#to all the amos fans (me) im so sorry for her mischaracterization
carmendeiact2whenplz · 9 months
Hear me out- it’s the strongest weapon (in terms of lore) in Genshin.
So far, we don’t know exactly how or why it was originally created- which to be fair, how exactly would go about creating a weapon that “draws power from everyone and everything in the world?”
But regardless- *Very* long story short, its original user managed to (or at least it was sorta implied) kill a god with it. However, according to the ingame cutscene where it’s shown that Amos is holding the bow, it’s purple and white as opposed to blue and white. Meaning the bow is less than level 40, nowhere near its max level, not to mention refinements (though I’m not sure how that would work in canon)
Let’s say the lore accurate strength of the bow is the strongest when they’re not only physically far from what they want, but the thing they want is virtually unobtainable.
Amos and Ganyu both have things they want but can’t have, but they also have plenty of things that they want but do currently have, and while their lives probably aren’t amazing, it isn’t too terrible either, and they’re still pretty strong with that bow (not entirely sure about Ganyu’s power with the bow, but I assume she’s most likely fairly strong given she’s an Adepti)
Now imagine someone who has nothing. All their loved ones are far away and/or dead, all their dreams have been crushed, they have no money, no friends, no will to live, etc. And then they somehow pick up this bow. If they shoot it into the sky at just the right angle, they could literally blow up Celestia with it. And possibly cause the 2nd Cataclysm as well.
TLDR: If someone can alter the entire course of history and cause an end to a war that lasted thousands of years just because they guy they were in love with didn’t like them back, with a level 1 R1 copy of this weapon, this weapon could be *far* more powerful if max level, max refinement if in the wrong hands.
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