#tmk nikki
mknaspa · 4 years
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the second lovely letter from my wonderful friend plastron just arrived! and again, i had a sweet heart attack.
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“muku muku~”
*happily crying screams in multi-languages when i opened and saw this pure adorable donnie-chan cheer me up* HEISMINE
just please look at his innocent eyes, plump tum, and the art details: plas has stunning coloring/shading/ART skills.
i love all of your adorable and energisch drawings, especially love your chubby don and gravidon so much: these makes my heart erupt and melt.
your messages and donnie the cutest cheerleader really cheer & heal me up.
i thought i had bad days in this week, but plas’ messages and this letter/gift art made me repel that thoughts. i still feel sorry that i haven't handed you anything yet, as the small packet air mail and surface mail destined for the United States from Japan have completely stopped. 🙇
i often learn from not only drawing/coloring but also posture/attitude (hmm idk what to say it in decent eng).
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by the way, this letter has cute seal stickers and i laughed a lot, because... i posted some wild life harp seal vids before this letter was sent, then we've been think and talk about the fantasy of don as a seal (plas has a very good idea about this!). i think this coincidence is really wonderful.
i'd like to reply to you both of the questions in the previous letter and this letter by letter. it may take time but i may be able to send it only by letter, so i will try to find it.
ehehe at first, i was a bit upset "why is the US still refusing to accept every small packets mail from Japan? Canada and Spain are fine tho". well, i think i could understand that concern now.
and what the japan post officers said about air mail and surface mail to the US was totally different depending on the office person, which also confused me. who said "every japanese worker are hardworking and sincere."? xD
i am always very grateful to you. you always talk kindly and tell me something kind and funny. your encouragement motivates me.
aah i want to draw more chubby don! please take a rest, you too. and someday, let's eat crab, sushi and jagariko together! 🍸
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for plastron... (i just wanted to draw chub don in plas’ art style-) 
何はともあれ、いつもお付き合いしてくれる plastron-neki..
thank you so so so so so much for always giving me warm encouragement.
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mknaspa · 4 years
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ohmyohmy oh. my. mmmmy hands were shaking and sweating ily i have to put this art in a frame and hang on a wall.
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okay i was calm down and read all of these lovely messages.
thank you so much for these precious hand-writing letters and the most gorgeous, lovely, and thick shellectro sketch! i will cherish them for the rest of my life. 
i think we share lots of the same feelings/humor/kinks (and delusions for don) as far as i know. anyways i always really enjoy talk to you, i’m just sorry for being shy and my slow ass and any of my eng grammar mistakes i might done. xD 
someday i wish we’ll meet together in US or JP or some other place! 
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ps- i’ll send you some letter in late June. (there are too many things i want to write, and i haven't put together what to write.. ah!) please rest well and have a nice day!
and to everyone read this post: pls read plastron's works ( https://bit.ly/2yTnjHr )
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何の脈絡もなく、my fave donnie-chan’s smile を置いて〆ます。
ほなまた 🙋
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mknaspa · 5 years
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hyvää tuoksua. kiitos paljon for the sweet gift, nei!
you’re so talented and lovely person. 
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mknaspa · 4 years
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Kinda too late to post this, but my friend sent these amazing presents and letters to me in December, 2020. 🎄
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As an otaku who likes IL and 2k3 tmnt so much since 2015, it's a cryingly stunning drawing.. Plastron is so kind that they also cares about IL, and even drew Magnum for me, despite having their own job.
Plas' Magnum-san just like a serious-cool athlete in the anime. Well, I have some ulterior motives for him, so I have a bad habit of always drawing him nah-aw-ty.
(Unfortunately, this was unsealed when it brought at customs inspection in JP; probably because it contained food? They all were fine and arrived under me in good condition anyways.
Plastron put the pretty cute drawing of Magnum Ace and Donnie at the top of them in the box. So I wondered some jpnese customs officials who saw IL at an early age and knew about them may have been surprised: "nani~?! is there any americans know this nostalgic anime?" idk.)
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RaphDon seemed exchanged their handmade gifts of each other's colors? kawaii 🌷
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I was reading the letters while eating the cute snowman's chocolate (they can also be the christmas tree ornaments) that arrived. I remember it was arriving before Christmas on a cold day.
That year's Christmas was kinda modest (i prefer such a quiet kurisumasu tho), but thanks to Plastron's warm messages, delicious snacks, and these cute and high-quality stuff, I was able to spend a enjoyable and v warm Christmas season night even I was alone.
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Hope to see wonderful-you in person soon! ☆
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