#to everything else and …idk im going to bed bye goodnight kisses
torawro · 1 year
it’s 2:34 am and i am feeling ✨inadequate✨
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Harry Hook x Blind!Reader - wow
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saardeforche7 on wattpad
Heya!! Can u pls do a one shot of you being blind on one eye(or both idk),Harry Hook x reader, would really love that❤❤
There was another request for blind reader x harry that had the reader go to Auradon to get her eyes fixed and shes like ‘my imagination did not do justice’ when she sees harry again, but I can't find that one
The second daughter of the evil queen, the five minute younger sister of Evie, that’s who you were, (h/l) (h/c) hair, a perfect (body type), and would be perfect eyes, but… they were only hazy grey ones.
Your mother had tried to give you perfect blue eyes when you were young, only resulting in blinding you.
You were a secret from most of the isle, only Evie, mother, and Evie's friends knew about you.
Oh, and Harry Hook, your boyfriend.
Now how was he your boyfriend? I'll tell you.
But I’ll start with how you met
It was a cold rainy night in fall, you could hear the thunder in the distance, but you didn’t care, reading a carefully brail translated book from Carlos and your sister, which was named -Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone-.
When a rattle started to come from your window, you gasped, turning your head to where the sound was coming from.
“shit, fuck come on ah!” the sound of a boy muttering behind the window was unnerving, the strong accent making it even harder to understand, then the boy got it open, and fell through the opening.
You heard him wince, and the scratch of metal on the floor as the boy stood.
“Alright, now wher-“ he stopped, and you knew he had seen you. You squeaked in fear, stepping back and tripping over a chest with your clothes in it.
You heard the boy curse as you lay on the floor in pain, and you heard his light footsteps walk over to you and hands start to grip your shoulders. You yelped, reaching out with a fist and striking a torso.
“oof!” the boy fell back, wheezing “hey, im trying teh help!”
You huffed, palming around for a sturdy chair to heft yourself up before you felt around metal around one arm and a warm midsized calloused hand around the other, pushing you up.
“There ye go, I didn’t know anyone was up here, only thought the evil queen and her daughter lived up here.”
“well” you whispered shyly carefully stepping away from the boy with a pretty voice. “that’s not a false thought”
You could feel the confusion from the boy before you heard a small gasp. “the rumor~”
You hummed tilting your head at the voice “rumor what rumor?”
“well,” the boy started, which started to move away, presumably rummaging through your things if the shuffling of clothes and jewelry was a sign of anything “there is a rumor goin around the isle that the evil queen had two kids, two daughters to be exact. and that the younger one was locked inside the castle, I got dared teh find out and well…here yeh are”
You sniffed, slightly turning to face the boy's voice “so, what are you doing now exactly?”
“oh um…”
“stealing my stuff I guess?”
“well…yes, yeh gonna stop meh?”
“well I can't exactly” you mumbled awkwardly, fiddling with a worn sleeve of your shirt.
You sighed, opening your eyes wide and turning to the voice, and the boy gasped, seeing your gray hazy eyes for the first time.
“im blind”
The boy with the pretty voice’s name was Harry, Harry Hook.
It took him a week to earn your trust enough to learn yours.
He was lucky that your mother never caught on to his nightly visits.
He was probably the only reason you were still alive, due to bringing you food each time he visited.
You remember the day evie found out, she was hanging out with you after mother had forbidden a day out after she had not perfected her eyeshadow.
And harry had decided to tumble through the window while she was in your room.
“harry!!! What are you doing here?!” evie screamed, jumping to her feet and placing herself in front of you.
“i-I um” harry stuttered, you could hear the shuffling of his feet, he didn’t expect your sister to be here today.
“go get! I’ll tell mal about this!” “Whatever!” he screamed back at evie, you could hear him grumbling to himself and climbing back out the window.
You heard evie sigh in relief, walk over to the window, slam it closed and lock it, making you flinch.
“how’d he even know about this place anyway?” you stayed silent
You broke
“he's known for about a year?”
“What?!! Wait, you know harry?! How?!”
You spilled everything, from the exact date he discovered your existence to when he started to visit you every night.
You expected evie to permanently lock your window and send jay to hunt harry down. But…she didn’t?
“omg that is soooo cute!!! I never expected harry to act like that!!” you blinked surprised, picturing evie cupping her cheeks and swaying side to side.
