#tna news challenge
📰📱Langblr News Challenge 2/7 [Japanese🇯🇵]
News Source: 「もしミサイルが飛んできたら」東京都が避難する場所を準備 | Easy Japanese - Todai Reader
This article is about how the Japanese govt. is planning to turn certain public establishments in Tokyo into evacuation centres as a result of increase in firing from North Korea.
📕 Vocabulary ✍️
もし → if, in case
ミサイル → missile
飛ぶ 【とぶ】 → to fly, to come flying
東京都 【とうきょうと】 → Tokyo Metropolitan Area
避難 【ひなん】 → evacuation, finding shelter
場所 【ばしょ】 → place, location
準備 【じゅんび】 → preparation, provision
北朝鮮 【きたちょうせん】 → North Korea
発射 【はっしゃ】 → firing, shooting
増える 【ふえる】 → to increase
今年 【ことし】 → this year
入る 【はいる】 → to go into
回 【かい】 → counter for occurrences
ぐらい → to (about) the extent that ~
多い 【おおい】 → many, numerous
国 【くに】 → State, National government (in this context)
必要 【ひつよう】 → necessity, requirement
考える 【かんがえる】 → to think, to consider
都道府県 【とどうふけん】→ administrative divisions of Japan (e.g. Tokyo-to, Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, etc.)
コンクリート → concrete
建物 【たてもの】 → building
地下街 【ちかがい】 → underground shopping centre
など → etc., and the like, and so forth
丈夫 【じょうぶ】 → strong, robust
施設 【しせつ】 → institution, establishment, facility
決める 【きめる】 → to decide
市 【し】 → city
町 【まち】 → town, block, neighbourhood
学校 【がっこう】 → school
図書館 【としょかん】 → library
以上 【いじょう】 → not less than, beyond
公共施設 【こうきょうしせつ】 → public facilities
住む 【すむ】 → to live (humans), to reside
短い 【みじかい】 → short
間 【あいだ】 → period of time
人口 【じんこう】 → population
少ない 【すくない】 → scarce, insufficient
地域 【ちいき】 → area, region
これから → after this, from here
会社  【かいしゃ】 → company, corporation
ビル → multi-floor building
地下 【ちか】 → underground place
予定 【よてい】 → plans, arrangements
これで → with this
For words that had multiple meanings depending on context, I have noted the meaning(s) that I felt fit the context of the article in the best possible way. Corrections are welcome (and appreciated!)😄😄
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deepdisireslonging · 1 year
Some Old Favorites
I was reminiscing, looking back through my masterlists, and I wanted to reshare some smutty fics. They didn’t get a lot of love back in the day because I didn’t have many readers yet. Some of you have found them and loved to read them as much as I loved to write them. But I wanted to share them with some of my new friends/followers too. Happy Reading!
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DC Comics:
Two Hoods, One Revenge: The reader has nightmares of the day that turned her into a vigilante. Jason helps her keep them at bay; first with soothing words, then with something more hot and heavy.
Hickey Victory: Dick gets his hands on a marshmallow gun… but he forgets about your nerf gun stash. Shenanigans occur.
A Night at the Theater: A mission demands the public appearance of Bruce Wayne and yourself at a theater. The mission is quickly put to rest, which leaves you plenty of time to appreciate your husband during intermission.
A Nightly Affair: Nightwing keeps mistaking your apartment for his and you two grow very close. Very. Close. So close as to put you in danger, unless Nightwing can find you first. [Series Masterlist]
In the Eye of the Beholder: Part 1 | Part 2 : The reader gives an unexpected lap dance. Bucky approves.
All in a Night’s Work: The reader come face to face with the sniper that has been evading them for years. When things don’t go according to plan, Loki distracts them till they can get some much-needed rest.
Dirty Lips: When Y/N introduces a swear jar to the team, Steve takes it upon himself to fill it all by himself.
To Love the Sea: Y/N is the daughter of a sea-side innkeeper. The area is known for its draw for pirates, but one pirate is feared above all others: Captain Loki. He offers to take her on adventures; is she willing to take the plunge? [Series Masterlist]
The Pointy End: You are research headquarters at the bunker while Dean, Sam, and occasionally Cas, are on cases. Dean comes home to you after a very long case, with a surprise. (My very first fic!)
Deep in the Archives: Sam takes the reader to a rare books library while they look for a spell book not at the bunker. The reader is focused on the task, but Sam’s roaming hands are a distraction.
Satisfied: An imagine of Castiel using his grace on you.
SPN History Challenge: A Werewolf in Whitechapel:  The Winchesters and the reader go to London during the Whitechapel murders, also known as the Jack the Ripper murders, with the theory that the perpetrator is not human. They are correct, but when the killings don’t stop, the team has to retrace their steps and riddle out what stone they left unturned. Written for @kittenofdoomage and @saxxxology-main  SPN History Challenge.
Boxer!Dean AU: Consequences: Y/N gets dragged to a boxing match by her friends where she meets Dean  “Raisin’ Cain” Winchester, a boxer who is forced to win or lose depending on how much money his bosses want to make in matches. Can their combined effort break the fixed boxing ring?  [Series Masterlist] (No smut, but still a favorite)
Wrestling Fics:
Chiffon in the Streets, Lace in the Sheets: The reader and Elias are newly married and ready to enjoy their first night as man and wife, but a few things get in the way first. (WWE)
Dangerous: After defending herself at a bar, Y/N impresses the dark figure sitting in the corner booth. Prince Devitt further impresses her. One thing leads to another, and she welcomes knowing him better. (NJPW)
A Reflection of Us: The reader gets a slight injury in a match. Roman takes his time making sure the reader is safe but very satisfied. (WWE)
Troublemaker: The reader ran off with something belonging to Kenny Omega. He makes sure she pays for it. (NJPW/AEW)
Doubt Comes In: While Rosemary battles Su Yung in the Underworld, Y/N meets and welcomes a new face to TNA. But two battles are raging instead of one. If Y/N is victorious, can she settle the insecurities in Rosemary’s mind? (Answered request) (TNA)
Sister in Arms: Finn can’t seem to shake the effects of his feud with Bray Wyatt, so an old friend comes to help. Then Y/N finds herself battling on two fronts: in the ring and in her mind.  [Series Masterlist] (WWE)
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imabillyami · 2 months
Hi friends 💜 I gained lots of lovely new followers lately, so here I am - (re)introducing myself for everyone new to my blog.
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I’m Billy, 29, non-binary, vegan, queer. My pronouns are they/them. I’ve been doing fandom stuff on this website for about 15 years. I’ve been a wrestling fan for even longer than that.
I’m European, but my sleep schedule is absolute whack, so you’ll likely see me up and online at all weird times of the day. I do have a nightly queue set up, indicated my the little "q" at the end of my tags, but I oftentimes end up being awake and posting during those hours, still.
