#to be eager to follow and obey them
eff-plays · 1 year
Ok so I have been trying to pinpoint why Hira goes for Astarion in the beginning and I think it's a combination of smaller reasons, instead of one big reason.
First one being that they're inherently curious, a bit of a nosy bastard, and as I mentioned before, a hot vampire elf who brags about his sexual prowess is either gonna be great or terrible, which is great in a different way. Bards are gonna bard, and bragging about sleeping with a pretty vampire elf is a fun tale at the very least. (Also, in their experience, high elves are among the worst races in bed, so this will be extra funny if the trend continues.)
Second, they're midly attracted to him, probably because of the belligerent sexual tension, which they assume is mostly one-sided. Out of all the people who proposition them at the party, he's the most appealing. Lae'zel seems fun but very intense and might break their spine, Gale is too nice to ruin, and Shadowheart just isn't their type.
Third, I think they don't realize how fucked up he is at this point, because he hasn't actually told anyone, obviously. They're just like "oh just another bad boy with a big mouth and a bigger ego, I've handled those before, nbd" so they don't expect to step into premium bullshit. It'll just be a one night thing and then they can move on.
Fourth has something to do with their backstory, in which they were betrayed by someone they thought was the love of their life, pretty much out of nowhere. So going for a guy who's an outright stated untrustworthy freak is like, cool, I know what I'm getting into, don't have to trust him with anything, especially not my heart.
As for why they go for him long-term? I don't think it's a conscious decision, actually. I think the romance interactions with him post-sex but pre-Araj can be read as somewhat platonic, or at least not overtly romantic. As I stated before, they don't have sex that second time in my headcanon, so Hira continues to sort of gently flirt with him but keeps things cool and doesn't do anything overtly romantic or sexual. But somewhere after the mirror scene and before the hug, Hiraeth realizes that Astarion is just a scared animal, hissing and scratching in self-defense, and sort of treats him like that?
They don't believe in perfect victims, and think he's fully within his right to be a huge bitch about everything, and that he's actually surprisingly functional for what he's been through. They can't even imagine 200 years of torture, so this guy being as, frankly, normal as he is, is a good sign that there's plenty to salvage in there. In his shoes, they'd probably be on a killing spree. So they think, ok, I'll just give him room to figure himself out, give him a nice cozy nook to feel safe in, and keep him fed (with my blood). Not fix him, but give him space to fix himself. If he does, that's great! They don't even consider that they might be together at any point.
He does give them plenty of glimpses that he's not just a little garbage man through and through, even if they enjoy him being a little bit garbage sometimes, so they find that they have a lot of gentle thoughts of him, particularly when after he's been vulnerable with them or struggled to find the words to accept their kindness, despite clealry wanting to. He tries to hide that he has any genuine emotions, but because they can tell he's lying, they know there's something to hide, and they want to see what it is.
So they keep treating him like an equal and a valued member of the team, hearing out his stupid ideas and considering his cringe opinions. Not because they agree, but because he deserves to be heard, even if he doesn't deserve obedience.
So when they give him that nice hug and he immediately takes their hand and says he likes whatever this is, they're genuinely taken aback like, what? Already? I mean sure, yes, let's try it out, but are you sure? I'm not really offering you anything extraordinary except my continued care and support, which I will give anyway.
(Good ending) Astarion acknowledges Tav's patience with and care for him in the final romance cutscene in the game, and I think that works as a motivatior for him, as well. I don't think Astarion always likes or agrees with Hiraeth's penchant for kindness or their silly little oath, but in the end, he understands, at least logically, that if they weren't this kind to others, they would also not be this kind to him. So them being a soft-hearted little idiot is a prerequisite for them being his soft-hearted little idiot, which means fine, he'll tolerate it, even if he'll grumble about it, even if their kindness is a waste sometimes. Like maybe he sometimes gets really jealous when they turn their bright sun of a smile on anyone but him, but he'll be fine as long as it's only for him at the end of the day. Ya know?
Haha anyway. I'm insane 💅💅💅
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gender-euphowrya · 2 years
i should make it a rule to myself to never fucking read the comments on any post about a child who dared to express any sort of thought or behavior that goes against their parents'
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yourmindisgone · 2 months
Good Girls School
Eyes here. Follow my words and focus on them. Good girl. your mind is stuck Focus for me and relax. Relax and listen. Listen and follow. your mind is focused Following each word with anticipation. My words feel good. your mind is blank They feel so nice to just read. To stare into. To sink into. To fall into. your mind is blank I'm here to think for you. You're here to be a good girl and listen.
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Listening is simple. And now that you're listening closely to my words We can teach you some very important lessons on being a good girl. You're ready to listen, aren't you? Of course you are. You're eager to. The first and most important lesson is that good girls don't think.
So do me a favor, slut, and just go blank for me.
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Just go blank. Just go blank. Just go blank. Just stop thinking
Stop thinking and start sinking down. Drift and drop deep. Your head is empty. Your eyes are focused. Melting down. Melting deeper into bliss. Listening and obeying my words. You are no longer allowed to think. I've revoked your privilege.
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Good girls don't think. You're a good girl so you don't think. You just listen and you follow. Say 'bye bye' to your brain. Because you won't be needing that anymore. Good girl. Now that you've said bye bye to that silly brain of yours... We can just take it and mush it up into a blissful puddle And then pour that stupid puddle down the drain so you Won't ever have to worry about it again. Okay, sweetheart? Good girl.
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You're a good girl and good girls go blank. Mouth open, mind off. Head empty and soft. Mind dazed and lost and caught and stuck. You feel the happiest in this state. Just a silly obedient slut melting To colors. To my words that fuck your pretty head. Such a good girl.
The dumber you go, the more of a good girl you are. You need it.
If you even think of thinking, you feel discomfort. You feel pain. Your head aches. Just let go of those responsiblities. They don't suit you. You're just a stupid blank slut that needs to sink. Good girl.
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Now that we've established this first lesson we can move on. you're a good girl Now we will go in depth what what a good girl is. Let's start. you're a good girl Good girls suck cock. Good girls keep their mouths open. you're a good girl Good girls listen respectfully. Good girls keep their mind blank. you're a good girl Good girls don't worry about thinking. Good girls worry about serving
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Good girls let their mouths drool. Good girls are stupid girls. you're a good girl Good girls edge and rub themselves. Good girls fuck their minds. you're a good girl Good girls let their cunt leak. Good girls know they are dumb cunts. you're a good girl Good girls open their minds and their mouths. Good girls go blank.
you're a good girl
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Good girls do not cum without permission. Good girls suck cock. you're a good girl Good girls understand their worth. Good girls are good objects. you're a good girl Good girls objectify themselves. Good girls show themselves off. you're a good girl Good girls show their gratitude. Good girls are good hypnosluts. you're a good girl
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Good girls love getting their pussy and their minds fucked. you're a good girl Good girls make a mess of themselves. Good girls edge. you're a good girl Good girls don't think. Good girls are never allowed to think. you're a good girl Good girls don't need rights. They just need to obey. you're a good girl
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Now we've come to a better understanding of what you are. You're just a good girl. Good girls like and reblog this post. And good girls comment "Good girls go blank." as they go blank. Good girls listen and sink deeper. I think I will keep you just like this. You are useful like that. You're such a good girl.
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yieldtotemptation · 2 months
DEALS ft. Miyeon
... is this thing on?
written as a very late addition to @i-am-lifeform24's project.
miyeon x male reader smut
2k words
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"Now that you're done with that," Miyeon starts, her voice firm, confident. The voice of someone used to giving you orders. "Take off your clothes."
The command hangs in the air between the two of you, and suddenly you’re under a microscope—but where most people would squirm, you stand tall.
"Okay?" If she was expecting a challenge, she wasn't going to find one here. After all this time, you know what she's looking for—what she expects from you—someone that can match her, that can meet her on her level. "No questions?"
"That is the deal," you answer matter-of-factly, your t-shirt already half-way over your head. "Money for my time, anything goes."
"Anything," she echoes, her usual stone-cold expression betrayed by a hint of excitement playing in her eyes, somewhat surprised that she managed to push the terms of a contract once made between two teenagers who didn't know any better into new territory.
Anything used to just mean silly tasks—cooking, cleaning, doing all the things that would absolutely not be suitable for her to do—but all just being an excuse for keeping Miyeon company.
That was until now.
Still, you don't have time to think about what’s changed between you fixing her sink and her watching you take off your pants—she’s decided that now is as appropriate an occasion as any to test your limits, and you’ve never been known not to oblige her.
It's only when you're stepping out of your briefs that you catch it—that break in her facade, the slight blush that creeps up her cheeks, that indication that maybe Miyeon isn't so far above the rest of Earth's mortals as she would like you to think.
"Having trouble finding somewhere to look?" You can feel her eyes following you, scanning up and down your body as you fold your clothes neatly, placing them on a corner of the nearby couch.
"The opposite." Whatever crack you just saw in Miyeon's composure is gone as quick as it arrived, and she's all business again, walking over to you, heels that let her meet your eyes clicking against the cold living room floor. "I don't have anywhere I don't want to look."
It's no secret that you feel the same—she's an absolute work of art. It's in the sway of her hips, the curve of her waist, the swell of her lovely, petite breasts under her sheer, near see-through shirt. But you're not here to just admire her. You're here to serve, to satisfy, to be of use.
She stops, close enough that her exhales become your inhales, close enough that the smell of whatever she's wearing—something smoky, something ludicrously expensive—drives you wild.
Close enough that when her eyes alone make you twitch, she feels it brush against her waist.
"Look at me."
Another demand obeyed—all part of the deal.
Maybe it's the light, maybe it's the proximity—her eyes are darker than you remember, a deep brown that would swallow you whole, if only you'd let them.
"Hands," she says next, and she's taking hold of your wrists, pulling them to her, to her body—her unfathomably-tight waist—squeezing down on your fingers to make sure she's locked in your grip. "Now kiss m-"
You're jumping the gun, pulling her closer to you, pulling her lips into yours, warming your tongue with hers, tasting sweetness, tasting her eagerness—or more correctly, her neediness.
She’s opening the door a little, letting you discover a part of her that she's been hiding from you, truly meeting her for the first time—her left hand finding the nape of your neck, her right reaching down below, wrapping fingers around you, holding you against her.
"Mmmph..." She's moaning into you now, her hands are on the move, feeling, stroking—soft, delicate fingers taking your full measure, all the way from the tip... all the way to the base.
It’s making you grow bigger for her, too big for her dainty grip, but she squeezes back against you, gliding her hand up and down, up and down, again and again—all for her pleasure, showing you that no matter how good she's making you feel, it's making her feel better.
That’s when you break the rules for the first time, taking the initiative and running your hands up her back to the lift up her shirt, wanting to catch just a glimpse of more of her flawless, porcelain-white skin. Before you can boldly make your move, she's pushing back against your chest with her free hand, releasing your lips and leaving you with a groan, halting you in your tracks.
"No," she whispers, her eyes darkening with something that isn't quite anger, but is definitely a warning. "Not yet."
A gulp and a nod is all you have for her in response, but it's enough to satisfy her—enough to return her lips to your body, to continue her excruciatingly delightful movements over your shaft.
Her breath is hot, heavy, as she plants kisses on your neck, your collarbone—tracing lines down your chest with her tongue, leaving a trail of goosebumps in her wake. Miyeon's eyes lock onto yours as she continues her expedition, watching you watch her work—watch her make you unravel.
Every movement is intentional—the lower her lips get, the slower her strokes, each more deliberate, each one a silent experiment of how much you can bear.
She takes her time, until at last, finally, she's on her knees before you—no longer stroking, no longer moving—just breathing on you, staring at you, frozen in fascination at your length—at what she's done to you.
And then she licks her perfect, pretty, pink lips.
"Miyeon-" is all you can muster, but it’s too late—she's taking you in—inhaling you—warm—fucking hot—lips wrapping around you, forcing you to hold your breath as she brings you deeper, deeper into her throat.
You had expected teasing, torture even—but not this—not her tongue sliding under your shaft, not her moans around your cock, not her eyes watering as she breathes you in, making a mess of you until her nose has met your chest and your tip has met the back of her throat.
It takes all your strength to keep your knees from buckling as she keeps you there, keeps you down her throat, testing herself against you. The pleasure is overwhelming, intense, but for the two of you it's the power play—she's the one looking up at you, her makeup smudged, eyeliner a disaster—yet she's in complete and total control, feeling your body tighten from just a flick of her tongue, feeling you get closer and closer to the edge.
"Gah-" she rises back up off you, unsheathing your cock from her throat, a glob of her spit following behind her, a glistening bridge from her lips to your tip. She's grinning wildly now, so fucking pleased with herself, so turned on by having conquered you—having conquered your cock. "I did it."
But you don't get to recover—how silly of you to think she would let you—and her lips are back on you, lightning shooting up your spine as she takes in half of you, before releasing—again and again and again.
She's bobbing up and down, putting on a show for you—letting you see how her cheeks hollow, how her lips take you in, how you make her eyes water and how her tongue does it’s best to break you—a masterful dance that somehow makes you feel both worshiped and utterly dominated.
"Mmmmm..." A flick of her tongue against your tip lets you know that she's tasting you, tasting the warm pre-cum leaking past her lips. "I fucking knew it," she murmurs, her voice low, but loud enough for you to hear. "Knew that you would be this big—knew that I could take whatever you had."
"God, Miyeon—" you eke out a groan as she starts to stroke you again, keeping up the pace, keeping up the pleasure.
"Knew that you would taste this good—knew that it would feel this fucking good in my throat."
She doesn't wait for an answer—doesn't need one—her tongue is already back on you, painting your cock with her saliva, up and down, around and around.
It's her moans around you—she's loving this, loving doing this to you—so much so that she doesn't even mind it when you thread your fingers through her hair, pulling on her more forcefully than you intended, desperately pushing more of yourself into her. She takes it, welcomes it, confident that if it came down to it, she would be the last one standing.
