#to actually answer your q which I guess is just. if theres any I like?
journal-three · 7 months
Hazbin ships?
I think there's just one but it's stuck in the side of the hotel.
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youcancallmemeimei · 3 years
2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40 sorry for a lot of Qs!
Hahaha what a curious kitty cat but its okay, thats what this is all about right?
2. are you single or taken?
Single and its okay like this i guess haha
4. do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?
Yes and no, and it depends what you mean by separate haha but i'll go with the deeper one if thats okay? yes its okay to separate the artist from the art because sometimes when for example, i paint something during a depressive episode i might not feel like that anymore, so that piece of art represented me at that time but not anymore, but at the same time that used to be me so i cant deny that, i think art is not something you can judge putting the artist aside, because art comes from what's in the heart, but our hearts change so even tho we might have done something at some point it the artist you are seeing now might not be the one who painted/drew/sculpted/wrote/etc a certain piece a while ago, they might be two completely different people... idk...
5. how many accounts do you have?
1 for the public haha
9. favorite brand of clothing?
Fast fashion: Zara
Luxury: Prada, Miu Miu and Burberry haha
10. name a dog
Nube if its she (and white), or Gustavo if it's a he.
15.what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
Are you single? How old are you? and i'm so tired ask me something else when you see me come on, ask me whats my favourite fast food restaurant, ask me why do i smell like strawberries, ask me who's my biggest inspiration, a quote that changed my life, not if i'm in a relationship or not, like (? are you planning on changing that? you have no chance, get outta here!
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
I wouldn't get anything tbh
17. google the top song from the year you were born
The number one is absolutely disgusting so im not going to name it but id say one that i really like from that year is "You're still the one" by Shania Twain
18. rant about your favorite musician
I might seem like the most boring person but i dont have a favourite musician but i've been listening to Daft Punk since i can remember, but on the other hand classical music and Glenn Miller have always been around too so yeah
22. if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
From current artists i'd really like to see any kpop groups because those concerts look absolutely hectic and all the good fun.
23. if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
procrastinating, and yeah we all do, but the problem is that i can do it and i still get my stuff done, i've convinced myself that i work better under pressure and my ideas flow better when i'm in a rush, so i tend to procrastinate a lot because as i said, I STILL GET EVERYTHING DONE and i hate it :(
25. what’s something you can’t stop buying?
Water bottles hahaha
32. how old do you get mistaken for?
I don't really know, but people usually ask for my id or don't let me go places because they say i look underage
33. what do you think about a lot
37. have you ever been called down to the principals office?
No, i'm a good girl, my bio says it, nothing but the best behaviour always hahaha
38. post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
Anything Jisoo or Joy wear
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39. describe your aesthetic
I dont really know actually... do i have one? can you see a pattern? please let me know how you'd describe it haha
40. answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation
Regina George
I hope you got to know me a little bit better haha sorry if theres some missing q's maybe i don't want to answer some or i just forgot haha
have a lovely week <3 <3 <3 <3
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
Book 3 FAQ!
Need to catch up? Heres all the previous FAQs 1 * 2 Heres the master post of all three books 1 * 2 * 3
Wow...you would think that with the whole pandemic that I’d get these chapters out faster. But alas this year got the best of me too. I’ve been a lil vulnerable in the tags with y’all and the check-in messages really touched me. So thank you very much to everyone that has checked up on me and enjoyed the chapters! I appreciate all of you :3 So lets roll out the questions!
Q: Who is Iwata based off? A: Iwata is based off my self-insert, which is also me. I know that sounds a lil narcissistic but it’s that real life reference that you’re a spitting image of your parent. Iwata was designed to look and act very similar to his mother based off that. What made him a little more original and not a copy of my self-insert is the tropes I added. I mirrored the trope of that of the relationship between Steven and his mom in Steven Universe; where he adored, then hated but then came to terms that he is not his mom but someone better. A whole journey of self-discovery and self-worth.
Q: The representation is amazing! How did you come up with these queer characters? A: Glad you liked them! Like I’ve said in previous FAQs and in the tags, all these characters were dreamt and I just build upon them in writing. So yes, most of my characters were created queer in my dreams but I make them more in depth by setting up how they discovered they’re queer. I did a bit of research on coming out stories and self-discovery epiphanies to have these characters more relatable so a fellow queer reader feels seen in a way. There’s already too much hetero works out there, I just want to gay it up in a respectful way. 
Q: The culture mixing is really good and consistent, how do you do it? A: For starters, I am latina. But the culture mixing stems from my knowledge about other cultures through language. I’ve been studying Japanese for almost a decade now and Chinese for about 4 years, so it’s no surprise that I’m referencing them in my work. Maybe what I depict isn’t what other half-Japanese half-Latinx families do, but it’s what I’d do if I started such a family. Plus there’s some overlap within those cultures and it makes it easy to put into writing.
Q: So. much. drama! Why is this book more dramatic than the previous two? A: Book 3 is were main on-going plot gets picked up more and shows signs of resolution. In book 2, it was to focus on not only Lili and the family dynamic but to remind the reader that life moved on with little resolve for the self-insert character. Iwata has a HUGE role in the resolution but in his own special way. And I’m not saying the answer is love...but it’s leaning there. 
Q: You reference specific food and snacks in this AU/ what are your favorite Cheetos? A: Like I said, I’m latina! Of course I write in the food of my home culture. Mainly the home cooked meals my mom would make for me and my siblings. It might not seem like much to the reader, but those simple meals add to the narrative of being home and traditions that help them embrace their mixed heritage. The reference of Cheetos are all over this AU because they’re my favorite hot chip. Naturally, my favorite Cheetos are the Hot con Límon with chamoy. 
Q: Love that there’s no canon character deaths in this book so far, but are there any major deaths planned? A: Just one but it’s not a tragic, hero fallen type death. It’s a natural death but it’s gonna be a tear jerker. That death won’t come until the WAY end of this AU, so I’m not gonna spoil anything yet.
Q: Can’t believe you predicted Dabi’s true identity. A: It was obvious tho. I didn’t really predict anything canon if you’re an anime only for BNHA. In this AU (without spoiling too much) there’s no Endeavor redemption and Dabi doesn’t cause that big drama on live TV. So if you’re an Endeavor hater like me, you’re gonna love what I have in store for them in the next book!
Q: I love Tenya being a dad and loving husband in this AU! Will we see more dad moments? A: Glad you like those snippets of dad Tenya! I love writing them for my own indulgence since there isn’t enough love for this character in the fandom. Plus I see a whole lot of consistent readers are Iida-stans and that makes me want to write more married fluff whenever I can.
Q: Beizu is best boi/Who is Beizu based off of? A: Beizu is the genius trope in this book. I made his character a more chill version of his mom but with that ‘who is my dad’ trope. Beizu is part of a trio that’s to mirror the agent trio of Ita, Jin and Mimi. The third member is yet to be revealed but they’re a BIG plot device in the coming book. But Beizu is one of my favorite OCs, maybe I’ll do a ranking of my OCs when everyone is introduced. 
Q: The villains and Hawks plot has me SHOOK! What’s going to happen to hero society when this case gets solved? A: Without spoiling it, the truth is going to expose the corrupt higher ups in hero society. The kids in the household has a part in taking down hero society as well but in their own, special way. Iwata has the biggest part in closing the case (but it’s spoiler if I say how), Lili and twins help tearing down minor things like education systems and laws. I will say though, the case gets resolved after the trio retires because Ita gets to return to America and found an heir to the company before they could draw to a conclusion. Which is a happy ending at the end of the storyline, no major deaths!
Q: Confirmed weddings? A: Yes :) because Lili and Iwata deserve good things and love. The twins have it easy in the coming book. Lili’s comes first and Iwata’s comes later than expected (can’t say why yet, gotta keep reading :3). I guess I can say that all of them get married but Lili’s and Iwata’s are the only queer ones. All the spouses that marry into the family take the Iida name, so Lili and Hanaka don’t change family names when they get married! Y’all already know those wedding chapters are gonna be lavish and take up most of the chapter, you’ll love them.
Q: But are the kids Joji stans? A: Oh jeez...they are the same way we like 80′s music. It’s pleasant to listen to but kinda cringe when you see your parents dance to it. I don’t really portray it, but the family digital library has all of Joji’s music in a playlist called ‘Sad hours Soundtrack’. If you ask Mr Muffins 2.0 who last listened to the playlist, they’ll snitch who and how many times it has been looped. That’s how Tenya knows who needs cheering up.
Q: I love the little references to their childhood, what else can you tell us about their pre-book childhood? A: As I said a few times in the tags, I cut a ton of stuff that isn’t relevant to the plot. Most of it was their childhood and how they manifested their quirks. Lili really liked to scream before she learned to talk, a very fast learner and at 3 years old got her engine quirk and later that year showed signs of a second quirk. Iwata was very quiet child, hardly cried or gets upset but latched on to mom a lot. His first words were in Spanish but struggled a bit with Japanese before entering kinder. Tensei was born first, then Hanaka followed 10 minutes later. Hanaka’s fire quirk manifested after the first breast feeding when she was getting burped by mom in the hospital. Mom likes to believe Tensei came out first to warn everybody that Hanaka can breathe fire. Tensei didn’t manifest his metal quirk until the age of 7, making him a very late bloomer. Though very different in personalities, Hanaka and Tensei get along and get very creative when it’s playtime. Up until the age of 5, mom would place Hanaka in kindling to get the BBQ grill or bonfire started. Hanaka has been known to randomly burst into flames as a baby, so Tensei had to sleep in a different crib for his safety. Tensei spent more time reading as a child because everyone was focused on managing Hanaka’s flames, thus making him a very studious boy.
Q: Not an AU question, but how are you doing?/ We don’t mind waiting for the chapters! Please take your time. A: I’ve been getting check ins and validation in my asks for the inconsistent schedule. Too many things came at me this year, both good and bad. I was doing well in speech and debate that I went to nationals and prepared myself for some serious competition, leaving no time to do chapters. Then I fell in and out of depressive episodes during lockdown where I’m from. In the summer my grandmother passed away from the virus in Mexico, then my beloved dog Mr Muffins passed away of old age. Those deaths hurt me and my family the most that I was having a hard time trying to cope plus trying to be responsible by adhering to CDC guidelines (I’m in the immune-comprised group). In my want to get over my grief, I trained and received my certificate in ordained ministry (yea I know that’s not the best first step, but I just needed to feel like I’ve achieved something being cooped up at home). I’ve very grateful that theres some readers that see the tags and check up on me. All your kind words gives me a little strength to write and finish every chapter at my pace.
Q: More art please? A: Yes :3 I have one coming up real soon! After the end of this book is where I’ll be releasing some art as a sort of place holder.
Q: Is the the estate drama eluding to the ending? A: Yup! And it will show up every now and then in the next book.
Q: This is a really good self insert AU! There’s complexity to your character and others...how do you write these interactions/relationships really close to actual ones? A: Thanks for the complement :3 When I first started this AU, I was in the middle of my semester of a creative writing course. Near the end of book 2 was when I finished the course work for it and by then you could see the progression in writing. ALSO, I’m a communications major as well! Writing these relationships and other social things were things that I remembered learning in my interpersonal communications class. I was a bit on fence on whether or not to start this AU because I didn’t think my writing skill was at all that good. With some encouragement from my classmates and friends, I pushed myself to write this whole AU out. I don’t plan on stopping until I finish the storyline, plus I hate leaving things unfinished.
And that wraps up this FAQ! Hopefully I got everyone’s questions since most were check-ins for me. But expect the last chapter for book 3 in the next few days. After Book 3, I’m going on a lil hiatus until the end of February. I have so many life events happening in the upcoming weeks that I’m gonna need time to recharge before resuming this AU. Y’all know I bounce back as promised, in the meantime, I have some art things queued to remind y’all that Book 4 is in the works. Only 2 more books to go! Thanks again for reading and I’ll talk you y’all again later in the tags~
-Love, Palma-sama
P.S. Heres the end of Book 3 for your connivence :3 other links are at the top of this post! 
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[image description: a q&a for the webcomic someone always cares. full desc under the cut because its long and wordy sorry]
post chapter 3 Q&A
first - previous - next
thanks for yalls questions!! it was fun to answer! if anyone still has questions feel free to ask whenever i am always 100% down to ramble. even if i did go slightly off topic in some answers
additional: went off topic with the hair question a bit. their bright hair is all part of the transformations. regular hair dye does exist though. best way to tell is that if the eyebrow matches the hair its probably not dyed. also, quartz’s hair is naturally ginger.
also for more on ages, check out the character bios here
also was gonna keep this in the tags but thought i might as well actually try to answer it: the question i found it hardest to answer was someone the song one. my taste in music is. a mess really. ive been listening to like the same 5 songs on repeat all day. more under the cut because i was rambling again and now its uhhh half 1am
if it helps at the time of answering that specific question i had home by cavetown on repeat, and that song reminds me of both rami and lewis. but that may be because i project onto those two a lot, and as a aro trans dude. who sucks with people skills, yeah of course i love that song.
specifically the vibes of like not knowing how to communicate (rami is fine with his friends but other people are different), the lines “ Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place, Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane” idk what the porcelain face line is supposed to mean but im picturing it as like. a mask. that you need to take off and stop hiding and rami does tend to hide when hes feeling upset, and the next two lines kinda could tie into that, like the feeling of when youre overwhelemed and just want the world to stop so you just hide somewhere. also the colours could go with chapter 3 with the chromatic abberation.
also the bit with “ my eyes went dark, I don't know where, my pupils are, But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here” just kinda sums up ramis whole hero thing with his powers and all. anyway this has turned into less what songs rami would like and why this particular song reminds me of him and lewis (lewis specifically has the hair cutting/chest hiding, [big transmasc mood], and also messy haired trainwreck who doesnt know who he is yet. also the ghosts bit)
i did end up picking upbeat songs because ramis a dude who like to try and be upbeat even if things arent. even if hes not really feeling it he will pretend to.
[full description: Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: “hi ily!!! do characters like quartz who have colored hair have that naturally or did they dye it?”
“its both natural and not! while most supers can do a magical girl ish transformation, including a change in hair colour, there are some exceptions.”
theres two small full body drawings of rami, one in civilian clothes, one fully transformed.
“if a superhero were to have a biological child, the child will inherit the powers of the parent(s). however, the child will not inherit the full transfromation. they do inherit any physical transformations, but not the outfit.”
theres a drawing of a woman in blue, quartz’s mother, fully transformed, holding her mask in her hand, smiling down at a much younger quartz as a child. hes smiling back up at her with the same blue eyes, pointy ears, and blue hair, but hes still in normal clothes.
“in the case of quartz, both of hisparents had superpowers, and he inherited those powers and the physical transformations.he can also pick and mix whatphysical traits to change.“
next is a headshot of adult quartz, his face split down the middle with one side having hair and eye like his mother, the other like his father. theres a list of traits from each parents, blue hair and eyes and pointy ears from his mum, and purple hair and eyes and pointy teeth from their dad.
 “Anonymous said to someone-always-cares:  Are all the characters the same age? If not, how old are they? Are they irl friends or just superhero friends?”
theres some headshots of rami and his team lined up with ages labelled: cam is 15, rami himself is 17, lin, mateo, and dante, are all 18, and cap is 20.
“rami and xandra were somewhat friends before she got superpowers, so when, after the incident with her old team, she found rami had developed powers, xandra stuck close to him. their other teamates started off as superhero friends but soon turned into irl friends too”
theres a headshot of lewis and jade. theyre both 17
“when lewis first decided to start being a vigilante,jade quickly found him and decided to help train himand offered to be a mentor of sorts, as they both have similar powers. that quickly derailed.”
“ cinder5555 said to someone-always-cares: How long does it usually take to make a comic page? I'm curious because they're so freaking good that they must take FOREVER”
theres a drawing of myself, a fluffy hair tired bastard in a hoodie, smiling
“Thanks! Ive been doing this shit since like 2017 and i still have no idea how long it takes me. i can get a page done in a day if i have nothing else to do or if its a simple page, but if i have work then maybe 2-3 days? i spend like, most of my free time doing this.“
another drawing of me, now looking frustrated muttering “how the FUCK does time work”
“but i can never do it all on one sitting.i will inevitably get distracted and zone out daydreaming mid drawing so its very hard to get an accurate read on how long it takes. so however long a piece of string is i guess“
the only qustion not from tumblr is a discord message from RuneStone Cabin:
“Q: Can you talk about the incidence of superpowers in this world? Like many people are supers, which powers are more or less common, how long they've been a thing for, stuff like that. Also does Omen know I'd die for them “
theres a drawing of omen pointing at a date circled on a calender marked “decembuary”, theyre saying “i know. i already wrote your death in my calender.”
then a giant wall of text reading: “Supers have only existed for a relativly short time, since the early 1940s. momento mori was the second person to have ever gained powers.
