#to online quiz my way to happiness.
thefloatingstone · 9 months
Not to be like "haha I'm better than you guys!!!" or elitist or anything because that very sincerely is NOT the point of this post.... but I never really understood people extremely love for Harry Potter.
I read them as they were coming out. Most of the time they came out soon enough that I was the same age as Harry. I liked them. They were cool. Goblet of Fire was my favourite and I was always happy to see what story the next book would bring but that's all it was. Interest to see the next story whenever it came out. Like a sitcom you enjoy but you didn't set your tv to record for you in case you missed it.
And then the word "Chosen one" was uttered and, just like that, I fucking lost all interest. Honestly there was "Chosen one" talk in the 4th book and already I was like
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Honestly I think I liked Goblet of Fire the most because there was no friggen Quidditch. And there was less focus on the SCHOOL part of Harry Potter and more this weird Video game Quest setup which just appealed to me more.
In retrospect, I think that might be a big part of why I enjoyed it but never LOVED it like other people.
"Oh boy my absolute biggest most favourite fantasy! THE BRITISH EDUCATION SYSTEM!!!!"
The fact that the books take place in a school seemed like a default to me because, well, most teenage focused cartoons and shows I watched had the main characters at school. Because they're teenagers. But the school wasn't why I enjoyed the books. The school was just a location. No I didn't want to go to Hogwarts. No I didn't want to get attached to a specific school house (although I feel it worth mentioning that when I was 13 I did the online house quiz thing on the official site and it said I was Hufflepuff so make of that what you will).
I really disliked whatever the one was that came after Goblet of Fire. So much so that it completely killed any and all enjoyment I had in the series. Which, considering I was only mildly entertained by them wasn't a massive loss or anything.
I know I read whichever book it was where Dumbledore died but I very genuinely cannot remember one single thing that happens in that book whatsoever. I read half of the Deathly Hallows after coming back from College and gave up because I wasn't enjoying any of it and I never picked the book up again.
I saw the first movie in theaters when I was 13 and I did not like it. It was visually very very dark and gloomy and just... extremely uninteresting to me. Idk how to explain it. The first book just felt so much more vibrant than what I was watching on screen.
I know I saw the 2nd movie although I have no memory of where or why. And I... THINK I saw the third one??? I think??? I'm actually not sure. But that's about where I just stopped and completely lost interest.
Because it wasn't very good.
They just weren't very good books.
They weren't TERRIBLE or anything like that but they were just so.... blah. The earlier ones 13 year old me enjoyed the one time I read each of them but I don't think 13 year old me had the best taste considering I also disliked the Princess Bride at this age.
But I was reading other books because I was a kid with ADHD in high school who desperately needed something stimulating to stop myself from going insane. And frankly, there were just far better books out there. Books I actually re-read. Books I borrowed from friends which ere just... so much better and more interesting.
So I just don't understand this insane appeal so many people have for it, even if they have severed that connection due to Jowling Kowling Rowling's bufoonery and showing herself to be a withered old crone with a shrivled heart and mind every time she opens her mouth.
I grew up with these books the same way as a lot of people. I was the exact age to go through the series' highest popularity and I just did not click with them despite reading them.
So seeing so many people my age or a little younger try and do their best to re-analyse and de-tangle what the books actually are and that... maybe.... just maybe.... they might not have been very good?? Maybe?? is very weird to me because I'm just like.
"Yeah they're overrated as hell and not that interesting."
It's a very weird thing to live through because it's like looking into a bizarro version of the world you remember living through... but not like THAT. I remember the Pokemon craze and yes, it was like that. I remember when anime started to become big and yes, it was like that. I remember DBZ airing and yes, it was like that.
But this insanity around Harry Potter while it was releasing?
Yeah I don't remember it being like that at all.
They were just mediocre books I read because I needed something to occupy my attention and eventually they got worse and worse and I just stopped reading them. That's all.
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amypihcs · 3 months
Extracorporeal Experience Thursday GO
Alright humans of all sorts, we're at chapter 3, let's see what's going on!
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Well, AND FOR GOOD RE- Holmes? Why is that man vibrating in excitement?
Oh well, Holmes always was a rather queer fellow. NOW MORTIMER! Answer my quiz!
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Oh yeah so... big doggo?
yep. big-big doggo.
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HOLMES! Don't be so very interested, snap out of the case, remember social niceties. Geez, next time you'll tell a poor chap accused of murder that his situation is 'so very gratifying', AH!
Holmes SO WANTS to study Mortimer under a microscope!
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And drama, of course comes natural to such a man as he is.
So, do we call the Mistery Inc or are we able to pull it off? even if Mortimer is thinking oh-so-loudly that it's demonic stuff?
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... you are not a modest man, we know, and we know the reasons. BUT GOD'S SAKE HOLMES!
This man's hilarious, i SWEAR. BUT HE'S NOT A GHOSTBUSTER! so
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How can Holmes be of help? Man likes the case!
Allow an italian a moment to bemoan out lack of punctuality in public transport... And back online! Some gossip and inheritance-legal stuff follows, family lines and so on...
HOLMES! Have a care!
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You can't just go on dismissing the man's worries this way, god's sake!
But the local devil's terribly funny to think about, lol.
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See? Mortimer got QUITE a bit distressed by that!
W: Don't worry, Dr Mortimer, he's just like this, but he does care.
NOW you've got your job, Mortimer, (shirtcuff note mention), Leave. Me. To. Mine. -cackles madly-
You're going out John?
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Now. Holmes is already vibrating from happy case chemicals, And has asked very prettily his Watson for some tobacco. For FAR TOO MUCH tobacco.
H: You'll be out all day, dear? Have fun, we'll compare notes later. W: Sure. Have fun too, darling.
You leave your husband with a 'i love you' and you're sure to return to a livable house, of course. And then...
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Always like this! It's INTOLERABLE! DON'T YOU TRY THAT!
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H: -deductions- W: DON'T. I'm trying to be annoyed at you. -kissy- Insufferable. H. Deduce me now, Watson?
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Okay, i don't want to know or even imagine what sort of cocktail of drugs was in Holmes' bloodstream. Sure too much nicotine and caffeine.
He vibrated himself to Devonshire and back. Alright. So normal.
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Just as much as this super normal cat behavior. Another couple of years and he'll buy a trunk to think into it. And poor Watson will have to lure him out of that.
Also, it's not concentration, Holmes. It's carbon dioxide intoxication.
I don't want to think to the desperate scream of his joints either, as a person who often keeps the same cross-legged positions for hours on end as they study.
NOW WATSON. What are your own thoughts about the case?
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Well well... Interesting thoughts Holmes... Very interesting.
But now, Watson, let's take this out of our heads! -Watson is discreetly re-opening the windows- First a serenade... and then Will you help a detective to have no thought at all?
We'll know of the conversation with Sir Henry in the next episode! And remember the yaoi goggles!
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fourmula1 · 2 years
You are probably finished with the ‘top 5’ requests.