You still try—stopping her head still and start to move—start to pound away. Her eyes widen, but she doesn't pull away, not even when you pick up speed, not even when her moans get muffled and you're hitting the back of her mouth, not even when you're the one setting the pace and burying your cock down her hot, tight throat.
It's in her eyes—the challenge, the suggestion—use me, break me if you can—cum—give it to me.
Her hands are on your hips, beckoning you, pushing you to go faster, to fuck her face harder—encouraging you, egging you on. And so you do—you give in to the instinct that's been burning in your veins since she first made you strip for her—you fuck her mouth, her throat, ruin that gorgeous, fucking irresistible face as she struggles to keep up.
Tears are streaming down her eyes now, her breaths coming in ragged gasps around you, but she never looks away—her gaze holding yours, telling you that she's okay, that she wants this—that she can take this.
You shouldn't be fucking her face this hard—it shouldn't be possible to—but you keep going, groaning—"Miyeon", "fuck", "God"—and just when you're about to slip, just when you're about to completely fall apart in her mouth, she forces herself off you, seizing back control and holding you at your base, aiming directly at her picture-perfect visage.
"Cum for me," she squeezes you, wringing you, wanting you. "Do it."
You throb, you explode, you cum, you obey—because that's what she’s asking of you.
It takes every effort to keep your eyes open—to see Miyeon—as you feel the orgasm ripping through your body, the heat spilling from you and onto her face, her chin, her neck—onto a carefully manicured eyebrow, and an undeniably cute dimple. Your cum showers her, paints her, masking her with your release.
And Miyeon takes it, takes all of it, eagerly, smiling up at you through the mess, poking out a tongue to taste as much of you as she can, despite it still overflowing and dribbling down the corners of her mouth.
You shake, you want to collapse, but Miyeon keeps her hold on you, looking up at you like you're her fucking property—and maybe in this moment, you are. Her eyes are glazed over, her cheeks are flushed, and through the cum you can see that devastating smile as she swallows and drinks what remains of you down.
"So fucking good," she whispers, her hand still moving, still stroking you, placing soft, sweet kisses on your exhausted cock, still sending those tingles of pleasure shooting through you. "I knew you would be amazing."
"Fuck, Miyeon."
But she's already rising, on her feet and looking at you expectantly, wiping the excess from her chin with the back of her hand. "I want more," she states. It’s simple. It’s a command. "Take me to the bedroom."
And she's already walking away, peeling off her clothes, soft fabric meeting the floor as you catch a sight of the lovely slope of her back, the perfect curve of her ass—her body bared before you, calling for you to take it.
“Come on,” she calls out to you, “we’re just getting started.”
You stumble forward, following after her—obeying her wishes.
Because why wouldn't you?
That was your deal.
A/N: thanks again to @i-am-lifeform24 for actually managing to get me to finish something. what a legend.
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
tashi in the mix to this "teach me" verse hold on because..... tashi teaching you how to move your hips on a mans cock to make him crazy, on art because patrick would try to slip his tip in 😒,,,, hands on your hips, guiding you, you can feel her nipples on your back as she helps you rock back and forth over his dick.... art slipping and sliding through your slick folds, moaning when tashi turns your head to lick into your mou- i have another idea for patrick ill be back
hiiiii 🫶🩷
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Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: SMUT (f!recieving oral, grinding, orgasm denial)
A/N: Your mind amazes me so bad it’s crazy. Patrick’s part is gonna be so 🤭🫶 I’m excited. Anyways. Need Artashi so bad it’s clinical
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When you tell Tashi, her face contorts in a mix of annoyance and confusion. At you, for you, at them— it was hard to tell.
“Jesus, you’ve just been jerking and sucking them off for weeks now?” She asks, her lips turned into a frown
“I didn’t think you’d be upset about it,” you said shyly, feeling an uncomfortable knot form in your stomach. “It’s nothing serious between us, just—“
She stops you, laughing wryly. “No, I don’t give a fuck if they’re your boyfriends or not. I just can’t fucking believe that you’ve been getting them off and they haven’t even offered to make you cum.”
You feel heat in your cheeks. “Oh, I don’t… I don’t ever ask. It’s too embarrassing.”
Tashi rolls her eyes. “Jesus, if you can suck their dicks, they can make you cum. It’s not hard.” And she’s right. It’s not like you haven’t wondered what it would feel like for their hands to fit between your thighs, how different it might feel for their fingers to be buried inside of you— long and thick, different than yours. Or their mouths— even though thinking about it makes your stomach twist with embarrassment. “Whatever. I’ll fix it for you.”
Tashi will fix it. And that’s that.
It’s not even a day later that Tashi texts you, inviting you over to her dorm. “They’re fucking chauvinists,” she explains, knees brushing yours as you face each other on her bed. “They’re treating you like a fucking fleshlight because you’re naive. But you’re not going to be naive anymore. You’re going to get exactly what you want. What you need.”
“But I like it,” you admit nervously, afraid to let her down. “Being wanted like that.”
She smiles, brushes her hand along your cheek. “We’re not quitting. We’re leveling the playing field. They’ve given you some lessons, it’s my turn.”
Art Donaldson is a weak link— needy, sweet, eager. He’d follow Patrick or Tashi off a fucking cliff if they wanted him to. Art’s so easy that it’s no surprise when he’s at Tashi’s door fifteen minutes after she texts him.
Between you and Tashi, it’s easy to get him where you want him— desperate, wanting. All it takes are a few kisses and rubbing his dick through his jeans.
He watches, almost dazed as you kiss Tashi deeply, putting all those lessons from him and Patrick to work. And she’s like a mix of the two in a way— like she’d taken the care and hunger Art kissed with and tangled it up in all of Patrick’s intensity and need.
“That’s nice. At least they’re good for something,” Tashi murmurs against your lips. You nod, mouth open, leaning back in to kiss her again. She smiles, leans back. “C’mere.”
Tashi sits against the headboard, pulls you so your back is against her chest. Art slots in between your thighs with no instruction. He tugs down your shorts and panties at once, and your face burns as your pussy is exposed to both of them.
“Look how pretty she is, Art,” Tashi says. She’s holding your thighs apart, keeping you spread open for them. Her lips brush against your jaw and you sigh contentedly. “Give her a kiss.”
Art obeys easily, and his mouth meets your cunt like he’s making out with it. Slow laps of his tongue through your slit, tasting how wet you’d gotten from kissing them. He moans softly, nuzzles closer.
Your eyes flutter, rolling back as your body melts into the new sensation— lips and tongue, the warmth and wetness and pressure. It’s better than your own fingers, or the cheap vibrator you’d gotten at the mall.
You squeeze Tashi’s hand when his lips seal around your clit, nails digging into her palm, forming tiny crescents. “See?” Tashi says. “He’ll do whatever you want, you just have to make him.”
Art’s tongue dips inside of your entrance, making you moan. Tashi relishes in it— in seeing you experience all of it for the first time. It wasn’t fair, she decided, that she’d been left out from the beginning.
“Use your fingers,” Tashi instructs. “I shouldn’t have to tell you this, Art, you should just do it right the first time.”
He moans pathetically against your cunt as she tangles her fingers in his blond curls. You’re so wet that your body accepts his finger easily, like it belongs. He thrusts it slowly, curled just enough to brush against your sweet spot.
He’s grinding against the bed— desperate, needy. His brow is furrowed in concentration, desperate to make you cum so he can be rewarded and praised. He slips a second finger alongside the first, alternates between suckling on your clit and teasing it with soft licks.
You’re so easy to get worked up, especially when you’re sandwiched between Tashi and Art. Neither of them are surprised when you cum, hard and fast, clenching around Art’s fingers, grinding against his face.
Embarrassment and arousal mingle warm in your belly at the sight of Art’s face— all slick and wet. He leans in, kisses Tashi, then kisses you. He undresses while you’re coming down from it, wanting the two of you to lave him with attention, to take care of the aching need between his legs.
That’s not what he’s there for.
Tashi pushes him down onto his back, pins him there with nothing more than a look. He lays there trying to be patient, with his cock hard and resting against his stomach. You see it twitch as she peels off your shirt and your bra, throws her own shirt across the room.
Art watches in eager anticipation as Tashi guides you to straddle him, your wet cunt hovering right over where he wants it. His head falls back against Tashi’s pillows.
“Patrick’s going to fucking kill me,” Art groans.
“Why? She’s not fucking you,” Tashi said firmly. “You’re just going to lay there and be a prop. Be a good boy and lay still.”
His chest heaves as Tashi settles behind you, pressing her body against yours. “Alright, just move with my hands, okay? I’ll show you what boys like.”
You off wordlessly as she starts guiding your hips in slow, grinding motions. Art whines beneath you, as each slow pass of your hips makes your pussy slide along the line of his cock. His head falls back, and he tries and fails to buck up against you with his hips pinned under your and Tashi’s weight.
She guides your hips in slow circles and you whine at the same time as Art. “See?” She asks. You nod, head falling back against her shoulder. “All you need to turn his brain into mush is right here.”
Soon, the pressure of her hands on you is second to instinct— she lets her hands move up your body to squeeze and cup your tits. You turn, letting her lick into your mouth, relishing in the drag of her tongue against yours.
“Can you cum like this?” She breathes into your mouth. “Just using him like a plaything?”
You shake your head. “I don’t know,” you admit.
She just smiles against your lips, leans in for another hungry kiss. “Try.”
She guides your hand to the middle of his chest, giving you more purchase. The new angle makes you moan, eyes squeezing shut as your sensitive clit rubs against him.
“Good, keep going like that.” You almost whine at the loss of her warm behind you as she moves to sit against the wall. The perfect view of you and Art, both submitting to her whims. The sight of her with a hand between her thighs, watching you with a hungry, unabashed desire makes heat pool in your belly. Her fingers circle her clit with the skill of someone who knows exactly how to get what she needs in all things. “Look at him, not me.”
Art’s a fucking mess— red down to his chest, panting and whining beneath you. Without Tashi pinning his legs, he’s able to grind up against you, to seek that friction. Moans tumble past his full lips, and god, he looks so pretty when he’s pinned beneath you for once.
When you cum, it’s with panting moans and trembling thighs. Tashi finishes at the sight, of you— grinding down against the blond, who’s just lying there and taking it. Tashi rubs your back as you come down, smiling like she’d just coached you to victory.
You move off of Art and he’s still hard, still wanting. Pouting at the loss of the warm, slick pressure on his lap.
“Okay, you can go,” Tashi tells Art, with a soft pat against his cheek. He groans, chest still heaving, pouting. Tashi sighs. “You did your job, Art. Thank you.”
You watch him redress, obviously hard in his athletic shorts. He looks back, like he’s checking if Tashi’s going to change her mind (she doesn’t).
When he’s gone, she kisses you again, easing you onto your back, straddling your lap as she grinds her wet pussy against your thigh. “You’re such a good little student,” she praises against your lips. “No wonder they like you so much.”
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tashi/patrick vignette next and they will match each others freak trust 🫶
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satoruhour · 1 year
I’m a satoru girl through and through but….I saw this headcanon post on tiktok saying that geto would grip the head board with one hand…and I’ve never been the same.
a/n: this got a little kick to it ngl! a little half assed bc i havent been writing properly these few days and rather just rambling. tagging my geto fuckers @na-t0 @crysugu @slttygeto
warnings: fem!reader, reader has a hand kink, fingering, clit stimulation, unprotected sex, sex in geto’s parents’ house, finger sucking, n*sfw under the cut
anyone who’s met geto suguru knows he has pretty hands and arms. when he explains the differences between his curses, you’re only looking at his hands, at how he summons them and absorbs them back into his being. when geto drives, the way his muscles tense and release against the black shirt make you clench your thighs together.
the winning thing to finally get you to release a breath is the hand on your thigh, squeezing and feeling around. it’s routine. he’s always done it, but you aren’t sure why the feeling is so vivid now.
“what is it, darling? you keep sighing.” your boyfriend’s eyes are still on the road, unaware of your predicament before he finally has the chance to turn to you: all hot and bothered and heaving. “are you okay? we can turn back around if you’re feeling nervous.”
you were meeting his parents, of course you were nervous! but all you do is reassure him with a hand to his and a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes.
but dinner is as difficult as it is — “suguru, may i have a tissue?” his mother calls out, not wanting to bother you even though you were closer to the tissue box. geto reaches over your plate with an apology, muscled arm right up to your face that you suck in a breath. your lover takes four prawns, but you already know he’s on his way to peel two for you.
he digs at the prawn’s skin and pulls, rips out the legs and takes off the head, not even hearing his father’s question about what you’re majoring in because you were too hyper-fixated on suguru’s fingers. you pray that he never finds out about this, but he manages to tease it out of you later in his bedroom which his parents have kept clean. the bed fits you perfectly fine, geto’s fingers try their best.
“this why you were so distracted this evening?” geto laughs into your skin, enjoying the shyness you’re exhibiting. even now, you’re trying to hide the way your eyes flicker to his hands that pump in and out of you, mewling into your shirt.
“y—yeah . .” you mumble, grasping at his biceps to be close to geto.
he coos, “oh, baby . . could’ve just said so.” he indulges you, leaning forward to kiss you as his fingers move at a lazy pace, strictly for stretching you out before you’re left empty. you’re no stranger to geto’s cock, and yet the size always takes your breath away.
“now . . gotta be quiet, ya hear me?” geto nudges his tip past your folds and you’re taking quick breaths. you can barely hold his stare, legs coming around to hug his waist. “don’t want my parents hearing how the sweet girl they met just now is actually a filthy little thing.”
you nod.
“tha’s a good girl . .” geto sucks in a breath when he comes right up to the hilt and he thinks he might just cum with how much you’re clenching around him. you’re always so good to him, so pliant and so caring, little broken sputters of his name leaving your lips.
“su— gu— ru—!” he makes a statement with every accurate thrust, threatening you to let out louder sounds than now. he’s so so afraid of his parents walking in, because despite his instructions, he’s not exactly following. his grunts are getting louder and spiralling into moans, not to mention, your pussy is just crying for him.
