bedforddanes75 · 2 months
everybody appreciate the wonderful humour of @god-has-entered-my-body
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
Here With Me Part 23 || Taylor Makar
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Author’s Note: It’s Taylor’s turn to meet the parents and Taylor and Kelsey go on their first hike together. FC: Marina Laswick (@marooshk on instagram).
Warnings: anxiety, cursing, smut, public sex (sorta) // Word Count: 5,002
Twenty Two
March 22nd, 2023
Though there was a part of Kelsey that was ready for her Wednesday lessons to be over for the season, she knew that once they were she was going to miss them. So she tried to just enjoy them, especially since there was no longer any rush to give up the ice for her uncle’s team since their season was over. 
Lingering for a few minutes after her girls had all left, Kelsey skated a few lazy laps before finally taking her skates off and grabbing her bag to head over to Taylor’s for the night. 
She hadn’t even realized her Uncle was in the building until he called her name from his office. Turning, Kelsey stopped at his doorway and leaned against it, waiting to see what he wanted. 
“So I hear we’re having you over for dinner this weekend…” He mused, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah well mom and dad are insistent on meeting Tay and I wasn’t about to subject him to just them…” Kelsey replied. “At least in front of you guys maybe they’ll tone down the ‘this won’t last’ and ‘hockey players are unreliable’ talk.” 
If it was possible, her Uncle’s eyebrows raised even further. 
“So if you could be at least a little supportive and keep any negative thoughts about Taylor to yourself, that would be appreciated.” Kelsey sighed pushing herself off the doorframe to head to her car. 
“Kelsey.” Her uncle stated, voice commanding her to stay. “As much as I didn’t see you dating one of my players coming, Taylor is a good kid and it’s clear you make each other happy.” 
“He certainly makes me happy.” Kelsey declared. “Which is why I’m willing to put in the work and I know he is too. No, neither of us knows what the future holds but unlike my mother, I think that it’s possible to have both med school and a relationship and I’m not willing to give up easily on having it all.” 
“You’re both stubborn enough to make it work.” Her uncle teased. “We’ll see you Saturday and your aunt and I have your back. Now go see Tmak.” 
Lifting a hand in acknowledgment and thanks, Kelsey sent him a small smile and left the doorway to finish the journey to her car and then Taylor’s dorm, ready to feel her boyfriend’s arms wrapped around her and settle into the security he provides. 
March 24th, 2023
Bobby: Been a couple weeks since I checked in. Have you told T yet? 
Kelsey: Been a little preoccupied with him meeting my parents tomorrow. So lay off please. 
Bobby: Preoccupied or stalling? But fine, you need to tell him though. Soon.
March 25th, 2023
Kelsey was anxious before she’d even picked up Taylor for dinner at her aunt and uncle’s. As he slid into her passenger seat outside his dorm, Kelsey fiddled with the heat in her car before greeting him with a soft kiss. 
“Kels…this is going to be fine.” Taylor murmured, seemingly unaffected by the knowledge that he was meeting her parents. 
“Just promise me you won’t let them scare you off.” Kelsey sighed, frowning slightly. “Because they’re probably going to say at least one really shitty thing.” 
“Kels…I think you’re being overdramatic.” Taylor replied. 
“Trust me. I’m not. Promise me.” 
“I love you Kels. Relax.” Taylor assured her, kissing the back of her hand before buckling up so she could drive to her uncle’s. 
Parking on the street, Kelsey grabbed Taylor’s hand and guided him up the driveway, letting them into her Aunt’s house and announcing their arrival. Her uncle was the first to meet them, sending Kelsey a smile and reaching out a hand to shake Taylor’s free one. 
“Your parents are already in the dining room Kelsey.” He informed her as the pair kicked off their shoes onto the mat. 
“Aunt Dana in the kitchen?” She asked, figuring that they could detour there first to grab drinks before stepping into the line of fire. 
With her Uncle’s nod, Kelsey guided Taylor through the house to the kitchen, letting out a deep breath upon seeing her aunt who immediately stopped what she was doing to hug Kelsey tightly. 
“It’s gonna be fine Kels.” Dana declared softly in her ear, holding her for a minute before pulling away. “And it’s good to see you Taylor.” She stated warmly to the boy standing behind her niece. 
“You too Mrs. Carvel.” He replied, nodding at her admonishment to call her Dana in non-team settings. 
After raiding the fridge for drinks, iced tea for them both, Kelsey reluctantly guided Taylor to the dining room where her uncle and parents were waiting. 
Kissing her parents cheeks and getting them in return, Kelsey watched as they reached out hands to shake Taylor’s - a greeting so starkly different from the one with his parents. 
“Mom, dad…this is my boyfriend Taylor.” Kelsey introduced. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” Taylor declared before pulling out a chair for Kelsey and taking the one next to her. 
“Daniel. And this is my wife Heather.” Her dad replied as they settled back into their own chairs. Under the table, Kelsey immediately reached for Taylor’s hand gripping it in her own, needing that steady comfort. With Taylor’s thumb brushing over her hand, Kelsey’s shoulders dipped a little and she let out a small breath. 
“Did you have a good spring break?” Kelsey’s dad asked, thankfully throwing a little bit of a softball Taylor’s way. 
“It was good.” Taylor confirmed. “Spent time with my parents and cousins and stuff. Don’t get to see them much so it was nice.” 
“You’re close with your family?” Kelsey’s mom asked, her tone carrying more than the words themselves did. “Must be hard being so far away.” 
“It is, but I talk to my parents almost every night which helps.” Taylor stated, shrugging it off. 
Before her parents could go too far down that track, her aunt brought in dishes containing dinner  and Kelsey could only hope that eating would help minimize any grilling of her boyfriend. 
To some extent it did but at the same time her parents, correction…her mom, couldn’t help but throw comments laced with disapproval out there asking about Taylor’s plans to go pro in hockey before immediately jumping to Kelsey going to med school in Worcester, like that was a given and implying that obviously this wasn’t a relationship that would last because of it even if she didn’t say it in so many words. 
