
OK, seems like the tines on your pen are fine? Time to...
5) Check the distance between your tines.
Your tines should, ideally, be juuust a hair apart-- only enough for the ink and capillary action do their thing. They shouldn't be touching, since that would hinder ink flow, but there should not be a gulf of distance between them either. Let's revisit another Conklin
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Yay. Fun.
This is also fairly simple to fix, but again: you have to be delicate about it. I manually manipulate my tines into position and kind of go by feel by now, always testing and checking with my loupe. Here's how PenBoyRoy does it:
Again, there are many different methods, and you will often hear different things from different pen people. It's down to preference and what works for you!
OK, now we've gone through an odyssey of troubleshooting (I AM SO SORRY), let's talk about nib tuning.
Yet another disclaimer: doing anything I describe below will 100% void your pen's warranty.
Tuning your nib isn't necessarily fixing it. It certainly can, if you've done pretty much all of the above and everything looks fine but the pen isn't writing the way you want it to. I use it to smooth down pens that are technically writing OK, but the experience of writing with them isn't entirely pleasant for me.
Essentially, you're using a rougher surface to basically... 'sand down' your nib. There's a wide variety of techniques (from using a rough paper bag all the way to actual fine-grit sanding blocks), but the most important detail you need to remember is you're removing tipping material (however little).
While tuning your nibs isn't necessarily hard, it's very, very easy to overdo it, and that will cause pretty much irreparable damage. If tuning nibs is something you're interested in, practice on inexpensive pens first -- I practiced on ye olde Pilot Varsity.
The Varsity is great to practice tuning because 1) it's super cheap, so even if you fuck it up completely, it's not the end of the world. 2) It has a medium tip.
The bigger the tip = the more tipping material = more room for error.
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I mainly use two things to tune my pens: micromesh and mylar paper, which are both super fine abrasives. Goulet (and other pen retailers) sell entire nib-tuning kits with everything you might need to get started, but here's my own (plus a few extras that may look scary, but trust me, you don't need all of this):
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In my pen kit above, you can see my newer sheets of micromesh and mylar and the scribbles I use to tune my nibs. I hold the pen the way I normally would when writing with it, and scribble over the abrasive, but I don't do it randomly. Figure 8s are usually the go-to for simple tuning; you can also go a particular direction if you know exactly which area of your nib needs to be smoothed.
Again, even micromesh and mylar paper (particularly the latter) are incredibly fine abrasives, it is still very easy to overdo it. I have fucked up nibs before, mostly on my practice pens, but also on a not-super-cheap pen, and I had to buy a whole new nib unit.
So, like I said, possible? Very! Simple? Sure! Finicky? Hell yeah.
Side note: tuning a nib is mostly just making it write more smoothly. If you'd like to change the shape of the tipping material entirely (and thus create line variation), that is totally something that can be done!
It is called nib grinding, and it is better left to the professionals, but it is super cool!
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pOK, I didn't quite mean to go into a full nib troubleshooting post, but I should have known my brain could not be stopped. Hopefully, this (extremely) long-winded, tangent-riddled descent into the rabbit hole was at least a little bit useful!
Thanks for dropping by!
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years ago
1834 August Tuesday 5th
heaven save us from AL on a fact finding mission. she has her parasol out again and is measuring. She seems to have spent most of the day discussing land farming management with the coachman leaving AW to her cold fowl. Yes, she discusses horse poo prices.
no kiss not at all with her Ann better this morning – preparing for cousin- breakfast at 8:30 -agree about carriage 15/. (everything bonne main and all compris) for the whole of the day - off at 10:20 Anne and I (and took George) in one horse calèche George and driver sitting in the front - in 1/4 hour at and crossed the handsome suspension bridge over the Drac - finished only six years ago - the wood bad - taking it up and laying it down fresh - kept close along the track (north) till after its junction with Isère - just there two boats - three pair of oxen to each, the animals one man to each pair, hauling in the midst of the water, above their middles in the deepest part, towards Grenoble –
at 11:05 turn left and about 10 minutes at the village of Sassenage- drive up the hill towards the quarries - very steep and bad got out at 11:25 and left the carriage waiting – Ann and I walked forwards - she tired an left her at 11:52 while I went to the top of the hill or monticule a little above the quarries for the sake of the view- - Miss Walker’s bowels not yet well - walked quickish considering the steep ascent and the stony road and great heat – (thought fine air latterly on the high ground) and in 1/4 hour at 12:02 at the top of the hill - very fine panoramic view of the junction of the Drac and Isère and of the latter almost to Voreppe, and a considerable length of the former - pity the clouds hid in great measure the great height of the mountain range to the eastward - the plain or valley of Grenoble Graissivandau very rich and beautiful - enjoyed the view for five minutes then down again to Ann at 1:10 –
She with one stone for a seat and another for a table ate her cold fowl and took her malaga légèrement trempe de l’eau in 20 minutes - we were soon back where we left the carriage, went down the bad road in it, and alighted at the hotel des Cuves at Sassenage at 1:20 - the landlord went with us as guide - this little expedition took us from 1:23 to 2:28 between then we went considerably above the cuves in the wood to where our guide the proprietor is making a zigzag walk and going to erect a pavilion from a nice point of view - he had bought the property 15 days ago, 400 toises of rock and wood for 370 francs - we had a steepish ascent - along with the high wall of rock (left) very pretty valley-cleft with a pretty cascade and stream utilisé for a mill – passed an insignificant hole or recess in the rock yellow hoary compact limestone then a few yards higher up on the cuve a handsome cavern mouth with two streams meeting in and forming in it a very pretty cascade - the stream to the left on entering runs along the channel we could have gone up for a long and unknown length of way had we chose and had there not been rather too much water – (no depth, but not like getting wet shod) - the man lighted his candle, but we declined wading - another recess in the rock a little higher up - the man talked of making a pavilion here too - said he would spoil the place – advised merely a bench and rustic table - from the intended site of the pavilion above looked over a pretty green vineyard on the opposite little high plain backed wood and the out-peeping old tower part masonry part rock of the ancient Chateau de Sassenage - was straight with this little propriété, and joked to Anne about buying it –
Sassenage a very good village - the famous cheese is made at the chalets on the pastures on the rocks above - can buy here (said our Grenoble landlord last night) at ./75 what 3 francs a lb in London - off on our return from Sassenage at 5:35 - drove close under the high almost perpendicular rocks - at 3 passed by (left) very rich land vines on frames and under them fine tall hemp - 1200 toises of this land that (said our intelligent cocher, the owner of the carriage and horse - keeps 12 horses) lets for 100 francs a year - at 3:05 alight at the Barmes rock de Fontaine, a village near - the carriage met us at the other end of our walk, along the wide double avenued road close under the barmes and perpendicular wall of rock 2 or 300 foot high? A pity the trees of our avenue to near, broke the rock and spoilt the view - elms poplars and willows - one of the poplars broken off about a yard from the bottom (blown down?) quite sound - measured from the ground to where the top was cut off, at about 3 inches diameter, 28 of my parasol's long ie about 28 yards or 84 feet! Was perhaps about near 2 foot diameter at the surface of the ground –
to buy the ground (line six from the bottom of the last page) let at 100/ one must pay 2000 francs per stèré and 1 stèré (as they pronounced it) = 900 toises carrés - this rich ground produces several crops of hemp for year after year de suite, but rests (is fallow, sometimes or grows wheat) and produces three crops in a year beet and other things - the coarse reedy grass we passed sometime afterwards (the coarse product of wet uncultivated land) called la laiche or perhaps better la banche required no manure, no care, is merely and made into percés (little round stacks or piplings with poles run through the middle and sticking out the top) and sells for 80 francs the stèrè for manure for the vines and (ingrais pour les vignes) is put about the young souches or suckers in much if the weather be fine enough –
Monsieur Perrier (a cotton manufacturer and calico printer in the Chateau of Vezille - 800 people employed but - lately only a filature of cotton there) the richest propriétaire here - had from 2 or 3000 stèrés - lately dead - his son married a Madamoiselle the Lafayette petite fille to the general - the farm on which grew the coarse reedy grass noticed consists of about 2000 stérés-