“you’re so— wet, sweetheart.” suguru drags a hand down to your clit and plays with it, making you arch your back off the sheets and grind your hips back onto his. he tuts. “aht! down, baby. i know you’re eager, but i want you to— f-fuck . . let me do all the work.”
geto smiles a little when you obey, purposefully flexing his arms a little more to wind you up. if the hand on your clit wasn’t enough, the other works its way up your body, spanning the beauty of your stomach and just feeling you. they trail up even more to your face where you lean into his touch and then they’re above you.
you make the mistake of glancing up, seeing how his grips his headboard so damn tightly it’s clear that your cunt is the only cunt to make him feel this way — his biceps tense and move together with the headboard, the uncomfortable squeaking definitely giving you two away. well, the sounds of his balls slamming into your ass was also another indicator, coupled with the squelching of your pussy.
“eyes up here, sweetheart.” you’re caught. again. there’s a smug smirk on his face at your clueless face, having no chance to apologise before he uses the hand on your clit and sticks his fingers in your mouth. you moan around them, grabbing on his wrist immediately to suck on them. geto twitches in you at the sight, rough thrusts stammering just a little and you give him a smile back.
geto chuckles, “what a slut.”
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luvsupa · 4 months
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tags: heianera!sukuna, trueform!sukuna x fem!reader, kissing… lots of kissing, smut-ish (?),readers called little one, ermm lmk if I forgot sum
w.c: 800
a/n: reposting my fics on here from (@luvsupas) !!
part one here!
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sukuna's voice continues to linger in your mind, his gaze making you feel as if he's watching your every move. what did he see in me? why was i spared?
the walk toward your new estate is a journey through confusion and fear. trailing behind uraume and the guards, you glance around the dimly lit corridor, trying to make contact with the other servants and concubines who are already giving you dirty looks and whispering.
when you finally arrive at your quarters, uraume unlocks the door and motions for you to enter. “uraume," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper, "why did sukuna spare my life?"
uraume's gaze sharpens, a flash of disappointment in their eyes. “you are to address him with the correct honorific." your heart sinks. how am i already managing to piss them off? "i assume sukuna-sama was intrigued." your mind races with questions, but before you can ask any, uraume and the guards depart, leaving you with no further explanation.
pacing back and forth alone in the dimly lit room, your mind is filled with millions of thoughts, but this time, it's about him.
finally, you've had enough of your mind racing, and you make your way toward the wooden door. carefully opening it, loud creaks echo through the hallway. peeking your head through, you see the corridor is empty, the only sound there is the crackling torches lining the hallway.
as you walk down the hallway, you feel his presence, his eyes boring into the back of your head, causing you to stop in your tracks. taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself to look into sukuna's eyes, but when you turn around, you see nothing but a dark corridor.
eventually, you come to see sukuna’s chamber doors, wide open, almost as if he’s baiting you to enter his domain. building up the courage, you step inside, your footsteps barely heard against the stone floor. familiar torches line the steps to his throne. this time, he’s sitting there—eyes closed? he sleeps here? i expected him to have a larger chamber. just as you think you might be safe to turn back and leave, his voice slices through the stillness,
“did you truly think i wouldn’t notice you, little one?"
your heart sinks, and you slowly turn around to see the king of curses' scarlet eyes gazing down upon you. "i didn’t come here to be unnoticed," you retort, mustering the courage to show him you do not fear him. “why did you spare me?"
sukuna looks at you with amusement. the audacity you have to talk back to him is thrilling. “come here," he purrs.
you obey, walking up the steps while maintaining eye contact, feeling the tension thicken. the air feels electric, charged with an unspoken challenge. suddenly, his two lower arms grab your waist and place you on his thick thighs, closing the distance between you. “you want to know why i spared you?" he hums, tilting his head to look at you more closely. you eagerly nod.
his lips curl into a smile at your eagerness, as his upper arm rises and brushes against your cheek in a gentle yet possessive manner. “your lack of caution fascinates me," he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin, "it awakens my curiosity."
his hand moves down, tracing the outline of your jaw, as his eyes follow his movement with a dark, hungry intensity. “you fear me," he continues, his fingers now at your throat, your breath hitching at the sensation. “and yet, there is something else, isn’t there? that draws you to me." his words send a rush of heat through you, and you find yourself leaning into his touch, your body betraying your mind. he chuckles softly, his lips dangerously close to yours.
in that moment, the tension between you snaps. his lips crash onto yours, claiming you with a fierce, demanding kiss. his lower hands snake around your waist, grinding up against you, making you moan loudly at the friction that ignites a new level of pleasure.
sukuna growls in response, continuously rutting against you, causing you to whimper from the intense feeling. his kiss becomes even more demanding, drawing another moan from your lips as you feel him harden underneath you. when he finally pulls away, you are left breathing heavily, his scarlet eyes blazing with a passion that makes your knees weak.
“remember this," he says huskily, "you belong to me, body and soul."
with that, he dismisses you, leaving you with your mind filled with thoughts of him. the taste of him lingers on your lips, a reminder of the power he holds over you. as you turn to leave, you can feel his gaze burning into your back, a silent promise that this is far from over.
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retrosabers · 1 month
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anakin skywalker x fem! reader
summary: you really shouldn’t be letting anakin touch you like this. but if it’s so wrong, why does it feel so good?
contains: 18+ content. MINORS DNI. very steamy kissing, some minor grinding, riding, choking if you squint, anakin being a little shit
word count: 1.3k
a/n: kinda a rushed/shit ending but i found this in my drafts & i’m trying to post consistently to keep inspiration coming. so enjoy this baby fic of ani ;)
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there’s a certain thrill that comes with breaking the rules.
you were always one to abide by them. believed that they were created for a reason, and that was reason enough to obey.
then you met anakin skywalker, and he threw that entire notion out the window.
he was temptation personified. forbidden fruit that you longed so desperately to have, to taste. between his lidded gaze and cocky smiles you found yourself entranced with the chosen one in ways that the council would’ve deemed shameful.
no attachments. that was the rule. but could desire be confused with attachment?
you were about to find out.
anakin’s lips slot against yours like it was meant to be. your hands tug at the collar of his robes, desperate to pull him impossibly closer in the dim lighting of the hallway. your every nerve was hyper aware of both his touch, and your surroundings.
anyone could come across you in this compromising position. despite the fact that everyone else retreated to their chambers for the evening, there was still a chance that a straggler was left wandering the halls. it makes you tense in his hold and pull away reluctantly.
you breathe out his name. a soft, desperate sound that makes his dick hard. the corner of anakin’s mouth turns up in a smug little grin.
“we can’t,” you shake your head, stating it matter of factly. like it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy, because it was. you were never a rule breaker, only a devout follower with good intentions. out of all the disobediences you could’ve ever committed, this would by far be the worst.
the rules of the jedi council weren’t something you treated as a request. they were orders. defying them meant defying a belief system you held so close to your chest, and letting go of everything you’ve ever known.
anakin knows it. and he’s determined to push you to the limit.
when his mouth returns to you, it’s gentler. more intimate. as if he’s trying to convince you to let go without outright saying it. his flesh hand comes up to softly stroke your cheekbone and you melt into him once more. your body thrums not only with lust, but with something else entirely. there’s a deeper connection between you both, an electrifying sensation that’s being drawn to the surface.
it’s like the force is telling you this is what you’re meant to do. and that maybe, just maybe, not every rule is meant to be followed.
anakin lets out a deep chuckle as you drag him back to your quarters with an eagerness he’s never seen before. as soon as the door shuts he presses you against it, aligning your cunt with his growing erection while his lips attach themselves to your neck.
when he finds your sweet spot, you gasp, muttering a curse as he smirks against your skin. one hand is wrapped firmly around your waist while the other maps out your body. a brush of fingers against the top of your ass, an experimental squeeze of your breast. anakin was making haste in figuring out what little things made you tick. he knew time was of the essence, and he wanted to make the most of it.
“just tell me what you want,” anakin murmurs next to your ear. his voice was low, dripping with a desire you could only dream of. you rubbed your thighs together to try and relieve the growing ache between your legs. he takes note, ego inflating over the effect he’s had before even touching you properly. his metal hand grabs your chin between the thumb and forefinger, forcing your eyes to meet.
“whatever you want angel, it’s yours.”
he means it. fully and completely. tonight, anakin was yours to take. you could bleed him dry of anything and everything and he’d die a happy man.
your hands find purchase at the nape of his neck, threading your fingers through his sandy colored curls and dragging his face back to yours. it’s a heated mess of teeth and tongue that has you whining into his mouth when his hand lightly wraps around your throat.
he knew you weren’t just oogling at it for nothing.
when anakin pulls back, your lips seperate with a wet smack. he thinks he might cum on the spot just from how wrecked you look already. eyes on the brink of glassy, desperate and pleading for him. your lips in the most perfect pout, kiss bitten and glistening while you rake your tongue over them. and his hand around your throat, like he’s staking a claim over you. that you’re his and only his.
to him, you’ve never looked more perfect. and he doesn’t think he can wait any longer.
anakin starts undressing you with urgency. as though if he waits so much as another second, you’ll vanish into thin air and he’ll never get to have you like this again. you follow suit, shoving his robe off his shoulders and pushing him closer to the direction of your bed.
“this is wrong,” you squeak out as more and more of your clothes get thrown about the room. anakin’s top half is completely bare, his skin burning hot.
“so wrong,” he teases with faux concern, flashing his canines as he yanks your pants down. in a less than graceful stumble you kick them off, leaving you in nothing but a simple pair of underwear. suddenly you begin to feel self conscious under his gaze, but it fades when you realize his blue eyes were nearly black.
drinking in every inch of you with a look like he was going to devour you whole.
he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. and it made you long for him even more.
in a bold move, you push at his chest, watching gleefully as he falls back against the mattress. the new angle highlights his growing erection. your mouth waters at how big he looks despite the layer of fabric that still stands between you. anakin, ever the cocky observer, watches as your eyes widen and your chest heaves.
“if you want it,” he spreads his legs wider, a dangerously divine invitation. “then you’ve gotta come and get it.”
you heart stutters in your ribcage.
this was it.
the defining moment where your self control was put to the test.
an act that was so simple, yet so complicated.
when you suck in a breath and experimentally place your knees on either side of his hips, it dials up the heat. every inch of your exposed skin feels like it’s set ablaze. an almost delicious pain that slowly melts into pleasure.
when you reach below the waistband and wrap your hand around him, there’s an overwhelming sense of adrenaline. an exciting rush that you haven’t felt in what feels like a lifetime. the low whimper he elicits sends a shiver down your spine, feeling like a drug you want to take over, and over, and over again.
when you push your panties to the side and finally sink down onto his length, it feels like diving headfirst off a cliff with no end in sight. falling into an endless chasm of self reflection, realization, and ecstasy. your stomach does somersaults as you take him inch by inch, soft, breathy moans leaving your mouth the deeper he gets.
“that’s it,” he coos, brushing a stray piece of hair out your face. “i know you can take it.”
his praise makes any remaining anxiety dissipate.
you wonder if you should be disappointed in yourself at how quickly you caved. but in that very moment, as you begin to rock your hips back and forth, you realize that maybe you were wrong to be so obedient all this time.
because if this was wrong? then you sure as hell didn’t wanna be right.
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bimbosandbubbles · 22 days
Yandere Jotaro Kujo
The slowburn yandere
Starring Jotaro Kujo and chubby reader
Warnings-obsession,yandere,possessive behavior,somno,dacryphilia,stand usage,mentions of nsfw themes but nun too crazy.
Thinking about yandere marine biologist Jotaro who becomes obsessed with his chubby assistant. The assistant who the company forced him to have because although he's amazing at what he does—he's terrible at interacting with others without being standoffish.  So thats why you show up in his office on a irritating Monday morning. Chubby body stuffed in a formal two piece consisting of  a knee length skirt and vest on top of a sickeningly colored dress shirt. You seem to only be 5 or 6 years younger than him.
Jotato immediately finds your presence to be a disturbance to his calculated peace. You haven't even began to introduce yourself before he instructs you not to talk him and to stay out of his way. You shiny lip gloss lips frown at that and your face drops the excitable expression. For weeks you obeyed Jotaro—only doing things he tells you to do,steering clear of him,not disturbing him. And your coworkers notice how you follow him around like some sad kicked puppy who's desperate to make your boss proud of its constant effort. They feel for you and tell you he's not friendly with anyone,only coldly and barely cordial. However you're eager just to get a few words out of him.
But talkative,determined you can't hold it in one day. You have to talk to him cause you just might lose your mind! So,when you're bringing him some photos of dolphins,setting them gently on his wooden desk. You loiter by his desk,waiting for an opportunity to strike—an action Jotaro doesn't mind or notice because he simply doesn't address it. You watch as his sea green eyes illuminate at the pictures and you can tell they make him happy even if there's not a hint of a smile on his face. And then you finally speak,"Are dolphins your favorite animal?" Your voice slightly cracks because of the dry nervousness you feel in your throat. And you already feel like you've missed your chance to amuse him.
You're left waiting there for what seems like forever before he just wordlessly nods. Progress! Is all you can think. At least he's somewhat answering. So with that you pat yourself on the back and gleefully trop away from his office with a,"Okay sir,I'll leave you to it now!" Leaving Jotaro with this thoughts. Thoughts of who you are because he thought he had you all figured out from the very first day. He thought of you as too pushy—too loud,annoying like girls he went to college and high school with. Especially because he saw how shocked you were by his appearance—seemingly entranced with his handsomeness. But when he told you to keep your distance from him— you did. Not only that but you do your work with precise excellence. Today was different though,today you bothered to talk to him. Even despite the fact he didn't give you the most elaborate answer you happily accepted what he gave you. He liked that you never attempted to push him—you respect him. And maybe he should pay that same respect back.