Every time her mother opened her mouth, Kelsey felt her stomach twist and she just couldn’t wait to get out of there even if her aunt and uncle and even her dad were doing their best to calm the waters. 
Taylor’s free hand stroked over her thigh soothingly the whole time and he was even keeled talking with her dad about Gary’s love of psychology that had been ingrained into Taylor and his brother, and how he was learning a lot from watching his brother’s success in life.
Her mother’s comment of “it must be nice…” was filled with implications that Taylor wouldn’t even be at UMass if it weren’t for Cale and it made Kelsey want to scream. Dinner literally could not end quickly enough even as Taylor complimented how nice it was getting to know Kelsey suggesting without words that they had raised an amazing daughter. 
As soon as the food was gone, Kelsey started planning her and Taylor’s escape for the night before she murdered her mother. Thankfully her aunt didn’t try to suggest dessert and her dad read her mood suggesting that she and Taylor go do something more fun than sit there with them. 
Taking that suggestion, Kelsey moved to say her goodbyes, watching as Taylor shook her parents’ hands again, before the two of them headed to put shoes back on and head out. 
“I’m so sorry T…I know I warned you but god that was awful.” Kelsey murmured as they headed back to the car. “The nerve of my mother…it makes me so mad that she acts like this is just some silly fling and won’t even try to get to know you and how wonderful you are. Worcester isn’t a given, it’s certainly not the only med school I plan on applying to…” 
As Kelsey ranted, Taylor caught her wrist and pulled her body back to his as they reached the sidewalk. 
“Hey tiger…it’s okay.” Taylor assured her, holding her firmly against his chest. “I still love you even if your mom isn’t willing to give me a chance. Your dad seems cool enough though.” Kelsey sighed and nodded against his shoulder. 
“Do me a favor…kiss me senseless please.” She requested just needing her brain to switch from dealing with her parents to enjoying time with the boy she was head over heels for. 
Dropping his hands to her hips, Taylor bent his head to kiss Kelsey deeply. It lingered until she broke it, needing to breathe with her eyes a little dazed. 
“Senseless enough?” He breathed against her lips, his eyes teasing. 
“I don’t know…might need to try again to be sure.” She mumbled, kissing him again with an arm thrown around his neck to keep him close. 
Kissing until Kelsey had gotten her fill, the two climbed into her car to head to her apartment. 
Once there, they settled into what had become a comfortable routine, stopping for water before heading into her bedroom and closing the door to enter their own little bubble. Kelsey promptly stripped out of her jeans and into leggings before unmaking her bed for them to crawl into, grabbing the remote to toss to Taylor. While she had changed, he had done the same, slipping into sweats and a t-shirt making him look soft and cuddly. 
As soon as he was settled into bed, Kelsey crawled beside him and buried herself into his side still feeling the embers of anger her mother had created burning away at her. She still couldn’t understand how her mother could be so hard headed that she couldn’t see how happy Kelsey was with Taylor, and wouldn't even give him a chance and try to get to know him. It was nights like tonight that Kelsey almost questioned what her dad saw in her mom in the first place. 
Though she tried to put it all behind her, glad that now that her parents had met Taylor, they were likely to not engage with him for a good long while, it was hard to control how frustrated she was. 
Taylor kissed her forehead a few times while watching whatever it was he had put on her tv and it helped a little, just not as much as she needed. 
Sensing that Kelsey’s tension wasn’t going away, Taylor eventually pulled her onto his body, wrapping his arms around her. Though his thumbs brushed against her lower back under her sweater, she still was unable to fully relax against him. 
Pushing up her sweater, Taylor started to raise it over her head, encouraged by her shifting to let him pull it off her body. 
“Kels what do you need to not be so angry?” Taylor questioned. “Do you need me to fuck you?” 
There was a glint of need in Kelsey’s eyes that told Taylor that was exactly what she needed. 
“Stress fuck it is then.” He stated, unclasping her bra and pulling it from her body before rolling her under him. 
As he kissed her neck, Kelsey’s nails dug into his shoulders desperate for the mental release of tension that had built up all week because of tonight’s dinner. 
There was minimal foreplay as Taylor finished undressing her before shedding his own clothes and grabbing a condom from her bedside drawer. 
Once sheathed, Taylor settled over her again, kissing her softly and nipping gently at her lips. 
“Tell me if I need to slow down.” He mumbled against her mouth before lining himself up to press just the tip of his length inside her. 
Kelsey’s gasp was one of the most beautiful sounds Taylor had ever heard and he groaned, sinking another inch deeper inside of her. 
“T…please…” Kelsey murmured, needy for the full stretch that came from Taylor being buried completely. She couldn’t contain her moan as he complied, her nails digging into his shoulders once more. It felt so good and quickly started to push anything other than the feeling of their coupling out of her mind. 
Taylor paused to let her adjust to the feeling before he started to thrust steadily, each movement filled with just the right amount of force to drive her crazy. Neither spoke, though Taylor kissed Kelsey’s neck and shoulder as he pistoned into her, her moans filling his ears. 
It wasn’t long before Kelsey twitched around him, her body hurtling toward her orgasm. 
“Let go Kels.” Taylor breathed into her ear. “I love you. Just let it all go.” Within a few more thrusts, Kelsey was cumming under him and Taylor grunted working her through her release before finally spilling his own release into the condom. 
Careful not to put too much weight on her, Taylor kissed her temple waiting for her to relax enough for him to pull out. 
Once she had, he carefully slid out of her and climbed off her bed to dispose of the condom before coming back to help her up and into clothes so she could go to the bathroom. 
While she was gone, Taylor redressed before working to change her sheets so that they had a clean bed to climb into. 
When she came back into the room she wrapped her arms around his waist causing Taylor to smile. 
“Feel any better?” 
“Thanks for changing the sheets.” Kelsey murmured after nodding in response to his question. 
Pecking her lips, Taylor just pulled her back toward her bed and climbed in, opening his arms for her to settle so that they could resume their cuddles now that Kelsey had worked out some of her anger. 