Only a small number of the population are supers! the chances are higher in more populated cities, but unusally london has oneof the higher percentages of supers. while nobody in universe has any idea of the origins of superpowers, it does seem that powers are more likely to occur in people who would actually use their powers.
as for what powers are most common, after making a badly catagorized spreadsheet of every superpowered character ive made for this world (70% of which will probably never even be seen), turns out that elemental powers are the most common. although not all elemental powers manifest as the straight up 'controling this element' as seen in characters like lin or tsunami. for example, iris's powers would fall under shadow elemntal powers, but theyre a lot more weird that just controlling shadows.there are some abilities that have never been seen before,such as ressurection or full on time travel (aka anything that could bring a character back to life), but powers are certainly allowed to toe the line eg healing, powers involving undeath, immortality, pausing or manipulating time.
aside from that, anything goes. you could get plain old superstrength, but you could also get the ability to create dogs with your mind. other not quite rules, more guidelines are that supers are immune to their own powers hurting them (unless they were pushing themselves too hard), although the way the imminuties occur may be inconvinient to the super.
while some powers may be 'more powerful' than others, powers dont really get to be way underpowered or overpowered in comparision to others. sure being able to talk to animals may feel a bit useless compared to someone who can lift 4 tanks at once, but nobodys going to end up with a power like 'can turn into a goose but only once' or 'can grow toenails twice as fast' or 'if i sneeze i can change my hair colour'. at the same time, youre not going to get someone with the power to snap their fingers and level a city, or instantly blow up the moon or whatever.
“Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: I love rami PLEASE tell me his favorite song(s) and why. I will die for you”
a drawing of rami saying out loud “i dont really have any specific favourite song, really? i just listen to whatever sounds catchy and then listen to that on repeat for hours until i hate it. i guess i do like upbeat songs? ones that make you feel happy even if the lyrics are sad”
“ un1c0rnhh said to someone-always-cares: tell me,,, please,, cam,,, are they a cat person or a dog person?? ily"
theres a drawing of cam a metre away from a cat lying down. she has her arm out and is making ‘psspsspss’ noises at it. end id]
FUCK i am so glad i didnt hand write all of that, it would have been a major pain in the ass to write it all and then have to transcribe all that next. but nope i could directly copy paste the asks and word answers. cheers if anyone made it this far down. if anyone wonders why this is uploaded late, you know now.
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zebrashavestrips · 2 years
oooooh all the q's
Hello anon! I’m guessing you mean the wlw + mlm asks so here it is!
1. describe your crush / partner.
I’m not really crushing anyone right now tbh, just hanging out with friends and trying new things.
2. describe your perfect date.
The simple answer, going to a brewery and playing board games. I love any competitive activity tbh but with the right vibes, we could also go walk around the streets and have deep talks. maybe lay down at the beach or a park and look at the sky.
3. describe your dream house.
I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS SOOOO MUCH but thats also because its a near life goal right now. Anyways room#1 a game/ hangout room to watch tv, read, play board or console games, and work lol cant forget about working. Then room#2 would be a guest room with a murphy bed to save space. Room#3 would be my bedroom with a closet with enough space to separate my clothes and gear. The livign room would have what i like to call a scream box, basically these like conference call soundproof phonebooths but could also be used to scream the stress. Bc i have a whole bunch of stuffed animals from family and friends, i want to build a claw machine to store them and thats like another gaming device in my house. The kitchen i actually havent thought that much about but i think i want a lot of counterspace and idk how else it would look like rn. The garage would store all my gear and the camper van i would use for adventures. I would also like a grass patch in the front but theres no more space in the bay area so the park will do. OHHH and a straight roof or patio to watch the skies.
4. describe your dream life.
i see my life with two lifestyles: one like a day job, where most of the week I'd work during the day and hang out with friends afterwards or chill at home and wind down; another full of adventure - hikes, climbing, camping, some day trips to hang out somewhere. some combination of that with friends and we kinda just keep doing that.
5. describe your ideal partner.
Someone to do most of my hobbies with, to challenge and grow together. Kinda someone that I can continuously learn from in any aspect. I really enjoy having people around me just doing our own things together so things like that.
6. morning cuddles or night cuddles?
Night cuddles
7. big spoon or little spoon?
Little spoon
8. hugs or kisses?
9. walks on the beach or walks in the forest?
Walks in the forest
10. sitting on your partner’s lap or them on yours?
Them sitting on my lap
11. favourite lgbt movie?
Imagine me & you… soooo cute
12. favourite lgbt book?
I actually don’t really read that many books but I love a good enemies to lovers, fake dating, soulmates angst. I’m in the middle of We Are Okay by Nina Lacour. But I did read a lot of fanfic and there was this soulmate AU with a name tattooed on each wrist and you don’t know which one is a platonic soulmate and which one is a romantic soulmate.
13. favourite lgbt character?
Fictional, Laura Hollis. Real, Hayley Kiyoko
14. favourite lgbt ship?
The og hollstein! Ughhh I miss them so much
15. favourite lgbt song?
Oooo this is hard, I actually have a few… can I give top 3? Whatever, it’s my blog. Top 3 are sleepover by hayley kiyoko, kiss the boy by keiynan lonsdale, and sick of losing soulmates by dodie
16. what’s your favourite thing about your partner / crush?
I don’t have one to talk about
17. what’s the best thing to do with your partner / crush?
I don’t have one to talk about
18. how did you meet your partner / crush?
I don’t have one to talk about
19. what first attracted you to your partner / crush?
I don’t have one to talk about
20. what’s something that reminds you of your partner / crush?
I don’t have one to talk about
21. what’s your lgbt identity?
les be honest
22. when did you realise you’re lgbt?
After I broke up with my boyfriend in high school I started questioning my sexuality and the thoughts followed through in college. Tbh that phase in college really helped me realize I wasn’t into men like how I thought I was in high school.
23. do you fit any stereotypes for your sexuality?
obsessed with hayley kiyoko, carabiners oh so many carabiners, can’t sit in chairs properly, tucked shirt cuffed jeans, always short nails, super athletic, climbing, loves building things like I just helped my best friend move in so we had hella furniture to put together
24. have you ever been to pride?
I think I went twice? I remember who I went with the first time going but I don’t remember the second. All I recall was being able to buy a drink.
25. how did you / do you plan to come out?
Family wise, I came out to my sister first waaay back when, she kinda found out looking at pictures on my phone and asked me about it. My little brother is my best friend so I told him a bit after I started dating. I came out to my parents 2 years ago bc I was dating someone during the pandemic and I wanted to do a small trip to/with her. Their reactions were a lot better than I expected actually - a lecture about queer relationship and safe sex, and a Confucius quote… so not bad? My older brother knows that I know that he knows I’m gay but I never explicitly told him lol that’s just our dynamic.
26. do you remember the name of your first crush?
I do but I shall not say
27. how did you first kiss go?
My very first kiss was super sweet and awkward. This guy I dated in high school walked me home and as we were saying bye, we hugged and stood for what felt like 5 minutes before we did like a small kiss. And then he walked me closer to my door and left to catch the bus
28. what did you do on your first date?
My very first date was super basic, we went to watch a movie and have dinner, got dessert and talked at bart waiting to go home
29. who was the first person you came out to?
I think, like it’s been a long time, I think the first person or even people I came out to was my group of friends from high school on a camping trip after graduation
30. pick a question of your choice + answer it.
I’ve answered all these questions but these were fun. Thanks anon! Hope you have a good one!!
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kkamist · 6 years
tags (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ok so ive been tagged in different tags by different people ,,, nd have procrastinated on actually doing them ,, so i decided to compile all of them in one post !!
warning: this will be a v long post ,, read only if u wanna ,, know more abt me i guess (why would u lmAO)
fact tag?? i guess
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions
was tagged by maria !! @s0ftminho ♡ඩ⌔ඩ♡
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: yellow,, peach,, nd black
Top 3 ships: oof idk?? oo nomin probably !!
Lipstick or chapstick: i dont use them :”)
Last song: im listening to gfriend - rough rn!
Last movie: spiderman homecoming hAHHAHA ( i was doing a mini marvel marathon bc my dad had the movies and didnt ! tell ! me ! but i uh stopped there lmao )
Top 3 shows: i dont watch shows often,, but i do rly like knowing brothers, night goblin :”) nd its dangerous outside the blanket! oooo theres also cafe amor that is p cute too !!
Currently reading: ok if manga counts, kimi no todoke nd bnha ,, if not ,, waking gods by sylvain neuvel (but i paused like ,, last yr prob hAHHA)
kpop + music tag!
ok so i was tagged by @01yoonjin to do ,, both of these tags if im not wrong,, and @maetaamong tagged me for the music shuffle tag and @hyuunjins tagged me for the kpop tag thingy aha
music shuffle tag
rules: put all of your phone’s music library – no playlists! – on shuffle. list the first ten songs that play. bold the song(s) that lift your mood and italicise the song(s) that makes you the most emotional. then tag ten people!
mad city - nct 127
campfire - svt
us now - vixx
hold me tight - bts
talk me down  - troye sivan
paradise - nct 127
too good - troye sivan
grr 총량의 법칙 - skz
another world - nct 127
blue - troye sivan ft alex hope
kpop tag
rules: answer the questions!
1) 5 favorite groups?
2) Top 5 on your bias list? (no particular order)
(lee) chan
(lee) mark
jr (jonghyun)
3) Ult Bias group and why you love them?
oof ok i,,, dont know? im not the type to actually Stay ulting a group?? like ill stan then ,,, then,, get into another grp,,, yeah,,,, im not v loyal aa my friends always ask what grps i stan and im liek ,,,,, idk,,,, i stan a Lot,,, (that was a real convo between a new friend i made weeks ago) but i guess,, atm its skz? their music is,, my taste? like the meaning of it nd all,, and uh theyre also v v fun to b with,, there isnt a moment when i dont smile whenever i see one of their vids or during their vlives :”) tbh what i like the most in groups i stan is their humor lmao,,, like if theyre v funny, i automatically love them even more :”))
4) Ult Bias and why you love them?
again,,, idk man,, i dont think i even Ult hAHHA ok but i ,, rlly like bae jinyoung nd chani hHAHHA ok but also ,,,, hyunjin. that boy,,,,,  id do anything for him tbh ,,  also bjy wasnt even mentioned in  2 but,,, i rlly love him ,, like idk,, i dont stan w1 as much now but ,, whenever i see him im like :-))))) (same goes for chani aa) fiuwe idk y i like them sm tho aa
5) Favorite Kpop Meme
iiiiii dont have any guawdeij
6) Favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one)
ok what,,, i dont even know my ult hAHAH
7) 5 Favorite Kpop MVs
dont stop - twice (this is in jap tho,, does it count?)
nuest - daybreak
blooming days - exo cbx
you&me - kisum
go - nct dream
8) 10 Favorite Kpop songs?
vivid - loona/heejin
heart attack - loona/chuu
singing in the rain - loona/jinsoul
scentist - vixx
boss - nct u
rollercoaster - chungha
shine - pentagon
blooming days - exo cbx
trigger - vixx
my valentine - vixx
nd a lot more auief
9) Favorite Kpop crack video?
oof i dont watch crack often-
10) Favorite content creator within the fandom?
all of them!! :”)
11) What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of?
aa atm the sk fandom !! i was q active in the svt fandom in my main blog but i dont make content anymore :-( i do want to b active in other grps (like nct nd sf9 nd mayb nuest) but i dont have enough Commitment to run other blogs at the same time :”)))
12) Take your top 3 biases- fmk
these arent my top 3 but-
F(riendly convo with) - murk leeeee
M - oof tbh id marry seungcheol or mingYU OmG :-)))))))) hes not my bias but ,, hes such husband material tbh ,,,,,,,,
K - lee chan bc he,, keeps Killing me w those looks even when im tryna stan another grp ughrei
13) If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose?
chani? or chenle!! for chani ,, we’re q similar nd we both like chicken !!!!!!!!!!!! so yes. for chenle ,, we’re also kinda similar but we def have the same humor ,,, which is always great  :^)))))
14) If you could date any idol, who?
hm,,, tbh these days ive been feeling Soft for mark (lee) nd !! also bjy ,,,, ahHa im sorry hyunjin yshvriIHFED
15) What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
vixx - eau de vixx bc nO ONE i know talks abt it :-((((
16) Are you a soft or a hard stan?
swoft??? or medium idK HAHAH
17) An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
100% hyunjin,,, Also bjy.
18) An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
o man is also hyunjin aLSO mark lee :-))))))))))
19) Favorite vocalist?
oof hm,, defo seungkwan ,,, seokmin,,, basically svt’s vocal team :-))) oOF reading this again ,, yo haechan???? God tier vocals,,, pls stan nct :-)))
20) Favorite Rapper?
oo ok so i watched high school rapper nd i really like osshun? nd oH bang jaemin :”) aa i need to watch s2 soon jgafiue
in terms of idols, defo 3racha,,, theyre So Good uiahrfiu
21) Favorite dancer?
aAA in terms of girls: cHUNGHA!! for boys its ,, basically all of svt performance team nd,, ten and taeyong- (i like a lot of dancers its hard to choose ifajoiwe)
22) Things you have in common with your ult?
ok i,, dk my ult but ill just do it w the idols i put in in that q - for hyunjin i feel like we ,, both struggle w cooking lmAo nd have troubles waking up early :”) ,, actually now that i think abt it,, were both v quiet nd shy but when u get to know us? were v Loud nd savage (same w bjy nd chani) also again ,, chani likes chicken, i do too so :-)))))))
23) The mot beautiful trait any idol can have?
hm,, confidence? it takes a lot for someone to just go on stage and sing/dance etc,, like i would Never b able to do that- (proven today: had a skit and had a shaky voice the whole time , also laughed alot oops)
24) Songs that will always make you jam along?
vIVID by heejin nd singing in the rain by jinsoul nD ALL THE OTHER LOONA SONGS-
also rock by skz !!!!! nd nd omg rollercoaster by chungha nd,,, scentist by vixx nd many others hAHAH
25) Your worst wrecker?
in skz its ,,,,,,,, ***** :-)) also nomin have been wrecking me these days ,, rip
26) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to?
0 bc my parents wont let me :-(
27) Favorite choreo?
there r too many-
28) Favorite live performance?
also too many- but i do like concert performances where the fans sing along too- like those Hit me in the feels everytime (eg: smile flower - svt!!!) iahfnie (does this even count lmao)
29) Favorite debut mv?
adore u- svt !! (3rd anniv coming up ihHIWU)
30) Recommend a rookie group
skz obv, loona, unb ,, (g)i-dle !!
31) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
there is a Lot but prob vivid - heejin hAHAH I RLLY LIKE THAT SONG AUWIFHIAU
20 question tag!
rules: answer 20 questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better
i was tagged by em !! @realstraykids  (´∀`)♡
name: hazirah (oo name reveal :^))
nickname(s): haz
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: i am smoller than em ,, barely 5 feet :-)))))))))
languages spoken: ok ,, eng, malay, arabic, uuuh tiiiiiny bit of chinese and im now (kind of) self learning korean :^)
nationality: singaporean
favourite season: ok we dont have fall in sg,, but fall !!
favourite flowers: baby’s breath!
favourite scents: the scent of fried chicken :-)) or fresh laundry ,,, also petrol smell :-) 
favourite color: i answered above but yellow, peach nd black
favourite animal: shiba inus !!
favourite fictional characters: mmmm kacchan nd aizawa nD TODOROKI IFIAEUR HOW COULD I FORGET HIM O Mg frm bnha !! also baz nd simon frm the book carry on, simon by raindow rowell (one of my fav books tbh) ,,,, also tanaka frm tanaka kun is always listless bc hes goals tbh. ALSO oMg USUI TAKUMI FRM KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA OH MY GODUIHF
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ok in cold countries i Always get hot chocolate,, here in sg i always get green tea,, or ice lemon tea sometimes :-)))
average sleeping hours: 5-6
dog or cat person: both but more towards cats tbh
number of blankets you sleep with: 1
dream trip: the world !! or like japan/england ,, 
blog established: feb 1 2018
followers: a number :-)
random fact: mmmmmmmm i broke my fast w two of my friends last night nd caught up w each other nd im v happy :-)))))
nd thats the end !! (not really,, theres like 2 slefie tags but i have 0 pics oops) but if you read through all this,, congratulations,, you probably know me more than my classmates :-))))
9 notes · View notes
dndfuckhouse · 4 years
CuriousCat Archive
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A series of Q&A’s that were sent onto the group curiouscat, now imported here for readability and easy editing :y
Q -  would psalm suck toes? y/n
Psalm: When would I ev-? Actually, never mind. The answer is no, of course not.
Q -  Does Amos only eat cheese...
Keva: he takes when he can get
Q -  plum you ever smoke weed before just curious
Q - Han what is your hair care routine
Han: well its less mine and more a friend of mine's... they just gave me some gooey stuff that smells real nice and told me to use it once a week!! i dont know what to do about the growing black roots tho..... :(
Q - mister finn have u ever kissed before...
