Writing Fanfiction (Post 24)
Monthly Writing Updates!
Writing Goals:
December Goals-
None! But I still did lots of things, some editing, and some writing, I got maybe 2 chapters done I was behind on. Planned out more writing, found posting plan errors. Discovered The Schedule had distressing gaps I now need to fix in a week. Fixed the gaps, refilled it form most of 2019. Lots of things.
January Goals-
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 8
Naruto: Plot Bunnies and the Foxes that Case Them, Drabble (PBM&tFtCT) Chapter 1
Posting Goals-
December Goals:
Ff.n- Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Ficlet Series  (CoBD) Chapter 6: Success
Ff.n- Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ellroy on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 2: Success
AO3-Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley , Drabble Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 1: Success
AO3- Disney (Marvel): Life Shorts of Little One-Shots, Inspiration [Ficlets] (LSoLOs) Chapter 1: Success
AO3- Sailor Moon: Star Caught By the Moon, a Poem Inspired Ficlet (SCBtM) {From June} Success
January Goals:
Ff.n- Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley , Drabble Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 1
Ff.n- Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tMFoTL) Chapter 1 
AO3- Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ellroy on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 1
AO3- Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tMFoTL) Chapter 1 
AO3- Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tMFoTL) Chapter 2
It should be Noted I plan to Split my Blog in 3
SailorCrazyPinkLady may get a new URL eventually, but either way this will either become Fandom Hell Blog or more likely the Rebel Alliance Rebellion Blog. ImmortalCosmicSaturn will become my Writer/Writing and About Writing Blog, so it will likely get Next Month’s Writing Update, and ImmortalCosmicSailorSaturn will become my Main Blog of Fandom Hell (if so that URL and this one will switch). Please Got the the Tag Page (that still has no working links, sorry) for more splitting details. But if you see all 3 of these tumblrs and my AO3 have this Pick, this is why. Later I’ll chance it for ImmortalSailorCosmos on Ff.n too.(and the even later I’ll change that username to match AO3)
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Writing Fanfiction (Post 23)
Yearly Writing Updates!
The Schedule was changed, so if this doesn’t match the list for 2017 in Post 9, that’s why. This is the new updated list. (Yes, Yearly updates were invented to inform you what changes were made after the fact)
Writing Goals:
Past [older than 2017] Goals Still Undone:
NONE! (Yay, I’m catching up, sort of...)
2017 Goals:
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter  (DP:SM) Chapters 3-7: FAIL
Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Ficlets (CoBD) Chapters 5-6: Success
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Chapter [Challenge] (WOT7) Chapter 4: Success
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Chapter [Challenge] (WOT7) Chapters 5-7: FAIL
Crossover: World Oceans Day, Ficlets [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 2: Success
Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ellory on Ff.N] (MC) Chapters 1-2: Success
Disney (Marvel): Life Shorts of Little One-Shots, Ficlets [Inspiration ] (LSoLOs) Chapter 1: Success
Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley , Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 1: Success
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, FicletsSeries [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tMFoTL) Chapters 1-2: Success
Harry Potter- Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Ficlets (CoBD) Chapters 4-5: Success
Naruto- Wrath of Team 7, Chapter [Challenge] (WOT7) Chapters 1-3: Success
Harry Potter- Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ell-Roche on Ff.N] (MC) Chapters 1-2: Success
Sailor Moon- Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter  (DP:SM) Chapters 0-2: Success
Sailor Moon- Star Caught By the Moon, a Poem Inspired Ficlet (SCBtM): Success
Harry Potter- Snape’s Unfortunate Memory, Challenge [ Ficlet Given by Annamia‘s Caroline: The Week of Mourning] (SUM): Success
Crossover- World Oceans Day, Ficlets [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 1: Success
Disney (Marvel)- Life Shorts of Little One-Shots, Ficlets [Inspiration] (LSoLOs) Chapter 1: Success
Harry Potter- The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley, Ficlet  Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 1: Success
2018 Goals:
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter  (DP:SM) Chapters 8-12
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Chapter [Challenge] (WOT7) Chapters 8-13
Disney (Marvel): Life Shorts of Little One-Shots, Ficlets [ Inspiration ] (LSoLOs) Chapter 2
Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tNSMLoDD) Chapters 2-3
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tMFoTL) Chapters 3-5
Naruto: Plot Bunnies and the Foxes that Case Them, Ficlets (PBM&tFtCT) Chapters 1-3
Harry Potter: The Weasely Marauders, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tWM) Chapters 1-2
Disney (Princesses): Ice and Healing, Chapter [Inspiration] (I&H) Chapters 1-3
Harry Potter: One Shot Out Takes, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (OSOT) Chapter 1
Harry Potter: Black, Back from the Veil, Ficlet Series (BBFtV)Chapter 1
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Chapter [Challenge] (WOT7) Chapters 4-10
Harry Potter- The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley, Ficlet  Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tNSMLoDD) Chapters 1-2
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tMFoTL) Chapters 1-3 Naruto: Plot Bunnies and the Foxes that Case Them, Ficlets (PBM&tFtCT) Chapter 1
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter  (DP:SM) Chapters 3-9
Crossover- World Oceans Day, Ficlets [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 2
Harry Potter- Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ell-Roche on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 1
Disney (Marvel): Life Shorts of Little One-Shots, Ficlets [ Inspiration ] (LSoLOs) Chapter 2
Harry Potter- The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley, Ficlet  Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 2
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tMFoTL) Chapters 1-4
Harry Potter: The Weasely Marauders, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (PttA) (tWM) Chapter 1
OMG! I started writing this BEFORE Christmas. It took like a week of effort to put this thing together because I kept having to rewrite it. Tumblr just hated this update. It’s the first and I’m still making edits!