back at the pont de fer suspension bridge at 3:35 - the river track and the bridge 410 feet long by 20 feet 8 inches wide - the handsome straight stone pyramidal pillars at each end and 45 feet high from the surface of the bridge and the bridge about 14 feet above the present level of the water which is now 3 feet deep in the deepest part under the bridge – (said the workmen on the bridge laying down new timbers) - some distance on the right (east) side the Drac before getting in the great high road to la Croix haute, and shockingly we were jolted - it made Ann sick and poorly -our cocher said engrais was very dear - people let the engrais of their horses per annum the farmer taking it finding and bringing the straw - the dung of horse (on these terms averages not too dear) 25/. per annum – our cocher for his 12 horses has 300/. a year - the richest part of Dauphiné therefore called the rognon de Dauphiné is about 3 leagues du pays from here,
at and about Voiron famous for its cloth from 2:52 6 francs l’anne - on getting into the route royale our cocher said it rose 6 liens feu pied i.e. 1/2 an inch per foot - called La course from Grenoble a to Claix - it is a fine double avenue chiefly of elms, large leaved maple or small leaved sycamores, poplars - since the pont de Claix straight before us from the moment of getting into the great road - the pont is about the same level as the Chateau or Bastile here - a great deal of the land this way reclaimed from the devastating Drac only 8 or 10 years ago and much reclaiming now - the water is drained off into reservoirs, and suffered to deposit it sediment (like our road sand at home) which is spread thick over, the gravelly ground that is theirs made into good land - this good road to Claix is new and is to go direct to Marseille - but will not be finished for a few years - the road by Gap is 10 postes nearer than by Valence and this new road will be 10 poste, nearer than by Gap – they are working too at the road to Bourg d’ Oisans meaning to make a good carriage road this way to Briançau- good now to Bourg d’Oisans - but not beyond there – Our driver tried it 2 1/2 months ago - had the carriage to take in pieces to pass and so much damage done would not engage to go that way again –
36,000 ârmes in Grenoble - principle trade gauterie, but not so celebrated for it as formally - Claix a good little village - new - only two houses here 10 years ago - the valley (called Les isles) beyond the bridge not in cultivation till 30 years ago - ascend the hill (would be 5 or 10 minutes walking) and at the Pont de Claix there, or down the hill a minute or two beyond it, chez Fournier, restaurat[io]n, at 4:40 – Ann so sick and tired and afraid of flies in the house would not get out of the carriage - I went to see the bridge then went back and persuaded her to go - fine bold arch, from rock to rock, - not of very large stone and built with cement mortar, so did not strike me as being Roman architecture, though they say it is - the outside line (particularly the northern) of the arch is not quite straight - as if the arch might have been built from each end and made to join in the middle –
off back again at 5:15 and alighted at home at 6:20 Hay sells at 5/+ and some sols the quintalordinaire i.e. 50 kilos (the quintal métrique = 100 kilos or (kilogrammes of which 1 equals 2 lbs) - the quintal used to be from 2/50 to 3/ or 4/. wheat should sell 6/. the bushel, to pay for the farmer it now sells for only 4/50 - so bread cheaper than hay and give the horses sold[ie]rs bread - could perhaps 1/3 or 2/3 rye with the wheat = a horse has sometimes 6 lbs a day of this - can only go in a carriage about or not quite 1/2 way up to the Chateau or Bastille - dinner 6:30 to 7:45 - dawdling with Miss W[alker] her bowels grumbling and she wanted petting - from 9:45 to 11:45 wrote out today – very fine day F69° at 11:50 PM
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thecyclopsnugget · 5 years ago
The hidden night market in Mt Gravatt
Day 2: 4th Jan 2020
I was at a mall nearby with my next working shift at 5.30pm. So I figured why not go to this night market that I found randomly on the map?
I took a bus there. Felt like I was being stranded at a “kampung” area.
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Wait, I think that wasn’t a bus that I took, it was a plane that sent me back to Sarawak.
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Ya girl reached the entrance. The market is located inside the showground.
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Every building is teal green in here. Looks even more like “kampung”.
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At the far back corner. I found it.
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And the entrance fee is two dollars. I didn’t expect there will be entrance fee. My cheap ass is rejecting it, but since we have already travelled a long way here.
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No one is here yet… Market opens at 4pm. It’s probably the most stupid idea. It’s a night market, and I have to leave by 5.
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Kind of small. It’s a food market to be exact. And my stupid ass have had dinner before, so I’m not going to spend any money here because I’m cheap.
One thing to take note is that all of the indoor plastic chairs are quite dirty with bird poo and shit. The black stools at the open area however, are ironically cleaner.
And there is a bouncy castle for kids, which kind of pity-looking to be the only thing there.
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There’s a stage for live music. And spoiler, at 4.30pm, ya girl realized her next shift is actually at 5pm. So I’m tapping out before the band even starts playing music.
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All and all, I think this place is alright. I can imagine how it could be nicer at night with the live music and lights. Maybe just imagine it as a bunch of kids scrapped together to build a night market in a waste land. I’m a fan of the location to be honest, I like how it is hidden and secluded at the back of a showground/memorial place.
I think there’s a chance for me to come back here to give it another try if I have the time. Anyway, one off the list. Peace.
189 Locations: The List
Acacia Ridge
Bald Hills
Banks Creek
Bowen Hills
Bracken Ridge
Bridgeman Downs
Brisbane Airport
Brisbane City
Camp Hill
Cannon Hill
Carina Heights
Chapel Hill
Chermside West
Coopers Plains
Dutton Park
Eagle Farm
East Brisbane
Eight Mile Plains
Ellen Grove
England Creek
Enoggera Reservoir
Everton Park
Ferny Grove
Fig Tree Pocket
Forest Lake
Fortitude Valley
Gordon Park
Highgate Hill
Holland Park
Holland Park West
Jamboree Heights
Kangaroo Point
Karana Downs
Kelvin Grove
Kenmore Hills
Lake Manchester
Manly West
Middle Park
Mt Coot-tha
Mt Crosby
Mt Gravatt
Mt Gravatt East
Mt Ommaney
New Farm
Norman Park
Nudgee Beach
Petrie Terrace
Pinjarra Hills
Port of Brisbane
Red Hill
Seven Hills
Seventeen Mile Rocks
Sinnamon Park
South Brisbane
Spring Hill
St Lucia
Stafford Heights
Stones Corner
Sunnybank Hills
The Gap
Upper Brookfield
Upper Kedron
Upper Mt Gravatt
Wavell Heights
West End
Wynnum West
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elastigirl72 · 6 years ago
Day 22: Librazhd>Kastoria (Greece)
Greece: 473km to go, 3 nights, 4 days riding
Kastoria: 06:19am
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Yesterday to me was emotional. During the ride, I likened it to an astronaut looking back at the earth for the first time from space or landing on the moon. THAT emotional. The last Albanian miles rolled by, and as Eva Cassidy sang my favourite version of “Over the rainbow”, I decided that Yip Harburg who composed it, in fact was a cyclist, who also discovered this part of the world.
When I set off from home on 17 April, I had a loose plan as to where I might cross the Alps and that I definitely wanted to see Venice if the mountain crossing took me in that direction, and the Dalmatian Coastline, and that I needed to finish in Athens. Although I plotted and downloaded a set of routes all the way to Athens, in the end, I didn’t use any on my Garmin, relying only on Google Maps when required. So research for the route largely took place every evening for the next day. Crossing Albania filled me with nervous anticipation, as most people who knew I was going seemed also to feel, but whether I went coastal or mountain, it was difficult to avoid. My biggest fears about Albania were being a single female, dogs, and some historical record of it not being a safe country for tourists. I’ve had questions in a touring bike group about the people and country, and Albania has a reputation that is far reaching, global, in fact.
On reflection, my summary of Albania is this. In 1991, I rode blindly into northern Spain, a novice cyclist, tourist, alone, female, and with no technology. I got into trouble on my first day that could have ended very badly. On my second day, and many subsequent days, I had many heightened experiences, but on balance, I mostly experienced incredible kindness from strangers. The mountains felt untouched, and young female touring cyclists back then were as common as rocking horse poo. ETA were very active, and I was in an area where if something went wrong, communication with home or anyone would be difficult, and let’s face it, my parents didn’t know where I was - nor did anyone I knew. So, when you then consider Albania or similar countries today, how can this be any more challenging than a country such as Spain in 1991? As it happens, and unbeknown to me until I reviewed my route on Strava, I covered some of the Trans Continental Race route of 2018. If big events such as these are going through countries such as Albania, then I think it’s ok. Different, challenging, undiscovered, will definitely get you looking at the world and your part in it from another perspective, but that has to be a good thing. I fell in love with Albania and Albanians. I have high hopes that in years to come, it will have a reputation such as Italy or Greece. Fortune favours the bold. It’s waiting. Maybe it’s the new type of cyclist that can revive the crumbing restaurants and hotels along the SH3...I’m just glad I got there early. My view? Here is a country that is proud, wants to please and has a beautiful culture. Thank you, Albania.
