#to no one's surprise they're really sappy hehe
good morning! <333
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sh0tanzz · 8 months
hello I hope you are having a great day ☺️, i really like your readings hehe, please do Anton as your boyfriend reading soon, I am looking forward on your other readings of the other groups as well.
rest well and take care 💕💕
you are sooo sweet omg but here we go !!
Anton as your boyfriend based on Astrology
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Aries Sun: Many people are "surprised" that Anton is an aries since the stereotype is that they're hyper and aggressive but aries men can be pretty shy + to themselves initially and don't expose their extroverted behavior till they're comfortable. Aries is cardinal, they enjoy starting things and once they master it will move on to the next task (Anton went from swimming to instruments, to producing, to being an idol what bigger example do you need 😭) before the relationship actually starts he'd try to approach but wouldn't just straight up flirt he'd want to begin a friendship or some form of banter/rapport with you. Since there's no water supporting his sun in his big six it shows he wouldn't be a super sappy "my heart bleeds for you" type of boyfriend but would still be passionate and serious when it comes to you as his partner. If you had a rocky past he'd try to have you focus on the "now" of everything and help you not loath. Has his random moments of boldness but they go as fast as they came LMAOO so savor them when you can.
Aries Moon: Many people view Anton as very timid and though he is on a surface level he is most definitely capable of boldness and quickly acting on his wants, yes he is a contained individual but when he wants something he'll shamelessly go after it. So yes ! he is 100% capable of initiating things whether its physical affection or if he wants to see you. If he wants you he wants you, plus, in a video he claimed that if it was just him and the person of his affection one on one he'd express himself more freely. Which makes me think if it were you two one on one he'd be super real about his feelings and his guard wouldn't be as far up.
Aries Mercury: Yes. the headcanons that anton would spam your phone with tiktoks and memes are true. He wouldn't be afraid of hitting you up frequently and seeming "needy" like he loves you duh ofc he's gonna text you literally at any given opportunity. Would probably have your post notifs on and would be the FIRSTTT person to like your post and story. He'd be very honest and straightforward when communicating so you wouldn't have to worry about reading in between the lines or having to guess about what's going on between you two.
Taurus Venus: He could have short lived phases of being possessive and literally viewing you as "his person". He wouldn't want the relationship to continuously rush into new bases he'd want it to have a natural flow and wouldn't rush you into anything but would still want to know where you stood on certain things and be in the know (his aries stellium influence, he welcomes change and newness but, as said before, wants it to come naturally and at a certain pace). He'd be sure to be someone you could rely and depend on and would be as patient as possible with you. Would express his love through physical touch such as cuddling, resting his head on your shoulder, napping together and through spoiling you like paying for your meal, sending/bringing food and random valuable gifts at whatever time. HE JUST WANTS TO TREAT YOU RIGHHTT. Also would be very sentimental like he'd have photos, songs, posts and things saved or kept from when you two first met or started dating. He'd make the relationship so domestic oml. Ngl due to taurus venuses need for natural build up and the childish friendly nature of his aries placements he's probably a sucker for the friends to lover trope me thinks 😭
Gemini Mars: Oh he'd just love having one on one talks with you about anything interesting under the sun none of the convos would be surface level or shallow. He'd also flirt SM THROUGH TEXT every gemini mars dude I've known gets so flirty otp. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about the relationship having an air of monotony either. People claim that gemini mars people can be hot and cold but I don't think that's the case I think they're just aware that sometimes for a healthy relationship space is properly needed, so he'd let you have time to yourself/himself but with his taurus venus during these periods you wouldn't feel alone or abandoned because he'd still be there for you. Similar to Wonbin he could find your voice very attractive or a turn on. Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders so he may kiss you there or like to have some physical contact with them. Gemini also rules the lungs and nervous system so he might try to 'take your breath away'...take that as you will LOL.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Neptune Sextile: He is hyperaware of the feelings and emotions of those around him no matter how subtle they seem and also uses music as a vice so he'd use it to connect with you.