But Seriously, This Blog has sort of become Fandom (Star Wars) Hell, do ya’ll want me to make a side blog specifically for my #about my stories, #fanfic, #fanfic ideas, #writing schedule, and just leave the rest here? I would probably rename this to something like ImmortalCosmicSailorSaturn (which I’m thinking is going to be my final writing username). I have few polls (click the link then the title), but no one has voted. It would likely also have #about writing on it with all the others, unless you’d rather that is a third blog? (#about tumblr and my #about me will stick around either the My Stories Blog or the Writing Stuff Blog too probably) 
So, the search feature I put so much effort into adding to my page (it took me three days!) doesn’t even work! WHY!?!?! So, sorry about that. I’ll work on the Theme again later, I guess.
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Writing Fanfiction (Post 20)
Monthly Writing Updates!
Writing Goals:
August Goals-
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter #: 7 FAIL (WIP)
Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tNSMLoDD) Chapter #: 1 FAIL (Undone)
September Goals-
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tMFoTL) Chapter #: 2
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter [Part 1 of a Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter #: 6
Posting Goals:
August Goals-
September Goals- 
Ff.n- Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter #: 3
AO3- Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter [Part 1 of a Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter #: 2 
The Good News! So much world building!!!
The Bad News: None of it is for current stories, and a lot of it is rehashing things I already had, form like 5-10+ years ago.
The reason I’m redoing the world building is because back in the middle of last year I changed from Microsoft Office (which had become a subscription use, even though we’d paid LOTS for a disc copy back when they sold those) to LibreOffice (which is free, and 95% the same as Microsoft, if not yet Mobile friendly [they’re working on it]) Unfortunately, that last 5% of doesn’t quite translate directly (mostly formulas in Excel that can be written multiple ways only have one way that works in LibreCalc, and the color palettes are different) stuff just happens to be the stuff I used lots of (seriously? Why is it that the one way Calc reads the formula is the only way I never typed it?) and this has been causing technical errors for ages. I actually lost all of chapter 3 of a story (HISS, actually, back in like August, of last year, shit that was... yeah.) and I still haven’t gotten it back (I’m working on it) and I’ve been having issues saving things. The easy way to fix this (for other people) is to copy and paste all the old text from anything Microsoft without formatting or formulas into Libre. And of course, about 75% of all my data is saved in formulas and formatting. So I’ve spent most of August with Family, working, sleeping, or having the old Microsoft open on one screen, and the new Libre open on another, transferring over stuff and recreating as much of the formatting and color schemes as I can. I’ve gotten though most of some dozen Excels, and I still have two or three dozen more to go. I don’t know, I’m too afraid to actually look, I just know I haven’t even opened where all the Harry Potter economy Excels are, and I’ll have to do shit with them.
I’m supposed to Post WOT7 chapter 3 this month, and I don’t even have it written. I started it, but I hit a block, back in October of last year, oh lordy that’s almost a year ago now too [help me!] and I haven’t gotten back to it for any length of time since. Hopefully I can pound it out in the next three weeks and Ff.N can actually get something this month. Luckily SM:DP chapter 2 is done. Hopefully it looks ok, I did take some 10 years to write it.
The rebuilding of all my Excel to Calc stuff is so almost complete that I just opened the (new, non problematic) Writing Schedule and I don’t even have any of the chapters in it yet. Like the whole thing is set up ready to be scheduled, but not yet done.
Don’t forget I’m changing anything to do with My fanfiction to the #Fanfic tag, and only the stuff by people Not Me will be under the #fanfiction tag from now on. I haven’t gone back and edited any of the old posts yet, but I’m going to start using the new way now.
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Writing Fanfiction (Post 18)
Monthly Writing Updates!