But if you want to, can you answer top 5 ways max will react to Daniel coming back to red bull?
1158 words. safe for work.
It begins like this:
Max knows Daniel’s been struggling. He knows things are not going well with McLaren and that Daniel is putting in the work to try, try, try harder every fucking weekend.
It’s not a matter of trying. Max knows Daniel better than anyone on the grid. He knows how Daniel works, knows Daniel’s talent, his skill. It’s not a matter of trying. No one could try harder than Daniel does. The car, the team, the atmosphere isn’t suited to him and Max knows it.
Max knows he can’t relate, either. He’s happier than he’s ever been in his life, with Red Bull. Things only get better, and better, and better. He can’t imagine that changing any time soon and part of him knows that at the pinnacle of an upward trajectory things have to come down eventually but he can’t tell when that will be. He’s happy, he’s thriving, his races go well. He can’t relate to how Daniel feels, but he can try to love him through it.
Max knows he isn’t the best at reading Daniel’s feelings and he’s even worse at talking about Daniel’s feelings, but he hopes – somewhere inside – Daniel knows he’s trying, too. He makes an extra effort to hold Daniel’s hand when they watch a movie, or cuddle him in bed without Daniel having to ask, or make sure Daniel has his favourite juice stocked in the fridge at home.
Max isn’t thoughtless or begrudged in showing affection, but sometimes he has to remind himself to show Daniel he loves him, not just tell him. Acts of service, Daniel had told him after he’d done some dumb online quiz about how he wants to be loved. Max doesn’t know. But he’s trying.
And then:
“I think I need a break,” Daniel says one evening, tucked into the corner of their couch, looking small, small, smaller than he’s ever been. Drowning in an oversized hoodie. Max keeps his opinions to himself about how small Daniel is, knows it’s sensitive and Daniel is doing everything he can to… to stop getting smaller.
Max literally cannot imagine what it must feel like to want a break from Formula 1. He hopes he never has to find out.
He thinks about the best way to respond. Daniel has been anxious about everything for awhile now and Max doesn’t want to upset him. Wants to be supportive.
“Whatever you need to do, you should,” Max tells him, shifting a little, uncomfortable. He tries to remind himself that it’s easy to be uncomfortable with these thoughts when your career is going like Max’s is. Daniel is not in the same position. Max knows he can’t relate. But he loves Daniel, and that’s enough.
“I’m tired, Maxy,” Daniel sighs and closes his eyes. Max watches him, takes in the way Daniel tugs the hoodie sleeves over his hands, the way he’s tucked so small and vulnerable looking. He looks tired.
“Daniel,” Max tries, bites his lip, reaches out to touch Daniel’s arm. “You know of course that I support whatever you want to do and if you think you need time off then you should do it. Formula 1 will always be there,” he says and Daniel… Daniel laughs, and it’s bitter.
“For someone like you, Maxy,” he says, not scathing but almost. Max bites back a comment and reminds himself Daniel is not himself lately.
“For you, too,” he insists, frowning as he shifts closer to Daniel. “You’re one of the best on the grid and everyone knows it. Everyone wants you to drive for them and even if that is the case you still want time away, that means you should do it. You’ll race in 2024, it will be fine.”
It will be.
And then:
There is nothing in his soul that will ever let him give up position to anyone else. Teammate or not. Max can’t do it.
Won’t do it.
“I gave my reasons, and I stand by it.”
This isn’t how he wants to race. Not for himself, not for the team. It should be flat out, always, and Max can’t stand by letting someone pass him who isn’t going to fight for the position.
Daniel would never.
The thought catches him by surprise as he slides into parc ferme.
Daniel… would never.
Would never ask for team orders.
Daniel. His teammate.
And then:
Max knows he has to be patient. He knows Daniel will talk when he’s ready. And he knows he wasn’t supposed to see what he did where Daniel left his backpack unzipped on the kitchen counter.
Red Bull folders and papers half spilling out.
It’s hard to keep it together when he knows what he knows but he’s waiting Daniel out and trying to be inconspicuous with knowing what he knows.
Max is a terrible liar, though, and Daniel will catch him out any second.
“You’re being so weird today.”
Like now.
“I’m not being weird,” Max insists, as if that is a non-weird thing to say when accused of being weird. Across from him where they’re working out on the balcony Daniel raises an eyebrow.
“You’re being so weird, since I got home. You’re all jumpy and… weird,” Daniel continues as he does his step-uppies on the work out bench. Max pouts.
“You left your stuff all over, what was I supposed to do,” Max pants. He hates burpees with his whole entire life but Brad will make him do double the amount if he doesn’t do these ones so, he presses on.
Daniel leaves stuff all over the place at the best of times so realistically Max could be referring to anything but he can see when the lightbulb goes off in Daniel’s mind.
“Shit,” Daniel puffs, sitting himself down on the bench. “I uh… I was going to tell you, obviously,” he says, glancing up at Max and Max can tell he’s trying to gauge if Max is angry or not.
Max could never be angry.
Instead, fuck the burpees and fuck Brad, Max grins as he crosses the balcony and leans down to press a sweaty, gross, filthy kiss to Daniel’s lips.
He could let Daniel think they’re about to have angry sex, but he’s smiling into the kiss too hard to get away with it.
Max watches from behind the media team, arms crossed over his chest in the Abu Dhabi sunshine, as Daniel films his ‘coming home’ video for Instagram or whatever the team is making him do today.
He looks so fucking good back in navy and Max wants nothing but to just tear it off of him, right here and now, cameras and crew be damned.
Daniel hasn’t smiled this big, this hard, this real in fucking years and Max wants to keep this moment forever.
He pulls his phone from his pocket and snaps a photo of Daniel in his element, grins to himself as he puts his phone away once more.
Daniel is home.
Max is never going to let him leave again.
Daniel is home.
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ahedderick · 1 year
Is it paranoid if . . ?
   An older friend of mine, whose children are grown with children of their own, visited me today. While we were having a Really Nice walk through the valley and admiring the spring flowers, I ended up telling her about several school stories dating back to when my son was in high school.
   It all started with me checking his grades online on the school’s website quite near the end of the year. He had a B in biology, which I was happy with. So imagine my distress when the marking period ended and he got a D. When I looked at the website, there were several assignments from a month or more previous that were listed as ‘missing.’ Those zeros dropped his grade substantially. However - I KNEW there had been no ‘missing’ assignments when I checked the week before. I was furious that I had no way to PROVE that something fishy was going on . . and decided to start taking screenshots of grades for both kids for all classes going forward.
   That ended up coming in handy twice for my daughter. In one case, when I saw her grade drop (again from a B to a D) right at the end of the marking period, I emailed the teacher right away. I let her know I had a screenshot of all the assignments and grades as of a certain recent date. She wrote me back to say that a poor grade on a quiz had caused the drop (uh, no), too bad. Then she immediately fixed whatever ‘error’ had caused the problem, and the grade went back up. If I hadn’t had the screenshot - I certainly wouldn’t have been able to resolve the problem.