“uh, what?” “ohhhh I really hope I didn't scare him off permanently, climbing up our tallest tower every night just to see you! That’s just so romantic~” you choked on your spit
Eve giggled, taking your hands and stepping closer to you.
“I mean its obvious, he likes you~”
“but-but” you stammered, tilting your head down at your lap. “evie we’re on the isle, that’s dangerous”
“so? If we learned anything from our parent's downfalls, love conquers all~!”
You felt your face heat up and you covered it with your hands. “evie!!!”
“omg a princess and a pirate!! That is the best thing ever!!”
That’s when evie started to try to matchmake you two, but the most she was able to make harry do was give you a necklace.
He gave you his mothers ring on his own.
But that will come up later. Let's talk about how he asked you out.
It was spring, about a year and a half after you met, and he had snuck you out of the tower, through the front door by the way. evie had given him a spare key to the castle (she didn’t want him to fall to his death trying to visit you).
And he took you to a spot with oddly fresh flowers that surrounded you with sents that you’ve never smelled before.
You didn’t see harry pick roses, pink, white, lavender, and red.
He looked at you, your hair ruffling with the cool breeze in the isles oddly greenfield, your grey eyes were hidden by your eyelids, closed as you let yourself daydream of living somewhere else than the isle.
You hummed, looking to Harry's voice. And you felt him grab your hands and carefully place the flowers in your palm.
“Harry?” you whispered, now feeling his hand on your cheek. “um, have Evie tell you what those mean when yeh see her tonight, and then tell me your response tomorrow, okay?”
His accent was thick, probably really nervous. But why? You felt a feather-light pressure on your cheek, and you gasped lightly.
A kiss?
“umm” harry muttered, taking your hand once more, and leading you to a picnic. “you hungry?”
You giggled at Harry's awkward question and nodded, placing the flowers down on your lap, and reaching out for food.
Harry placed a roast beef sandwich in your hand (which was hunted by gil and the bread baked by evie) it was…pretty good!
“mmm! Wow, where’d you?”
“ I had some help getting better food from yer sister”
You hummed happily as you munched on the sandwich.
Two hours later, Harry noticed that it was getting dark and stood, picking up the flowers and placing them in your hand before helping you stand and escort you back to your house.
“This was really fun Harry!”
“im glad yeh had a good time princess” Harry shyly mumbled, a blush settling on his face.
He unlocked the door and carefully guided you to your room, keeping silent as you passed your mothers room.
“goodnight love” Harry whispered, “I’ll see yeh later yeah?”
You softly laughed and nodded, reaching out to grasp Harry's shirt as he began to walk away. “(y/n)?”
You trailed your hand up his chest, feeling his breath hitch as you did so, your fingers ghosted his neck, reaching his jaw and cupping his cheek, feeling his soft lips on your thumb.
“love?” he whispered, ou leaned in, going to the right of Harry's lips and kissing his cheek.
“thank you harry”
You could feel the blush on his face, you smiled and backed into your door. “uhh,-ye-aye yer welcome love- ill just-ill-bye”
You heard harry speed down the stairs and you bit your lip and grasped the flowers and brought them to your chest.
You opened the door and carefully maneuvered around your room. You felt a presence in the room sitting on your bed.
“evie, you may squeal now”
Thankfully she wasn’t loud so she didn’t burst your eardrums.
“Evie! Sensitive ears!”
“sorry but how- omg are those ros- they are!!the colors omg!”
As Evie told you the meaning of the flowers you felt your face becoming hotter and hotter.
‘have evie tell you what those mean when yeh see her tonight, and then tell me your response tomorrow, okay?’
Harry was asking you to be his girlfriend, oh. My. God. Harry was asking you to be his girlfriend.
You squealed along with Evie, careful to keep quiet as not to wake your mother.
You made your decision.
As Harry opened your door, softly calling your name, you grinned and pounced on him. He stumbled back and laughed softly as you tightly wrapped your arms around his neck.
“yes Harry yes”
Harry stopped, his grip loosening on your for a moment before tightening again. “yeh, yeh mean you want to be meh?”
You pulled away from Harry, finding his face and cupping his cheeks feeling heat under your fingertips, smiling in his direction “I would love to be your girlfriend harry”
You heard a soft ‘yes’ from harry and he hugged you tight, spinning you around your room.