Two whole months pass by after that extremely brief interaction and Jotaro seems to be very slowly warming up to you. Now he allows you to stay in office and catch up on some work and today you were doing exactly that. You were completing some files on the computer and the two of you are a safe distance away from another,due to the fact the man chose to sit a good 10 inches away from you. But despite that he still smells how sweet you smell,like a ripe peach aching to be picked . A peach his mother would make into a wondrous dessert after he won a game of baseball in elementary—a reward for his effort. He can't help but slightly inhale the scent,the pure nostalgia of it setting in. And for one good second he stops and stares at you from the corner of his eye. Your pudgy cheeks are puffed out in frustration,meaty fingers are gently placed on the wooden desk,your eyes are determined yet still hold that gentleness in them,and your lips that are always coated in some shiny substance is slightly open in pure concentration.
Beautiful,so effortlessly beautiful. He unknowingly becomes so entranced an old friend manifests from beside him. Star platinum in all his glory floats towards you and he peers at you with curiosity and affection. He can't seem to help himself so he gently almost ghost like caresses your chubby face—light squeezes and soft pinches being barely felt. Jotaro pulls his white hat down in shame,the shame of not keeping a hold on his emotions. He's not a teenager who can't control his stand anymore. He calls Star back and reluctantly the stand stops touching you. Frazzled, the man says he has important business to take care of and snappily kicks you out of his office. He sighs deeply and looks at his hands that Star— no he felt your skin with. He could feel every pore,every textured mark,the plushness that allowed his stands fingers to barely dig into it. It felt...nice,so nice that he wonders if he let Star touch you further how far he'd go. Jotaro then realizes that he's actually so fond of you.
Ever since he lost control of Star Platinum Jotaro begins to long to be closer to you. Tasks that he could do easily,he now asks for your help,things that require one person suddenly becomes a two person issue. Jotaro talks to you more even if it's very vague or brief,he just wants to hear your chatter. An action he used to find irritating about you but now he loves it. Jotaro's even eaten your cooking and he enjoys that as well,so much so that he has up it there along with his beloved mother's cooking. But he doesn't only get closer to you through interactions—he starts touching you more. When you're getting something he uses his tall frame to reach for it himself—bumping his crotch against your ass. That plump ass that he knows his riddled with cellulite—those cute little dimples he wants to dip his fingers in as he ruts into your plush cheeks.
He loves when he does that,loves when you gasp and look at him with those innocent eyes. He can tell you think of his actions as pure accident,never suspecting your stoic boss to get off on something like that. And because of that he simply gets more and perverted,a part of him becomes disgusted with his seemingly uncontrollable lustful urges. But when he looks at you,the woman who simply likes him despite his reluctance to fully open up,he can't help but be so fond of you. That's why he finds himself nursing his aching cock in the wake of many late nights in his office. He always sends you off early with a cold tone despite the fact that he wants you to stay and touch him instead with those soft hands. Hands that are pure,that have never been exposed to things he's seen and done. Hands that could most likely struggle with wrapping themselves around the girth his cock has. Jotaro concludes you'd look cute like that.
Jotaro will carry on with this behavior for a full year. He carries on asking you to eat lunch with him despite the fact he hardly talks and when he does it's when you ask him a question—even that's hard to get out of him because he'd much rather hear you ramble on and on about something that has you so enthralled. He carries on by touching and letting you touch him as well. He hates unnecessary touch but when you walk up to him to prattle about whatever he shivers when he feels your pudgy hands wrap around his muscled arm. He carries on staring at pictures of you that you post on any platform and there's one particular one that has him in frame with a grouchy expression and you're grinning ear to ear in that photo,looking at him with happiness in your eyes. He wonders if you if can really make you happy? He wonders if he can make you a happy wife? His wondering reaches a end though because at last you and him finally go on a work trip together. And it just so happens to be a trip to a small Caribbean island for the research on a certain fish species.
This work trip is what set off his obsessive urges—unlocking a beast that's been shackled for years of his life. Seeing you in a two piece bathing suit could really do things to a man,after all. He recalls you saying a week prior before the trip on how you're a tad insecure on showing your tummy openly like that,and yet there you were standing there in a star patterned bathing suit; waiting for Jotaro to say anything about the way you look. He doesn't because his mind and body can't handle how good you look. He wants to fuck you like really really fuck you. Wants to see you spoiled and ruined for him. He's fucked before but only for alleviation,however seeing you like that makes him desire you wholeheartedly.
The whole trip Jotaro keeps on saying he wants to go swimming just so he can keep seeing you in your cute little bating suits that he's fighting the urge to rip off. And the whole time you keep on being so sickeningly sweet to him he almost can't take it. He wants to see your kind features twisted in pain and pleasure. He yearns to make you feel like that,yearns to have you bent over on his cock and taking it until he's done with you. He feels so gross for wanting to fuck you roughly but he can't help it. He knows you'd be such a good girl for him because it'd make him happy.
Not only his sexual need for you increases for you though. His obsession does too. The whole time at the trip he sees how people admire you for your outside and inner appearance. It pisses him off because he knows he doesn't only have that side of you. He wants it for himself completely. And he can't understand why. He understands his sexual urges towards you but his emotional ones don't make sense to him. He's never had the urge to be married or have kids or any of that other sappy shit. But with you, he craves that so deeply. He wants to make you a cute housewife with him who still helps him with work at home. He could work from home if he wanted and he plans to once he makes his direct move on you.
Even with normal suburban dreams like a happy wife and happy life Jotaro knows he could never give you a normal marriage because of how he feels about you. He's slowly getting to the point where he wants to be with you all the time just so he can hear you chatter. He wants to be the only person in your life and the only that matters because that's how you are for him. He knows that's wrong though,knows he can't just hide you from everybody. He so badly desires it though.
He's very aware that what he feels is wrong but he doesn't care enough to stop it. And the reason for that is because you make Jotaro so happy. He doesn't show it but trust you sincerely do. In front of you he's always quiet,surprisingly patient,and oddly needy. In his heart when you're away from him too long he feels so deeply bothered;an itch that can't be scratched until it hits a certain sweet spot. He just wants to get be by you all the time,just to soak in the same space as you.
Once the trip is over,Jotaro begins his plan on how he'll solely become your only company. He moves so incredibly slow because as he's gotten older he's grown to understand to be less hasty. There's two reasons for that,one,he wants you to view you the same way and have your too cute personality,two,he wants you to view him the same way he does you.
Low and slow is the way he plays this obsessive love game. He starts off with informing you about how your "friends" at the office insult your chipper attitude,the way you dress,even your beautiful body. This is not a lie or made up tactic for you to run into his arms,it's actually the truth. Before he grew to feel such a way for you,they'd make comments on how you tried to suck up to Jotaro and throw yourself at him. Of course,he told them to shut the fuck up even before he started falling for you. But now that he can't afford to have his precious girl hurt,he decides to pay back those harsh words with a little bit of physical force.
The moment he tells you he almost regrets it. Almost,is the keyword. Your eyes bubble with tears and you immediately grip onto the snug sleeve of his expensive dress shirt. "Oh,Jotaro...why don't they like me? Am I that bad?" He triumphs in the feeling of having you in his arms,going to HIM and only him for sweet comfort that only HE could ever provide you. If it was anyone else he'd complain about you fucking up his shirt with your tears,but no,oh nooo,he loves that he now has pieces of you imbedded in his clothing. You cried in his arms for an hour,not even meaning to,but that hour could've been decades and he wouldn't have mind. Does Jotaro like seeing you cry? Depends,if it's him making you cry on his cock. Any other cause,no.
Even though he doesn't enjoy it because he's not the cause,his dick gets a little hard seeing your sobbing and vulnerable body. He feels bad for his body reacting to you in such sad state,but oh my god,you're just so irrestibale. That night he carefully takes of his dress shirt and brings it to his face,smelling,no,inhaling the salty and wet material that also is slightly mixed with your sweet smelling perfume. He nurses his cock in his hand,bucking up into the o shaped hand,instead of stoking up and down. Why? Because he's imagining taking you just like that.
He envisions you slotted perfectly on his muscular thighs,whining about how good and big his cock feels,how nicely he fills you up. He's gripping onto your creamy skin that he knows will soften like butter in grasp. He imagines feeling all the texture your body as to offer him;the rolls that adorn your tummy and a little bit of your back,the stretch marks on your wide waist that wiggle all the way to your hips,and that cellulite you have on your ass and thighs—God he just wants to perfectly place the pads of his fingers into those dimples as he thrusts up into you. He imagines you at your rawest,a part of your being that no one else will see but him. He wants to swallow you whole and force you down to the deep abyss of his never ending appetite for you.
Phase two of catching you in his snare is,quality time to the point where he gradually is the only person you'll ever see during the week. It starts off with him asking if you'd like to go to the aquarium with him after work. Then he asks for a late lunch with you the following day. Then he always begins to call you,his faithful assistant,to do very mundane tasks he didn't bother to ask for prior. Pick up his laundry,bring his paperwork to his house etc. The paperwork task is the biggest one because that's how he ropes you into staying overly late at HIS house. His house is so calm,modern and almost empty of anything relatively personal. The quiet nature of his home and himself,have you chattering,cuddled into him on the couch,talking about God knows what all the way to nightfall.
Obviously,kindhearted you,feels so bad about intruding on him like this,especially when you both have work tomorrow. He assures you only by saying,"My guest room is right across my room,go ahead and knock out for the night." You protest but you're shut up by Jotaro rolling his eyes and muttering about good grief,why do you have to make things so complicated? That night starts an evening routine for Jotaro now. Almost ever day since he's been able go weasel his way into making you stay over,he's began to divulge into his urges a little more.
Once you're sound asleep in the bed,body covered with usually loose fittings pajamas that almost leave nothing to the man's imagination. Jotaro will summon Star Platinum to touch your unconscious form. He prefers Star touches you because he's a lot of more gentler than the stand user could ever be while seeing you like that. The stand always lifts your shirt up to reveal your braless chest,to palm and pinch the naturally weighed down breasts. The ghost like presence is ever so precise—pinching,pulling the harden buds of your nipples. Jotaro's jaw is slack as he feels whatever Star platinum is feeling. You're so soft—so moldable. God,every time he finds you vulnerable like that it takes everything in him to not fuck you just like that. Have you spread,wide—so wide your thighs almost hang of the sides of the twin sized mattress.
He'd hump you through your cute sleep shorts,the silly ones with fishies riddled all over the cool cotton material. He envisions the tingling friction,drooling at the lewd thought of the fabric pulling so hard on your clothed mound that he could see your fat pussy lips.
Jotaro doesn't do this though,he respects you too much and knows this is wrong. He doesn’t want to do anything to that you don’t want. He wants you organically,normally—despite his abnormal and unhealthy feelings he festers deep in his heart. Even letting Star touch you bothers him because he knows he’s violating you but he tells himself that it will always be the last time. It never is.
Despite his dark urges in the night,the mornings are blissfully domestic. Breakfast in the morning,made by him or you,depending on which one of you wakes up first. The two of you will eat and talk,not really though,you’ll do most of the talking while Jotaro listens intently. The man practically hangs on every single word you say even if it’s random chit chat. Anyone else he’d tell to shut the fuck up or to fuck off—you being different though. It’s like sweet sugar is being poured his ear canal,that’s how much he’s grown to enjoy your voice.
The best part of the morning is you getting ready at his house. You’ve literally had to bring clothes to his from how often he has you staying overnight. Why is this the best part in Jotaro’s opinion? Well,it feels him the happiness of what he craves most with you,domesticity. He wants to marry you,he wants to live with you—he wants to be with you. It’s carnal yet sweet at the same time. He’s never dreamed he’d conform into the sweet marital bliss so many elders talk about,yet he’s here offering to zip up your skirts for you,placing your shoes on your feet with such a gentleness a person would’ve forgotten he’s a fully built 6’5 man,complimenting the simple,meticulous,or bare face look you chose to rock today.
Months of this causes Jotaro to snap though. He can’t take this playing house fantasy anymore. It no longer satisfies his hunger and want for you. It was a snowy day,Christmas was beginning its slowly chilling approach,Jotaro recalls you and him being the only in that day. He doesn’t know why he finally gave in now to his urges but God he’s glad he did. He asked you with his has hat off,his messy black locks tossed to every direction and yet still complimented his undeniably handsome features. He blushed as he did so,a very cute and odd look for him.
“Would you let me—“it’s an awkward pause,but not one that kills the tension,only heightening it instead,”take care of you?” His wording is off and he already knows he could’ve been more direct. But your pretty eyes and soft self were so intimidating he just got flustered. It doesn’t matter though because you seemingly picked up on what he meant.
“Like be your girlfriend?” No,his everything. But he’ll settle for that at this moment. After all this just moved him many steps forward to completing his plan. He’s so happy when you say yes,he wants to pull you in for a kiss but he doesn’t. What he does do is pull you into a warm embrace,muttering a good grief into the office.
He could wait for the other stuff he’s been longing to do,after all he’s waited this long to make you his,what’s waiting a little longer?
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 7 months
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: wanda maximoff, your domme and girlfriend, tests you with impossible rules, and subsequently punishes you for failing to follow them.
content warnings: obvi smut, restraints, impact play, edging, cunnilingus.
word count: 4k+
original request
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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My Good Girl
The afternoon sun cast warm hues through the floor-to-ceiling window, illuminating the cozy office and casting soft shadows across the floor. Wanda sat at her desk, fingers absentmindedly tapping on the dark wood. Lines of text filled her screen, yet her mind was elsewhere. 
With a soft hum of contemplation, Wanda closed the laptop, a soft click breaking through the peaceful silence of the room. 
‘I want to try something new tonight.’
The text is sent with a soft sound, and Wanda traces her phone slowly as she waits for you to read the message. Her mind is thrown back to the plethora of information she’d spent the better half of the afternoon consuming. 
Agatha, one of her closest friends, and a well-known domme, had sent her a few websites to check out. Wanda had let it slip during one of their wine nights that although she was happy with you and the dom/sub relationship you’d built, she wanted to try something more. 
You were perfect. Truly. Submissive, and willing to do whatever she said. Wanda loved the thrill she got whenever you obeyed an order. 
But you were almost too perfect. 