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Coming back to Earth for a moment or two, and having no clue what lay on the road ahead yesterday (as to repeat, I’d not planned this route before leaving so only knew it would be hilly), within 5km of leaving my hotel, I came across, ah yes, the old “Dog Ambush” again. Wise to my normally beloved 4-legged friends and their dead dog routine, I spotted them again, the triad, two watching, one playing dead as I started the first climb of the day. Being fresh from food a rest possibly saved my life, as this little pack of bastardos were like a hit squad. As they chased me at full pelt and into the middle of the road, I confess to hoping that some truck would come up behind and squash all three. As it was, my Usain Bolt effort won my escape, and for the whole day, this was my highest heart rate and is clearly visible on my chart 😆
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The gods were on my side on this day to top all cycling days. As I rode through my first mountain town of Prennjas, I received so much roadside encouragement, I felt I was doing a stage of Le Tour. I hit my biggest climb of the day shortly after, and crossing this, was presented by a view that left me dumbfounded. This is what happens when you don’t do any research. I knew there was a lake near Pogradec, but lakes can be anything: sometimes they’re just a reservoir and this is all I expected. What I got was Ohrid Lake, one of Europe’s deepest and oldest lakes, framed by National Park Galichica, North Macedonia and it’s snow-capped mountains. Roadside traders became lakeside fishermen and Pogradec, whilst still chaotic, felt smaller, charming, warm. For the first time, I stopped to pick up a picnic lunch from a lovely weather-beaten old man, of succulent cherries and a packet of crisps, devoured without ceremony after my next climb. The roads were pristine and quiet, and all around, in the mountain’s alluvial plain, cycling or horse and cart driven farmers, working the fields by hand. A little further down the road, I also made my first stop for coffee, and was equally charmed by the elderly owner and his family. He enjoyed guessing my nationality, and in Albanian, guessed Italian (this was normal), German, but was delighted when I told him I was English; perhaps I was the first English cyclist to stop there! He got the rest of my Albanian Lek as I left for a tip and we parted with a jovial “High 5!” 😆. All Albanians that I met that could speak English also told me they had a close relative working in the U.K. This supports the fact that there are more Albanians living outside of Albania than there are in Albania.
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Leaving that coffee stop and heading towards Greece, my emotions couldn’t have been more heightened. Crossing the border into my final country on this trip, I felt like I’d suddenly been teleported to Canada, and in particular, Route 99, heading towards Mt Currie. I saw no cars at all, an eagle, the crickets tune louder than my squeaking chain, and alarmingly, warning signs for bears and wolves! I just wasn’t expecting that in deepest Europe! I didn’t slow down or stop, and prayed with 100 miles in my legs that I didn’t bonk before arriving in Kastoria.
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I made it, as if I’d done only 70 miles. I’d crossed a time zone but had been completely oblivious to time all day. My accommodation, a small guest house, had a balcony that overlooked Kastoria’s stunning lake, where there were rowers, pelicans, and as I lie here writing, countless other fauna I have no clue what they are, but the chorus is delightful. The town has many derelict buildings, but here, it only adds to the charm. It seems there are only locals here, and no tourism. Another complete surprise: Kastoria. A cyclist’s nirvana.
Maybe I am a drama queen, did have self-realisation and maybe I have had equally incredible days on a bike, but if I have, I’m struggling to recall a point in time when it all came together in one ride as it did yesterday.
So today...473km remain, 3 nights, 4 days riding remain between here and Athens. My quads are like concrete, my knee a little sore, but holding up, and when completed, this week is the toughest cycling week I will ever have completed. Multiply that with the just short of 3 weeks leading to today, these last few days are going to hurt. My chain is squawking and pretty much dead, but my heart is louder and stronger. I might even ditch the leg warmers and overshoes today...steady on 😃...
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corbinite · 6 years ago
I’m slowly formulating an idea for a mechanism that could be installed in toilets to release small amounts of scented oils with each flush acting as an automatic poo-pourri system, powered entirely by water movement through the toilet. Like you could have a float inside the tank that goes up and down with water level, and that float hooks up to a ratchet, and that ratchet turns gears that reduce the speed of rotation, and those gears power an archimedes screw which, in small amounts at a time, pulls lemon oil out of a reservoir and dispenses. I don’t have the capital to make this a thing nor the engineering knowledge or access to material to make one myself but idk it’s just a random idea that keeps coming to me
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ancorascuba · 4 years ago
Uncharted #340 20 January 2021 Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy Reservoir, New York City, USA ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ Allen Ginsberg reads 'America,' (1956) LALI Marching Band – Inauguration March Har-You Percussion Group – Welcome to the Party Philip Cohran and the Artistic Heritage Ensemble – Ain't Nobody Gonna Treat Us Like they Used to Do Baby Huey – Hard Times Oneness of Juju – Poo Too Parliament – Chocolate City Don Cherry – Brown Rice Elaine Brown – The End of Silence Chick Webb & His Orchestra – There's Frost on the Moon
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getcatcrazy · 5 years ago
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I have many cats because of people dumping them or cannot cope with a cat therefore, they are often discarded.
I used to give them tap water I had some problems with blood in poo which I treated for worms and in some cases, it cleared my friend mentioned the vet told him not to give tap water this got me thinking. I stopped giving tap water and only the rainwater water that is collected or bottled water most of my issues cleared up, so I decided to investigate.
According to the water company this is what they have to say:
Around 40% of the water available to us is taken from groundwater sources and 60% from the two surface water sources at Blithfield Reservoir and the River Severn. Blithfield Reservoir is an impoundment reservoir with a capacity of 18 billion litres of water.
Once the water has been cleaned it's stored in huge, covered storage tanks called service reservoirs. ... Water mains are then used to carry this water from service reservoirs to the roads outside your home. From here a water supply pipe connects the water main to your property, flowing into your house and out of your tap.
Deep holes called boreholes collect water from natural underground stores this is a narrow shaft bored in the ground, either vertically or horizontally known as aquifers  
Blithfield Reservoir
A dam across the River Blithe, this collects water directly falling as rain, hail or snow
The River Severn
Water is piped directly from the river and stored in Chelmarsh reservoir
Around 40% of the water is taken from groundwater sources and 60% from the two surface water sources at Blithfield Reservoir and the River Severn.
Each source is carefully managed to make sure that you do not go short of water and that we do not adversely impact the environment.
This water undergoes extensive treatment to ensure it meets strict drinking water standards. Once the water has been cleaned it's stored in huge, covered storage tanks called service reservoirs.
The service reservoirs tend to be on higher ground. Water is pumped up to the service reservoirs, which ensures there's enough pressure to reach the properties the reservoir serves.
Water mains are then used to carry this water from service reservoirs to the roads outside your home.
From here a water supply pipe connects the water main to your property, flowing into your house and out of your tap.
So, why do some vets recommend that hard water is not suitable? This is because high levels of fluoride and chlorine are toxic and can damage kidneys, and cause urinary issues, which can be a possible link between fluoride and cancer, if drinking water has very low levels of fluoride way below toxic levels this may not be too alarming to pet owners.
Some say untreated water is not advisable because of the minerals and other contaminants in unfiltered tap water, the question is to check with your local municipality about the quality of water.