So that’s how harry asked you out, and that was four years ago when you were both 12, you had met harry when you were 10.
“(y/n)! come down here!”
You sighed, hearing your mother call for you, you heard a quick set of footsteps come up to you, heels, Evie.
“(y/n) come on, mommy wants to tell us something”
She grasped onto your arms leading down the spiral stairs and into a chair, next to mal, her lavender/ash scent wafting over.
“you five, are going to Auradon tomorrow” maleficent spoke and continued talking about a plan.
But you couldn’t hear anything, panic setting.
Auradon? But harry, you would be leaving harry!!! You didn’t-you wouldn't!!!
“and (y/n), they say they are going to heal your eyes”
Your mind stopped, heal your eyes?
“you might be able to see harry” Evie whispered to you, not letting mother or her friends hear what she said.
See harry? You would be able to really see harry!
Evie guided you to the pirate's wharf, taking back alleys and secret doors, you arrived at Harry's apartment that was a little ways from Ursula’s chip shop. She knocked on the door, looking around for threats as you heard heavy steps walk up to the door and stop before the latch was quickly undone and the door was flung open.
“princess?! Evie?!” Harry's strong arms wrapped around you, you remembered when his arms were similar to sticks and pressed you to his chest, you gave a happy hum and wrapped your arms around his built torso.
“what are yeh doing here?! Someone could have-“
“im sorry harry but she needed to see you and it couldn’t wait till tonight”
Harry made a confused noise as he leads you and evie inside, you clutching onto his arm the entire time.
“what happened than yeh needed to see meh so bad (y/n)?” harry asked, helping you sit on his couch, plopping next you.
“um, well”
“shes going to Auradon”
“what” Harrys voice went dark.
Evie repeated herself, not caring for Harry's dark tone, knowing it wasn’t aimed at her. “(y/n) is going to Auradon, I am too”
Harry started to rant, standing from the couch and pacing around the room, before you quietly spoke up.
“they say they’ll help me with my eyes.”
Harry stopped, you knew he was looking straight at you, mouth agape.
“what?” he whispered, “mother said that they said they would help me with” you waved your hands in front of your face “these, to help me see”
Harry took a couple minutes to connive him to let you go to Auradon, but he relented when you said “I would finally be able to see you”
Evie had left at that point knowing you would want a moment alone with harry.
“lassie, promise you'll come back for me?” you nodded, reaching out, harry grasped your hands in his and guided them to his face, letting you cup his cheeks.
“I promise, I’ll even have evie write to you”
Harry nodded, taking your right hand and sliding something on it.
A ring.
“I want yeh teh have this love, it was my mothers, and it's now a promise ring” his forehead pressed to yours “a promise that you will come back to meh”
You leaned forward slightly finding Harry's lips and pressing yours to them. Harry's breath stopped, the first kiss.
You pulled away, feeling Harry's stutter breath on your face.
“a promise” you whispered out. Hands intertwining with Harrys.
Three hours later, Harry was escorting you back to the castle, growling at anybody who looked at you.
“here we are my princess”
You giggled, releasing his arm and clutching onto the door handle “thank you, my pirate…will you see me off tomorrow?”
Harry stayed silent, “i-I don’t know, uma or da might be having me do stuff”
You nodded sadly “I understand, well if you are unable to come tomorrow, goodbye harry”
“goodbye my princess”
One last kiss to your forehead and he was off, his heavy footsteps receding on the gravel road.
“I love you” you whispered to the wind, wishing for it to carry your words to harry.
He didn’t show up, but you didn’t blame him. if he was leaving, you didn't think you would be able to stomach it.
“im sorry (y/n)” evie whispered to you, helping you into the car
“it's okay” you whispered back, a tear falling from your eye “id do the same.”
You scooted to the back, curling into jays side.
Evie locked eyes with harry across the way, his eyes misty with tears. He mouthed a ‘thank you’ and evie nodded and mouthed back ‘I won't let her forget you’
Harry sniffed and nodded, wiping his eyes and walking to the wharf, he didn’t want to see (y/n) drive away from him.
That was three agonizing years ago, it had taken a year for your sight to fully return, a stack of returned letters to harry sat on your desk.
