#to add insult to injury the periwigs aren’t even good periwigs
silverfoxstole · 8 months
Rewatching Garrow’s Law for the first time in years and trying not to grind my teeth down to the gums at the state of the costuming, which looks as though someone went through the eighteenth century section of Angels pulling out bits at random and then shoved them all together. People are wearing a mishmash of styles from different decades, often all at once!
Why is Garrow dressed about thirty years out of date? Why is Lady Sarah (or rather Lady Hill, as she should be addressed since the title is her husband’s) running around town minus her chemise so effectively without underwear (or a footman or maid but that’s another matter)? Why do hardly any women seem to own a cloak or shawl, or wear a hat out of doors? Why do none of them wear a cap indoors? And why are so many men wearing frigging periwigs in the 1790s?!!
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