Finn: T-thats a very personal question! How rude... I've done it once, of course.
Q -  han, would you drink with finn again? are you two getting closer?
Han: ...its easier to get close the more drunk we get so ye....
Q -  Han, whats your favourite liquor? -Finn
Q - Psalm, do you believe in fate?
Psalm: Fate is a very romantic notion, and in the past I probably would've said no. Right now I have no choice but to believe in it, I think.
Q -  on a scale of 1 to 10 han how much did you enjoy your fight with psalm (the one from the rp channel)
Han: ONE!!!!!! IM GLAD HE ACCEPTED BUT I DIDNT FUCKING WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but ill win next time watch out psalm this tiger is OUT FOR BLOOD Psalm: :psalmface:
Q -  on a scale of one to ten how much did PSALM enjoy his fight with han !
Psalm: It was enjoyable because I won, although I was hoping it'd last a bit longer. 7. :psalmface:
Finn: Classy red wine!
Q -  rokka what do you think about your street performance career? do u have any ambitions?!
Rokka: IT’S FUN! I enjoy watching people's amazed faces especially the children. Ambitions...? Maybe? *rokka falls into thinking man pose for a very long time*
Q -  Rokka, how do you keep your fur so soft and pretty? -Finn
Rokka: ⭐STEPS TO ROKKA'S FUR CARE !!!!!! ⭐  1) bathe in lakes! or rivers! (I personally like lakes hehe) 2) SHAKE IT DRY! shakeshakeshake (be careful of dizziness!!) 3) lick palms and smooth down ur fur. (this is the secret) 4) DONE! (congrats u have nice fur!!!!!!!)
Q - What was your first kiss like finn?
Finn: Thats a little secret between me and god.
Q - :):(
Rokka: who are you and what does this mean Psalm: It's a secret code. Why not try deciphering it?
Q - finn whats your favourite blood type? pls and thx
Finn: I'm usually not open about this, but I only consume animal blood. I dont have a favourite. Beef based strikes me as the least worst so far.
Q -  psalm does it hurt to cough up smoke? how bothered are you by it?
Psalm: I wouldn't say it hurts, but it feels about as pleasant as you'd imagine coughing up smoke would feel, which is to say, not pleasant at all. It mostly just makes it hard to breath, but considering the reason it happens I'm not sure I'm allowed to complain. I'd rather not take my chances.
It does bother me though.
Q -  keva, do you prefer being alone or with friends?
Keva: friends
Q - keva, whats your favourite food?
Keva: roasted quail
Q -  Does plum always text in all caps? Do they do that to show all their suppressed anger
Plum: does it seem suppressed.... DOES IT SEEM SUPPRESSE
Q -  plum, why did you decide to go to the ball as a guest with vinny? did you think it was better cover than being a guard?
Plum: just didnt think id be much use as a bodyguard also i wanted to dress up...
Q - to everyone: would you fuck on the first date ? 🤔
Han: i only fuck on the first date Psalm: No. Finn: What is it with these rude questions? Rokka: UHHHHHHH---? WH=HAHA WHAT? Keva: no Plum: what the fuck Cimmorro: i’ve never, but i don’t see why not if we liked each other enough. i’ve to say i’m difficult to impress on the first day gyahaha    
Q -  actually to everyone, whats your favourite food?
Psalm: There's a dish back in my hometown that we'd eat on holidays called “Smelt and Salt". Most travellers tend to find it salty to the point of being inedible, but I think its delicious. Finn: The servants at our residence are quite skilled, I enjoyed almost everything they make. When I was alive, I favored simple chicken breast with baked vegetables though. Rokka: Nothing can go wrong with a big ol' pot of beef and potato stew! I love soups Han: we dont get a lot of fruit way south so i was so surprised when i saw lots of it at shorewater!!!!! ITS SO SWEET AND DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! Plum: theres this stew that my whole family comes together to make for special occasions and we put a lot of roots and flowers and vegetables in it its pretty good. havent had it in a while
Q -  *like a kpop interviewer* to everyone: so what would your ideal partner be like? >:3c
Han: if they can dish out as much as they can take Psalm: Someone who is fun to be around. Loyalty is nice too. Finn: Someone who can handle me and is genuinely interested in all facets of my life. Rokka: Someone who can enjoy the world with me especially nature. Accept me! P.S. Psalm, I am fun and loyal........ :pleading: Plum: uhhh... someone kind i guess Keva: (visibly uncomfortable and unwilling to answer) Cimmorro: honest and devoted. someone who is easygoing would be a nice addition.
Psalm: Not saying I'm the culprit, but you honestly could just check first. Rokka: I always try to remember to put it down! Although, I may or may not have forgotten once......................or 10 times.................................. Keva: you're tall enough to look before you sit
Q -  Rokka, don't forget you owe me a drink the next time we find a tavern. - Psalm
Rokka: you got it, boss! but........can we have round 2.........please...........please.............................please.............please............................plea--[commercials cues]
Q -  birthdays? birthdays?
Psalm: My birthday is on the 8th of Solstitium. Plum: 32nd of soltrice  Keva: (briefly crinkles nose and doesn't answer) Han: i dont know! no one in my tribe kept track of things like that. judging by stories i think it during elfons? Rokka: hibernon, solvo 74! Cimmorro: 55th of umbrois. i’m expecting presents now that you all know!
Q - favourite season
Psalm: Aestas. It's a bit silly, but my birthday falls around this time so I've always been rather fond of it. Keva: elfons Plum: elfons Rokka: Elfons! where the grass is greenies Han: elfons... i like it when it goes from cold to warmer temperatures :) Cimmorro: rahtumna.
Q -  before making a call (over sending stone or message or whatever) do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? why?
Psalm: Depending on the circumstances, yes. Rokka: No need to think when speaking. Cimmorro: depends if there are specific people i’m contacting. i generally don’t really care though.
Q -  if you could be anything job-wise and nothing could hold you back, what would you want to be?
Psalm: I've never really given that much thought. I don't really make any grand plans for myself, as they tend to go awry fairly often. I think I'd enjoy writing plays...perhaps. Keva: don't know, never thought about it Rokka: I've also never thought about this <:9 Han: ah... i would like to travel again... Cimmorro: i like the way things are right now. [mumbling] if anything, i’m more worried about losing it...      
Q -  what would be a "perfect" day for you?
Psalm: I enjoy plays quite a bit, so if I could spend an entire day watching a good series of performances I'd be quite happy. Some good company wouldn't hurt either. (As long as they don't talk.) Keva, after thinking for so long it seems like she's not going to answer: being home with nothing important to do Plum: I JUST WANT TO GO HOME Rokka: running through a grassy land and bask in the sun (๑→ܫ←)
Q -  when did you last sing to yourself? to someone else?
Psalm: My singing voice is rather unpleasant, so I don't do it often. Keva: a month ago? i guess? who would even keep track Rokka: I like to sing every time I bathe! rubba dub dub rubba doot doot rubba dee dee its nothing but a squeaky clean me!!!!!!!!!! Han: (flushes) it was a while back Cimmorro: i was part of the choir in my childhood. i was pretty okay! can’t say the same for the present though ahahaha
Q - what was the last dream you remember?
Psalm: I'd rather not say. Keva: (doesn't answer) Rokka: *thinking face*
Q -  toilet paper over or under?
Psalm: Over? I'm not an animal. Plum: what.... the fuck is this asking Rokka: Is there a difference...?
Q -  if you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Plum: ...... [plum is starting to look uncomfortable] Keva: (laughs, doesn't answer) Psalm: I'm perfectly fine with how I was raised. Han: (laughs) oh, throw the whole thing out Rokka: nice answers everyone. NEXT QUESTION! :D Cimmorro: wait, hmm… not so much on the way of raising but more on a certain part of the situation, i suppose?  
Q -  what is your most terrible memory?
Psalm: *Looks somewhat distressed.* Plum: THIS IS MAKING ME ANGRY. IM NOT ANSWERING ANYMORE OF THESE TONIGHT. Rokka: please stop asking these questions you're making my friends upset. This is upsetting.
Q - is there something you've dreamed about doing for a long time? why haven't you done it?
Psalm: I wouldn't say for a long time, but I haven't done it because I can't. Simple as that. Keva: can't anymore Rokka: Life hands you lemons so you gotta eat them. *nods* ( ̄ー ̄) Han: i wanted to learn singing. why... well. life doesn't work sometimes. Cimmorro: when i was a child, i dreamed of being at the top of the clergy’s hierarchy. then that immediately got crushed when i was told that only women were allowed to lead the church bahahaha! that was back then. right now i’m satisfied with my position and still have much to learn. but if the opportunity arises and i meet the requirements, i wouldn’t say no to seating as the high mother.     
Q - if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? 
Psalm: I'm torn between knowing the truth about one thing from the past, and a very selfish glimpse into the future. Keva: (doesn't answer, but seems to think about the question) Rokka: *vibrates* Han: there are so many things i want answers for, i dont think i could choose. Cimmorro: [visibly cringing as several things come to mind]     
Q - of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? why? 
Psalm: Lots of morbid questions here. I'll pass on this one. Keva: orin Rokka: please i'm begging you..............please stop with these questions...... Cimmorro: … [quitely glances at how the others respond instead of answering]  
Q -  how close and warm is your family? do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
Han: (laughter that becomes progressively louder in volume) Psalm: I quite enjoyed my childhood, but given the reactions of the others it seems I might be the only one fortunate enough to be able to say that... Keva: i liked a part of it Plum: dont know what the fuck psalm is talking about. ive had the happiest childhood a halfling could have thank you i wish i could be back home right now, actually Rokka: it had its up and downs. i mean, who doesn't!! Cimmorro: [laughs] i think mine is seen as particularly “strange” by most people, but i personally have enjoyed it regardless.
Q -  how do you feel about your relationship to your primary caregiver growing up? 
Psalm: At the moment, I'd say its rather complicated on my part. I'm ashamed to say why. Keva: i don't Han: *looks visibly sick for a second* ... poorly :) Plum: as in my mom and pop? i love those two Rokka: Tough love? Finn: Cold. Cimmorro: [beaming] grateful! i love em! would do anything to treat them at least even half as much as they’ve treated me.
Q - what roles do love and affection play in your life?
Psalm: I just LOVE to be AFFECTIONATE with people, so I'd say quite a large one :psalmface:. Rokka: i got to befriend han! and finn! Also, psalm it's not good to lie to the people. Finn: R-rokka I'm touched... Right now, love and affection couldn't be further removed from my life but hopefully one day, they'll play a bigger role for me. Han: (shrugs) i like having sex Cimmorro: i take pride in making sure that people who are important to me know that they are. it’s also the way they have treated me.
Q - for what in life do you feel most grateful for? 
Psalm: ...Well I made it to Shorewater somehow. Rokka: meeting Han! Han: *was about to say something different but is so touched by rokka* dude......really? q_q me too dude.... Finn: My uncle. But recently I've made some good friends, I feel... Cimmorro: the goddess’ guidance.
Q -  what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? 
Psalm: I- . Hm. For now, let's say it was beating Rokka at stone, parchment, shears. Keva: i'm here Rokka: PSALM PLEASE ROUND 2 Finn: So far I have nothing to my name, but that might change soon. I pray it will.
Q -  if you were to die this evening with opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? why haven't you told them yet? 
Psalm: Where I hid my buried treasure. Han: i wont die. Psalm: I like that answer. Rokka: Why are you like this, anon? Finn: I'd want to talk to Orin one last time. 
Q - share an embarrassing moment from your life
Psalm: I fumbled a joke I was trying to make with Finn the other day. I won't go any further into the past than that, thanks. Finn: Ah, so it was a joke? Please don't worry about it Psalm. Rokka: nearly burning my friends alive because I sneezed. :( 
Q - what's your favourite weapon and why
Psalm: For reasons I won't disclose let's just say I'm not very fond of weapons, my current one in particular. :psalmface: Spells are more useful. Keva: daggers, easy to carry around and hide Rokka: I guess my scimitars? They can cut plants and meat well so i can (try to) cook! Finn: I love swords!! All swords! (he sparkles with excitement) Han: i like being close and personal with someone but also enjoy the quiet rush of hitting a target from a bow Cimmorro: i use a dagger but if i had a spear or an axe that would be kinda awesome actually.     
Q - questions to fall in love here we go! 1) if you could invite anyone in the world to dinner, who would it be?
Psalm: ...I have a friend I haven't seen in a while, so I suppose I'd invite him. Keva: do they have to be alive Psalm: I was wondering the same thing. Plum: i would want to eat dinner with my whole village but if its only one person then my sister. dont really like going to dinner one on on if i can help it but maybe thats something halflings dont like because theyre not antisocial bastards Rokka: Do I HAVE to pick one? :( Finn: ... Rokka! I'd love to dine with everyone though. Han: oh, maybe aster? or ferrie chris? or uhh... (Han starts to look bashful and stops answering) Cimmorro: willow.     
Q - if you all were on a boat (lmao) and it was sinking and you could only save one person from the party who would it be
Plum: rokka or finn but i wouldnt be on a fucking boat if i could help it Psalm: Plum, as they are arguably the only one I could carry. Oh, and Finn I suppose. Plum: WOW THANK YOU THOUGH YOUD PROBABLY SINK LIKE  A STONE Keva: finn Finn: T-thank you all... (blushes and gets too distracted to answer) Rokka: This question is stressing me out. I'm stressed. This is stressful. Han: myself? is this trick question Cimmorro: myself so i can do this: [casts water walk] don’t worry bros i got this
Q - complete this sentence. "i wish i had someone with whom i could share..."
Psalm: I have nothing to share. Rokka: ...this drink with! (psalm, round 2 please) Finn: my fate. Han: my past, without fear
Q - what, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Psalm: I'd say death, but ha. Rokka: what roomie said Finn: I don't like jokes about my family and especially my uncle. Cimmorro: Wee Jas. 
Q - when did you last cry in front of another person? by yourself?
Psalm: I haven't cried since I was a kid. Rokka: can we have more fun questions please :( Finn: I rarely ever cry. But last time I did, I was comforted by someone precious. Han: oh that was... (han becomes embarrassed) it is stupid Cimmorro: [wearily looks over where ezra is currently sitting across the room]
Q - do you have a secret hunch about how you're going to die
Plum: i wouldnt say secret but yes Psalm: Ugh. Keva: had a few, anything goes now i guess Rokka: why would you ask this? I don't like this question. :( Finn: Not just a hunch. Han: i won't die!!! what's with these questions Cimmorro: nothing in particular. i just hope that it will be by the goddess’ fates.  
Q - fmk vinny cole ezra
Psalm: (What kind of agenda is this?) F - Vinny, M - Cole, K - Ezra. Keva: fuck ezra marry cole kill vinny Psalm: Ah Keva, finishing your doppelganger's job for her I see. That's a bit harsh. Keva: (lifts her hands in a halfhearted shrug) Rokka: Friend: cole, Meet: Vinny, K....klean for ezra......................... (in the periphery of the shot keva stares into the camera for the entirety of rokka's response) Han: fuck ezra marry cole kill vinny Finn: Who are these people? What is "fmk"? Cimmorro: f-vinny, m-cole, k-ezra
Q - Everyone, where would you like to visit someday?
Psalm: I'm not really one for traveling but since we seem to be headed there already, Vargonia sounds interesting. There's probably a lot to do there. Rokka: I like open land so anywhere with one? Finn: Sharrif!! If I wasn't dutybound at home I'd love to move there. Keva: never thought about it Han: oh oh oh! some guy passed the inn and said there are mountains that reach into another PLANE in sonnate!!! i wanna go there!!!!!! Cimmorro: i’d like to see the arcane well myself heehee     
Q - what's your earliest memory? is this too spoilery idk i'm shooting my shot
Psalm: I'm pretty sure it was when my mother dropped me into the ocean by accident. Why I have no fear of swimming because of this has yet to reveal itself to me. Plum: i remember........ bumping into the kitchen table when i was younger and something might've been a rolling pin hitting me on the head and then fucking crying obviously and my parents swinging me around Rokka: I remember seeing a little bug flying around and chasing it all around so that I could tell them I thought they looked cute.....I was too small to reach the little bug on the tree though haha Keva: i don't remember her name Finn: Playing with my cousins, surrounded by our family. Han: being held by big, heavy hands. close to the chest. Cimmorro: falling off a cliff lol
Q -  i had assumed psalms arcane power was new to him but is it actually?
Psalm: An interesting assumption. I'd love to know why you think so.
Psalm: I'll think about it.
Q - how do you sleep the best?
Rokka: laying sprawled on my back is the best! Sometimes fetal. Finn: I actually... do enjoy sleeping in my coffin. So in confined spaces I suppose. Sharing a bed with Rokka was very comfortable too. (Rokka self-fives himself in the bg) Psalm: Having horns makes sleeping on my back a bit of an issue, but they sit just on top of my head enough for me to sleep reasonably well on my side. Cimmorro: i don’t remember anymore… can’t say i’ve slept very well the last few years
Q - what was your mode of travel to shorewater?