What got me hooked on Wrestling? My uncles (who might as well be my older brothers, not much of an age difference there), showed me all the wrestling videos when I was a kid. And then we watched WrestleMania 22 together and I saw the Mick Foley vs. Edge hardcore match and well - the rest is history. 
I’m a pro wrestling enthusiast in general and try my best to keep up with as much of it as possible - WWE, TNA/Impact, AEW, some indie stuff if it looks interesting enough (I really enjoy WOW for example). I post whatever brings me joy, though I’d say my content favors WWE heavily most of the time (old habits die hard). 
My ultimate favorite since the day he stepped foot into NXT has been and will forever be Sami Zayn. Undisputed. 
Before him I was a huge Edge fan, Punk fan, AJ Lee fan, Dean Ambrose fan. I'm still a huge Moxley fan to this day. 
I was & still am a sucker for The Shield too (they got me back into watching WWE after Edge’s first retirement). I came back for the group, stayed for Roman, Dean and Seth as individuals. I didn’t think I could love anyone more, ever, until the day Sami walked in and said “challenge accepted”. And here we are.
Generally I’m enthusiastic about any and all wrestlers unless stated otherwise. What finally got me to participate in the online fandom though? The Bloodline & Samijey. I’m a Sami fan. I’m a Roman fan. A Jey fan, a Jimmy fan, a Solo fan. So I enthuse about these guys a lot more than about all the others.
I freaking adore women’s wrestling. No female wrestlers are getting slandered on my watch. My current favs are Naomi, Becky, Bayley, Indi, Asuka, Shayna & Rhea in WWE, Jordynne in TNA & Willow, Mercedes and Toni in AEW. My forever undisputed favorite will be AJ Lee though. 
I enthuse about a lot of different wrestlers on a regular basis. So you’ll basically see lots of content about all the people from all the promotions. I don’t believe in the whole weird tribalism bullshit. Wrestling is awesome and no matter what you enjoy, I love that there’s so much variety for everyone these days.
I’m a writer and a shipper. I’m a multishipper. Wrestling is beautiful and very very gay. My absolute favorite ships are Samijey, Ambreigns/Romox (& JimmyKev & BayRhea), but I have a few others I like & I’m always open to writing and reading other new stuff too. Nothing’s set in stone when it comes to shipping.
If you enjoy M/M fanfic (and hopefully soon to be added F/F fanfic), you can find that pinned to the top of my blog, but also on my AO3 (don’t need an account). If you want something written, you can request it, I just kindly ask you to check my requests post for rules and limitations first. 
Other than wrestling, I’m very much a lover of TV shows, movies, books, music and all kinds of media in general, especially the queer kind. 
I’ve been in many fandoms over the years and I’m always happy to talk about them and post stuff about them (though admittedly a less often lately, wrestling has kinda completely taken over my blog at this point). These posts are usually tagged with “non wrestling” or “other obsessions” and the specific fandom name for blacklisting purposes, since these days this is my only blog & I don’t intend to change that.
I think that pretty much covers it. If you wanna come chat about anything, my inbox is always open, anon is always on. Unless you’re a minor, I’m happy to interact. I’m an adult. I post adult themes and content occasionally, so if you’re a minor I kindly ask you to not follow me. This is for your own safety. 
Anyway. It’s nice to meet you all! I hope you’ll enjoy what you see & that you’ll stick around! Come around for a chat if you ever feel up for it!
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Little added PSA with TW for addiction/alcoholism:
I am a recovering alcoholic and drug/narcotics addict (sober for 2+ years at this point). It gets mentioned sometimes. I'm not ashamed of my past.
I'm rather strict (and very mindful) about tagging things correctly as to not trigger anyone or get triggered myself. 
If that info causes any issues on your end, whether that’s cause it’s a personal trigger and you want to (understandably) keep yourself safe, or because you’re simply being an unkind person who doesn’t believe that people can change and grow, I kindly ask you to turn around and leave for your sake, but also for my own.)
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Protests erupt over changes to Iraqi Personal Status Law
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/11/protests-erupt-over-changes-to-iraqi-personal-status-law-2/
Protests erupt over changes to Iraqi Personal Status Law
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Across Baghdad and several Iraqi provinces, women’s rights groups and civil society organisations have taken to the streets in a substantial display of dissent against the Iraqi Parliament’s move to amend the country’s Personal Status Law, which critics say threatens constitutional rights for women and risks deepening societal divisions along sectarian lines.
At the heart of the unrest is the first reading of a bill on  4 August, which seeks to revise the Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959. The proposed amendments are feared to enhance the power of religious authorities over civil courts, potentially legalizing  female child marriages and curtailing fundamental women’s rights.
Demonstrations orchestrated by a coalition of women’s rights organizations and NGOs occurred in key cities like Basra, Babylon, DhiQar, Kirkuk, Najaf, and Diwaniya.
Amal Kabashi, a notable women’s rights advocate from Baghdad, expressed her alarm to The New Arab, citing that “The proposed amendments compromise the principle of equality guaranteed under Article 14 of Iraq’s constitution, paving the way for a judicial system plagued by proportionalism and sectarianism, jeopardizing both societal and familial unity.”
Kabashi also pointed out that the amendments could remove protections for women regarding forced divorce compensation, custody rights, and other personal status matters currently safeguarded under existing legislation.
Further exacerbating concerns, the ruling Shia Coordination Framework has promoted amendments that would allow Shia and Sunni clerics to finalize marriage contracts outside of traditional court systems, raising serious legal and ethical questions, particularly regarding the permissible age for girls to marry.
Kabashi highlighted the dire implications, saying, “Should these amendments pass, they would not only allow but potentially normalize child marriages, even as young as nine years old. Moreover, they could legally sanction various forms of marriage currently unrecognized by Iraqi law, such as pleasure and misyar marriages.”
Srood Mohammed Faleh, director of the Iraqi Al-Amal Association’s Kirkuk branch, echoed these sentiments, labeling the amendments as retrogressive. In a statement to TNA, Faleh lamented, “The law that has been in place for 70 years has better-protected women’s rights than these proposed changes, which represent a regression for our advancing society.”
Activists like Faleh are pushing back hard against a second reading of the bill, arguing it violates the core principles of Iraq’s constitution. They warn of numerous adverse outcomes, including an increase in child marriages and a significant erosion of constitutional rights for women, children, and even men. The amendments, they argue, would severely undermine the authority of civilian courts in handling marriage, divorce, custody, and housing matters.
Current trends in Baghdad and other regions, like the prevalence of pleasure marriages disguised as temporary unions orchestrated by religious clerics, highlight the urgent need for legislative scrutiny. Such temporary or pleasure marriages, known as Sigheh, are widespread in Iran. Critics are concerned that the proposed bill could legalize these transient marriages, further endangering women’s rights and potentially increasing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.
The protests underscore a pivotal moment for Iraq as it confronts the challenge of reconciling traditional religious values with the essential rights and freedoms of its citizens, particularly women.
