#to ever care about anyone “normally” longterm. also dave would lowkey piss jake off with his polit talk and kind of blunt behaviour
borzoilover69 · 2 months
I think after the events of Act 6, the character that makes the most sense to me for Dave to end up with is Jake. And I mean this in a CANON! IT FITS THE STORY AND THE CHARACTERS! Kind of way. Not just in a shippers be shipping kind of way. I think they would understand each other. They both would need to grow and mature a bit to make their relationship work, and I think they would care so much about making it work that they would.
Jake liked to travel around as grandpa harley. He liked to go explore, pilot ships, adventure. Dave seemed to like just keeping to himself, and do his own thing, join others sometimes. Jake and Dave would both go their separate ways and come back to each other like no time had even pasted by. They have this opposites attract thing about them but at the same time they are both actually sensitive. Maybe more like two sides of the same coin
I mean.. i guess??
I think i see the the "splitting and then coming back like no time has passed at all" applying moreso to John and Jake than it does Jake and Dave. Dave at heart seeks attention, and even if their bond is superficial at most, I can definitely see him going from "Idgaf about jake english" to "oops! i gaf about jake english" and feeling impacted when Jake starts ignoring him.
In all realness. it wouldnt work longterm. You said it, Dave just sort of likes keeping to himself and works best when someone is ordering him around to do things. Jake however is someone who needs to be constantly enriched by his surroundings to sustain interest, without it becoming too suffocating. When Jake realises Dave will just follow along with what Jakes doing without necessarily challenging or really adding to it, he'll get bored and ditch Dave, or try to aggravate Dave into leaving FOR him because god forbid he communicates.
Hence why Dirkjake technically "work" in the way that Dirk will continue to push Jake back and Jake will continue to bite back because if there's one thing that Dirk and Jake like it's conflict and combat on their own terms due to how engaging and direct it is.
Dave and Jake are both super immature and refuse to really change in my eyes. Like yes, they're aware of their flaws. But being self aware that you're a jackass doesn't always equal that you stop being a jackass. And I don't think they'd work longterm because they recognise the other person is intolerable and if there's anything Jake really fears its being seen as a person.
HOWEVER. There is I guess a silver lining? Ish? I'd see it as they'd feel comfortable telling the other deep secrets or personal reflections on their self through a haze of vices, not because they really trust the other or feel deeply connected, but because THEY DONT CARE WHAT THE OTHER THINKS OF THEM AT ALL. They are not really anything to each other. "The only reason i trust you with my secrets is because i dont care that much about what you have to say or what you do with it because youre just as bad as me and not in a way i pity you but i recognise my aspects in you and also youre not connected to my other friends in a way i care for. We could entertain each other but one of us is going to start biting and the others going to get hurt and thats fine."
Their asses are not fixing each other. They're aware they both suck. This means they're also aware the possibility of sustaining a relationship longterm is low. But there is some comfort, in people that look like your best friend but not really and with none of the quirks that resigns their best friends to the best friend role.
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