Rokka: mode..? Oh, hard mode! Finn: Hard mode? Keva: (looks at the camera) Psalm: Boat. Han: foot, the odd cart here and there. Cimmorro: i stayed on land as much as possible through various modes.     
Q - around what time do you prefer to eat dinner?
Rokka: any time is good in my book! Keva: late enough to not be hungry before i sleep Finn: .................. Psalm: Early evening? I've never given it much thought.
Q - if you knew in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you're living? why?
Psalm: My life right now is not something that is within my ability to change. Rokka: Same as roomie here...I don't think I want to be falsely accused of murder... Cimmorro: … no. i’ll just have to keep trying until such time comes.
Q - what’s your typical bed time? any routines?
Rokka: Never too late! I like to do some quick stretches after a long day for a good nights rest! Most of the time I just plop down lol Finn: I like to stay up past sunrise actually. Psalm: No. I usually go right to sleep. Preferably as early as possible since I don't like being tired. Cimmorro: i try to keep a strict and healthy routine but [sigh]
Q - what's something you might like for (insert gift-giving custom for holiday equivalent here)?
Finn: Jewellery and swords. Psalm: A good book would be nice. I also like masks. Rokka: I'll like anything as long as it came from their heart! Just the idea of them thinking about me warms me up. Cimmorro: same as rokka.  
Q - how do you stay fit?
Rokka: 250 Push-ups, 250 Yard Handwalk, Jump Rope- 2000 Times, 250 Straight Punches to Heavy Bag, 250 Roundhouse Kicks to Heavy Bag, annnnnd 500 Squats. Finn: Thats quite impressive Rokka: ... (Rokka salutes) Psalm: I wouldn't say I'm the most physically fit man out there. (8 STR) Cimmorro: morning walks, maybe even jogs, if i’ve got the time to spare… which is almost never. does carrying stacks of books count?  
Q -  to everyone: do you like anime
Rokka: what's anime? :0 Psalm: ...Animals? They're alright. I like small ones, like puppies, kittens, chicks etc. Finn: If you've seen Promare, please DM me.
Q -  do you prefer meat or veggies
Rokka: meat......but veggies are good too.......can I pick both? Psalm: Meat. Finn: Meat as well. Han: meeeeeat Cimmorro: i find it difficult to enjoy a meal without having both.
Q - what is your most treasured memory
Psalm: :psalmface: Rokka: :) Finn: ^___^ Han: (Han thinks briefly and then blushes, embarrassed)
Q - how do you feel about physical touch? yea? nay?
Finn: I dont experience much of it but I enjoy it when I do. Keva: depends Psalm: I prefer to keep to myself. Rokka: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *hugs Psalm* Psalm: *Sighs* Han: (shrugs) everyone was always touching me, so am used to it. Cimmorro: big no! unless we’re close, don’t touch me.
Q - what does friendship mean to you?
Psalm: God is that you? Rokka: Everything! Psalm, is God your friend? Psalm: *suddenly regretting his answer*
Q - coffee or tea?
Rokka: TEA! Psalm: I'm not particularly fond of either, but if I had to pick, tea. Finn: Tea! What kind do you favor Psalm? Psalm: Chamomile or mint, depending on what's available. And yourself? Finn: Oh, I quite like that one too. My favourite is Rose Petal Blend though, perhaps we could share a cup- *remembers vampirism* Ah- perhaps I could have... a cup of blood if it doesnt disgust you. Psalm: That wouldn't disgust me at all. Just pick a day. Finn: *crying cat* Keva: never had coffee Cimmorro: coffee. though one of my parents often share their special tea brew with me in the afternoons or long nights of work. it’s pretty much the only kind of tea i like… i miss it. 
Q - what's a favourite feature of yourself? can be external or internal, or both
Finn: I took good care of my hair before I became undead. So my hair would've been it.  Psalm: Regarding physical traits...my mother and I have identical eyes and horns. Mum found it cute, so I guess I grew up being somewhat fond as well... Interal, I don't self reflect that often. I'll leave that unanswered. Rokka: I like my blue fur! and eyes!  Keva: (shrugs) don't think about that sorta thing Han: (Han becomes increasingly despondent the more she thinks) none is good enough. i need to be better. Cimmorro: my cleric magic!!!!!!!!! \\\\o//// i also like my hair and tail a lot!
Q - what’s something you used to be afraid of as a kid?
Finn: My aunt was quite scary haha. Psalm: When my mother got mad at me... Rokka: Loud noises Keva: throwing up Cimmorro: oh i used to see a shadow of a demon in my quarters quite often for a few years. freaked me out a lot of times but i believe lady wee jas protected me since that demon never did come to harm me at all. :D   
Q - do you know the muffin man?
Rokka: The muffin man..? Finn: The muffin man... I would like to meet him. Keva: what
Q - what’s your preferred weather
Rokka: Sunny! but with a nice breeze! (≧▽≦) Finn: I dislike rain, but fog can be nice to watch. Since I only operate at night now clear weather is preferred. Psalm: I like sunny weather, but rainy days are nice when I don't have to be outside. Keva: warm and clear Cimmorro: same as psalm.
Q - are you an early riser or late sleeper?
Rokka: EARLY WOLF CATCHES THE DEER Psalm: Depends on when I need to get up. Keva: depends Cimmorro: both…. 🤦‍♂️   
Q - what are your feelings on pda
Rokka: What's "peh-dah"? Psalm: I have no problem with it, although I dislike drawing attention to myself, so then again... Cimmorro: depends, but especially dislike it during work.   
Q - what’s your best “my coworkers are crazy” story?
Rokka: (nervously glances back at everyone) Um...Uh...Haha (forced smile) Keva: (doesn't break eye contact with the camera as she gestures at the rest of the party) Psalm: I was partnered with a friend once for a... well a thing that we had to do, and he somehow managed to gamble away all of his clothing. Cimmorro: all of this right now   
Q - what's your favourite type of bread
Keva: bread Rokka: Any is good! Psalm: Croissants are nice. Cimmorro: any as long as it’s fresh out of the oven.
Q - when was the last time you laughed so hard it was hard to stop? what was so funny?
Psalm: Refer to the "coworker" answer.
Q - guilty pleasures?
Psalm: I like to read poetry. I only feel guilty about it because a friend of mine said it made me seem too brooding, and now I'm a bit self conscious Cimmorro: playing pranks on my coworkers during break
Q - are you still in touch with friends from your childhood?
Keva: some of them Rokka: I wish I could say that Psalm: Not for a couple months now, no. Finn: Yes! My friend Sagessa and I are penpals, so even if we're far apart we can always talk!! Han: (han shakes her head dejectedly) Cimmorro: mhm   
Q - who's someone interesting you met recently
Rokka: Finn!!!!! He can turn into things! so cool Psalm: I would also have say Finn, as I'd never met a vampire before now. Not to say the rest of you aren't interesting enough. Finn: *turns into a bat and hangs himself upside down from Rokka's shoulder* Han: (han looks around warily) (whispers) psalm BUT DONT TELL HIM THAT!!!! what is that guys DEAL Cimmorro: i agree about finn    
Q - what's the best day you've had recently?
Rokka: Hard to say with whats been happening Psalm: "Recently" is a bit of a stretch. Finn: I had a good time at the ball with Orin! Cimmorro: the king consort accepting my offer was cool and exciting. feel like i haven’t had a normal job in years with how long these weeks have been going pffff
Q - do you have siblings
Psalm: It's entirely within the realm of possibility, but none that I'd ever care to meet. Keva: don't know Han: yes Cimmorro: in a way, yes
Q - how important is fashion to you
Finn: If I dont look good whats the point of anything. Psalm: Not very. Keva: it's not Rokka: Somewhat? I just bought my first and only shirt ever!! that's pretty fashionable of myself if you asked me. B) Han: (gets bashful) there are some cute dresses i see around town but... :wiwi: Cimmorro: [gestures at all of himself] :-) 
Q -  do you have any personal belongings that you would feel upset about losing? what are they?
Psalm: No, I've never really had any attachment to material things. I suppose there is this dagger I've picked up recently that has served some use, so maybe that...maybe. Finn: My earrings or my sword. I cherish them. Han: yeah. some weapons i have were made by uuh. a significant person in my life. Cimmorro: my headpiece and holy symbol. other jewelry pieces i have i can replace easily, but not these…
Q -  if you had a completely free day with no responsibilities or obligations, what would you do with your time?
Finn: Honestly? I'd like to sleep and dream about nice things. Rokka: I would love to go sight seeing at places i haven't been to! Han: oh me too Rokka!!!! maybe we can go together someday :) Cimmorro: mmm… quite rare the last few years but i did enjoy my day offs by fishing, spending time with the children and sleeping of course. i’ve no idea what else to do, otherwise...
Q - do you take long or short baths?
Finn: I liked to take long baths back then. Rokka: long! gotta make sure all this fur is fresh and clean! Han: i used to be in and out of the water real fast but i can enjoy a long bath now sometimes... Cimmorro: i like to take long ones whenever i can! but i often find myself having to take short baths or showers in a rush...
Q - favourite piece of literature?
Psalm: I haven't gotten much reading in recently, but I liked the stories my mum would read to me when I was younger. When I remember the names I'll get back to you. Rokka: the ones that has a picture of something and words that tells me what they are! I like those if that counts Keva: my what Finn: I love folklore and fairy tales... I hope this doesn't make me seem childish. Han: lich-reh.... is that one of those book names for a mushroom?? Cimmorro: does the white book count? feel like that’d be too obvious hehe… i like to read anything i find interesting at the time. arcane, scriptures of other churches, etc. not too big of a fan of fictions though.   
Q - ur cute have a nice day ♡
Finn: Rokka someone said youre cute. Rokka: oh..! really? how do you know?!
Q - if you could get away with one crime what would it be
Rokka: the only crime I will commit is this current crime due to being framed!!! Cin: Arson. Psalm: Murder I guess, given our current situation. Cimmorro: ...if i knew i was guilty, i’d turn myself right in.
Q - We Got A Benefit Concert 4 These Male Lesbians In Da Planning Stages How U Gon Contribute
Keva: [geralt "hm"]
Q - where is this fuk house located. I need it for research purposes.
Han: there are several brothels in shorewater, if you want i can give recommendation...
Q - how do you feel about showing skin when it comes to what you wear? are you comfortable with it, or do you prefer not to?
Han: (slaps her bare thigh) you know it baaabyyyyyyy Rokka: i feel more comfortable and less restricted with no shirt.....pants r cool tho! Psalm: Like any average person. Cimmorro: unless it’s incredibly hot out, i 100% avoid exposing any of these scales to any dirts and stains
Q - maybe in a word or two, without giving a lot away, what are you in shorewater for?
Han: i was told to get a fresh start here? whatever that means LOL Keva: repay a debt Rokka: im just s---im just sitting here Psalm: No particular reason. Just ended up here really.
Q - do you ever feel lonely
Finn: ^___^ Rokka: hard to when I'm around these fellas *gestures to everyone* Psalm: No, I don't mind being by myself. Keva: (long silence with no eye contact before answering) sometimes, lately, whatever Cimmorro: fucking homesick is more like it  
Q - what's something that makes you feel nostalgic
Han: ... some of my weapons and tools. Keva: i guess, elfonsent or whatever it's called here....big festivals for public holidays Cimmorro: Jasper.
Q - do you like to cook? what would you say is your specialty?
Rokka: does roasting something on a stick count??? Han: same as rokka... i think i always did more of preparation of ingredients than actual cooking. Keva: i don't cook Cimmorro: yeee people seem to enjoy my stuffed grilled fish the most
Q - do you like it here in shorewater, unfortunate events aside?
Han: yeah!!! its been fun! i was not here very long but i made a couple of friends!! Keva: eh, it's definitely true a lot of things happen here Cimmorro: i'm not particularly interested of this place
Q - how would you feel about getting involved in a train murder mystery that may or may not involve werewolves?
Han: WEREWOLVES???????????? HOW DO I INVOLVE MYSELF Keva: hard pass Cimmorro: [grimacing] i’d rather avoid doing anything that doesn’t involve my duties to my faith, if i had the choice. 
Q - what incredibly common thing have you never done?
Finn: So, I hear that commoners are very skilled in all sorts of handiwork? How exhilarating. One day, I'd like to fix my chair myself when it breaks down. Or shop for ingredients on a market street myself, imagine the wonders! Keva: read Cimmorro: ...a vacation?   
Q - Welcome to Good Burger home of the Good Burger! Can I take your order?
Finn: May I order some Nuggets
Q - do you prefer to be the big spoon or the little spoon?
Psalm: Neither. I don't sleep on my side. Keva: if i had to pick, big Rokka: either one...I'm not picky Finn: I have never been either. Well, perhaps the little spoon after sharing a bed with Rokka? Han: big spoon!!!!! Cimmorro: big
Q - do you like to dance?
Keva: (shrugs) it can be fun with friends Psalm: Yes. Rokka: yeah!! boogie woogie oogie Finn: Very much so! Cimmorro: yeap!!
Q - if you could have any animal or beast as a pet without any harm to you or those around you, what would you have?
Rokka: bunnies are cute hehe Han: i would have a giant dragon or chimera or some thing badass like that Finn: A dragon indeed sounds "badass". But isn't it too big?... Cimmorro: both are huge and sound tedious to upkeep nonetheless. i’m perfectly happy with Jasper.
Q - if you were to change your hairstyle, what would you do?
Han: i wonder what it would be like if i cut all off, but... Keva: cut it short again i guess Psalm: I'd grow it out. Rokka: *looks at his whole body* much to think about Finn: I'd want to cut it short again. But at the moment I'm trying to grow it out. Cimmorro: i once considered growing mine out a bit just to try, but i usually trim my hair during the summer so it never came to be. i feel like it’d be a hassle to do it now and i’ve lost interest.  
Q - Hey! What do you guys think of the death penalty?
Keva: i don't Want to think abt the death penalty Rokka: same here Finn: Sir this is a fuckhouse.
Q - have you all ever heard a voice in your head?
Rokka: the one that sounds like me? yeah Psalm: No. Finn: *blinks Yes in morse code*
Q - boobs or butts?
Psalm: Who would ask this...? *He chuckles and doesn't answer.* Rokka: Do.....Do we really have to answer this? *sweating* Finn: There's only one correct choice. Han: this question is foolish. both are great.
Q - if you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Plum: ..................................... Psalm: The ability to go back in time would be useful.  Plum: the ability to go back in time would be useful Rokka: stop making me choose one thing i can't choose. Finn: I want to dual wield blades. Cimmorro: teleportation powers perhaps... 
Q - if you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30 year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
Psalm: What an odd question... I'd rather keep my mind. I'm curious how a 90-year old me would look. Rokka: This is hard Finn: *laughs in vampire* Han: body Cimmorro: body
Q - tell me about the first crush you remember having
Psalm: No. (offscreen there is a screech of a chair. keva is leaving) Rokka: Ummm...... Finn: (Finn "Hm"s) Did anyone else crush on characters from the books they've read? For me it was a swordsman, in any case. Han: (whispers to the asker) whats a crush?? Cimmorro: [tilting head at han and shaking his head] ...yeah, finn. wee jas.
Q - what’s your favourite thing about someone you admire?
Rokka: she's really tall! and strong! I admire her strengths! she's really nice!!! She's the best. Keva: that everything would be okay if they were around. or it felt like that at least Psalm: He was more friendly than me, and I envied how easily he could make friends when we were younger. Finn: He stands his ground against anyone. Han: they are so easy going and kind hearted, even when i am not to them. Cimmorro: just about everything? especially that they seem to never break under pressure and are completely capable of making decisions with swiftness and grace...
Q - would you like to be famous? in what way?
Psalm: Absolutely not. Keva: no Rokka: I don't think I have the skills to go that far. Finn: I don't aspire much fame but some renown as a swordsman seems worthwhile. Cimmorro: gaining a good enough reputation to be an influencer… i believe it would be important for the church, so i wouldn’t refuse it.  
Q - rokka how does it feel to be the funniest person in existence
Rokka: I don't know how it feels because I just found out I am funny...? How?
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Q - rokka i have on good authority that cole wants to play rugby with you what’s your response
Rokka: YEAHHHH LETS GOOOOOO maybe then we can become true friends through the bonds of rugby!!!!!