Writing Goals:
June Goals-
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 6: FAIL (WIP)
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tMFoTL) Chapter 1#: Success (WIP)
July Goals-
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter [Part 1 of a Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter 5
Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ellroy on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 2
Posting Goals-
June Goals:
Ff.n- Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ellroy on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 2: Success (WIP)
Ff.n- Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Ficlet Series  (CoBD) Chapter 5 : Success (WIP)
AO3- Crossover: World Oceans Day, Ficlets [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 1Success  (WIP)
AO3- Sailor Moon: Star Caught By the Moon, a Poem Inspired Ficlet (SCBtM) FAIL (Complete)
July Goals-
I am currently 6 chapters behind, and not really writing much right now, thanks to a busy last few months (great for my paycheck, not so much for my free time or writing) and the suspension. I’m starting to get back in to writing slowly right now, but of course, most of this isn’t any of the stories I have on the schedule, so I don’t know when I’ll begin to get back on track. Also, I keep coming up with new ideas instead of working on old ones.
I got suspended from AO3 because apparently summaries aren’t acceptable fandom content, and since they already warned me about the accidental “made temporary” summary for Marvel when I needed to move it Disney, (not that they told me that, I had to go digging for it and it took me 2 weeks to find it, by which point I got the suspension) that’s enough to kick me out until late July, which means that the second update for June is dead right now.
I like AO3, but I will not lie, this killed my ability to write. I was looking at another place to post for a while, but I didn’t find any other site I liked as much as AO3, so I’m stuck between being on a site that gives me anxiety attacks or not posting my content at all, which I don’t want to do either, so I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m still thinking.
See you all again in August!
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Writing Fanfiction (Post 16)
This got posted 2 weeks early by accident. Yes, sometimes I write these early..
Hahaha, remember when I said I wasn’t changing the Writing schedule again? I lied.
It’s been changed, but this time it actually WORKED and I won’t change it again (except if I get another Fandom, so really, I’m lying. [3, I have the current schedule worked out such that I can add 2 Fandoms before I actually HAVE to reorganize.)
So, the Month Goals are all different this month. But I’m still 5 chapters behind.
Monthly Writing Updates!
Writing Goals:
Past Goals UNDONE-
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 3
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter [part 1 of Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter 3
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 5
Disney (Marvel): Life Shorts of Little One-Shots, Inspiration [Ficlets] (LSoLOs) Chapter 1
May Goals-
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter [part 1 of Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter 4: FAIL
Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Ficlet Series  (CoBD) Chapters 6: SUCCESS
June Goals-
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 5
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (tMFoTL) Chapter 1
Posting Goals:
May Goals:
NONE (The Marvel Summary series got deleted by an admin, not sure why, Will try to update the Disney to add Marvel back in, since I know it was popular, like the most popular)
June Goals:
FfF.n- Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Ficlet Series  (CoBD) Chapter 5
FfF.n-   Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Ficlets [Inspired by Ellroy on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 1
AO3- Crossover: World Oceans Day, Ficlets [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 1
AO3- Sailor Moon: Star Caught By the Moon, a Poem Inspired Ficlet (SCBtM)
So, WOT7 hates me, and chapter 3 is the second to last thing  I have to write for posting this year, the other is a Marvel Oneshot. But I have gotten some serious writing done this Memorial day weekend! I have 5 pages of backstory and plot for the NEW EPIC Sailor Moon story, and that doesn’t include the other 3 pages I’m rewriting now. It’s going to have 6 parts in it, so it’s one of my biggest works right now. I haven’t decided if I’m going to post all 6 to Ff.N, but at least 2, maybe 4 will be Ficlet Series parts instead of full chapter parts.I have 4 of the 6 titles right now, too, so that helps.
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Writing Fan fiction (Post 15)
Monthly Writing Updates!
Writing Goals: April goals-
None (Just as well, I caught up on tMFoTL, worked on the HP/Nar crossover a little, and organized)
May Goals-
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path: Silver Millennium, Chapter [part 1 of Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter 4: (WIP)
Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley , Drabble Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 1: (WIP) 
Posting Goals-
April Goals: None
May Goals: None
One: I changed the schedule, so as you can see, some things are on repeat. But chapter 3 of DP:SM is still undone, so chapter 4 isn’t even like thought of yet.
Two: HAHAHA, yeah, no, sorry, I’m working most of May, like I’m not going to have time to breath, let alone write. In fact, don’t expect much writing again until July, and this is why I wanted the schedule worked out to get me a year ahead of my posting.
See you all again in June!
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Writing Fanfiction (Post 21)
Monthly Writing Updates!