   For my son in college, he literally took a photo of himself putting an assignment into a teacher’s inbox (with their room number in the picture) at one point. When the teacher said he had not turned it in, he provided the photo and - miraculously - the teacher found the missing assignment. ah ha-ha! no worries!
   Later, when he transferred from community college to regular uni, we drove to campus and handed the admissions staff his transcript in person instead of mailing or emailing it. A few days later, when they said they didn’t have it - I reminded them that we had literally put it in their hands. Miraculously - they found it! Right away! What the actual . .
   So I’ve spent years saving receipts, taking screenshots, meticulously documenting stuff, and teaching the kids to do the same. It is unreal - and unreasonable - how often that has been necessary. And my friend, who also had two kids go through school, said she’d NEVER had anything like that happen. She was just boggled. I have to wonder. Am I under a curse? Does bad luck attend my family unusually closely? why meEEeeee?!
   I just took about 8 screenshots of (the very long list of) Son’s ecology grades. I hope I don’t need them - but if I do . . .
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oozedninjas · 2 years
Baking Love
Summary: The online university of gastronomy was terribly boring. No one in your class could compete with you, at least not until he came along.
Mikey x fem!reader
Au where Mikey is a good cook lol
Set on 2012 verse but there's nothing truly specific
Mikey and the reader are between 23-25 y/o
Warnings and story under the line. Only click on keep reading if you're 18+~♥
Warnings: This work contains: NSFW / praising / dom!reader / mouthfucking / teacher-pupil dynamic is mentioned / slight voyeurism / dirty talking / Xenobiology / fem!reader / blowjob / handjob / 22 y/o Mikey
The online university of gastronomy was boring. No one in your class could compete with you, at least not until he came along. Fun and mysterious. A guy who never set on his camera during classes and always wore a large cloak on assistance days.
Mikey combined dishes in such creative ways that they looked gross, but at quiz meetings once a semester, Mikey proved that even the weirdest things, done right, could taste good. Yet, not even all of his wit helped him beat your scores. Perhaps that was why he came to you one day asking to be your pupil. The strangest interactions began there.  
It turned out Mikey was some kind of mutant. Hence the cloak. It was almost as funny as it was terrifying, but you coped well. His family was lovely, and they treated you with such care. Splinter even said that he was happy that you came into their lives! 
Oh, what would Master Splinter say if he knew what you did at the mere table at which everyone sat to eat? He’d choke on his tea if he knew. 
That was precisely the best part of being Mikey's teacher. You found the golden opportunity to fuck him at his place since everyone else left you both alone in your cooking duties, not setting foot in the kitchen until you or Mikey called them for dinner –so as not to disturb what you called “chef-mood”–. And today was no different.
The meat roll was baking in the oven, giving off an exquisite aroma, but you weren't paying attention to that, too busy feeling Mikey's arms tightening around your back, pressing you further into his body. You loved to feel him that close.
You sucked his lower lip, and he obediently opened his mouth to give you access. You slipped your tongue in to play with his, drawing a muffled whimper out of him. Your hands flew to the orange bandana almost at the same time his hands reached down to squeeze your ass.
"W-We should stop," he breathed shortly after pulling away.
"Why? You're enjoying it," you whisper close to his hearing point, earning goosebumps out of his green skin.
"I-I am but my brothers could come..." he quivered when you licked his neck.
It was the same every time. You wanted to fuck him right there and then, and Mikey always faked concern about getting caught, you believed it turned him on more, or maybe, pretending that he had still some decency was something he needed. Either way, he threw his head back to grant you more space as you left small, wet open-mouthed kisses all over his pulse line. He was trying so desperately to hold back his moans. It was hella cute.
“Let them out, babe,” you teased “They’ll know that the food in here isn’t the only thing that tastes good~” This time he was unable to repress a whimper. Your name rolled out his mouth smoothly as you squeezed his tail. 
“I wanna fuck you so bad Mikey.” 
You placed more kisses down to his collarbone, dragging your mouth lower with each kiss until your lips were at the edge of his shell. Licking the fine line which attached his plastron to his body, you whispered how much you wanted to ravish him on the counter.
Mikey pulled up with all his mutant strength, swallowing all the decency he was faking to give you a long wet kiss. 
“Geez," he breathed," you know I can't hold myself when you talk like that.” 
"Yeah, I know," you panted. "It's cute."
You slipped your hand to his entrance rubbing it smoothly as you recalled the first time you touched him like that. It was surprising to find out that his cock was a mixture of the animal he was, and the human he had become. Like all reptiles, he had internal genitalia, which meant that you had to work it out of his shell, and you loved every second of it but not more than Mikey did. 
His hand gripped your wrist, pressing it further in the softened low plastron part. It sort of resembled the labia of a female cunt. 
“Shit, it's coming out...” he managed between heavy pants.
His expression was filled with lust, eyes still watering, and a blush on his cheeks that seemed permanent. His cock was released with lewd sticky noises into your hand. You gripped it tightly. 
Mikey let out a deep growl. His nails clung to your thighs, and he thrust into your hand. 
"You feel so soft," you prised. Mikey moaned desperation filtering into his tone.
You kept your pace as your free hand went to stretch the back of his shell. The groan that left his mouth was louder and longer. 
“Do that again! please!” he begged.
You obliged. Mikey trembled. His slick was accumulating so much it started to drip onto the floor.
"Oh, no baby, we're doing this all wrong," you said. Mikey fought to pay attention. "All's going to waste if I don't do something about it."
You kneeled before him. His eyes almost popped out of his face lusting with anticipation. You embraced his cock inside your mouth. There was no teasing, you were desperate to feel him in the back of your throat. 
He threw his head back to let out a long, breathy whimper. Mikey clutched your hair. You clenched your thighs, seeking relief from the urgent wish to feel him thrusting between your legs.
You bobbed your head up and down, rubbing his tip on your palate.
Mikey chanted your name like a mantra with a shaky, drunk-like voice.  
"Yes, yes, mo- I'm so close," he cried.
"Fuck my mouth," you told him. Something inside his burning mind snapped. Mikey gripped your hair harder before pushing his cock mercilessly into your throat.
You couldn’t hold back longer. Quickly, you slid one hand under your clothes, pushing your underwear aside to make circles over your clit. The pleasant feeling spread from your cunt to your belly. You moaned. The vibration of it made Mikey shiver.
“I wanna come, can I?" 
You grabbed the side of his shell, scratching it a little with your digits. 
“S-shit, please, please-” 
“Hey Mikey, is dinner ready yet?” Raphael’s voice Froze Mikey in place. His shadow was visible through the floor but he wasn’t near enough to catch a glimpse of you. 
“No–” he panted at the feeling of your mouth going up and down again, fucking his cock so good. “I-It’s… almost hmm–” 
“It’s everything ‘kay?” Raph inquired, “If you need help I–”
“DON’T COME!” he shouted and Raph’s shadow stopped in his tracks. “So-sorry Raph is just important to us…” Mikey hisses feeling his release closer with each movement of your head. 