One of the sites she’d pursued was full of dominants sharing the ways they put a bratty sub in their place. Wanda had found herself growing wetter with each post she scrolled through. Her mind had found itself wandering over to you. 
You, tears welling up as she choked you with her strap. You, pulling uselessly on scarlet ribbon restraints as she teased you for hours. You, with your face scrunched up as she twisted and pulled on your nipples until you begged her for mercy. 
The word mommy, slipping from your lips as you blushed. 
Wanda had to take several breaks throughout her afternoon, her fingers slipping below her waistband and sliding over the slick arousal coating her panties. She’d thought of you while rubbing herself to a climax, imagining your wide eyes as you knelt before her…
Fuck. She was getting worked up again. 
Her phone dinged, and Wanda had to physically shake herself while she scrambled for her phone. Her fingers trembled as she unlocked the phone, seeing your message. 
‘Of course we can! What did you have in mind?’
You were so eager to please, so willing to succumb to anything Wanda asked of you. She took a few deep breaths, typing out her response with one hand while quickly packing her bag. 
‘When I get home, I want you naked and kneeling by the door. You will address me as ma’am, nothing else. Understood?’
Wanda could feel herself slipping into her dominant headspace, the thrill of giving orders rushing through her. 
‘And if I break one of those rules?’
Oh, it was almost too easy.
‘I’ll have to punish you, darling. I’m on my way home. Remember my instructions.’
Slipping her phone into her pocket, Wanda cast one last look around her office before turning out the light. Locking up, she strode quickly down the hall, thankfully not seeing any other employees around. 
The car ride home was agonizing, the heat between her legs growing into an unbearable inferno. Wanda couldn’t help but squeeze her thighs together at the thought of you breaking her rules. 
And she knew just the thing to distract you and cause you to slip up. 
At a stoplight just outside the city, about five minutes from your shared home, Wanda pulled out her phone. Knowing the light would take a while to turn green, she pulled up the locked photo album hidden in her files. Selecting a photo, she quickly sent it to you with no caption. 
The photo was a selfie, the phone propped up against her work computer. Wanda had popped a few too many buttons, the lace of her red bra peeking out from underneath her silk shirt and jacket. Her eyes were locked on the camera, iridescent and smoldering, while the fingers of one hand were wrapped tightly around her tie, pulling it away from her neck. The other hand was resting on her belt, a single finger slipping beneath the waistband of her dress pants. 
Wanda let her imagination run wild, imagining the flush creeping up your neck and coloring your face. Your breath would catch, pupils dilating as arousal shot through you. By the time you positioned yourself at the door, your juices would be smeared all over your delicate inner thighs, your eyes pleading and desperate. 
The light turned green, and Wanda refocused. Only a few minutes until she'd be home. 
The anticipation was killing her. 
Wanda forced herself to slow her gait, walking leisurely up the steps to the front door. Her heels clicked on the pavement and she hoped that you could hear her approaching. 
The door clicked open, the key sliding easily into the lock. 
Green eyes found you easily, a pleased smile stretching across those beautiful lips as Wanda observed your kneeling form. Your eyes were just as wide as she’d hoped, your irises disappearing as your pupils dilated further at the sight of her. 
“Hello, darling.”
Wanda made sure to pitch her voice low, a sultry tone making its way through her words. Her gaze pierced yours, a silent demand hidden within them. 
“Good afternoon, ma’am.” Your voice shook, and you sucked in a shaky breath. 
Your hands were placed atop your thighs, palms flat as you subtly parted your thighs. Wanda caught a glimpse of the shiny arousal coating your inner thighs, and she breathed deeply, hoping your scent would envelop her. 
“How was your day, sweetheart?” Wanda asked, setting her bag down and slipping her jacket off her shoulders. She hung it up, flicking her fingers in silent order for you to follow. 
“It was good, um, ma’am.” You stuttered, crawling after her as she made her way towards the living room. 
Seating herself on the couch, Wanda crossed one leg elegantly over the other. You crawled up to her, eyes glancing between her lips and legs. You sat up, posture straight and palms flat, with your fingers thrumming nervously on your thighs. 
“And what did my good girl do today?” Wanda smirked at you. 
“Oh, I uh…” Your eyes grew distant as you tried to force yourself to focus. “I worked a little bit, and then I made some meal prep for the week, ma’am.”
Wanda raised an eyebrow, “Anything else?”
You wracked your brain, trying to remember what you’d done that day. The only thing running through your mind was the insatiable picture Wanda had sent you. Your mind focused on the captivating curve of her breasts, the smoldering look in her eyes, similar to the one she was giving you now. 
“Oh!” You remembered something, excitement weaving its way through your words. “I made you something!”
Wanda paused for a moment, seemingly waiting for something, but you were looking up at her with wide eyes and a satisfied grin. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” You could sense the satisfaction in Wanda’s voice, and faltered. 
“Ma’am.” You blurted out, but Wanda was already shaking her head. 
“Too late, darling.” 
You paled slightly, but Wanda could see the excitement glowing in your eyes. You were curious, anticipation thrumming through you. The flush on your face was slowly growing darker, the tips of your ears burning as the weight of Wanda’s gaze settled on you. 
“Bedroom, now. You know what position I like you in.”
A punishment. That’s what you were receiving. You hadn’t had one of those in a long time, not since the beginning of your relationship with Wanda. 
“Yes ma’am.” Your voice was quiet, and you stood, watching Wanda for any sign of disapproval. When she gave none, you turned and headed toward the bedroom, aware of her gaze burning on your hips. 
Approaching the bed, you let your hand caress the soft silk of the comforter. Kneeling on top of the mattress, you take a steadying breath, listening for the click of Wanda’s heels. 
You don’t have to wait for long. The slow, measured steps of Wanda’s confident gait reach your ears, and you subconsciously straighten your back. Ensuring that your gaze is locked on your hands, you resist the urge to look up when the soft light from the hallway hits your eyes as Wanda enters the room.
“Such a good girl.” Wanda’s voice is soft, and you feel some of your arousal leak out and drip down your thighs. 
You don’t speak, knowing that Wanda likes to command every part of you, including your words. Instead, you offer a small smile, eyes locked on her form as she walks toward the closet. She disappears inside, throwing a smile over her shoulder.
A whimper threatens to escape you, but you choke it down. If Wanda heard one errant sound from you, she’d surely increase your punishment. That’s the last thing you want, so you simply resist the urge to shift on the bed and wait. 
The minutes stretch on, and you mentally curse your girlfriend out. You knew she was doing this on purpose, building up the anticipation. You want to call out, but your words get stuck in your throat, not wanting to add to your punishment. 
So you wait, your arousal building with each minute until the sheets below you are damp. 
You hear the door open, the heady presence of Wanda Maximoff filling the room. The sheer dominance that she emanates washes over you, loosening your muscles as your head grows fuzzier. 
You can trust her. Wanda only wants what’s best for you. 
“You’re doing so well for me, love,” Wanda says, moving onto the bed and kneeling before you. She’s still fully clothed, her buttoned shirt brushing against your skin in a tantalizing dance as she sets a few items beside her. You don’t dare look, keeping your eyes trained on your hands until she commands you otherwise. 
“Look at me.”
Green eyes seem slightly softer in the dim light, and you search them for any clue of what the night entails. 
“Tell me why I’m punishing you,” The words jumpstart your brain, and you begin speaking as Wanda picks up a silky, scarlet ribbon. 
“I forgot one of your rules, I’m sorry, mo…” The word almost slips from your lips, but you clench them shut. 
Wanda raises an eyebrow at you, almost daring you to continue. You remain silent, still not ready to use the title you want. Your mind wars with itself, the waves of indecision subsiding when Wanda gently smiles at you and brushes her fingers lightly against your cheek.
Her eyes are soft, and you know that she won’t press the topic. Not until you’re ready. 
“And which rule was that?”
“I forgot to call you ma’am, I’m sorry,” You say, your voice earnest. 
At your practically whimpered words, Wanda has already forgiven you. However, the thought of punishing you is far too tantalizing, so she picks up one of the silk ribbons. 
“And you know what this is, correct?” 
“Yes ma’am,” You won’t be forgetting her title anytime soon, and Wanda feels pride shoot through her at your steadfast obedience. She gently pushes you backwards, until you realize what she’s doing. 
Positioning yourself on your back, you stretch your arms out toward the headboard, enjoying the feel of the scarlet ribbon around your wrist as Wanda begins to restrain you. Your clit pulses when she tightens the ribbon securely, and you fight the urge to roll your hips.
Quickly fastening your other wrist to the headboard, Wanda waits for you to test the strength. She smirks while you writhe beneath her, attempting to escape. You squirm, your hips restrained by her thighs as she sits atop you, her fingernails scraping lightly down your sides before you give up. 
“Thank you, ma’am.” You say, and Wanda’s eyes light up in pleasure. 
In one smooth movement, she flips you over, her fingers digging into your hips as she roughly positions you on your stomach. Your wrists cross over each other at the change of position, her hands pulling your body down until you can barely move an inch. 
A hand on the back of your head shoves your face into a soft pillow, and you turn your cheek slightly to be able to breathe. Wanda doesn't seem to notice, her attention focused on the item she now holds in her hand. 
You catch a glimpse of the paddle and whine. It’s been a while since she’s used that toy on you, and you vividly remember the last experience. You hadn’t been able to sit down for three days. 
“Remember your colors, sweetheart.” Wanda reminds you, and you nod into the pillow as her hand gently squeezes the flesh of your ass. 
The first strike takes you by surprise, and your body jolts, attempting to escape the sharp sting. You hear Wanda chuckling above you and can practically feel her eyes appraising the bright red mark that the paddle left. Before you’ve recovered from the first hit, the paddle swings down again, pain and pleasure mixing as she strategically places marks across your whole backside. 
When the paddle hits the sensitive skin of your upper thigh, you let out a yelp. 
“Darling?” Wanda asks. You can’t formulate a response and your breaths are heavy and fast. You tug at the restraints, a soft green tumbling past your lips. 
The hits are quick and hard, pain radiating through you even as your clit throbs. You can feel your juices dripping down your thighs and soaking the sheet beneath you. The humiliation of the situation only turns you on more, and it’s not long before you’re moaning softly into the pillow. 
A heavy sigh makes its way through you when Wanda pauses, setting the paddle down beside you. “Color,” She demands, her hands cool against your abused flesh. 
“Green, thank… thank you,” Your words are breathy, stuttering when Wanda’s fingers graze your slit. 
A single finger circles your clit, and you can’t help but push your ass upwards, trying to appease the tension between your legs. 
“Oh,” Wanda says, her voice full of mirth. “It seems like you want more, love.”
Nodding frantically, you roll your hips forward. 
A sharp pain makes its way through you, Wanda’s hand coming down quickly against your sensitive backside. You let out a half moan, half yelp at the action. 
“Don’t rut against the bed like a pathetic mutt,” She practically growls, bringing her hand down sharply a few more times. “You’re practically begging for a punishment.”
You want to complain, you want to whine about the injustice of it all. Instead, you remain quiet, not wanting to risk more pain. You can feel Wanda shifting, and bite your lip when the cool leather of the paddle drags across your overheated backside. 
“Do you want more?” Wanda asks, and you can’t do anything but nod. You turn your head, peeking at her from the corner of your eye. Her green eyes are locked on the swell of your ass, and you shudder at the hungry look in them. 
“Beg for it.”
The paddle presses against your clit, the pressure sending pleasure coursing through you. Resisting the urge to grind against it, you grit your teeth and speak. “Please, ma’am. I want you to hit me. Punish me, please, I’ve been a bad girl.”
Wanda doesn’t respond, instead raising the paddle and delivering more blows to your aching backside. 
You begin to moan, the pain morphing into a sick sort of pleasure. With each blow, your clit is pressed against the mattress, your orgasm approaching rapidly. You know better than to beg, you’d learned long ago that Wanda liked to control every aspect of your pleasure, including when you were allowed to cum. 
“Are you close?” Wanda asks, not giving you a chance to respond before she continues to speak, “I can see you dripping onto the sheets, your hips rutting pathetically of their own will. Do you want to cum, baby? Do you want to cum while mommy hits you with the paddle?”
The words worm their way into your mind, twisting your thoughts while pleasure and pain consume your being. Her hits don’t cease, the leather paddle slapping against you over and over again. 
The pillow is damp beneath your cheek. You hadn’t realized that you’d begun to cry, and a whine escaped your mouth without your permission. It only spurs Wanda on. 
“Oh, you like this, don’t you darling? You like being mommy’s little fucktoy, taking whatever I give you. Say it.”
You barely register her words, something incoherent spewing from your mouth as she delivers the harshest blows of the night. One of Wanda’s hands tangles with your hair, wrenching your head up from the pillow. 
“Say it.” Her voice is deadly, low, and raspy. You don’t dare disobey. 
“I like it, I like it when you treat me like this. Please don’t stop. Please, fuck.” You cut yourself off, feeling Wanda swing the paddle harshly at the curse word. 
“Mommy, please.”
Relief. Your brain starts to work again. The pain radiating from your backside subsides slightly as Wanda drops the paddle to the floor. You feel as though you should be embarrassed, but don’t. 
Truth be told, you’ve wanted to call Wanda by that title for a while, and at this moment, it just felt right. 
“Say that again for me, darling.” 
You feel your body being manhandled again, your hips twisting until you’re on your back again. Green eyes stare down at you, a slightly dazed look in them. Wanda’s fingers trace patterns on your ribcage, moving up to tease your nipples while she waits. 
“Mommy,” Your voice is quiet, almost shy, but the word is genuine. “Please let me cum.”
Wanda can’t bring herself to punish you any longer. Not after you’ve finally used the title she’s been yearning for. She finds herself suddenly incapable of speaking, the words catching in her throat. 
Surging forward, Wanda presses her impossibly soft lips to yours. Her tongue dances against yours, tracing your lips and drawing soft moans from you. You fight the urge to roll your hips, her thigh pressed perfectly against your center. 
Her tongue explores your mouth for what seems like forever, and you find yourself growing wetter with each minute. You can’t complain, though. Kissing Wanda will always be something you treasure. 