Writing Goals:
September Writing Goals
Harry Potter: The Many Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet [Part of PttA] (tMFoTL) Chapter 2: FAIL (Undone)
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter [Part 1 of a Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter 6: FAIL (WIP)
October Writing Goals
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter [Part 1 of a Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter 7
Crossover: World Oceans Day, Ficlets [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 2
Posting Goals:
September Posting Goals
Ff.n- Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 3: SUCCESS (WIP)
AO3- Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter [Part 1 of a Trilogy] (DP:SM) Chapter #: 2 SUCCESS (WIP)
October Posting Goals
NONE (thank goodness I still can’t keep up)
I am SO SORRY that this is like two and a half weeks late. Oops. The end of September was very rushed (I DID THE WRITING AND POSTING ON THE LAST DAY IT’S DONE YAY!) and the the beginning of October was VERY BUSY and I don’t actually have time to write this post right now either, but it’s not after my bedtime right now, so I am just going to deal. 
PEOPLE! NANOWRIMO IS COMING! So I’m likely to disappear again. Sorry not sorry? {No Tumblr updates will be posted in November, because of NaNoWriMo.}
Life. Just life. See you all again in DECEMBER!
But Seriously, This has sort of become Fandom (Star Wars) Hell, do ya’ll want me to make a side blog specifically for my #about my stories, #fanfic, #fanfic ideas, #writing schedule, and just leave the rest here, or vice versa, where I stop putting FANDOM HELL on this thing and just leave it with only those? I have few polls (click the link then the title), but no one has voted. It would likely also have #about writing on it with all the others, unless you’d rather that is a third blog? (#about tumblr will stick around too probably)
So, thoughts on my theme are also acceptable. I don’t actually like the new one, but it has a search feature, which I do like, and I haven’t had the time to find one I like better that still has the search feature. I had one I really liked, but it didn’t have a search feature and I couldn’t add it in for some reason, so I gave up on that for now.
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Writing Fanfiction (Post 9)
Yearly Writing Update!
Writing Goals:
2016 Goals:
The Schedule- For Ff.n and AO3 for at least until the end of 2020  Success
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter Story (DP:SM) Chapters 0-2: Success (WIP)
Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Drabble Series  (CoBD) Chapters 1-5: Success (WIP) 
Naruto: The Wrath of Team 7, Challenge Story [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 1-2: Success (WIP) 
Naruto: The Wrath of Team 7, Challenge Story [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 3: Fail (WIP)
 Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Drabble Series  (CoBD) Chapters 1-3: Success (WIP)
 One Piece Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series (SSS:OP) Chapter 1: Success (Complete)
Marvel Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series (SSS:Mar) Chapter 1-2: Success (Complete) 
Charmed Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series (SSS:Charm) Chapter 1-3: Success (Complete) 
Disney Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series [Including Star Wars] (SSS:Dis/SW) Chapter 1-7: Success (Complete) 
Sailor Moon Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series (SSS:SM) Chapter 1-11: Success (Complete) 
Crossovers Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series  (SSS:Cross) Chapter 1-13: Success (Complete) 
Naruto Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series  (SSS:Nar) Chapter 1-13: Success (Complete) 
Harry Potter Story Summary Series, Story Summary Series (SSS:HP) Chapter 1-3: Success (WIP)
2017 Goals:
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter  (DP:SM) Chapter 3-7: (WIP)
Crossover: World Oceans Day, Drabble [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 1-2: (WIP) 
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 4-7: (WIP) 
Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Drabble [Inspired by Ell-Roche on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 1-2:(WIP) 
Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Drabble  (CoBD) Chapter 6: (WIP) 
Harry Potter: The Many Days Ficlets of Teddy Lupin, Ficlet Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (tMDoTL tMFoTL) Chapter 1-2: (Undone)
Harry Potter: The Not So Mundane Life of Dudley Dursley , Drabble Series [Potter Through The Ages Series Story] (tNSMLoDD) Chapter 1: (Undone)
Naruto: Plot Bunnies and the Foxes that Case Them, Drabble (PBM&tFtCT) Chapter 1: (Undone)
Naruto: Wrath of Team 7, Challenge [Chapters] (WOT7) Chapter 1-3
Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Drabble  (CoBD) Chapter 4-6
Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Drabble [Inspired by Ell-Roche on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 1-2
Sailor Moon: Destiny’s Path-Silver Millennium, Chapter  (DP:SM) Chapter 0-3
Harry Potter: Snape’s Unfortunate Memory, Challenge [Drabble Given by Annamia‘s Caroline: The Week of Mourning] (SUM) Chapter 1
Harry Potter: Consequences of Being Dumbledore, Drabble  (CoBD) Chapter 1-2
Crossover: World Oceans Day, Drabble [related to a real world Cause, World’s Oceans Day is June 8th] (WOD) Chapter 1
Harry Potter: Magical Cultures, Drabble [Inspired by Ell-Roche on Ff.N] (MC) Chapter 1
Some Changes might be expected. [I’m both ahead on some writing, and behind on others]
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