The heat in his lower belly coaxed delightfully. Don’t stop, he thought. Don’t stop. The muscles in his legs contracted, and he felt the ecstasy hit him hard. Mikey’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, as he bit his tongue so as not to moan. 
You felt his cum hit your palate, salty and creamy. That was enough to send you over the edge. 
At the other side of the hall, Raphael didn’t move an inch, and after a couple of seconds he finally said: 
“Whatever. Let me know when it’s ready. I’m starving!” His shadow disappeared before you heard his room's door closing.
Mikey leaned over the counter, trying to catch his breath. "I can't believe you didn't stop."
You chuckled. "I can't believe you didn't ask me to. I didn't know you could be so naughty," you teased. "You came at the possibility of getting caught by him?” 
Mikey ignored your tease, driving his gaze back to the hall. 
“Do you think he heard us?” he inquired nervously. After letting out a deep sigh, you stood up and stroked his cheek lovingly, words of reassurance poured from your mouth to his hearing hole. 
“I bet he didn’t. You did a good job hiding your moans.” He relaxed under your touch a little, feeling more at ease. 
“Now, let's get to business, love. I'm afraid if we don't hurry up we'll have the whole crew marching here in no time." 
Mikey kissed your forehead. Gosh, he loved you so much.
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drill-teeth · 1 year
Today’s rant is about fat fetishists because I need people to understand that thinking people are attractive and fetishization are not the same thing. And that fetishization is not an appreciation of fat people, and it’s not helpful.
At some level, other people’s fetishes are none of my business. But if your fetish involves making the entire bodies of vulnerable people into sex objects for your enjoyment, then I have a problem with it. Because that is fucked up.
And it is not fetishization to think fat people are attractive. It is not fetishization to look at a fat person and think they’re hot. It is not fetishization to think fat is an attractive trait a person can have. And far too often, I have to deal with reminding people of that because of fat fetishists. Because of people who have turned the meaning of “appreciating fat bodies” into “appreciating fat bodies is inherently sexualizing and objectifying them”.
I work very hard as an artist to find good resources on drawing fat bodies. I practice. I study. All because I want to see people like me on TV not portrayed as a joke or gross or lazy. I want to see other fat body types that I don’t have be appreciated because I believe they also deserve to see themselves on TV portrayed as happy and good and beautiful. So I do my best to learn. To actively appreciate. And it’s so fucking uncomfortable to get unwanted, sexually charged questions about my character designs. Drawing and appreciating fat people is not an invitation for strangers to quiz me about my sexual preferences or what bodies I think are the hottest.
Do I think fat bodies are attractive and deserve to be appreciated? Yes. Do I think fat is an attractive trait? Yes. Do I want to be badgered about how I draw my figures and my sexual interests publicly online? No!!!
And I think fat fetishists should have to know about this consequence of the way they treat fat people. The way they objectify and sexualize the bodies of vulnerable people who didn’t consent to that has consequences. It means people who are trying to do body positivity artwork get harassed. It means people bully others off the internet because they assume drawing fat people being handsome and pretty is immediately a fetish thing. It means people will come up with endless ways to not use the word “fat” because they think of “fat” as a dirty word. It means people say “wow that character is so friend shaped and huggable” because god forbid they say “that character is fat and I find them hot”.
Fetishization is not appreciation. It is not helpful.
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 6 months
Made up fic title:
The mussel and the rhino
Inspired by nothing at all and definitely not Gladiator 2
Thanks for playing, El! (We're all in trouble with Gladiator 2, aren't we?)
I had an immediate reaction to this one, and then I thought about it for a while to see what else cropped up, but I kept coming back to my original idea. So we go with the gut:
(tw: smoking the weeds)
The Mussel & The Rhino - Dieter Bravo x Reader This could be standalone, or I could see it fitting in with the A Bad Idea universe. Either way, it's an established relationship, and it's from Reader's POV.
Being with Dieter Bravo is a lot of things. Difficult, when he's traveling for work or busy with press engagements, or when the old demons threaten to resurface. Exciting, when you get to go with him on location or as a guest to an event or when he shows you how spontaneous he can be. Passionate, when you show each other the depths of your feelings, both with your words and your actions, with and without your clothes.
Also, though? Being with Dieter is fun. You've never been with anyone who you were so comfortable around, who you could be your absolute self with, and you know (because he's told you) that it's the same for him. Yeah. Some nights you're walking the red carpet at a premiere or awards show, and that's fun. Some nights you're tangled up in positions you never even dreamed up (but Dieter is more than happy to show you what he knows about naked human knot making), and fuck, that's fun.
And then there are nights like tonight, when you're both a little stoned and giggly and you're just sprawled out on the couch (big couch. huge. so much sprawl space.) with snacks, of course, and you're taking one of those weird online quizzes about what animal you are. Dieter's result is a rhino, which, of course the horny joke is right there, so he makes it, but he doesn't really see how he got assigned this animal. And this quiz is pretty lame, because it doesn't really give you an explanation for your result. But whatever. He's okay with it because rhino's are pretty impressive. (You have insights into what makes him a rhino, and you share them with him - They're armored, and until he knows and trusts someone, so is Dieter. They can pick up speed very quickly and commit to their charges fully, and so does Dieter. They're also threatened by people who are after them for the wrong reasons, and sometimes, Hollywood being Hollywood, so is Dieter.)
So that makes you the mussel. And at first Dieter is upset on your behalf. Because "You're way more majestic than that! You're a zebra! You're a dolphin! You're not a raw bar offering, for fuck's sake, not a food source!" But you - remember, you're high, so your brain is just poppin' off with ideas and explanations (call 'em high-deas) - you explain to him that being a mussel is an honor, actually, because they keep the water clean and support the ecosystem and you're pretty sure you read somewhere that mussel shells symbolize protection and creativity. And he just kinda takes all that in and nods like "huh. yeah. that's you."
So yeah. A mussel and a rhino seem like an unlikely animal pairing. But you and Dieter prove that it's more likely than you'd think. And that's pretty fun.
