#to me just like randomly having some in my closet that havent sold because they’re worthless
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moghedien · 5 months ago
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This is what funko pops are used for btw
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dgsurfers · 6 years ago
(two people in an apartment living room, standing in the kitchen, talking to each other, and eating cereal. it is 9:16 am)
2: hey wait whats that sound?
1: what sound? 
\*building explodes and they both get incinerated*
2: \*wakes up* ..huh? where am i? \*looks around*
2: i'm in my closet... what just happened... was i just dreaming?
2: \*peers through the closet shades* holy shit... that's me, sleeping in my bed... what the fuck? am i asleep now, dreaming, or did i just wake up from a dream? i know i am asleep now, over there, but am i dreaming now?
2: oh... im getting up... this must be this morning, because it's 8:30 now, i can see it on the clock, and i remember this morning because i woke up and was surprised that i happened to wake up at exactly 8:30...
2: i left the bedroom... \*gets out of the closet*
2: i remember at 8:35 i left to chase down the paper boy because he forgot my paper... and i came home around 10 minutes later... i have to wait a couple minutes and then i have 10 minutes to leave the house.
2: \*exits down the stairs and through the back doors*
2: thankfully i woke up in the clothes i dressed up in before i woke up in the closet. i guess i must have encountered some phenomenon, or i'm hallucinating...
2: wait .... what am i supposed to do... i just woke up here randomly, what the hell? am i supposed to start living my life again as a second me? i cant even live in my own house?!?!
2: i guess i could go talk to myself if that was the case. i think i wouldnt mind living with me.
1: hey… hey… hey!!!! what are you doing over here? i thought that i just saw you running the opposite direction… after the paper boy…
2: huh? um… uh… oh, well i got my paper. he gave it to me, and i got it. im just taking a stroll now. i heard it isn’t good to be sedentary after you run, so i’m just cooling down now.
1: oh okay.
2: are you still trying to sell packs of hot dogs on the street?
1: heh, yep. no but seriously, i’ve sold so many. I don’t need a summer job at all, people really love me.
2: i understand doing it at night… when people are drunk, or hungry, or something… but it’s so early in the morning… what kind of people are you trying to sell them to? 1: well, i keep seeing people barbequing, mostly old people, right? so i figure, the only people who are up at this time are old people. and you… and if they want to save a trip to the store later, they can just buy a pack from me.
2: okay.
1: it works because i look very clean.
2: well that… oh crap.
1: what? 2: \*dashes behind a bush* 2 (1): \*walks up behind 1* hey dude 1: huh? \*turns around* you totally disappeared for a second... 2 (1): what?
2 (2): (that’s me… that was me this morning, when i came back from getting my paper i saw 1 outside in the back and went to say hi… and then i asked if i could come over…) 2: ok that doesn’t make any sense because this is the first time i’ve seen you this morning. anyways… do you want to hang out in your apartment and eat breakfast or something together…
1: eat breakfast together? yea… why not.
2: okay, let’s go. \*leaves* 2 (2): oh, shit, i probably shouldn’t follow them or anything, i’d just have to be hiding the whole time because i don’t want to have to explain anything… frick... wait, but…
2 (2): oh, my god! they’re going to get to the apartment and it’s going to explode! i remember now! is this a second chance? have i been sent… i’ve been sent from another timeline to save another version of myself…
2 (2): but i’m completely the same… you know i always thought that me from another timeline would be different slightly… oh well.
2 (2): i have to save myself… i’ve been given a task by the universe, or god, or the clouds! i have to go after them to warn them!
2 (2): \*runs in the street and gets hit by a car*
2 (2): ahh.. what the fuck happened? i’m in the closet again? i forgot what happened… why... 
2 (2): oh shit… i got hit by a car… i was going to save myself… my task… my task… my task…
2 (2): it’s 8:29, i can still see myself sleeping in my bed. i got another chance? i really have to save this timeline. it must be important, for some reason.
2 (2): okay, i left the house finally… \*runs out through the back doors to outside*
1: hey… hey… hey!!!! what are you doing over here? i thought that i just saw you running the opposite direction… after the paper boy…
2 (2): \*at the same time* after the paper boy, i know.
1: huh? what? how did you know i was going to say that…
1: well, i guess you were the one running after him, so you would know i would say something like that
2 (2): well that’s the more likely answer but this is the truth: i’m me, but another version. the other version of me, the one you know, is going to come around the corner in a couple minutes, and ask to hang out.
1: what???? 2 (2): it’s true. i woke up in my closet, after we were hanging out in my apartment, and it exploded, it literally exploded, and i woke up this morning, because that happens later… you havent had it happen yet, it’s going to happen…
1: WHAT?
2 (2): i’m explaining this bad! i have to say it right, see, it’s going to happen when i come around the corner in a couple minutes, the other version of me is going to ask if you go to the apartment and then you’ll go and eat cereal and talk about anime or something and then the building just EXPLODES!!! i’m serious, and then that happened to me but i WOKE UP in my closet and i’m being given a chance to save myself in this timeline!! it’s a task given to me by god or the universe or something!
2 (2): oh god, i messed up, i’m in the closet again… what happened? i can’t remember at first...
2 (2): i saw 1… i was trying to explain it, i got stabbed to death i remember now… that’s so scary…
2 (2): and, i get a third chance? i just really have to do this. it feels like a really simple task but i just keep getting killed…
2 (2): maybe, i should just keep living here. and i should just be able to keep living. because what’s going to happen to me after i fulfill this task? 2 (2): but … i have to … i love the universe, and the sky… i never thought like this before but i know that i love series of events, and i will serve my duty. it’s justice…
2 (2): i’m already out of bed now… i’ll head down in just a couple minutes. i’m just going to head over to the apartment first thing, i’m not even going to try and interact with anyone this time.
(two people in an apartment living room, standing in the kitchen, talking to each other, and eating cereal.)
2: where did you get this cereal? it’s not english right, it’s a japanese product. where did you get it? 1: there is a store nearby that has a section that is imported products from japan
2: why did you go?
1: well i've been really into slightso flife anime recently… so i wanted to really... “immerse myself in the culture.” you know, i go on the forums right. a lot of people say it’s good to do that.
2: what?
1: huh?
2: why did you say it like that... you said "slice of life" but with like a weird pause... and a "t"... what?
1: what is it supposed to be?
2: it's slice - of - life. like, like a slice of someones life
1: oh... i see now... i thought it was "slightso, flife".
2: why??
1: i thought it was japanese words
2: hey wait whats that sound?
1: what sound?
2 (2): \*runs in* YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!
1: what? why?
2: holy shit- this guy looks exactly like me?!
2 (2): we don't have time guys, this building... is about to explode!
2: what?
2 (2): yes, and we have to leave. i have to make sure you don’t get hurt.
2: you’re me, right?
1: WTF????
2: no, dude, relax. i trust this guy. i think we have to trust this…
1: okay… i trust you...
2 (2): i am you, but i don’t want to explain it all, i need you to get outside!
\*all run outside*
\*building explodes moments after they are distanced from the apartment*
1: whoa!
2 (2): we made it... thank god… i did it, i fulfilled my task...
2: how did you get here?
2 (2): i don’t want to get into it... its for the better... something is happening to me now… i’m fading away…
2: you're going already? but you're me... i want to know more...
2 (2): sorry... it's too late...
2 (2): (to 1) goodbye... \*smiles as a tear rolls down cheek*
1: what?
2 (2): \*fades away*
1: okay. weird.
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