If her yawn as she settled against his chest was any indication, it wouldn’t be long until she was asleep which was good given that they were planning on taking advantage of tomorrow being one of the first nice days to go for their first hike together. 
March 26th, 2023
It definitely hadn’t taken long for Kelsey to fall asleep curled against Taylor and when she awoke it was because her body was itching to go on the hike she had been waiting for since the first tease of warm and not rainy weather appeared on the forecast. 
Since Taylor was surprisingly still sleeping, Kelsey got up and did an abbreviated yoga routine, just to warm her muscles up without overdoing it knowing that they were going to be hiking a few miles today. Then she headed into the kitchen to start breakfast, a smile slipping onto her face when Taylor’s hands slid around her waist from behind. 
“Morning my koala.” She teased softly as she flipped a few gluten free pancakes. 
“Smells good.” He mumbled, his voice still filled with sleep. 
It wasn’t like Kelsey had gone majorly overboard, just a couple pancakes, a few sausage patties and scrambled egg whites, enough to make sure that they had enough fuel to properly feed their bodies. 
But she was glad Taylor seemed to approve of her cooking. 
Tipping her head back to kiss his chin, Kelsey motioned for him to grab some plates from the cabinet to serve the food onto. After doing so Taylor grabbed silverware from the drawer and moved to get glasses for some juice as well. By the time he’d done all that, the food was ready and Kelsey was serving it up. 
She didn’t think she’d ever get over how domestic it felt getting to spend the first waking hour with him like this, just making food, eating, cleaning up and enjoying being in each other’s presence. 
“I need a post sex shower before we go.” She declared, sending him a look like he was more than willing to join her. Unsurprisingly he did so and they quickly washed themselves before drying off and starting to get ready for their hike. Lightweight clothes were layered since it was still somewhat cool and a backpack was filled with bottles of water, lunch, snacks, a trail map and a few other necessities. 
By the time they were ready, Kelsey was practically bouncing with excitement. She could hike again and to make it even better she was getting to do it with her favorite person. 
“You ready?” She asked, giggling when Taylor smiled and pulled her in for a soft kiss. 
“Now I am.” He declared, grabbing the full backpack while Kelsey grabbed cans of sunblock and bug spray for ticks sitting them in her car’s cup holder so that they didn’t forget to spray before starting off. 
She was all smiles the whole drive to the visitor center and she could feel Taylor looking at her with soft eyes the whole time. 
“You really like hiking huh?” He questioned though it didn’t really need answered because her expression gave it away. 
Parking, Kelsey grabbed the cans and sprayed her legs under and over her pants with the bug spray before swapping for the sunblock to get the back of her neck and hands and face given that she was still wearing long sleeves to start. Once Taylor had done the same, she slipped the bottles into a pocket of the backpack before letting Taylor slide it onto his back. 
Taking his hand they left the visitor’s center and started out on the trail. The first half mile was relatively level, only about 50 ft in elevation changes over the span. Kelsey was basking in the weather and being able to get fresh air and exercise without freezing her ass off. 
Continuing on the trail to Mount Norwottuck after stopping for water and for Kelsey to wrap her jacket around her waist and spray her arms with sunblock, the elevation climbed from just over 500 ft to 1100 ft in about 40 minutes worth of hiking. Needing a distraction from the slight burning in her lungs and muscles despite her being in shape, Kelsey prompted Taylor about whether he’d listened to any good music lately. Taylor’s ramble about everything new on his playlists made her grin fondly and she followed him up the mountain less focused on her own body and its complaints. 
The view at the top was beyond worth it, spring blooming all over the expanse below them. Taking the water bottle Taylor offered again, Kelsey took a few healthy swigs, her chest rising and falling heavily with her breath. Taylor slipped an arm over her shoulder and feeling chilled she pressed closer against his own sweaty body for warmth as the breeze hit. 
“Look at this view.” Kelsey gasped, the excitement visible all through her body. 
“Beautiful.” Taylor mumbled though when she peeked up at him, his eyes were on her and not the valley in front of them. 
“You’re such a sap.” She whispered. “And I love you for it.” 
Stealing a brief kiss, Kelsey shifted to pull her jacket back on as she continued to shiver now that they were stationary. Letting her go, Taylor shifted the backpack to pull out two protein bars for them to recharge their energy a little bit before they stopped in another hour or so for lunch. 
Continuing to take in the view while they ate, Kelsey considered how nice it was just to have company even in the silence of the moment. 
After putting their wrappers back in the backpack and taking a few more sips of water, they continued along the path, making their way back down the mountain past the horse caves and their ledges. From there they continued along a general decline until the trail split off. With the main loop a little too short of a distance even for their first hike, Kelsey guided Taylor onto an extended loop that would take them up another mountain peak. 
They stopped for lunch along the trail after hiking up Rattlesnake Knob once they hit a relatively flat area of trail and Taylor found a rock he could perch on with Kelsey sitting between his thighs. Idle chatter interspersed their lunch and once they were finished they packed up and continued on their way after Taylor stepped off the trail to take care of some business. 
With not many people out so early in the season they often went half to three quarters of a mile without seeing anyone else. Kelsey shared a story of one of her first hikes as a kid and in the privacy of the woods, Taylor started on about hikes he’d taken as a kid with his family before talking about his brother for really the first time in front of Kelsey. It made her smile that he was opening up to her in a new way about something that she knew wasn’t always easy for him to talk about given people’s - like her mother’s - foolish expectations on things. The trust he had in her to share those stories meant the world.
It was a slight incline for them to loop back around to the main trail and Kelsey took the lead in front of Taylor this time. 
After a few minutes, Taylor’s arms wrapped around her from behind, stopping her progress and his chin rested on top of her head. As he slid even closer to her, Kelsey could feel Taylor’s erection against her ass and it made her eyes go wide as a laugh bubbled in her throat. 
“You okay back there T?” She questioned, mirth in her tone. 
He nodded against her head but didn’t otherwise say anything and Kelsey tried her best not to burst into laughter. His body language felt happy and Kelsey grinned as his hands sprawled across her hips. 
The sounds of nature and their breathing filled the air for a few minutes before Kelsey finally spoke. 