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georgieluz · 1 year
hi! I hope you’re doing good and I was wondering if you can cast your mutuals as The Pacific men, women characters too? based off of their personalities? hope this isn’t too much to ask! anyways, have a good day!
hello! it's not too much to ask, i can definitely try to do that!
burgie → @im-chinese-believe-it-or-not this was the first one that popped into my head immediately!! you have burgie's soft caring side where you wanna look after all your friends/mutuals and make sure everyone is okay and feels Seen and heard and validated!! and i feel like you have that warmth and stabilising effect that burgie has on the boys too... when you're not around my dash feels slightly off! but you also know when to be firm and shut things down when people interact with you or others in bad faith! you're not a pushover at all and will stand up for the right thing even if it means you have to put on your "shut up bill" voice. i feel like you spread happiness and safe vibes in the same way that burgie does!
eddie → @hellofanidea because i feel like you have a lot of depth and i just feel like we'd have interesting conversations all the time and you're the kind of person whose brain i want to pick about random topics. you seemed like a Cool Online Person when we first became mutuals but it turned out you're actually super approachable and easy to talk to and eddie definitely feels similar in that way!
sledge → @theflyingfin because you're smart and always interesting to talk to! like eugene, you're open with how you feel about things and you just give me sledge vibes sometimes but not naive!sledge vibes but sledge who has seen some things y'know?
snafu → @aegondluvrs bc 99% of our first conversation revolved around svt and enha's teeth (rightly so) and you definitely have snafu's brand of chaos! also: if snafu was a carat in 2023 he too would have a folder dedicated to lee jihoon's teeth, we're not alone!
sid → my good friend @footprintsinthesxnd! i feel like i'm copying the quiz we did but it honestly felt really accurate to me because you're a literal sweetheart and one of the kindest people around but you're also way more than just that.. you're a great friend and always so supportive when anything has happened, and you're funny and witty in the same understated way that sid is. people probably think you're shy and quiet at first but that absolutely changes when you become friends with them. we have the best conversations and i'm genuinely so glad to have you in my life!!
leckie x lena hybrid → @lewis-winters look, i know i talk all the time about how annoying leckie is, so let me first of all say that i'm not including any of the annoying parts of his personality here... but you do have a similar charismatic intelligence thing going on.. y'know, the type of person you know you would always enjoy having a conversation with no matter what the topic is and whose opinion you would always be interested in hearing on just about anything. lena comes in with that aspect too, but you also have her enigmatic vibes, the kind that makes people wanna be friends with you!
runner → @ep6bastogne bc your posts make me laugh a ton and you're chill but also not at the same time? which is how i feel runner is too.. like he jokes around and winds leckie up and is silly af but he also gives off chill drama free vibes idk like i just feel like you're both the type of friend i would want in my life y'know?
chuckler → @lamialamia because our conversations are either about something ridiculous like sledge's ass flash and leckie's sex scenes or they're about the devastation of war and losing ack ack and eddie or something equally as terrible lmao you feel very balanced to me in that way and i think chuckler is like that too.. hilarious and jokes around but also serious when you need to be! kinda the perfect mix you would want in a friend or mutual!
vera → @hxad-ovxr-hxart because you're very funny but also very sweet! and you have vera vibes (warm and kind but witty vibes!!) and i feel like you're very approachable in the same way vera is too!
sorry if this didn't live up to your expectations anon!! this was a lot of fun to think about though!
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ihatehannibal · 1 month
Everything is so fucking shitty lately, I lied through my teeth to my psychiatrist bc I don't want him to blame it on me reducing my SSRI dose & insist I stabilize again. it's bc my friends are all so...completely ambivalent about me I guess? like ok there's my best friend, who I've been long distance with since the we met online ten years ago but who I've never FELT this distant from in all that time. it's been like this for a year, since she moved to Japan, but again it's not like she lived close to me before, she's Canadian. I don't even know who's fault it is but we don't talk like we did before. It's probably her fucking boyfriend giving her the emotional support that I used to give her. She doesn't rly need me anymore. I don't want it to end I really thought we were platonic soulmates and I thought we'd be 80 together still best friends. Maybe that's just me being naive. This is how it goes with friendships for normal women isn't it, they eventually find a partner & then suddenly you're no longer #1 for them. You can't compare
Then there's my second best friend, who IS local & who I've known for 14 years...since we were 14 and starting high school. I've known her as long as I didn't know her. and yet she has let me down more times than I can count & I'm sure I've let her down the same. Every time I try to talk to her about what's going on I just end up feeling like shit bc she tells me I'm triggering her or whatever. Ok. Like she rly said "I'm not the sort of person who can hear this stuff & go on my merry way" I'm sorry I said like four sentences about what happened with the guy w/the gun but how the fuck do you think I feel having to LIVE this shit firsthand??? Pop quiz do I fucking sound like I'm going on my merry way about it or do I sound traumatized???? I feel emotionally distant from her too & don't even know if I want to keep being friends but I'm a coward so I'll probably just let it fade rather than making a clean break.
Then there's my third & final friend, who I've known the longest but who I only recently reconnected with. She's fun to hang out with but that's only when she doesn't flake & leave me on read for a month, which she does so consistently that I'm ready to just stop trying.
It sucks seeing my sister with all these super strong bulletproof friendships, both local & abroad, that she formed in primary school & more in college (years that I entirely wasted being a depressed shut in) & are still going strong. She's always going out for drinks with them or watching movies on FaceTime & I'm here alone in my room binge eating & watching fucking greys anatomy of all things wondering if I will ever have a successful life with a friend group I can count on & knowing deep down that the answer is no.
I feel like I don't even ask for much. Like yes I want to be a famous writer ideally but I think I'd be happy just writing my stuff for a niche audience & having a bunch of fucking friends to do things & go places with. I'm not even looking forward to my Japan trip anymore bc my best friend isnt even excited to see me for the first time in 5 yrs & I probably can't save up enough anyways due to having to pay the mortgage on this fucking house the whole summer which was when I had the most work. Now I'm gonna be lucky to get two days a week & have only Saturday ON shift guaranteed. I couldn't save up anything when I had the chance so now I'm screwed
Oh and my room is a fucking stye again. A real depression den. Kratom powder & empty junk food wrappers & dirty clothes all over the floor & bed. Unreal how I keep letting it get this bad repeatedly
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keroradio · 5 months
I was looking forward to this one, since Tamama is my favourite character (-^.^-)
Having said that, although I eagerly started translating this a month ago, I actually only finished it recently, partially because I had a lot of things come up, including starting to translate the spin-off manga series, and partially because some of the quiz answers were things I had to look up and wasn't sure of. I have scans of the booklets that were included as part of the file set, but they don't contain transcripts of the audios dramas, so I have to do everything by ear
Admittedly, "Gemora by quiz" would have been a more accurate title, but since both words were easily recognised I kept the order, "gemora" seems to have been made up since I couldn't find it anywhere, even online searches just yielded results for the CD. Either way, this story is a fun one, and I hope you enjoy it (^.^)
N: "This world has mysterious paths, when the gears of fate turn we're all moved, why is that?" Or so we've all screamed before.
K66: Gero! So bright! Wh-what's this!?
G66: Just where is this place!? Could it be, this an enemy alien's trap?
D66: Corporal Giroro, calm down!
723: Hey, there are lights and a big screen, but somehow it feels like I've seen a place like this somewhere before
KYK: Furthermore, there are seats lined up too, aren't there?
FYK: This kind of feels like a quiz show studio, doesn't it?
All: A quiz show!?
TMM: That's it exactly!
K66: Pekopon Invasion CD! Number 3
TMM: Tamama, quiz and gemora~!
K66: Yes sir!
TMM: Welcome, everyone!
MKK: Everyone, our apologies to have kept you waiting
K66: Private Tamama!