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tieflingkisser · 2 months
Doesn't matter if Biden, Harris, or Trump: Palestinians say US remains main sponsor of Israel's Gaza genocide
On Sunday, Biden dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party's new nominee.
Regardless of who is in power in the United States, Palestinians are extremely pessimistic that there will be any fundamental shift in US policy about Israel's war on the Gaza Strip, including pressuring Israel to accept a ceasefire in the coastal enclave. In separate interviews with The New Arab, Palestinians in the war-torn besieged coastal enclave say that the US is a "primary partner in this war of extermination" and without its support, "Israel would not have succeeded in destroying the Gaza Strip and killing such large numbers of people." "The US is the primary sponsor of Israel; it is Zionist, and looks after its interests via this criminal state without a care for human rights, international laws, or universal standards," one Palestinian in Gaza remarked to TNA. 
"Whichever party wins in America, whether Republican or Democrat, this will not challenge American foreign policy, which is to care for Israel's interests in the Middle East and expand its control and power in the Palestinian territories and across the Arab world."
Various analysts opined to TNA that if the Democratic Party, for which Kamala Harris is running, wins, it may ease some of the war's burden on the Palestinian population, but it will not be able to bring about a radical change on Israel. Ayman al-Raqab, a Gaza-based Palestinian analyst, told TNA that US President Joe Biden's announcement of his withdrawal from the US election race will not have any impact on the situation in the Gaza Strip, especially regarding ceasefire negotiations. Al-Raqab notes that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now visiting Washington, has continuously threatened the Gaza Strip and Palestine with more blood, meaning that the war will go on. 
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renee-ckstrong · 1 year
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I can't wait for Bound For Glory, the main event is set. The Challenger is, The Walking Weapon Josh Alexander Vs one half of the Motor City Machine Guns and current IMPACT World Champion Alex Shelley. Let's talk about it.
Now I'm not that big of an impact girlie. I was, when I was younger in the UK I couldn't get WWE on TV but I had access to TNA/IMPACT so that was the wrestling I watched in my youth and actually kept watching it for a while. In fact I'm going to go to see IMPACT live in the UK with my dad soon, which is brilliant remembering the time we spent watching IMPACT before. We're going to have such a good time.
This doesn't stop me from being VERY excited about this match. I've still been aware of the product even while I haven't been watching and I watched IMPACT 1000, saw their segment and WOW it was good.
Let's start with Alex Shelley, my little Motor City Blorbo, Shelley was brought into IMPACT using their old business strategy of 'Sign ultra talented ROH guys' that got them Styles, Sabin, Joe and Daniels. From 2004 to 2007 he would be a exciting feature of the X Division winning said title once. His true success would come between 2007 and 2012 in the team known as 'The Motor City Machine Guns' Shelley and partner Chris Sabin became on of the most influential and defining teams in IMPACT history before Shelley left IMPACT to work for ROH and NJPW.
On the other hand Josh Alexander came into IMPACT in 2019 (annoying just after I stopped watching so I missed out) also in the tag division having a lengthy singles run with Ethan Page as 'The North' who, despite being in a company that doesn't usually get considered for being the best, were considered to be one of the best tag teams in the world. And to stress, this was at the same time as The New Day, The Usos, The Young Bucks and FTR so being considered one of the best teams in this time is saying something. When Page departed the company Alexander got the big push, winning the X Division title then cashing in option C to become IMPACT World Champion. Then Moose beat him and ran him out of impact. But upon Alexander's return he reclaimed the title and became the longest reigning IMPACT World Champion of all time. A near year long reign that ended with Alexander having to relinquish the title because of a triceps tear.
Here in lies our conflict. Alexander wants to reclaim his title but he is also exited to wrestle Alex Shelley as he says "No one is a bigger fan of Alex Shelley than I am." or something like that. But Shelley wants to keep this belt at all costs. That's why he belittled Alexander at IMPACT 1000, because Alexander is trying to take away the biggest achievement of his life. An achievement that Alexander has had twice, but in his long career this is Shelley's first IMPACT World Championship reign. And one more detail in this story, that I only realised while writing this, is that while Alex Shelley is the tag partner who left (and then came back) out of him and Chris Sabin, Josh Alexander is the tag partner who stayed out of him and Ethan Page. As much of and IMPACT guy as Shelley wants to claim he is, Josh Alexander stayed and became one of the faces of IMPACT during it's resurgence and continued to be a defining 'IMPACT guy' during the pandemic. As much as I personally love Alex Shelley, there are lots of reasons to cheer Josh Alexander come the 21st.
And I think that's a large part of it. I used to watch IMPACT. I am nostalgic for IMPACT's past, people like Alex Shelley. But presently Josh Alexander is the guy. Alexander doesn't want this to be personal, but Shelley desperately wants to be the guy.
They are the past and present of IMPACT fighting for it's future.
Goddamn I deserve a job backstage working on hype packages.
And I have no idea who's going to win. Maybe people who watch more IMPACT have an idea but I don't. And that's exciting. I am so hyped for this match thank you for listening. I'm so excited to be an IMPACT fan again.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 5 months
“Chances Are” Ch. 10 (Book 2 In the “Chances” Series) Finn Bálor X OC
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Pairing: Finn Bálor X Female OC Summary: After a traumatic childhood and a murder attempt that left her with a heart condition, Miracle Seanoa wants nothing more than to find some peace and fulfillment in her life. Working as a writer for WWE, she's shocked when Stephanie McMahon takes a gamble on her skills and assigns her to a new RAW roster member. None other than Finn Bálor—the man who'd long ago saved her life and captured her heart.
Finn Bálor left his career as a police officer behind in order to chase his true dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Working incredibly hard within NXT, he soon finds himself drafted to Monday Night RAW. He's shocked to see Miracle again, but even more shocked is he to see what a stunning woman she's become.
However, someone else has had his eye on Miracle for a long while. With his infatuation turning to a deep, dark obsession, he's not going to give up on her easily. Finn will have to resort to his past skills as a cop, to protect the woman he loves.
Because if her weakening heart doesn't kill her, her stalker just might... Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: None
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Chapter 10
"What are ya talking about, lass?"
"Just what I said," Miracle replied, avoiding Finn's gaze. "I may choose to not come back to WWE. I may try to get on at TNA, or ROH. Maybe even go to New Japan."
"You're trying to run from me, aren't you?"
"Not trying, Finn. I am. As far as I can."
"It's not going to work," Finn said, rising up to sit by her on the bed. He took her hand in his. "I won't let it."
"It's not your choice," Miracle said, trying to move away from him.
His hand moved up to her face and latched onto her chin. Turning her face and making her meet his bright blue eyes, he spoke softly. "I'll make it so hard for you to leave," Finn told her. His gaze scanned her face and settled on her lips. "You'll never think of leaving me again." With that, his mouth was on hers, kissing her gently, softly.
His lips trailed down her chin to her neck. "I love you, Miracle."