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meaganmonroy927-blog · 5 years ago
Prime 5 Machines Which Can Help You In Weight Loss
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Are you a kind of people who battle to gain mass? It so happened that Mass Muscle Gainer accommodates round 27 grams of authentic L-Glycine per serving. This tends to cause you to wish to devour fewer calories than you expend - without starvation - and reduce weight. Many individuals also take a mass gainer before mattress, to assist maintain their body fed with protein. It will have been ineffective if our physique would not have bene capable of deal with large amounts of protein in one meal, but just piss or poo it out. No fat burning complement may also help you drop pounds and burn fat exclusively, train is a should. Bodybuildingfactory is among the United States leading greatest supplements for men website.First established in 2003, its mission is to become the primary website for searches. Comprised of Glucose Polymers, Candy Potato Powder, Oat Flour Power, this carbohydrate advanced fills your muscle mass with quick and sluggish digesting carbohydrates that assist muscle growth, weight acquire, and highly effective training sessions. You want to integrate this in your Hardgainer workout routine only once or maybe twice just a few days, http://muskelaufbau-tabletten.eu/anabolicrx24.html as a result of if one does your Scoot correctly, you will need a day day without work and away to let your muscle tissue to recover. Users will end their 4 to eight week cycle with tougher muscles, decrease physique fats and elevated vascularity and muscle fullness. And metabolic dysfunction, in flip, will lead to the truth that the energy will no longer turn into power, but will begin to retailer in the type of fat. It might probably help increase training recovery: Muscle glycogen is the primary gasoline for intense workout classes; rebooting by way of glycogen synthesis can take some time after a exercise. Can be used by both women and men for http://www.szybkie-odchudzanie-tabletki.eu/jak-szybko-schudnac/ healthy weight achieve. Getting old of skeletal muscle: http://comesibacia.eu/ a 12-yr longitudinal examine Journal of Applied Physiology, 88(four), 1321-1326. It's designed particularly for hardgainers" who battle to placed on muscle mass. Protein powders are a simple way to reach your preferrred dietary protein objectives and are one of many high muscle constructing dietary supplements. Some ladies expertise bloating and water retention in the early stages of hormone remedy but that is usually momentary they usually haven't gained any fat. However you can even discover stimulant-free pre-exercise products that gives you extra of a pump and additional focus with none jitters or the chance of conserving you up at evening. That is because of the patented Platinum Professional Time Launched Protein that this complement has. The specialists I interviewed did not embrace this complement amongst their recommended bodybuilding supplements. Many athletes can benefit from the excessive protein quantities in mass gainers. Anabolic and androgenic steroids similar to testosterone may help people regain muscle and physical perform. Lifting weights in particular compound movements resembling deadlifts, squats, bench press, chin ups, again rows, lunges and dips have been proven very efficient to construct muscle mass. Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer is a excessive-calorie bodybuilding shake fortified with muscle building protein, carbohydrates, creatine monohydrate and important nutrients. Having measurement options of 6 lb and 12 lb, this mass gainer is a non-vegetarian product. Since your physique gets all it needs from sugar naturally occurring in food, all this added sugar quantities to nothing however a variety of empty calories and unhealthy spikes in your blood glucose. People who find themselves not desirous about bodily exercises because of laziness or some other reasons usually resort to weight-reduction plan and a popular form nowadays is eating regimen shakes for weight reduction Nevertheless, there's a large downside with the shakes. In contrast to different weight gainer dietary supplements, Pro Gainer just isn't loaded with sugar. Losing fats and gaining muscle groups means nice progress, however you could miss this in the event you only measure your weight. Most of these merchandise cater to people specifically trying to increase their muscle mass. Because of this taking a mass gainer can will let you recover faster, and preserve train intensity high throughout your coaching. Comes in two flavours - chocolate and vanilla - Excessive Voltage Mass a thousand Weight and Mass Gainer is imported all the best way from US. There are numerous great instruments you should use to track the variety of calories you might be consuming. Optimum diet is without doubt one of the finest mass gainer available which helps for both mass positive aspects in addition to muscle gain. Most individuals attempt to build muscle with isolation workouts like curls, flies and leg extension. As a substitute of utilizing a mass gainer, mix oats, yogurt, and berries into your protein shake. What the weight loss program advocate says: Not solely is a Nordic weight loss plan comparable when it comes to vitamin to the celebrated Mediterranean food plan, but it surely additionally offers a simple plan for eco-pleasant eating. In case you raise to failure every time you complete a set, you'll be placing the muscles underneath the most stress attainable. The significance of eating loads of protein can't be overstated. Most of these fad diets embrace crash dieting schemes, fats burners coupled with appetite suppressants, liquid weight loss, starvation and others. Though everyone knows that reducing weight is just not an overnight process, individuals nonetheless attempt all sorts of fad diets and controversial weight reduction methods to achieve instant results. Although antioxidants are generally added to the body by taking synthetic dietary supplements, you can opt for a breadfruit a day for better advantages. Muscle constructing dietary supplements do not need to cost a lot to provide you outcomes. In line with Brian, the reasons why you failed in your effort to drop a few pounds and to maintain it off are: You're getting unhealthy information on weight loss. To build greater muscle groups, you want these further calories to go towards re-growing broken muscle tissue after a coaching session. All these will assist lessen the protein malfunction amount while fueling your skeletal muscle tissues and preset the saved muscle glycogen. It has been recognized since the early Sixties that, in the absence of nutrient consumption, muscle protein serves because the principal reservoir to switch blood amino acid taken up by other tissues ( 1 - 3 ). In the fasting state, blood amino acids serve not solely as precursors for the synthesis of proteins but also as precursors for hepatic gluconeogenesis ( 4 ). Consequently, the protein mass of important tissues and organs, as well as the necessary plasma glucose concentration, will be maintained comparatively fixed regardless of the absence of dietary consumption, supplied muscle mass is ample to supply the required amino acids. In addition to whey protein, this powder additionally includes 55 grams of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) as well as four grams of glutamine. Nonetheless, for greatest outcomes, you must take mass gainer with milk within the morning and if you're taking it in the evening, then it's best to have it with water. As testosterone is likely one of the body's major growth hormones, on average, men discover hypertrophy a lot simpler to achieve than ladies. Many bodybuilders assist the method alongside by supplementing with a wide range of completely different muscle-building merchandise. Because all the research participants have full ambulation operate, normal weight bearing and strolling might present the fundamental resistance and cardio coaching actions for their decrease limbs. As well as, intervals of coaching which are supposed to increase muscle measurement must enhance motor unit recruitment levels and the number of myonuclei inside every muscle fiber to make continual progress. Which means that once you're set your ancillary muscles (the direct assisting muscle tissues for the movement) and the stabilizers (the muscle tissue that maintain the remainder of the body within the appropriate place) have to be engaged so that a perfect repetition is carried out every time. In the first week of taking oral creatine, some individuals achieve about 2 to four.5 kilos, primarily resulting from water retention. Dropping pounds comes down to 1 very basic thought: Soak up fewer energy than your body uses. Most of these products are low in fat, with 2.5 to 3 grams per serving, and comprise about 50 grams of protein. If you're a person looking to gain weight, these kinds of supplements are terrific choices. And, the reason for this belief is that, folks with fantastic character are more assured and wholesome than these people who are underweight. Mass Muscle Gainer could make your muscular tissues develop huge, firm, and strong. This can be a great idea for everyone's well being, not just folks desirous to drop pounds. If you end up struggling to get sufficient fish in your weight loss program, I extremely suggest a very prime quality Fish Oil complement like 1st Phorm's Full-Mega that gives a excessive concentration the Omega-3 fatty acids, EPAs and DHAs. There's a lot info on the market, whether or not you need to lose water weight, eat and drop extra pounds, or simply drop a few pounds quick for that special occasion, you are bound to seek out one thing that works effectively for you. Weight Gain: Okay, this one's apparent - but it surely's the first use of these merchandise. People interested by fitness and bettering their physique might opt for supplements that can enhance their muscle growth when mixed with train, such as weightlifting. Mass and weight gainers are designed that can assist you construct lean muscle fast. Realizing these easy recommendations on how one can achieve weight quickly ought to give you better information than most people within the fundamental constructing blocks of gaining weight healthily. Your results will help you focus much less on a target weight and extra on making healthy selections each day to scale back your energy. The NHS Choices weight reduction guide has been developed beneath the supervision and recommendation of specialist dietitians from the British Dietetic Affiliation , which represents registered dietitians within the UK. Thanks to dietitians at DOM UK (Dietitians in Obesity Administration), a specialist group of the British Dietetic Association. Promotes wholesome digestion: Gainers are usually not only wealthy in calorie content however are additionally enriched with digestive enzymes. I feel your aim may be a little out of attain as that is a number of muscle to achieve in such a short period of time, if you happen to gained half of that amount you'll be doing nicely. So now you recognize the risks which can be associated with protein dietary supplements and the best way to forestall any health issues, we can transfer onto deciding which protein complement is better. Out of all of the exercise dietary supplements in the marketplace at the moment, creatine stands out as one of many best possible. For the Chickpea Salad ideally buy a parsley plant so it stays fresh till now (yep, we think about produce shelf life" when creating these plans). The Syntha-6 Whey Protein is great for its dietary content and http://baraita.net/hair-loss-and-its-treatment/ ideal for building mass. The compounds in carbohydrates are burned as gas on your physique, and any remaining compounds are normally stored as body fats. The calories usually tend to persist with you during sleep and reduce protein breakdown in your muscle groups, Kalman said. Gaining lean muscle mass and burning fats concurrently is on the bucket list of nearly each particular person on the planet who cares about their health and look. To attend your question about those dietary supplements, even steroid users want to coach exhausting, so I counsel you to check a great exercise that fundaments itself on periodization and your personal goals. 