#to be fair i was really hung over yesterday oops
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rocketsagan-blog · 11 months ago
The Time for $5 Coalition is calling on Danaher and Cepheid to drop the price of their GeneXpert medical tests supplied to low- and middle-income countries to US$5 each for all diseases so that millions more people around the world can be properly diagnosed and receive the treatment they need to stay alive and healthy.
Take five seconds today to sign and tell Danaher and Cepheid yourself that it is #Timefor5
Okay, RocketSagan here now - I'm borrowing the lovely text of TBFighters to big post, but here's my two cents. Let's get together and tell Danaher & Cepheid to actually get on board with improving health outcomes globally by making tests just a littttttle cheaper!! They will still make a profit, for goodness sake, just not as big of one, and it will be a huge boon for those who cannot afford expensive tests.
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godess-ofthe-underworld · 4 years ago
Love Finds A Way
(sequel to “See You Again”) ( A Hary Hook X Reader story)
Part 6
Harry sauntered into the chip shop after his encounter with the former occupants of the Isle.  His mind still drifted to Hadley and her scared expression as he pointed his hook in her face.  He mentally kicked himself as he promised her long ago that he would never point his hook at her face.
 He groaned as he sat down at a table, kicking his feet up and rubbing his hands down his face slightly smearing the eyeliner around his eyes.
He only put it on because he knew Hadley liked it, she always said it made his eyes seem more menacing, and maybe it would her her to break if she saw it but no such luck.
Uma came around from the back and saw Harry propped against the table.  She knocked his feet down, startling the young pirate and causing him to yelp as the chair fell to the floor.
“Well? Is she coming?” Uma asked crossing her arms.
“Yeah I don't see why they wouldn't. I gave them a pretty irresitsable ultimatum.” Harry grunted.
“ Wait.. wait. Who's they?” Uma raised an eyebrow.
“ Mal.” 
Harry didn't respond right away, he just continued to look at the floor.
Harry mumbled something as Uma rested her hands on the table.
“What was that?” She tilted her head.
“ Hadley.” Harry spoke, his voice was low and his eyes stayed put on the floor not daring to look at his Capitan.
“Did I tell you to invite the hot head?!” Uma shouted
“ I did it for meself!’ Harry roared as he forcefully stood up, knocking over the chair. 
Uma laughed.
“Oh Harry.  She left you remember? She doesn't care about you.  It's been six months, get over it.” Uma shot.
Each word cut into Harry's chest like a searing red-hot knife. 
“ I know.” He whimpered. 
“ Just remember where your loyalties lie.” Uma growled.
 Uma sauntered away from the table, leaving Harry to pick up his chair.
He sat back down and slammed his head on the he table top groaning as he did.
An hour past and the time for Hadley and Mal to arrive neared closer.  Meaning Harry grew more nervous and Uma grew more agitated.
She slammed a tray of fried fish on the table in front of a witch causing some to spill onto the table top.
“ Hey! I wanted the fried clams!” The witch complained.
“ And I wanted a sea pony. Life ain't fair!” Uma retorted, making the witch jump back.
Harry was tapping his hook on the table when the two swing doors flung open.
All heads turned to the two new additions to the shop, some gashping and some growling.
“ We're baaaack.” Mal and Hadley sung still standing in the doorway.
Harry's head shot directly to Hadley as he stood up. 
Uma laughed as she went to stand by harry.
“Losers, party of two. Right this way please.” Uma gestured to an empty table in front if them.  Uma pushed a chair towards mal, who caught it before it hit her.
“ Place still stinks.” Hadley commented, wrinkling her nose at the putrid smell of fish.
“Oh I'm sorry. We're down a Butler today.  Princesses.” Uma scoffed.
Hadley went to pull up an empty chair when a large hand covered hers.
Hadley looked up to see Harry had grabbed her hand, his blue eyes seemed stone cold.
“Let's go. We need to talk.” Harry stated looking anywhere but at her.
Hadley looked to Mal as Harry drug her from the shop by her wrist.  
He took her to an alley next to the shop.  He let go of her arm and started pacing in front of her.
Hadley cast her eyes to the wet, muddy ground, kicking some rocks around. 
“Why?” Harry voice broke through the silence causing Hadley to snap her head to look at him.  He'd stopped pacing and was standing in front of Hadley. 
When she opened her mouth to ask what he meant he silenced her with his hand.
“You promised me you wouldn't.  You promised we would get out of here together.  It's been six months Hadley and I've heard nothin’ from you.  You're over there living the perfect little life not giving a single care about me.  You left me here hoping that you'd come back. Did you even think about me when you chose to stay? Hm? Cause you weren't wearing the necklace then.  Just like you aren't now.  What? Did you forget I existed the minute you stepped foot in Auradon?  Did you ever care about me at all?” Harry's voice got louder and louder and by the time her finished ranting.
Hadely stepped forward. “ That's not true.. I-I-” 
“ Save it.  You lied to me.  I waited six months.. six months for you to come back here.  And now the only reason you're here is to get you precious King and princess back.” 
“Harry..-” her voice came out broken and quiet.
Before Hadley could return any answers, Mal came slamming out the doors of the shop. 
“Hadley! Let's go!” Mal shouted.
Hadley turned back to Harry not sure of what to say.  She backed out of the alley keeping her eyes on him.  She watched as his head hung and his shoulders slumped as she backed up.
“I never forgot you Harry.” She whispered.
Harry looked up just as her hair flicked around the corner.
Hadley jogged to keep up with Mal who seemed unsettled.
“ Mal wait up! What happened in there?” Hadley panted as she caught up.
Mal stopped and sighed “ Uma wants the wand, in exchange for Ben and Ruby.” 
Hadley stared wide eyed as Mal walked on.
'great here we go again with the whole wand thing’ Hadley groaned out loud rushing to catch up.
A/n: Hey guys! forgot it was Friday again yesterday... oops.  anyway here is Part 6.  if you liked this part and would like part 7 please like and comment.  aslo if you would like to read the illustrated version you can do so on my Wattpad (@phelpsphan).  As Always if you would like to be added to the tag list please message me. <3 <3 <3 Summary: You would think that six months in Auradon would do any villain kid good.  Well, not Hadley.  After the events of the Coronation, Hadley's mood took a downward spiral; and for one reason, guilt.  She'd broken a promise and left her best friend on the Isle of the Lost.  How will she handle seeing him again when certain circumstances bring her back to the Isle? Will she finally tell him what she really feels?  
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Descendants.  Hadley and the plot between her and Harry are mine. 
Tag list: @unded-bride
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years ago
Ice Cold ~Part 16
A/N: This has way more parts than I planned so oops
I was trying so hard to wake up, to ease William's mind, but I just couldn't. I was aware of pain radiating from my spine and guessed that wasn't fully healed yet. It was getting closer though, I could feel the bones coming together. Once they were I could feel myself coming back. It was like when you're underwater looking up, just about to break the surface. I opened my eyes I noticed everything was brighter. It took me a second to focus on William but when I did my heart was breaking and exploding at the same time. He was so beautiful. I could see everything, every individual eyelash and slight freckle. His eyes had so many more shades than I ever thought possible. He was absolutely gorgeous but he was crying.
"William, baby, don't cry."
"You're awake! Thank God. Thank God. Oh my God." He kissed me between his words. "I didn't think you were going to."
"Why not?"
"You were so weak and so hurt. I thought you didn't get enough of my blood to make a difference."
"I'm strong Willy. I'm not going anywhere."
"I don't know how you fought werewolves off long enough for us to get there."
"That's what they were? I just thought they were gross." I said making him laugh.
"Well they are gross." He laid his head on my stomach and smiled.
"Did you really kill Peter..?"
"I'm sorry love, I thought he'd killed you. I was so upset."
"Will he hurt me. Badly. I would have died if it wasn't for you guys. I don't think he would've stopped if you'd left him alive. I'm not upset with you. Or scared of you so don't even start with that bullshit."
"I love you."
"Love you." I played with his hair while he just laid down quietly.
I stared at him. I wasn't ashamed or embarrassed either. There was just so much detail I never noticed before that made him so much more beautiful than I ever thought before which is really saying something. He wasn't cold anymore which was strange. I must've given something away because he broke our nice silence.
"What's the matter?" He murmured warmly.
"Well I know the voice still works." I teased flicking his nose making him laugh. "I was just thinking about how strange it is that you're not cold anymore. You're really warm now."
"I thought that was going to take some getting used to for me as well but you're still warm to me. No heartbeat and no blushing though are going to be tough."
"I'm sure you'll still know when I'm flustered or embarrassed."
"You just make it so easy." He poked my nose with a big smile on his face.
"Uh hey! Mitch told me to bring this up for (y/n)." Auston said holding a tumbler.
"That smells incredible what is that?"
"It's blood baby."
"Oh. I didn't realize that the smell of it would change so much."
"Mitch put it in a cup because it took him some getting used to. He thought I'd would be easier for you not out of a blood bag."
"That's really sweet. Thanks Auston. Will you tell him thank you for me?"
"Sure I will when he gets back. He and Kasperi went out to hunt. Last night was rough on them. You lost a lot of blood. Everywhere." 
"I can never repay you guys for what you did for me. Like I really can't think you enough." I teared up and wiped my eyes getting up.
"Honey don't cry."
"We couldn't let you die." Auston said shrugging.
"You guys risked everything. You chased after werewolves to save me. You're all so brave and incredible. I'm going to hug you Auston." 
"You don't have to." He said as I got up.
"Yes I do." I gave him a hug and he just stood there awkwardly before patting my head. "Thank you so much."
"You're welcome. I'm gonna go now. Give you guys some time together before we have to go to extra practice." He left leaving me confused.
"What does he mean extra practice?"
"Mo and Mitch went to practice yesterday afternoon but the rest of us stayed here because I was unconscious still. We have to go do practice today before the game."
"What time is it?"
"Probably around 7am? 8 maybe? I don't know I've been sitting here all night."
"Oh shit work! I'm so gonna get fired."
"No you won't darling. Mitch called Amy and told her we couldn't find you. It wasn't a lie. I called and told her we found you but that you weren't in good shape. I was crying so she really bought it. It was true you were in really bad shape. Your boss called me while you were still out and I told her roughly what happened."
"What do you mean roughly what happened?"
"The story is that you got kidnapped and the police found you in the abandoned hospital all cut up. You have 2 months off to recover."
"That's so long."
"But if you had to recover from those injuries naturally it would've taken longer than that. I knew you wouldn't want to wait longer. This just gives you a chance to get your bearings and figure out being human again. Speaking of not being human, please drink before it gets sticky. It will be awful then."
"Oh okay." I took the cup from him and brought it to my lips before taking it away. "Is it weird that I'm nervous?"
"Absolutely not baby. Just think of it like a milkshake or something. Dont think of it as what it is. You'll feel better after you're done and I'll be able to see your pretty brown eyes again."
"Oh they aren't brown?"
"No when you first change they'll be red for a little while. Take a drink."
"Okay. Okay. I can do this. It smells good, I can do it." I was nervous and stopped myself a couple times before I just went for it and drank. Once I started I couldn't stop. It was thick which was a weird consistancy but it was sweet and the burning in my throat went away immediately. Before I knew it, it was all gone. I frowned and Will laughed.
"You can have some more later. We have to pace you or you'll over drink. I want you to know when you're full and you'll only know that when you do it slowly."
"Okay that sounds reasonable."
"You'll have to drink more than we do because of how new you are and probably how much blood you lost but still. Pacing yourself is important."
"Okay dad, I get it." I said rolling my eyes.
"Hey I'm just trying to help make this easier on you." He frowned at me and I took his hand in mine.
"I'm sorry William, I know you are. Thank you my love." I gave him a kiss.
"You're not mad at me are you?"
"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"You just seem kind of cranky. I was worried that you regretted changing."
"You think I regret you saving my life? Seriously?"
"Well when you say it like that it sounds silly."
"Because it is silly. I told you I wanted this. I asked you to do it. I knew what I was asking for."
"I love you."
"I love you too. Now stop worrying. I'm okay." I smiled at him and grabbed his hand standing up. "Come on, we're going on a walk."
"Are you sure you want to do that right now?"
"Absolutely. I want to be outside right now. Even if we just sit outside or something. I want to experience outside."
"It might be a little overwhelming at first." He said leading the way to the back deck. 
"Lots of things to pay attention to and hear."
"Well I should probably get used to that before going back to work right?"
"Yeah I guess this is the best first step for that." He opened the door and as soon as he did there was so much new stuff I wasn't ready for.
I heard the wind, I heard birds singing, birds flying, animals eating and running around. I could see so much further than before, probably a mile or so. If I focused a little I could see a ladybug walking two stories down from me. There was so much to see and hear.
"What do you think?" He asked, running over to me. I heard him.
"Kinda weird that I can hear you move now. I know that's not what you meant."
"I'll find other ways to scare you, don't worry." He grinned and kissed me. "But for real, how do you feel?"
"I never want to go back in the house again. I love this so much. I can see everything! Hear and feel everything!"
"What do you mean feel everything?"
"I don't know just like the wind and water in the air and stuff."
"I don't think that's what you're feeling love."
"It is. Why wouldn't it be?"
"We don't feel that kind of stuff. It's just not that much, we aren't that sensitive."
"Oh. Okay. Maybe it's something else then. Oou! Mitchy is back!"
"He's not back yet babe, he's still pretty far away."
"I'm going to go meet him!"
"Sure (y/n) go ahead!" I jumped off the balcony laughing.
"Willy did you see that?!"
"Sure did baby. Go get Mitch. He'll be excited to see you awake."
"Okay here I go."
I took a deep breath out of habit and took off. It was incredible. If running was like this when I was human I would've done it my whole life. No heavy breathing or sweating or sore legs. And speed! I was so fast! It took no time for me to jump the boys.
"Ow fuck." He yelled falling on the ground.
"Oh come on I can't hurt you!"
"You actually can now. You're pretty strong as a newborn."