Venus trine Jupiter: He's naturally a giver and wouldn't be overly forceful, He honestly would nurture the relationship as much as he possibly could.
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of having toxic or negative traits, these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Square Neptune: Is willing to go LENGTHS for a partner/people he loves but may take things a bit too far or do "too much" and once you try to explain that though you appreciate his efforts it's a bit much he may take it the wrong way and feel unappreciated or used.
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minnaci · 4 days
min i hope it isn’t too late (i meant to send you an ask this morning but forgot 😭) but could i please ask about your thoughts on alhaitham as a streamer! i love that au for him tbh hehe :>
OMG STREAMER HAITHAM <33333 MAN THAT HE IS <3333 he's one of my favs for this au okay okay okay okay
haitham doesn't really temper his personality to be more appealing to his viewers— in his words, "if they like me, they'll watch. if not, they won't. it doesn't matter either way to me." which landed him in some hot water because people tried to say he was being ungrateful towards his fans LOL
he's very blunt, and he's very smart. i imagine him similar to disguisedtoast (one of my favorite streamers irl..... maybe i am biased...). haitham is a little weaker at games that require a lot of technical skill (not that he's bad, but they're not games he prefers to play). he excels at strategy or social deduction games (yes, he had an among us phase. no, he's not ashamed of it). he started out playing civilization vi (he is an old man at heart), but cyno (an online friend at the time) introduced him to the world of tcgs via hearthstone.
despite his more abrasive personality, he's remained pretty controversy-free through his online career, mostly because he simply doesn't care about drama or discourse enough to insert himself into it. people are always surprised at how tall he is when he shows up to cons. one person in particular expressed surprised that he was taller than them (the person was 5'4). when kaveh heard about this he didn't stop laughing at haitham for nearly 30 minutes. on stream.
it's an inside joke on haitham's stream that he's quitting as soon as he saves up enough for his retirement, but most of his chatters don't actually realize that it's a joke, at least until haitham does a rare non-gaming stream for his birthday in which he gets a lil tipsy (read: blackout drunk) and proceeds to be very very sappy about how much he enjoys this job because he loves his friends and his viewers, and he actually calls out the usernames of few of his longest supporters who have been subscribed to him since the beginning. he unfortunately never lives it down and it deals a huge hit to his idgaf facade... and nobody takes him seriously when he threatens to retire ever again 😔
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Actually crying i got kicked out of my tumblr account for like a few months :( anyways got back into my account yay! As a celebration i offer some rot!
Ok so i think everyone agrees that Capitano is larger than the average human right? big hands, big body etc. So what ends up happening is he gets items custom made for him. But the one thing he cant make larger is flowers. The last thing you'd think this guys worst enemy would be flowers. So when he decides to attempt to grow some flower for you he fails horribly. His custom watering can always has too much water, his soil isnt ' healthy enough ', the list never ends! it seems everything he tries fails so in the end he has no choice but to give up.
So when he comes to you with his regrettably brought bouquet of flowers and confesses he attempted to grow them the last thing he expected was for you to offer to help him. Turns out you know a thing or two about flower growing from your family so you and him grow flowers together! You help him update the soil, use the right amount of water and in the end its a success. The accomplishment he felt as you gave him a single Heliotrope ( search up what it means hehe ) from the many now grown flower made him happy he was able to do it with you, because everything is better when he does it with you.
ASDFGHJKL i felt a little sappy today and I conjured this up lol -Jellofish Anon!
You always express your love for your husband in many different ways, and Capitano can't help but want to naturally reciprocate. However, he isn't very good with his words around you. And despite how much he loves you, his actions can be stiff and unsure. So he opts for gift giving. But then he realizes he's never bought anything like this before and now he's unsure if you'll actually like a gift. This is very hard for the First Harbinger. But flowers. Flowers are a universally loved gift, right? People gift them all the time. They would be nice, he thinks. Should he ask Childe which are the best flower shops around? But then he thinks once more - you always love to give him handmade gifts imbued with your love. Perhaps if he did the same, you'd love it more? He is willing to try, for you.