"No. No you don't," Miracle whispered, leaning into the pressure of his mouth despite her words.
"I do," he nipped her neck gently. "I'll prove it to you if you give me time."
"I can't. Finn, stop!" She pulled away from him and lightly touched her neck where his lips had lingered. "You can't do this to me! Just because you know I love you doesn't give you the right to use that! To use me."
"I'd never use you, love," he said sadly. "And if you think I'm going to stand by and let you leave without-"
"Let me leave?" Miracle tossed out a bitter laugh. "I don't need your permission to leave, Finn." She stepped closer to him and jabbed her index finger into his muscled chest. "And if you didn't want me to leave then you shouldn't have put me in this position. Now get out!"
"Let me kiss you again and then tell me to leave," Finn challenged, a slight smirk playing at his lips.
"Because you know you can't. You love me still. Admit it."
"I never said I stopped loving you," she snapped. "My feelings for you are not on trial here. You are the one that messed up Finn. Not me. You have to live with it. Now please leave before I call for Daddy."
"I'll leave. But mark my words, Miracle. I'll never give up on you. I know what I want and it's you. And when something I want is in my sights, it inevitably becomes mine."
Miracle's breath shuddered in her chest as Finn gathered up his leather jacket and left the room.
"God, help me stop loving him," she prayed aloud. "Help me to let him go."
"So what do you think it will take for me to win Miracle back," Finn asked AJ as he dug into his grilled chicken. The two men were sitting at a table in catering at Monday night RAW. Finn was eating and mentally preparing for the fatal fourway match he had with Cesaro, Rusev, and Kevin Owens that night. He was booked to win the match and then go on to face Roman Reigns who would win his own fatal fourway. Then whichever of the two won would go on to face Seth Rollins for the coveted, and new, WWE Universal title at Summerslam the following month.
"Brother, I don't know if you can," AJ replied, taking a long drink of his iced tea. "You really hurt her."
"I know I did," Finn mumbled, taking a bite of food. "But this can't be it. I have to win her back, AJ. I just have to."
"It'll take time," AJ said. "Whatever you do, it'll take time. Just remember that."
Finn nodded, "I know." He thought for a moment, "You think I could start with flowers? Maybe see if she'd let me come over for dinner? Just to talk?"
"I suppose you could try," AJ said, "But I wouldn't count on it."
Finn already had his phone out. "She's going to leave in a day or two and I have no idea where she's going. She's not even telling Joe or Ella where she's headed."
"That's not very safe with her heart acting the way it has been," AJ commented, worry etching his features. "What is she thinking?"
"She's being a brat," Finn commented. "I realize I hurt her, but she doesn't have the right to worry everyone else." He scrolled through his contacts and placed the call. "Hello, Miracle? Yes I know you're busy packing and getting ready for your trip. I just… I just wanted to see if I could maybe stop by later for dinner so we could talk. Please?" AJ watched as Finn paused between sentences. "I just want to talk, Miracle. What you're doing isn't fair. No, it's not fair to everyone else. Please, just let me stop by then, forget dinner." His face lit up. "Okay, that's all I wanted. I'll be there in a couple of hours. Okay, bye."
He hung up the phone and looked at AJ. "I'm in."
AJ chuckled, "I wouldn't say you're in just yet, man. It's like you said, you're gonna talk."
"You just had to go and burst my bubble, didn't ya," Finn quipped.
The two spent the rest of their lunchtime eating and talking about the show that night.
Miracle was still packing on a suitcase when there was a knock at her apartment door.
"Oh, Finn," she grumbled on her way to the door. He was early. "You've got to give me a break." She reached the door and pulled it open, discovered Joe, Ella and Nathan on the other side of it. "Oh, Daddy, Mom… Hi! Hi, Nate," she added, ruffling the little boy's black hair. She let them inside and closed and locked the door behind them.
"Baby, we really wish you wouldn't go off on your own and not tell us anything," Joe started. "It's not safe with your heart the way it is."
"I'll be fine, Daddy," Miracle insisted. "We've been over this. I need some time by myself. Completely by myself. If y'all knew where I was, you'd be constantly visiting, and I need to recharge my batteries. Plus, I'd be afraid that you'd let it slip to Finn or something."
"But you're also quitting WWE," Ella cut in. "You only just got promoted to Creative. That's what you've always wanted."
"I don't know that I'm quitting WWE," Miracle replied. "I'm just not sure yet. Even if I do, I can go over to TNA or ROH. I could even try New Japan!" she said, excitement in her voice.
"Japan?" Joe demanded, "No way in-!"
"He just means that it's so far away," Ella tried to diffuse the situation. "And again, with your heart…"
"I'll be fine," Miracle repeated. "My mind is made up, guys. The choice is mine to make."
"Please don't go," Nathan cried suddenly. "I"ll miss you Mir'cle."
"Aww, I'll miss you too, little man," Miracle said, leaning down and hugging her brother. "But I have to do this."
"Well, should we all go out to dinner and discuss this a bit more," Joe suggested.
"I can't, Daddy. Finn is coming over in a bit and he's going to try to talk me out of going too," Miracle reported with a roll of her eyes.
"Finn is coming here?" Joe nearly thundered.
"Daddy! Shhh! I live in an apartment, you know? I don't need you getting me kicked out for breaking the noise ordinance."
Sure enough a loud thud came through the floor of her apartment then. "See? You already have them using their broom to hit their ceiling. That's code for 'Shut up!'" She joked. She sighed when neither parents nor brother laughed. "I'll be perfectly fine, you guys. Don't worry."
Dejected, the family left Miracle then, seeing that their discussion had done no good.
"I love you all," MIracle waved goodbye to them as they trudged down the hallway to the staircase.
"We love you too," Joe said, giving his daughter a purposeful stare.
"I'll see you before I leave, and I'll also call you while I'm gone. I promise."
With a sad nod, Joe turned around and followed after Ella and Nathan.
As soon as they were gone, Miracle picked up her cell phone and scrolled through the contacts till she came to her Great Uncle-Jeff Jarrett.
"Hi, Uncle Jeff? Yes, it's Miracle. I'm glad to hear your voice too." Once they'd small-talked for a bit, she explained some of the situation with Finn and the attack, and proceeded to talk about her plans to leave-to get away for a while. Just as she'd hoped, Jeff spoke up and said, "Well, you know I have that cabin out in the woods just down the road from us…"
Miracle was just zipping her one of her several suitcases shut when there was another knock at her door. Somehow she just knew…
She hurried to the door and opened it to find the object of her suspicions.
With a bouquet of pink roses in his arms.
And oh, did he look as good as ever.
"Hi," she said, almost shyly, and moved aside so he could step inside.
"Hi, beautiful," he said softly, brushing his lips across her cheek. "These are for you." He added, handing her the bouquet.
"Thank you, Finn. They're beautiful. But you really shouldn't have." She took the bouquet and moved toward her little kitchen, in search of a vase for the flowers.