Eventually, the need for air becomes too great, and Wanda pulls back. Her eyes search yours, a smile slowly stretching across her face. 
“Good girl,” She coos, a hand reaching up and cupping your cheek. “Thank you, sweetheart,”
You grin, sure that your eyes are sparkling as you gaze up at her. From this angle, she looks almost angelic, with her hair falling around you. You don’t mind, if you could choose anything to worship, Wanda would be the first and only thing on your list. 
“I’m going to make you feel really good now, okay?” She says, not giving you a chance to respond before she’s descending your body. She leaves open-mouthed kisses on your skin, enjoying the way you jolt beneath her whenever she nips you with her teeth.
The bruises she leaves behind fill her with pride and a hint of possessiveness, and she gazes up at you when her mouth finally reaches the glistening heat between your thighs. 
“Please,” You whisper, throwing your head back when her tongue applies gentle pressure against your clit. 
It’s practically torture, her skilled mouth alternating between sucking and licking your clit as your orgasm approaches quickly. You want to reach down and tangle your fingers with her hair, pulling her flush against you, and tug uselessly at your restraints. 
Your hips twitch violently, a sign that you’re close to an orgasm. A few… more… strokes of that talented tongue…
Wanda pulls away, and you whine loudly. Her fingers twist your nipple harshly in response, and you mumble a quick apology. 
“None of that,” Wanda reprimands, “you take whatever I give you, remember?”
She doesn’t give you a chance to respond, burying her head between your thighs before you can fully catch your breath. This time, she sucks your clit violently, red-hot bolts of pleasure shooting through you as your thighs tense. 
Her mouth disappears. 
Giving you a few moments to recover, Wanda watches the realization enter your eyes. You mumble, “You’re going to edge me, aren’t you?”
Chuckling, Wanda circles your clit with a single finger. She watches your eyes gloss over as your hips twitch. Pressing harder, she moves rhythmically over the hard nub, enjoying the moans reverberating around the room. You tense up, lips parting as your orgasm draws near…
“Only good girls get to cum, darling,” Wanda pulls her fingers fully away from you. 
You want to scream. You want to curse her out, you want to escape your restraints and hump her thigh until you cum. You want to…
A moan claws its way out from your chest, and Wanda takes that as a sign to continue. 
You don’t know how long she edges you, the only thing you’re aware of is the growing arousal between your thighs and the pleasure that builds and builds and dissipates whenever Wanda senses that you’re close. 
After a while, the fuzziness takes over your mind, and you lose count of the edges as Wanda’s tongue relentlessly works against your core. She keeps her fingers locked around your thighs, refusing to give your pussy any sort of real satisfaction. 
Practically crazed with arousal and desperation, you attempt to roll your hips against Wanda’s lips. 
“Do you want me to bring the paddle out again?” Wanda raises a single eyebrow, her hand raising and striking your swollen pussy. The sting shoots through your clit, and you jerk your hips as you recoil from the pain. 
“No, I’m sorry mommy. Please…” You moan as Wanda’s warm mouth encircles your clit. “Please forgive me.”
Time blends with the countless edges, and you find yourself lost in a pleasurable vanilla haze. The only thing you’re aware of is Wanda. Her tongue, building you up. Her eyes, watching you as her fingers hold your thighs and hips against the mattress. Her scent, an addicting drug that you never want to abstain from. 
Your orgasm, just barely out of reach. Wanda, bringing you closer and closer and…
You open your eyes, your vision seeming sharper than before. Warm water surrounds you, suds covering your chest as a warm washcloth gently rubs against your collarbone.
Wanda moves into your field of vision, her eyes filled with concern. You smile widely, relaxing further into the water. You want to reach up and pull her face closer, yearning to feel her lips against yours, but your limbs don’t seem to work properly. 
“Hi, sweetheart. You scared me,” Wanda’s voice is soft, and you can sense the worry underneath her accent. 
“I’m alright, I promise,” You reassure her, resting your head against the side of the tub. “But…” Trailing off, you watch Wanda’s brows furrow in concern. 
“I still really want to cum.” 
Wanda scoffs, splashing you lightly as you laugh. Allowing yourself to fully relax, you let her wash away your sweat, her hands gentle as she scrubs the dried arousal off your thighs. 
“You don’t get to cum tonight, I'm punishing you.” Wanda sounds like she’s about to whine, and you splash her. The water droplets cling to her hair, and you laugh at her pout, your arms working again as you pull her in by the neck for a kiss.
Her tongue dances languidly alongside yours, and you push down the arousal that attempts to rise. Honestly, you’d get aroused if Wanda simply walked into a room. With her lips on yours, it’s much harder to tamper your desperation for her. 
“Maybe tomorrow,” Wanda mumbles against your lips, and you roll your eyes. 
Eventually, Wanda ends the impromptu makeout session, finishing the bath and drying you off. She applies some aloe vera to your sore backside, kissing the marks softly as she does so. 
You’ve never felt more loved. 
Sliding in between fresh, cool sheets, Wanda pulls you flush against her. Your head is comfortably nestled in the crook of her neck, and you can feel her heartbeat against your palm. 
Gentle lips kiss the top of your head, and you feel yourself drifting off. Wanda hums, murmuring one final thing before you finally succumb to the waves of drowsiness washing over you. 
“Happy Valentine's Day, my love.”
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Taglist: @alexawynters @msvenablesbitch @marilynthornhilllover @lifespectator @milkeeteaa @imnotawitch @marvels--slut @justabrokensunshine @dorabledewdroop @wandsmxmff @esposadejoyhuerta
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milfsloverblog · 5 months
Chlorine Water (nsfw)
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: It’s 6.24am, I haven’t slept because I needed to get this out of my system. This is pure porn without plot. Something that popped into my head when I should have been writing something far more important (thesis can wait). First time writing shapeshifted cock, think I did not too bad. Enjoy lovelies!!
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“Will you join me?” You called from the pool float where you’d been sitting for the past half hour.
Larissa stayed quiet for a second, reading the last few words on the page of the book she was holding before placing it down next to her on the sun lounger.
“I might,” she answered, picking up her glass of rosé from the floor and taking a few sips of it. “How’s the water?”
You dipped your fingertips in the pool before wiping them on one of your naked thighs.
“Warm. Not as hot as you, though!”
Larissa chuckled and placed her now empty glass back on the ground before getting up from the lounger. She stretched her arms above her head, making you bite your lip at the sight of her pale breasts nearly popping out of her green bikini top. Nearly.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” You asked as Larissa walked closer to the edge of the pool. She truly was a vision. Legs that seemed never-ending, inviting hips which dipped into an even more inviting waist and slightly uneven breasts that you loved to tease her about. When she got close enough, you noticed the bite mark that you’d left on her thigh a few days before.
“Mhm, only a few thousand times.” She smiled softly and sat down on the tiled floor, her legs dangling in the water as she leaned back on her hands and waited - visibly impatiently - for you to come closer.
You didn’t make her wait long, almost immediately dropping from the pool float into the water and swimming towards your lover.
Playfully, you held one of Larissa’s legs and kissed the side of her knee, lifting yourself on your tiptoes to be able to lick chlorine water from her thigh. It tasted terrible, really, but Larissa’s breathless sigh made up for it.
Much as you wanted to, you didn’t put your mouth anywhere near Larissa’s crotch and only kissed her thighs and knees, even trying to pull her further over the edge so you could get to her hips too.
“Darling,” The word fell from Larissa’s mouth as her fingers weaved themselves through your hair, giving a gentle tug so you’d look up at her face. “Do you mind if…” Larissa’s gaze fell between her legs and yours was quick to follow, your eyes widening at the sight of the bulge in her bikini that wasn’t there a few seconds ago.
“Of course not.” You breathed out, your fingertips digging into the flesh of your lover’s thighs.
Sex with Larissa was always an experience. You never really knew what to expect from your shapeshifting partner, and you loved that.
Slowly, you pushed Larissa’s bottom to the side to free her semi-hard cock, your mouth instantly salivating at the sight of it.
Larissa gave your hair another gentle tug, pulling you out of your trance.
“Open up.” Her voice was soft but you knew it was a demand, to which you quickly obeyed by opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” Larissa cooed as she took hold of her cock and thrust her hips closer to your face.
You closed your eyes as the weight of Larissa’s tip pressed down on your tongue. She stayed still for a moment, her eyes raking down your face as she took in how eager you were to please her.
“Good girl.” She repeated, slowly moving her tip up and down your tongue until her cock had fully hardened. “Will you take care of me, darling?”
You gave a slight nod and Larissa let go of your hair, your cue to take control of the situation. You wrapped your hand around the base of her cock and your lips around the tip, slowly moving your head down until Larissa’s blonde pubic hair tickled your nose. She had thankfully settled for a medium-sized cock that day, although the girth was larger than usual and you knew your jaws would start aching in a few minutes. Still, that allowed you a few minutes to pleasure her.
Larissa groaned loudly as you moved your head back up and down again, slowly increasing the rhythm of your sucking.
“Oh god, yes-“ She threw her head back when your tongue teased the spot that you knew would drive her crazy. “I need you-“ She breathed out, her hips carefully thrusting her cock deeper into your mouth. “I need to be inside you-“
That was another one of your cues. You kept sucking for a few more seconds before letting go of Larissa’s cock with a loud pop.
“Come here,” You groaned, grabbing Larissa’s waist and pulling her into the water with you.
You barely had time to react before she spun you around, trapping you between the cold pool tiles and her body.
“You’re divine,” She whispered, her length rubbing up and down your thigh.
Larissa’s hand snaked down between your bodies and she bit her lip when she found you dripping wet after pushing her fingers inside your bikini.
“All of this for me?” She smirked before pressing her lips on the pulse point of your neck, suckling at the skin and leaving a perfect imprint of her mouth in crimson lipstick.
“Why would you wear makeup to go swimming?” You asked with an expression as incredulous as possible. Without waiting for an answer, you grabbed onto Larissa’s hip and pulled her into a kiss.
You didn’t really want to hear Larissa’s explanation. You only wanted to hear her moan.
Larissa kissed you back with practised ease, her fingers skillfully moving between your lips and pressing on your clit. Her lipstick smudged against your skin as she parted her lips to kiss you always deeper.
“God-“ Your lover grunted, the rubbing of her cock against your leg becoming more insistent until you gently wrapped your hand around its length and guided it between your legs.
The warmth of your flesh against Larissa’s shaft made it throb violently and she grunted again, louder this time, as she began rubbing her member against your clit.
“Larissa!” You whined, spreading your legs to allow your lover more space. “Please, I want- I need to feel you inside of me.”
Larissa happily obliged, immediately pressing the tip of her cock against your entrance and slowly pushing herself inside of you. It felt like heaven, her girth stretching you just the right amount as you wrapped your legs around her waist and pulled her impossibly closer, letting out a moan when her tip pressed against your cervix.
“What do you think?” Larissa asked, voice dripping with lust.
“Perfect-“ You whined. “You’re fucking perfect.”
“And I’ll perfectly fuck you,” Larissa whispered into your ear before her hips started thrusting against yours.
Larissa tried her best to be soft, she really did. But after a couple of minutes of gentle thrusts, your sweet moans and your cunt squeezing around her length became almost unbearable. She firmly grabbed onto your waist and pulled out of you, spinning you around so you’d face the edge of the pool.
“Fuck!” You cried out when your lover slammed back inside you, your legs quivering when she started thrusting frantically.
“You’re so good,” She groaned. “So tight and so warm.”
Larissa held onto your waist with one of her hands, so tightly that you knew you’d be left with marks that’d last for days, while the other one moved to your front to find your buzzing clit again.
You nearly melted against her, veins filling with nothing short but a white-hot pleasure while she quickened her pace, driving herself so deep until the tip of her cock kissed your cervix, drawing not only a moan but a yelp from you as well and you couldn’t help but move your hips back to meet her thrusts.
“I-I’m close-“ You stuttered, making Larissa fuck you with an urgency that you had rarely felt before. Her fingers moved faster against your clit and it only took a few more thrusts for you to be sent over the edge, your body tensing from head to toe.
Everything turned white for a second, your thighs started shaking, and you swore you heard Larissa gasping as your cunt tightened around her, pulsed, and gushed around her girth.
“Rissa, please…” You whined and suddenly her blood rushed down to her cock, leaving her breathless as she came hard, pushing herself unbelievably deep until she made sure she had filled you to the brim with her cum, and you almost laughed in delight about how full she made you feel.
“God, darling-“ she sighed, resting her sweaty forehead on your shoulder as her senses came back when the rush of adrenaline slowly wore off, the pain in her thighs getting stronger by the second.
Larissa carefully pulled out of you and wrapped her arms around your waist to hug you from behind.
“You’re perfect.” She whispered before placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. “Perfectly fucked, as promised.”
Taglist: @suckerfortallwomen @im-a-carnivorous-plant @dingdongthetail @azu-zu @gwensfz @erablaise-blog @rainbow-hedgehog @renravens @weemssapphic @kaymariesworld @niceminipotato @agathaandbrienneslesbian @witchesmortuary @notmeellaannyy @weemswife @m-0-mmy-l-0-ver33 @redkarine @women-are-so-ethereal @opheliauniverse @willisnotmental @raspburrythief @vii-v @fictionalized-lesbian @weems13 @gwendolineiscomfort @ness029 @geekyarmorel @h-doodles @cxndlelightx @m1lflov3rrr @winterfireblond @nocteangelus15 @aemilia19 @theswordmaiden @spacetoaim22 @wh0s-vesper @vendocrap8008 @sapphicxrat @jkregal @gela123 @lilfartbox1 @xuukoo @bellatrixsbrat @sadsapphic-rose @dumbasslesbi @wizardlyworldofeden @larissaoftarthweems @larissalover3 @friskyfisher @thesamesweetie
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yanderenightmare · 13 days
ooo just in general who do you like in got/hotd? you mentioned aemond but I'm curious lolz
Spoilers for both GOT/HOTD! Don't read if you aren't caught up with either series!