"Oh shit I'm sorry. I didn't even think of that." I pulled him up and we started running again back towards the house.
"I'll race you (y/n)."
"I'll kick your ass Kappy."
"Alright then let's go." He went faster and I groaned.
"No fair, you got a head start!" I yelled running after him. To my surprise I overtook him easily. I ran until I saw the house and jumped up the side of the house to William.
"Fuck you're fast." Kasperi said climbing up the stairs like a normal person. Mitch came up a few seconds later.
"This is going to be so fun." Mitch said excitedly.
"I'm so excited to see everything I can do!" I exclaimed, jumping up on the railing.
"Baby get down."
"No! I can't get hurt anymore, I'm going to have fun." I jumped off towards a tree giggling as I flew through the air. I smacked into the tree and hung on. I jumped back over and smacked into William. He was a little sturdier and I didn't knock him over although he did stumble.
"You're going to give me an aneurism."
"No I won't."
"I can't stop you either because you look just so precious." He smiled sweetly and gave me a kiss as Kasperi made a gagging noise going inside the house.
"Do you want to go for a run and maybe a swim?"
"A swim? Will it's cold."
"Won't affect you."
"Oh shit true! Okay yeah let's go!"
We ran for a while. I have no idea how long or how far but eventual we were at these beautiful cliffs with water under them.
"I figured you'd want to jump off of something." He said with a grin.
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ends-of-the-wayward-storm · 5 years ago
KH OC Week 2020–Day 6: Life’s Perks
Nothing Beats Homemade
[This time I had a plan! Partially. I got the gist of it before filling in the finer details. Anyway this was actually kinda cute to write, but it’s a bit long, I think. Got to practice more with writing some characters which is always nice. :) Hope you enjoy!] @khoc-week
“Here you go.”
Seifer frowned as he took the letter from Erica. “At least this was on time.”
“Mail comin’ in late’s the worst, y’know?” Rai commented.
“That it?”
“Looks like it,” Erica replied, giving her messenger bag one last search. “Hope you have a good day!”
“We’ll see about that.”
Erica briefly frowned before setting her skateboard down and heading off. That was the last piece of mail for today, which meant the weekend was officially hers. She wondered what they’d be able to do this time. Last week, Ax—Lea decided to try his hand at skateboarding. He thought he’d be a pro at it since he considered himself pretty good with balance.
That is until he crashed into someone with a large bag of groceries. Needless to say getting the eggs and ice cream out of his hair took way too long for his liking.
Approaching the post office, Erica slowed down to pick up her skateboard. When she pushed open the door, a little bell rang from above it, alerting a woman with brown hair picked up in a bun.
“Any issues today?” she asked.
“Nope! Everyone got their mail,” Erica replied.
“That’s good to hear.”
Erica hung her bag up just as her Gummiphone buzzed. Fishing it out of her pocket, she felt it buzz a few more times as messages from her friends kept popping up.
“Plans for the weekend?”
“Looks like it.”
“Then I hope you have a good weekend.”
“You too!” Erica gave the woman a wave before exiting the post office and leaning against a pole.
—Pence: Hey Erica! We’re headed to the Bistro for lunch tomorrow. Wanna come with us?
Ooh that sounded fun!
—Olette: This would be your first time at the Bistro, right?
—Roxas: I think so.
—Olette: It’s amazing! You won’t want to eat anywhere else.
—Lea: Sounds like it’s the best in town.
—Hayner: Sure is.
Erica laughed to herself before tucking her Gummiphone away. Setting her skateboard down again, she set a course for the train station to head home.
The next day, Erica was quickly making her way over to the Bistro. She hoped she wasn’t too late. The train was having some minor technical difficulties, but luckily they were able to fix them.
Up ahead, a boy with a sort of wizard’s hat was walking down the street.
“Hi Vivi!” Erica said.
“Hello,” he replied just before she passed him.
After a few more moments the Bistro was in sight, and the rest of her friends were by the steps leading down to it. But what was strange is that they all looked disappointed.
“I’m here!” Erica announced.
“Oh. Hey,” Hayner said dejectedly.
She frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“We just found out the Bistro’s closed for renovations,” Pence replied.
“Oh. . . .”
“Seems we’ll have to find another place for lunch,” Isa said.
“I guess. . . .” Hayner pouted.
“I’m sure we’ll be able to think of something,” Naminé said.
Roxas glanced to the ground in thought for a few seconds. “Maybe we could make something.”
“What would we make?” Xion asked.
“Good question,” Lea commented. “Any ideas?”
Pence hummed. “My dad makes a really mean quiche. Maybe we could try that?”
“Quiche?” Xion repeated.
“It’s kinda like a pie but without the sugar and sweet stuff.”
“Can’t be that hard, can it?” Lea said.
“You said that about the skateboard,” Roxas teased, leaving the redhead spluttering for a comeback.
“A-anyway, whaddowe need to get?”
“I think I have what we need over at my place,” Pence said.
“That makes things easier.”
So the group followed Pence over to his house in hopes of saving their lunch plans.
“I was so looking forward to that crab biscuit thing,” Hayner complained.
“Crab bisque,” Isa corrected.
“Yeah whatever. Point is I’m not getting it.”
“Hayner,” Olette warned.
“I think it might be fun trying to make something,” Erica said, getting a nod from Naminé.
“Besides, you’ve had Pence’s dad’s quiche before.”
“I know,” Hayner moaned.
The group finally approached Pence’s humble abode, and he dug around in his pockets before pulling out a key. “My parents aren’t home but they know I have friends over sometimes.”
Inside was your average but quite cozy home, and there was a very nice vase of flowers on the kitchen counter.
“Nice place,” Lea said.
“Thanks!” Pence said. “Make yourselves at home. Oh, make sure to leave your shoes by the door.” After doing that himself, he began to search his kitchen for the needed ingredients. “Let’s see. . . . Eggs, check, pie crusts, check. . . .” He muttered a few more ingredients before stopping. “Aw man!”
“What’s wrong?” Naminé asked.
“There’s no ham!”
“Can we use something else instead?” Erica asked.
“I’m pretty sure we could, but my dad’s recipe’s the only quiche recipe I know.”
“Maybe we could make something else?” Xion suggested.
“What about pizza?” Olette said.
“Give me oooone second.” Pence scouted the fridge and cabinets. “Yep! We’re good to go!”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Hayner said.
As Pence grabbed the ingredients, the others went to wash up. “Anyone like pepperoni?”
“I do!”
“Sure,” Lea replied.
Once everyone gathered in the kitchen, preparations began. Two pizza crusts were placed onto baking sheets and pans, and the oven was set to preheat.
“I figured we’d cheat a little bit with the crusts since someone’s hungry,” Pence said, earning a look from Hayner.
“There’s always next time,” Isa said. “Assuming Hayner won’t object to it.”
“Hey!” Hayner snapped.
“Okay. Roxas you’re in charge of putting the oil on the cheese pizza, and Xion can do the other pizza,” Pence said. “Make sure not to put too much.”
“Got it,” Roxas said, and the group fell into a comfortable silence for a bit. “I wonder what they’re doing renovations for.”
“Could be technical stuff,” Lea said.
“Or they could be fixing other things,” Erica added.
“Maybe. . . .” Roxas inspected his pizza after a couple moments. “Is this enough?”
“Yup,” Pence said.
“What about mine?” Xion asked.
“Perfect. Now we’re going to do the same thing with the pizza sauce.”
Naminé watched Roxas and Xion thoughtfully. “It kind of looks like you’re painting something.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” Erica said.
It didn’t take too long for the sauce and the toppings to be put on. And once the pizzas were seasoned, they were placed into the oven.
“And now we wait,” Pence said as he set the dial timer.
“So, what do we do until then?” Erica asked.
“We could play a game,” Olette said.
“What about cards?” At that, the former Organization members exchanged brief looks.
“I think I have some in my room,” Pence said before heading down a hall. A few moments later, he came back with a deck of cards. “Go Fish seems like a good one to start with.”
“Someone we knew was an expert at card games,” Isa said.
“Yeah. So much of an expert it wasn’t even fair,” Lea remarked.
“I won a few games,” Roxas said.
“Me too,” Xion added.
“I guess you just had terrible luck,” Isa said.
Lea sighed. “I just don’t get a break around here, do I?”
The group laughed at his expense, which ultimately tugged a smile out of Lea.
Erica studied the hand she was dealt. “So uh, who goes first?”
“I think Isa’s supposed to go first,” Hayner said.
“All right.” Isa eyed his cards. “Any 2’s?”
“Aw man!” Hayner forked over two of them, and the blue-haired man couldn’t help smirking.
The group managed to make a full circle at least once, and already Naminé seemed to be taking first place with Isa not too far behind. Once they got to Erica a second time, the timer buzzed, startling Xion.
“I’ll get the plates!” Olette said, leading the others to set their cards down as the pizzas were carefully taken out.
“That smells really good,” Erica said.
“Right?” Pence agreed.
“Hey do you still have that lemonade from yesterday?” Hayner asked.
“Think so.” Pence served everyone their slices as the lemonade was poured out. “And lunch is served!”
“Thank you,” Naminé said.
“No problem.”
Isa took a bite before a small smirk made its way through. “Huh. Not bad.”
“Nothing beats homemade!”
“Oh, wait wait! Let’s get a picture!” Olette said. Everyone went behind the counter as they tried to squeeze into frame.
Roxas briefly bumped into Naminé. “S-sorry.”
“It’s all right, Roxas,” the blonde said.
“Little to the left, Hayner,” Olette said as Erica blew a stray curl out of her face. “Um Lea could you bend down a bit? You too, Isa.”
“How ‘bout I take the picture?” Lea suggested.
“That might be a better idea.” Olette handed her device to him.
“I think you still need to bend down,” Pence said.
“Maybe put it higher?” Naminé said.
Lea raised the device, and everyone managed to fit into the soon-to-be picture. “Uh which button are you supposed to press again?”
“I think the red one?” Erica guessed.
Xion squinted at tiny numbers counting up on the screen. “What are those numbers there?”
“I didn’t do it,” Lea said instantly.
“It’s been recording this whole time?!” Pence exclaimed.
“Oops,” Olette said. “Um push the red button.”
Lea did as told, and the numbers stopped counting. “All right now what?”
“Press the button next to the red one. Now everyone say cheese!”
“Cheese!” mostly everyone said before the picture was taken.
“Nice photo!”
As everyone continued with their meal, Roxas kept occasionally glancing to the pepperoni pizza.
“Can I try that?” he finally asked.
“Oh sure!” Pence gave Roxas a slice, and Roxas took a bite. But after a few seconds, he let out a cough.
“That’s . . . really strong pepperoni.”
“Really? Never really noticed,” Lea said.
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Isa said as Roxas debated on taking another bite or not.
“You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to, y’know.”
“Yeah. Not everyone likes pepperoni,” Hayner said. Roxas frowned, and Lea snatched the slice right off of Roxas’s plate.
“We should do this again some time,” Naminé said.
“This was pretty fun,” Erica agreed.
“How ‘bout tomorrow?” Olette said.
“I don’t see why not,” Isa said.
“Then it’s settled! Tomorrow it is.”
As Erica watched her friends discuss tomorrow’s lunch (which Pence promised would be his dad’s quiche), she smiled to herself. She was sure they still would’ve had this much fun if they had gone to the Bistro, but somehow having it just be them felt more special. I guess nothing really does beat homemade.
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notveryglittery · 6 years ago
Flirting With Danger, Ch7
summary: Virgil hates his job and also his life. Logan definitely, for sure knows how to talk to a cute guy without imploding. Remy tries to help, but like… not very hard. words: 2,000 / ships: platonic sleepxiety, romantic analogical notes: hi, did you miss us!! we’ve been at this for awhile but i’m very happy with the result!! @do-your-socks-have-holes-in-them​ is back at it again with lines that make me giggle helplessly :’) 
read on ao3 | Ch1: the first time | Ch2: *mcelroy voice* hotboy! Ch3: sky soliloquy | Ch4: the interview™ Ch5: you have my heart | Ch6: the second time Ch7: is this allowed??
“Rem… please. I have a splitting headache and you are not helping.”
The string of offended curses that followed weren’t helping either. Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Well, maybe if you would just tell me what happened last night, I wouldn’t have to bother you so much about it!”
Virgil took the bell ringing above the door as his chance to get away from his coworker and the relentless badgering. Remy had been at it since Virgil showed up for his shift — which had been a miracle all its own. Of course he hadn’t wanted to leave Patton home alone! Virgil was starting to think he shouldn’t leave Patton alone ever. Sure, he’d been clumsy and accident-prone in their youth but this was kinda getting out of hand. For as long as they’d been living together, Patton had never had encounters with superheroes or supervillains, and suddenly it happens twice in the span of a few weeks? If Virgil didn’t know any better, he’d guess that Patton did have powers, and they were of the bad luck variety.
“Babe. I’m going to find out one way or another.”
Oh, Virgil recognized that tone.
“That’s your ‘I already know but I want your version of the story’ voice.”
Again, spluttered indignation. Virgil knew people often didn’t disagree with Remy (something about his “charm”) but it’d never cease to amaze him how offended he was every time Virgil called him out on something.
“I have no such thing!”
“You kinda do,” Toby called from a booth in the corner where he was currently working on designs for tomorrow’s board.
Remy shot a glare in his direction.
“Linda, your caramel macchiato with soy.”
The moment Linda was out the door and their coffee shop empty, Remy rounded on Virgil.
“Fine! Why was the Prince at your apartment last night!”
Virgil, despite knowing that Remy knew, was still surprised.
“And why was he bridal carrying Patton as if they were newlyweds!”
Virgil blinked, wondering why Remy seemed so hung up on that of all things.
“Does this have anything to do with that attempted jewelry store robbery?”
“Why do you need to hear anything from me when you apparently have all the details?” Virgil frowned. “What the hell, dude, do you have ears everywhere?”
Remy waved his hand dismissively. “Hon, don’t worry about it, just tell me what happened!”