I didn't know what kind you liked the best so I went with what reminded me of you.
"Pink roses are actually my favorite," she said softly, a flush creeping up her pretty face. "Thank you again."
"You're welcome."
Finn joined her in the kitchen as she filled a large vase with water and then arranged the flowers carefully in the flower holder.
"Shall we sit and talk," he asked, taking her hand. He led her to the sofa and they both sat down.
"What exactly are we talking about," Miracle asked. "I am leaving, Finn. You can't change my mind on that."
"I can try."
"I need some distance for now," she told him. "Please, understand."
"I do understand, but I'm selfish, Miracle," Finn told her. "I'll never quit trying to get you to stay. Stay wit' me," he finished, leaning toward her slightly, and taking her hand in both his. "I am in love with you. I really am."
"Then why did you make out with Becky or have sex or whatever it was you were doing?"
"I got scared of how fast I was developing feelings for ya, and I wanted to make sure the feelings were real before I acted on them. My logic was that if I...had sex with Becky and I still wanted you as badly as I did before, my feelings were real and valid. If not, I was just being a horny bastard and didn't deserve you."
"Well… which was it?"
"I'm in love with you, Miracle. I got nothing out of my time with Becky. Nothing."
"Why didn't you talk to me about it? Because now, I don't know if I'd ever be able to trust you in a relationship, Finn."
"I didn't want to hurt you. Which is what I wound up doing anyway," Finn rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, love. So sorry. But you can trust me. I promise."
Miracle's eyes filled with tears then. "I… I wish I could Finn. I do." She swallowed hard and wiped gently at her eyes. "Let's just be friends for now. I trust you as a friend. But as a lover….I'm just not sure I can."
"I'll take friendship, but I'm not giving up loving you. And I will make it as difficult for you to deny me, as I can. That I can promise."
"You're not playing a fair game," she told him, pulling her hand from his.
"I'm not playing a game," Finn told her. "I'm fighting for your love."
She looked away, unsure of how to respond.
His hand came to her face and turned it back to his. "I love you. So much, lovely." His mouth touched hers in the slightest of kisses. "I'd kick my own arse if I could, for hurting you."
"I'm pretty sure Daddy would help you with that," she tried to joke, pulling her face away from his as discreetly as possible. "He's very angry with you."
"Let's not talk about your father right now," Finn whispered, capturing her mouth with his once again.
She pulled back once more, "Finn, stop. Really." Shakily, she rose from the sofa and went to the door. "I think it's time for you to leave. Now."
"But we haven't really talked."
"That's on you," she told him, holding the door open. "I was trying to talk. While, you're trying to… not talk."
Reluctantly, Finn stood to his feet. "Will this be the last time I see you?"
"For a while, yes."
"Okay, you go and clear your head," Finn said. "But when you come back… I want us to talk about this...us," he told her. He stood by her at the door and pulled her into his arms. "And I want you to take a couple of little somethings with you to remember me by."
"And what might they be?"
"One, is this," he said, pulling something from his jeans pocket. He took her hand and placed her claddagh ring back on her finger. "Right where it belongs," he said with a soft smile, his eyes crinkling at the outer corners. "And the other thing…"
"Y-yes," Miracle asked, dazedly. Obviously shocked to see her ring again.
"Just this," He said, before leaning in and kissing her softly. The kiss quickly turned from soft and loving to passionate in the blink of an eye. His lips moved against hers roughly and then his tongue was demanding entrance to her mouth. She helplessly opened for him and let his mouth devour hers. He groaned against her lips and deepened the kiss even more. Finally, he pulled back briefly, and touched his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes. "I'm not giving you up, Miracle." He said softly. "Not ever."
"I don't think I want you to," Miracle admitted breathlessly. "But it's going to take some time for me to let go with you again," she added. "I'm still leaving, you know. I do need a vacation and to recharge a bit."
"I understand," Finn said, brushing a final kiss across her lips. "And I'll be waiting for you."
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wrestlingisfake · 5 months
Rebellion preview
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Moose vs. Nic Nemeth - Moose is defending the TNA men's world title; Nemeth's IWGP global title is not on the line.
Since June, Moose has been closely aligned with Brian Myers, and since December Myers has been teaming with Eddie Edwards. On January 13, the three men (along with Eddie's wife Alisha) formally became a faction called The System, and Moose closed the night by winning the world title. On March 8, Myers and Edwards won the men's tag title, further establishing the stable's dominance. So the System wins a lot of championships and takes things super seriously, which unfortunately makes them come across as a dollar-store version of WWE's Bloodline.
Nemeth is on a hot streak coming off the heels of his WWE release. He's wrestled for New Japan, the WWC in Puerto Rico, TNA, GCW, and several different indies--it feels like he's all over the place. He's clearly following the pattern we saw with guys like Cody Rhodes, Jon Moxley, and Matt Cardona when they exited WWE, and so far it's working. But his WWE run as Dolph Ziggler casts a long shadow. Nemeth can't help but acknowledge that he's spent most of his career falling short, and now it's a real challenge to prove he can do better than that. Unfortunately this boils down to whether Moose will stop him from reaching the happy ending of his "story," which comes across as a dollar-store version of Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns.
If you can overlook the similarities to what WWE has been doing, this should be a good match. Of course, the biggest difference between this feud and Reigns-Rhodes is this ain't Wrestlemania, and Moose is not a 1,300-day champion, and Nemeth hasn't been chasing the title for two years. There's not nearly as much pressure to deliver the perfect ending, so Nemeth could destroy Moose, or Moose could be saved with a clusterfuck finish, or any number of other outcomes. This could either be the start of a "Nemeth era" or the first step in a long chase leading to Bound for Glory in October.
That being said, TNA historically doesn't have much patience when it comes to taking their time putting the top title on a refugee from WWE. These days, I think that makes sense--they might as well strike while the iron is hot, and not wait around and risk Nemeth going down with an injury. This one is tough to call, but I'm going with a title change.
Jordynne Grace vs. Steph De Lander - This is for Grace's TNA women's world championship. De Lander used to appear on NXT as Indi Hartwell's friend Persia Pirotta, but for the past year she's been closely tied to Matt Cardona on the indie scene.
Normally the heat with De Lander and Cardona is how they help each other win matches, and under normal circumstances I'd expect Cardona to be all over this one. But real life intervened at the last minute, and Cardona is currently recovering from surgery to repair a tear in his left pectoralis. That alone makes this interesting, because they probably had all sorts of ideas for this match that will have to be rewritten. If De Lander is sticking around I could see her winning the title, but as it stands I'm not even sure if this is a one-and-done. So I think I have to pick Grace to retain.
Josh Alexander vs. Alex Hammerstone - This is a "last man standing" match. Basically anything goes, and the match can't end until one man is off his feet and unable to stand up to answer the referee's ten-count. Technically you can win a match like this by tying the other guy's ankles together, but the idea is that you're supposed to pummel him into unconsciousness.