Today was vk day, evie was going to the isle, and she was bringing the letters with her to give to harry.
You glanced down at the ruby ring sitting on your finger. It was gorgeous.
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And now maybe if harry put in an application, maybe evie would pick him next time, next month.
You knew dizzy would be Evie's first pick, but she promised next vk day Harry would be her pick.
And then the Audrey situation came along.
You were at janes birthday party, laughing with her as chad scrambled to where people were taking selfies.
Then the curse, jane was about to pull you into the water with her, but she missed your arm and you were sent into a deep sleep.
Jane couldn’t bare to leave you there, Evie would kill her, so she mustered up her strength and carried you along with her to Evie's cottage, it was the closest place to the enchanted lake.
When she happened upon Carlos, Jay, and two other boys, who were fighting a beast looking thing, jane set you down and sprayed the beast with enchanted lake water.
It was Ben all along.
Jane had called for jay after he had caught Ben up to speed and had him carry (y/n) to evie cottage, jay picking her up, but taking her over to the hooked boy, which made ben and janes eyebrows raise.
“(y-y/n)!?” the boy called harry whimpered, dropping the silver hook to the floor and snatching (y/n) from jays arms.
“love, princess come on wake up!!” harry was getting hysterical, his eyes gleaming with tears.
Ben blinked confused, looking to Carlos and gesturing to harry and (y/n). Carlos smiled sadly “they were together on the isle” ben nodded.
“harry come on” jay muttered  “maybe evie has something to wake her up”
Harry sniffed and nodded turning to where jay was beginning to walk still carrying the asleep (y/n), Gil picked up Harrys hook, then a thought struck him.
“Harry!” Harry's eyes shot toward gil, who was bouncing in place “true loves kiss!!” harry blushed, but nodded.
“um, turn around?”
Gil nodded, grinning, and made the others turn with him.
A wave of multicolored magic passed by them moments later, and gil couldn’t help himself, turned around and saw (y/n) staring wide-eyed at harry, who glanced at gil nervously.
(y/n) sat up, cupping Harry's face in her hands, laughing slightly
“wow” she mumbled, staring into Harry's ocean blue eyes “my imagination did not do you justice”
“yer not” Harry grabbed one of (y/n)s hands and held it “yer not disappointed?”
“hell no” (y/n) smirked, pulling Harry into another kiss.
Jay coughed, making the two reunited lovers glare at him.
“cute, but were kinda on a mission?”
(y/n) and harry sighed, standing and following the group to Evie's castle.
(y/n) and harry not letting go of the other's hand.
---the end---
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mistymark · 6 years
the boyfriend one. [yuta]
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full masterlist // part of the nct boyfriend series // 1.0k
okay so
tbh I kinda see yuta as a (pure) switch
like he's TOTALLY in love w you
but also like,,, not afraid to joke around with you
is Annoying Boyfriend
PDA is his best friend
personal space? yuta doesnt know her
he is always always a l w a y s touching you
no sinners in our house
lots of playful banter
just bc yuta has The Greatest Sense Of Humour to date
he'd catapult himself onto ur bed to wake you up then be like
 “I’d offer you breakfast but you didn’t make any”
but you'd be like “its okay im not hungry”
*muffled giggling*
OH!!!! AND!!
the babe incident:
y’all are chilling w The Bois (tee em) and aw :( time for yuta to go :((
anyways so he gets up to leave all swagger and Chill
“okay bye see you tomorrow”
and instantly ur CACKLING
bc this boy
couldnt call u babe in front of his friends
and then he'd start laughing at u bc ur impersonation of him is lowkey cute
but he'd be shutting the door and just call out “OKAY OKAY BYE BABE I LOVE YOU”
and he's like oh SHIT
no no no this cannot be happening it just slipped out im sorry
ur like o.O
this is not something that has happened before
“did you-”
“im pretty sure-”
“NO you must have misheard I said I love… fruit?”
