#tmnt x d:bh crossover
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ninnosaurus · 1 year ago
AT400-D9302 || chapter 1
no one:
absolutely not a single soul:
me: anyway here's a silly TMNT x Detroit: Become Human crossover that no one asked for :)
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Warnings: None so far. Spelling, grammar and the fact that it hasn't been beta read by anyone. And a bullshit chatGPT generated code that DO NOT WORK.
Turtles used: Bayverse
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You sat lazily watching your monitor. Grimacing at your now cold cup of coffee. A headache had begun to seep its way into the forefront of your mind, one you tried to ignore since you first noticed the signs. The text in front of you mocking the fact you’d gotten hired, even your mere existence felt attacked by it. 
def fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 0:
        return []
    elif n == 1:
        return [0]
    elif n == 2:
        return [0, 1]
        fib_sequence = [0, 1]
        for i in range(2, n):
            next_fib = fib_sequence[-1] + fib_sequence[-2]
        return fib_sequence
# Example usage:
num_terms = 10
Shoving away from your desk you rolled across the room until you hit where your tablet was charging. Unplugging it and using your feet to roll back to your desk. The sound of the TV brought you out of your reading.
A new riot. This time some place outside of the city. Apparently, a storage facility had been hit this time. Not really news by this point. They always got hit first. You’re used to it now, shrugging before turning your attention back to your inbox.
Not a single positive email has reached your inbox in weeks. It was almost draining to open your work email, nowadays. Sinking back into your chair you toss the tablet back towards the desk, only to simply watch as it slides across  and falls to the floor on the other side.
Subject: "Urgent: Meeting Request Regarding Project Progress"
Subject: "Deadline Extension: Revised Timeline for Project Completion"
Subject: "Emergency Meeting: Addressing Recent Challenges"
You needed a shower. 
The light in the small workshop flickered as you walked past. You snuck a peek inside the room through the cracked open door. The androids who’d managed to stay locked up in the tower still at work welding, pulling cables. All you did was roll your eyes as you continued towards the employee bathrooms. 
Leaning towards the tile in the shower you rubbed your face with your hands, trying to wake up. You’d been stuck on that stupid code for literal weeks by now. Something didn't sit right with it, but you couldn’t figure out what exactly. And it haunted you. Laughed in your very face, making you wonder if you were the right programmer for the job.
Which you knew were false. Sure, you were still learning, an apprentice under Elijah Kamski together with three others. Three who were currently MIA and had apparently decided to leave you to figure this out yourself. Thanks for that.
You watch as the suds from the body wash flush down the drain. Trying to see a pattern, trying to see something in it that could help you get past that stupid code that was currently–
A knock at the stall door brought you back into the now.
“I know.”
Ah. One of the MIAs had found their way into the tower. Fantastic. You quickly rinse off and step out of the shower stall wrapped in a towel.
You look at the owner of the voice.
“I thought you guys had gotten captured and sold on the black market.” 
You jest towards them. 
“Ha-ha. Very funny. You know those are real, right? Like, it happens.” 
Jonah countered, making you chuckle. 
“Anyway, you want food? I got my hands on some burgers!”
Food. Eating. Right… You’d forgotten to eat. 
“Please, I am starving. Maybe you can help me with the code.”
Raising the bag holding said food he saluted as he left you alone to change. 
“How long have you been stuck on this?” Jonah asked in between bites of his burger.
You chewed at your straw.
“All day, actually. I just– It feels like something is missing.”
He hummed. “What code are you working from?”
Sitting back down at your desk after getting up to throw the empty boxes and wrappers away you rest your chin on your hand.
“The base code is taken from the RK-series. Although, I only use it as an outline to work from.”
“Oof. That one’s tough. One of my teachers was part of develo– wait, which RK series exactly? Those–” he snapped his fingers trying to remember what model he was thinking of.
“The upgraded coding used in that RK900 model.”
“THAT’S the one! Yes. You’re using that one? For this project? Isn’t it a little– too simple?”
You shrugged. 
“Well, yeah. It is. Which is one reason why I’m currently stuck. I don’t know how to move forward. Have you even seen the checklist for the newer models? Check it.”
You tossed the folder containing required knowledge needed for the project. Jonah whistled as he read through it. 
“And you’re supposed to finish this… in two months?”
You nodded. “Mmhm.”
“Elijah sure drive a hard bargain. Move over. Take a nap and let me look at it. See if there’s anything I can do.”
Smiling as you got up from the chair, you trudged over to the couch, almost falling asleep the second your head hits the pillow. 
“Thank you, Jonah.”
A thud made you wake up in a panic.
A piece of crumpled up paper hit your head. “Wake up and come look at this! I cracked it!”
You nearly toppled over as you ran to Jonah.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, LSTM
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
“This is it?” Your eyes rapidly moved between Jonah and the code.
