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tovieplays · 7 months ago
 | Visual mods |
*No music notes mod for sims 4: by Krys29 https://modthesims.info/d/540385/no-music-notes-for-sims-4.html
*No Zzz for Sims 4 https://modthesims.info/d/540287/no-zzz-for-sims-4.html
*Missing plumbob by  https://ko-fi.com/s/b737098fd3 
    | Gameplay mods |
*SimCare https://www.patreon.com/posts/simcare-early-91664292 
*Mccc - https://deaderpool-mccc.com/ 
*Weerbesu UI cheats https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-16-26240068
*Smarter Pie Menu: Searchable https://www.patreon.com/posts/smarter-pie-menu-81030137
*Steady Sit & Seat Any Sim: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mod-steady-sit-83645525
*Steady Sit & Seat Any Sim: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mod-steady-sit-83645525
*Mini-Mod: Greetings: https://www.patreon.com/posts/nc4t-mini-mod-65202018 
*First Impressions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44832679 
*Mod: Turn On TV: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mod-turn-on-tv-70261108 
*Control Any Sim https://modthesims.info/d/634595/control-any-sim-v1-2-4.html 
*Healthy living mod : https://www.patreon.com/posts/healthy-living-102663074 
*Autonomy Toggle : https://www.patreon.com/posts/bg-autonomy-31612207 
*Midnitetech power outages mod https://www.patreon.com/midnitetech/posts 
*Midnitetech doom scrolling https://www.patreon.com/midnitetech/posts 
* Nerdy doll Cupids corner lower refresh rate https://www.patreon.com/posts/cupids-corner-108827515 
*UTOPYA Brawling Mod https://www.patreon.com/UTOPYA_cc/posts
*UTOPYA make the bed mod https://www.patreon.com/UTOPYA_cc/posts
*UTOPYA pool table mod https://www.patreon.com/posts/functional-pool-97981170 
*Waronkcc functional cars https://www.patreon.com/posts/61053382 
| Overrides |
*Luxe Gift Box Override by LargeTayterTots https://www.patreon.com/posts/luxe-gift-box-by-104977636 
*Presents Overhaul by Apricot Rush  https://www.patreon.com/posts/day-9-presents-94902582 
*Simkatu Computer Desktop Override https://www.patreon.com/simkatu/posts
*Ceiling replacement by surprise peach https://surprisepeach.tumblr.com/post/625013453550157824/this-replaces-the-ugly-white-ceilings-with-a 
*Pc game override by Ebonix https://www.patreon.com/posts/33560276
*Simkatu override flower arrangement https://www.patreon.com/simkatu/posts
*Dynamus Remote Override https://modthesims.info/m/10185139 
*Nv games Failed Energy Animation https://www.patreon.com/posts/small-mods-69121597 
*Default mop replacement LargeTayterTots  https://www.patreon.com/posts/default-haul-87565236 
| Romance mods |
*Purchase jewelry by rex :https://konansock.tumblr.com/post/751599316869791744/small-mod-purchase-jewelry-on-phones 
*SIMS4 MOD | Kiss-n-Grind 1.6 Waved Kiss https://www.patreon.com/posts/107870579 
*Simkatu cry mod https://www.patreon.com/simkatu/posts
*UTOPYA passionate gifts https://www.patreon.com/UTOPYA_cc/posts
| Cas and lighting mods |
*Vyxated Reflective CAS Background https://www.patreon.com/posts/reflection-cas-93254283
*Weerbesu More columns in CAS https://www.patreon.com/posts/more-columns-in-27751117
*No blu by LUUMIA https://luumiasims.com/post/176043227929/its-been-well-over-a-year-since-noblu-v1-came-out 
*Luumia NoGLO https://luumiasims.com/post/167217001494/i-released-the-noglo-mod-about-a-year-and-a-half 
*Simp4sims simpsetters https://www.patreon.com/posts/overhaul-01-57965057 
*Softerhaze Sunblind https://softerhaze.tumblr.com/post/708700219869691904/sunblind-the-landscape-images-above-excluding 
*K-Hippy K-505 Terrain Mod https://k-hippie.tumblr.com/post/171136399326/k-505-terrain-mod-replacement-4-all-worlds 
*CONTROLLED POSITION MOD by northern siberia winds https://www.patreon.com/posts/cas-tuning-mod-1-81104796 
shout out to all the incredible creators!
@plumlace @deaderpoolmc @twistedmexi @amellce @needcoffee4that @mizoreyukii @pandasamacc @midnitetech @nerdydoll-sims4 @utopya-cc @waronkccs-blog @largetaytertots @apricotrush @simkatu @ebonixsims @nv-gamesgames @vyxated @luumia @simp4sims @softerhaze @k-hippie @northernsiberiawinds
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shinipede · 8 months ago
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themostsplendidcreature · 13 days ago
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draedon ft. the fallen star that fell on his head and murdered him right in front of my eyes after i beat the exo mechs again
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hahaha-darn-it · 1 year ago
hey guys! i could use some support
so most of y'all who've been following this blog for any amount of time probably know that i've written a book that has been waiting to get published.
the book is called 'the messengers of doom.' full of humor, it is an urban fantasy revolving around hindu mythology, for young adults but it can be interpreted differently by any age group, and tackles themes like love, life, pain, purpose et cetera.
currently in the publishing process, it is out around this may! yes! finally!
if you'd like to get to know more about this book, find out about me as a writer & my writing process, be one of the first to find out when the book is finally out & get the book as soon as possible, or if you'd simply like to support a friend, you can find my official instagram here:
i've made this account pretty recently, so there's all sorts of updates regarding 'the messengers of doom' that are going to be out soon!
thank you!