Unfortunately, as many of his attempts at trying normal hobbies turn out, the process of growing flowers for you ends up as a failure. He's not very surprised, but still a bit disappointed. He wanted to portray his love for you as deeply as possible. You're both amused, touched, and a bit sad by his continued devotion.
Capitano is very much happy when you decide to teach him the art of gardening. He loves it when you teach him new things. It's funny because he's a quick learner with a lot of things, as he observes very carefully, but in practice, he struggles with such delicate movements. But you keep supporting him no matter what! (Eternal love and devotion <33)
(Okay but the idea of things being made bigger for him is really funny... I like to imagine the doorways in his mansion had to be modified so he doesn't have to keep bending down to enter and exit. They're kind of weird yet funny for an average-height person to walk through... Not to mention, his claymore is much bigger than the average-sized one. This is fine but it scares some recruits because of the size compared to their own body.)
(The other Fatui/employees, watching their Lord Harbinger water flowers expertly from afar:)
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[hullo! dropping in a honmei gift for Ace!! thanks!! ^^]
Ace is surprised with a hug from behind. "Boo! Haha, did I getcha? Here," A small, red box with a ribbon is placed in his hands. There's a clear window on the lid, and through it, he sees a slice of cherry pie. "They had your favorite in the cafeteria today! I made sure to snag a piece for you before they ran out, hehe." Now face-to-face with him, the butterflies in their stomach go wild, but they push forth.
"...I'm just gonna lay it all out: I like you. A lot, actually. I'm in love with you, and your goofy smile, and those stupid pretty eyes of yours..."
They're unable to look at him, but they grin as they continue. "Really, what's not to love about you? You're pretty cool, you're really funny, and you're an amazing friend... You make my days here in this crazy world so much easier, and a whole lot brighter. You have no idea how grateful I am for that..." They look up at him, smiling brightly. "I must be really lucky, having someone like you by my side."
"Call me a sap, or a cheeseball, or whatever; I don't care. I know teasing people like that is your love language." They laugh as they lightly, playfully punch his arm. "Still, it's nice to actually hear the words, right? So... I love you, Ace Trappola! With my whole heart!" They punctuate their confession with a quick kiss to the heart mark on Ace's face.
One tiny alteration was made (just so the events pan out a little more fluidly and dramatically); instead of the Reader placing the box in Ace's hands, Ace grabs it. Hope that's alright! .. BRUH 😭 Can I just say???? I’m totally shocked at how many gifts Ace got this year??? He ALONE claimed 10% of the interactions, and that’s more than Malleus fucking Draconia.
What the heck did Ace do the last year to steal all of your hearts???????? 🤡 This is a genuine question.
Sweet on You.
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"Hey, watch it!" Ace groaned, playfully swatting at you with his notebook once you had released him. "Only dummies like Deuce would fall for such a lame jumpscare. I'm built different."
After delivering a light blow to your head, he tucked the notebook under an arm. "So, what's up? You need me or something' now that classes are out?"
Ace peered at the small beribboned red box you offered. Through a window of clear plastic film, he could see a slice of pie. The lattice crust was crisp and golden brown, the filling oozing with plump cherries.
His eyes lit up. "Sweet, score!! I was super bummed out since Professor Crewel--what a hardass--lectured me about goofing off in lab. He went on for so long that I was late for lunch period and totally missed my shot at grabbing a slice."
Ace greedily reached to intercept the snack. When both his grip and yours were locked onto the box, the swarm of butterflies in your stomach went wild and let loose. That physical connection, however brief, your impetus.
You liked him. In fact, you loved him. All your heartfelt thoughts and feelings spilled out, every last detail you loved about him put on display in the empty classroom.
His fingers, and his expression, froze.
You continued.
The more you spoke of him, the more confidence ballooned in your chest. A smile slowly crept onto your mouth, and you managed to wrench your eyes up to match Ace's.
"I must be really lucky, having someone like you by my side."