FYK: Nishizawa-san, too
TMM: This place is a quiz show play set Momocchi bought from space tele-shopping
FYK: Eh~? Space mail order sells things like this?
G66: We're army men, we don't have free to to play
MMK: The grand prize winner will receive a pair of tickets for a trip around the world
(Surprised reactions)
723: I want that! I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll definitely win and get those tickets!
G66: A trip around Pekopon with Natsumi
KYK: Alright, I'll do my best and travel the world with Natsumi-san!
D66: If I won, they would be a good present for Koyuki-dono, good sir
K66 (Mentally): Gero gero gero gero, if I re-sell those tickets, I could buy a mountain of gunpla
K66: Tamama! Good job! I've wanted to try something like this, yes sir
TMM: I made Mr. Sergeant happy!
TMM (mentally): Gu fu fu. With this my status will sky rocket, overtake that ganguro harmageddon woman! (1) And Momocchi will get the tickets as planned (Grin)
Inner MMK (mentally): (Grin) If this mission works out, Fuyuki and I will go on a love love world tour, just the two of us. I bought it for 11,100,000,111 yen from space tele-shopping (2)
TMM: Well then, we'll begin the sudden quiz show "Just Right Kero Kero"
Paul: My sincerest support to you, I, Paul Moriyama and I hope to receive your support
Paul: Now then, we have self-introductions, starting from the "Just Right" team
723: Captain! A lively girl, Natsumi Hinata!
FYK: A boy who loves occult, Fuyuki Hinata!
MMK: Pure hearted and straight forward, Momoka Nishizawa!
KYK: A shinobi student, Koyuki Azumaya!
Paul: And the opposing Kero Kero Team
K66: Naturally I'm the captain! Call me Keroro!
TMM: The Keroro platoon's idol, Tamama!
G66: I'm Giroro, I'm not very good at quizzes
D66: Flowers for earth, love for people, I'm Dororo, good sir
Paul: Then first is this: the first photograph. This is a photo of a certain famous person when they were a new born baby
FYK: Sis, that's Sumomo-chan, isn't it?
723: It's obvious, isn't it?
Paul: Well, what did this child become? Just Right team, starting from Natsumi-sama
723: Lucky! I've got an easy win! Right, that's Sumomo-
K66: Natsumi-dono! Could it be you plan to immediately give a right answer?
723: eh?
K66: In quiz shows like this many people enjoy the wrong answers more than correct ones. Who'll like this show if you get the right answer right away?
TMM: It's normal for people to try fake botching some answers, right?
D66: No, there's no knowing if one this easy is a trick question, good miss
723: What? Um....
Paul: Natsumi-sama, please give your answer
723: Sumo-
K66: Sumo?
TMM: Could it be that Nacchi-
723: Wh-what? It's better if I botch it, isn't it? Sumo...Sumo...Rita Kensaku (3)
Paul: Fuyuki-sama
FYK: Su...sumo sumo it's Kanbei! It's Kanbei-san! (4)
Paul: Lady Momoka
MMK (Mentally): Fuyuki-kun botched it, too. Here, I'll also-
MMK: Sumo- s-su...mo...How many more nights do we sleep until new year? Dosukoi! (5)
Paul: Koyuki-sama
KYK: Su- Sumo-
723: No, Koyuki-chan, you have to botch it!
KYK: S-sumo sumomo sumomomomomomomo!
Paul: Well then, Keroro-dono of the Kero Kero Team
K66: Sumomo-chan!
Paul: That is correct
K66: Yahoo!
723: Hey! What was that!?
FYK: No fair, sergeant
K66: Gero gero gero gero, if it's in the name of victory, I'll even become an oni
MMK: W-who would have thought-
UMMK: You~ You think you can just do what you want?
Paul: Thank you for your participation, but now we announce the results of this quiz, and award point to the winners. First is 10 points to Keroro-dono, who got the correct answer
K66: Yay!
Paul: And we'll give 10 points to everyone on the Kero Kero Team
TMM: Yay! Mister Sergeant, as I'd expected!
D66: I wasn't overlooked
G66: Keroro, I wouldn't have thought- outside of work you're actually useful
K66: Eh? Gero Gero Gero Gero. I have 20 points, that puts me in the lead, yes sir
Paul: Oh! Lucky Roulette Time! I 50 point bonus to lady Momoka
Everyone else sounds suprised
MMK: Lucky! (Alright! At this rate we're going on a love love world tour!)
K66: Paul-dono! Just what is that "Lucky Roulette", yes sir? Don't you think it's weird that Momoka-dono has more points than me when I got the right answer, yes sir?
Paul: Now let us call today's guest
K66: You're deflecting!
Paul: It's space idol Sumomo-sama! Please enjoy!
K66: Kya! Sumomo-chan! But there's nobody here.
FYK: What happened?
TMM: This time the schedules didn't match up, too bad. Te-he
723: "Te-he", if that's the case, then don't you not have anyone as a guest?
G66: You~ You know what all the question are
TMM: Ah, well, that's....(failed whistling) Then, let's try a different quiz show! There!
1-Ganguro is a style of fashion that first took hold in the 90s that's most concisely described as trying to look like a valley girl from late 80s/early 90s California: super tanned with bleached blonde hair. Though Mois lacks the bright coloured clothing and heavy make up also typical of the style (as does Asami, who probably just looks like that naturally)
2-The cost is about $111,000,001.11, admittedly, a normal studio probably would have been cheaper (^.^') Either way, this one was tricky since "tsuuhan" refers to both mail order and online shopping and this CD is from 2004 when online shopping was just taking off, so mail order isn't too unexpected, but it's space and internet is more likely, so I went with tele-shopping to cover both
3-Morita Kensaku (surname first): Is an actor turned politician, at the time this CD released he would have recently ended his second and final term as the representative of Tokyo's 4th district in the house of representatives, about 5 years later he became the governor of Chiba prefecture until his retirement in 2021
4-I believe this refers to Kanbei from the classic film Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa, Kanbei is the group leader
5-Momoka's answer is the name of a song for the new year's holiday, the "dosukoi" afterwards is from sumo wrestling (possibly since a "the sumo wrestler [name] is an obvious wrong answer that nobody gave)
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year
15 Questions Game
Thanks @j-1173 for this one! Being relatively new around here, these questions seem like a good way to get to know people, so here we go!
Are you named after anyone? Supposedly a childhood friend of my grandmother's, but my parents never actually met her, so I wasn't named AFTER her. It was just the first time my mom ever heard the name and apparently liked it.
When was the last time you cried? Today. I can't even remember the reason; something I was reading about online. I'm a crier, okay?
Do you have kids? Nope.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yup.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? The way they talk and interact with people around them. It's not really one thing, it's their whole persona.
What’s your eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, always.
Any special talents? I go to a pub quiz almost every week and my team usually wins. When I'm not there, they don't, so I think that makes me the MVP...
Where were you born? Minneapolis.