Virgil glanced around the coffeeshop. For the time being, it was empty. They’d just reached that rare slow time between rushes. Other than Toby, who Virgil didn’t mind overhearing anyway since Remy was likely to share with him afterwards regardless, there was no one around to eavesdrop. Sighing, Virgil let Remy wait a few more agonizing minutes while he cleaned up from the last drink and washed his hands before finally getting comfy leaning against the counter.
“Patton accidentally tripped the speedster while they were trying to make their getaway,” Virgil began, trying to ignore the anxiety doing its best to make him worry again. It was in the past! It already happened! Let it go, Virgil. “That kind of fucked up his ankle and then, when trying to remove himself from the situation, he hurt his hand on some glass that had broken from the door.”
Remy was looking more and more distraught with each word and Virgil wondered why his coworker was so worried about his roommate when they hadn’t even met.
“The Prince found out somehow and met Patton at the hospital and offered to help him home. Which, like, that isn’t totally weird. I’m definitely not bothered over this superpowered stranger being so good at finding my best friend, nope, no big deal at all.”
“Okay, okay, we get it,” Remy interrupted. “He probably talked to the police, babe, it’s fine. Besides, he already knows where you live so… whatever, right?”
Virgil scowled at him. “Yeah. Sure. Whatever.”
“Did you give him a piece of your mind?” Toby asked, getting them back on track.
“Did I — No shit, Sherlock!” Virgil snapped. “I’d been trying to get a hold of Patton because he was supposed to be home before me and he wasn’t answering and then I open the door to find him there, in the arms of that hot-headed prick?!”
“No proof that his highness has a temper,” Remy piped up.
“Shut up, it was a pyrokinetic joke and you know it. Anyway, Patton was… already pretty upset and my yelling didn’t help, so that… Uhm.” Virgil trailed off, looking guilty all of a sudden. Remy had a pretty good inkling as to why, but before he could mention it, the bell ringing notified them to another customer. They all quickly pretended they hadn’t been standing there talking for the last ten minutes, but as soon as Virgil looked up, he forgot how to act productive. Logan Roberts? In his coffee shop? It was, apparently, more likely than he thought.
“Uh- hey, welcome,” he said once he remembered how to talk.
Logan smiled, which wasn’t fair. “Hello, I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.”
Virgil thought he might have been teasing, but he still looked so serious, and anyway he was already spilling out words like the gay dumbass he was. “No—we were just, I was telling them about something that happened to my friend yesterday—sorry, I’m an idiot, what did you want? To order?” He cringed as internally as possible and started making plans to never speak again.
Logan took a moment to peruse the menu while Virgil wondered how bad it would look if he ducked out of this particular order and let Remy take care of it. Before he could do so, Logan looked back at him, smiled again, why did he keep having to smile, and spoke.
“I’ll take a black coffee in the largest size you have,” he requested, and Virgil wanted to disappear because of course it was Logan Roberts's first time at their coffeeshop and of course Virgil had to be the one to ring him up.
“On it, babe!” Remy chirped, getting started on the drink, and sounding suspiciously like he knew exactly the gay crisis Virgil was currently experiencing.
Logan's expression soured at the nickname and Virgil hurried to remedy it.
“Ignore him,” Virgil suggested, typing the order into the register. “I'm sure you've dealt with more annoying, anyway.”
“Hey!” Remy shouted.
Logan sighed and adjusted his tie. “Quite,” he agreed, taking out his wallet. “I'm going to need this to interact with certain of my own associates later.”
“At least you’re not interviewing any super-powered pricks today.”
Logan blinked, looking at him with renewed interest. “True. I have to say, it’s refreshing to meet someone else who doesn’t worship the ground he walks on. …Or flies over, as it may be.”
“Same thing I thought watching your interview, dude.” Virgil cracked a smile at the memory, which he hardly ever did for anyone but Patton. “It was, uh… good.” Yes. Great job, Virgil, that wasn’t lame at all. “Patton, though—that’s my roommate—he never shuts up about him. And now I can’t even be annoyed, ‘cause he went and got himself hurt yesterday…” Virgil realized he was rambling, only digging himself deeper into the hole of awkwardness.
Logan, however, had perked up even more.
“Patton Minett?”
In a heartbeat, Virgil was on red alert. He eyed Logan suspiciously as the reporter swiped his card to pay for his drink. “... No.”
“You’ve lived with him for years but go off, I guess,” Remy deadpanned in the background.
“Apologies,” Logan said hurriedly. “I merely wondered if this was the same Patton who prevented a robbery last night. I’ve been trying to find a way to get in contact with him in order to hear the details directly from the source, you see. …If you knew him, I might have asked you to aid me in that endeavor.”
Virgil crossed his arms, searching Logan’s face for anything to actually justify that first instinct of telling him to fuck off. … It wasn’t really his job to decide Patton shouldn’t do this, was it?
“If I know him,” he finally said, “which I’m not saying I do, I wouldn’t go around giving people his information just because they said they wanna talk to him. How about you tell me how to contact you, and then if I know him and if he wants to, he’ll call you or whatever.”
“That’s a lot of ifs,” Logan remarked wryly. “But I suppose I’m not opposed to your proposal.” He blinked, processed what he’d just said, and winced. “That, ah, was not intentional. Here, before I embarrass myself any further.” He pulled a tiny notepad out of his pocket, because obviously he was the sort of person to carry a tiny notepad around at all times, and scribbled down a phone number. “I hope to hear from you soon,” he said with a smile, and then left before Virgil could collect himself enough to respond. And also without waiting for his coffee. Oops?
“Huh.” Remy watched him walk away, not quite caring enough to run outside and remind him. “Guess he doesn’t get to see that I wrote your number on this cup now.”
“You WHAT?!”
Virgil grabbed the coffee cup out of his hand and slam dunked it into the trash.
“Aww. I was gonna drink that.”
“I’m not talking to you anymore, I’m going on break, do not even try to exist near me or I swear.” He yanked his apron over his head, balled it up, and threw it to the side with only a small glance to make sure it wouldn’t land in a bad place and, like, cause a fire or something. Which was his version of carelessly.
Toby spoke up from his booth, where he’d been shamelessly eavesdropping on everything. “He’s going to scream into a towel, isn’t he?”
Logan realized he had no coffee before he’d even made it all the way out the door, but it was too late, there was nothing to be done at this point. There was no way he could go back and stand at the counter until it was finished… much like there was no way he could ever set foot in that coffeeshop again. What a disaster. Logan was very good at ordering coffee and very good at establishing contacts to assist in his work, but apparently when the two combined he became completely useless, which had nothing to do with any hypothetical cute baristas he may have particularly wanted to make a good impression on, why would some equally hypothetical person even suggest that? Preposterous.
The mood he found himself in for the rest of the day, resulting from various factors such as “no caffeine” and “series of interpersonal screwups,” meant that everyone else mostly avoided him. Unfortunately, this left him with a lot of time to think. He spent most of that time attempting to rephrase the thought “I hope Virgil calls me soon” into something a bit more professional. This was more difficult that it sounded, as each new clarification left him with the uncomfortable feeling that he was lying to himself.
Virgil didn’t stop screaming into a towel until it was almost the end of his shift anyway, and by that point everyone agreed it would be better if he just went home. He was scaring the customers. He barely remembered his walk back to the apartment building, what with his entire brain being taken up by “holy shit I have Logan Roberts’s number” and “oh my god I looked like such a weird rude idiot in front of Logan Roberts, I can never try to talk to him again ever.” All he knew was that he was at the coffeeshop, and then eventually, he was opening the front door.
“Patton,” he called out, knowing his roommate would be able to hear him from wherever he was. “Please don’t ask me to explain but we have to fucking move.”
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upthenorthmountain · 6 years ago
Something Just Like This - Epilogue
So Charis started reblogging all this stuff and I said I had part of an epilogue and then I had a bit of spare time so I pulled it together, I think, and here it is
Previous Chapters
Epilogue - Two Weeks Later
The village hall was filling up. Kristoff’s mother was supervising the arrangement of the buffet table; his brother was setting up the bar; a group of children in their best party clothes were running around kicking balloons and squealing; Sven was in the corner trying to get his phone and a set of speakers to talk to each other while Ben hung off his arm. There was a huge hand-painted banner saying ‘CONGRATULATIONS KRISTOFF AND ANNA’ along one entire wall and confetti everywhere.
Anna paused just inside the door to take in the scene.
“Sorry,” Kristoff said behind her, “I know they’re a bit much, en masse.”
“It’s wonderful!” Anna said. “So many people! I couldn’t muster more than one family member without serious planning. I can’t believe your mother organised all this in a fortnight.”
“She is the queen of delegation, and as you say, she’s got so many people to delegate to. Did your sister say what time she was getting here?”
“No. But I told her the times and she said she’d make it.”  Anna sighed. “I wish she’d flown out yesterday and stayed the night.”
“She’ll be here.”
“You know,” said Sven to Kristoff, a baby on his hip and a glass of lemonade in his other hand, “I was talking with Jess the other night, as is a habit of mine, and I said. I said, I’m happy for him - you - I’m happy for him but I just worry about him, you know? After last time. And she said, I’m fairly sure he’s considered that, and if he thinks it’s worth it, surely he would know best. And I realised she was right, you know? You’re the only one who can decide if it’s worth it, and obviously you do think so, so.”
“I do.”
“And I mean,” Sven continued, “I guess I was thinking, he barely knows her! Then I realised what I meant was, I barely know her. And that’s not your fault, that’s my fault. I’ve hardly seen you recently -”
“That’s not your fault, Sven. You had a new baby, Jess and the kids are your priority right now, that’s how it should be.”
“Yeah, I know, but all the same. I feel like I’ve let you down a bit.”
“It’s not like five, ten years ago when we were all down the pub every weekend. Things move on.”
“Aye, I suppose.”
“Personally, as soon as we have a baby I’m going to drop you like a hot brick,” Kristoff said.
“Fair enough. Hang on, what’s that, Daisy?” Sven said to the baby. “You want to go and see Uncle Kris while Daddy gets some food? There you go,” and he handed her over, then laughed. “Oh, god, I just remembered something.”
“You remember that night after Leanne left and I came round with that whisky and we got hammered.”
“Not really, which I thought was the point of it.”
“Well, one thing I remember, was you being upset about - you were complaining, about being Uncle Kris. Always Uncle Kris. You said, I don’t want any more people calling me Uncle Kris, I want someone to call me Daddy, and I said, I said I think there are websites for people like that -”
“Suddenly, it’s coming back to me. I don’t remember finding it funny at the time.”
“No, you really didn’t, you thought I was taking the piss.”
“Well, you were.”
“Only a little bit.”
Kristoff followed Sven over to the buffet table, carrying the baby. “Thank you for sorting the music, anyway.”
“No problem. Jess vetoed some of my song choices, I’m afraid to say.”
“Mmm. Apparently ‘You Can’t Hurry Love’ was not appropriate.”
“Or ‘Relight My Fire’. I didn’t even ask about ‘Oops I Did It Again’.”
“You’re not as funny as you think you are, you know.”
“That’s a matter of opinion.”
“Anna, can I get you a drink, ah, I see you have one. Two.”
“I’m going to carry this glass of wine all night,” Anna said to Sven. “It was that or get a t-shirt printed that said ‘NOT PREGNANT’. And the other one is for Elsa, wherever she’s got to.”
“Sounds fair, sounds fair.”
“I never thanked you,” Anna said.
“For what?”
“You know. Ringing me. When…”
“Oh, that. Don’t worry about that. He’d have got there by himself, in the end, he just needed a kick.”
Anna smiled and sipped her drink.
“Although,” Sven added, “I was intending more to kick him into buying you dinner, maybe, or just having an honest conversation. The elopement took me a little by surprise. Just when you think you know a person.”
“I’m sure you know him better than I do.”
“In some ways, maybe - I hope you know him better than I do in others. Whatever he tells you about our trip to Amsterdam is a lie. That was a joke,” he added hurriedly.
Anna laughed. “It’s okay, it’s okay, I got it.”
Sven smiled. “I like you,” he said, “I’m glad you’re sticking around.”
“Definitely.” She smiled and went to take her sister her drink.
“So you must be Anna!”
Anna turned, and saw it was Jessica. She laughed. “I’m tempted to start answering that with a no.”
“I’ve heard at least three people say it to you, and I’m sure that’s not all.”
“No, it’s definitely in the double digits.”
“At least you’re getting it all over with in one go, though.”
“Yes, that’s something. And it’s nice to meet everyone! I just can’t get over suddenly having a big family.”
Jessica smiled. “They’re lovely, Kristoff’s family. Ben calls Kris’s parents Nanny and Grandad, which we should probably stop, but no one seems to mind - where did your sister go? I haven’t had a chance to speak to her yet.”
“To get some ice - and she needed a break from everyone, I think. She’ll be back.”
“Oh, that reminds me, my sister set a date for Ruby’s Christening, you and Kris are invited, I’ll text you the details, do I have your number? Give me your number. OK. It’s not a big do but I think my dad is going to do a barbecue.”
“Sounds lovely.”
“Sorry, is it weird to be invited to your husband’s friend’s wife’s sister’s baby’s Christening? But I always think of Kristoff as being like Sven’s brother - the more the merrier, right, with family?”
“Absolutely,” Anna said firmly.
Sven was standing on a chair, tinging his wedding ring against a glass. “Can I have everyone’s attention? I’m going to make a speech. Yes I am,” he said when Jessica rolled her eyes at him, “because I didn’t get to be Best Man, so you have to listen to me now. Now then.” He paused to gather his thoughts.
“For those who don’t know me, hello, I’m Sven McAllister, and I’ve been Kristoff’s best friend for - nineteen years? Lord above. Nineteen years. Anyway. Right. Now. Those of us who know Kristoff,” he continued, “have noticed, over the last few months, a new spring in his step. A new smile on his face, a new name on his lips. A name I heard many times, and after a while I started to think, is this a Thing? Or does he want it to be a Thing but she doesn’t? Once I met her - I have, unlike many in this room, had the opportunity to see how delightful Anna is before today - I knew it was definitely a Thing, a reciprocal Thing, and I can’t say I’m surprised this is where we’ve ended up but I think I’m not the only one surprised by the speed of it. I think this is the fastest I’ve ever known Kristoff make a decision.”