"... Hah?" Ace stole away the cherry pie. Jutting his chin out, he adopted a smug look—but failed to disguise the initial stutter to his response. “O-Of course you’d be into me. Duh, who wouldn’t be? Can't exactly fault ya. I'm some pretty hot stuff--I'm cheerful, funny, loyal, and super humble. I'm basically the perfect package!"
Lifting a hand, he lightly flicked you on the forehead. "I know you're madly in love with me and can't bear to be apart, but geez, don't go and say sappy stuff like that! You're seriously no shame and all cheese."
"I don't care," you laughed, taking his biting remarks in stride. You landed a punch on his arm. "I know teasing people like that is your love language."
"H-Hey, don't just go and assume..."
"I love you, Ace Trappola! With my whole heart!"
"... Ah."
Warmth blossomed from the mark stamped on his face. Its origin point, where you had laid your lips. His own mouth, and all the sass that flowed from it, silenced.
Your hearts skipped in unison as you beheld one another. The moment, magical.
Ace broke your gaze and quickly looked away.
Time seemed to stand still, letting loose of its hold only when he next spoke.
“………………………. You beat me to saying it,” Ace muttered. A coquettish pink had bloomed upon his cheeks. “It’s cool to have you around. Maybe… we could hang out even more. Not as friends, but as something more.”
His eyes—the very ones you loved—returned to you, bolder and more bright than ever before.
“… What do you say? Be my partner in crime?”
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
mama <3
Majima with a crush who has a personality that reminds him a lot of Makoto. Just overall the same innocence, softness, and fragility. 👁️👁️ Can't hold a grudge, can't hurt a fly, literally never gets angry, cries a lot, and is super caring of him 😭 They're in a "situationship" if u will, bc they're both clearly in love with one another BUT NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT IT BC THEY BOTH HAVE TRASH EXPERIENCES WITH ROMANCE
"Goro, i got u this crucifix so the Lord can protect u on ur errands."
Hehe yesssss brain go brr. Also, as a note, I'm going to switch it from a crucifix to an amulet as I want everyone to enjoy these headcanons and I don't want it to just be specific to one religion. Amulet charms are a pretty common thing in Asia so hopefully that switch isn't too jarring for you (I have a couple of them myself, mostly for luck at school when I was still in college lol). Anyways, details below the cut!
It makes sense for Majima to have a partner that is actually the opposite of him. In fact, it suits him and he really likes it. Is he just projecting his feelings for Makoto? He'll never tell so don't ask.
Truthfully, he knows the answer is totally yes. Makoto wasn't his first love but it was definitely...something. Meeting you reminded him not necessarily of Makoto but the way it felt to actually feel something about someone else. Majima's no stranger to flashbacks or daydreams about what used to be Makoto but with you, it's different. You don't remind him of her; you remind him of fond memories.
Majima isn't great at hiding his curiosity and he starts coming onto you pretty quickly. It happens so fast that you both declare it to be a situationship more than anything, but anyone who has ever seen the two of you together can see right through your act. The truth is that both of you want to take the plunge but are just too shy to take the first step. The both of you find yourself in "No, YOU hang up first" situations way too often.
Eventually, Majima's feelings evolve from nostalgia to just having actual attachment to you. He's not getting a hit of what used to be anymore, now it's transformed into something he wants to happen. Because of this, he slowly starts opening up. He lets you baby him, he doesn't deflect as much when you ask how he's doing, he starts wishing you good mornings and good nights. It's surprising to him just as much as it is to you.
Majima knows you have your own history to deal with. Both of you actually feel a little relaxed knowing that there's a mutual understanding of what it's like to go through those difficult experiences. Slowly but surely, you find yourself no longer as lonely on those nights when the memories are just too heavy to bear. Instead, you find yourself sitting next to Majima, his arm wrapped around you, telling you he understands and for once it doesn't feel like a hollow statement said out of pity because you know it's true; he DOES understand.
Even though you don't have an official relationship label, the two of you have fallen into the habit of functioning like longtime lovers. It's the little things: good mornings and good nights, asking Majima if he's eaten yet, him asking you if you slept well. He comes to you on his hardest days, knowing he can be safe with you, that you'd never judge him, never yell at him.
