#to be clear vash and knives have a strained relationship in this au that is sometimes neutral positive. bc aus where they’re perfectly fine
taketheringtolohac · 9 months
Who would you cast in which roles in your trigun rhps shadowcast? 👀
Ok so when I was posting about that I was not actually envisioning them doing an entire rhps shadowcast it was more like an au where that is the backdrop so basically it’s something like this:
Vash is a regular shadowcast member, he mostly plays Frank but is something of a swing for all roles. He’s been doing it for a while and he’s got some good friends their. Meryl and Milly are Columbia and Magenta, respectively. Livio is newer to the cast, but he’s getting the hang of it.
Livio is about to make his big debut as Riff Raff and he invites Wolfwood to see the show because it’s important to him. Also because he thinks it would embarrass the hell out of him. Wolfwood goes, he is made to play in the virgin games, he is embarrassed because he was Not expecting any of this but he is. Utterly charmed by the handsome blonde playing Frank (it’s Vash) so he keeps coming back despite the embarrassment. He gets the hang of it and even starts saying some callbacks too. Livio knows he is crushing on Vash hard, he jokes that he should join the cast. Cut to Wolfwood who has now joined the cast. Not even two months later. He plays Brad even though he is bashful about it.
Legato is a part of the cast sometimes. Generally he thinks he is too cool for them (he’s not) but when he gets over himself he also plays Riff, but he’s played Criminologist as well. A really really weird Criminologist. Knives engages in queer discourse about Rocky Horror. He would never call it that, but he thinks he’s above it and it’s inane, and also that it’s degrading and morally bankrupt. Vash convinced him to do it once. He was Eddie. He enjoyed it. It is his greatest shame.
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