“You gonna hike with an erection there, koala bear, or do you want some help?” 
Taylor’s shrug was something else and Kelsey rolled her eyes fondly. Reaching for his hand she pulled him a few feet off the trail where there was sufficient covering but also relatively stable ground and a tree Taylor could lean against. Stealing a dirty kiss, Kelsey started to squat in front of him, her hands sliding along his waistband. 
Quickly Taylor’s hand reached out trying to haul her up. 
“T?” She questioned softly, though she continued to sink into her squat, brushing his hand away. 
“Kels please.” Taylor mumbled again reaching for her. 
This time she complied, hands still teasing at his waistband as she looked up at him. 
“I want to blow you T.” She stated, trying not to pout over being denied what she wanted. 
“I’m all sweaty Kels…” He replied, his cheeks turning slightly pink. 
“Tay you’re sweaty every time we have sex…” He didn’t look all that convinced by her words and licked over his lips. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. 
“Would I have pulled you off the trail if I wasn’t sure?” Kelsey asked rhetorically. “If you’re worried about sweat there are baby wipes in the backpack, you can clean up a bit…” 
Taylor looked a little uncomfortable but didn’t put up any more fuss and after kissing him for a minute Kelsey squatted back down and carefully untucked him from his sweats and boxers. It was only a little sweat and he had showered and cleaned up this morning so Kelsey wasn’t overly concerned. 
Kissing over the head of his dick, Kelsey then licked a few stripes down his length before shifting to take him into her mouth. Bracing herself against his thighs, she rose on her toes to take him as deeply as possible. The sweat made his skin taste a little saltier but it definitely wasn’t offputting in any way. 
Using the leverage of her feet, Kelsey worked him, sinking deep on his length and providing suction in the ways he likes best. 
This was her first time giving him a blow job without a condom and Kelsey knew that when they weren’t in the middle of the woods she was going to have to explore his dick in more detail because god was that part of his anatomy fascinating and something she wanted to know better. 
It wasn’t the smoothest blowjob but it was clearly doing the trick as Taylor grunted softly above her in pleasure. 
Pulling back to breathe, Kelsey licked the precum from the head of his dick and then sunk back onto him as he twitched signaling the approach of his release. 
“Kels…” He trailed off before spilling into her mouth and down her throat approximately thirty seconds later. Swallowing as best she could given that it was her first time letting someone cum in her mouth, Kelsey pulled back heaving slightly. 
Making sure that he wasn’t too sensitive, Kelsey quickly licked him clean before using his torso to leverage herself out of the squat, her thighs now burning. Gently she tucked him back into his clothes and fixed his shirt before letting him pull her into a proper hug. 
“Better?” She asked softly, her voice a little hoarse. 
Taylor’s answer was with a kiss not words…the kind of kiss that was so deep she knew that he could taste himself in her mouth. Sliding his hands down around her thighs he hoisted her up around his waist and held her body against him, her arms flinging around his neck. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” He murmured against her lips. “But thanks.” 
After a few minutes, he set her back down and kissed her lips softly before reaching for her hand to pull her back to the trail. 
Rejoining the main loop, they continued to hike along the ridge. It wasn’t more than twenty minutes before Kelsey’s bladder, which she’d been ignoring since shortly after lunch, upped its protests. Grimacing slightly, Kelsey tried to ignore it knowing that they were only another mile and a half or so from the car and it was all relatively flat or downhill from here. She hated using the bathroom in the woods, it was honestly the only part about hiking that she didn’t enjoy. 
With Taylor trying to hand her the water, Kelsey shook her head and murmured that she was good, the discomfort growing on her face as they continued along the trail. Sighing in frustration because it was mostly her fault they weren’t closer to being done already, Kelsey mentally told her bladder to shut up already. 
“Hey Kels, you okay?” Taylor asked. “Are you tired or sore or something and need a break?” 
“Fine.” She mumbled. “Just need to keep going.” 
“Kels…” Taylor stated firmly, the tone he used when he wasn’t messing around. “Your face says you’re not fine…wanna cut the bs?” 
“I hate peeing in the woods okay.” Kelsey grumbled. 
“Kelsey.” Taylor stated, voice going softer. “You look miserable. If you need to go, just go.” 
If possible her face turned even grumpier and she pouted. 
“Can we just get through this last mile or so back to the visitor’s center…” 
Sighing, Taylor wrapped an arm around Kelsey and whispered softly in her ear. 
“How can I help? Because I know you know that holding it is not healthy. And you look so uncomfortable Kels.” 
Groaning softly, Kelsey pulled away from Taylor’s chest. 
“Fine.” She mumbled. “Can you just make sure no one sees me? And give me the baby wipes and a ziplock?” 
Retrieving the items from the backpack, Taylor left Kelsey to wander into the woods to find a spot secluded enough for her to feel comfortable peeing. It took a few minutes for her to come back and when she did she was still pouting but didn’t look nearly as pained. 
“God it’s so gross.” She mumbled tossing the sealed ziplock into the backpack. 
Pulling her against his body, Taylor kissed her head and then kissed her lips. 
“But you feel better right?” 
Kelsey couldn’t deny that but it still didn’t mean she liked peeing in the woods. 
“Now drink some water for me since you’ve been turning me down for the last hour.” Taylor insisted not wanting her to get dehydrated because she was trying not to make herself need to pee. 
Taking the bottle, Kelsey took a few longer swigs before handing it back and gesturing to the trail like can we go now. 
Letting her lead, Taylor walked with her for a little less than a quarter mile, her body language a complete 180 from when they had set off this morning. Using his long stride, he caught up to her and started to tickle her along her ribs, holding her body tight to his own. 
“T….stop.” Kelsey squealed. 
“I will when you stop being a grump.” He said, his tone matter of fact. 
She wiggled in his grip, pushing at his hands as he tickled her but eventually was bent over laughing hysterically. 
“You’re a jerk.” She gasped between breaths. 
“But I’m your jerk.” He grinned, shrugging. 
“C’mon my jerk…let’s go home.” Kelsey insisted. “I still have some reading to do for class tomorrow.” 