On the flip side, he thinks it's totally adorable when you cry, which you do easily. It's not that you're actually sad, you just have a big heart. You see a mom and daughter out together and you get a little misty eyed at how cute they are. At a cat cafe, you cry from happiness. Sappy movies make you sob. Majima might tease you but in reality, he admires how tender your heart is. He thinks being vulnerable is actually the greatest strength of all.
Majima loves how doting you are. You're very much a look-both-ways-before-crossing-the-street person whereas Majima isn't and his heart skips a beat when you say things like "Watch your step" or "Be careful". No one's ever thought Majima was delicate by any means and because of it, he's felt he's had to appear invincible. Majima's always had something to lose but he never imagined he'd be something that someone else was afraid to lose. It warms his heart to the point he could cry but he won't, instead he'll just shower you with kisses.
One of Majima's favorite memories is when you gave him that protection amulet. At first, Majima was confused, saying "Oi, what's this 'bout?" but you insisted, saying "Goro, I got you this so I know you're protected wherever you go." and that's when Majima realized just how serious you were about him and how serious he was about you. Now, he carries the charm with him everywhere, feeling for it in his pocket whenever he feels unsteady or scared, knowing he's got you to fight for, to look after, to come back to.
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ventofu · 3 years
# part two: shopping with the genshin men ☆
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(●o’∪`o)ノ―♪`*.+ what is it you desire today?
ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”♬ currently playing .. ♡ !
falling by chase atlantic ! ♬ ☁️ 🐱🍦
(●o’∪`o)ノ―♪`*.+ a bottle of affection, comin' up ! ♡
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special notes: GN! READER ♡ part two of how shopping dates with the genshin men would be like <3 , modern setting, shimi had so much fun writing itto's part ʕᴥ• ʔ, cute sappy and wholesome! * i also want to to lowkey start taking requests so pls my inbox is open >< but if u wanna jus talk im also open !
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# (🪨) ITTO !
♡ the absolute man !! but that doesn't mean he won't give in to your pouts when you beg him to give you a piggyback ride just because your legs are hurting - through the street market (〃>_<;〃) super weak when it comes to you, basically ( ` ω ´ )
♡ we know that this man is the goofiest - and from that we can infer that he's one of the most fun to be around ! you're super lucky to call him yours ;> of course, because of that, this oni brings the fun to your shopping trips together!
♡ after carrying your multiple shopping bags, or after he buys you a pricey necklace from your favorite store, the oni takes the opportunity instantly ! i definitely think he asks for a kiss every single time - and so, i'm sure you took him for surprise when the time came that before he could open his mouth, you're tugging him by his collar and pressing a loving kiss on his lips ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ ♡ who's blushing now?
♡ when you pull away, he's all lovesick and drunk on the taste of your cherry lipbalm, hehe! (つω`。) woozy baby!
♡ i don't really know if this is along the lines of "shopping," but hear me out -- itto is the one dragging you to the nail salon in the middle of your date ><; that's right! he definitely gets his nails done with you - which is so sickenly sweet of him - especially when he matches his manicure with yours (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
♡ random insert: he attempts to get you have your nails painted light blue because the arataki gang told him all about it .. you playfully smack him (hard) in return.. you're not that easy to trick, that opportunistic child .. ! (ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )
♡ you always start to think the man's having more fun than you do, honestly - with the way his basket is even more loaded than yours .. ( most of time, you're urging him to put half the stuff back because you're sure they're completely unnecessary. who needs a toy bank that has a functioning onikabuto that grabs the coins when you deposit them? definitely not us, itto!) ( ̄  ̄|||)
♡ one of his absolute favorite things to do is going to the food court when you both are starving after going back and forth, store after store <3 he's very whiny, trust me, batting his eyelashes at you - reminding you about how he's been such an obedient boyfriend. (¬_¬;) his face lights up when you give in to his very "manly" idea of spoonfeeding him your meal (ง ื▿ ื)ว ( sneaky oni.. )
♡ when you decide to swing by the nearby clothing shops for new outfits, itto's got a mischievous grin, waddling over with a piece of risqué lingerie while you're in the fitting room. you throw him out as he wiggles his eyebrows at you, your cheeks heating up at his suggestion as he erupts in a fit of boisterous laughter seeing your cute reaction !! ( ╥ω╥ )
"oh, c'mon babe, you'd look super good !! >:)) you'd look hella entrancing like some god i worship - ow! "
♡ along that, he disappears into the ladies section, and you're always left to wonder what kind of antics he was up to .. again ^^; he drags you to the waiting room while he tries on the mysterious clothes he picked - and while you expect an embarrassing t-shirt with some "trendy" quote printed on the front, he emerges from the stall wearing a CROP TOP. your mouth is agape, and he's just nuzzling your cheek teasing you non-stop! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
"what? shocked your man looks good? aw, pretty baby's all flustered, hm..? god, you're cute."