Q - rokka what do you think about shirts
Rokka: They're alright I guess? Don't really see the point of it though
Q - Plum, would you like to shop with me one day? I love your fashion sense. -Finn
Q - plum are your teeth crooked or did you lose a tooth
Plum: they're crooked
Q - cole what do you think about vinny as a boss
Cole: ooooh incredible ! The fact that i get to work under a wizard of his skills as an apprentice still bowls me over, I've learned so much and i haven't even been here all that long. I know he doesn't seem to like the Accord much but being part of their group is no joke, he musta' had some cool projects back in the day. He doesn't seem to mind when i break things either, he's a real swell guy like that, nothing like my last boss [nervous laughter]
Q - when is the last time you got a manipedi
Rokka: got a what? Cimmorro: i do my own! as often as needed!
Q - what is it like having a tail
Rokka: Idk? ok? but what's it like NOT having a tail though? :thonk: Psalm: ...Normal. This is the norm for me, so I have no clue how to answer this in a way that would be satisfactory to someone that doesn't have one. Like with any part of the body, I don't really think about it unless I remember it's there. I guess the one thing is that I don't like having holes in my clothes, so everything I wear is low waisted. Finn: I wasn't aware everything you wear is low waisted, much less why. Psalm: I always wear a waist sash, but next time I can go without if you're curious. Cimmorro: i used to trip over my own tail a lot when i was a kid. it was rather long for my size at the time hehe
Q -  you’re right rokka what is it like Not having a tail
Rokka: You Tell Me Keva: they weren't asking you
Q - rokka how do you maintain your fur
Rokka: Check out my youtube channel please like and subscribe! -> [link to fur answer above]
Q - Keva what is the way to your heart? I'm asking for a friend...
Keva: tell your friend to find smth better to do
Q - finn your hair is so shiny what’s your secret
Finn, visibly confused: There is no secret to my haircare. I simply do what everyone else does, no? Personally I use lye soap and rosewater. Perhaps you ought to try a different oil or mixture from your usual.
Q - finn what do you think about your uncle’s growing fanclub? what does he think abt it?
Finn: His "fanclub"? Well, it is true people take a liking to my uncle rather quickly, but I've yet to see him reciprocate any such affections. If this "club" is anything official I would like to be its president though, to guide others of course. I may find someone who could get along with him, he really ought to settle down one of these days!
Q - finn can you tell us a little bit about your cousins?
Finn: Hmm... from the beginning they have been more outgoing than me, I must admit I am a bit envious of that. But the Vengaboys have brought out a lot in me already, I think.
Q - hey finn how tall are your heels
Finn: 3 inches. But I have taller ones for balls and the like.
Q - orin what would it take for you to share an embarrassing story about keva
Orin: hmmmm id probably wait until she left the room first....
Q - vinny how bad is your eyesight without glasses
Vinny: bad enough that id fall down the stairs in my own store if i lost em’ [anime sweatdrop] its why they have that handy string attached to them now, and well also because the cats like to bat at my face sometimes...
Q - ezra and cole have you ever had to help vinny find his glasses. let me clarify i know he has that thing where his glasses can hang from his neck but have you ever had to help vinny find his glasses bc he lost them anyways
Ezra: never, but he didn't always have the string, he told me he slapped it on because he had that exact problem. Cole: I've only ever seen em' with that string so he’s never really lost em'... though one time he broke them and i had to help him around the store for a week until a friend of his could fix them, its the grumpiest ive ever seen him [ she makes a face like this :y and laughs ] 
Q - ezra i'm serious will you please let me buy you a new coat
Ezra: [he looks down confused at his clothes] ....
Q - ezra why won’t you get a new coat
Ezra:  ...... do i need a new coat...?  *Psalm laughs a little in the bg.*
Q - can you tell us more about your family han?
Han: ha ha hA HA HA HA HA HA HA. no. i want avoid all thought about them.
Q - han which muscle group is your favourite to flex
Han: (sits like the thinker for a long time in contemplative silence) for me, legs and thighs feel most strong. but others like when i flex arms 💪
Q - han you are very cool don’t let anyone tell you otherwise also i love you
Han: i am cool, thank you mystery stranger,  also wH-- 
Q - han do you want to build a snowman
Han: you know, we used to play game where we would roll each other in wheel, down mountain, into snowmen, and who hits most win... fun times. i do want to build snowman again, yes :)
Q - which of you know how to tell direction from the stars
Han: i know ! 😊 (quieter) but only little bit... Cimmorro: ...y’know, someone once tried to teach me how to do this but i’ve fallen asleep while we were talking. [has guilt written all over his face]
Q - han what is your favourite way to wear your hair
Han: ah...my sibling did this complicated braid on me, before... it look very thin, like basket weaving...sad, never learned how they do it (han looks a bit melancholic)
Q - what do you value most in friendship?��
Psalm: I should buy a full pitcher of beer at the next tavern, and for every question about friendship we receive just take a long sip from it. Rokka: the bond! loyalty! respect! this is more than one! oh well! Finn: The ability to confide without fearing loss or judgement. Keva: trust Han: oh, i agree with answer from finn. 
Q - han, cole, and rokka how did you get so swole
Cole: [she taps her forehead] step one...mental fortitude.... Han: (scoffs) have someone on your ass since you have memory Rokka: (taps his biceps) determination! 
Q - May I inquire where you've picked up that rodent from Keva? -Finn
Keva: while traveling
Q - psalm how long have you kept a journal
Psalm: Not very. I just started it. Helps to keep my thoughts organised, and having just reached Shorewater I figured it would be worth chronicling what I got up to.
Q -  psalm you wear a lot of black nail polish but do you have any other colors? what are your favourites?
Psalm: I'm not fond of bright colours (for my nails at least), so black is my favourite. I've never really tried out anything else, but maybe I should, just for a change of pace.
Q - do you guys like piercings ?
Keva: do i like having them or do i like when other people have them what are you asking Rokka: (points at keva) what she said Psalm: Yes, I do have them after all. 
Q -  aaaaalright heres a better question then. would you prefer for your partner to have piercings or not? do you find it attractive?
Psalm: Oh I see. I guess they are attractive aren't they? (lol) Rokka: if they like them then I like them! They can wear whatever they want! I don't really have a preference for it. Finn: As long as it is nothing obscene, I will accept it. It can have its charm, I admit. Keva: i don't really care. i guess? Han: its so cool!! i wanted some myself but aah.. my tribe was very against that thing Cimmorro: yeah and yup.
Q - hey tieflings what’s horn maintenance like for you
Psalm: Not unlike er-, "body maintenance". At least in my case I don't do anything particularly special. Cimmorro: mine are too small to have any need for maintenance. i consider it a lucky thing since it’s less things to worry about.
Q - Psalm, who is your favourite character in GBF? -Finn
Psalm: I like Vania. I have to start playing water now because of her new alt unfortunately but... can't be helped. Finn: Haha, I like that answer. Good luck with your water! Psalm: Oh? I'm glad I passed. And thank you. 
Q - would you ever wear matching couple things with your significant other
Finn: As long as it is fashionably, gladly.... That sounds like a very sweet idea, dear reader. Rokka: yeah!! I think it's cute hehe Psalm: That depends on the thing. Keva: ^ Cimmorro: absolutely
Q - hi um this question is for psalm how do you keep your hooves warm in the winter? do you have socks? leg warmers?
Psalm: That's an interesting question. While I'm not that well versed in the specifics of tiefling anatomy, I do know that keeping warm isn't really an issue for me whenever it gets cold, so I don't typically wear anything like socks.
Q - rokka do you have a favourite meat dish?
Rokka: hmm...anything roasted on a stick? But that's a stick not dish...meat buns!
Q - hey psalm han and plum your brows are amazing what salon do you go to
Han: sah lon? i dont know what that but these run in family Psalm: These are how they are naturally. I have better things to do with my own time than fuss about my appearance too much.
Q - what are your thoughts on the institution of marriage
Psalm: My parents are married and seem to like each other enough, so I suppose it's not so bad. Finn: I think it is merely a matter of who you choose to spend your life with, not marriage itself. So, I would like to be wed happily. Han: (whispers to the asker) whats marriage???? Cimmorro: [tilts head and squints a bit at han again rn]
Q - keva, do you think youll ever learn how to read? if yes, what kind of books would you want to read ?
Keva: (gaze falls to the table at the first question but at the second question she looks up and her eyes slightly squint questioningly at you) idk what kinda books there are bc i can’t read Psalm: Would you like some recommendations? I can read them to you if you want. Keva: (is getting visibly pink) Psalm: ....Is that a no?
Q - for every one, what's the way to your heart??
Finn: Hmm... you must be worthy as my rival! (he gives his rapier a test swing) That is for sure. But should you lack a passion for swordsmanship, please do your best to entertain me at a ball, at the very least. Rokka: um...? (Scratches his head nervously) I'm not sure how to answer this haha....just....please  love me??? *shy* Psalm: I've never thought about it. I just like who I like. Cimmorro: fuck around and find out! 
Q - do you own any porn? what kind
Han: asker, are you sure you dont just want directions to brothel? Rokka: what's a porn and how do you own one? What kinds are there? Psalm: "What's a porn" he says... Don't worry too much about it Rokka. Cimmorro: the only porn you all should be reading is the white book 
Q - would you or would you not try roller skates (shoes with wheels on them)?
Finn: Shoes with wheels on them? That sounds most absurd... and yet... I must inform my uncle of this. Where does one acquire such shoes... ? Rokka: (tries to picture this in his head for too long the interviewer moves on) 🤔 Psalm: This sounds like a prime setup for falling on my ass, so no.
Q - hi vengaboys. i’ve been following your adventures since predebut. i’ve been stuck at home bc of a global pandemic and i gotta say it’s really bumming me out. what should i do
Finn: I have plenty experience with staying at home. A lot of people might tell you to hone a skill or indulge in hobbies you have been neglecting and while that can be a productive use of your time, it is easier spoken than done, no? I recommend, if you are allowed, to seek out quiet places without many people around. That way you do not endanger yourself or anyone else in these trying times. Spending time in nature is quite refreshing. Please look forward to our continued performance, dear reader. Psalm: *Is somewhat amazed.* I don't think I can give a better answer than that one. Rokka: wow finn you're so smart
Q - would you ever become a vegetarian if you aren’t already one
Keva: no Rokka: I don't like salad Psalm: Sure. Finn: I would literally die. I know I like to not die, so no.
Q - To psalm and finn, what’s your thoughts on that belial guy?
Psalm: *coughs into his sleeve* Finn: *does the same*
Q - how do you like to celebrate birthdays
Finn: I think throwing a ball can be quite fun, but I think spending it intimately is far more pleasurable. I am not so vain as to demand a ball each time.
Q - do you have people waiting for you wherever you call home? if you can share, who?
Finn: My family. I can't wait to speak to my cousins again and tell them about this job, shall it go well. Psalm: I'm not sure if "waiting" is the word I'd use, but yes. Cimmorro: i can’t imagine any of those people not wanting my presence again
Q - do you like hugs
Finn: ... If they come from the right people, then yes, certainly. Rokka: oh! yes, I like hugging Psalm: What Finn said. I like them about as much as the average person, although I have a friend that mocks me for not being particularly good at giving them, whatever that means. (How can you be bad at hugging...?) Finn: Perhaps your posture is stiff, Psalm? It can make the hug feel rather "cold", so to speak. Psalm: That's what he said... (He looks lost in thought.) Rokka: psalm if you need practice hugging I am here (stands there with open arms) Finn: Consciously think about your movement. Are you actually bending your torso, properly using your arms? Try with Rokka. Keva: (was about to answer but is now biting her lip to keep from laughing at rokka and finn coaching psalm on hugging) Han: (faces away from this spectacle and slaps a hand over her mouth to not break out laughing too) Psalm: There's a lot more that goes into hugging than I initially thought.
Q -  do you prefer hot weather or cold?
Keva: hot Han: cold!! honestly its too hot in shorewater... i never thought i would miss snow Rokka: more warm than hot......but if i had to choose between the two then it would be cold Finn: I've been preferring cold weather as of late. Psalm: Hot. Cimmorro: personally i’m more of an in between guy but if i’ve no choice then i’d say cold. 
Q -  when was the last time you went on a date
Finn: I'd like to go on one in the first place :cryingcat: Rokka: I wanna go on one too!! Finn: ... Looks like we both have something to gain here. I jest of course. Psalm: *racking his brain* Can't remember. Cimmorro: a couple or so years ago.   
Q -  Hello Vengaboys! We have not had the pleasure of meeting but I am an old friend of Finnian's. He tells me about your travels in his letters and I quite look forward to reading them. Your time in Shorewater sounds like it has been quite the whirlwind! I am writing because I have always known Finnian to be a kind and gentle boy who worries about others often, and I want to be sure he is as okay as he says he is. How is he really? Please treat him well, and please do not tell him I wrote! I imagine he would be quite beside himself with embarrassment if he found out. Sincerely yours, Sagessa  P.S. I do hope we get to meet one day! May Pelor protect you until and long after then.
Rokka: Hello sagessa!! Nice to, uh, read you! I didn't know he had a friend! Yes...shorewater has been super crazzzzy. Kind of scary actually...don't come here. (Lol) you're right he is kind and well so far! He's nice to me and I like him! We shared a bed and it was nice. Also, don't worry my lips are sealed! Promise! Sincerely, Rokka. P.s. I hope to meet you soon! (saying this all outloud) 
Q - Who taught you all how to fight? Or to hone in on a specific skill?
Psalm: I've been trying to figure that out myself. Rokka: my father Finn: *side eyes psalm* I took an interest in swordsmanship early. I've had an instructor and participated in many tournaments. Your opponents are your most valuable teachers. Han: ...the whole tribe, really. Keva: i learned on my own at first. Cimmorro: good ol’ parents gyahaha
Q - do any of you know how to give good massages
Psalm: I know, but whether or not they're "good" remains to be seen. Cimmorro: we were certainly taught basic massage techniques but i don’t really have the strength for it [laughs wryly]
Q - what are your thoughts and feelings about your country or hometown?
Psalm: I'll save time and just say that they're mostly positive. Finn: My hometown is okay. Could be better. :/ Cimmorro: i like my hometown. i can’t imagine settling down anywhere else at the moment.   
Q - do you like bugs
Rokka: yeah, they're neat! Lady bugs were my favourite when I was young. Keva: as long as they're not biting me or trying to get at my food, they're fine Psalm: No, but I'm not scared of them either or anything silly like that. Finn: As a child I was less aversive to them but I must admit I find them most unpleasant and avoid all contact. Cimmorro: yeah!
Q - would you confess to your love interest first
Rokka: idk maybe? I've never been in this situation before do I'm not sure...👉👈 Psalm: It depends. No sense in keeping some things hidden though. Finn: If there is no other way, yes. Cimmorro: sure. beating around the bush feels like a waste of time really.   
Q - Do any of you have any second given names?
Finn: Yes, actually. My second name is Oswald. Han: (scoffs) no. threw it out.
Q - does your chain hang low does it bobble to the floor can you tie it in a knot can you tie in a bow can you throw it o’er your shoulder like a smth smth smth does your chain hang low
Finn: Psalm, do you recognize this writing ? Psalm: It...sounds vaguely familiar, but as I'm not from around here I'm not too sure.
Q - have you ever been to or in a wedding party? do you like going to weddings?
Psalm: I've been to my parents' wedding, but aside from that not really. I do like parties. Wedding parties seem like fun. Cimmorro: i ordain weddings... or, well, i used to. the parties are fun, but overseeing the ceremony itself is something i’d rather avoid.
Q - have you ever been somewhere haunted?
Psalm: I would hope not. Cimmorro: once or twice? strangely fun? i’d recommend it :)
Q - have you ever held a baby
Psalm: Probably? What kind of question is this? Han: ..yeah. Cimmorro: yeah! it was practically my job back then haha
Q - what would be an invention you’d really like to see to make life easier
Psalm: Airships were already invented, so I'm out of ideas. Cimmorro: a portable communication device more efficient than a sending stone sounds nice
Q - plum do you miss your sister?
Plum: yeah. who the hell are you
Q - keva what's your favourite hairstyle?
Keva: there’s up and there’s down idk how to do anything else Finn: You don't know how to do anything else? If you are ever interested I'd be happy to assist you in finding something to your liking. And to teach, shall you wish it. Keva: first psalm now you what is going on Psalm: It's an admirable trait for sure :-). Finn: You could simply stand to make more of yourself, Keva. Keva: you're just making fun of me now Finn: Absolutely not. But let's just say you're not going to impress anyone like this. Keva: who is there to-- i'm not Trying to impr-- okay (she is leaving) Finn laughs quietly to himself as she leaves Psalm: Hmm.. if I ever grow my hair out I'll be sure to come to you Finn. Finn: Gladly.
Q - i heard thru the town crier that you all were not in fact the ones who ruined elfonsent spell but how do i know i can trust you
Psalm: We didn't ruin the ball. Just take the kings' word for it I guess
Q - do you like to draw
Finn: I do not recall ever trying my hand at it. I've no time for such things. Plum: sometimes  Cimmorro: sure.
Q - would you get a tattoo? what and where would it be?