1Mass gainers might help build muscle quicker. I usually advocate to construct muscle first as a result of losing fats is less complicated. You can select the type of weight that you need to acquire, out of muscle gain, muscle mass achieve, digestive enzymes, sustained release protein, carbohydrates matrix and protein mass gain, and accordingly buy an appropriate weight gainer as per your wants. Begin fresh with a plan customized to your particular person weight reduction targets and medical profile. To realize weight the safer way, you'll be able to go for diet bars as they supply all the proteins and needed vitality, and it will profit the general health of the physique. By consuming meals from this listing and cutting the opposite options, you will get the correct amount of vitamins and energy, and never gain weight in the process. The issue is that our body doesn't perceive drinks as food, and therefore we do not really feel the power from energy in those drinks. Even supposed pure products can have unfavourable results on your health right as much as things as unhealthy as irreversible organ harm. However should you find it actually tough to achieve muscle, this further protein can assist. Weight acquire dietary supplements which might be high in fats or protein may be laborious to consume recurrently and in giant quantities. Whey isolates are also ninety%+ protein by weight , which implies you recognize that you simply're getting one thing very near pure protein with minimal additives. Combine 3 x 50ml scoops (85g) of Precision Engineered Muscle & Dimension Gainer with 500ml of entire milk. Following the above stated three-level-agenda, one can simply achieve lean muscle mass and more quickly. Consuming healthful proteins can reduce emotions of starvation, which may scale back calorie intake and promote weight reduction. Do not skip meals or go lengthy intervals with out eating. Our various range of proteins, amino acids and all-in-one formulation are designed to work with precision, supporting the event of lean muscle mass and providing muscle restoration submit exercise. Nearly all of the ingredients added for the preparation of herbal weight gainer complement have been used for hundreds of years for treating a wide range of well being issues. If your cat is at present underweight and wishes to realize a couple of ounces or is struggling to keep up his current wholesome weight, you would possibly want cat weight achieve supplements. In many ways, you might be higher off with this program than you'll be eating a couple of meals at a fast meals joint. As soon as an individual does not see any constructive change even after taking healthy diet and doing regular train the disappointment can cease him from making efforts anytime. For instance, the recommended dietary allowance for protein for the typical adult is 0.37 grams per pound of body weight, http://baraita.net/ways-to-lose-weight-effectively/ and that equals about 56 grams of complete protein for a a hundred and fifty-pound grownup. All the ingredients used for the preparation of muscle gainer complement to construct physique mass and acquire weight are clinically examined and accredited by health practitioners. Also, whenever you swap easy carbs for protein and veggies, it turns into trickier to overeat (most of us do not binge on broccoli and chicken), http://de-beste-testosteronboosters.eu/TestXCore.html so that helps your waistline. You need to use this mass gainer to make weight gainer protein shakes and even as a meal alternative for muscle build whereas still getting all of the essential vitamins you want. As you've got most likely heard from any muscle-bound behemoth you've got ever encountered, protein is the important thing to constructing muscle. Bodybuilding supplements needs to be used to complement the weight loss program and bodybuilding routine already stable. The weight loss plan focuses on the idea that certain food teams may negatively have an effect on your health and fitness. Together with delivering all these essentialities, this mass gainer can also supply micro-vitamins and muscle-building nutrients to its users. There are different nutritional vitamins and dietary supplements that help induce energy in individuals, which include Gingko Biloba. Leucine, HMB and creatine are so highly effective at building and sustaining muscle that a latest study explored their effects on muscle cells in tradition. Creatine can be a well-researched complement that may help with weight achieve. In medical trials, this consuming pattern improved blood lipids, lowered fats mass and http://tehokas-rasvanpoltto-fi.eu/ decreased blood pressure. 9 instances out of 10, the reply is: "I wasn't that overweight, but I went on a calorie-managed food plan, misplaced weight, regained it and a bit extra. Be it having wholesome snacks or fruits, attempt to eat extra incessantly. Though Ample Nutrition Digestive Enzymes For Pets isn't a conventional cat weight achieve complement, we predict it deserves a spot on our list as it might assist with weight gain. All of this data undoubtedly have helped you select the very best weight gainer complement that your physique needs. The phrase lean" is usually meant to recommend the absence of physique fat. This guide sets you up for the free 7-Day Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan together with a grocery checklist. It's at all times wholesome to drink no less than a gallon of water per day no matter when you're taking supplements or not. These researchers discovered robust evidence that dietary protein supplementation results in vital increases in muscle strength and dimension. Protein is an important a part of our diet and key to constructing and sustaining all types of body tissue, together with muscle. Due to the presence of these vitamins and minerals, this mass gainer improves the well being condition of the customers. Together with this, analysis has proven us that BCAA's will not make us any more apt to build muscle than acquiring enough protein by means of food plan and protein powder supplementation, despite what most of the complement corporations declare they do ( eleven ). Meals dietary supplements needs to be mixed with a wholesome and balanced eating regimen. Creatine itself can be phosphorylated by creatine kinase to type phosphocreatine , which is used as an vitality buffer in skeletal muscle groups and the mind. Aspect Effects: embrace fatigue, drowsiness, low blood stress, weak point, dizziness, nausea, headache, http://baraita.net/creatine-side-effects-and-its-incluence-on-the-body/ despair, weight achieve, and http://migliori-booster-per-testosterone.eu/Maxman.html insomnia. As you can see, there aren't many muscle-building dietary supplements that live as much as the hype. Specifically, the muscle-building effects of S18-GENETIX are attributed to a cascade of cellular reactions together with the activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), upregulation of ribosomal protein S6 kinas (S6K1) exercise, enhancement of eukaryotic initiation factor-4E binding protein (eIF4E-BP1) phosphorylation, and the association of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)4E with eIF4G. And a low body-fats is ineffective if you do not have muscular tissues to indicate for. I'm 6 foot and 154 pounds and I'm pondering of utilizing this weight-reduction plan to bulk up before I do a cut to shed physique fats for a more lean look. The muscular tissues fiber have to be destroyed, it's the one method you may construct new muscle. Usually most Mass Gainers are full of a excessive proportion of carbohydrates to match each day caloric needs and provide the gas and energy that helps coaching and restoration from exercises. When Johns Hopkins researchers in contrast the results on the heart of losing a few pounds via a low-carbohydrate weight loss plan versus a low-fat food regimen for six months—every containing the identical quantity of calories—those on a low-carb eating regimen lost a mean of 10 pounds more than these on a low-fat weight-reduction plan—28.9 pounds versus 18.7 pounds. Many are afraid of taking supplements as a result of they contain fat and carbohydrates. Including in these excessive-depth interval training (HIIT) runs offers selection to your running program, and so they prevent time on those days when your schedule might be somewhat more hectic. Reading bodybuilding complement evaluations is a superb way to find the best products on your specific wants. You might be squirming at the D" phrase, and it's understandable—wholesome weight-reduction plan is where most people wrestle in their quest to drop extra pounds. In your food the quantity of calories and fat needs to be low. It should not be thought-about necessary for a superb exercise, neither should it's contemplate a part of high end bodybuilding supplements. With loads of decisions, like shrimp, lobster, chicken, lean ham and lean beef, you have got a number of good proteins to base your meals round. Very Insightful and Useful tips to drop a few pounds while on an Indian weight-reduction plan. Each might include generous parts of protein, but mass gainers are focussed on upping your calorie consumption, nicely, massively, so in addition they have a chunky amount of carbs and some fats in every serving to assist obtain that purpose. The 10 pound claims are from very massive individuals who try it. Many of the pounds lost will be from water weight. To maintain the person's body lively, this mass gainer offers 125g of carbs. This wholesome meal plan for weight reduction includes every kind of satisfying, starvation-curbing foods like Salmon with Candy Chili Sauce, candy potatoes, and hearty Italian-model soups. The following selection might not appear the cheapest one, though they're an incredible deal considering the value ratio, product high quality, taste… These Weight Mass are TOP NOTCH. The other phases contain slowly reintroducing wholesome carbs back into your diet as you method your objective weight. To explain to you what to eat while breastfeeding each to get all the necessary vitamins you and your child need and to shed pounds. Even the best mass gain supplement won't give you the beneficial properties you're after if the food regimen you are consuming is fighting