# (🦅) DILUC !
♡ this man !! one of the most romantic boyfriends to ever exist, he never disappoints and everybody just envies how you both look super perfect together <3 ヾ(=`ω´=)ノ”
♡ while you both are out on a chilly night, wrapped up in turtlenecks and trench coats, you offer to hold his hand n' his tough front just crumbles (つ﹏<)・゚。 he's looking away from your teasing gaze, intertwining his fingers with yours. a very pouty baby, 100% guaranteed !! (now gets upset whenever you forget to link hands on your dates after this happened (´;ω;`))
♡ a very traditional man !! diluc is a gentleman, asking the employees for the colors you need (your favorites), the sizes you require (also has this memorized).. and as you watch him dash around the store determined to find what you asked him to, your heart almost explodes ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
♡ like zhongli, he's very compliant, he finds it hard saying no to you - especially during those moments when you're feeding him yakitori by a food stall while the owner watches .. (つ﹏<。)
♡ during your shopping trips, diluc doesn't outright say when he wants something, so you really have to be observant and pick it out from his facial expression !! (っ◞‸◟c) so when you catch him staring at these cute matching cat ear headbands, he's all red, scrambling for an excuse >< <3
♡ you both definitely end up taking a lot of pictures wearing them, and you decide to bring them home !! and as diluc later prints out his favorite selfie from the bunch later on, he sighs and smiles softly, whispering a soft "god, i'm in love.." admiration for you filling his heart (づ◡﹏◡)づ !!
♡ everything reminds him of you - and sometimes he can't help but splurge, even when he doesn't usually throw money around despite having that ability to ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) you only realize that when you notice there are waaaay more branded paper bags at the back of your car than you remember (・ω<)☆
♡ instead of buying you flowers from a shop, he would much rather take you to an isolated hidden haven where dozens of small lamp grass are scattered, growing and glowing ٩( ‘ω’ )و he thinks you're ethereal, as you're sitting in between the pretty plants, candid smiles and hushed giggles in the air. but still, he still believes you're the most captivating flower to ever exist _(ˇωˇ」∠)_
♡ on his phone, he has a locked note dedicated to you - a compiled list of your favorite things, organized and committed to memory. some of which are your favored desserts - and so, he always makes sure to swing by the bakery and get a box of your assorted sweets that he knows you'll love ♡ (please.. give him a kiss on the cheek, baby just wants your affection ><)
♡ random insert: whenever you bring diluc to the mall, he tries so hard to not stray to the jewelry stores, because he knows once he steps one foot in there, he's going to be eyeing the ring section !! (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・°
♡ overall, diluc is the dream boy of the century (*-ω-)ヾ(・ω・*) his actions definitely show how much he loves you, even if he has trouble expressing it using words ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ !!