Rokka: What if 😳 I already 😳 have a tattoo😳 ? 😳 On my back 😳 Plum: *confused thinking about all the fur... did they shave him first and then tattoo him? the fuck would be the point if the fur just grows back??* Han: i only have all this birthmark... and if anything, i would like to get rid of them. Cimmorro: i already have one but maybe i’d get a few more 🤔
Q - when you’re not feelin so hot what do you do to cheer yourself up?
Rokka: roaming or good company is always nice...but it hasn't been that easy to have these days. Keva: find somewhere up high Psalm: Not sure. I have the tendency to avoid problems. Plum: drink, i think? pretty sure i drink Han: go as far into a forest as i can Cimmorro: drink
Q - have any of you had a job before this? i know han worked at the swallow’s perch but what about the rest of you? what was the job if you can share?
Psalm: I'm in my early twenties. I think there'd be something wrong if I didn't have some line of work before this. (He ignores the rest of the question.) Plum: i work for an alchemist over in talornia Rokka: check it (starts juggling) Han: hey im still working there ;-; Cimmorro: temple work. i help oversee almost everything.
Q - do any of you know how to play instruments?
Psalm: I definitely can't. Keva: sort of, not really Cimmorro: nah... though i was interested in learning one
Q - any favourite scary stories?
Psalm: I'm pretty ambivalent about the horror genre. Not my thing. Finn: That's a shame. I would've asked you for a recommendation Psalm.
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benji-cheung · 7 years
Where do you buy your diverse selction of paper? I know of kims crane, and that Amazon has a good selection, but are there any others you can suggest? Thanks.
ive answered this q a few times before, and the real answer is that mostly im just messin around in stationery shops
so like, when im here in America its pretty much jus goin to daiso and picking out anything that looks nice and has like paper that there isnt just like, 2 sheets of. & whenever i go on trips to hong kong i go in a bookstore and binge buy like 12 packs which get me through a couple of years until the next trip. i have a lot of paper now and its probably going to last me like 5 years but i just. keep. buyin it. also sometimes ppl give it to me as an easy gift so i dont even know about that like it just shows up
i went to japan this past summer and bought a bunch there too tho i havent used all that much of it. obviously theyre more likely to have dedicated origami shops
i guess a coupla nice things are like
the double-sided patterned paper / solid color that you can get in 7.5x7.5 like e. lukasheva has used it before in some of her Pro Photos. i got it in hk once idk where you would find that stuff online. like the stars and polka dots and stuff
also the double-sided harmony paper / solid color that ive also seen her use and i bought straight up like 12 packs of. i think the brand i used was maybe not good because there was that one time where i posted that “bullshit” photo and also one time they straight up uh forgot to print the harmony pattern i guess like it was just white on color
one pack i really value is the double-sided foil / solid color but i dont remember where i got it
kraft paper is really nice to fold from but its practically mono. tant is literally mono and also super expensive and doesnt come in big packs but i still use it xoxo
have you ever seen those 40-color packs of kami? theyre pretty nice actually i got one so i could start making 3d rainbows and the quality ended up being pretty nice like people at the origami club at my school use it and i was like lol i recognize that brand it was kind of #validating. im the only person really into modulars there but theres someone related to daniel kwan apparently theyre a whole origami family and they go to conventions and competitions
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leonbastralle · 7 years
(not yet a miracle but one day) ficus!! 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 24, 27 (lmao), 32, 39, 46!! sorry i chose a shitton
ficus is absolutely the miraclest miracle even tho hell never take that name so he counts (i kinda wanted to be asked abt him most tbh) SO THANK YOU also no sorries, im sorry for this clusterfuck that probably doesnt make any sense and also for taking so long!
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?idk how to best put it but…hes generally v unhappy with his situation and everything that comes from it (unemployment and work shit and all) at this point he has no idea what hell b doing the next day (not that he knows what hes doing at all) but…hes definitely able to hide that well until he gets back home, so…no. no exploiting. snowdrift could, at a certain point, but…he no longer wants to.03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?he likes his hair (i think thats obvious) but hes also ok with his general appearance like…the amount of muscle and that shit04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)ok physical he rly likes snowdrifts curls (i swear theyre just rly soft i just Know) and his lil dootworthy nose and his delicate pianist fingers, character traits would be…how hes able to feel (and show) such intense emotions abt a lot of things, his thirst for knowledge and just general curiosity and how persistent and stubborn he is (all traits that ficus lacks) also later on how hes just willing to…give so much to a person who only seems to have been taking from him? just honest strong support when he needs it most, so probably like…how he was willing to set all the shit aside when it got serious? is that a trait? probablyBONUS snowdrift for ficus: snowdrift too loves that one single curl that ficus has (i know i keep saying that), his nose, his lips (snowdrift dies at those lips especially combined with that stupidly good voice), probably also his abs and butt and…maybe…his neck? XD there is A LOT. for character traits…at first he doesnt rly see the true ficus but he knows there HAS to be more to it which is part of what attracts him, all the mysteries for him to solve, and though the whole im tough and strong and cool and know just how to drive you mad in any possible way is super attractive to him, when he rly knows who he fell in love with its like…hes so overwhelmed by how dAMN SOFT THIS BOY IS and he just thinks its so beautiful that hes so complex and ajsfbakjsfnaksd im gonna actually tear up snowdrift probably does too? also his persistence when it comes to snowdrift and how supportive/protective he is of him despite his softness and own shit i guess? and how smart he is (u bet theres dirty talk in latin happening i die)05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?tough toUGH TOUGH like sure…he definitely starts out super shy because the poker face?? its just that the boy knows nOTHING about love and then this shitbag of a first breaks his heart but…generally i wouldnt necessarily use shy as a label since…he did absolutely enjoy that intense power showoff that was early snowdrifticus (until snowdrift found out how to neutralise him oops, it was mostly just the joy of finally getting him to shut up…about work stuff) but in the end when everythings said and done hes still a soft subby marshmallow at heart (imagine this said like spooky scary skeletons because i do for some reason?) also this was a lot more than what the q said and maybe i also completely blew it but…yeah08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?he would probably say that his biggest flaw is that hes still existing or some…really bad stuff like that, so no hes definitely not rly aware…at least hes rly good at focusing on some things and completely ignoring the other? but to answer question one…probably this exactly? how hes throwing himself so deep into all the self pity and negative stuff and just being like…pls swallow me but also…i rly cant blame him for that. just like the whole thing of putting on such an extreme show because thats just a) him trying to show that hes strong and scary so nobody will see how vulnerable he is but at the same time also exploiting that huge difference between actually being vulnerable but acting completely different? its just such an Experience and i definitely blame him for needing this extreme stuff so much?? but that again is just a way to feel smth else than sad iTS ALL CONNECTED IDK10. Is your character more feminine or masculine?depends on how you define femininity or masculinity? sure hes…v emotional and marshmallowy deep down and he spends a LONG time grooming his hair but i aint abt those stereotypes xD he has a rly damn good dark voice and som abs and a pretty masculine face and his poker face/power trip self is definitely condensed masculinity (esp with all that testosterone cause snowdrift tension bless the boys)24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?an infuriatingly attractive idiot? xD and the worst pighead he knows (he admires that tho) and also he thinks snowdrift has the most angelic face eSP LIKE U KNO IN DIM LIGHT PRESSED AGAINST A PILLOW OR SOM SHIT but he would never ever say that out loud27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?mURDER it would…probably be because he took his whole police game one step too far??32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?ficus isnt one to leave the house much if he doesnt have to…he turned into a true hermit during his vamp years even tho he actually DOESNT burn in the sun…but if anything, hed want to go somewhere absolutely deserted, in the late evening or at night mAYBE THE BEACH CAUSE SYMBOLISM or just a hill with a nice view that isnt light blue and full of moles. hed be absolutely ok with having a lil picnic and just cuddling and talking and taking things in? thats the worst cheese i know39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?what ppl assume by ficus appearance works very well with his poker face self because like…theyll probably think hes very collected but also sharp and probably pretty evil and could definitely murder you in your sleep and thats absolutely what hes trying to convey and what hes acting out so…no the assumption isnt correct at all, behind all the snark hides a (still snarky) v bitter v sad vamp who just wants to b held in various ways46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?tbh snowdrift is a lot more abt random affection than ficus? ficus does give a lot of temple kisses tho.
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lebilliam · 7 years
111 questions with @imaginationisendless3
001: What is your biggest dream? uhhh. that depends on how you define dream. im gonna go ahead and say that the dream is to be able to wake up and go to the airport and just travel all around and come back home to the same old home at the end of the day
002: What is the bravest thing you've ever done? this q is quite a doozy. i really dont keep track of this kind of stuff
003: Is it hard for you to show your feelings? hell ye
004: What is your dream job? What was your dream job when you were little? when i was little i thought looking at space and being an astronaut would be really cool but now its just being able to travel
005: What is your favorite sound? mechanical keyboard clicking hands down
006: Would you rather be in front of the camera or behind it? wait this q seems familiar but im gonna say in front
007: What do you notice first when you meet a new person? (Both in real and on the internet): what kind of memes they like
008: Is there anybody you *fully* trust?: sure theres a list
009: Do you like / love someone? If yes, who?: there was this cute girl once but i never mustered the courage to really talk to her rip 
010: Have you ever received / sent hate? How do you deal with it?: i flame brian and logan all the time but i dont think that constitutes hate mail. tbh i dont recall an instance of being perturbed by excessive hate
011: What are you going to spend money on next?: food in martinique (or maybe some chacos here)
012: What are three things you never leave your house without?: phone, wallet, jacket
013: What is your favorite place?: ive had a lot of favorite places over the last few years but now that im being asked i cant recall any of them. all my favorite places have this one thing that i dont like about them and thats why i have so many
014: Do you sing and/or dance in front of people? nah not earnestly
015: Have you ever cheated on a test?: have YOU? i say i want to cheat on tests all the time bc itd be so easy but im just too lazy to enact a foolproof cheat strategy
016: What is your current desktop background?: last time it was a bunch of functional groups for Ochem, but now its specific reagents and pathways!
017: How would you describe yourself in 3 words? indecisive, unpredictable, decisive (i thnk)
018: What does make you happy?: honestly?? knowing im appreciated
019: What time were you born? uhh i dont know off the top of my head atm but i can check
020: Do you give second chances? Why? why the fuck NOT? well i say that but all the second chances ive given have been disappointments. trying to find someone to surprise me i guess? xd
021: Name your biggest turn ons and turn offs: serious turn offs are lacking empathy for the struggles of others (i say stop being poor ironically, but there are people who really dont get it which is scary to me). turn ons? Jacinda asked me this and my answer still hasnt changed-- the neck. i ALWAYS go for the jugular
022: When was the last time you hugged someone?: hmmmmm probably last month or so?
023: What is your favorite food? GOD dang it i know i say a lot of things are my favorite but now i cant think of anything. something im always down for is KFC though
024: Do you save money or spend it right away? FUCK i try to save it but money just has a way of leaving my hands
025: Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are their meanings? If no, would you get any?: id love to get tattoos. sleeves and all those seem really neat but also i know im just rash with decisions like that sometimes
026: Name five things you find beautiful: ooo hair in sunlight, pure moments of unadulterated laughter, crafts that people work on, technology, and mechanical keyboards
027: What is your favorite clothing style? (Both in you and others): lately ive been joking about the CLOUT a lot with champion and supreme branded stuff but its ironic. tbh i like buttonups with nice colors.
028: How do you cheer yourself up? i slid into this girl’s dms with this very question and then i linked her a minecraft song parody so i guess minecraft song parodies and stupid things
029: Do you show affection in public?: i would IF I COULD
030: What is one thing you are looking forward to?: martinique, being refreshed enough to actually care about school bc this last semester was a shitshow
031: Have you ever been to other countries? If yes, where?: france, spain, italy, canada, (japan when i was uber young), vietnam, fircrest
032: What was the last lie you told and why? ill start on this at 2pm. i was still in bed at 2
033: Who are the people you can always turn to? mo, lo
034: Have you ever done drugs? If not, would you ever try them?: it sounds like itd be a cool experience but im also scared all of those horror stories where the drugs were laced with other stuff that turns you into a 4 year old
035: What is your favorite word? i think about the word obsequious a lot but i think my favorite word has to go to discord
036: Do you consider yourself a romantic? sure why not
037: What are 3 objects that are *very* important to you and why?: notes section in my phone ( i write a lot of my thoughts and weird dreams in there), my laptop ( i use it literally every single day), my dice ( bc dnd has been uber helpful to me and its a great pastime)  
038: Have you ever met someone famous? If so, who?: nope! not special
039: What would you like to change, mentally and physically, about yourself? id like to start working out but i say that all the time. id like to be more dedicated to school stuff but honestly its whatever. idk jsut trying to be more confident in myself and smiling more
040: Have you ever won a contest/competition? What for? i won a smash tournament once and i got fourth or third in another one but that was a long time ago
041: What is one illegal thing you would do if there were no consequences? steal, armed robbery. 
042: Who are your favorite fictional characters? borutos dad seems kind of cool, they should make an anime about him or something
043: Do you ever wish you were somebody else? yea i wish i was me but better
044: What is your favorite store to shop at? FUEGO and the runway fashion exchange and idk some other cool store but it doesnt come to mind
045: Do you want to have children one day? How many? How would you name them?: i think about it. having children would be cool but also NOT having kids would be cool
046: How do you cope with stress? How do you vent your anger? i say reee unironically but then it makes me feel better 
047: What do you want for your birthday? honestly? lots of money but idk a new set of dice would be nice ore maybe a new computer
048: Have you ever had an imaginary friend? yea probably
049: Have you ever said "I love you" even though you didn't mean it? in the times ive said it i feel like i have meant it but you can never be too sure
050: What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? starting to write down all your feelings and stuff that happens
051: Do you have any regrets? If yes, what do you regret the most? not taking the opportunity to go to high school/ college early / skipping grades / trying harder on admissions tests
052: Do you find tattoos and/or piercings attractive? theyre pretty neat imo i like them
053: Do you want to get married? What are your views on marriage? marriage is such an old concept but also it seems kind of cool
054: Who are you most comfortable around? tbh its been myself for the last few weeks 
055: What are you wearing right now? What do you wear to bed? i am wearing shorts. i try not to wear too much when i sleep bc i overheat but if i have someone else in bed with me ill wear a thin shirt and shorts
056: When is your birthday? feb 26!
057: What is love to you? love is being able to send memes to each other and being able to go from 2 blobs watching videos to a fancy date and 
058: Are you a jealous person? i can be jealous if i dont trust whatever is happening
059: Would you rather go to a party or stay at home? hmm tbh id probably party if my friends were there or if not id stay at home 
060: How many relationships have you had? quite a few
061: Are you a positive person? sure, i guess ;)
062: What kind of people do you feel attracted to? smart people who are smart but also dumb and cute
063: What is the longest time you've stayed awake? oooowee i think 21 hours or so?
064: Have you ever been told "I don't want to lose you"? yep! proceeded to then lose me!
065: What is your favorite genre when it comes to movies? action comedy
066: Do you collect anything? memories and dust and trinkets
067: In your opinion, what is your best quality? i can make you laugh
068: Have you ever changed for someone?yep! it happens and its sad but it happens
069: What is your idea of a perfect date? a date is the entire day, starting out with waking up next to the person, eating breakfast together, maybe do some errands / work out, netflix and chill, chill, go out for a nice dinner and night out, come back, netflix and chill, chill, go to bed.
070: Are you shy or outgoing? i would love to say im outgoing but idk!
071: In your opinion, what is the secret for a great relationship? surprises everywhere
072: Are you the kind of person who breaks rules? hm im sure i did at some point. maybe i still do?
073: Is it hard for you to trust people? yea it can get a lil hard
074: What does your dream house look like? fat front yard, lots of plants, lots of green grass
075: Do you feel attracted to people your age, younger or older? hmm im at the ripe age of 19 where options younger than me are a lil sketch. idk according to the historia older people have been quality
076: How much have you changed over the past year? a LOT boii
077: Longest friendship you've ever had? hmm about 6 or 7 or 8 years
078: Do you have pets? If not, what animal would you like to have? no pets, id love dogs
079: Are you left or right handed? ambidextrous
080: What talent do you wish you’d been born with? perfect pitch would help a lot with what i like to do
081: Where do you get motivation and inspiration? minecraft parody songs, also seeing professionals doing what they do
082: Do you know how to swim? If yes, when did you learn? yea, i learned when i was in bellingham and then i learned more when i was in kent
083: You are given one wish: What do you wish for? i wish for 100 million dollars with no inflation, no taxes, no debts, no one filing a lawsuit or slandering my name (this is all a part of getting the 100 mil. ive thought about getting money a lot)
084: Do you like to give / receive flowers? What is your favorite flower? i like giving flowers bc i feel like if i receive them,  i dont know what to do. its now ur problem if i get you flowers
085: Would you rather travel to a cold forest or a warm beach? warm beach if its not in the early morning when the sun rises, otherwise, forest
086: What is one thing you can't forgive, that can destroy a friendship or relationship beyond repair? if u kill me i dont think i could get over that
087: What is the last thing you purchased? corsair mouse
088: Have you ever broken someone's heart? Ever gotten your heart broken? yep and yep
089: Have you ever cheated on someone? Ever been cheated on? no and yes
090: Do you believe in soulmates? uhhh its possible. theres 8 billion people on this planet, what are the odds that soulmates DOnt exist
091: Is there anybody you would do absolutely *anything* for? If yes, who? hmmmm not anything, but id do a fair bit for my friends
092: Share three facts about your life.: i like to eat, make friends, and travel/experience other cultures
093: Do you believe in love at first sight? i do, but most of the time it isnt reciprocated ;p
094: Would you date someone who smokes / drinks / does drugs / has a mental illness? yea, i dont see why that would stop me from dating them
095: You are given 15 minutes of fame: What would you do? ask for money
096: How is your dream partner like? shes funny, makes me laugh, smells good, etc
097: Would you rather commit to one person or have several relationships? id rather have several relationships so i know exactly what im looking for in a person.