Finishing the last mile of the hike down the mountain, Kelsey grabbed her keys from the backpack and unlocked her car as they approached. 
Before she could climb in, Taylor was stopping her, pinning her between his body and her car. 
“Thanks for today Kels.” He stated. “For sharing your hike with me. Spending the day with me.” 
Pressing up to kiss him, Kelsey let it linger. 
“Thanks for wanting to come with me.” She breathed against his lips. “It’s nice hiking with you. Getting time alone without roommates or parents or coaches.” 
“We’ll have to do it again soon.” Taylor agreed. 
“For sure.”
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fintimez · 3 months
Играйте в xMetaCene в сети Mantle Network и заработайте 3 млн $TMAK и 200.000 MNT
Mantle представила xMetaCene, первый производный проект экосистемы MetaCene, в сети Mantle Network. После весьма успешного первого сезона, команда xMetacene надеется закрепить успех, запустив второй сезон в Mantle Network.
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eepy-sphy · 10 months
wis i hada dewy tmak me feeel al warm and snug
0 notes
obsessing-at-bat · 1 year
he dosn WAN yo
get OVR it
no riht tbe so upset, yor the 1 who did sumn tmak him not wan yo
not sure wat but um
sumn. ydid sumn
so shut up n stop complanin bout the 1 who dos wan yo
even if yfeel icky
he wanted tput it in yo so he did. be content with that. doesnt matter if it couldve got. you. doesnt matter. nope. so get over it
0 notes
drfroebindia · 1 year
Dumpling Making Machine
Pastrymak dumpling Machine produces high-quality products. The TMAK machine continuously performs R&D work in its own factory. The Dumpling Making Machine is a multifunctional filled product machine. You can use cheese, minced meat, potatoes, chopped vegetables, or meat variants as a filling and make Samosa, Momos, McPuff, Gujiya, Ravioli, etc. Features of Pastrymak Dumpling Machine
You can set the filling amount as much as you require.
You can set the dough thickness as much as you require.
The machine works with a 1.5 KW Italian motor without any problems.
It works with 220V house electricity.
The entire surface, which is in contact with the food, is removable and washable.
With different kinds of Mold, you can easily produce such products; as ravioli, Turkish manti, Turkish raw pastry, etc.
All running parts are removable easily with high-quality engineering.
The main chassis is made of stainless steel.
The capacity of the machine is 4000-8000 pieces per hour. Wish you to know Dumpling making machine price in India, click on the given link and send an inquiry.
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0 notes
strenghia · 2 years
Løbebånd til hjemmet - bedst til prisen
Vi har fundet 3 danske fitnessbutikker, som sælger løbebånd til hjemmet. I det følgende vil vi gennemgå de løbebånd, som vi vurderer bedst til prisen, og som egner sig bedst til hjemmebrug.
Butikkerne der sælger løbebånd til hjemmebrug
Abilicaonline - gå til butikken Fitnessshoppen - gå til butikken Apuls - gå til butikken Relateret indhold: Sammenlign alle løbebånd (her kan du sammenligne alle løbebånd i en tabel fra 4 danske butikker)
Udvalgte løbebånd løbebånd til hjemmet
I tabellen, vist herunder, vises de løbebånd til hjemmet, som vi vil gennemgå. Bemærk, at alle løbebånd kan klappes sammen, og at de er på tilbud. Udvalgte løbebåndPris i kr. inkl. momsButikProform L6 City folde LøbebåndNu 7.900,- (SPAR 3000 kr.) AbilicaonlineMasterfit TP100 LøbebåndNu 7.995,- (SPAR 5500 kr.)AbilicaonlineKETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅNDNu 8.999,- (SPAR 5000 kr.)FitnessshoppenOdin T750 LøbebåndNu 10.499,- (SPAR 2500 kr.)ApulsNordicTrack Elite 900 LøbebåndNu 12.900,- (SPAR 5000 kr.)AbilicaonlineKETTLER ALPHA RUN 400 LØBEBÅNDNu 12.999,- (SPAR 5000 kr.)FitnessshoppenReebok Jet 300 Series LøbebåndNu 14.989,- (SPAR 510 kr.)ApulsSole F85 løbebåndNu 19.900,- (SPAR 7000 kr.)AbilicaonlineNordicTrack Commercial 1750 løbebåndNu 19.900 (SPAR 5000 kr.)AbilicaonlineTabel der viser de løbebånd til hjemmetræning, som er udvalgt til at være bedst til prisen
Sammenligning af udvalgte løbebånd i tabel
Når du ser på tabellerne over løbebånd til hjemmet, så kan du se, at prisen på et hjemmeløbebånd i særlig grad er bestemt af løbebåndets motorstørrelse, stigningsmulighed, maksimal hastighed, og om det har programmer og bluetooth. I tabellen, vist nedenfor, sammenlignes specifikationerne på de udvalgte løbebånd til hjemmet. Bagefter er der et afsnit med købsovervejelser, inden køb af et løbebånd til hjemmet, og så diskuteres løbebåndene i forhold til fordele og ulemper. Slutteligt konkluderes på, hvilket løbebånd der er bedst til prisen på baggrund af officielle anmeldelser, og løbebåndets specifikationer og features i forhold til individuelle behov. For hvad har du brug for, at dit løbebånd til hjemmet skal kunne? Sammenligning af de 3 billigste løbebånd til hjemmet som er udvalgt Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd (7.999,-)Masterfit TP100 Løbebånd (7.995,-)KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND (8.999,-)Motorstørrelse: 1,6 HKMotorstørrelse: 2,5 HKMotorstørrelse: 2 HKHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar ikke bluetoothHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sTræningsprogrammer: IngenTræningsprogrammer: 15 stk.Træningsprogrammer: 28 stk.Maks. stigning: IngenMaks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 12 %Maks. hastighed: 13 km/tMaks. hastighed: 18 km/tMaks. hastighed: 16 km/tMax brugervægt: 113 kgMaks. brugervægt: 125 kgMaks. brugervægt: 120 kgKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenLøbeplade: 44,5 x 114 cmLøbeplade: 50 x 140 cmLøbeplade: 44 x 130 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 179 x 74 x 113 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 183 x 87 x 142 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 175 x 85,5 x 140,5 cmTabel der sammenligner de 3 billigste løbebånd til hjemmet i forhold til specifikationer - løbebåndet med flest, størst eller mest er markeret med fed ud fra hver specifikation. Sammenligning af de 3 næstbilligste løbebånd til hjemmetræning Odin T750 Løbebånd (10.499,-)NordicTrack Elite 900 Løbebånd (12.900,-)KETTLER ALPHA RUN 400 LØBEBÅND (12.999,-)Motorstørrelse: 3 HKMotorstørrelse: 3 HKMotorstørrelse: 3 HKHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sTræningsprogrammer: 55 stk.Træningsprogrammer: IngenTræningsprogrammer: 32 stk.Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 12 %Maks. stigning: 12 %Maks. hastighed: 20 km/tMaks. hastighed: 20 km/tMaks. hastighed: 20 km/tMax brugervægt: 150 kgMax brugervægt: 136 kgMax brugervægt: 140 kgLøbeplade: 46 x140 cmLøbeplade: 152 x 51 cmLøbeplade: 130 x 44 cmKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 188 x 87 x 33,5 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 190 x 90 x 146 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 175 x 85,5 x 140,5 cmTabel der sammenligner de 3 næstbilligste løbebånd til hjemmet Sammenligning af de 3 dyreste løbebånd til hjemmetræning Reebok Jet 300 Series Løbebånd (14.989,-)Sole F85 løbebånd (19.900,-)NordicTrack Commercial 1750 løbebånd (19.900,-)Motorstørrelse: 2,5 HKMotorstørrelse: 4 HKMotorstørrelse: 3,6 HKHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sTræningsprogrammer: 27 stk.Træningsprogrammer: 10 stk.Træningsprogrammer: 50 stk.Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. hastighed: 20 km/tMaks. hastighed: 22 km/tMaks. hastighed: 22 km/tMax brugervægt: 140 kgMax brugervægt: 150 kgMax brugervægt: 135 kgLøbeplade: 51 x 150 cmLøbeplade: 56 x 152 cmLøbeplade: 55 x 152 cmKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 192 x 86 x 143,5 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 211 x 94 x 151 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 196 x 97 x 175 cmTabel der sammenligner de 3 næstbilligste løbebånd til hjemmet
Vigtige spørgsmål at stille dig selv, inden du køber et løbebånd til dit hjem
Har du brug for hjælp til struktur i dit løb? Hvis det er vigtigt for dig at få struktur i dit løb, så er det vigtigt, at løbebåndet i forbindelse med hjemmetræning har programmer. Programmer i et løbebånd er lavet af fagpersoner, så du sikrer dig en god struktur i den måde programmet er sammensat på. Der kan være programmer, der specifikt målretter sig fedtforbrænding, hvor man skal træne inden for et bestemt pulsinterval. Der kan også være programmer, der giver en bedre kondition, hvorfor pulsen skal være i en anden pulszone. Så ved at sikre dig, at løbebåndet har programmer, kan du sikre dig en løbetræning med bedst muligt træningsudbytte. Det er dog vigtigt lige at få med, at hvis løbebåndet har bluetooth, så er det mindre vigtigt med programmer. For med bluetooth er løbebåndet kompatibel med app´s, og så kan man bare finde programmer i diverse løbeapp´s. Er det vigtigt for dig, at din løbetræning på løbebåndet kan blive alsidig og udfordrende? Hvis du ved med dig selv, at du hurtigt kører sur i din træning, hvis ikke træningen kan blive varieret og alsidighed, så bør dit nye løbebånd til hjemmet kunne tilsluttes app´s. For selvom løbebåndet måtte have programmer, så kan man køre sur i det, når man har afprøvet alle programmerne. Men med app´s bliver det aldrig kedeligt, fordi der er uendelige træningsprogrammer og træningspas, som man kan prøve af i applikationerne. Endvidere kan du følge live-sessions fra et studio i Los Angeles i fx appen Fitscope. Så hjemmefra kan du joine live-session med rigtige personlige trænere, der går live. Eksempler på løbeapp´s, som du kan tilslutte dig løbebånd til hjemmet, såfremt det har bluetooth - iFit - Fitscope - Nike Run Club - Aaptiv. - Peloton Digital - Zwift Har du brug for, at dit løbebånd til dit hjem skal have en høj tophastighed? Tophastigheden på et løbebånd til hjemmet er tit en overset specifikation, men den kan være meget vigtig. Særligt, hvis du er godt trænet og vil bruge dit løbebånd til bl.a. intervaltræning, hvor du kommer højt op i fart. Her kan det for nogle være en stor begrænsning, hvis løbebåndet er begrænset til en tophastighed på fx 14 km/t. Det er nemlig tit tilfældet på billige løbebånd til hjemmetræning, at tophastigheden ikke er mere, fordi motoren er for lille. Det ses fx ved det første løbebånd til hjemmet, som vi gennemgik: Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd. Her er tophastigheden kun 13 km/t. KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND som koster 1.000 kr. mere har en tophastighed på 16 km/t. Så hver en specifikation bør indgå i dine købeovervejelser, inden du køber dit næste løbebånd til hjemmetræning. Skal dit løbebånd have stigning og hvor meget? Stigning på et løbebånd betyder, at du kan justere på løbefladen, så det føles som at løbe op ad bakke. Stigningen på de løbebånd, som vi har udvalgt, justeres alle elektronisk - dvs. via en knap på displayet. 