#to know what the best choice is. i'm not letting you guys pink diamond her ass...
bixels · 1 month
hello! i have a question about GG20's sunset! i think she is very interesting and her design is so awesome!! okay the question, what would you think her and celestia's relationship would be in the au? would it be similar to their show relationship or would it differ more?
Very similar to the show, actually. AU Sunset was Celestia's pupil, similar to Cadance (although not an adoptive daughter). However, Sunset always felt like an outsider and was eager to gain a Canterlotian title and join Celestia's court of witches. She grew resentful and bitter after Celestia denied her, stating she wasn't ready. After unleashing the sirens, Celestia banished Sunset to Earth, only to return once she's defeated the sirens. Sunset loathes Celestia and blames everything on her. Celestia feels guilt and regret similar toward her sister. After the incident, she fell into a depression (only to be taken out of it when Thea enters the story). Celestia still cares about Sunset though and sometimes secretly sends tributes to aid her quest, like Sunset's rapier sword and magical horse, Shimmer.
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bluerose576 · 3 months
Masked Wonderland- Act 1
❥The Introdruction: ̗̀➛
Here you are in an another adventure, what will it be today?
Your gaze lingers on a series of doors yet you do not know which one to pick. Which one suits your fancy?
...or maybe your ticket home
You choose to ignore these options and head to a blank door. Once you open it you are greeted with a small room with a table in the center. Your curiosity gets the best of you so you move towards the table. Once you are upon the piece of furniture you see a spread of drinks, pastries and foods. A low rumble erupts in your stomach as you think about the many ways you could stuff your face. After all no one is here so, who would care if a few things go missing? As you reach to grab a fruit tart suddenly a clear of a throat made you rethink your life choices of grabbing food without permission. Shame on you
You turn around to see two males standing side by side. One of them shorter than the other. The tall one had pointed ears with long white hair that transitioned to pink on his ends. While the other had normal short fluffy black hair.
"Are you going to continue to stare at us or are you going to put that tart down and apologize for taking our food" the short one grumbled.
"I...um-" you manged to utter out.
"I! Um! Is that all you can say?" The short one hissed at you.
"You need to be nicer to people, it's no mystery why no one likes you" a feminine voice said. You turn you attention to it and you see a woman with white long hair with golden highlights, she also had pointed ears like the tall man. "Don't mind him" She reassured you. "He's a Diamond, they are usually stuck up"
The short man gave her a cold glare while she just smirked at him clearly having fun.
"Lefu is just a selfish glutton, by all means help yourself. There's enough for everyone" The tall male told you. He then gave you a tender smile as he walked you to the table. "My name is Astuto, I'm a librarian here in Rose Maze City. What about you my dear?"
You didn't know how explain to Astuto that you woke up here. At first you thought that you were simply having a lucid dream but after wondering around for so long it seemed unlikely. You still had questions as to why and how you got there. All you could remember was those doors. You couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if you entered a door with a symbol or gambled it and went home. After leaving Astuto in the dark for so long you finally replied.
"Y/N? You have a wonderful name, my dear"
"More like Larva" Lefu grumbled, clearly irritated still.
The woman joined you both at the table then flashed you a toothed grin "Name's Laverna, you can call me Larven if you'd like. We're all friends here"
"Yeah whatever Tofu" Laverna responded back.
"Anyways...from what branch do you hail from?" Astuto asked while pouring you a drink of your choice. You gave him a confused look "Branch?..."
"Yes branch. Heart, Spade, Clover, Diamond...Joker?"
"Tch! They are coward to admit they are from White Dew Valley"
"They are clearly an outsider Ast" Laverna mentioned.
"Hm? You don't come from Rose Maze City?"
"You better not be from White Dew Valley" Lefu glared down at you.
"I'm from (Location)" You told the trio.
"I've never heard such name...and I'm familiar with the geography of Mirabilis"
"Calm down Lefu, let Y/N explain themselves"
The trio looked at you waiting for you to explain your story. You let out a deep sigh
This was going to be a long story...
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This is simply a concept of what I've been planning. Idk if you guys will like it but whatevs. I want to have fun with this is even if I'm the only one liking it in the end
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hades-999 · 5 years
Theory Time 🕘
Here we are...... 🌹
So, guys, slowly we reach it; less than a weak, and our favorite show continou..... And then Steven Universe seria will end... It has to be this way, so let's enjoy the last things we got, because I' m sure there are some big things will comeing 😉
There will be some PREDICTION (not spoiler, but similar) so, continou the reading is your choice. If you do, enjoy! 🙂
So, at the moment, Steven is liveing a hard time... He learned how to change, but now he has to accept others' changeing...... And everything changes at once. He has to deal with it, also, with the fact; now he is Pink Diamond, or a short of....
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Offical titles and airing dates, but it still could change.... Hope it won't
Some predictions (sorry, but not for all):
Bismuth Casual
Don't know why, but I have the feeling in this episode, Little Homeschool will be inaugurated
Maybe Bluebird will return to sabotage the celebrity
Together forever
I'm sure Connie will return to help Steven
Possibly we will see a New Stevonie
Mr. Universe
I was thinking about one thing; Greg isn't old, but he is the oldest human main character..... At one point, he will die....
Maybe in this episode, Steven has to deal with it, too..... I hope not, but despite of this, it would be interesting to see how would the show works out such a sad thing
I have three theory for this;
Steven, as the "owner of Earth", has to deal with the Cluster; put somewhere where it can hatche
Remember for the fight what Jasper promised to Steven? Continou the previous storilyne, Steven may be too upset about his dad's death, and shater Jasper by accident.....
Steven will see some memories of his mother and understand her powers and motivations better
Homeworld Bound
I'm sure (and you can't change my mind) the Diamonds will visit Earth - maybe because of Little Homeschool
Pink White Diamond
I am my monster
It's literaly in it's title, but to be clear; Steven will transform into a monster.
New power? Mental state? Corruption? I don't know
Funny thing (and it also could be a hint) it's sound pretty similar to "I am my mo(ns)ther"
The last four episodes; Homeworld bound; Everything's fine; I am my monster and The Future will be aired on the same day, so possibly it will be connected, like Change your mind
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We aren't finished yet, but here will come some serious spoiler like theory, what can take away the surprise if they are true.... Only read if you don't want to kill me after it.... 😅
Personally, I think Connie will be the sollution for most of Steven's problems. She can understand him the best and I'm sure they will be a cuple at the end. (I just got the offical artbook..... even their face designe complete each other)
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As I previously said; possibly Pink's herritage is a kind of Wish power, wich one will force others (now I'm talking especially about White Diamond) to give her/him what she/he ask for. That's how Pink-White Diamond is possible
The giant monster is definitely Steven. I don't know how will he morph into that create, but my personal oppinion is it's a self-corruption. We did not see Pink corrupt anybody, but her essence is nesecary to restore others, so she possibly can do the opposite of it
That's just for fun, but I imagined; what if it's Steven and Cactu-Steven fusion? 😹
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And, for last, but certainly not least;
If you are familliar with the Pilot episode, you could realise a thing; the creators build in that episode's elements in the show; the timetravel hourglass or the punchline what Steven said to White/Garnet......
And the Pilot episode ends with Steven goes back to the begining of the episode.....
Option1.: What if Steven uses his Wish power to travel back in time, and do it better? That's an option.... But....
Option 2.: So, what if it's turns out the whole story was only a vision what Garnet showes Rose. The mother watched her son grow up..... And become a Hero. An Adult......And a better person than she was......
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