" thank you love, you never fail to leave me infatuated with your grandeur, can't believe i have you all to myself. "
# (🍁) KAZUHA !
♡ oh my, this pretty boy !! we all know this man is good with his words, so he takes every shining chance to fluster you or catch you off guard +。゚φ(ゝω・`○)+。゚
♡ i just know, kazuha loves going to the bookstore, both of you cozying into each other at a hidden far corner where both of you can have some peace and quiet (*^▽^)/
♡ there, he reads you poems while ghosting his lips against your knuckles ♡→ܫ←♡ it's a favorite pasttime for you both, browsing the various books on the shelves until you find the perfect one you can bring home !! ( at home, you find yourselves tangled under the sheets, the soft playing of the zither resonating in your shared room while kazuha's soft voice accompanies it, flipping through the pages )(´・` )♡
♡ going to the coffee shop is a must !! before you both can go entering shops and using up this month's salary, you both need your fill of coffee to energize you <3 kazuha sometimes gets a warm mocha latte while you grab an iced coffee most of the time !! but if you are feeling like trying something different, you both go for the most unique sounding beverages on the menu (●´□`)♡
♡ kazuha loves the thought of getting a goodnight's rest, and he very much favors feeling cozy and warm after a long day of hard work.. so hear me out !! he definitely brings you to a build-a-bear workshop so he can make sure you don't feel lonely during nights he isn't around !! (*´∀`*)
♡ you know how you can record voice clips on the stuffed toy you purchased? exactly ! i think you know where i'm getting at (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ kazuha definitely records him reciting a really romantic quote for you, along with a reminder that he would love you for eternity, season after each passing season. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ <3
♡ the king of compliments !! he has such a wide vocabulary, so he never runs out of new ideas for flattery o(〒﹏〒)o everytime you leave the fitting room wearing something stunning, the boy is starstruck and eyeing you up and down, a soft smirk written on his handsome features ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
♡ is the one taking the lead most of the time ! he shushes you when you deny that you want such an expensive pair of earrings, already urging the female employee to assist you in wearing them. he playfully grins when he observes how the diamonds reflect in the light, just like the sparkles that are in your eyes ・゚・(。>ω <。)・゚・
♡ when both of you are done sweeping the entire shopping mall, you link hands and enjoy the evening air right outside. the wind blows through your hair and kazuha looks at you with a lovesick gaze :(( <3
" the time i spend with you, brightens the heart. for you are the peace that accompanies the cool evening breeze, the solace that allows me tranquility. i love you, my darling maple leaf. "
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Idk if i already requested something before this not counting the demon MC thingy so if i did you can ignore this!! (I got a shitty memory LMAO)
If that's okay could i request Epel, Ace, Ruggie and Floyd with a MC that seems to not be ticklish but they're actually SUPER ticklish in only one spot in their body, their thighs.
Like, you could be even poke them by mistake and they will giggle.
Okay this is gonna have a little... um...
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Buuut it's just maybe 2%, most is just fluff and crack maybe! Hope you enjoy!
Floyd Leech
At first he didn't even know you were ticklish-
You never looked like you were.
That was until, you two started dating.
Like, when you were comfortable with him lying on you.
He laid usually on your shoulder
On top of your head,
your knees..
But one day-
He decided to rest his head on your thighs
y e s
And little did he know,
that was your most sensitive ticklish spot.
His hair poked and ruffled in contact with your thighs
and you giggled a lot
And he was confused at first
"Ne~~? Why?"
"I-It's- pfft- very ticklish- ehehehe!"
and let me tell you this adorable heathen
smiled so wide, it's so sinister-
dear god
he turned around to press his chin on your thighs
and used a bit more force to press
which you laughed even more.
And he just had the oh so brilliant idea to lick you-
"Mmm~~ So you really are ticklish~ From now on,"
He went up, lowering his lips next to your ear,
"I won't be merciful~"
Epel Felmier
You tickled him a lot-
Like A LOT
and he was kinda pissed-
but he can't get pissed at you-
you're his apple oh my shit-
at most he was annoyed that you always found and attacked his weak spots
and he just can't seem to find yours.
and he just went puffy cheeks with the small tears from his eyes from how much he laughed when you tickled him-
I see you are thinking about something else-
I know you are fantasizing-
I see you-
and like Floyd, he realized where your tickling spot is when you two started dating.