098: What are some of your hobbies? league, hearthstone, watching people play league and hearthstone, french, etc
099: What kind of person do you want to be? i want to be the cool old person when im old
100: What did you have for breakfast? i had some vietnamese cuisine
101: What is your Top 3 favorite shows? What was your Top 3 favorite shows when you were a kid? the office is something i enjoy, mythbusters, uh scooby doo? idk 
102: What are three places you *really* would like to visit one day? hmmm maybe the trevi fountain, il duomo, totally la sagrada familia 
103: What was your last meal? What was your last beverage? breakfast, water
104: Who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? hmm probably anastasia
105: What is one thing that made you smile today? thinking about martinique
106: Do you like taking photos? If yes, what do you photograph the most?i love taking photos, but i never have subjects so i dont really take photos too often
107: Has anyone ever written a poem or a song dedicated to you? Have you? FHCk man i wish. wait there was a 100 things i like about you and i think about it all the time. i actually have written poems and stuff but tis been a  long time and i dont think my creative juices are back from that yet (but trust me, it was straight fire)
108: Do you remember your dreams? If yes, what was the last dream you remember about?: i remember almost all of my dreams because i always tell someone about them and idk talking helps me remember things 
109: If you could go back in the past, would you change anything? If yes, what? i would start learning things so much earlier and stick with theme
110: If you were given 3 million dollars, what would you do with them? invest 2 mill in the bank, get that monthly interest coming back in the mail, use that mill to pay off all my and my friends debts, live life the way i wished i could when i was little
111: What are a few facts about you that not many people know of? i like learning languages but its not profitable in this day and age i feel
'111 Questions': by Ira V. Simon (priveting)
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yehetingxing · 7 years
tagged by @holyxingsdick <33333
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers
- Nicknames: Pandi, .... thats kind of it... 
- Zodiac sign: aries
- Height: 166cm/5′4
- Orientation: straight
- Nationality: french
- Favorite fruit: mmmmh.... pears?? i guess??? idk... i like most fruits....
- Favorite season: WINTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!!!!
- Favorite book: once again i dont rlly read so like :((( but i guess yixings book
- Favorite flower: ummm... all flowers r beautiful i dont discriminate 😂
- Favorite scent: coffee!!!! (high five blossomie) and umm... any...perfumes...that i like....
- Favorite animal: .... pandas... i dont think this rlly comes as a surprise since my nickname is pandi. i also love cats :))) i have 3 and theyre my children, dont touch them
- Favorite colour: greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen but every colour is fine tbh 
- Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: HOT CHOCOLATE ALLLLLL THE WAYYYY
- Average sleep hours: ~4-5h on school days (i got muuuchhh better c:) and like 1328748h on weekends
- Cat or dog: cats obv :) but i still love dogs :)))) esp vivi
- Favorite fictional character: LUFFYYYYY, chopper, every manga character :(
- # of blankets: 2 and 3 during winter
- Dream trip: GO BACK TO CHINA, korea (obv), japan, hk+macau+singapore, malaysia, thailand and visit more of canada BUT THATS WAY TOO MUCH ISNT IT
- Blog created: wow... umm i have no clue... like a year and a half ago??
- Favorite song at the moment: .... bOI, THE WHOLE OF BTS’S HER, power -exo, what u need +lose control - king of china (yes im getting back into these song), company -  tinashe, just u - jeong sewoo, vixx lr - whisper, vvip - jo wuchan ft sikk & gaeko, we are - woo wonjae and moar but once again that will be too much :(
- Number of followers: like 5
- Favorite bands: this is quite obvious but EXOOOOO & BTSSSS those r my main but as u noticed i listen to a variety of artists and groups (and im multi fandom af but theres so many that i cant be bothered to write it down eventho theres like 5 more groups only but anywhoo)
- Favorite solo artists: ....help... welllll theres the whole china line of exo :)))))), i also rlly like offonoff, zico, zion ttttt!!!!!, dean!!!!!!, crush, sik k, heize, amber hehe,  and last but not leastttttttt JUNG HOSEOK WHENEVER HE’LL RELEASE HIS GOD DAMN FUCKING HIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!! (theres actually more but.... ye)
- Song stuck in my head: rn its what you like - lee gikwang (but it changes every 10 mins so)
- Last tv show i watched: cheese in the trap (i already read the webtoon so its not that interesting for me tbh... i already know everything thats going to happen)
- What stuff do you post: bts & exo mostly, ull see some cats passing by and some aesthetic skies, a lot of different kpop groups and eventually some shitpost of me crying over sehun and hobi :))
- When did your blog reach its peak: lol it still hasnt and probs never will :)))
- Do you have any other blogs: ..ha..haha... ha.. yeah.... not gonna share them cos one is just a blog made for a friend and i post shit abt her haha (she also has one for me :(( ), one is just where i reblog random recipes i should try one day if i ever wanna do smth with my life which will never happen, and one is where i reblog language stuff (mostly mandarin bc yes, i learn mandarin)
- do you get asks regularly: nooooo ahaha i wish :(( if u wanna ask random shit, hello :) im here :)
- why did you choose your url: cos yehet is sehun and hes my ub, xing is yixing and hes my other exo bias (along with bbh and pcy), i thought abt adding hobi since hes my scnd ub but idk.. my love wasnt as strong as it is now. also xing can mean star in madarin so i thought itd be funny to make yehet a verb describing a star... anyway my brain goes to weird places just go with it (also thanks to @holyxingsdick  for helping me choose that url)
- following: too many :( 573...
- posts: 7, 516 (less than expected tbh)
- hogwarts house: no fckng clue lemme go take a test. welp it says im mostly  gryffindor but i honestly have no clue :(
- pokemon team: IDKKKKKKKKK
- favourite colours: wasnt this q already asked?????
- lucky numbers: 94, 4, 9, 12, 7, 21, 88, 10, 6 (thats a lot IK!)
- what are you wearing rn: oversized black nintendo shirt and black sweatpants
- dream job: noooo clueeee, i guess u could say dancer but idk... maybe web designer if i continue liking it as much as i do rn :) but i keep my options open since i rlly dk.
i tag @bakinglover73 @jongin-trash @haneuuls @yerkezhanberkembayeva (r u even alive on tumblr? 😂) @ijustwantjongintobehappy @bias-yixing @anyone who reads this idk who to tag anymore :(
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taekwoonsvixxen · 7 years
Get To Know You Tag
Rules: answer all the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to know better!
tagged by @j-hellnah​ thanks again~ (*^▽^*)
A: Age - 20 as of this past September
B: Birthplace - Dhaka, Bangladesh but I’ve lived in the US since i was 7 months old
C: Current time - 9:51 PM
D: Drink you had last - pink lemonade (i debated for more than 2 hours on whether i should get it or not)
E: Easiest person to talk to - hmm if its people on tumblr then definitely @j-hellnah​ but outside of tumblr its my friend mica~! even then i don’t talk that much XD i think…
F: Favorite song - that is a very difficult question since it is always changing, but i guess currently its NO WAIT I HAVE ONE I CAN’T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT ASDKJALSDFHLAJDFH Doushite Kimi Wa Suki Ni Natte Shimattandarou? - TVXQ (i have the lyrics memorized)
G: Grossest memory - ok this happened recently, so I’ve been having a bad cough for like the past 3 months so of course theres mucus, so i had a coughing fit so bad 2 weeks ago that i basically basically puked a bit of  mucus, and somehow it slid into my shoe… i didn’t take it off till i got home cuz i was on campus
H: Hogwarts house - Slytherin, and proud of it (honestly everyone who finds out gets so surprised cuz they think I’d be Hufflepuff, i’m on a mission to protect Hufflepuffs)
I: In love - With Kim Seokjin, yes. ok but seriously no, never have and i doubt i ever actually will
J: Jealous of people - Not so much, more like envy from things they have or can do, but generally doesn’t last long
K: Killed someone - Not yet.
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - I don’t believe in it.
M: Middle name - Don’t have one~
N: Number of Siblings - 1. I’m the oldest of two~!
O: One wish - To never lose my friends whom I cherish deeply, even if I’m ass at showing it
P: Person you called last - My mom
Q: Question you’re always asked - Are you from India? *sighs deeply* here we go again No.
R: Reasons to smile - cute things, my friends, actual angel of my life and softest loaf of bread alive Kim Seokjin.
S: Song you sang last -  Doushite Kimi Wa Suki Ni Natte Shimattandarou? - TVXQ (I’ve had it on replay since that question up there)
T: Time you woke up - 7 AM but that’s simply when my eyes opened to turn off my alarm
U: Underwear color - Gray~!
V: Vacation Destination - Either South Korea or Japan, I’ve wanted to go for so long
W: Worst habit - I procrastinate way more than I should, really it’s bad. Uhhhh I talk in my head a lot, and I’m bad at expressing certain feelings so I probably come off as rude when I’m not in a good mood, which may or not be happening more frequently but really i don’t know what i’m doing ahhhhhhhhh
Y: Your favorite food - French Fries. Any potato products rly. I just love food in general too~!
Z: Zodiac sign - Virgo~
I’ll tag @acousticawake​ and @jeon-jungshook (/^▽^)/​ ~
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badword · 7 years
do all the odds :~)
ur crazy for this shit1. Is a kiss considered cheating?uh ya i think so3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?shapeshifting duhh5. Tell us some funny drunk story.apparently when i was drunk a few months ago i befriended a girl i had just met and forced her to promise to watch forrest gump with me and i have no recollection of this7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? stabbed/murdered in general9. Do you like someone?uhh i mean kinda. i have small crushes on a few ppl rn but nothing big!11. Do you like your body?no i hate it 13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?this is such a big q, i guess id promote my art idk tht seems boring15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?begetals. i love a good veggie17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?i only ever spend my money on my friends and food19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?elizabeth said it like the other day but she says it all thw time, besides that probably never tbh21. Do you keep a journal?i make a lot of lists of things which is similar, i also keep a sketchbook but not a real journal i guess23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?i dont understand the question and i wont respond to it25. Are grades in school important?umm artistically i wanna say no27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?i watched american psycho again last night and it always leaves me absolutely shaken because its an amazing movie. also when i saw 2001 a space odyssey i like couldnt even speak after it was so good!! for books: misery by stephen king29. Dumbest lie you ever told? god i dont even know i lie about dumb shit constantly but its mostly just small stuff its never rly gotten me in trouble31. Something you did and you are proud of?got a REAL job designing logos for a business :))))) im really excited33. Something you are good at?this is hard to answer honestly. im pretty good at art but not lately35. How are you feeling right now?nauseous mostly. a bit depressed37. What do you need to be happy?the thing that makes me the happiest is spending time with my friends that i love39. What was the last gift you received?someone made me a friendship bracelet41. What was the last concert you went to?saw twin peaks at taste of chicago :-) and LOVED it43. Who inspires you?my dad45. How old were you when you first got high?ripe age of 1647. When was your first kiss?the day after my 8th grade graduation49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?i regret a pretty big chunk of stuff from my past but most recent big one is letting this horrible person fuck me over badly and KNOWINGLY51. Who are you most comfortable around?my closest friends53. What kind of books do you read?sci-fi/fantasy mostly!! but i also love a few realistic fiction books55. What is your favourite flower?poppies i think57. What kind of people are you attracted to?this q is pretty vague but nice and funny people. nice is essential59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?i fucking hate mushrooms61. Something you find romantic?its SO easy to be romantic to me like just going out of the way to think of me is like the number one thing to make me fall instantly in love63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?i love girls theres nothing every girl does that bothers me65. What are you saving money for?moving out asap67. Are you actually a good person? Why?tough. im chaotic neutral and very much so, im rly good to people i care about but anyone who makes me upset i treat them like shit with no remorse69. Have you ever done anything illegal?i KNOW a cop is reading this. i uhhh decline 2 answerjust kiddin ive done the usual illegal stuff. drugs and alc and some small time crimes71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?ya and i havent really regretted any of the times that i have73. Have you ever cheated on someone?nope i would rather die75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! i go on tumble dot com once a week at most77. Favourite TV series?the office, psych, twin peaks79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?the last book i actually finished was misery by stephen king and it was VERY impressive and i would recommend it to anyone who likes horror/thrillers81. How long have you been on Tumblr?since 2012. god83. McDonalds or Subway?subway is disgusting and expensive. mcd85. Alcohol or drugs?im typically more of an alc guy87. Meaning behind your blog name?its my one personality trait and my age89. Last time you were insulted?my therapist told me my haircut was ugly today but it was indirect91. Perfect date idea?perfect date idea is someone taking me on a date. but uhh idk a picnic at night with some good music would be so ideal93. What colour are the walls in your room?yucky purple color that i hate with some painted over areas in random colors95. Share your favourite quote.quote from man stabbed: "what are you going to do, stab me?"97. Do you like horror movies?love! them! but its hard to find good ones i feel like99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way?i feel incredibly lucky that i know the most amazing people and that they are my friends
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blackhyena · 7 years
tagged by @mad-shelley ! thank you boo <3
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
a - age: 22
b - birthplace: stretford. home of morrissey and ian curtis. its the reason theyre so sad
c - current time: 11:31
d - drink you last had: uhhh i didnt drink today. i think some water last night?
e - easiest person to talk to: probably bekka (but shes in GREECE so i can only email her atm) @j-eronimo or @theskyhasissues cause theyve lived with me and know intimately how gross and weird i am on a daily basis
f - favorite song: at the moment? good old-fashioned lover boy by queen.
g - grossest memory: um some are just unspeakably bad but one time i puked in the middle of a restaurant in finland and made all of the other guests leave
h - horror yes or horror no: yes!!!! though i tend to be into vintage horror films rather than modern ones because theyre just jumpscares and theres no plot
i - in love: uhhh i kind of have perpetual crushes on everyone that go nowhere so....???? hard to say
j - jealous of people: i try not to be but...... i am a spiteful thing
k - killed someone: ......... no
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: should i walk by again.... in theory. im not as cynical as i perhaps should be
m - middle name: danielle
n - number of siblings: none!!
o - one wish: to just be like??? content with the way that i look and come across to other people. like once
p - person you called last: my father
q - question you are always asked: why did you go to italy to study english. i still dont know the answer actually
r - reason to smile: cat toe beans
t - time you woke up: 8:30!! earlier than usual cause im going to visit @cydoniahype and friends innit
u - underwear color: black
v - vacation destination: greece (for obvious reasons)
w - worst habit: getting preoccupied with what other people think, procrastinating, not finishing things
x - x-rays: of my teeth and a lot. i have a long and tumultuous history of dentistry
y - your favorite food: probably pasta if we’re going by the sheer amount that i eat
z - zodiac sign: libra
nickname: zanna, though my other housemate called me zan the other day and i loved it frankly
zodiac: libra... ?? didnt i just answer this?? do you want another??
height: 5′4
last thing i googled: misty day (i.e. from ahs) no word of a lie i wanted fashion inspo
favorite music artist: uhhhh probably florence and the machine atm
song stuck in my head: don’t stand so close to me - the police. its been in my head for so long aaaaa
last movie i saw: kingsman: the secret service. i didnt expect to like it as much as i did tbh
what i’m wearing right now: black sunhat, black croptop, black skirt, patterned tights, ankle boots, a red and black floral kimono, two rings and two pendants
why i chose my url: because @itsnotcrockettscience chose it 
do you have any other blogs: i have two!! my inspiration/writing blog @sibyllineleaves which really needs updating and my art blog @zannadraws
what did your last relationship teach you: don’t put all your eggs in one basket i guess? don’t rely on people to be as invested in you as you are in them?    feels bad scoob
religious or spiritual: uhhhh more spiritual. im really not traditionally religious in any way but im quite superstitious and open to new ideas..... i dont know how to phrase it lmao
favorite color: purple
average hours of sleep: usually 6-8
lucky number: 9
favorite characters: theres. a lot
how many blankets do you sleep with: a duvet and sheet
dream job: university lecturer in romantic/victorian studies (thats the current plan!!!), musician, haggard bog woman lurking in the Swamps, general lady of leisure
im not tagging 20 people but uhhhh @bisexualaudreyhorne @beau--brummell @fxvriel @yovartiosto @god--trash @adifferentkindofgentleman @strange-meeting @renfield 
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hoonface · 7 years
Tagged by the beautiful @s-lay-ing !! Thank you so much for tagging me and I hope you get to know me better through all these games! (I’m sorry if I missed one or two omg I’m gonna go check after this) and it was so fun! I really enjoy getting to know everyone a bit better and I hope you like my...eccentricities? This was so fun to do, and thanks again! 