*unimpressed* “you hate fruit”
“thats ten” - doyoung, unhelpfully, from the other side of the door, circa 2019
“I’ve had a recent revelation that maybe I don’t dislike it as much as I believed”
nakamoto yuta LOVES you
and he just said it for the first time accidentally in front of ALL OF HIS FRIENDS
ur shy
and hes super embarrassed bc he wanted it to be said in a cute way for the first time
and ur shocked
but u dont want him to suffer alone:
“I love you too.”
this boy sends u the CUTEST GRIN
then completely dips
(it was also after this point that he began to feel okay calling u babe in front of the other members)
y’all go shopping a lot
but he also likes to join you when you go grocery shopping
likes to ride around on the trolleys as u do all the actual shopping
oh my god and he is That Kid that sneaks things into the cart when ur not looking
so one day y'all are out grocery shopping
getting that bREAD
and he's wearing this green hoodie, and ur wearing blue
*picks up lettuce* “this matches my outift”
then ur like oh!!! cute!!!
so u grab the first blue object you see in the cart
and ur like !!! this matches MINE!
and this boy
literally falls over he's laughing so hard
ur confused
ur like ????????? what
so u glance at the packet and immediately u drop them
as if theyre like poison or something idk
I feel like yuta is either a person who is completely apologetic or completely unapologetic
he’ll either find it hard to apologise and wont do it at all, or will apologise for everything
I mean, you'd realise this and wouldn't push him about things - you’d know he's sorry either way
but totally making him apologise for putting cONDOMS IN OUR CART THAT WAS THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING EVER OH MY GOD
but he's also all about the small gestures too
really likes to SHOW his love more than say it
unless its winwin
he always brings you coffee and tea
when ur working or studying or just really tired
and then he'd pull the whole:
“I brought you coffee. just the way you like it.”
*confused* “hot?”
“like your boyfriend ;)”
“wow the sky is so beautiful”
“you know what else is beautiful”
“what? :D”
overall tho hes a total sweetheart
probably takes u on the cutest dates
likes fun dates
amusement parks, arcades, mini golf, etc.
but if its like
later than 2pm he’ll refuse to go out
so you'd just cuddle and play video games or board games or something
really tries to impress ur family
probably comes over and brings flowers
you're like !! aw !! yuta !!
and he's like nah fam these arent for u ur ugly lol
but then he sees ur mother and he's like :))) hi :))))) these are for you :))) uwu
once he knows ur family loves him
he boasts about it all the time
“yo y/n ur mum invited me to dinner”
“?? when?”
“Wednesday? I know u cant make it you wont be missed lol”
especially to the other members
and if one o them is in a relationship ??????? bonus points
“guys y/n and I are couple goals,,, her parents are practically begging me to marry her”
“is this because they said you should come to their neighbour’s bar mitzvah??”
“shut up jaehyun ur irrelevant only people who are dating can #ContributeTheirOpinions”
yuta is actually so gorgeous and I love him to pieces
probably gives you all his clothes bc he thinks u look hot wearing them
texts you at the most inconvenient times (e.g. during meetings, lectures, exams, classes, etc.) and claims he “forgot” you were doing something important
when he can see u from across the room he’ll text u something sappy like “you look beautiful” or “I love you” just to see the way your face lights up at his words
slut for putting his hand on ur thigh when ur sitting next to him
sometimes he doesnt even notice himself doing it
you'll just sit down and he's like yep hand + thigh = happy yuta
looks at ur lips
its kind of a giveaway that he wants to kiss you
its hella subconscious tho and the first time u pointed it out he got all smiley and embarrassed
like he didn’t know he had a habit of staring at ur lips when he wanted to kiss you
and it was a dead giveaway if u were playing video games in the lounge room and he’s laughing with you and then suddenly he’s staring at your lips
you Know what he’s thinking about
“Yuta,, stop” “????? I wasn’t ?? Doing anything??”