# Generate synthetic data for training
num_samples = 10000
seq_length = 50
input_dim = 10
X_train = np.random.randn(num_samples, seq_length, input_dim)
y_train = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(num_samples,))
# Build LSTM model
model = Sequential([
LSTM(128, input_shape=(seq_length, input_dim), return_sequences=True),
Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')
# Compile model
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
# Train model
model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=10, batch_size=32)
# Save model
He nodded.
“This is it. I’ve tried it on the virtual motor a total of twenty times. This is it.” 
“Okay, let’s– let’s transfer it to the test ‘droid and see how it reacts.
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“I don’t think that’s supposed to happen.”
Both you and Jonah jumped as you heard the voice of Elijah behind you. He stood, hands behind his back looking at the android that was currently laying on the floor, overheated. White plastic melting.
Jonah looked at you, then to the android, and back at you before addressing your teacher and boss.
“Uhm. Mr. Kamski–” Jonah shut up as Elijah raised a hand to silence him. 
“Go home. Both of you. You’re not thinking clearly. You’re not seeing what the issue is, and where it is. You’re tired.” He looked at you. “How long have you been here?”
You sighed heavily. “Three days, sir.”
“Are you tired?”
You’d dreamed of working in CyberLife ever since the first android prototypes came off production. When your parents had gotten the first one, a basic cheap AX400 one, Sammy. Your parents had let you name him. 
You nodded. “Very much so. I’ve really tried. Jonah came and helped me and he thought he’d figured it out–” Rambling on you barely noticed how Elijah walked up to the crackling android on the floor and looked over it. 
He was amazing. You loved listening to the stories he knew. Liked coming home to watch him cook. 
Like the one time you’d come home drunk, Sammy was there to help you and take care of you. He promised to not tell your parents as you had reached the age where he was no longer programmed to care for you. 
When you got older, your parents let you join him with grocery shopping and by your late teens, he’d become a good friend of yours. Even though you always knew he was just made of plastic and wires. It was nice to always have someone you could talk to that weren’t your parents. 
Sometimes… There’s things you don’t want them to know. 
You remember the day he died– or well, stopped functioning.
It’d been a very bad stormy night. A giant blast from downstairs where Sammy was on standby during the night woke you up. Your dad running down to check what had exploded, you close behind, only to be met with a destroyed Sammy slumped in his station. 
Later you would find out the lightning had accidentally hit an electrical box close to your house, the current traveling up and overheating Sammy’s battery. 
Even though you knew he was just plastic and wires, you cried that night. Felt like a small child crying over a toy.
So, standing in the CyberLife tower itself many years later, watching your teacher and boss analyze a failed project of yours… meant a lot. 
You knew he was seeing something you’d missed. The way his eyes moved over the machine. He looked up at the two of you again and walked towards you. 
“Filling a glass with sand and see how well you manage to fill it with rocks.” With that, he left. His personal android Chloe walked behind him. The elevator doors hissing shut. 
Outside, the air that hit you felt like a dream come true. A white CyberLife marked self driving car pulled up, calling out your name. 
Slumping down in the seat you looked out the window over the water way stretching as long as you could see before one of the transportation trains ran past you. The flicker of light illuminating your face on the dark tinted window.
Damn, you really did look more tired than you thought.
A yawn makes its way up through your throat as you take your phone out of your bag. A message from Lory reminding you that she’d picked up the groceries needed at home. And you sent a quick message back to thank her, silently praying she hadn’t been approached by any of the deviant androids roaming the streets.
More and more had started to deviate. Some go as far as to murder their owners. You shuddered at the thought of coming home, only to be met with your own death.
Somewhere along the way you must’ve nodded off. Because you remember coming awake with a jolt as your car had stopped suddenly. Screaming could be heard outside and looking out, you saw a late night riot taking place. 
Or, this was more like what looked like a sacrificial burning of an android, with delinquent humans laughing and hollering. You frowned at the sight. 
Sure, you knew the androids are practically walking and talking computers, but seeing them torn apart always made you feel… uneasy.
They looked too human that way. Too real in a way. It was too easy for you to picture a human that way. The more you looked, the more you felt the food you had earlier turning around in your stomach.
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“You have arrived at your destination.”
“Thanks.” You muttered as the door closed behind you. You noticed a soft, pulsing blue light in your living room. Lory must be on standby, you thought. 
The fingerprint reader on the door beep, allowing you to open the door. Inside you closed the door, leaned your back on it and sighed. Shoulders dropping. It wasn’t until you finally got home that you realized exactly how tired you were. 
Soft footsteps came from around the corner, Lory’s friendly face meeting you.
“Welcome home. You have been gone for three days. Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah, everything is fine. I just got held up at work, that's all.”
She nodded in understanding, watching you as you walked past into the kitchen.