What are your hobbies? Writing, obviously, even though it's also my job. Paddleboarding, even though I haven't done it in a year. Scuba diving, same. Music, formerly as a singer/pianist/bassist, though not so much nowadays. Yoga. Trivia.
Do you have any pets? Not at the moment. I live a rather transient existence.
What sports do you play/have you played? As a kid, almost all of them, with very little success. As an adult, stand-up paddleboarding, with slightly more success. I can't play team sports. I sometimes watch them, but that's about it.
How tall are you? 5'4"
Favorite subject in school? English or creative writing.
Dream job? Writer. I'm already living the dream!
I'm supposed to tag 15 mutuals! That's a lot, but here goes.
If you're open to tag games and want to join in (not sure you all are), I look forward to reading your answers! No pressure!
@toribookworm22 @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question
@damnitmyradio @burntcoffeewhump
@obviousknife @jesswellmanwrites @writingforjoy @andromeda-grace @lovely-ashes09 @rizzamacka-whump @profic-faerie @whumpyinside @eternalwritingstudent @hurtpluscomfort @sarcasticjuiceboxes
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baravaggio · 3 months
hi! sorry to send this from a blank blog, i see you don't have anon on but i'm kind of embarrassed to ask this from my main acc, i hope you don't mind. i saw you post a couple times about having used period cups for a long time and i was wondering if you had any suggestions for finding the right cup and how to use one? i want to move away from tampons but i'm scared of using something that could get stuck or lost, and i feel like i'm making myself more nervous the more i think about it. thank you in advance!
Hi! Of course, happy to help :)
My favorite resource for finding a cup is Put a Cup In It, they have comprehensive comparison charts for cup specs & pricing, coupon links, articles, etc. Most helpful feature for you will probably be the quiz, where you answer a few questions about your body & period and they try to match you with the best option on the market (I just did it for fun and it matched me with the cup I've stuck with for about 10 years atp, very satisfying lol). I recommend doing the quiz just so you can be aware of what kind of info you need to choose the right cup, because there is more relevant to the choice then just flow/whether you've given birth, but manufacturers won't tell you this.
I also recommend searching on r/menstrualcups for any specific product or troubleshooting questions, people there are nice, knowledgeable, and always happy to help.
Last resource is one I found hugely helpful when I was first looking for cups was Precious Star Vlogs Youtube channel, she doesn't post about cups anymore, but she still has a huge playlist of her cup reviews and tips up. She was kind of THE resource for this stuff online before it became more mainstream so I highly recommend checking out her stuff if you prefer video content.
Personal tips for how to use one under the read more:
I highly recommend doing a practice run with your cup before you are actually on your period so you can start to get a feel for how to put it in and take it out, what it feels like when it's properly suctioned, etc. Cups are non-absorbent so it's perfectly safe to do. If you do one or two practice runs you won't feel as overwhelmed by the process of using it for the first time while also being on your period. Practice removing the cup while keeping it upright so you can avoid messes as much as possible!
If it's awkward to insert sitting on the toilet, you can also squat or put one leg up on the tub or something, that's what I do because my arms are short 😭 Inserting and removing when in the shower while possible is always a good way to make things easier!
When inserted properly, you shouldn't be able to feel the cup moving around inside you. If it's moving, it's not suctioned properly and you need to reinsert. It's good to do a very light test rotate and tug after you insert the cup to make sure it's not budging. You might be able to feel the stem around the opening of the vagina, that's normal.
If you're feeling a weird pressure or a constant "I have to pee" sensation, you might have a sensitive bladder and need a cup with a less prominent rim/softer material. I mention this only because I think that's one reason Diva Cup style-designs don't work for everyone, the ridge on the rim can poke into your bladder in a way that is uncomfortable.
Wrt your comment about the cup getting lost - it's not possible so no need to worry about that, there is no way it could move beyond the cervix.
There are a couple things you can do to avoid the cup getting stuck. First, make sure you have a good understanding of how high your cervix sits when you're on your period so you can choose a cup that is long enough. If you choose a cup that is too short, you run the risk of not being able to reach it when your cervix shifts to sit higher. Second, if you find you're having a hard time getting the cup out, the most important thing to do is try to relax and not panic. If you're stressed your muscles will tighten up, you're probably going to be tempted to yank at the cup which will be painful if you haven't broken the suction, and you'll only feel more anxious. Put on a pad for backup, take a break, and come back to it later.
In that vein, don't trim the stem of any cup until you are confident you are safely able to reach it through the duration of your cycle. Many people will suggest trimming the stem if it sticks out for maximum comfort, which is fine, but you want to make sure you can grip the cup when it's sitting higher/is slippery.
Easiest way to remove that I've found is to bear down with your muscles a bit so the cup can move lower, then slide a finger up along the side of the cup and gently push in to break the suction. Avoid pulling the cup down manually when it's still suctioned, especially if you have an IUD.
Final tip is to be prepared for some mess, remember that a cup is not absorbent so you're going to be dealing with fluid, mucous, etc when your flow is heavy...good to have some toilet paper in your other hand to wipe anything up.
I hope that helps! Good luck with the cup hunt :)
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crescent-dreams · 1 year
Tumblr media
Creator's Corner - Mitsje
Let's start off easy - how did you become a fan of the Inuyasha fandom?
This goes way back, but I actually was first introduced to the series via Quizilla. It's not online anymore, but it was, and I quote wiki: 'an online community featuring user-generated content, including a lot of writing from teen authors. It was primarily intended to host user-made quizzes (e.g. "What Hogwarts house do you belong in?"), but also played host to a large cohort of fans writing quiz fic and reader inserts.'
This was how I first encountered Sesshoumaru and the rest of the gang, in a shameless SessxReader type of deal. I went on to read the manga and haphazardly following the anime,  found out about FF.net, went on to find Dokuga, and well, the rest is history, I guess. 
Art or Fanfic - which work of yours are you most proud of?
I'm actually most proud of 'Call of the Void', because it is so far the only fic that has sprung from my imgination in its entirety, save for the canon, of course. All the others have been inspired by other media, albeit some more obvious than others.
Is there anything you don't like to draw?
Hands and feet, but mostly because it just sucks. If you'd have asked me a few months ago, I'd have said nudity, but well, I'm past that, LOL.
What are your favourite fanfic tropes to write?
Pining and happy endings are up there, but I also like subverting some tropes, putting our intrepid duo in a room with only one bed and then casually having Sess leave, for example. 
You're in a creative mood - how do you decide whether to write or to draw?
Oooh, that's a good question. I think it depends mostly on whether or not I think I'm able to draw the picture in my head easily. If I can't quickly work out the composition, or if it's more than a few frames that spring up, I'd sooner write it out. 
Where do you find inspiration?
After all these years of shipping these two, whether in my head or actively in writing/drawing, I've become adept at seeing them in just about any pairing in other media that comes close to their characters, so basically everywhere. But, most recently (and smuttily), the Gilden Sapphire discord server, of course. 
If you could spend one day in the feudal era, what would you do?
Lounge around in the first hot spring I can stumble into and wait around to fulfill that SessxReader story that got me into this fandom in the first place. 