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asinasura · 2 years ago
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i think after beating her, scal would be wearing whatever she finds super comfy. even if that includes smug spongebob tshirt
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grapeagata · 8 months ago
Does calamity change duke to be harder or what
I do not remember master mode duke being this difficult, this isn't even revengence mode
First and second phase are going by easy but it seems duke has like, twice the hp and is teleporting in weird ways in the third phase
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particlepocket · 9 months ago
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Land of brimstone and memory
A fiery world with everything ablaze save for antiquated movie set structures.
Brimstone in connection to hell, blaze (4/20 & glory) & the fire at the end of tmod. Memory symbolized by film in both the object and form of entertainment as ways of documenting life or viewing history. Film is highly flammable, concurrently, some films can be reused by erasing the images with sulfuric acid.
Time players lands hold significance as the planet that holds the scratch construct, which in this case would be a cassette tape. Due to the circumstances in the nature of this session, the constructs purpose does not function as a reset button but a undo, activated by rewinding the cassette by using the quills like how you would typically with a pencil.
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moon-lords-lower-body · 2 years ago
Found a tool to play old versions of terraria thru steam if you already own the game.. man i forgot how janky 1.1 is
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pendragonthegreat · 2 years ago
ok, I have a weirdly specific comment here but I wanted to make it anyways :)
thanks for the in depth archive of pendragon covers on the fan website! I was trying to determine if MoD had been translated into Japanese for a fanfic I was writing and google was giving me absolutely nothing. the resource is interesting in the first place but also helped me, thanks :)
this isn't weird at all- it's really nice to know the cover gallery was helpful to you! :)
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bigender2 · 2 years ago
they should make a toys to play with that can work
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onychaos · 2 years ago
Terraria calamity infernum progress
Tmod Terraria. It is time to talk about this amazing official DLC for Terraria at this point. There is one Terraria mod I want to talk about, and that mod is Terraria Calamity, made by MountainDrew/Fabsol and released in 2018. I will make this a gaming log, going over the good and bad. It should be stated that playing mods for Terraria should only be done after you get the hang of Terraria and…
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thedemoninme141 · 1 month ago
Wednesday: I would like to go to dinner with you, but not as friends. Y/n: You mean as enemies? Wednesday: ...... *facepalms Y/n: What?
Just something that came to my mind while writing TMOD part 4, not related to it tho lol.
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jesslikesmusic24 · 2 months ago
I have this idea for a Mphfpc au.
So we all know the "normals" that were looking for Noor and went chasing after the group in TMOD. And I think in book 5 (6 maybe I forget), they were just wrote off as Wights. They did talk about an organization of normals that would hunt down peculiars in the 1800 to 1900s.
I'm also a little bit of a fan of the SCP foundation. What if those "wights" were actually part of the SCP? A (somewhat) secret society of normals capturing peculiar people and running experiments. Or trying to understand loops?
Just imagine they manage to get their hands on a hollowgast.
Just a thought I've had for a fanfic, maybe. But I don't write much, so you're welcome to take my idea if you like it :] (but you have to let me read it lol)
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fulltime-chaos-incarnate · 8 months ago
the messengers of doom–
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'the messengers of doom' is an insightful yet humorous spin on hindu mythology, the first book of a series, through the eyes of MC anusha malhotra. this, according to readers, "riveting" and "incredibly entertaining" story brings together gods, myths, monsters and touches universal themes that bring the world together–like love, struggle, and oreos. a compelling novel according to readers–and written at just 15 years old by saanvi khanna, a passionate teen with dreams to change the world with her stories–make sure to put TMOD on your TBR list right now! the book is available on amazon; check out the links in bio. looking forward you can show your kind support and encouragement by reading TMOD, leaving reviews, making fanart/fanfiction and using the tags #themessengersofdoom, and telling all your contacts about it!
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lasttree-garsennon · 8 months ago
The Messengers of Doom
Hey guys I wanted to talk about @hahaha-darn-it 's new book The Messengers of Doom
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First I will give a review that is spoiler free followed by a slightly more in depth review so stop at the keep reading line if you haven't read it yet.
Okay so the first thing I want to get out of the way is that for a bit it will feel like you are reading a pjo book but with hindu mythology but please keep reading because it is also so much more than that.
tmod is book written by a teen writer who, I'll be honest, is very good at what she does and has a written a book that will NOT be leaving my mind for what is, quite frankly, a very long time. It has a very nice and weird sense of humor that is really awesome. I mean the chapter titles alone will have you cackling. The world-building is great and it was nice to read a story using hindu mythology not centered around kalki. Other than that I loved the characterizations I loved the depiction of insecurities and I loved how it showed the relationship between adopted siblings. I would 100% suggest this book because it. is. AWESOME.
The best thing about this book is I read it and after a few days I am getting the urge to read it again
okay the rest of it will be containing spoilers.
you have been warned.
Now the spoilers.
this bit will be more me geeking out than what you would call a review but eh.
First the dynamic between Anusha Rochelle and Lucas. WHAT a trio. These three are now my new blorbos. and the BOAT scene!! jee-sus christ it refuses to leave my head.
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youwouldntmakeablog · 28 days ago
you wouldn't load a tmod
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[ID: the "You wouldn't download a car" meme rewritten to say "You wouldn't load a tmod" /END ID]
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