has a selfie of the two of you as his home screen background
and a random photo he took of you as his lock screen
it changes regularly tho
because he “cant pick a favourite”
FaceTimes you often
like prefers it over texting or calling
bc he gets to see you as if ur with him
and its :(((
but u see each other a lot anyway so what is he on about
u think its just bc he likes to screenshot u when ur pulling ugly faces or brushing ur teeth
its really because he really just enjoys looking at you
probably screenshots all ur snapchats
but only the ones where youve just woken up or pulling the worst faces
keeps them all
tbh his social media is probably filled with selfies of you two from way too close
like pulling crazy faces in pics with you that its hard to get a selfie with him just smiling nicely
but every photo you have taken of you together by other people look like your both about to walk a red carpet
truly visual couple
instantly smiles when u walk in the room
and probably gets offended when you dont immediately go to him when you enter
like who could u possibly need to talk to more than him
nah but seriously he loves seeing u
and when ur happy
oh boy
he's happy too
grinning at all times
what a babe
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wannawrite · 7 years
All You Would Ever Be
Wanna One's Kang Daniel X Reader [ fem ver ] Fluff bullet point ver. wanna one masterlist produce 101 masterlist • you, Seongwoo and Daniel are the Trio™, a sub unit from your actual clique of like idk a lot of friends ??? there are different units like jinhwi • Jinyoung isn't the only one in his unit who has fallen for someone else. You have too • and Seongwoo is going to get you together hello, @collecting-smiley-taehyung  welcome to your scenario okay i need to stop it's the stress of exams, really anyways, I hope you like your scenario and THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US SO OPENLY IM IN TEARS 💕 thanks for the request beb. hope you don't mind I did it in bulletpoint style, I'm working on requests in the midst of exams so my scenarios aren't the best right now 😭 maybe scenario ver ? but that will take me a longer time - Admin L 
• okay • so • you are Daniel and Seongwoo's best friend • like best best best friend out of the people in the 101 clique™ • since there are so many people, subunits are bound to form and Ongniel has their own Ongniel is science!™ but • you + Ongniel = Trio™ • Daehwi + Jinyoung = Jinhwi™ • Woojin + Jihoon + Sungwoon = pink sausages™ • Taehyun + Kenta + Hyunbin + Sanggyun + Donghan + Longguo + Taedong = JBJ • but the 101 clique members loves and supports each other regardless of the number of subunits that formed • anyways • everyone is super close and loving it isn't rare for people to fall in love • Taehyun fell for Daehwi but otter is in love with Sungwoon • sometimes its messy but that's okay • but for you • it's REALLY messy • you like Daniel • simple right? • but Daniel is your best friend and literally, you've known him all your life • he treats you like his little sister • and as much as you love him, you don't want that • you want to be his girlfriend • luckily, you're amazing at suppressing feelings • like you went to a haunted house with the W1 unit™ and didn't scream the whole time but Jisung ended up crying • later though, you collapsed on the floor and screamed your lungs out • delayed reaction basically • but no • conceal, don't feel • don't let Daniel know • it's hard work because you two grew up together and still live in the same neighbourhood so naturally • wherever you go • there's a Kang Daniel • supermarket? • he's there buying eggs for his mother • gas station? • he's there sending his uncle's car for washing • the park? • he's there jogging in a thin tank top that makes your eyes pop out • and your heart explodes • he should have found out by now but you pray that daniel's oblivious • jokes • he's known you all your life he knows everything about you • like how your ears turn red before your face does • or how you hide under your blankets • how you under the bed when it's storming • how you stole one of Daniel's cats once • he didn't know for a good hour or so • you just took the nearest cat and ran so you weren't exactly sure what its name was • ring ring • 'hello?' • 'y/n, did you take Peter?' • 'who tf is Peter? idk them? no? I just left your house wdym' • 'bye felicia i'm on my way to yours' • yeah but that's a story for another time • Daniel is like a part of your family man • your parents adore him so much and bonus! they're super super close with Kang family • your mother was best friends with his mum in college it's cute • you and Daniel spend time around each other's houses so much you leave a bag of your things there and vice versa • lately, Ong has become so close to both of you, he's there too • oh my god • Seongwoo knows everything • e v e r y t h i n g • no one even told him ??? how did does he find out • so Seongwoo kind of becomes the middleman • wingman • since he knows that you are practically in love with Daniel you might as well rant your ass off to him • 3 am Facetime with him bc you want to talk about how handsome Daniel looked today • Seongwoo is surprisingly a good listener and offers advice sometimes • 'i just want to kiss him! ugh!' • 'uh-huh. me too sis.' - Ong Seongwoo, about Kang Daniel,2017 • little do you know • Daniel calls Seongwoo for exactly the same things • he whines about how adorable you are to Ong for hours • honestly it's driving Ong madddd • he just wants ya'll to get together • partially because it'll be super frickin' cute • partially because you two would stop whining to him • also partially because the 101 clique would expand its number of couples • imagine the amount of • 'i'm a man but my heart is pounding' • instances • many indeed and everyone is happy :") • so one day • Ongniel is over at your house and Daniel goes downstairs to grab another packet of jellies for your movie night and Ong just • 'yo Y/N, Daniel likes you too' while stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth • you nearly choke on your soda • Ong doesn't help you but smirks when you stare at him in disbelief • he nods in confirmation when you ask • 'omgomgomgomgomg' • 'AOMG' stan AOMG • now the two of you conspire to form a plan to confess, Daniel has absolutely no clue • during the movie, you just casually lounge your head on his shoulder • in his lap • sometimes your legs intertwine with his • then again, this isn't anything unusual because you guys are too close man it's hard • and Daniel seems to be keeping a straight face :( • you are sad • maybe he doesn't like me anymore ??? • nah sis you thought • Daniel's sweating so badly and his insides have turned to mush • what is a normal, regular heart rate? he swears he needs to be sent into the ER asap • basically, Daniel dies every single time you're around him • he's trying so hard to hide his feelings it hurts • Ong is abt to give up • you tell Ong your worries abt confessing • 'what if he never speaks to me again!' • 'idw to break our friendship' • '(ง •̀_•́)ง' • 'if Daniel rejects you, he can fite me' • your other best friend rubs your shoulder encouragingly, smiling • 'don't worry, Daniel whines about you a lot. he definitely likes you too. go for it, Y/N' • 'how long has he stayed on the phone talking about me?' • 'hmmm, the record was 4 hours just talking about how cute you looked with your new hair' • get you a man who hypes you like that • the whole 101 squad pretty much knows you two are in love with each other • but no one actl wants to tell ??? you ??? two ??? • okay sis • but this carries on for about a month before you suck it up and decide to tell Daniel • Ong is like • 'YASS' • he's running and jumping around your living room throwing glitter and rejoicing • next thing you know, Jisung is on the phone and Ong is screaming the details at him • yeah • so Ong schedules really cute day for you to get pampered. • spa day. get your nails done etc etc • he even books a table at some fancy restaurant even though he knows you two might get kicked out • but he hopes you two will control yourselves because it's a date and not a 'hang out' • he tells Daniel he set up a blind date for him • Daniel is like 'hell no, why?' • Seongwoo just smiles and pushes him more • so he ends up getting all dressed up and makes sure to steal Ong's credit card • you're slipping on your cute kitten heels and freaking out while Ong and Jisung try to fan your face so your makeup doesn't melt off • 'I spent two hours on that face, don't mess it up!' - Sungwoon, about your makeup, 2017 • Seongwoo drives you down to the venue and escorts you to that restaurant • Daniel is late lol • you face the other way so he doesn't see your face when he walks in • he's flustered asf, apologies spilling out of his mouth • silently curses in fear he messed up when you still won't face him • you look familiar ?? then again, he's never seen you so dressed up • Ong went all out and booked a table at the most prestigious restaurant in the city • 'My name is-' • 'Kang Daniel.' • his jaw drops open when you finally speak and turn to face him • hE'S LIKE SODISOHXIS SEONGWOO • 'oh my god. y/n? did Ong trick you into something?' • you shake your head and smile, reaching over the table and grabbing his hand • here goes nothing • 'Daniel, I want to date you.' • woAH DANIEL LOOKS LIKE THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED AND AN ANGEL HAS COME DOWN TO B L E S S HIM • he's a blushing mess and stammers out the first few words which makes you giggle • there's this satisfied, boyish grin on his face and he dreamily says • 'okay sure' • for the duration of the whole meal, there's skinship • hands touching in between bites, your heels meet his Louboutin's and he promises to buy you a pair someday • ya'll cute • you realise how much you love him, there's so much conversation and you realise you're in love with such a wholesome, real man • :") • at the end of your dinner, Daniel drives you home in the car you've been in a hundred times • but it's the first time as his girlfriend • and it feels different • he admits to liking you for a long time now which makes you blush • he walks you to your door as usual but unlike the normal goodnight hugs he gives you • you lean in and peck his lips, thanking him for the date even though you initiated it • Daniel drives home with the silliest, dreamiest look on his face • Ong and 2Sung are celebrating and he's lowkey sad he'll be third-wheeling in the trio • but that's okay bc he loves you both and wants ya'll to marry • you guys actl do • besides, he'll have his hands full working on how to get 2Sung together
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