3 grunde til at vælge et løbebånd til hjemmet med stigning - Et løbebånd med stigning kan give en større styrketræningseffekt af ben og balder. Det skyldes, at man bruger flere af de kraftfulde muskelfibre ftb, når man løber med stigning, som giver flottere ben og bagdel. - At løbe med stigning giver en større overførbarhed til udendørsløb, hvor det sjældent er helt jævnt at løbe. Hvis du derfor planlægger at træne op til et udendørsløb på løbebåndet til dit hjem, så bør løbebåndet have stigning. - Mulighed for større all-around træningsudbytte i forhold til forbedret kondition, øget styrke og mere fedtforbrænding. Det skyldes, at stigningsløb meget hurtigt aktiverer flere muskler og sender pulsen i vejret. Skal løbebåndet nemt kunne foldes sammen, så du sparer plads derhjemme? Selvom alle de løbebånd der er nævnt her kan klappes sammen, så er det langtfra alle løbebånd til hjemmet, der kan foldes. Der er også forskel på, hvor meget det kan foldes sammen. Nogle løbebånd kan klappes op men ikke foldes, så meget at man kan pakke det helt væk under fx sengen eller sofaen. Eksempel på et løbebånd der kan foldes sammen og gemmes væk under sofaen Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd er et eksempel på et løbebånd til hjemmetræning, der kan foldes helt sammen. Eller det er egentlig ikke at folde det sammen - i stedet tager man konsollen af, så man lige kan skubbe det ind under sengen. Der er vist billeder af Proform L6 løbebåndet, herunder:
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Som det ses på billederne, så er Proform L6 til nu 7.900 kr. (SPAR 3000 kr.) et fint lille løbebånd til hjemmet med plads til tablet. Og som det ses på det sidste billede, så kan man tage konsollen af, så man kan skubbe det ind under sengen. Løbebåndets affjedring - skal dit nye løbebånd have særlig god støddæmpning? Et andet parameter at kigge på, når man er på udkig efter sit nye løbebånd til hjemmet er løbebåndets affjedring. Dette står aldrig angivet under løbebåndets specifikationer. Men hvis affjedringen er særligt god i et løbebånd, så er det altid nævnt i produktbeskrivelsen. De løbebånd, som vi har udvalgt, har alle et godt affjedringssystem, men affjedringen er markant bedre i den næstbilligste og dyreste prisklasse. Fx har test-vinderen Sole F85 løbebånd (se senere) ekstra støddæmpning, så det er 40% mere skånsomt for leddene at løbe på det i forhold til at løbe på asfalt. De 4 mest populære Sole løbebånd sammenlignes og diskuteres i indlægget: Sammenlign Sole løbebånd. Hvor meget må løbebåndet koste? Inden at vi går mere i dybden med de forskellige løbebånd til hjemmetræning, vil vi lige have den sidste købsovervejelse med: "Hvor meget må løbebåndet koste?". Det kan være en god ide at afklare dette, inden at man begynder at kigger efter et nyt løbebånd til sit hjem. For når man går til butikken, så kan man lige pludselig blive fristet til at købe et løbebånd, der ligger langt over ens budget.
Diskussionsafsnit - hvilket løbebånd til hjemmet er bedst til prisen?
Alle de løbebånd til hjemmet, som vi har udvalgt er suverænt gode løbebånd til prisen. Derfor er det svært at konkludere, hvilket løbebånd der er det allerbedste. Det er svært, fordi det beror på individuelle behov.
Det bedste løbebånd til hjemmetræning i den billigste prisklasse
Hvis vi fx tager den billigste prisklasse for løbebånd til hjemmetræning, så er det sammenklappelige Masterfit TP100 Løbebånd til nu 7.999 kr. (SPAR 5.000 kr.) et særdeles godt løbebånd til prisen. Dels på grund af, at det har en motorstørrelse på 2,5 HK, tophastighed på 18 km/t, 15 træningsprogrammer og en bred løbeflade (50 x 140 cm). Og dels fordi det har en stigning på hele 15 %. Men det har ikke bluetooth. Det giver derfor en begrænsning i forhold til træningsvariation. Hvis vi tager KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND til nu 8.999 kr. (SPAR 5.000 kr.), så får du et løbebånd med bluetooth, 28 stk. træningsprogrammer. Men tophastigheden er 16 km/t (2 km/t mindre end Masterfit TP100). Og så er løbepladen noget mindre: 44 x 130 cm. Relateret indhold: Sammenligning af 5 Kettler løbebånd Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd til nu 7.900 kr. (SPAR 3.000 kr) skiller sig ud fra de andre løbebånd til hjemmet i denne prisklasse ved, at konsollen kan tages af, og det lige kan gemmes væk under sengen. Det har også bluetooth men ingen træningsprogrammer, og løbepladen (44,5 x 114 cm) er lille og tophastigheden (13 km/t) lav. Hvilket løbebånd i den billige prisklasse skal du så vælge? Hvis du er ligeglad med bluetooth og ikke behøver at kunne skubbe dit nye hjemmetrænings-løbebånd under sengen, så er Masterfit TP100 Løbebånd et godt bud på det bedste løbebånd til prisen i den billigste prisklasse. Hvis bluetooth er vigtigt, så er KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND det bedste bud. Du kan se sammenligningstabellen, vist herunder, igen: Read the full article
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
In another life I would make you stare (and maybe you would but I never did end up noticing.)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PxgpsCf
by Tmak
The world was dark. Maybe it was just him. Maybe it wasn't. His thoughts had been bundeled recently, he thinks it stopped. It doesn't seem so. His eyes burn along with the darkness. Maybe he wants to cry... He thinks he was told once, "Crying relieves pain, no pain is no guilt. No guilt would be happiness. So cry child, till your hearts' content." He wonders if he should. He wonders if he wasn't told that and instead made it up as a reassurance. Still, he doesn't. Tears don't fall of his face. Except for one, not long ago, a sob had left his face along with singular tears. But it's fine, it isn't significant.
Aka a random wheel app decided that Sev, Reg, and Luc would get to go to the past and yeah. Amazingly it also decided on the ships lmao. I didn't even know some of these existed. i'm bad at summaries so just read, but it isn't up to your standards I'm very sorry! It's my first fic.