This is actually the fourth one-on-one match between these two. Their first encounter was on a 2022 indy show in Battle Creek, Michigan, which went to a no-contest. When they met for the first time in TNA, on January 13, 2024, Josh got the win. Hammerstone evened the score on March 8, and now this is the rubber match. I suppose it might be interesting if they both collapse and go to a draw to extend the feud. But I figure Hammersone will get the last laugh tonight.
Mustafa Ali vs. Jake Something - Ali is the defending TNA X division championship. The X division was originally conceived as a way to promote the little flippy guys in TNA without the stigma of actually calling them junior heavyweights or cruiserweights. Occasionally someone remembers that there's no weight limit and has a big mean guy, like Something, go after the belt. Ali doesn't want to face Something (I mean, would you?), so he's been advocating for the implementation of a weight limit--which has happened before, but obviously didn't stick.
I would have Ali steal a victory with some clever shenanigans, maybe involving interference from his entourage of Secret Service goons. Then again, I'm not even sure he's under contract, or if he's sticking around, so it's fair to assume every Ali match in TNA could be his last. I'm picking Ali to retain, but you just never know.
Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers vs. Mike Bailey & Trent Seven - Edwards and Myers are defending the TNA men's tag team title. I don't expect any earth-shattering developments from this one. The match should be fine, but I doubt Edwards and Myers are going to drop the title anytime soon.
Eric Young vs. Frankie Kazarian - This is billed as a "full metal mayhem" match, which is just TNA's equivalent to a "tables, ladders, and chairs" match in WWE. Normally that would mean some prize would be hung above the ring, and the only way to win would be to climb a ladder and get it. But I don't think anything is at stake in this feud, so they'll probably just have a street fight with a bunch of weapons strewn around the ringisde area.
Kazarian turned on Young on January 13. I guess this led Young to revisit his Violent By Design persona from a few years ago, so he can really kick some ass. Listen, it was cool when Mick Foley did the whole "Mankind turns into Cactus Jack for extra power" shtick, but that was 27 years ago! And TNA in particular is full of wrestlers who do that bit all the time, resurrecting gimmicks nobody even remembers! Anyway, I don't really care who wins.
Joe Hendry vs. Rich Swann - Hendry has been feuding with AJ Francis (formerly Top Dolla in WWE), and I guess Swann turned heel to align with Francis for some reason. I don't know if they're saving Hendry vs. Francis for later, or if they just don't have enough confidence in Francis to actually book that match. Seems like Hendry needs somebody to help him in this feud, so my guess is that he'll win, but then get double-teamed, and then some babyface will run in for the save to set up a tag match.
Dani Luna & Jody Threat vs. Jessicka Havok & Rosemary - This is scheduled for the pre-show, and I think you can only watch the pre-show on TNA+. Spitfire (Luna and Threat) are defending the TNA women's tag title. The women's tag division in TNA usually amounts to two teams fighting endlessly until one breaks up or goes away, and then another team forms to repeat the process. So even if Spitfire loses the belts here, they'll probably get plenty of rematches. Personally I'd prefer to see Spitfire retain and build them up to face other teams, but I don't see why they'd start doing that now.
Crazzy Steve vs. Laredo Kid - Steve is defending the TNA digital media title, which I think is supposed to only be defended on the pre-show. I can't believe this belt is still a thing. I guess Steve retains.
Ace Austin & Chris Bey & Leon Slater vs. Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz & Myron Reed - Another pre-show match. Last I checked, ABC (Austin and Bey) are still in Bullet Club; I keep expecting them to quit or get kicked out, but New Japan seems to have forgotten they're over here. I think Reed used to be one of the Rascalz alongside Trey and Wentz, but I'm too lazy to look it up. I have no idea what Slater has to do with anything. This looks like an excuse to have six flippy guys do cool moves, with no particular plan or purpose. Which is a shame, because I think Austin and Bey can do better. I guess I'll pick their team to win.
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solarsonicsoda · 9 months
Rebbie's Wrestling School - 1.3: Constructing a Match
So, we know what a match is now. Two or more people fight in the ring and have a grand old time! But now it's time to expand on our knowledge beyond the rules and format. How does a match get made? How do they put it all together? And what makes this really mean anything? Well, I'm so so so happy to tell you!
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Let's get started with the TNA Genesis... I mean, the genesis of McGilli- I MEAN, the genesis of a match. Sorry, wrestling humour. Anyway, matches are made by the booker, a term you may be familiar with if you've ever followed much boxing. Bookers, in wider sport, are the people who organise, set-up, and promote match cards, and it's similar in wrestling! Here, the matches and storylines are laid down by the booker or bookers, who pick who will face who on any given show, and what storyline will be being told. The booker may be the head of a company, or they may be a high-profile individual within it, and they usually lead a team of people who work on the booking. In the past, there's even been booking committees! Writers may be employed to write segments outside of matches, or wrestlers themselves may be heavily involved, it all depends on the company, but the main thing to know is: the booker(s) set up the matches.
So, let's say: a match has been made. On this week's episode of TV, T. Booker has decided to book John Cena vs. my new original wrestler OC, "Average" Joe Jones. Now, this match could be made for lots of reasons. Maybe it's just for John Cena to quickly win, to get him on the show and demonstrate how good he is. This is informally known as a "squash" match, and if Joe Jones makes a habit of this, he may informally, and slightly derogatorily, become known as a "jobber". But maybe this match is a bit more competitive! It could still just be a one-and-done match though, something to showcase both men, and maybe it allows for Cena's latest enemy to interfere with his business, or attack him post-victory. Joe gets a good match out of it and he likely moves on to the next challenge which is (hopefully!) next week. But maybe John Cena's beef is with our very own Joe Jones! They're gonna have a much more intense match with much more story to it! Let's take this instance to analyse how this match gets constructed.
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So the booker made this match, and we've decided this was done for a storyline between Joe Jones and John Cena. A match like this could have sprung from a previous match between the two, or maybe one got involved in the other's business, or maybe Joe laid out a challenge to the 16-times world champion, or maybe they just plain don't like each other as established in a non-ring segment in a show prior! Now, our booker's involvement in the actual match's layout will vary from booker to booker, match to match. The only certain thing is they probably decided on a winner. With a high-profile star like Cena, he may have had some say in that decision, something the booker may listen to whether it be a case of respect or preserving morale, but the booker will have the final say on that. Some bookers may also get involved in the match "script", as it were. Our booker may just want to have certain key moments included, for example they may want Cena to win with his Attitude Adjustment finishing move. This will be communicated with the talent and they'll include that.
In bigger companies and in the modern day, even more organisation may be put in to the match layout, especially to keep some uniqueness up between the matches on one show. This is usually where an agent or producer comes in. These will usually be former wrestlers who act as a third-party, mediator, and authority on the planning out of a match. John Cena and Joe Jones may need to run some of their ideas by the agent, or build it up entirely with them, it all depends on the company and seniority of the stars. But as I alluded to, the way a match comes together will largely be via discussion between our competitors.