The assembled company laughed, and Sven winked at Kristoff and raised his glass. “Which can only mean it was the right one, if he was that sure about it. To the happy couple.”
“The happy couple,” everyone chorused.
Anna was just taking another tiny piece of cake when an arm slipped round her waist. “Hey,” she said, and turned to kiss her husband. “I’ve hardly seen you.”
“Every time I look round you’re talking to someone different. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine! Really.”
“Usually when we have a family party it’s not quite this many people - well, maybe half - we can escape in half an hour or so, anyway.” He kissed her again, then suddenly leant back and put his head on one side, listening. “Bloody Sven,” he said. “I’m going to kill him.”
“The song.”
Anna listened, then burst out laughing.
(it’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do)
(hey baby, I think I wanna marry you)
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kz-i-co · 6 years ago
Tricks & Lies (Pt. 3)
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Summary: More lies equals more chaos and more chaos equals more damage.
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin / Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 4k
A/N: I hope this isn’t too disappointing lol, I kind of rewrote this one twice and didn’t know what ending to choose lol. I do have plans for another part but not sure when I’ll get to it since I've put my other request on hold for this story :|
Part 1 | Part 2
m.list ╫ skz masterlist
"Um....we can explain." You said.
"Don't worry, only me and Han know, since we saw you two." Chan poured his juice.
"Han knows?" You panicked. "Chan, it's not what it looks like, I'm really a-" Before you could speak anymore Hyunjin covered your mouth.
"So our secrets out, are you going to tell the guys?" Hyunjin asked. You didn't even know why he was risking this for you.
Chan sighed. "If you guys like each other why do you want to hide it?"
"We're just not ready to tell everyone yet." Hyunjin said releasing you.
"Okay. Our lips are sealed." Chan smiled sweetly.
As he started walking away he turned around one last time. "So Hyunjin since you like guys." He started but you could tell he was nervous. "Am I attractive?" He arched his eyebrows.
Hyunjin squinted at him annoyed. "No.....you're not."
Chan pouted and walked away. "Why are you doing this for me?" You asked.
"Because like I said. They need to focus right now."
"Your birthday is this week right? You want to do something?"
You blushed. "It's Thursday. I can't believe you remember."
"I pay attention." He smiled.
"I have dinner with my parents but we can do something before."
You both grabbed your plate and went to sit down with the others even though they were pretty much finished.
"Hey I just want to say I'm really happ-OW!" Chan stepped on Han's foot to cause him to be quiet.
"We're really happy you let us stay over Changbin." Chan covered giving you and Hyunjin and obvious wink.
"What's going on?" Changbin asked.
"What do you mean?" Han said still feeling the pain from his foot.
"You two are acting weird and you two have been acting weird all week." He complained.
"We were going to throw you a surprise party, but you ruined it now." Chan slouched in his chair.
"Why? My birthday isn't until next month."
"Wait we're not in August? Oh oops." Han smiled nervously causing more suspicion towards the rest of the guys.
You shook your head in disappointment. Now your big lie was causing more lies within the group and it wasn't fair. "Don't worry Changbin, they're just too scared to admit that they're nervous about the competition, Friday."
"Why should you be nervous Chan?" Changbin asked since he was the leader of the group.
"Because..." He was trying to come up with an excuse. "Because (Y/B/N) can't do the trick."
"Yup. He fell yesterday but didn't tell anyone." Hyunjin joined in with this other lie.
"You fell?" Han asked not getting it but Chan glared at him. "Oh yeah. Chan told me this morning."
"Are you okay?" Felix asked.
"Yeah. I didn't damage anything but I'm just so scared I'll end up like Hyunjin." You lied.
"Then don't do it." Changbin said.
"No I can. I just need more practice." You smiled.
Changbin shook his head frustrated. You can tell he was still not convinced from what was going on.
"Guys wait." Han sped up to you out of breath as you were walking home. "So it's true?"
"What?" Hyunjin said annoyed.
"That you guys are a thing now."
"Keep it down."
"I'm sorry." Han started. "I know I've always teased you guys before but I didn't realize how you really felt and I'm happy for you. I just wished you told me sooner Hyunjin. We've been best friends forever."
"It's not about being gay or whatever. It's just how you feel when you meet the right person, if it's a boy or a girl."
"So Jihyun wasn't a cover?"
"No, I had real feeling for her at the time."
"So you wouldn't be mad if she was planning on getting you back?"
"What?" Hyunjin asked confused.
"She was looking for you yesterday and she was looking pretty determined."
It was your turn to be annoyed. You were having jealousy over an ex already? Why?
"She's going to be disappointed then." Hyunjin said and grabbed your hand tugging you away.
"I'll see you guys later okay." Han yelled after you.
"You okay?" You asked as you can sense Hyunjin's anger.
"Yeah. I just- she's the one that broke up with me and she gets to decided if we get back together?"
"Just don't worry about it." You said.
"You're right."
You opened the door as quickly as possible before you're sister could answer. "Where are you going so quickly on your birthday? You don't want to hang out with me?"
"I can't I have plans. But I'll see you tonight." You smiled an opened the door to Hyunjin's beautiful smiling face.
"Oh I get it. You rather hang out with your boyfriend then your own sister." She complained playfully.
"I'll see you later." You said feeling guilty but continued anyway.
Once you got out of the car, he grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers sweetly. This was what it was like being in a relationship, because you were loving every second of it.
You felt a little nervous from being in such an opened public place. What if the guys showed up? You have already hung out here with the them several times.
You were walking past all the different stores until he suddenly dragged you into a Gertrude Hawk. "Of course you want to go in here." You giggled.
"You better not be allergic to chocolate."
"I'm not." You rolled your eyes playfully.
He picked up smidgens and he let you pick whatever you wanted and paid for everything.
"You want to get something to eat?"
"Okay." You blushed.
As he was getting the food you were looking in the window of your favorite store as you spotted a necklace you wanted. Even though most times you dressed as a boy because of you skating, you liked to be girly here and there. You didn't have a set style.
"(Y/N)." Hyunjin called and you followed him to a table.
"Are you really nervous for tomorrow?" He asked.
"A little, but I'm not worried about it." You shrugged with a smile. You believed in yourself.
"I feel more nervous for you I guess." He looked down.
"I'll be okay and if not. We will be cast buddies."
He smiled again. "You're truly amazing."
"Why?" You blushed.
"You're just always positive, which I love."
Your whole face was red by this point.
After an hour you decided to sit down on the bench in front of the fountain and just enjoy it. Hyunjin pulled out the box of chocolate that the store gave you for free since it was a new product. He handed it over to you and told you to try it first.
You broke off a piece placing it in your mouth. It was soft and creamy and it was nothing you have ever tried before. "It's really good."
You broke off a piece and about to hand it over to Hyunjin but placed it in your own mouth instead teasing him.
You smiled at him deviously when he suddenly placed his lips to yours, catching you off guard. He took the chocolate in the process and pulled away.
"You tricked me." You said in shock but a smile showing through.
"You tricked me first." He ate some of the chocolate. "Wow, we might have to go back and buy more."
"Why are we here? I thought you wanted to go to the beach." Changbin complained.
"Because its too hot today, even for the beach." Chan answered.
"Hey." They looked over as they heard a voice grabbing their attention. "You lied to me Jisung." She complained using his real name.
"What?" He asked Jihyun, Hyunjin's ex. "What did I lie about?"
"You told me that Hyunjin was still single." He looked at her confused and Chan choked on his own saliva hearing her words.
"What are you talking about Jihyun?" Chan asked nervously.
"I saw him kissing some other girl." She was on the verge of tears.
"Girl?" Han asked and Chan elbowed him. "Are you sure?" He arched his eyebrows.
"I'll show you." She walked to the last spot she seen him. Her and the guys saw Hyunjin looking in the window of some store with in fact a girl. They couldn't see her face since they were faced away.
"Their just holding hands maybe they are just fri- oh." Han started until they saw you and Hyunjin kiss cutely.
"Is Hyunjin cheating on (Y/B/N)." Han pulled on Chan's shirt so only he could hear.
"I don't know." Chan whispered back.
"You said he was single and maybe he would get back together with me." She whined.
"Technically I never said he would get back together-" She glared at him causing him to stutter.
"Don't be mad at Han, we never even knew about this girl." Minho said.
"Tell him, I'm not giving up." She marched off.
"Let's meet this mysterious girl." Felix smirked and started walking towards their friend but they suddenly noticed he was alone.
"Where did she go?" Changbin asked as Hyunjin noticed his friends.
"Guys, What are you doing here?" He asked nervously.
"What are you doing here? Looks like you were on a date." Woojin laughed.
Han and Chan continued to remain quiet. "Oh um-" Hyunjin couldn't speak.
"Don't lie, we saw you smooching." IN joined in.
"Yeah, she had to leave, family emergency." Han and Chan could tell of his friends nervousness.
Once Hyunjin saw his friends talking he told you to hide. You ran into the store you were closest to and snuck behind the racks to wait until they would leave. But the boys had to get ice cream and it had to be right across from the store you were hiding in. There was no way out. About 15 minutes you grew impatient and just grabbed a boys get up and beanie and paid for them at the counter, still watching your back.
"Am I allowed to change into these?" You asked the clerk.
"Sure." She looked at you confused.
You ran to the dressing room changing your clothes. You pulled out a wipe from your bag and wiped your makeup off. You threw you purse and girl clothes into the shopping bag and snuck out of the store. You still saw the guys goofing off and once you saw their focus distracted you quietly snuck out of the store successfully.
This was exhausting. You couldn't wait until the competition was over and you can just reveal the truth.
You walked around the mall in a circle until you reached the entrance of the doors. You were pretty disappointed that your date ended so abruptly.
"(Y/B/N)? What are you doing here dude." Felix said and you turned around to the rest of the guys.
Hyunjin was a wreck over the whole thing and you could tell he just wanted to get out of here.
"You shopping?" Chan asked.
"Um....yeah. My sisters birthday is coming up." You nodded.
"We were about to leave but since we saw you, let's go to the arcade or something." Han said and you saw Hyunjin shake his head for disapproval.
"I really should be getting back."
"Come on. Just for a little." Han wrapped his arm around your shoulders not taking no for an answer.
Once you got to the arcade. Chan pulled Hyunjin to play ice hockey with him. "Let's go race." Han dragged you over to get alone.
"(Y/B/N) there's something I have to tell you." He said serious. "Hyunjin's my man but he's.....cheating on you."
You pursed you lips trying not to laugh. "What?" You said using your best acting.
"It's true. He's not really into guys. We saw him kissing some girl." Han looked pained.
"Are you sure it was him?" You asked.
"Thank you for telling me. I will talk to him about it." You left Han alone and saw Hyunjin look bored as hell playing ice hockey.
"Hyunjin can I talk to you?" You said and Chan bit his lip frustrated knowing what the conversation is about.
"Sure." He said and you walked over to a hidden spot in the arcade. It was nice since the arcade was so dark already.
"What's up?" He said leaning on the wall next to you.
"How dare you cheat on me." You slapped him playfully.
"I can't help it. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He smiled.
"Stop." You giggled. "Han's really worried. Now we have to act like somethings wrong."
"Not necessarily. Han and Chan are the only ones that know. So we can't act too cold towards each other since the rest of the guys don't know." He said leaning towards you and putting his hand slowly up your shirt.
"Stop. What if they see?" You said in panic.
"I can barely see you from right here." Then he leaned in bringing his lips towards yours.
You felt butterflies as his warm hand explored your body. You could feel the kiss getting more intense which worried you. You started running out of breath so you gently pushed him away but he still remained close, resting his forehead on yours. "Sorry you can't enjoy your birthday the way you wanted."
"It was the best birthday yet." You smiled and kissed him one more time before separating. The guys were all invested into different games and you wanted to leave as quick as possible.
"I need to get going. I have dinner with my parents, since it's my sisters birthday." You lied.
"You want a ride?" Chan asked not being able to hide his concern.
"Um...." You looked at Hyunjin since he was your ride. "I drove myself."
"I drove myself as well, so I'm going to get going. I've been here all day." Hyunjin said saying goodbye to the guys.
"We'll see you guys tomorrow for the big day." Felix smiled.
You waved. You made it look like you and Hyunjin went the opposite way but you met up at his car.
"That was close." You said taking off your hat.
"Yeah. Now I look like an asshole to my friends." He rolled his eyes but smiled at you.
"Don't worry. I don't plan on keeping this secret for much longer." You said stripping your clothes.
"Um what are you doing?" He asked.
"I can't enter my house like this. My mom expects me to be ready as soon as I get home." You grabbed your causal clothes from the shopping bag.
"Sorry you had to buy clothes just to sneak out." He said.
"It's fine. I'm sure I'll wear them again." You laughed.
Once you reached your house, Hyunjin opened the car door for you helping you out. He walked you up to the front door, never letting go of your hand. "I got you something." He said and pulled a small box out of his back pocket.
"What's this?" You said annoyed but playfully. You weren't expecting him to buy you something so soon.
"Nothing big. I just saw how much you wanted that necklace." He said as you opened the box revealing the piece of jewelry.
"When did you even get this?" You asked in shock.
"When I was with the guys. I said I was getting it for my mom but I knew Chan and Han clearly didn't believe me." He smiled.
"Thank you. But you didn't have to." You pouted.
"Of course (Y/N). I know we haven't known each other long but I feel really happy with you."
You smiled and grabbed his collar kissing him for the hundredth time today. You smiled through the kiss as he did until it was cut off from the door opening.
Your mother looked at you confused yet, surprised. "(Y/N), whose this?"
"Mom this is um my...."
"I'm Hyunjin." He said sensing your worry.
"You two are dating?" Your mother asked.