Describe your dream project.
If I had the time, perserverance, sufficient concentration and patience, I would love to make a doujinshi someday. As it is, I--hey look, a squirrel!
If you could get the power/skill of one Inuyasha character, what would you choose?
It's a toss up between travelling in an orb of light and super speed. The latter would make household chores so much faster, but the former would allow me to pop over to Japan for lunch, so.... yeah, travelling in an orb of light it is.
You can find @mitsiepitsie-blog on Tumblr, Ao3, Dokuga, FFnet, and DeviantArt! And please check out our Creator’s Corner Masterlist for all our past creators!
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gaymergal · 4 months
:3 happy pride 🌈 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I unintentionally came out to my older sister (again) by wearing a piece of clothing.
💚💜🤍 😂 she remains the best
(Story followed by small spiraling below the cut 😃👍🏾✨)
Forever ago when I was in high school, I was only out as gay at school with friends. And didn’t come out to family until later (Highschool for me was 2004-2008 Bush era. And though my family is and has been very liberal leaning, we were also raised catholic which definitely fueled my personal hesitation to come out at home. Spoilers alert when I told my mom it went hilariously well)
One day after school myself and a pair of friends were at the mall, and the three of us bought a three piece matching friendship necklace at Claire’s on clearance that said roughly Best (star charm), Friends(heart charm), Forever(rainbow charm)
(90% sure that was the breakdown important thing is my section of the necklace had a rainbow charm)
It was like the only rainbow thing I owned, and I would wear it sparingly cause wasn’t 100% out. I had left the necklace on at home and my sister immediately clocked it and pulled me aside and asked if I was gay.
It was a very brief side bar conversation, I was in the kitchen and she literally pulled me into another room and was like “u gay? Your wearing a rainbow necklace”
“Uh yeah”
“Ok cool”
I never did a big announcement to family. Starting with my sister (actually, one of my brothers might have been the first family to know followed then by my sister🤔)
I just told family in one on one conversations as it came up, and eventually even extended family just knew I was gay.
(When I told my mom, because of the way I nervously started the conversation, on the verge of tears saying “i have something important to tell you” she thought I was teen pregnant and when I said I was gay she was like that’s it? That’s fine!)
Anyway! In 2020 with the support of my wife I experimented with pronouns and found that in addition to she/her I really do vibe with he/him pronouns (🥰 I am both her wife and boyfriend and absolutely love being called either)
I really only use he/him privately online and at limited irl queer gatherings and haven’t explicitly told my family (There is a hesitation that family might not fully “get” use of he/him pronouns and for now I’d rather keep it away from them for the time being. At this point its less of a fear of rejection and more of a…I don’t know how that conversation is going to go, and that gives me anxiety to bring it up and start a conversation about it.)
We just had our local pride weekend and I was wearing a pair of black socks that had stripes of green purple white at the top of them 💚💜🤍 for genderqueer and did post a family picture of me my wife and our son at pride to FB (socks visible) not thinking anyone in my fam would clock it.
Got a text from my sister yesterday: “Random question. What are your pronouns?”
Which prompted a phone call (that went super well :3 🥰)
At first she thought they were non binary colors and googled to confirm, but saw that the colors didn’t match but “knew it meant something” and then asked my niece (gen z theater kiddo) what the those specific colors represented. (Lol like straight up queer pop quiz style “hey green white purple, what’s that flag? 🤣)
When the dreaded “what do you want me to use for you” came up (idk why so much anxious, it is very much use one or the other or a mix, i genuinely like and respond to both. the only strong feeling i have is please don’t directly ask me which to use, or why he/him in addition to she/her)
It was a very quick, “so i can still use she/her”
“You sure?”
“well if that changes, I’ll just keep an eye out for new colors”
“🥲💖” (which I found to be very sweet!)
On the one hand, part of me is like, ah history repeating itself, just tell family as it comes up.
But with Pride and (:3 my first!) Father’s day coming up I am tempted to make a FB post just to set the record straight on my pronouns but, (anxiety)
Its weird, like I don’t necessarily feel like I’m in the closet as much as I did with being gay in high school. I’m not afraid of someone finding out. I don’t think my pronouns are something that needs to be kept secret. If asked I am comfortable enough to respond to the question, but the thought of anoucing them publicly is just a big no-no. 🙃
😅 Anyway!
🥳 happy pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💜💙💖
💚🤍💜 treating myself to an early father’s day hair cut tomorrow ✌🏾 :3
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Sort of adjacent to you being 'intimidating' to others I guess But, I started following and reading your work as a teen something like a decade+ ago now so I've followed you through quite a few fandoms. It's been a blast! :)
Anyway, I think how you participated in each one: how your boundaries are set and your attitude on respect, kinda taught me how to behave properly on social media. Like, what was a good way to comment on things and how to talk to others you look up to. Not that I was a tar pit before, but I think I was more ignorant before I stuck around and saw how you handled things.
Like I said, it's adjacent at best to the poll, but I suppose I haven't seen you as intimidating since I got over the fact turning off anon was actually a good move to take sometimes, and the fact I couldn't message someone on anon because I was shy was something I needed to work on myself. Again, it's been years lol.
P.S. Love to this day pals being like yeah there's this Inception but Homestuck fic/kink quiz, and I can act very normal and go: oh Arc stuff? yeah they're cool B)
This is lovely, thank you. I'm happy to help, because my god I think a huge amount of online drama would be solved if we were all just a little better at this kind of stuff.
Also wait, quiz? What quiz? I bet I would ace it.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Thank you thank you-!!!💖You definitely helped!!🫂I have one more question tho, what is homecoming court? I’ve never had homecoming and it’s not really a thing where I come from, and I definitely do not know what a court of it is 😭
I’ll try out those clubs tho!! Being stuck in online classes for years makes me wanna try out EVERYTHING!!!
Homecoming court is kinda like a popular contest honestly! It depends on the class size, and how many people want to participate! The girls and guys are then paired up, usually according to height since they have to do a dance together (at least at my school we had to!) everyone campaigns to win Homecoming Queen and King! You get on the Homecoming Court due to I believe teachers, they pick students who are all-around good/honors/funny/atheletic/volunteering. Then everyoneeee in the school or everyone who shows up to the Homecoming Dance, vote for King and Queen! The pairs all do a bunch of stuff together during Homecoming Week! It’s a bunch of fun, I remember making signs, doing fun dances, a scavenger hunt, dressing up!
I’m so happy that helped!! I say try to join and do a bunch of stuff!! You make lots of friends that way and it puts yourself out there to learn and grow! It also builds your resume for when you apply to scholarships and going to college :D
Do it!!! Do everything!!!! I did softball, volleyball, beta club, key club, (which is like beta club basically), quiz bowl, talented art (also called gifted) Homecoming Court, Mentorship (basically being a senior mentor for incoming freshman) and this was just at a small school! If you are going to a bigger school they will definitely have so many more clubs and options!!!
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