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Generally, there's three ways wrestlers like to call their regular matches:
Meticulous Planning - Some wrestlers, especially today, like to plan out most facets of their match. Of course, being a live show and so heavily dependent on crowd engagement (something I'll get back to later), some things need to be left until the moment and flexibility is key. However, having a full idea of how the match will go can lead to brilliant results! Former wrestler Diamond Dallas Page is well-known to have been somewhat of an innovator of this style, and many wrestlers from the independent scene of the last 20 years also use this method
Loose Planning - This is probably the "cue cards" approach to wrestling. A wrestler may want to have a decent idea of the beats of their match beforehand, so they might layout a few key "spots" as they're known. For example, Joe Jones might have a great counter for one of Cena's moves, so they make sure to include that at some point. But to navigate between each motion and key moment of the match, the two wrestlers may improvise in the ring. Typically, this is done by one of the wrestlers subtly "calling spots" to their peers, or it's even been known for referees to contribute, whether that be pre-agreed or due to instructions from the booker. Even in a planned out match, calling spots can be necessary because who has the memory for that, but it's still common to do it partially on the fly.
Calling It in The Ring - Our third method is, naturally, calling the whole thing live. Many wrestlers have confessed to having matches, sometimes all-time great ones too, that they just laid out step-by-step in the ring. I describe this at the Fucking Bananas way! It's pretty impressive, truth be told, and is a very good skill to have for a live show, where anything can go wrong at any moment.
Having an idea of how the match gets planned out, we can now start to look into the dynamics, story, and physicality of the match.
Throughout his career, John Cena has primarily played a good guy. Any wrestler worth their salt has some level of character, and a traditionally key part of wrestling is the battles of good and evil. We call good guys "faces" or "babyfaces", and bad guys "heels". A good guy, like Cena, will generally get the fans on side. They probably appeal to the crowd, do the more exciting moves, and are the protagonist of the story. On the other, the baddies try to antagonise where possible. They may yell at the crowd, wrestle more brutally or underhandedly, or run down the faces. There is the issue that the heels can generally be a lot more fun! But that creates the challenge of the wrestlers to get the desired results, and the bookers to assign roles and build stories properly.
In the modern day, there's also the blurry middle role, known as "tweeners", who are usually anti-hero style morally grey types. A suitably edgy name. Now, some wrestlers stay in one role forever, i.e Cena, but many change at least a couple times over their career, altering their character accordingly. This can help freshen them up or serve an emotional storyline, and we call them "turns". So a good guy may "turn heel" or a villain might "turn face".
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Back to our match: the dynamics of our two competitors can play a big part in our match! We could have both Cena and Joe Jones be faces, battling for supremacy in a sporting rivalry. Or maybe Joe is a heel, looking to get one over Cena by any means necessary. We could even have two baddies facing off in a battle of pure nefariousness! These dynamics all play a big part in a match. We naturally like to have someone to root for and someone to root against, and it's why the most popular stories in media are usually underdogs overcoming the odds, or good vs. evil. By playing two characters off each other, we give the audience something to bite into and get invested in. The usual method is to pit a heel against a face, but face vs. face is also common! Heel vs heel matches do occur to though, when the time calls for it. These characters can also be somewhat liquid, so for example, in a face vs. face match or feud, one may "play the heel" or "work heel". There's also room for development in this system! Maybe we have a face vs. face battle, but some animosity and tension starts to form. One wrestler gets angry, or starts to resort to cheap tactics. This adds a whole other layer of depth to the proceedings! These characters and the crowd's reactions are absolutely essential to a great wrestling match.
This is largely where the occasional comparison to pantomime comes in. We all know this is a show, but you have to let yourself get carried away in the moment. The crowd's reactions lend so much to a match! In many matches, you will see wrestlers playing to the crowd, or involving them in the action. For example, you may see the face and the heel having a back-and-forth of strikes. This is designed to get the crowd to make noise, and you'll hear them cheer as the face strikes, then boo as the heel strikes. Alternatively, the face may be in danger of getting counted out, being downed outside the ring. This is meant to create tension, and whip the crowd into support of the face, and build the noise until they get back in the ring just in time! Being willing to suspend your disbelief and play along is a big part of watching wrestling!
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I'd say the crowd engagement is 50% like pantomime, but the other 50% is like the idea of football (soccer) crowds being the "12th man". In football, the crowds love to sing and chant for their favourite team, as well as build a general atmosphere that can add so much to a great game, and motivate the action on the pitch. Pro wrestling has a very similar relationship to its crowd, which is part of the reason why UK crowds are so well known for their engagement and unique interactions. There's a whole bucket of familiar chants and phrases that wrestling crowds love to employ, with "this is awesome", "let's go [wrestler]", and "fight forever" being some of the most common. There's also the less positive, such as "boring" or "bullshit", or even reactionary chants like "you sick fuck". Personalised chants for certain wrestlers are also common, with some of the most prominent being "ohhhh bask in his glory" for Keith Lee (to the tune of Seven Nation Army) and Sami Zayn's "ole" chants. These not only express just how the fans are feeling, they also help create a truly electric environment for matches and segments that's so wonderful.
This has been quite a big lesson so far, so I think now is the time to wrap this one up! Much more focused with less jokes here, but there's a lot to cover! In the next lesson, I'll be discussing the in-ring action, how they do it, what it's like, and how this can be used to tell a story! Be sure to stick around and hear it from Rebbie!
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blueonwrestling · 10 months
I've found a browser based wrestling booking sim a few weeks ago when i had a shitty pc and couldn't do anything else, and even with this new pc where i can actually play games im still playing it because it's super fun.
im sure this isn't an original idea, but currently im doing a run where i'm trying to book a roster full of people that aren't signed to the major companies, (wwe/aew/tna/njpw/stardom etc) and at first i thought it was slim pickings, but with one of the scenarinos there sure are alot of indie talent, i am playing as the nwa (it was a coin flip between MLW/NWA), and i am allowing myself to sign NWA/MLW talent since they don't exist, and i am allowing myself to sign released wwe talent that I dont think are going to sign to one of the big promotions (I dont think Elias, Rick Boogz, Dana Brooke and a few others are going anywhere)
Basically my entire company is centered around CM Punk vs Matt Cardona/EC3 atm, it is actually really fun, and the roster i have is pretty decent, but it's a challenge to sign people.
sitll, highly reccomend it, journey of wrestling!