off all of the protein's benefits. This weight achieve dietary supplements will really assist you to provide nice chocolate less bare mass. Sure alternatives have there specific guidelines; for instance, creatine has been discovered to be extremely effective in doses of about zero.3g per kilogram of bodyweight. If you wish to gain muscle but are fearful about gaining fats too, you might wish to consider a mass gainer that has fewer than 1,000 calories per serving. Nonetheless, if you happen to truly take the time and undergo what individuals need to say about weight gainers, you will notice that there are fairly a few who are saying that they do not see any results. This formulation gives you less energy, at 700 per serving, than different mass gainers however gives an approximate 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein, aimed toward athletes to help fuel exercises and assist lean muscle growth. You'll be able to consider this as slicing vs. bulking in health, and an easy method to bulk muscle is with sports activities nutrition dietary supplements referred to as lean mass gainers. Find other sports nutrition snacks and supplements and different health necessities that'll enable you get the results you need. In bodybuilding and weight training, people who do not naturally carry or simply improve muscle are sometimes called "exhausting gainers." This sounds somewhat derogatory, however it's more a press release of fact. If you recognize one factor about gaining muscle it's that it means it's essential to eat far more calories than you normally would, which is exactly the place the profitable trade of mass gainers enters the image. The principle objective of weight gainer is to provide plenty of calories. Filled with 50 full grams of protein, Origins Mass Gainer makes makes mass gaining easier, even for the skinniest of us, by retaining us anabolic (or in a muscle building state) each day. When you realize what optimal vitamin appears like, healthy consuming becomes second nature. Quite merely, our whey protein formulation is fastidiously crafted to be among the best bodybuilding supplements possible. Even if you happen to purchase a 3kg tub you would possibly go through it in a few weeks when you're taking the gainer day by day. Resistance train, akin to weight lifting or body weight workout routines, helps construct lean muscle mass. While you rest after, the muscle tissue repair themselves, creating new strands of protein. Additionally, researchers consider that what's good for the heart can also be good for the brain and that individuals who consumed green tea showed elevated levels of exercise inside the working memory area of their brains. In case you are underweight , you probably need to acquire mass, but you also need to ensure that the majority of what you acquire is muscle. Soda, juice and energy drinks are often loaded with sugar and further calories that may contribute to weight achieve over time. In a mice study, PM2.5 will increase irritation in adipose tissue and reduces glucose uptake in muscular tissue, leading to increased systemic insulin resistance 15 Nonetheless, there's paucity of knowledge concerning the effect of ambient PM2.5 on human skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Many lean mass gainers contain added micronutrients corresponding to calcium, vitamin B12, folate, and more. Growing your protein consumption and exercising recurrently are straightforward methods to protect muscle mass. This complement isn't only suitable for muscle positive factors, but additionally for weight reduction since it's a pure urge for food suppressant. Scroll down for an vital introduction to constructing muscle. The research were stratified and analyzed by the following subgroups: HT type and dosage, period of comply with-up, time since menopause, study high quality, and kind of LBM measurement. Lots of the components in bodybuilding supplements can improve energy shops in the body or improve the ability to create new energy. These herbs are famend and time tested for optimistic effects on body to provide healthy and fast weight and muscle acquire. These Straightforward Veggie Meal Plans have been created by Kardena Pauza who's a fitness trainer and nutritionalist. Most merchandise lack adequate amounts of the vital micronutrients your body must look, really feel, and perform its greatest, so it was fairly simple to search out the best of one of the best after this spherical. So, it is good to inventory the wholesome meals and snacks in order that at any time when you need to eat something, you've got low-calorie food in your inventory. HIGH CARB: PROTEIN RATIO & FAST DIGESTING: You can expect extra from Zenith Mass Gainer as it is crafted with 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein to convey your body the a lot needed fuel. That means, you won't get so hungry that you just overeat or go for unhealthy decisions. Whether or not you're following a 1,200 calorie per day weight-reduction plan or a program with a higher calorie rely, use the downloadable schedules and simple tricks to reach your objective weight and maintain the pounds off for good. This in turn promotes the growth of muscles and will increase body weight. Now you can get your much-anticipated match body if the burden gainers are paired with gymming or exercises, which would also enhance the physique shape and agility. Girls are built differently from males and therefore it is not simple for a girl to develop muscle tissues like males do. Girls's our bodies respond differently to weight coaching so you would not have to fret. Research on its weight loss advantages are inconsistent, however the food plan improves many essential health markers and reduces your threat of heart disease. The most adaptable tissue within the human physique is skeletal muscle, and it's remarkably remodeled after steady, and punctiliously designed, resistance exercise training packages. Fat takes up more space than an identical quantity of muscle, so a person with lean muscle mass weighing the identical as an individual with an abundance of fat, on the same top, would look thinner. Optimum Vitamin has all of your sports activities nutrition needs together with various gainer merchandise to choose from. BSN Cellmass 2.zero shouldn't be a excessive dosage carb and protein complement. ShopClues supplies quite a few options in sports activities and nutrition merchandise and has a wide range in weight gainers as nicely. Muscle dietary supplements have become extremely popular these days that the dietary supplements business is ready to rake in billions of dollars annually. By chopping out 500 energy a day out of your regular day by day eating regimen , while maintaining your activity stage the identical, you possibly can lose roughly one pound per week. There are numerous wholesome food options you could examine online like the very best natural food and different pure healthcare merchandise Do not forget that by limiting or reducing again on the sugar and starches, you will reduce your appetite and finally makes you drop a few pounds without going hungry. Throughout the Dukan Weight-reduction plan , you possibly can eat tasty complete foods during every part of the eating regimen. Synopsis: Our Weight Loss Planning Calculator helps you to establish real looking time-traces in your weight loss goals. It was created in 1985 by Common Motors to assist its employees lose weight. A previous research found that individuals over age 60 must raise weight more typically than younger adults to take care of muscle mass and muscle measurement. However some findings have been encouraging, notably indications that in-flight train does have a positive effect in countering losses in muscle strength no less than in the legs (see table 6-1 and determine 6-6), as predicted from the outcomes of the eighty four-day Skylab 4 mission when multiple modesof exercise had been used including a unique "treadmill" machine (see figure 6-4). Among the finest-practice to get more out of coaching with gainers is to ensure to stay hydrated, this is not going to solely help nutrient absorption but additionally helps to eradicate toxins from the physique which is extraordinarily essential when planning to gain weight or muscle mass. These are the eight dietary supplements which might be most positively value your investment for those who're looking to optimize those muscle-building objectives and augment that onerous work you set within the health club every day. The muscle building drugs mentioned on this article are 100% safe. Go surfing to your favorite purchasing web site and shop for mass gainers. Dymatize Elite Casein can increase satiety and provide a slower release of muscle-constructing amino acids. Clear Labs is known for his or her premium and efficient workout supplements like PreSeries BULK, LEAN, STIM-FREE, BCAA Glutamine, and Creatine HMB - All pf which provide full clinical doses and 100% label transparency. The ACOG define wholesome weight reduction as shedding 1-2 lb per week. With no additives or fillers in their merchandise, Bare Creatine is just Creatine Monohydrate in its purest type. Proteins contribute to the expansion and upkeep of muscle mass. How it works: Low-carb diets restrict your carb consumption in favor of protein and fats. All workout-performance questions aside, security is a giant concern right here since pre-exercise supplements should not regulated by the FDA. Add 2 heaping scoops of Mass Gainer to a blender full of 24oz of chilly water or milk (coconut or almond can be utilized). The largest profit which you could get from this mass gainer is efficient safety from sickness and infection.
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suhotrashanon · 8 years ago
10 Song Tag
Rules: List 10 songs you are currently vibing to and tag ten people! 
I got tagged by @eradikeats-writes  ,@baebae-goodnight, @rudeboywonho and @def-initely-soul ... quite possibly more people?  I’MAD AT  TAGS OKAY !
ANYWAY, here is the 10 songs I’ve been jaming to... I just saw Ed Sheeran live wedneday so ... he’s got a lot of presence on this list ... probably 
I tag @sexonextdoor @kimnamwho @the-porcelain-doll-xo @jeons-jalebi @kpopfanfictrash @thisisjustmywritingblog @boymeetsfiction @hoseoksquared @yoonseoksofty and the cutie I got for the got7hyungline get to know me project @markeu-poo
1) Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran
2) Shine Forever -Monsta X
3) Gajah- Geako ft. Rap Monster
4) Never Ever -GOT7
5) New Man - Ed Sheeran
6) Eraser - Ed Sheeran
7) I See Fire -Ed Sheeran (I fucking told y’all...  the concert was so good)
8) 예뻐서 (You're Beautiful) - Yu Seungyoo (he’s adorable and is in starship as well)
9) Bermuda Triangle - Zico ft. Crush and Dean
10) Awake -BTS (Jin’s Solo)
BONUS- (i can’t help it, I jam to so many songs)
11) Oi -Monsta X
12) Blind - Monsta X
13) Side to Side -Ariana Grande
14) Never Try- PUP
15) Reservoir- PUP
16) If This Tour Doesn't Kill You (and DVP ... they bleed into each other and it’s amazing) -PUP (they are a Canadian punk band and are amazing)
17) Dive In -Peirce the Veil
18) You - Keaton Henson
19) Floral And Fading - Peirce the Veil
20) Woman - Kesha
21) Champion - Fall Out Boy
22) I Wait - Day6
23) White Noise - EXO
24) No Care -Daughter
25) 7th Sense - NCT U
I went a little overboard I’m sorry....