Tagging: @wonuthewhale @healinghoshi @jisoosmeoli @jisoominghao and my new friend, @vitaminniedk !!! And of course anyone else who wants to do this because I would absolutely love to get to know you all better <3  
Here’s the thing: either you answer the questions I answered OR you answer the questions I made at the bottom, as simple as that. Then create another 11 questions IF you wish 😅
a8, here we go:
• What are your five favorite songs from your bias group? Seventeen: Mansae, Adore U, Very Nice, Pretty U, Healing & Smile Flower
• What are your five favorite songs (kpop) not from your bias group?
Bangtan’s Not TODaY
BlackPink’s As If It’s Your Last
Hey Mama – EXO CBX
Love Paint – Nu’est Cause that song is SO GOOD YALL ARE SLEEPING ON TALENT
BTS’ Lost
Honourable mentions: Twice’s TT CAUSE ITS SO CATCHY, Infinite’s The Eye (lord my first thoughts on Sungjong were “Yoon Jeonghan when he had blonde long hair”, Jin’s Awake.
• What are your five favorite non-kpop songs? oh goDDDD YOURE DIGGING UP MY PAST XDD
You just want ATTENTION YOU DON’T WANT MY LOVE – Charlie Puth’s Attention
Cake By The Ocean – DNCE ( I don’t know it’s just catchy leaf me alone)
Of course you can’t have Justin Bieber not here even though I don’t really like him himself XD – Cold Water
Jess Glynne’s Hold My Hand
Immortals – Fall Out boy
• Who is your bias and why do you like them?  LEE JIHOOOOOOOOON OH MY GOD okay.
I love baby because as much as I love all thirteen of my dorks, I can’t imagine having anyone else as my bias. Yes, I had stanning issues and I admittedly still do, Choi Seungcheol is still my main bias wrecker after lol what 11 months? You can’t just forget your first bias. Anyway, because. Lee Jihoon makes my heart so soft, every time he’s adorable, he doesn’t even have to try. He makes me so happy and he’s just such a hard working person and what is there he cannot do? Like what 5 instruments? Studied classical music? Dances like an adorable little fluff bumblebee BUT IS ACTUALLY OKAY BUT HIS BODY MIGHT BE SMALL BUT HIS CHARISMA IS NO JOKE AND YOU ARE NOT LIVING IF YOU HAVEN’T HEARD HIM RAP. He’s just so talented, I mean like violin with EDM and Jeonghan’s voice, he’s just such a genius. I have never heard so much music that I love and admire and appreciate so much and it just feels like a blessing to love him. I mean like you mean I get to love him? For free? Like there’s no catch? Are you kidding me? I still can’t believe he’s real and we get to love him. He’s just I just love him. I can’t really explain why, but I can tell you that as much as I do love all 13 of my sunshines, I can’t imagine not being Jihoon biased. As much as I am in danger of becoming Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and anyone else trashed, at the end of the day I still love Woozi the most. I hope that word vomit of fangirling made sense.
• What do you usually wear for winter/autumn/spring/summer? What’s your “style”? My style is “black.” Like actually, I wear a LOT OF BLACK AND yeah hoodies, jumpers, sweaters, pullovers, leggings and sometimes jeans, the like.
• For your bias group, what was your favorite hair style/era for each member? Seungcheol: hmmmm well I really liked the black hair he did during Caratland and the brown hair he had during Weekly Idol.
Hannie: fight me on this, but I think Jeonghan looks like a majestic gorgeous angel with any hair colour. I mean like okay Adore U Killed me so hard because WHAT THE HELL. HOW CAN HE BE SO DAMN PRETTY IM CRYING BRB MY HEART IS BLEEDING ok im back anyway I also really love the short brown/red hair he had like in between Going Seventeen and Al1 hold up let me get a photo to bless you all:
Jun: honestly, like now? I really like his hair now. Junhui always just looks 1000103293%
Hosh: now as well? I really like him with black hair, he looks cute af LETS NOT FORGET THE BROWN HAIR TOO
DK: his Adore U hair. Thank you.
Mingyu: ok Mingyu was my second bias after Seungcheol and tbh Seungcheol wasn’t my bias for long but it feels like it was long because I died a lot because of him and not just at the time he was my bias like for example, last night when It was revealed HIS HAIR IS SILVER WYD SEUNGCHEOL anyway but the Mansae era ^tm goD THAT WAS A BLESSING and him with brown hair is really cute too but I also really like him with black hair heck basically almost everything
The8: tbh like now? I didn’t really like his metallic greeny silver hair he had near Adore U and his ramen head wasn’t the best XD but lord MINGHAO IS KILLING ME THESE COUPLE ERAS
Dino: now. He looks so damn good and I can’t say I miss his astro boy hair back in Mansae XD
• How did you “discover” kpop and how did you discover vixx? OK SO IT WAS A FATEFUL AUGUST 25TH 2016! A THURSDAY AFTERNOON AFTER SCHOOL! I hopped onto my computer after school. So like theres this Korean girl group at my school that walks around sometimes singing songs or just yelling at each other in Korean XD and at first I was like …kpop? DON’T KILL ME FOR THIS BUT LETS BE REAL EVERYONES FIRST THOUGHT ON KPOP IS GANGNAM STYLE. And so since I do like watching choreography very much, I searched on YouTube, hardest kpop dances. One of the videos there showed Mansae hide ver. Of the dance practice and I was like oh this looks nice and its catchy too *makes mental note to youtube that later* *youtubes it* it starts to play the MV and I was like is this song I was looking for? And then I got to the chorus and I’m just like ALSDHJLASDKJLSKAJKLJ and I BASICALLY CRASHED INTO THE FANDOM OVERNIGHT AND IT WAS SO FUN BECAUSE I GOT TO SLOWLY DROWN MYSELF IN EVERY MEMBER LOL and Vixx? Uhhh I just heard about them somewhere XD but Shangri-la sounds really nice, it sounds like Chinese music but it’s in Korean, I like it. • What does your phone case look like? Fun fact about me: I actually don’t have a phone case. My parents are the type to not spend money on “useless things” and a phone case is one of them (well for me anyway) and I have a vintage iPhone 4S, and all the cases that I do have are from my relatives or something and I don’t like the cases XD there’s this one black one that I would use except I can’t turn it off cause the off button part of the case is really hard. So yeah! No phone case and it makes it even thicker ._. oh yeah I lost my phone lmao
• Do you normally browse Tumblr on your phone or on pc? PC. Depends if my phone/tab has been confiscated or not tbh XD but normally PC so I can save photos and it’s a lot faster.
• How are you doing? Got any plans for the day/night? eh. Alright I guess, tonight all I have to do is practise piano and because I just started school again, there’s no homework~~~
Now, my questions:
1_ a girl group choreo you’d love to see a boy group do
Tbh I don’t watch girl group choreo (NOTE: I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST GIRL GROUPS AND THEIR CHOREO I JUST DON’T WATCH IT FOR SOME REASON BUT I LIKE BLACKPINK AND YEAH) I’d like to see Seventeen dance to Boombayah XD THAT HAIR SWINGING HAHAHAHA I WANT JEONGHAN DOING THE HAIR SWINGING THING 2_ a boy group choreo you’d love to see a girl group do
Any girl group dance to Mansae pls and thank you 3_ sm, jype, yg and pledis do a world tour individually and set up their concerts on the same day, different venues obviously: which one would you attend? (as in smtown, happy pledis etc)
Definitely Pledis. Actually tbh its not Seventeen I won’t go, cause I only stan one group and wouldn’t spend money on a concert showing a group I don’t stan. 4_ a kpop song that is a guilty pleasure for you? Uhhh tbh I don’t really have any guilty pleasures in kpop, but I mean like I guess TT? Even though I wouldn’t feel guilty listening to that? 5_ a dream kpop x western artist collab? …I would like to see Seventeen collab with one of their idols :D 6_ monster/lucky one or lotto? Pretty u or very nice? Beautiful or shine forever? (Repackage edition B) )
I haven’t heard Lucky so I’m going with Lotto. WHY ARE YOU ALL SO MEAN HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME PICK BETWEEN PRETTY U AND AJU NICE kahsdkjsh …lord this is so hard- pass. I haven’t heard Shine Forever, so Beautiful. 7_ what’s the sickest you’ve attended school/uni/work etc?
Sickest? Uh I have been sick enough to stay home but I went to school because I’m a responsible girl who takes schoolwork seriously. Or was it cause it was exam period lol. 8_ adore u or shining diamond? mansae or rock? pretty u or chuck? very nice or healing? boom boom or smile flower? don’t wanna cry or crazy in love? (I’m running out of questions 😂)
Adore U, Mansae, Pretty U, Healing, Smile Flower, Don’t Wanna Cry. (that was s ohard omG) 9_ are you some sort of patriotic? (Not the “fuck the rest of the world we’re number one and we’ve never done anything wrong” kind, but idk, do you identify with your country? its customs, traditions etc?)
…I don’t even know what patriotic means omg I feel uneducated. Ahh…um no not really XD 10_ have you watched studio ghibli movies? If so, which one is your favorite?
I watched Spirited Away when I was very young I think and I watched it in Japanese with Chinese sub which I cannot read ._. 11_ if I traveled to your country, which places would you recommend me to visit?
…honestly there’s nothing that good in Australia XDD but I guess if you like steak, go for it? And the Gold Coast and we have a couple theme parks, Sydney Opera House I guess? To see where seventeen SHOT THEIR HEALING MV AKSDHASKJDH and Luna Park? Tbh I haven’t been that much around Australia I am a crap tour guide I apologise sincerely.
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shrubforhire · 5 years
Asks 1-50
i rly Alright strap in i guess,,
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? uhhhhhh,, Im v proud of my ear for music
What’s the best joke you know? Def the one from who’s line "Our top story today: Convicted hit man Jimmy 'Two-Shoes' McClarty confessed today that he was once hired to beat a cow to death in a rice field using only two small porcelain figures. Police admit this may be the first known case of a knickknack paddy-whack." Colin Mochrie is a fucking god
If you could only have one of your non-canon OTPs become canon, which would it be and why? I want Elanor and Tahani together so bad bitch,,,
What’s your dream vacation? New York!! Seein a bunch of shows and just chillin in the city :)
If you have a girlfriend, what’s the cutest thing she does? If you don’t, what’s something you do that you think is super cute? Oh my goSh theres so much to choose from fuck,, def one of my favs is she will add like tons of disclaimers to stuff before she says it. like if shes asking a question in class she’ll be like “so this is kind of a weird question, and i totally understand if this steps beyond the boundaries of what we’re talking about, but i figured i’d just ask anyways just in case...” oh my god shes so cute 
How do you prefer to spend your free time? MUSIC,, if i can just dick around and cover songs i like,, i am free
What’s a random fun fact that you learned recently? Bamboo is a grass!
When you play truth or dare, do you tend to choose truth or dare? Why I choose truth because I get nervous and once I was playing truth or dare and i had to kiss each of my friends, one on the lips, one by their cleavage, and one on the inner thigh. I did the first 2 and i was so nervous,, prolly cause i was gay as fuck, and right as i was about to put my face right by the vargooba i was saved by god because my nose started bleeding and i had to go inside,,,,,,,, lmao
What’s your favorite thing about being sapphic? That people assume im not so i can rly surprise em!
Who was your first lady crush? Hayley Williams. Hands down,, bitch
If you’re out, who was the first person you told? The last? (If you aren’t out, who is the first person you want to tell?) I didn’t rly come out ever super officially, so I guess my friend amulet when i told them i had a crush on Hayley Williams like right as I realized it lol.
What scares you the most about the future? The fear that I won’t be happy
Do you have a type? If so, what is it? C o n f i d e n c e also when ppl are really smart and responsible and just have a really good handle on their lives. That sounds rly fucking nerdy. Also when people just go for what they want.
Funniest childhood pet story? When my gerbil died I didn’t realize he was dead, and i was so surprised that he didnt run away when i opened his cage like usual. and he even let me pick him up!! i was like wow!! he’s in such a deep sleep. then i didnt feel his heartbeat and i was like oh fuck. this story isnt really funny oops.
What’s your aesthetic? gay shit,,, either v feminine in a rly hippie portland kinda way
What’s your idea of a perfect date? Have you been on it yet? not 2 flex but i planned the perfect fuckin date. first we went rollerskating and hungout at the arcade that they had there and played games. Then we got lunch at this rly cute market, and then we went on a walk that was strategically timed by me so we would get to this giant hill with a perfect view of the sunset. and i had planted a secret backpack in the trees with a blanket to sit on and another blanket to keep warm. and we got to snuggle & watch the sunset together (and our first kiss was right when the sun hit the horizon eeeeee)
What does your favorite color remind you of? playing the og nintendo ds
Quiet studier or loud studier? loud studier cause i talk to myself lol
Coffee, tea, or energy drinks? tea bih!! coffee and energy drinks make me anxious
What’s your stance on glitter pens? fuckin,,,, love
Do you believe in love at first sight? no, i believe in attraction at first sight, but love is a 2 way exchange
Who knows you the best and how did they get to know you? oh gosh,, its a toss up between stevie isaac and shay. they just fuckin,,, get it. stevie gets it cause we’re almost the same person. and shay and isaac,,,,, i still have no fuckin idea how they picked up so much info abt me so fast,, they both scary observant holy fuck
What’s your favorite question to ask? To answer? I love asking ppl about their partners and just seeing them gush hehe. Uhhh idk, im a whore & i’ll answer any fuckin q ppl ask me cuz it means they’re actually interested in what i have to say which is wild
Do you like camping? I LOVE CAMPING. Ive only gone fake camping where your car is right next to the tent,, but its still so fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Cats or dogs? (Hamster is an acceptable answer) Cogs. Dats
What does your dream house look like? A house that I can afford. And maybe w a balcony and a secret room that opens with the pull of a specific book from my bookshelf
What’s your random, useless superpower? solfeg. i can usually figure out a song in solfeg p fast 
Tell me about the most beautiful thing you can think of right now. my girlfriend
If you could only hear three songs for the rest of your life, what would they be? Masterpiece Theater III Haunted House  She’s a handsome woman
What’s the most stereotypical gay thing you do?? (Besides being attracted to women) keysmash
If you could time travel without any negative consequences, would you? Would you change anything? I would retake the SATs lol
What were you most afraid of as a child? Are you over that fear? Dying. not rly lol,,,, what happens to ur brain bro?? will all my memories from this life be gone???? wtf bro
Favorite mythical creature? i rly love mermaids,,,, and sirens
Have you ever dyed your hair an “unnatural” color? Would you? i havent,, if i didnt do theatre my hair would already be lavendar lmao
What’s your favorite book? invisible man
If you could live inside one fictional world, what would it be? pokemon
Most embarrassing story? theres so many,,,, oh my god. prolly when i was chillin in bed with this girl i was dating and then i got super bad period cramps and threw up in her bathroom and my mom had to drive me home in case i fainted,,,,,, i have not seen her since
Proudest moment? making my boss double over laughing 
What’s the most comforting smell you can think of and what does it remind you of? garlic,,,,, it means moms cookin :’)
Do you like fluff or angst more? oh my god i love fluff so much,,,, hhhh
What’s the last thing that made you smile? this short lil dog i saw at work,,,,, so kind
What’s the first thing that draws you to a person? (Romantic or platonic or both) c o n f i d e n c e
Your favorite place to be kissed? fuckin,, anywhere,,,,,,,,,,,,,im a v sensitive person
What’s your opinion on zoos? they’re kinda boring tbh,, 
Do you have any siblings? Are you close? i got 2 bros,, we have a good relationship but we dont hangout a lot
Did you have a favorite movie that you would watch over and over as a child? What was it? the year without a santa claus just for the miser brothers
Do you have any tattoos? If not, do you want any? If so, what are they?
What’s your go-to hairstyle? spaaaaace bunsssssss
What’s your favorite flower? it’s not a flower,, technically its a flowering shrub,,,, but i love hydrangea. the color changes based on the pH!! how fuckin cool is that shit??
Are you the first person to fall asleep at a sleepover or the last? Or somewhere in between? somewhere in the middle lol,, never first.
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