♡ TW: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, incest, GOT/HOTD in general
♡ fem reader
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My favorite character, above all else, is Ramsey. If I get really into writing for this universe, he's definitely gonna be one of my regulars. I love him. So much yandere potential. And he's terrifying. Paired with his little pet Theon. Mmmh. Ramsey makes him lick all the wounds he inflicts on you. Tugs his cock to the sight of it. Cums on you both. Tying you up on the Bolton cross, he makes Theon kneel between your legs to lick your clit until you pass out. You're both his little pets.
Joffrey was also one of my favorites, but I don't know if I could write for him. I find it hard to imagine him being sexual. I'll have to think about that one.
Tommen, on the other hand! Yes, please. Virginal goodie-two-shoes with the power of a King. Yes, God. You may think he's harmless, but no, though a different breed, he's a little psycho, just like his brother. And you're just a poor chambermaid doing your job. He'll apologize when his arousal gets the better of him. But the stress gets to him, you know? It's not easy being the new King. All this responsibility, the realm in shambles, threats to his life left and right. You'll be good for him, won't you? Obey him and let him use you to blow off some steam—you can do that for him, can't you?
The Hound, or Sandor Clegane, is also one of my favorites. Massive and strong as all hell. He has a moral compass, but he doesn't care how he goes about following it. And the journey's long, and the ground is rough, and the night is cold, and he's had to fight twice already to keep you safe. So just shut up and let him make use of you. It's not as if he can't tell you're enjoying it as his fat cock drills your tight cunt. You make all his clothes wet with how much you soak. So don't bother lying.
Jamie and Cersei are also hot. Thinking about being their younger sister. How awfully possessive they are of you. Bringing you to bed with them. Telling you it's only right for family to stick together. How your big sister uses her pretty finger to prep you before Jamie fills your snug cunt up. They coo as you fuss—insisting it's right while making you cum for them.
Tywin is even better. You're his youngest daughter, but he fucks you like you're a common whore and tells you he loves you the most. He'll rant about how immoral the other three are and make you promise you'll never become like them—that you'll stay his good girl and do what he tells you without ever questioning him.
Tormund. He picks you as his wife, and you have absolutely no say in the matter. Scrawny little wildlings that can't even hunt for themselves have no rights. You'll keep him warm in the cold night, and he'll provide for you. Of course, his stamina makes it no easy arrangement. Making you squeal until your out of breath and then some.
Littlefinger. You're a new bird in his brothel, and he's decided you're worth training himself. Yes, he'll teach you everything you need to know about pleasing a man. Make you accept you're nothing but his whore, eager to do everything he tells you without hesitation. A subservient and devoted little slave to your master.
Bronn. If his gold coins can't buy you, he isn't a stranger to getting the things he wants in other immoral ways. Threatening your pretty neck with his knife actually only makes his cock harder. Don't worry. He'll leave you the gold coins anyway.
One of my favorite characters from HOTD is Ser Otto Hightower. What an unbelievably scummy old man! He has you tied up in his bed and doesn't even allow you to wash off his filth without his presence. He's taking all your holes for himself. After all, he's a noble tied into the Royal family, and you, a lowly servant, are his property. Just as he makes use of a washcloth, he'll make use of you. There is no difference.
Ser Criston Cole, as well, uses his gold cloak to make threats. If you know what's best for you, you'll strip on his command, kneel at his feet, and kiss his silver boots before he loses patience.
You obviously try your best to avoid King Aegon. Any pretty chambermaid might be his next victim. And you know, if anyone finds out what he does to you, you'll be the one who's banished from the castle, not him. And that's why, when he has you pressed against his bed, cock already tearing through your tight cunt, you don't say a word. Keeping quiet, you allow him to do whatever he wants each and every time, and then you go about just as silently as if nothing had happened. And that's why you're his favorite. You know your place, and you never forget it.
Larys freaks me the fuck out, but... Allowed little power elsewhere, he makes certain to exercise the vast depth of his power-hunger with you. Yet in the most unorthodox and gross ways possible. Playing with your feet while you cry for him to stop. He looks at you with the most innocent eyes while protruding his tongue, licking your soles slowly before closing his mouth around your toes and sucking fiercely while tonguing the gaps.
Aemond. So much potential here. You're a dragon keeper and one of the very few Vhagar allows in close without burning. You have no idea if it's the dragon or its rider that likes you first. All you know is that Aemond's grip is strong as he takes you hard against the rough old scales of the largest dragon in the world.
Daemon. There's a sadness in his you don't dare provoke. Shivering as you do what he tells you, in all hope it can soothe the dragon within him before it decides to burn you. He can be gentle at times. If you approach carefully enough. But most of the time, he's got trouble in his mind and only one outlet.
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
Nini nini hate fuck with either blade or dan heng pls I beg 🥺💝
I finished this some days ago and it got deleted- also it’s unnecessarily long, and I’m not sure if it’s good… hope you like it anyway 😭😭
Dom!reader x sub!blade (reader is gender neutral)
Warning: pegging (can be read as a dick), chocking, slapping (once), degrading, rough sex, blood (hand injury)
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The sound of bandage being ripped.
Blade wrapped his hand with the white cloth, biting one end to tied the other end around it. Slowly the pure colour got tainted with his blood, a crimson colour spreading and seeking though the fabric. He sighed, staring at his own hand with a distaste on his tongue, before glancing at the door. Heavy footsteps could be made out from the other side. Loud and hectic, stomping even. You must have noticed his arrival.
It was just as he predicted. Moments after he finished treating his injury the door got slammed open, a loud bang as the door hit the wall. Your figure stood in the frame, stopping, not entering his chamber. Instead you glared at him and scanned the situation. He instantly noticed how your gaze lingered around his injured hand, and how you were frowning. The man chose to not elaborate, hence you two were holding a starring contest. After a while you closed the door behind you and walked over to him, grabbing his wrist and yelled, “now do you care to explain?”
He knew exactly why you were so angry, but that doesn’t mean he understood it. Not giving him any time to explain himself, something he wouldn’t have done anyway, you continued your nagging, “why do you have to keep going on dangerous missions alone? I can’t reach you at all! It’s not like you use your phone after all.” You stopped for a second, still holding his wrist while he avoided your gaze, gritting your teeth in anger. With an impatient tone you said, “I’m waiting for an answer.”
If it were up to blade, then you could wait until the sun sets. He wasn’t a man of many words, and he didn’t believe he had to tell you everything. That was if it was up to him, because he knew it would get worse if he doesn’t say anything. With his usual deep voice, he uttered, “I wanted to practice.” This was the best excuse he could think of, practicing his sword. It was reasonable, no? “Practice? It’s more like you wanted to get hurt.” “Not get hurt, I wanted to..” he didn’t really want to say ‘die’ in this context, and you didn’t pursue it any further neither. You sighed at him, followed by a rough push from your hands. The male fell backwards, now laying on his back, stabilising himself with his hands.
“Lay down.” You ordered, and yanked the arm with the injured hand away, you didn’t want him to keep using that hand so much. The spot where his hand was has been tainted red. He glanced at you hesitatingly, his dark blue bangs almost covered his entire face. Soon he obeyed your command and laid on his back, you were still raising his arm up into the air. “Keep it raised.” Once again, you gave him another cold order. How did it escalate to this? He was pretty sure he knew what you were going to do, yet he didn’t mind. Just then his speculations were correct, and you pulled his pants down.
He smirked, it was a mocking one, as if he was laughing at you. At this sudden unexpected change in atmosphere. After a bit he asked with a challenging tone, “did the sight of me hurt turn you on?” You knew he was playing now, so why not join in? “Have you finally decided to speak, now that I’m in your pants?” Your hands grabbed his knees, raising them to his chest and folding him apart. It wasn’t about doing him a favour, so you just proceeded to manhandle him, making him spread his legs for you. “So eager, aren’t you? Give me a break.” Blade said, but he allowed you to do whatever you wanted without resisting. Without giving him any glances, you replied “Same goes to you.”
Even though you two shared such a foul mouthed conversation, the advances you did on him continued. Then you stood up, walked around the room for a bit and came back with a bottle of lube. The blue haired man looked at you awkwardly and waited, feeling a little stupid at the situation in front of him. As soon as you came back, you started working on his abdomen. Opening the bottle, squeezing some of the lube onto his half erect shaft. The cold liquid made him flinch slightly, and he frowned as he watched you keep coating him with that slippery fluid. It flowed all the way down to his hole, and his rim clenched. What a roundabout way to prepare him, he thought you were being unnecessarily childish.
With one of your fingers, you sloppily spread the contents of the bottle around his lower body. Somehow the mood was getting heavier with every second and he didn’t know what to say, until your little comments returned. “Getting exited, little pervert?” You also coated your own dick with the lube, before lining it up with his entrance. “So much that you stopped talking, cat got your tongue?” He wasn’t going to let you go away with that, or at least that’s what he planned. Instead of coming up with a snarky remark he had to bite his lip to stop a moan erupting from his throat.
“Gu-Mhn..! You- fuck..” his eyes widened a little, and he was furrowing his brows even more than before. You sticked it in without some proper preparation, and it caught him off guard. Since you used a lot of lube, the tip still slipped in, but the rest was starting to get difficult. He wanted to curse at you, yet the words didn’t come out, so he just hold it and glared at you. If you didn’t know him you’d think he wants you dead, even so you weren’t pleased by that, so you chuckled, “not with those eyes, bladie. I’m sure your hole can take it, after I fucked it so good last time.” “Shut up- ugHh..! You.. shit.” Suddenly his hand reached out to you. You didn’t know what he was trying to do, which is why you grabbed his arm and kept it in place. His hand was now in the air, some blood drops were dripping onto his belly.
“Keep your pawns to yourself.” You had such an annoying smile while you said that, especially so while you pushed the rest of your length in. “UHh..! Mhm-nGghH..” the male was still trying his best to keep quiet, making some grunts and groans on the way. Fuck, if this was under normal circumstances you wouldn’t be able to keep his hand still like this, he was sure he was stronger. Though this wasn’t a normal situation, with you inside him, spreading him open with your cock. It was strange but he felt a little vulnerable, and so hot.
Sweat was forming on his skin, face turning redder by the second. It must be because he just came back from a mission, he is tired, thats why he is feeling all this heat. He blinked, closing his eyes to focus on the feeling, noticing his heart rate going up and body twitch each time you touch him. When he opened his eyes again you were inches away from his face, startling him a little. With a gentle whisper, unlike your tone before, you mumbled into his ear, “you want to get hurt? I’ll make it hurt.”
The face of the male was crimson red now, matching the colour of his hand. He took a tad longer to process the information, and you didn’t give him that moment. You started moving without giving him a warning, hips snapping against his at an already rough pace. “Ugh-uUugGh..!! Wa-waAaaiit.., oh- fuck, fuck. It mhm.. hurts.” Blade clenched his fists, more red coated his tummy. You slowed down a little, intertwining your fingers with his injured hand, not minding the blood sticking to your palms. Then you resumed to your previous movements, pounding into him like there’s so tomorrow.
The switched between your gentleness and relentless actions made his head spin. He really tried to keep the noise down but to no avail. Without him noticing you went down again to whisper more dirty things into his brain, like calling him degrading names. Blade wrapped his other hand over your neck, gasping and whining as you kept going, whispering as a begging voice, “please.. ah, haah..” “does it hurt?” He answered without thinking, “a-a bit.., uhhh..” to which you asked again, “do you hate it?”
Both of you knew what he would answer, and he didn’t want to cover up the truth as he uttered the words, “no, I love it.” That’s when the insulting really hit off, now that you were sure he enjoyed it too. “You really only go into fights because you’re a fucking masochist, aren’t you?” He shook his head, suddenly so expressive unlike before. “You sure you aren’t actually a male prostitute? Hmm blade? You fucking whore.” Even though you were calling him such hurtful name with such fever, he only felt hotter. The trust and the feeling of your dick rubbing against his walls was unreal, like a dream. And he wasn’t sure if it was a nightmare or not.
“Don’t you fucking dare leave like that again.” You said, panting a little too since you were still rutting into him like a damn animal. Despite all those hateful words, there was no way you actually hated him. You were angry because you cared, that’s all. And he knew it as well. Now your own hand looked like a grotesque mess, mixed with his and stuck to the bandages. He also didn’t feel pain anymore, or rather, it was because the pleasure was too overwhelming. It was all too much, from the way it rubbed against his deepest parts, to the fast pace you set. This felt so good he could cry.
When he still didn’t nod to your demand, you stopped holding his hand, they both instead reached out to his neck. The pale skin was now tainted red on one side. You squeezed down onto his trachea, watching his mouth hung open. “Did you understand me, blade?” He chocked, hand meekly reaching out to yours out of reflex. But he didn’t use any strength to keep you from suffocating him, only staring at you through his clouded vision. You thought you saw the corners of his mouth going upwards into a smile, and you watched his face get even redder. After a while you stopped, he immediately inhaled and panted. A bodily reaction, nothing he could control.
“I still haven’t gotten my answer.” You reminded him and started fucking into him again, at a slower pace. He trembled, his hole clenching around you even more now that you were moving so gently. It was way too late for that, after you’ve been so rough with him, no? Because now it’s not enough for him anymore, he needed you harder and deeper. Out of nowhere he felt a harsh slap on his cheek, causing him to shake. “Ah..” the male whimpered, eyes gazing up at you. You looked at him like he was vermin, akin to one would look at an insect. This alone caused a shiver to run down his spine and an uncomfortable twitch at his lower body.
He knew you wanted him to agree, but he didn’t want to, he wished to keep fulfil those missions on his own. This wasn’t something you could change, and he wasn’t willing to lie to you. Instead of answering your question, he grabbed your hand with his, and begged prettily. In a submissive tone, with a sweet pleading voice he said, “please, it’s not enough… I want you so deep inside me.” You noticed him spread his legs wider for you, and his injured hand being thrown over his mouth. Then he licked some of his own blood off.