"Yes ma'am." He spoke.
"Okay." She smiled.
"Well I'll see you later (Y/N) happy birthday." He let go of your hand. "It was nice to meet you ma'am." He sweetly bowed and went back to his car waving goodbye.
"Since when were you going to tell me about him?" Your mother started.
"Eventually." You moved inside.
"You ready?" Hyunjin asked as you watched the other skaters go on. "You really don't have to do that trick."
"I'll be okay." You grabbed his hand sweetly. "I'm going to get some water real quick." You said and walked away.
"Thank you." You drank your bottle.
"Excuse me?" You heard a voice and turned around.
You saw Hyunjin's ex and you just wanted to roll your eyes and walk away but she didn't know the boy you.
"I'm sorry to bother you but I've seen you and Hyunjin are really close and I wanted to ask if you knew where he was?" You just wanted to curse this girl off. She never gives up.
"Last time I checked he was talking to his girlfriend. Who are you?" You said with no emotion and tried to hood your face. A girl knows a girl better then anyone. She would know right away if she really looked at you. You're lucky your helmet was kind of heavy.
She gave you a dirty look and marched off. You couldn't help but laugh. How did he even date her?
You walked back to the rest of the guys until you bumped into another group of skaters.
"Hey watch where you're going- Hey isn't it little miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." The one guy said. "Don't tell me you are skating?"
"They don't allow girls to skate." They other guy pushed you.
"You can't be a skater on your own, where's your group." He leaned down to talk to you. "I'm talking to you."
"Back the hell off." Hyunjin stood in front of you as he over heard your conversation.
"Don't tell me you're part of this loser squad." They laughed.
"These posers can't skate. You should of seen it last month." They taughted Hyunjin.
"Back off." Hyunjin pushed him back.
"You want me to break your other arm." He threatened.
"Back off Heesung." Chan stepped in.
"What are you gonna do huh? Get the rest of your strays to fight me?" He laughed. "Since one of you is a girl."
Chan looked at him confused and back at the rest of the guys. "What you didn't know?" Heesung said being very sarcastic. "Your skater here is a girl." He pointed to you. "She pretended to be a boy when she was with us to."
"You're a girl?"
"Chan, can we talk about his later?" Hyunjin quickly interrupted.
"You knew? This whole time?" Chan looked at his friend. "Thats why you two have been so close."
"Good luck beating us with a girl." They mocked for the last time and left.
You turned around and saw the rest of the guys staring at you hurt and confused. "I'm sorry I lied to all of you."
"Wait." Han spoke up. "So you don't like guys? And that girl we saw at the mall was that-"
"That was me." You admitted.
"You two are dating?" Felix asked.
They all looked confused.
"Okay guys, we can talk about this later. We are on soon." Chan pulled them away and you just stood there feeling guilty. "Aren't you coming?"
You looked up. "You still want me to skate?"
"Of course dude....I mean-" Han started.
"You can call me dude Han." You smiled. "My real name is (Y/N)."
They welcomed you in anyway which felt nice. You feared for the worse and it wasn't even a big deal to them.
"You don't have to hide anymore." Hyunjin placed his arm around you.
"Thank you, for everything." You smiled. Hyunjin smiled back and leaned down to peck your lips quickly before leading you to the floor.
"Don't worry. You got this." You stepped out onto the floor as they introduced you.
You felt nervous but you also felt the adrenaline pulling through as you began your skating. You landed trick after trick until it was time till your last trick. You took a deep breath as your skateboard got some air off the ramp and you pulled through hitting the trick but ended up twisting your ankle as you landed and fell as the crowd got quiet.
You looked ahead and saw your team crushed against the gate as they wanted to get to you. The medics came over and helped you up. You just laughed to yourself, letting the crowd know you were okay and they cheered anyway just watching you get up, confident and proud. You waved as you sat in the wheel chair and the medics rolled you away.
They basically told you, you had a sprained ankle, nothing major. You could skate again in 2 weeks with no problems.
"(Y/N) are you okay?" Hyunjin reached you first as the rest of the guys.
"I'm okay." You smiled painfully. "But I'm sorry I probably lost us the competition."
"Who cares, you did awesome." Chan smiled. "You skated your ass off and you landed the trick but you just had bad luck at the end."
"We'll beat them eventually, don't worry." Minho smiled.
"And there's always next year." Hyunjin held your hand.
"Losers." Heesung and his crew passed as they held the gold trophy.
"Assholes." Han smiled sarcastically. "I can't wait to beat them, and we will, they'll never see it coming."
You and Hyunjin held hands as you walked off. You had a limp but you were okay. The pain subsided and you just felt happy you still had your friends and your new boyfriend by your side.
"Where are you two going?" Felix asked grabbing everyone's attention.
"We're gonna finish our date since you nuisance ruined it yesterday." Hyunjin smirked.
"Sorry about that." Chan said and the others laughed. "See you later."
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"Not the mall." He laughed. "Ice cream?"
"Okay." You smiled. "I'm sorry we didn't win."
"Stop apologizing. We got 4th place. That's pretty good still." He held your hand tighter.
You stopped at the parlor. "I'm going to use the rest room real quick."
Once you finished up your business. You saw Hyunjin talking to his ex and he didn't look happy. You couldn't figure out what they were talking about and you waited until she left to finally walk over.
"Hey. What's wrong?" You asked seeing him uneasy as he handed you your ice cream.
You both sat down at the table as he sighed frustrated. "There's something about my ex that I didn't tell you."
"Her parents are best friends with my parents and we used to go on this family vacation every year, even before we were dating."
"But-" You wanted to hear more.
"She was reminding me it's coming up and how she wanted to makeup before we go to end any suspicion." He said and could sense your anger already. "My parents already know we aren't together anymore. But that doesn't mean I won't be forced to go on this trip."
"How about you come with me?" He said more excited.
"I-I don't know." You stuttered.
"Please." He held your hand.
"You think your parents will let your girlfriend go on the same trip as your ex girlfriend." You arched your eyebrows. "Unless as I go as your friend." You smirked.
"As a friend who is a girl or a friend who is a guy." He asked confused but had a smile hidden behind it.
You just licked your spoon amused, giving him an answer. "Your ex girlfriend won't have to be on your back the whole time if I was a guy."
"You sure you want to do that?" He asked.
"Your mother likes me remember?"
"Okay. We'll see how this goes." He smiled and you both continued eating your ice cream in peace.
If you could pull this off, you were beyond excited. But the problem was you had to get your parents blessings first.
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lambroseforlife · 6 years ago
Rick and Lilly going to the fair please :)
I hope you dont mind, anon, but since this ask didnt specify for this to occur in canonverse or a particular time period, Im going to use this prompt as the FINAL installment for one of my previous prompts. To be more specific, the detective AU one (part 1 here; part 2 here). By popular demand, readers wished for a continuation so here it is.
— — —
“That one! I want to go on that one next…”
“…that’s my cotton floss! I’m telling Mum!”
“Johnny! Come back here right this instant! I knew we shouldn’t have come here…”
The two individuals weaved through the crowd of people in the park, narrowly avoiding the gaggles of screaming children. It was only when they had reached a quieter section in the area did the taller person decide to speak.
“Miss Linton, this was not what I had in mind for a professional meeting.”
The person in question grinned back. “But Mr Ambrose, this is an unprofessional location! Just right for an unprofessional discussion as you wanted, don’t you think?”
He did not deign to reply, simply choosing to glare ahead.
“Plus,” she insisted, “it’s so noisy people won’t hear our conversation. They’re too busy paying attention to everything else in the fun fair.”
She glanced around, her focus on the various striped booths and their brightly painted signs.
“With the noise, we can barely hear each other.” Her employer dryly remarked.
“If that’s the case…then maybe we should stay closer together for efficiency.” She murmured, sidling right next to him until their arms were touching. She looked up at him with a pair of warm eyes. “Wouldn’t you agree, Mr Ambrose?”
His sea-coloured gaze bored into hers, suddenly intense. They flickered lower on her face for the briefest of seconds and then back.
“Perhaps so, Miss Linton.”
It was most likely her imagination but did his voice sound slightly hoarse?
“But first things first.” She broke off eye contact, looking back towards one of the booths from earlier. “Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
— — —
While Miss Linton stood in line for food, she asked her boss to find a place for them to sit. She had just received her food and started to look for him when she spotted him standing against an empty booth not too far away. With his significant height, he towered over the crowd. The same could not be said for her, however, as he did not notice her approaching until she was closer.
“There is no place to sit.” He informed her.
“Then we’ll just stand and eat.” She looked around the empty booth. “We’re not in anyone’s way here so this is fine.”
She unwrapped the lengthy package and carefully broke off half of it, holding it out to him. “Here, you have half.”
“I told you before, Miss Linton. I’m not hungry—”
She scoffed. “Knowing you, you probably didn’t eat much today. And this entire sandwich is too much for me to finish. If you don’t want it, then it’s going to waste.”
She raised an eyebrow and he took the half-sandwich, only starting to eat after she did.
They ate in comfortable silence, save for the distinct crunching noises each time they bit into the stuffed baguette.
Miss Linton took longer to eat, taking slower bites. She was halfway through her sandwich when she glanced up and saw that her companion had finished his meal.
“Wow,” she exclaimed, her mouth full of food. “Yer alrery rone earing?”
“Yes, I don’t like to waste time.” Mr Ambrose shot her a disapproving look. “Don’t speak with your mouth full, Miss Linton.”
She swallowed, gulping loudly. “I prefer to savour my food when I get the chance to, thank you very much.”
“Less talking, more eating.”
She glared at him but complied, nonetheless.
Once she had finished, she promptly threw the empty wrapper in a trash bin nearby. “Ahhh, that was good, wasn’t it?”
“It was adequate.”
“Let’s go and explore the rest of the fair.” She started to head towards the direction of the other booths.
“Wait.” A voice called behind her. She turned to see her boss regarding her with an unreadable expression.
“Yes, Mr Ambrose?”
“Miss Linton, you seem to have forgotten the original purpose of our meeting. You said you had some questions for me. Aren’t you going to ask them?”
A hint of a smile tugged at her lips. “No.”
“No, I haven’t forgotten. But I think you have. I already asked you what I wanted to know yesterday, Mr Ambrose. I’m just waiting for you to answer.”
Silence. She continued.
“But I don’t think you’re ready to quite yet. So I will wait until you are.”
“And what if I’m not ready today?” His eyes glinted in the dim lighting.
She smiled and shrugged. “Then I suppose we’ll just have to hold more ‘professional meetings’ until you are. Don’t you agree?”
She didn’t wait for him to answer as she grabbed his hand. He stared at her, frozen. Her smile only grew wider.
“But for today, like you, I don’t intend to waste time. So we’re going to see the rest of the fair since we’re already here.” She began to tug him back through the crowd, leading the way.
Others around them stared as they passed by, small children in confusion and young couples in amusement.
She could feel the disapproval radiating behind her from him and she chuckled. Her head turned back towards him with a smirk.
“Live a little, Mr Ambrose!”
In response, he pulled his hand out of her grasp, letting go, and he grumbled in a tone too low for her to hear. However, she barely registered his actions as her eyes fell upon something. They widened and in the next moment, she was sprinting through the throng of people.
“Excuse me! Oops! I’m sorry! Sorry, really! Pardon me, coming through!”
She squeezed through the small openings in the crowd, attempting to navigate to her destination as fast as possible. She ignored the gasps of outrage, definitely not hearing Mr Ambrose’s protests in the distance.
She stared up at the object on display hung up at the corner of the booth. Facing the man inside the booth, she called out to him.
“Excuse me! How much does this cost?” She pointed to the object hanging over her.
“‘Tis not fer sale, Miss.”
She frowned. “What do you mean ‘not for sale’?”
“‘Tis a prize, Miss. Shoot the balls off the bottles to win.”
Confused, she slowly looked up at the sign above the booth. ‘Shooting Gallery’, the letters read in bold, red paint.
“Oh.” Her gaze flickered the air rifle beside the man and the two shelves beside him— both evenly lined with five empty alcohol bottles and a ball sitting on each bottle opening. “How much to participate?”
“One ticket gives ye three tries, Miss.”
“Tickets? But I don’t have any.”
“Ye can buy them. See that big booth over there?” He pointed over in the distance.
“That’s where they sell them. Come back when ye have them.”
“But how do I know this won’t be gone by then?” She glanced upwards at the object.
“It won’t, Miss. No one’s wanted it the whole day. Kinda surprised ye wants it, actually.”
“I see.”
“Why do you want that?” The deep voice came from behind her. Closer than she expected. Close enough for her stomach to flutter in recognition.
She whirled on her toes towards him. “Because I like it. Took you long enough to show up.”
“Well, a certain apprentice just ran into the crowd without warning.”
She leaned forward, her neck craning up to look at him directly. “Well, if a certain detective hadn’t let go of my hand, then there wouldn’t have been a problem.”
He cocked his head. “Indeed, Miss Linton?”
“Oh, yes.” She breathed out. “Indeed, Mr Ambrose.”
They stared at each other, their faces merely inches away from one another as they both said nothing, just merely studying the other pers—
The sound of someone clearing their throat was as effective as a bucket of cold water, causing Miss Linton to spring away from the person in front of her. She was internally grateful that her hair was loose, safely covering the currently reddening tips of her ears. Her eyes met the man inside the booth, who was watching them both warily. 
She nodded at him. “I’ll be back then.”
Miss Linton took off towards the ticket booth. She paused, inclining her head to the side.
“Let’s go, Mr Ambrose. I wouldn’t want you to become lost again.”
— — —
Twenty minutes later, they returned back to the shooting gallery booth. A small line had formed in the meantime and thus, they waited again. When her turn came, Miss Linton held out one small printed piece of paper and the man took it, handing her an air rifle.
“How many targets for what I want?”
“Ye have to hit knock over all ten balls, Miss.” He handed her the air rifle. “The corks are in this basket here. So you push the cork in like this at the muzzle, turn the rifle over and pull this lever here to load it. You do this for each shot.”