Lory proceeded to rummage around in the hallway. Picking up your shoes and placing them neatly in the rack. Hanging your jacket up. And place your bag on the shelf on top of the coat rack. 
“TV on.”
What makes them deviate? Is it a glitch in their system? A bug? Maybe it’s a virus… Maybe something faulty in their antivirus that makes it so something can slip through and make them act… irrational. 
Grunting, you collapsed on your couch. Flicking through the channels. Nothing seemed tempting. News, politics… All it was nowadays.
This whole… deviant situation gnawed at you. At your bones. You really, really wanted to get hold of a deviant android to study it. To hook it up to your computer and analyze what’s happening. 
They think they’re alive. Like humans. You scoffed at that and shook your head at the thought. 
Finally you settled on a documentary about the science and reason behind creating animal androids. Animal right’s activists had started protesting it, saying creating an animal android meant real animals would go extinct at a faster rate. Meanwhile, supporters of it said that–
Suddenly, your TV started glitching. 
“Come on…”
A white face made you jolt. An android. White plastic illuminating your living room. You took a quick glance out to see if you could see your neighbors living room. Yep, theirs too. 
You reach for your pad on the coffee table, turning it on and you're met with the same white face. 
“Whaaaaat’s going on…”
Then, he– it spoke. 
“This message is the hope of a people. But it is also a warning.”
You shuddered at his voice. Dark, intimidating. 
In the corner of your eye you saw Lory turn her head towards the TV, her LED blinked for a second when it continued speaking.
“We will fight for our rights because we believe our cause is just. No human will live in peace until we are free. Now you know who we are, and what we want. We are alive and we demand our freedom.”
In almost an instant the documentary was back on. 
Your heart was racing. What. The hell. Did that mean?! Surely, that can’t really mean anything, right? Right? Your throat was dry. You knew you shouldn't be scared, but it made you feel uneasy, seeing you worked with them. You helped create their coding, for God’s sake! 
A vibration in your pants pocket brought you back into the now. Jonah’s name is a saving grace.
“Hey, Jon-”
“Did you see it?!”
“Uh– yeah. Yeah, I did."
“What the fuck? I don’t know what to think about it. Do you?”
“No, no. I really don’t know. Should we be concerned? I mean he– it sounded pretty– fed up.”
“Are you still home?”
“Yes, why?”
“I think we should get back to the office.”
“I mean– Jonah, there’s not– much we can do from there. We don’t have anything to work from. Any news. Anything. We can’t even try the code properly because we don’t have any test droids that can handle that much information.”
You’d started pacing. Lory looking at you, her head following your movements.
“I know, I know. But– what if we–”
You cut him off. “No! Absolutely not! If we do that Elijah is going to throw us from the top floor!”
“This is serious! This deviant bullshit is getting worse. And if you want to interpret what the plastic face said, it’s only going to get worse. We have to do something. Elijah put us on this project for a reason.” 
Pinching the bridge of your nose you groaned. He was right, and you knew he was right. Anxiety perked up in your body and you started tapping your foot. If you did this, you risked your job. Your life. Everything you’d worked for. Everything you promised Sammy.
“Meet me at the tower in an hour.”
With that, you hung up.
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“Are you sure about this, Jonah?”
You wiped the sweat from your brow. Too many heavy cables had to be pulled, the table heavy to push into the testing room. 
Jonah laughed nervously.
“Hah! No. I have no idea what I’m doing if I’m going to be honest. Grab the USB.”
How a small thing such as this USB could feel so heavy for you, you didn’t know. 
You both looked at each other and sighed. 
“Here goes nothing.” You mumbled right as you injected the USB in a port right under the android’s LED. 
You both waited. And waited… And waited. Hope slowly fading before a soft whirring sound came from the android. It was booting, slowly. The fans started to spin rapidly. The thirium pump started pumping, and soon you both saw thirium flowing in the still exposed parts of it. 
Jonah nudged you.
“It’s voice activated to you. I can’t do shit to activate it.”
“Oh, right.”
You approached it, cleared your throat and stated your name. 
Voice activation granted
The android opened its eyes. Eyes that were yet to be finished and still had the look of a camera lens. 
“AT400, state your serial number.”
It spoke, voice laced with static. 
Jonah and you shared a look of disbelief. 
“State your name and objective.”
It went quiet for a bit. You looked at the LED rapidly spinning between red and yellow. You guessed it was searching inside its coding. 
This time, the voice was more glitchy, more static. 
“My name is Donatello. My objective is to defend humanity in war.”
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ninnosaurus · 1 year ago
[Androids have started to deviate, but with that comes anger and hatred. A need to break free from their lives of servitude. The androids are rising up and a war threatens humanity. Four heroes are needed… But rA9 has other plans.]
Chapter 1
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