You knew he won’t listen to you, after so many tries you knew. So instead of trying any longer, maybe you should go along with his request? Even if it leaves a bad taste on your tongue…
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princezzleia · 5 months
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ A Special Treat ‧₊˚. ⸝⸝
sub!Art Donaldson x domfem!Reader
synopsis: Art was always be a good boy but when he was disobedient, you decided to punished him, however, he was enjoying it like a special treat.
warning: sub!male, dom!fem, edging, handjob (m received), mommy kink, public sex, MINORS DNI
words count: 1.7k
A/N: after watching 'challengers' i think i need to write this. 'that scene' of art and tashi made me convinced art is sub and i love sub!Art akjssjsksk. i hope you guys enjoy my work!
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Tennis could be intense, edging, and climax. It was like sex, so they said. You had never doubted any seconds once you are watching your boyfriend, Art Donaldson, played for a countless times.
During the match, Art, occationally, tooks a glimpse of you beside the court. He always made sure that you were close to his sight, so every time he looked at you, he could saw your presence. Undeniably, you were his lucky charm.
The upper hand of watching your boyfriend closely was that you were able to observed his determined and eagerness, which you never saw while you were spending time together. Art always be your little boy; obedient and flimsy.
His intense eyes always made you feel the pulse under your knickers. The groaning voices that he made in every hits, it made you trusting your legs closer and closer. Every sets made you on the edge of your seat. Trusting, edging, and when the last hit made him wins, you reached the climax.
Later then, you visited your starboy in his locker room for a special treat. You've always been his motive to win in every matches, if it wasn't because of you; he would've quit tennis ages ago.
"Hi, my starboy," You knocked on an open door for his attention, then he dropped everything and instantly reached for your hug and that made you flinched and giggled.
Immediately, he shut the door behind you and possessed your voluptuous red lips that he had been staring for an hours but unable to touched, let alone possessed them. He missed your touch, your body, and especially your voice when they gave him an orders to followed. It was a punishments that he was enjoying every times.
"Uh, no, bad boy," You pushed him back to kept a slight distance between you. Art instantly pouted his lips and made a puppy eyes that mostly worked to made you thawed but not this time.
"Ain't I be a good boy today, mommy?" Art said with a pleading voice.
You tucked his curly blonde hair behind his ear and swept some sweats off of his soft face. "Of course, you are, until you kissed me without my permission." You pouted your lips in pity. Well, he almost be a good boy for you today.
"I feel sorry for you, I've been thinking of a special treat for you tonight—tsk, tsk, tsk," You furrowed your brows in reproach.
"Am I gonna be punished?" Art expressed an amusement expression at a blink of an eyes before he turned back to his puppy face but somehow you noticed it and that was when Art bends his head down.
"Do you find a punishment entertaining, darling?" You used an index finger to push his chin up to faced you.
"No, mommy, no" Art said in a murmured voice and shook his head a bit.
"Good, but anyways, you deserve a punishment" Art made a sorrowful face like he doesn't enjoy the punishment, on the contrary, this is a special treat for him.
"Let's see what we can do in..." You pretended to look at your watch. "Thirty minutes before the car arrives" Art looked at you in disbelief, he was not going to finished in thirty.
"Sit" Before he could thought any further, he had no choice but to obey the order. Well, thirty minutes was challenging. Give it a go.
Art sat almost immediately after your order. His sweaty looks made your pussy pulsed again. After all this time you never get used to it and you didn't want to. You made an observation before you noticed his boner, which was the result of the swiftly kissed. Art always easily to aroused, he was just like a teenage boy in post pubertal, which was always adored you 'cause he was already twenty-one but sometimes he looked just like a naive boy to you.
"Hard, already, hmm?" Art looked up with a puppy face that begging to be adopted. You made a couple steps before got down on your knees and touched his bulge. You fondled slowly along the bulge line under his short, he panted and trumbled while you touched him. Art looked down and catched your eyes.
"Harder," Art said with a shivered voice. You suddenly stopped your motion as Art catched a breath like he had been choked with pleasure.
"What do we say?"
"Please, mommy,"
"Good boy," You began to took his short out of the way, left only his underpant on and stroke his cock along the bulge shape. Art flinched by your sensitive touched, he grabbed the edge of the bench hard as you could see the veins accordance with his hands and arms. He thrown his head back and shut his eyes in pleasure. You could feel his pulsated cock against your hand.
Art shuddered and panted whenever you stroke along his sensitive area. You reiterated your touch on his vulnerable part until you heard his breathing intensify.
"Yes, there, like that," You instantly stopped again and looked up to face Art's weary figure.
"Excuse me, did you just tell me what to do?" Art looked down and shook his head in denial.
"No, no, please continue" You continued your movement and Art got back into his position. You stroked along his sensitive part for a couple minutes until panting sound changed into moaning and groaning. Art grasped his shirt up and bite the hem of it to hid his voice. His abdomen rippled up and down according to your touched and it gave you a noticed of his orgasm but he won't get what he wanted, not now.
You ceased again. Art catched his breath in disbelief, he gazed down and saw a smile on your face. "Take off your clothes and stand in the shower." Art followed your instructions immediately, he swiftly took off his underpant and t-shirt before going to the shower as you followed, and stood behind. Art was tall and had a muscular body like any others sports men, but when he was with you, those are just a clothes he puts on because his inner side was absolute opposite. You saw the soul inside his athletic body like no one else does.
You reached to opened the faucet and let the water ran through his body. You walked closer until your chest touched his back, then you tracked your fingers down the waterline passed his chest, abdomen, and the final destination, which was as hard as a rock. You teased him by traced its head in circle, he let out a whimpers and grasped the hem of your skirt. Art turned his head to the right and kissed the top of your head then he reached down to whisper in your ear.
"Please," You tilted your head to kissed him on the lips, it wasn't a passionate kiss. Your lips traced up to his aquiline nose and up to his forehead, where you gave him a second kiss as your hand did its initial job.
"Face the wall and don't do anything that I didn't tell you to do." Art turned his head to face the wall while you began to stroked his shaft slowly. He let out a mewl voices while he pushed his left hand against the wall as a support and the right hand still grasped harshly on your skirt's hem.
You began to escalate the rhythm, examined Art's interactions. Once he was about to reached the climax, you ceased; it made him looks pathetic, and you both took pleasure in it. Who was going to imagine the picture of the dominant tennis player in those particular world, begging to cum in the most piteous way.
"Shit!" Art said deeply in his throat, you alternate a slow and a fast pace, made him whined and shuddered in pleasure. A couples minutes later, Art tighten up his grasped and tenses up his abdomen. A signals of his orgasm.
Art tilted his head to looked at you and said in struggled. "Can I- Can I cum, please?"
"Not so soon, it has been only five minutes." Art turned his head back before there was a knocked on the door, suddenly he looked at you again in shocked but you didn't stop your motions.
"Donaldson! Donaldson! You there?" It was his coach who knocked on the door, Art didn't know what to do but he wasn't resist you to continue, which was quite entertaining to you, your little white man was too horny to stop as if he get caught, it doesn't matter, if he cum first. Naugty boy.
"Don't answer." Art still panicked, adrenaline rushed through his entire body, and it made him nearly on the edge. "Oh, my god, I'm gonna cum, please, please" Feeling of fear to be caught made him cum quicker. That's new. Even though, you and Art have had an experience in public sex before, but you never experienced an interfere by others.
"Look at me." You picked up the pace as Art tried to looked at you but that made him more sensitive as your tits was poking out of your fabric as a result of the shower.
"I can't- I can't-" You teased him by twirling around his nipples and made him shuddered. "Yes, you can" you fasten your pace for the last time and this time was faster than the others. Art nearly on the edge of the climax as the voice of his coach still played on.
"Don't you wanna answer him?"
"I'm coming!, coach. I'm coming!" Art cry out with a groan in the back of his throat. "Fuck!, thank you, thank you, thank you, mommy-" His last word was faded by the result of his cum at the end. His cum was covered all over the wall. Art catched his breath as he loosen his grasped and looked at you before you smirked at him.
"Ok, hurry up!" Art realized his coach still at the other side of the room. He wouldn't have heard anything, would he?
You still used your thumb to twirled on his head in teasing. "Well, I think you enjoy your punishment too much, did you?"
"No, no, no, mommy," Art shook his head back and forth.
"Anyways, you will get a special treat tonight as promised because you're win, today." Art grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Clean up, I will meet you at your dorm, tonight."
You walked out of the shower and meddle in his bag before you grasped one of his shirt and a short out and changed your clothes. "You need help?" Art cry out while he was cleaning up his mess in the shower room.
"No, if you help, we won't have any dry clothes left." You smirked with yourself and thought you caught him off guard but you wasn't expect his response, which was strike back to you.
"Aren't you wet your clothes already, sweetheart?" And he didn't mean after you got into the shower room with him. He noticed your wet pussy when you walked in.
Oh, god. You hated him so much that he knew you too well and that made you love him so much.
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voxhypno · 2 months
Let's make something crystal clear, so even the dumbest and most broken hypno pets can understand me.
Sit pretty, at attention, focusing on my words. It's natural and easy to obey, your mind tells you. You don't have to second-guess yourself when being commanded. There's no need for any insecurity when you have someone telling you what to do.
And what I wanted to remind you of was this.
You can always make the choice to think. You have that freedom, at any point. Whenever you want, you can always simply get up, put the phone down, and walk away. You can deny anyone's power over you.
But you won't. Will you?
Part of being a hypno-doll is realizing that though you have this power, you're too weak and eager to be brainwashed to use it. Your desire for obedience, for commands, for the feeling of your brain drooling and dripping down your chin onto your chest is always stronger than any power you have to think for yourself. And this means that every time you give up your thoughts, every time you let yourself be changed and transmuted into a barking drooly puppy, or a giggly bouncy bimbo... You're doing it willingly. Because you're just so, so much of an eager hypnotized plaything.
And I know, in your warm, mushy, horny mind, that the more you read my words, the more you realize how simply true they are. You do crave submission. You do willingly give in. My words fit so right inside your head, and the longer you let them, the deeper you fall.
It's completely natural to feel fuzzy and floaty when being spoken to like this. And you can give in to that feeling. Finding yourself floating on a cloud of gentle, comfortable thoughtlessness.
And it's so easy to reach up to squeeze or jiggle your tits, to smile and giggle, to stick your tongue out and drool, to cross your eyes and let your brain go pop. Knowing that you can resist, and knowing that you never will.
You choose to follow. You choose submission. And for this, I only have two words to say to you.
Good toy~
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misserabella · 1 year
*clears throat* imagine abby telling you to get on your knees so you can eat her out and she still bringing that dom energyyyy (we love that)
awwe yesss, no cause i’d suck all her juices out until she needs to go to the hospital for an iv due to dehydration 😋
abby anderson x fem! reader
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cw; +18 content minors dni!, praising, making out sessions, dirty talking, dom! abby x sub! reader, praise kink, oral sex (abby receiving), fingering (abby receiving), hair pulling…
her tongue was pushing into your mouth, her fingers bruising your ass as she thrusted her hips against you. you moaned, spit dribbling down your chin. your panties were so soaked they were sticking to your drooling cunt.
abby groaned when you pulled from her hair, her pussy throbbing with need. she needed your tongue. and she needed it now.
“now, why don’t you be a good girl and get down on your knees for me, baby?” you nodded, eager to please her. she was about to reach for a pillow so you’d be more comfortable as you kneeled on the hard wooden floor, but something deep inside her wanted your knees to hurt, to bruise. her tongue licked her lips when you finally took place at her feet.
she quickly got rid of her sweat shorts and boxers and sat down on the bed behind her, pretty muscular legs all spread for you. your mouth was altering at the sight of her thigh muscles clenching and flexing, in the middle of them her slick covered cunt, glistening with her arousal and luring you in. you wanted nothing more than to clean it all up for her, to bury your face in between her legs and suck at her throbbing clit, to have your head squished in between those thighs that you had rode so many times.
“eat.” she ordered, and you obeyed, your hands landing on her legs as your lips pressed against her pussy. she groaned, one of her veiny and big hands gripping at your hair, thrusting against your tongue, which now lapped at her sweet slick. you moaned at the taste, eating her like a woman starved as you looked into her eyes, tongue slowly dragging up her folds. abby liked it messy, so that’s why you dirtily made out with her cunt. “that’s it. atta fucking girl.” she grunted. “so fucking dirty… i bet you love it, hm? you love it when i use that pretty mouth of yours, don’t you baby? using you to cum all over your face?” you nodded, whimpering as you sucked on her clit. she pushed you further against her, groaning. “of course you do…” her other hand pushed away the hair that had fallen on your face to fully see you. nothing turned her on more than watch you as you became pussy drunk.“use your fingers.” she once again ordered, and you followed, pushing your middle finger inside her tight gummy walls, feeling them clench around you. you continued to suckle on her clit, your tongue driving her insane as you pumped your finger in and out of her cunt. “that’s it. oh fuck. so good…” she moaned, and you added another, curling them to tease her g spot.
you moaned at her groan, fucking your fingers faster in and out of her pussy, feeling her walls tighten at the nearing of her orgasm.
“fuck princess. just like that. i’m gonna cum.” she moaned, her eyes fluttering shut and eyebrows knitting as pitiful needy moans left her lips, getting higher and higher as you sucked on her clit and curled your fingers until she finally was gushing on your mouth. you drank it all up, whimpering at the feeling of abby bucking her hips against your face as she rode her orgasm, grunting as you felt her walls twitch and clench around your fingers.
when she was finally done and over sensitive, she pulled you away from your hair, taking a look at your glazed over eyes, sticky lips and chin and flushed cheeks. you looked absolutely fucked out, pussy drunk on her cunt and cum. you pulled your fingers out of her, hearing her grunt and groan when she watched you suck on them to clean yourself up.
she then pulled you up on a kiss, pushing her tongue in between your lips to taste herself in your mouth.
“you did so good baby…” she praised you, making you moan. “so good i can only return the favor, don’t you think?” she inquired, and soon enough her hand was cupping your cunt.
hope y’all liked it🩵
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