It was when you allowed him to lie on you,
just that he found it the first time he decided to lay on you,
which was your stomach
and he heard you giggling and laughing and he shot up like,
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just- I'm just ticklish there hehe-"
Oh shit hun,
you shouldn't have told him that-
He's getting revenge as he kept poking your stomach as you laughed and begged for mercy.
You got to be more weary now.
Ace Trappola
This little shit tried to find it in the most non pervert areas.
Like your palm,
But he couldn't find your ticklish spot-
and like most, he found out when you two were dating.
he wanted to kiss you
what a secretly sappy shit
and surprise you in your room
and brilliantly-
he decided he's gonna do it on your neck
next thing he knew he heard so much laughing-
"Wtf, you weirdo-"
Oh man-
this little shit-
this absolute HEATHEN
Well, getting revenge on him was easy,
just attack his stomach
and you have a started a tickle war-
good luck-
Ruggie Bucchi
You thought Ace was a little shit-
wait till you meet this ass fart-
He is
Like Ace
he tried finding it
but to no avail
big sad-
and he only found out when you two were dating
and he, like Ace, tried to surprise you
so he attacked your neck with kisses as well
And you laughed-
so hard-
"Shishishi~ so that's where it is~"
But this man
oh this BIG H E A T H E N
No correction-
Won't let you attack him as he dodge you trying to aim for his tickle spot
making it harder for you not to die-
I swear to god I will s t r a n g l e you B O Y-
Nah just kidding-
But you're still a little shit-
He only stopped when you really were exhausted and you wouldn't be able to tickle him.
R E V E N G E.
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
6, 16 and 25!
– 🌻
for this ask game!
🌻🌻🌻!!! my love returns!!!
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
ooh it's got to be... i think it has to be either lucifer or milo! gavin comes in at a close second, especially since take a sip and knock knock! - he's just hilarious as a vehicle for ridiculous, funny, could-be-sexy little scenes and his inner voice is so much fun to do! satan crept up on me throughout uneasy dreams, especially because that mixture of beauty and horror fitted nicely with his character.
i haven't written for lucifer in a hot minute but he has to be up there - soft focus was a turning point for me and he fascinates me as a character, especially because i think the devs often don't really know what to do with him in the main story? i love his whole aesthetic too, so it's fun to really lean into his worldview (plus he is the IDEAL vessel for celestial imagery, which is another great love of mine, so you see where this is going) 🤠
and as for milo... his accent stresses me out and i'm fairly sure i make any and all americans within a five-mile radius cringe out of their chairs, but he is a BLAST to write 🤩 his dynamic with sweetheart is my favourite thing in the world and i like imposing my particular brand of lovesickness onto him, plus he lets me reel off all kinds of cliche, sappy romance stuff and get away with it because everything sounds hotter when he says it instead of me hehe
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
uh, i'm not sure if it will ever see the light of day so don't hold me to this, but i want to try pressing a bit harder on the angst pedal... one more paradox wasn't enough! i have a tentative plan for blake and his listener - what even is their name? dreamer? bestie? i can't take them seriously if they're called "bestie" i'm sorry - that involves a rather horrifying voicemail, but we'll have to wait and see. 😈😈😈
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
this will come as no surprise but i fucking LOVE internal monologues - my favourite thing is cutting between dialogue and inner voice, so that you can hear all of the subtext and character motivations that are happening below the surface, plus it allows for some really nice dramatic irony when we know that the character we're listening to is just totally, utterly wrong!
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selfshippinglover · 3 years
Hehe, had a soft thought..💕💕
Me & MM are making cookies and we make them all different shapes. I make a few heart ones and when they're am done cooling off, I tell her I wanna decorate them as a surprise! She smiles and nods as she finishes with the other ones.
I make two of the heart cookies purple and put their initials on them, and a third heart one is red and has my initials. The fourth one has the polyamorous flag colors and an infinity symbol on it.
When I show them the cookies I decorated, I wonder if they'd like them, be proud that I did it myself, or think it was really sweet of me to do!
I wanna just do sappy and chessy things with them~ 💕💕💞💞💗💗
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