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The Pressure Cooker Manufacturers
This means that you receive a clean that is healthy for your property, your family and you. Moreover, owning a carpet cleaning steamer or system means having one in the home at the right time of a stain or spill. Consider places when deciding upon the best tile washing machine for your dwelling. Click here   It is a solution for ironing delicate clothes without the risk of destroying off or burning them in the home. Grime and dirt have. There should also be a safety feature that automatically shuts off the electricity in case you have any problems. 5. Its Overheat security protection circuit ensures automatic cut off in case you don't remember to turn off the iron. Comes with an off and on switch for control within the vapor flow. The iron should have a button. This feature allows a constant flow of steam from the steamer. 7. It's a Vertical steaming attribute that allows to steam and freshens up hanging garments such as jackets, suits, drapes, and blinds made of cloth. 5. It has a vertical steam function, in hanging materials for removal. Anything whatsoever from a dual voltage setting to a crease finisher can enhance and also the measurements of the water reservoir may create a significant difference that is big too.
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The steam requires under a minute to accumulate, which can be 30% warmer and will persist for a whole 15 minutes. The great build also a sizable 3/4 gallon tank and quality supplied the steam time of all units we studied. It's good for ideal and fast steam-pressing . It's steam output is 17 g/min. Powerful Steaming The IS6200 includes steam output together with diffusion to make removing wrinkles much more efficient and faster. Make sure one thing and add some water is it should be constructed. This water reservoir can store 7 oz of water. So the quality of the clothes in the market a steamer could be ideal for the assortment of clothes. Instead, you can purchase a multi stove machine, which contains a variety of functions in a single compact unit and is reduced on maintenance!
The brush collection is a real standout, using three brushes whatsoever.
The Pressure Cooker Manufacturers brings a range of places in several sleek fashions, colors, shapes and sizes which may be utilized to cook on gas ovens as well as induction heaters. The lint and brush attachments operate really nicely. The steamer has a couple of helpful attachments; one lint remover and one fabric brush, to be precise. The brush collection is a real standout, using three brushes whatsoever. As soon as you pull the trigger of steamer you'll discover how long the vapor is produced by it, generally, it creates the vapor two to 3 minutes. This steam must endure for at least 15 minutes. The plan is really compact and the heat is so fast that it can last for 10 moments of steaming. Having rubber nubs' choice is a lifesaver because using bristles on poo for dealing in particular with animal messes may acquire in a rush. Higher the cord degree that you receive while ironing. The amount of the iron cord is 1.8m and its own swivel cable angle is 180 degree which makes it elastic.  It's steam output rate is 13 g/min.
Its constant steam output is 35 g/min. It consumes 2300W of power which causes the constant steam output. It absorbs 2000W of energy which causes the constant high steam output. It consumes 1200W of power which results in the high steam output. Our array of steam cleaners includes the names available on the marketplace. Bajaj Majesty MX 3 Steam Iron is the only real best steam iron from India. This iron's soleplate is coated with a special layer for good operation that was gliding on all fabrics. Regular maintenance helps forestall performance. Having this work done by a professional, or detailing your car frequently, ought to be regarded as part of the regular maintenance of your vehicle. Listed here are some of the tips that a buyer must understand while buying steamers for your car wash business. It is a hand wash item. You will need background stripper options and technical tools to look after the job. These treats may be sold. Tourists complain that it is not worth the price although it might be fun.
If not used in a vertical position, it can sputter flow and water. When utilized in any position other than upright it can leak. You are able to access their website if you would like to browse the testimonials of the parents this business has helped over the years. By heating it over low 9, melt the butter. We scrutinized 12 distinguished traveling handheld- black garment steamers within the last year. Company. There are thousands of contrast videos which can be found on the web showing you just how a vacuum cleaner is superior to others. To ensure outstanding cleaning results, make sure that you consistently utilize steam cleaner machines made for use on floors rather than other versions, for example, carpet steam cleaning gear. Would you set your kid on the carpet about the off possibility it wasn't washed? A carpet washing machine. The garment steamer provides a powerful heating system. Make sure it satisfies all or most of your needs that are steaming before purchasing a garment steamer.
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jugsdead-blog · 8 years ago
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Veronica, on the other hand, has a bad habit of repressing her own negative emotions (she prefers helping literally anyone else with their problems). Usually something trivial sets her off, like Kevin bemoaning having to hide his relationship with Joaquin from his dad, or Archie briefly wondering if his dad would like it if he built a gazebo (Betty tries desperately to talk him out of it until Jughead says plainly, “You would literally die if you tried to build something by yourself, Archie” and that’s that, really). But it has Veronica thinking about her own father; how it’s been over a year since he’s held her in his arms, how when he calls her “Princess” over the phone, his voice is strained and tired. On days like those, she asks Jughead if he wants to watch Paper Moon and he keeps her close as she cries through it.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas? Jughead usually sleeps in a pair of his dad’s (or Archie’s) old sweatpants and a t-shirt. He’s surprised when he sees Veronica in a simple–not sexy, not chic–if anything, it’s too large to be truly flattering–t-shirt for the first time. He laughs when she tells him how she wears pearls and designer nightgowns to Cheryl’s sleepovers to annoy Penelope Blossom, and she laughs with him.
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? Veronica is not shocked when she finds out Jughead has been drinking coffee black for most of his life (”Since I was eight,” he says it like he’s proud and Veronica rolls her eyes so hard she gives nearly herself a headache). Eventually she thinks she is able to convince him that, yes, herbal tea can soothe nerves. He never says so outright, but he always appears appreciative when Veronica has some extra tea with her (Veronica had initially not enjoyed having to semi-permanently trade her favorite Prada handbag for a clunky Marc Jacobs shoulder bag on the off-chance Jughead was feeling anxious that day and she needed two thermoses instead of one, but when she pulls it out and he looks at her like she may well have hung the moon, she finds she doesn’t really care).
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour? Jughead likes every kind of candy, but he leans toward sweet. Veronica, as a rule, doesn’t eat candy, but sometimes Jughead hands her a piece of whatever he’s enjoying that day and she can never find it in herself to say no.
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies? They both really love bad horror movies. Not movies that are meant to be bad, but movies that are actually trying to be good and just end up bad. By the end of most movies, it sounds like they’re just trying to out-scoff each other, Jughead saying things like “Wow, that transition was atrocious” over Veronica’s insistence that, surely, they could have found a better looking male lead considering they didn’t even bother to find a good actor.
When the mood strikes her Veronica will turn on a Nicholas Sparks movie, much to Jughead’s vocal dismay. She smirks when he asks her to pause the movie he supposedly hates while he goes to the bathroom, but doesn’t push the issue.
NOTE: i’m skipping 12 bc it turned into an honest to god FIC which i will finish later :-)
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat? + 14. Who kills the spiders Veronica considers herself pretty fearless…but her resolve is broken the second she sees a creepy-crawly in the ridiculous amount of space she refers to as her “personal area.” Usually, she asks someone else (Jughead) to “get it away” but also insists that they do it without actually killingthe thing, which Jughead finds both impossibly annoying and incredibly endearing.
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? Neither of them tbh. I think Jughead enjoys them while Veronica only laments what the humidity is going to do to her hair.
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person? Jughead has only ever had a dog, and thus considers himself a Dog Person™, but he doesn’t hate cats with a fiery passion like Archie does.
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names? Veronica, but only because it annoys the ever loving fuck out of Jughead. The only thing he is ok with is ‘Juggie’ but Veronica has come up with several nauseating variations (Juggie-poo, Juggie-pie, Dollface???, Sugar lips????), much to the delight of one Kevin Keller.
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
In their day-to-day lives, Veronica is dominant. And though Jughead puts on a show of battling her at every turn, he usually ends up doing what she wants (sometimes he realizes it doesn’t bother him as much as it should, but then he tucks the thought away because it makes his stomach flutter and, honestly? fuck that)
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)? Jughead is obsessed with Tarantino, as everyone knows. He makes Veronica watch the movies she has seen with director commentary. Veronica smiles when Jughead finds it in himself to talk over even the great Tarantino in order to make a point about the film.
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day? Veronica takes it to a level that Jughead can’t even imagine. Chocolate, flowers, at some point there is a barbershop quartet? The entire day was honestly a blur, ending with Veronica renting out the local cinema and playing what was essentially a chronological marathon of the best Film Noir to ever grace the silver screen.