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biggoldbelt · 2 days
September 26, 2024 – TNA Wrestling
TNA iMPACT! on AXS TV Preview: September 26, 2024 Preview / September 25, 2024 / by TNA Wrestling Staff [embedded content][embedded content] Witness an all-new TNA iMPACT! this Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and TNA+! Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry – #1 Contender’s Match  Frankie Kazarian and Joe Hendry will battle it out on TNA iMPACT to determine who will challenge Nic Nemeth for the TNA…
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📰📱Langblr News Challenge 1/7 [Japanese🇯🇵]
News Source: 人が笑うと一緒に笑うロボットができた | Easy Japanese - Todai Reader
The news article is about a robot constructed by a research group at Kyoto University that can laugh along with humans while interacting with them :)
📕 Vocabulary ✍️
1. 笑う 【わらう】 → to laugh, to smile
2. 一緒に 【いっしょに】 → together
3. できる → to be able (to do)
4. ロボット 【ろぼっと】 → robot
5. 京都大学 【きょうとだいがく】 → Kyoto University
6. 研究  【けんきゅう】 → study, research, investigation
7. グループ 【ぐるーぷ】 → group (usually of people)
8. 作る 【つくる】 → to make, to build
9. 会話  【かいわ】 → conversation
10. 声  【こえ】 → voice
11. 調べる 【しらべる】 → to examine, to investigate
12. 話  【はなし】 → talk, speech
13. データ  → data
14. 大きい 【おおきい】 → large, loud
15. 小さい 【ちいさい】 → small
16. 初めて  【はじめて】 → for the first time
17. 自分と一緒に 【じぶんといっしょに】 → with me
18. 同じ 【おなじ】 → same, identical
19. 気持ち  【きもち】 → feeling
20. 年寄り 【としより】 → old people, the aged
21. 心 【こころ】 → heart, mind
22. どんな → what kind of
23. 予定 【よてい】 → plans
🌸That's it for today! Inviting anyone who'd like to do this challenge together (any language!) (✿^‿^)
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a2zsportsnews · 16 days
Jordynne Grace to Defend Knockouts World Title Against NXT’s Wendy Choo This Friday at TNA Victory Road – TNA Wrestling
Jordynne Grace to Defend Knockouts World Title Against NXT’s Wendy Choo This Friday at TNA Victory Road News / September 11, 2024 / by TNA Wrestling Staff Watch on TNA+ Get tickets Jordynne Grace continued to make history when she defended the TNA Knockouts World Championship on NXT for the very first time. Answering her open challenge was NXT’s Sol Ruca, who looked to ride her recent wave of…
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ramtracking · 4 months
TNA Against All Odds 2024: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights [ Sami Callihan ]
TNA Against All Odds 2024: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights [News Summary] On the heels of a historic appearance at NXT Battleground, TNA Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace issued an open challenge to any competitor,… Will someone from WWE show up to face the Knockouts champ? Will Matt Hardy beat Moose for the World title in their ‘Broken Rules’ match! Matt Hardy will attempt to…
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sa7abnews · 18 days
What to expect from the Harris-Trump US presidential debate?
New Post has been published on Sa7ab News
What to expect from the Harris-Trump US presidential debate?
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“Trump likes to dictate the terms of the debate by going off the traditional format. That’s Kamala’s biggest challenge,” Richard Groper remarked to TNA.
... read more !
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allabouttenille · 5 months
TNA Wrestling
May 2nd 2024
“Tessa Blanchard. No more hiding, I know you’re back there. You’ve been avoiding me all day. Hell, you’ve been avoiding me ever since Rebellion. You even left the country to avoid me! But I know you’re back there tonight so let’s skip the gam…” Tenille Dashwood is clearly unhappy as she takes up the ring and demands an explanation from her long time rival who bizarrely came to her aid at Rebellion against Jordynne Grace. Dashwood didn’t know at the time, but once she discovered the truth, she was irate.
Luckily for the Australian, she doesn’t have to wait long for Tessa Blanchard to make her way to the ring, a mic in hand as she starts speaking on route. “Tenille, you really don’t need to speak. It’s not like anybody even wants to hear what you have to say anyway. But, I know what you want and I’d be more than happy to explain. I think you’ve waited long enough. You want to know why I came to your aid at Rebellion, right? Why I saved you from getting beat and losing the TNA Digital Media Championship? No, don’t thank me. You don’t need to. You’re welcome.”
“Don’t worry, Tessa. I’d never thank you for anything. This place was so peaceful without you sticking your nose in everybody else’s business but… here you are, back again. Getting involved in what doesn’t concern you. You think I needed your help? I’ve made seventeen successful defenses of my TNA Digital Media Championship. I know what I’m doing. I had Jordynne Grace right where I wanted her when you got involved.” Dashwood protests, watching closely as Blanchard enters the ring, the arrogant smirk on her face as per usual.
“We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that. But I wasn’t prepared to take that chance. I couldn’t sit back and just watch you lose like that. And no, this isn’t me trying to be your friend or anything so don’t even suggest it.” Blanchard squares up to Dashwood, but the Australian doesn’t back down and instead quickly returns the verbal shot. “You and I both know that will never, ever happen.” Clearly, both women can’t stand each other and they both seem happy to continue with the hostilities.
“Finally, something we can agree on. But as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted. I’m not trying to be your friend. The reason I saved your title reign, is simple. I’m going to be the one to end it. Nobody else. Me!” Blanchard once again gets into Dashwood’s face, her true motives finally becoming clear after so many rumours in recent weeks. Dashwood isn’t impressed. “You’re delusional. I’ve already beaten you. It wasn’t a roll up. It wasn’t a fluke. It wasn’t controversial in the least. You can’t even claim it was an accidental tap out. You verbally submitted in the middle of the ring. It doesn’t get any more clear cut than that. I have no reason to give you another title match.”
“You’re right. You have no reason to give me another shot, but we both know you will. You said earlier about seventeen successful title defences? I have to give you credit, that’s very impressive, and a new record, right? Congratulations. But I know you won’t want an asterisks beside it. An asterisks that reads Tenille Dashwood was too scared to defend against Tessa Blanchard again. An asterisks that says you know you can’t beat me again. You don’t want that, do you?” Blanchard smirks, clearly trying to manipulate the Australian into accepting the challenge. “Wow, that’s your master plan? You’re going to try and play to my ego? Tessa, everybody knows that you’re the ego around here, not me. But, while you were rambling on and on and on, I did get an idea.”
“Took you long enough.” Blanchard arrogantly responds, still trying to push the right buttons to get what she wants, but she can give it a rest. Dashwood has a proposition of her own. “I’ll give you a match, under one condition. It’s one and done. You don’t get another shot afterwards. And I don’t mean against me. I mean ever. After Under Siege, you can never again challenge for the TNA Digital Media Championship. Still want the match considering you’ve already tried and failed at beating me?” For the first time, Blanchard hesitates. Surprisingly, she actually takes a few seconds to think it over before nodding her head, deciding it’s worth the risk.“Take a lot of pictures with that title because you won’t be making it to number eighteen. After tomorrow night, the TNA Digital Media Championship is coming home with me. You’re on.” Blanchard slams her mic into the chest of Dashwood to try and provoke her, but Dashwood simply shakes her head and raises the TNA Digital Media Championship above her head. After seventeen successful defenses, Dashwood is full of confidence.
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