Clink. Clank. The lever locked back into place. He handed the loaded rifle to her and she hesitantly took it.
“Do you even know how to shoot?” Questioned the person watching behind her.
“Of course I do! I’ve seen it on the telly many times. How hard could it possibly be?”
“Now for the first ball…” Her finger curled around the trigger and pushed down.
The cork flew out and hit the shelf.
“Hmm, that didn’t go so well.”
She struggled to load the rifle again but finally managed to before the man came over to do it again.
“Let’s try again.”
The second cork sailed through the air and into the back of the booth before disappearing out of sight.
“Maybe it’s just a matter of practice.”
For this case, it seemed to work with only loading the corks but not for shooting them. The other eight corks never made contact with the desired target. The closest Miss Linton had gotten was when one of them hit the base of the bottle.
“Two more tries, Miss.”
She wiped sweat from her brow. “Blast! The movies make it look so easy! Why isn’t this working? Is this game rigged?”
“It is not, Miss Linton. The fault lies on your end entirely.” Again, that infuriatingly cool voice spoke up again behind her.
She turned to glare at him. “My fault? How so?”
He stepped forward until he was directly behind her. Her heartbeat sped up.
“To begin with,” the murmur of his voice was nearer than she expected, “your stance is off.”
His arms grasped her shoulders as if he were handling something delicate, but still firmly manoeuvred her until she stood sideways.
“Legs wider apart.” The toe of his shoe nudged at the heel of hers until she complied. Warmth rushed to her cheeks as she tried to not think about how it made her press more into him. Which was just about as effective as trying to ignore his presence.
“Now,” his hand reached forward, pulling the rifle back.”The butt of the rifle should be resting against your shoulder. This hand is already positioned where it should be, next to the trigger. As for the other…”
His opposite hand covered the one curled around the forestock and slid it further away. Miss Linton could hear her heart pounding in her ears.
“There. Now it should be easier to aim for the target. Relax your shoulders, they’re too tense.”
His hands settled on there, pushing down until she dropped them. They still stayed there, keeping them in place.
“Focus. Aim for ball using the barrel’s end as your guide.”
She took breaths to steady herself and pulled the trigger.
The first ball fell off the bottle. 
She jumped and squealed in happiness. “I did it! I did it, Mr Ambrose!”
“I saw. I wouldn’t be too excited if I were you. You still have nine left.”
“Oh, right.”
Unfortunately, her luck was not as consistent for the following shots. To her immense disappointment, she only managed to knock two more balls over.
“One more try, Miss.”
After a moment of contemplation, she sighed and gave the rifle back to the man.
“Thank you, but even with a hundred more attempts, I don’t think I will be able to knock all the balls over. It was fun though.”
“So you’re giving up?” Mr Ambrose asked.
“What’s the point? I don’t have the experience to win anyway.”
“Regardless of experience, you’re throwing away an opportunity. Don’t forget it was me who bought the five tickets.”
“Because I ran out of money from the sandwich!” She protested. “Plus, you said you would deduct the cost of the tickets from my wages anyway.”
He gave her a look. “I appreciate the reminder, Miss Linton. But until then, these are still my tickets. I refuse to let you waste them.”
Stepping forward, he held his hand out to the man. “Rifle.”
The man immediately obeyed, looking at them both with widened eyes.
“Wait, Mr Ambrose. I forgot to load the cork—”
“No need.” He cut off the objections from his employee. “I know how to do it after watching you.”
Clink. Clank.
Clink. Clank.
Clink. Clank.
This repeated in rapid succession as each ball was knocked off a glass bottle. Miss Linton gaped at her employer the entire time as he fired the corks and reloaded with mechanical precision.
The ninth ball flew clean off and collided with the last remaining ball which in turn, bounced onto the booth owner’s shoes. He, along with the people waiting in line watched in shock. Mr Ambrose promptly handed the rifle back to him.
“I’ll be damned. Ye hit them all, Mister. Pick any prize.”
“Whatever the lady wants.” He responded, spinning on his heel and marching off.
Miss Linton quickly grabbed the big stuffed animal and said goodbye before following her employer. She had to run to catch up before she lost sight of him.
“How…” Pant. Huff. “…is that…” Pant. Wheeze. “possible?”
He glanced at her but did not slow his pace. “It is. You just saw.”
“That’s not—” Gasp! “ — what I asked!” Her breathing steadied after much effort.
“I…” His jaw tightened. “I used to be a part of the police force, Miss Linton.”
“I haven’t forgotten. But even the other officers I’ve seen in action don’t have your aim and speed.”
He said nothing and her irritation grew.
“Tell me! Where did you learn to shoot like that?”
He opened his mouth but she interrupted.
“Don’t you dare use your police background as an explanation again! It’s something more, isn’t it?”
“Why did you want that ridiculous stuffed animal anyway?” He fired back. “It’s not worth the trouble.”
“But you got it for me anyway. Why won’t you give me an answer?” She tugged at his sleeve.
Abruptly, he halted. She almost crashed into him and so did the people walking behind them. They glared at them both but she could care less. Her eyes were focused solely on him and the storm roiling in his own as he glared at the ground.
His pinky began to twitch and after a very long moment of silence, he looked up at her.
“My father.” He finally answered. “He taught me.”
— — —
“You used to live in the country?”
They were sitting beside each other on a park bench in more secluded area save for the occasional passersby.
“My parents own an estate up in Northumberland. It was where I was born and raised.”
“So you come from a wealthy family?”
“I suppose so. I don’t know if that applies now.”
“When was the last time you saw them?”
“Nearly ten years ago.”
“A decade! Why such a long time?”
“I didn’t part from them on…the most favourable of terms.” His tone hardened at the end.
“What happened?” She pointedly looked ahead into the distance, afraid to see his expression.
Silence. A cautious glance downwards at his clenched fist told her that this was was a difficult topic for him.
She was about to move on to another question when he spoke.
“My father and I had our differences. Differences that only became obvious once I was older. As a child, I looked up to him very much. I wanted to be a son he was proud of. The things he liked— hunting, fishing and horseback riding became my pastimes. All to please him. Even though I held more interest in other activities such as fencing or reading.”
He sighed. “Over time, his expectations grew increasingly unreasonable. He wanted me to go into medicine or politics. But while attending Eton, I found that I wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement. Shortly after I graduated, I told him what I wanted to do. He was furious. He said that I would only bring disgrace to the family. He gave me two choices: obey him or get out. I chose the latter.”
“Wow.” She whispered. “That’s so…”
“Foolish? Rash?”
“I was about to say unfair. What your father did.”
“Ah, then yes. I’m inclined to agree.”
“What about the rest of your family? How did they take it?”
“My mother…” A dark edge crept into his tone and Miss Linton had to suppress a shiver. “She witnessed the argument. But she never said a single word the entire time. As for my sister, she was too young to understand what was happening then.”
“How old was she?”
“Around eight or nine. She was a child. I’m ten years older than her.”
“So five years younger than me.” She muttered to herself. “She must be graduating school later this year.”
“Most likely.”
“Hasn’t your family tried to contact you since you left? Not even once?”
“Much more than that. Back when I used to work in Scotland Yard, my mother would send letters every month to my office.”
“I never opened them. There was no point.”
“How so?”
“It was too late for her to say anything by then. She should have done so that night.”
“So what happened after you left your home?”
“I came here to London. I was a naive boy then. Foolishly optimistic.” He scoffed. “I went directly to Scotland Yard and told them I wanted to work for them. Preferably as an officer but I would take any available position. Unimpressed, they had me fill out some forms and answer a couple verbal questions. They told me if they were interested, they would contact me.”
He paused in recollection.
“Nearly a month passed and no news. The money I had secretly saved up from working on weekends in school was almost gone. I was ready to give up and return home. In my desperation, I would have pathetically grovelled at my father’s feet to take me back. But it turns out I didn’t have to. The night before I was planning to leave London, I received a call from one of the officers. He told me that there was no availability for new officers but there was high demand for detectives due to a shortage. I accepted the offer and was immediately started training.”
“Did you consider working as a detective before then?”
“Not really, no. From the detective novels I read, I thought the situations were exaggerated. And I was right. When I was under training, I found the reality to be more mundane and repetitive. But what I didn’t realise until that point was how taxing the process was. Especially the paperwork. To save time, I forced myself to become ambidextrous for writing.”
“Huh. This whole time I thought you could naturally do that.”
“As a trainee, I met many of the staff at Scotland Yard. However, one person I was already acquainted with. Constable Daniel Dalgliesh. He graduated from Eton too. He was a few years my senior so we didn’t know each other that well. But he still recognised me. I told him about my situation and he offered me his place to stay. For the time being, I was living at a rundown motel. The salary of a trainee was not much and finances were tight.”
“So you lived with him?”
“For a while, yes. When my training was complete, he convinced the Chief Inspector to assign me to his unit so we could work together. I saved up for a few months after becoming a Detective Constable. From the salary increase, I had enough to move out to my own place.”
“How close are you with Dalgliesh?”
“From everything he had done for me, he was the person I trusted the most in the entire police force. Perhaps even in the entirety of London.”
Miss Linton raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It did not escape her notice that he had used past tense.
“Most of our cases were assigned to the East End. The war had just ended, so there was an increase in gang activity  Our unit was made of newer hires so we were scrapped with brunt work. But we didn’t mind so much. Like fools, we were more eager to prove ourselves above anything else. I suppose it worked. Within the year, Dalgliesh was promoted to Sergeant.”
“What about you?”
“I wasn’t promoted until two years later. As Detective Sergeant, my duties became more administrative like Dalgliesh’s. We saw each other less at work and more outside of it. Usually on the weekends for a meal while we discussed cases. Fast forward to four years later and by then, he was already Inspector Dalgliesh. My rank increased to Detective Inspector that year. I had assumed that my record of solving cases was what had earned me the promotion.”
“It wasn’t that, was it?”
“It was part of it. But not the only reason. Six months later, I was assigned to a certain case. It was wide-scale regarding the disappearance of numerous young ladies in multiple cities. I had assumed that they were all separate incidents initially until further investigation. I discovered that not only were they connected, but also all committed by the same person. I was so close to tracking the culprit when I was suddenly instructed to drop the case by the Chief Inspector.”
“That’s what I wanted to know. I asked him but he would give me no explanation. He told me to not ask any more questions about it. There was something he was hiding and I wanted to find out what it was. When I told Dalgliesh about it, he was acting…suspicious. Like there was something he didn’t want to tell me. When I kept asking him about it, he finally admitted that the same thing had happened before to him and other officers too.”
“How come?”
“He never said it directly but he implied that the higher ups were…persuaded to drop the investigations for certain cases.”
She stared at him in horror.
“No. No! You can’t possibly mean…”
He turned to look at her and she let out a defeated sigh. “I see.”
“Indeed, Miss Linton. I was furious when I found out. But like Dalgliesh, my hands were tied. I tried to move on to the other cases. However, my anger grew over the next few months. At that point, I could not handle it any longer. I submitted my letter of resignation to the Chief Inspector.”
“How did he react?”
“With disappointment. He told me that he expected better from me. Especially given how Dalgliesh had all but begged him to promote me.”
“He did what?”
“I didn’t want to believe it either. I couldn’t. Accepting it meant that I had to accept that Dalgliesh was no different from the higher ups that bent the law to their own will. Without telling him or anyone else, I quietly took my things from my former office and left.”
“And then?”
“A week later, he banged on my apartment door demanding to talk to me. I let him in and he yelled at me for leaving. He asked me why but I couldn’t tell him. Not after what he did. I knew he didn’t have bad intentions but…”
“It went against your principles?”
“Yes. His anger at my silence resulted in him telling me that I had thrown away my only chance to make a name for myself. Then he stormed out. The next time I saw him after that was when you first met him.”
“When he stopped by the office?”
“Yes. Anyway, his parting words on our previous meeting made me think. I wanted to prove him wrong. So I decided to open my own private investigation agency. Where I was the one in charge. No one could tell me what to do but myself.”
“I see. What about the case you had to drop? Did you ever find out who was behind it?”
A muscle began to twitch in his jaw and a dark emotion crossed his eyes. “I did. It was the first thing I secretly investigated after I opened the agency.”
“So who was the culprit?”
After a minute passed, Miss Linton took a more direct approach.
“It wasn’t Dalgliesh, was it?”
“Do you think he knew who it was?”
“I do not know, Miss Linton. Nor do I wish to.”
“If you knew who it was, then why didn’t you go after them?”
“Because,” he ground out through gritted teeth, “all the evidence I compiled earlier had been incinerated. Even though I was working by memory, it wasn’t enough to convict the person. Not to mention, the disappearances had stopped by then. If I continued to pursue the case, then I would only face trouble from the police.”
By the arctic tone of his voice, Miss Linton knew to not push him further on the subject. He was not going tell her more about it.
For now.
She changed the topic. “So, um…earlier you asked me why I wanted this so badly.”
She held up the big stuffed animal sitting in her lap. “Do you still wish to know why?”
Silence. She decided to take that as a confirmation.
“A few months ago, I decided to celebrate when I moved into my new apartment. I bought myself several bottles of alcohol and chocolate bars. I ended up drinking too much and well…”
Still silence. She continued.
“When I was in a drunken state, I saw yellow piggies. They looked very much like this fellow here.”
She squeezed the plush cheeks of the grinning yellow pig.
“I just wanted a memento of that night. I was so happy, the happiest I had ever been in years. But because you won this for me, it means even more to me now.”
He still said nothing but at her words she could see his fists unclench and some of the tension leave his jaw.
She scooted closer. Cautiously leaning over, she slowly rested her head against his shoulder, trying to provide comfort.
For the rest of the hour, they stayed together like that, unmoving.
— — —
They had decided to use the remainder of the four tickets on the Ferris Wheel. Otherwise, Miss Linton had argued, it would be a complete waste since the tickets couldn’t be used elsewhere or refunded. Her employer had conceded and thus, they sat across each other in a passenger car. The transparent windows allowed for a full view across the park and it was where the two passengers’ gazes currently lay, both appearing to be lost in their own thoughts since their previous conversation.
