#to be perfectly clear because not everyone played the game: gene's fine the sky just turns red the day after you beat the last noble KJDHFJK
oceandiagonale · 2 years
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old injuries, new injuries, and how difficult it is to face your own worst fears
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Hi I've never done this type of thing before but I was hoping I could request a matchup?
It's totally okay if you aren't doing them anymore though!
Appearance:I have short blue hair (dyed of course), my eyes are dark brown though honestly they change depending on the clothes I wear, I'm tall for most standing at 5'9 this is because I have what most joke as the giant gene passed down by my dad. In the way of clothing style I mostly wear whatever I feel like so I guess you can say comfort clothes? (Mostly hoodies, graphic tees and usually with a dark color scheme).
Sexuality: I'm Pansexual and as for Preference on gender I don't really have one.
Personality: I'm 100% a Introvert though this is mostly because I can't be social at all because I have anxiety which makes me come off to most as cold and emotionless because I can't properly express myself.
Trait wise most say that I'm a very nerdy and geeky person who once you get to know will talk your ear off though I think they exaggerate a bit.
I'm also really insecure mostly about my weight as I'm a really chubby person and have been bullied because of it in the past.
My family jokes that if there was ever a Ultimate Gamer it's me because once I start a game it doesn't take me long to beat it and usually get the highest score despite playing for fun usually.
Hobbies:Playing Videogames, Watching and Reading things about True Crime, Watching Anime, reading manga, taking care of animals mostly my two pet budgies and my cat, watching the starry sky when it's a clear night, playing drums whenever I see them generally and writing it's a huge passion of mine.
I'm a little bit of both on the giver or receiver spectrum but I guess I'm more of a giver as I will often give things up I really care about if my loved ones need something.
Affection Level, I'm generally only a affectionate person when I need someone however there are also occasions when I want cuddles and such for no reason whatsoever.
Requirements of a S/O
To be honest I really don't have any as long as they are loving that's fine with me.
Fun Facts
My favorite flavor of Ice Cream Is Rocky Road
I prefer eating vegetables over meat, example of this would be the fact that my favorite food is veggie lasagna.
I'm allergic to lavender so being around the stuff would pretty much so cause me to break out really bad.
I really want to be a writer one day but I don't really think I have the confidence to go through with it.
I once dreamed of pursuing music which is where my love for the drums comes from, everyone I know says I have a knack of just picking up any rythme and being able to play it perfectly.
Maybe one for SDR2 and The Anime or just whichever you prefer!
No:Nagito, Ryoma, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Fuyuhiko, Ryota Mitrai.
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Budgies are so cute omg- 🥺
Anyways here’s your matchup love!
-Mod Kiibo
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Your SDR2 matchup is....
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Hajime Hinata!
When you two first meet he looks past your cold exterior which leads to a beautiful relationship!
Absolutely plays video games with you!! Its one of his favorite pass times!
Discusses true crimes with you, like who he thinks the Zodiac Killer is!
Your passion for writing?
Hajime supports you 100%! And since he's so blunt it'll help you learn how to improve!
Loves your animals! They've grown on him and he will spoil them!
Will tackle your insecurities and beat them out of you! You're perfect just the way you are!
Hajime wouldn't mind not getting affection all that often but it does warm his heart whenever you decide to show him some ♡
You both respect each other so much, its what makes your relationship perfect
Your Dr3 matchup is....
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Chisa Yukizome!
Your #1 supporter!
100% helps you with your writing career! She finds it so cool that you want to pursue your passions!
You want comfy clothes? Chisa's got you! Her closet has comfy clothes to lounge in!
Helps with your anxiety! She's an extrovert who believes you can overcome it but in a way that won't overwhelm you
Watches anime with you! You two will cuddle on the bed while doing so!
She gives you affection a lot and doesn't mind it if you don't give her it! As long as you're with her she's good!
Chisa is also a nerd so you two go along together well!
Once she's serious about you, you'll be introduced to her students, they're like her own kids and honestly are a big part of her life!
You two are a supportive couple and can get past anything that comes your way! ♡
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