(The look of happy surprise on her face when Jughead gives her a simple necklace is not one he’ll forget)
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? Jughead rants a lot, but sometimes Veronica will get a little gossip-y…and though Jughead sees himself as “above” that sort of thing, he listens and responds as if she were telling him a very important life event.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes? Veronica Lodge is nothing if not a master at accessorizing. She’ll take a shirt Jughead has grown too tall to wear comfortably and somehow look better in it than he, or anyone, could even hope to.
One time Jughead wore one of Veronica’s bags to Pop’s instead of his usual sack, but that’s a different story entirely
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower? Veronica does both. Jughead listens.
29. Who is the better cook? Jughead can cook simple things. He’s learned to take care of himself since his dad was away a lot. Veronica, on the other hand, is appalled if you ask her to toast a piece of bread.
31. Who is more affectionate? Veronica is more affectionate in public, but you’d have to be watching to notice the little things she does (rest her hand on his leg, fix his hat, slide her unfinished food over to him at Pop’s). In private, Veronica is surprised at how affectionate Jug can be. He has a weird fixation with her hair (“it’s really soft,” he says plainly) and is constantly plays with it when they’re alone.
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation? Jughead loves him some deep conversation. He especially loves it when Veronica disagrees with what he’s saying, because their debates are spirited and sometimes she makes some points that he finds really hard to argue (he does anyway, but).
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt? Kevin got a matching set for them (AND INSISTED ON Veronica being “Not Guilty” and Jughead being “Sin”) as a joke (and taking pictures) while Veronica complained about the quality of the fabric and Jughead just complained.
38. Who likes to star gaze? They both enjoy a quiet night together looking up at the stars. Sometimes Jughead will point out the few constellations that he actually remembers from Astronomy, and Veronica will hum and listen while she traces them with her fingers.
Sometimes, Veronica will talk about what her horoscope sai that morning. Jughead can go on for hours about how astrology is bullshit but he doesn’t argue when Veronica tells him their signs are “like, freakishly compatible.”
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside? Jughead has a private (very private) collection of cracker jack prizes that he knows Archie would lose or break. He flushes when Veronica comes across them while she’s browsing through his wardrobe (as she is prone to do to anyone who will let her), but she doesn’t laugh. Instead she smiles and asks about each one, about when he started collecting them, about how he managed to keep track of them (and it feels like something private between them).
47. Who has the more complex coffee order? Veronica used to pride herself on her complex orders, but apparently she’s spoiled Jughead with her Rich People Coffee™ because he visibly grimaced every time he has to drink something that isn’t a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots (1 ½ shots decaf, 2 ½ shots regular), no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic Veronica, 100%. She honestly believes that everyone has a soul mate. Jughead is infinitely more jaded and openly disagrees with her, but every time they argue, Veronica says something stupid like, “Soulmates argue, too. So we’ll be fine.” and Jughead’s resolve is gone.
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dangerscully · 8 years ago
This weekend, a belated summary:
walking in the rain after the weather forecast promised a dry day
exploring independent shops and trying on enormous sunglasses
burritos with disappointing guacamole
cocktails while coming up with “Hallmark by Hannibal” ideas
a boat trip on an almost-private boat
Cards Against Humanity and chilli
a rum-soaked watermelon and alcoholic frozen fruit smoothies
dancing to Kate Bush and lunge-offs
pub breakfast in the sun
countryside views and feeding strawberries to a sheep
Rose dropping her freshly bought ice cream onto a footpath covered in sheep shit, then picking the ice cream up and eating it anyway
getting incredibly uneven sunburn while jumping repeatedly off a bench for photos like basic bitches
watching a fisherman's excellent butt at a reservoir while eating a picnic
mini golf
watching an entire season of RuPaul’s Drag Race (I’ve watched a second entire season today, oops)
making my boyfriend a chocolate “hangover poo” and putting it in the bedroom for him to find (he enjoyed eating it)
I love and already miss @crossedbeams @chileananderson @mulderswaterbed and @your-perfect-opposite, they are Good People.
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haiumma · 8 years ago
Semarang is the capital of Central Java province and also the 5th largest city in Indonesia. Although not as well known as other tourist cities, Semarang also has many interesting place to visits. What are some interesting places to visit in Semarang?  By this occasion I would like to presents a variety of charming objects in  Semarang. Here are the 7 most recommended tourist attractions in Semarang. If you visit Semarang, make sure you stop by there.
 5. Great Mosque of Central Java ( Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah)
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The Great Mosque of Central Java, located at Jalan Gajah Raya Semarang, Central Java The Great Mosque of Central Java Semarang was built on Friday, September 6, 2002, marked by the installation of the first stake pile by Minister of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Said Agil Husen al-Munawar, KH. MA Sahal Mahfudz and Central Java Governor, H. Mardiyanto, finally Central Java Grand Mosque It was inaugurated by the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on November 14, 2006. In the Great Mosque complex of Central Java Semarang there is Museum of Islamic Development of Central Java in Asmaul Husna Tower Floor 2 and 3, Graha Agung Hotel on the north side and the best viewing restaurant in Semarang City is at Tower Asmaul Husna 18th Floor.
4.  Thousand Doors (Lawang Sewu)
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Lawang Sewu is the name of an ancient building in the city of Semarang. The interesting thing about Lawang Sewu is its mystical atmosphere which is equipped with magnificent architecture typical of antiquity. The Lawang Sewu building also has an underground floor that used to function as a prison. Lawang Sewu design that has many doors this is because in dutch period  had no Air Conditioner. So the architecture is Prof. Jacob F Klinkhamer and BJ Queendag with clever designing Lawang Sewu in such a way, so no air conditioning any building is still cool. Entrance fee to Lawang Sewu is IDR 10,000 for Adults, IDR 5000 for Children and IDR 5,000 for students. Not too expensive for a nice experience inside. Especially during the inside of the area, there are guides who are ready to explain the history and facts of Lawang Sewu.. Located at the Tugu Muda roundabout. The main building of Lawang Sewu is a three-story building with two wings stretching to the right and left. The interesting thing is when I go into the main building, and start up the stairs to the second floor, between the stairs there will be a large glass.
 3. Watugong Buddhagaya Pagoda
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Buddhagaya Watugong Buddhagaya Temple is a monastery inaugurated in 2006 and declared MURI as the highest pagoda in Indonesia. Watugong Buddhagaya temple is 45 minutes from downtown Semarang. The monastery has many buildings and is located in a large area. The most famous icon of this Buddhagaya monastery is the Avalokitesvara Pagoda or commonly called the Metacuna Pagoda which means the pagoda of love and affection. Avalokitesvara Pagoda has a height of 45 meters and consists of 7 levels that narrow to the seventh level is interpreted as a holiness to be achieved by the ascetic after reaching the seventh level. Inside Avalokitesvara Pagoda there is a statue of Goddess Kwan Im measuring 5.1 meters, as well as the statue of Commander We Do at his side. On the second to sixth level, there is a statue of Kwan Im Goddess who faces the four corners of the wind. Everything inside the Vihara complex is nicely laid out in combination with the beauty of the environment and coupled with the beauty of Chinese architecture makes this place relatively fun for pilgrims and worship.
2. Goa Kreo, Jatibarang Reservoir
Goa Kreo is in the middle of Jatibarang reservoir, a dam that stem the creami river, which in addition to overcoming the problem of flooding is also a new tourist destination in the city of Semarang. Goa Kreo Semarang is a cave that is believed as petilasan Sunan Kalijaga when looking for teak wood to build the Great Mosque of Demak. At that time according to legend Sunan Kalijaga met with a flock of apes who were then told to keep the teak wood. The word "Kreo" comes from the word Mangreho which means keep or keep it. This word then makes this cave called Goa Kreo and since then a herd of apes that inhabit this area is considered as a waiter. The entrance fee is IDR 5000 for each person.
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 1. Temple of Sam Po Kong Semarang Temple
Like most building temples, Sam Poo Kong Temple located in Simongan, Semarang, is also dominated by red. A number of red lanterns not only decorate the temple, but also tree trees to the entrance. The core building of the temple is a Batu Cave which is believed to be the starting place of landing and the headquarters of Admiral Cheng Ho along with his subordinates when visiting Java Island in the 1400s. Goa Originally covered in landslides in the 1700s, then rebuilt by local residents as a tribute to Cheng Ho. Since the whole area is meant for prayer, not everyone can enter it. Temple buildings, both large and small, are fenced and the entrance is guarded by security guards. Only those who intend to worship are allowed to enter while tourists who want to see see can do from behind the fence.
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