“Mr Ambrose?”
“Yes, Miss Linton?”
She turned to look at him, his posture tense but his facial expression betraying nothing in the slightest as he still gazed down at the park.
“Do you know why I was so insistent on working for you when you first offered me the job?”
His head turned slowly to meet her earnest eyes, his own slightly narrowed.
“Enlighten me.”
“How much do you know about my family?”
“More than you think.”
“So you know that my younger sister and I live together, but separately from our other sisters and our aunt and uncle?”
“Do you know why we live separately?”
“I’m going to take that as a ‘no’. For the past few years, my aunt staunchly believed that for taking care of me and my sisters since our parents died, our payment to her was marrying rich husbands. That way, she could have social connections and potentially money.”
She glanced out the window, uncrossing her arms. “My older sisters had no problems finding husbands. But I refused from the start. I never wanted a life like that. For my aunt, I was always the troublemaker. We never got along well to begin with. That only doubled her determination to marry me off to some man at first chance.”
His expression was still blank as he stared at her wordlessly. She gulped and her voice grew softer. “Then you offered me a job. I saw that as my ticket to freedom and I took it. I moved out from my uncle’s house shortly after saving up for a bit. I brought my younger sister along as well. She and her beau have been in love for a while now.  But she knew that my aunt would never accept him and that after my departure, she would be next in line for an arranged marriage.”
Miss Linton grimaced. “Of course, my aunt threw a fit. But what else could she do? We were both of legal age already. Me getting a job inspired my younger sister to pursue a career too. She’s now attending beauty school to be a hairdresser so she can save up and marry her beau.”
“I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. I just…” She trailed off, sighing. A moment of silence reigned as she looked out the window. She turned back to meet his unwavering gaze again.
“Yesterday’s case, with Mrs Caroline Fitzgerald.”
“What of it?” He asked.
“Once I went home yesterday, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I wanted to stop but my mind wouldn’t let me. I think I know why now.”
“Because…” She swallowed hard. Her fingers gripped the front edge of the metal bench, knuckles whitening. “Because if I hadn’t met you, would Mrs Fitzgerald have been me? If I hadn’t been able to leave my uncle’s place and was forced into a marriage by my aunt, would I have been the same as her? As selfish as she was, I know that if I was in her situation I would have done the same.”
“I don’t believe that.”
She blinked. “You…don’t?”
“No. Miss Linton, given your tendency for stubbornness, I think that you would have found another way to avoid marriage by your aunt, regardless. Mrs Fitzgerald tried to use money to cope with not being able to decide for herself. But you— you would never let others decide for you no matter the benefit. Otherwise, you still wouldn’t be here working for me. Otherwise…tonight would have never happened.”
She stared at him for a moment, completely taken off-guard. She exhaled a shaky laugh. “I suppose you’re right. Thank you, Mr Ambrose.”
He nodded.
The ride came to an end and they were guided out of the passenger car by an attendant. After descending the platform back onto the grass, Miss Linton checked her wristwatch.
“Oh my, it’s gotten pretty late. I suppose we should leave now.”
“It appears that others are.”
He was correct. The crowd had dwindled and many of the remaining guests were beginning to leave, with some of the booths already shutting down and packing up. The evening at the fair was slowly, but surely coming to an end.
— — —
They were walking back to her place side by side at a brisk pace. Their breaths appeared in tandem from the chilly winter air. This time, there was no conversation as they felt comfortable, but strangely somewhat anxious at the same time to speak. The evening had been…eventful to put it mildly and both could sense that something had changed. As for what it was, they were unsure.
Their steps slowed when the familiar faded brown apartment came into sight. They stopped in front of the entrance, both glancing at each other. She hugged the stuffed yellow pig tighter to her and she turned to face him.
“Well, I suppose this is farewell.”
“It is.”
“I’ll see you at work tomorrow then?”
“You will.”
She shook her head and smiled. Her boss had certainly mastered the art of not mincing words.
“I had fun tonight, Mr Ambrose.”
“Did you now?”
“I did.” Her expression reflected nothing less than sincerity.
His mouth said nothing but his eyes conveyed more than enough emotion as they intently gazed into hers. Miss Linton felt something tug at her chest.
Reaching forward with her arm, she laced her fingers with his, gently squeezing his hand.
“Good night…Rikkard.” She whispered. For some reason, her mouth had suddenly become dry.
He stiffened. Then…
His fingers slowly curled over hers, squeezing back.
“Good night, Lillian.”
— — —
And that’s it for the detective AU! I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. I’m a sucker for fluffy moments if you couldn’t tell by now.
Merry Christmas to all that celebrate it! Regardless if you do or dont, I hope that you have a wonderful day and week! I hope you liked reading my holiday gift to you.
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otterlydeerlightful · 6 years ago
LazyTown Ship Week #1
Oops I’m late! Oh well. Here’s Day #1: Plants/Gardening. Alternate prompt: The start of something wonderful :P
The soon-to-be class garden was coming along well. Though not yet in the designated garden space waiting outside, the children had been caring for their little seedlings dutifully every day. They checked on them in the morning when they arrived to school and once again before heading home at the end of the day. One little boy, Íþrótta, was particularly excited about the project. He doted on his sprouts as though they were his children, and he took incredible joy in seeing their slow but sure progress every day.
“It’s like he uses magic on ‘em or somethin’,” one of the other children grumbled under his breath as he gathered up his things to go home.
The boy, Glanni, was probably the only student in the class who did not care for their gardening project. The entire thing felt like just too much work for, in his mind, a worthless payoff. Glanni had only been doing the bare minimum to try and keep his plants alive just so the teacher wouldn’t scold him. Which was why, watching the other boy tend to his seedlings day after day, Glanni just couldn’t understand why Íþrótta was so engaged in taking care of the stupid things. They were just dumb plants.
Even so, Glanni couldn’t deny the attention that Íþrótta’s sprouts seemed to generate. Their classmates marveled at his work and asked for tips, and the teacher praised the child’s green thumb. No one ever complimented anything Glanni did. Usually he just got in trouble or, worse, was left forgotten and ignored altogether. It wasn’t fair. Just because Íþrótta was a plant-obsessed weirdo didn’t mean he deserved all the attention.
He watched as his classmate finally turned away from his precious little seedlings to grab his backpack to head home. Glanni glared a hole into the back of the blond’s head as Íþrótta skipped out the door to greet whatever parental figure was probably waiting for him.
Glanni stuck his tongue out after his classmate before taking a quick glance around the room to make sure the teacher was busy helping someone else get ready to leave. He reached into his backpack, fishing around for a moment before slyly pulling out the small bottle of contraband soda. Careful to keep it out of view, Glanni crept over to the row of little boxes basking in the sunlight by the window.
“See if stupid Íþrótta has such a green thumb if his plants drink this,” he hissed quietly, tipping the bottle and letting the sugary drink sink into the soil.
The sound of his teacher’s voice out in the hallway made him pull back quickly, a few drops of soda sprinkling over the shelf before he quickly recapped the bottle and stowed it away and out of sight. With a confident smirk. Glanni slung his bag over his shoulder and scampered out of the room.
The next morning, Glanni walked in to find a small cluster of his classmates huddled by the temporary garden. He smiled to himself, strolling over to reap the rewards of yesterday’s mischief. He gleefully imagined what Íþrótta’s face would look like upon seeing his sprouts…shock, awe, anger, disbelief. Any of them would have been hilarious to see. What he had not expected to find, though, was Íþrótta’s look of utter devastation.
The little blond boy stared at the shriveled, wilted plants with wet eyes, his chin quivering as he held out his hands toward the discolored seedlings as though he was trying to figure out some way to help them. A soft whimper escaped the child’s throat as he stood there, oblivious to the small crowd that had grown around him.
Glanni scratched the back of his neck, suddenly not feeling near as excited as he had moments ago. He heard the teacher approach and offer soft words of condolences, but they just seemed to make things worse. The dark-haired back cringed as Íþrótta began to sniffle, new tears sliding down the already-present tracks on his cheeks. Glanni chewed the inside of his cheek and sluggishly obeyed their teacher’s instruction for everyone to return to their seats. Íþrótta didn’t, and Glanni couldn’t help but stare as the teacher ushered him toward the classroom door and out into the hallway.
He spared the dead seedlings another glance, the tiny things no longer green and vibrant, but mere darkened husks sticking out of the dirt. He had done that. Glanni had hoped to teach Íþrótta a lesson, but for what? He had only wanted to knock down the boy’s pride down a bit, right? He hadn’t meant to…to destroy him. Just because he wanted to cause a little bit of mischief didn’t mean he had wanted to hurt anyone, even a goodie two-shoes like Íþrótta.
Glanni looked up when the other boy came back into the room. Íþrótta’s eyes were red and puffy, and the usual pep in his step—usually his most defining trait—was completely gone. Glanni watched him slide into his seat and stare at his desk as their teacher began her lessons for the day, but he didn’t hear a word. He was pretty sure Íþrótta wasn’t listening either.
Although Glanni rarely paid much attention in class, today was different. He had really screwed up and needed to fix it. With another glance over at the seedlings by the window, he started to come up with a plan to do just that. It wasn’t a very good one, but he felt so rotten after seeing how much he had hurt the other boy, Glanni knew that he had to try.
Recess somehow managed to take even longer than usual to arrive that day, which was definitely saying something as far as Glanni was concerned. He normally stayed behind, never one to be too keen on running around the playground to get messy and made fun of for being bad at sports, so when Glanni hung back while all the other children made a mad dash for the door, his teacher thought nothing of it.
He grabbed Íþrótta’s box of sad, wilted plants, tucked it under his arm, and hurried toward the back of the room, swiping a second box from the sill along the way. He set up shop out of sight in the corner, determined to make this work whether or not his teacher decided to come back inside before recess was finished or not. Glanni dug out the seedlings he had destroyed, tossing them and much of the contaminated soil in the nearby garbage can. He then, carefully, selected and transplanted the best-looking plants from the second box into the first. In direct competition of how he had always treated his project plants before today, Glanni picked up each of the little sprouts with the utmost care, determined not to damage a single root or leaf at any time during the process.
He worked quickly, and the scruffy-haired child finished just in time. No sooner had he set the boxes back in their places and tucked a slip of paper next to Íþrótta’s partially restored crop than the first of the children began to file back into the room. He hurried to his chair and sprawled across his desk in an attempt to look like he may have been taking a nap in lieu of going out to play with everyone else. Íþrótta soon followed the rest of their classmates, looking as dejected as he had that morning. Glanni held his breath as he watched the other boy’s movements, biting his lip when Íþrótta came to a stand-still upon seeing the line of plants by the window. Glanni buried his face into his arms to hide his smile as he watched an amazed, toothy grin spread over the other little boy’s face. He looked away, forcing himself to ignore Íþrótta from that point on. He didn’t dare give himself away.
The rest of the day was a bore, and Glanni spent most of the time doodling in his notebook instead of paying attention to their lessons. The end of the day eventually came and, like clockwork, Íþrótta went over to tend to his plants. His new plants. Glanni tried to ignore the boy as best he could, though he did end up sneaking a few quick glances out of the corner of his eye as he gathered up his things.
The child jumped, yelping at the sound of a suddenly too-close Íþrótta who had walked up behind him. He spun around with wide eyes.
“What?” he demanded a bit sharply, if only from momentary panic.
Íþrótta took a step back to give his classmate some space. He swallowed, wringing something in his hands a moment before speaking up again. “I…wanted to say thank you.”
The mischief-maker frowned. “F-for what?”
The blond boy offered a soft smile and held out the small note to his peer. Glanni didn’t need to look at it to know what it said, written in messy, angular handwriting. Sorry I killed your plants.
“For giving me some of your plants.”
Glanni’s heart dropped into his stomach, and his face paled to reflect it. Íþrótta just stood there with that same, warm expression.
“I didn’t—I mean! Uh…” The child’s mind scrambled to try and come up with a believable deflection. “What are you talking about?”
Íþrótta gave a brief look back toward all of the little boxes at the window. “Yours is the only box that’s missing anything.”
Glanni let out a small squeak, eyes immediately widening at his obvious oversight.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Íþrótta continued. “I…don’t know why you did it in the first place, but…thanks for sharing your plants with me.”
The trouble-maker shrugged and looked away, unsure how to react to his classmate’s attitude. This was supposed to be where Glanni got yelled out, ratted out, maybe even hit. Instead, Íþrótta just seemed…happy.
“You…wanna be friends?”
Frowning again, Glanni looked back to Íþrótta, completely puzzled. “What?”
“Do you want to be friends?” Íþrótta repeated. “I know you get in trouble a lot, but…that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends together. Right?”
Glanni stared at the strange, blond boy. Friends? Glanni had never had a friend before. A friend might be…nice. Though he knew he shouldn’t, the little boy found himself nodding. The smile that spread across Íþrótta’s face made a strange warmth bloom in his chest and, despite himself, Glanni couldn’t help but find himself also smiling at the prospect.
Íþrótta laughed, jumping and happily spinning at the news, his usual energy back to normal. “Great! Friends, then!”
Íþrótta held out his hand and Glanni found himself taking it, getting up from his desk.
“S-sorry my plants are kind of stinky…I didn’t take very good care of them.”
“That’s okay!” his new friend assured him. “We can take care of them together so they can grow and they’ll get better in no time!”
Glanni smiled. Yeah…better in no time. Maybe gardening was worth something after all.
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paramemetual · 7 years ago
Get It Together (Part 5)
When we last left off, Isaac was crying because of the purest thing he’s ever seen, Max is confused.
“S’up guys!”
“Hey Johnny, we were just uh.... Passing by. Thought we could make up for yesterday.” Stephen said quickly. “We were gonna grab Max next, but he’s here so, we were wondering if you guys wanted to hang in the park.”
“Sure, you in Maxamillion?” Johnny said, stepping off the porch.
