#to clarify i use and make subs and am a reality shifter myself
rqnotfound ยท 1 month
s0me surface subl!m!nal users are s0 funny t0 me.
yeah we can use subs t0 change 0ur apperance, fam!ly, mem0r!es 0f 0thers, gender/sex, race, l!b!d0 - we can even g0 t0 0ther real!t!es!
0h but, uh...y0u cant use subs t0 be aut!st!c. thats not how !t w0rks, actually. n0 yeah y0u can man!fest anyth!ng !nt0 ex!stence except that
l!ke we can use subs t0 change 0ur fucking gen!tals n0 surgery regardless 0f age but we cant use them to...maybe get anx!ety? l!ke make up y0ur mind lmfa0
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