“Sounds good to me, I wanted to try some flips on that one wall anyways.” Max replied.
“You want me to text yer pops Mux?” Johnny asked, waving his phone at Max.
“Nah, it’ll be fine, he’s not expecting me home until later anyways.”
“Alright lovebirds, let’s go.” Izzy said, starting to walk.
“What did you just say ?”
“Uhh, she said let’s go. You good Max?” Isaac asked.
“Right as rain, weatherboy.” Max replied, eye narrowed.
“I will scream.”
“I will not.”
As it turns out, the park has a wall that is extremely high. This made two people feel two very different things. Max, was extremely happy, and Johnny was extremely anxious.
“Nerd bones’re fragile Mux!”
“It’s not that high!”
“Ya said that ‘bout the bridge.”
“This is nothing like the bridge!”
“What happened at the bridge?” Ed asked.
“Y’know when max broke his other arm?” Johnny asked, turning to the rest of his friends.
“Johnny-” Max was interrupted.
“He was doin’ flips on the’edge of that low bridge, the one over the creek thas all dried up?”
“Max, you said you fell down the stairs!” Izzy scowled.
“Because I knew this would happen if you actually knew!”
“Max, c’mon!” Isaac said.
“You’re bein’ a little reckless little buddy.” Ollie told him.
“It’s not that big of a deal, I’m not made of glass!” Max growled, adjusting his hat.
“Yer not made’a steel either, Max.” Johnny looked Max in the eye before breaking eye contact and shuffling his feet. “Just don’t wantcha ta get hurt again. Ya scared me, nerd.” Max blinked.
“I guess it would suck to be stuck in a cast again.” He shrugged.
“Glad y’see it my way nerd.” Johnny grinned. “Now, who wantsa toss someone- prob’ly Storm Boy- inta the duck pond?”
“Please no.” Isaac groaned.
“I hate you.” Isaac told them, wringing out the hem of his shirt, and sending Johnny and Max flying into the duck pond with a wave of his hand. The two landed with a splash, and sat up quickly, laughing while the ducks flapped away for the second time, quacking indignantly.
“Will you guys knock it off? It’s September!” Izzy shouted from the playground.
“You’re gonna get hypothermia.” Ollie agreed.
“Oh man, my backpack’s soaked.”Max complained, using Johnny to balance and climb out of the pond. “Race you guys to the top of the jungle jim?”
“You’re on.”
“I’ve said this twice now, but Please No.” Isaac groaned for the second time, running to catch up with the pair already sprinting toward the playground area.
“What Isaac, just because you’re a freshmen you can’t hang out on the jungle jim?” Max called over his shoulder while pulling himself toward the top of the jungle jim while Johnny struggled to keep on the bottom rung with how slippery his feet were being.
Ollie and Izzy joined them, Ollie taking a few upward steps to reach the top, and Izzy jumping. Max turned to see Ed using his paintbrush to make a ladder to the top.
“That’s cheating- I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t like it specs!” Stephen shouted as he and RJ neared the top where max and Ollie were sitting.
“Hey Johnny, guess I gave you the slip!” Max shouted.
“I’ll fight ya as soon as I get up there, nerd”
“I’m not sure I’ll be up for a fight in fifty years.”
“Girls girls, you’re both pretty.” Isabel yawned.
“Johnny, you’re literally being possessed by a fire spirit.” Isaac interrupted. “Just dry off, I used some wind.”
“Nope, no fair, I’m the only non-medium that’s soaked, and magnets can’t really dry things off.” Max said.
“Deal with it nerd,” Johnny taunted, and allowed himself to heat up. His hair didn’t catch on fire at all this time.
“I’ll have you know it’s cold up here.”
“Not really,” Ed said while Johnny clambered up the side of the jungle jim.
“It is if you’re soaked in pond water.”
“Take m’jacket then ya nerd.” Johnny shrugged, finally reaching the top. “It’s dry.”
Isaac pulled out his phone and pretended to check a text, but really obviously opened up his camera.
“I- uh you don’t have t-to, I mean-”
“Just take it nerdlord.”
Max was wearing Johnny’s jacket. No big deal. They were friends. Friends did that. Max opted to pretend that the reason his face was heating up was because he sprinted to the jungle jim. Nothing to do with Johnny Jhonny or his dumb face.
While Max was having his internal crisis, Johnny was refusing to acknowledge the fact that his jacket was way to big on Max and hung off on shoulder and the sleeves were too long and the only reason his face is as red as his hair is because he was using his powers. Nothing to do with Maxwell Puckett or his stupid face.
“Okay, while we ignore this moment that’s obviously happening, has anyone done Spender’s homework?” Izzy said, “Because I swear he puts at least three trick questions into every assignment.”
“Dude, the answers are always A, B, B, A, and then, F, A, B.” Stephen replied.
“Wait seriously?”
“Yeah, I figured it out in sixth grade.”
“More proof that Spender is a total dork.” Isaac snorted.
“You had an ABBA poster in your locker, Isaac.”
“Ed, every ABBA song is pure gold and you know it.”
“/Debatable/” RJ signed.
“Are you asking to be spraybottled because I can and will-”
“/King Kong Song./” RJ signed before Isaac could finish.
“Shut up it’s one song.”
“You did say every song-” Ollie began, but was interrupted by a shriek that Johnny would deny for years to come despite Isaac’s still filming phone. Which may have been the cause of said shriek.
“Are- Are ya filmin ’- RJ my face ain’t red I-”
“Okay what is going on -”
“Just capturing a friendly moment on camera.” Isaac replied, not at all smug.
“I am going to die right now.”
“For what reason my dear friend?” Ed asked him.
“D-d-delete that’ya weirdo!” Johnny shouted, also ignoring how Max shrunk into his jacket.
“Okay, look see, deleted.” Isaac assured him showing Johnny his phone.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I need to get my homework done!” Izzy dropped to the ground from the jungle jim. “Ed, we gotta split!”
“See ya!” Ed said before joining Isabel on the ground.
“Shoot what time is it?” Max asked.
“Uhh two, why?”
“Late for laundry day, gotta go- see ya guys!” Max shouted, doing a flip from one of the rungs on the jungle jim and grabbing his backpack before sprinting off.
“Show off!” Isaac yelled, before climbing down like a normal person. “I gotta head out too. Bye!”
“Doesn’t Max still have-”
“Don’t ruin it Stephen, let him realize on his own.” Ollie shushed Stephen.
“/Gotta dash losers. Johnny, wake up and ask him out already./” RJ signed, hopping down and sighing audibly as Johnny spluttered for a good five minutes.
“We gotta head too, I’m still on probation with my dads and Ollie’s gotta walk me everywhere because they trust ‘im.” Stephen said, climbing down.
“Bye Johnny!”
“See ya fellas.”
Which left Johnny sitting alone, questioning his own existence, and allowing himself to cool off before he melted the jungle jim.
“Wait a sec’...” Johnny scratched his head. He was forgetting something- “PUCKETT’S STILL GOT MY JACKET.”
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cryptonewsworldwide · 6 years ago
It's Been a Big Week For ALL of The Satoshi Nakamotos! As One Visits Believers Around the World, A New One Surfaces...
It's been a big week for Satoahi Nakamoto cosplay.  Yesterday, another surely mentally stable character stood up and claimed the title of bitcoin's creator. The big reveal began with 'teasers' starting a few weeks back, and 3 days of hype ending with the name announcement. None other than James Bilal Caan! Well, now it all makes sense! Just kidding, I have no idea who he is either, but imagine our luck - he has something to promote! "Satoshi Nakamoto Renaissance Holdings" is ready to provide 'industry-leading Blockchain products and services'. Before you go asking why a billionaire like Satoshi is available to hire, you need to understand everyone makes mistakes, and 'oops' - he lost the hard drive containing the keys needed to access the approximate 1 million BTC. I really doubt we'll be hearing much from Caan in the future, by any standard this publicity stunt was a flop. To me, there will always be only one REAL fake Satoshi... I don't even need to say the name - that's how official it is. Imposers like Caan aren't worth a second of his time, as he traveled around the world to meet some faithful believers in Colombia. Check out this totally not-creepy video of the one and only, mingling with fans...
If at first you don't succeed, try a 3rd world country where about half the population doesn't have a high school education, I guess. Okay, now seriously... I love this stuff, and god bless Craig, and even the new guy who's name I already forgot.  You can't put a price tag on entertainment like this. But while some people make jokes, and other people debate the technical aspects of someone proving they're Satoshi, debating if Craig's best evidence is forged backdated PGP keys, etc - I will forever be hung up on one simple factor... How did Satoshi apparently go through the biggest personality change I've ever seen in a person? Anyone can look back at the e-mails exchanged during Bitcoin's creation.  As the real Satoshi took on building such a complex system from scratch, which no doubt was full of frustrating moments - he remains calm, cool and collected. There's so many examples of the real Satoshi's communications you can get a feel for how he conducts himself - never over-emotional, always rational, he's not impulsive, or vulgar, or angry even at moments the typical coder would be. It's not surprising these unique traits created something equally unique. Don't try to tell me it turns out this whole time he was really just another dime-a-dozen spotlight-loving attention whore, always ready to give a big "f*ck you" to anyone who disagrees with them. I'll also add, to be fair - anyone saying Craig is an idiot is lying as well.  Obnoxious? Yes. Stupid? No. However, this isn't my first role in media, at one point I worked for the largest broadcasting company in the nation, and there I saw what we're seeing now... often. A dark side of human nature absolutely allows for a talented person who made real contributions to something, can, for whatever reason, want to take full credit for it - and they set out to do exactly that, with incredible drive too. I think that's what we have here, and will continue to until I see some transactions on the blockchain, from a wallet belonging to the real Satoshi.  Anything short of this, well... falls short. ------- Author: Ross Davis E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter:@RossFM San Francisco News Desk US Crypto Traders - Claim Your $25 BTC... //<![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); //]]>
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anxiouslysly · 7 years ago
wednesday 6/13 10:58pm
should’ve already showered and be in bed oops
yesterday was good! issy and i walked around the park after work (after dinner) and we sat on the hill and just talked for a while... hadn’t really talked since freshman year. then we came back and made a snickerdoodle mug cake and just hung out some more (emily left go go get a marriage license with jared...)
today was loooong, lunch was fine, i ate with juli and dan (who actually ate today but like a banana and a carrot). we had the tech talk which i thought would be good but i could barely stay awake for it. after that though the day was almost over! was going to go do sculpture with issy but then she didn’t go til late... so i made dinner (salmon and broccoli) and made a banana bread and “bulgogi” for lunches and dinner the rest of the week. made thank you cards too for this weekend. then went to the grocery store- i feel like i go so often but i like don’t have a lot of food left (to be fair don’t have a ton of nonperishables rn and keep using up my fruits & veggies). got more stuff than i was planning to but i’ll eat it...
tomorrow we have our team meeting in the morning, then another tech talk in the afternoon. then friday i’m leaving early and we head down to the city! that means i should pack tm... also have sg tomorrow i can’t forget to talk to destiny and will
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cryptonewsworldwide · 6 years ago
It's been a big week for Satoahi Nakamoto cosplay.  Yesterday, another surely mentally stable character stood up and claimed the title of bitcoin's creator. The big reveal began with 'teasers' starting a few weeks back, and 3 days of hype ending with the name announcement. None other than James Bilal Caan! Well, now it all makes sense! Just kidding, I have no idea who he is either, but imagine our luck - he has something to promote! "Satoshi Nakamoto Renaissance Holdings" is ready to provide 'industry-leading Blockchain products and services'. Before you go asking why a billionaire like Satoshi is available to hire, you need to understand everyone makes mistakes, and 'oops' - he lost the hard drive containing the keys needed to access the approximate 1 million BTC. I really doubt we'll be hearing much from Caan in the future, by any standard this publicity stunt was a flop. To me, there will always be only one REAL fake Satoshi... I don't even need to say the name - that's how official it is. Imposers like Caan aren't worth a second of his time, as he traveled around the world to meet some faithful believers in Colombia. Check out this totally not-creepy video of the one and only, mingling with fans... If at first you don't succeed, try a 3rd world country where about half the population doesn't have a high school education, I guess. Okay, now seriously... I love this stuff, and god bless Craig, and even the new guy who's name I already forgot.  You can't put a price tag on entertainment like this. But while some people make jokes, and other people debate the technical aspects of someone proving they're Satoshi, debating if Craig's best evidence is forged backdated PGP keys, etc - I will forever be hung up on one simple factor... How did Satoshi apparently go through the biggest personality change I've ever seen in a person? Anyone can look back at the e-mails exchanged during Bitcoin's creation.  As the real Satoshi took on building such a complex system from scratch, which no doubt was full of frustrating moments - he remains calm, cool and collected. There's so many examples of the real Satoshi's communications you can get a feel for how he conducts himself - never over-emotional, always rational, he's not impulsive, or vulgar, or angry even at moments the typical coder would be. It's not surprising these unique traits created something equally unique. Don't try to tell me it turns out this whole time he was really just another dime-a-dozen spotlight-loving attention whore, always ready to give a big "f*ck you" to anyone who disagrees with them. I'll also add, to be fair - anyone saying Craig is an idiot is lying as well.  Obnoxious? Yes. Stupid? No. However, this isn't my first role in media, at one point I worked for the largest broadcasting company in the nation, and there I saw what we're seeing now... often. A dark side of human nature absolutely allows for a talented person who made real contributions to something, can, for whatever reason, want to take full credit for it - and they set out to do exactly that, with incredible drive too. I think that's what we have here, and will continue to until I see some transactions on the blockchain, from a wallet belonging to the real Satoshi.  Anything short of this, well... falls short. ------- Author: Ross Davis E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter:@RossFM San Francisco News Desk US Crypto Traders - Claim Your $25 BTC... // Subscribe to GCP in a reader from THE NEWSROOM - Global Crypto Press - Cryptocurrency News Headquarters... http://bit.ly/2NgoMfE
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