Words: 1209, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Sevregluc friendship slayyy
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Lily Evans Potter, Abraxas Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Avery Jr. | Severus Snape's Schoolmate, Evan Rosier, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Sirius Black/Severus Snape, Regulus Black/James Potter, Remus Lupin/Lucius Malfoy, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Severus Snape-centric, Regulus Black Lives, Regulus Black-centric, Regulus Black Deserves Better, Young Severus Snape, Time Travelling Severus Snape, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Marauders, Severus Snape Deserves Better, Severus Snape Lives, Good Severus Snape, Good Lucius Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy & Severus Snape Friendship, Regulus Black & Severus Snape Friendship, POV Lucius Malfoy, POV Regulus Black, POV Severus Snape, POV Sirius Black, POV James Potter, POV Remus Lupin, Sirius Black Lives, Sirius Black Being an Asshole, But He Gets Better, eventually, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Sirius Black Never Went to Azkaban, James Potter Lives, James Potter Being an Asshole, He also gets better eventually, Remus Lupin Being an Asshole, But he is a closeted asshole, Or maybe an idiot, Remus Lupin Being an Idiot, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Characters Reading Fanfiction, Lily Evans Potter Bashing, Young Lucius Malfoy, Aged down Lucius Malfoy, I need that for the plot, He was born a year before Sev in this, Albus Dumbledore Bashing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PxgpsCf
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moo-savr · 3 years
Helmet party 2021 my beloved!! The colours? Cute! The poses?cute! The expressions?cute! absolutely gorgeous piece of art well done your style is so unique and fun‼️
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OH ME GOSH, TMAK YOU ME INSPO MAN, honestly I've worked like 5 or 6 days for it and i honestly really hope it gets the love that it deserves, but still thanks so much man💖💖💖✨✨✨🥺🥺🥺
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tmakclan-blog · 3 years
A playlist of our videos from the last year and a half a lot of Cod Modern Warfare and Warzone hope you enjoy :D
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hockeylvr59 · 2 years
Here With Me Part 17 || Taylor Makar
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Author’s Note: Dating your coach's niece means a conversation is bound to follow, after Taylor has another stupid game he needs to make it up to her and Kelsey takes him on a date of her choice - a PHF game. FC: Marina Laswick (@marooshk on instagram).
Warnings: cursing, flirting, PG-13 kissing/groping // Word Count: 3,970
February 15th, 2023
By lunchtime Kelsey had instagram follow requests from all three of Taylor’s roommates. Laughing to herself about how they had very obviously waited until their coach was aware of the relationship before sending the requests, she accepted each one and followed them back in return. 
Taylor had thought he was anxious about practice yesterday but somehow knowing that his coach now knew about him and Kelsey pushed the anxiety even higher. He kept waiting for Carvy to say something but despite having gotten there early, Carvy hadn’t pulled him aside, beyond barking general directions on the ice he hadn’t said anything during practice and Taylor couldn’t focus just waiting for some sort of reaction. 
After practice ended, the coaches gathered in Carvy’s office to share assessments of the day.
“Is there something going on with Makar?” One of Carvy’s assistants asked the room. “This is the second day now his focus just seems off.” 
None of the other assistants seemed to know anything and looked to Carvy to see if he knew something they didn’t. 
“Well…he’s fucking my niece.” 
There were a few choked coughs and a chortle of laughter before someone realized that Carvy was being serious. 
“Wait…for real?” 
Carvy’s expression didn’t change. 
“When the fuck did that happen?” Upton questioned. 
“Beats me, she told me last night. I got the word relationship but that was about all given the fact that she was wearing a dress that basically had her boobs all on display for him.” 
Subtly the two younger assistant coaches shared a look that was basically ‘could see how that would be appealing for TMak.’ 
“So are you pissed or what?” 
Carvy huffed debating his feelings like he had been since Kelsey told him she was with Taylor. 
“I don’t know. I mean not really, just why does it always have to be Taylor? Always something with that kid.” 
“To be fair, I’ve heard you say the same thing about your niece more than once. So it’s a good match.” Nolan declared and Upton let out a chuckle before speaking.
“Have you talked to Taylor since last night?” 
Carvy’s silence spoke volumes. 
“Well no fucking wonder he’s a mess out there.” Pritch mumbled. “If I were in Taylor’s shoes knowing my girlfriend just told you we’re sleeping together and you hadn’t talked to me I’d be waiting for that inevitable conversation and be unable to focus too.” 
“Agreed.” Both Nolan and Upton stated. “You should talk to Taylor.” 
Rubbing at his face, Carvy stood up from his desk and stepped into the hall to go track down his sophomore winger. He found Taylor in the locker room, dressed in sweats and a hoodie retaping one of his sticks. Crossing the room, Carvy sat in the empty stall next to Taylor. 
“Ugh Taylor…you know you make my job really hard sometimes. But I’ll give you two instructions and two instructions only when it comes to my niece. One, don’t break her heart or be unfaithful to her. Two, don’t let me see any over the top PDA.” 
Biting back a smile of relief, Taylor nodded. 
“You don’t have to worry about the first one and well…I’ll do my best on the second.” 
Groaning, Carvy tapped Taylor’s leg before standing up. 
“You’re a good kid and Kelsey clearly thinks the world of you. Tomorrow your head better be back in it.” 
“You got it, Coach.” 
As Carvy made his way out of the dressing room he peeked back to see Taylor checking his phone before putting his skates back on. Clearly Kelsey was in the building. 
Kelsey had finished her classes and spent an hour in the library before getting in her car and heading over to the rink for her team’s practice. Grabbing her bag and stick, Kelsey texted Taylor to see if he was still in the rink and by the time she had checked that they were clear for the ice and put her skates on, he was there waiting for her at the door to the rink, a playful smile on his face. 
“So what’s on the agenda Coach K?” He asked, leaning on his stick and rocking back and forth on his skates. 
“Wrangling a bunch of girls for an hour. You up for the task?” 
Taylor was in fact up for the task and the girls adored him, constantly asking them to show off his crazy edgework and speed. 
By the time the last of the girls had gone home, Kelsey was left with just Taylor on the rink. Somehow they had gotten involved in a board battle and Taylor kept lightly hip checking Kelsey as she tried to gain control of the puck. 
Neither noticed her uncle leave his office at the sounds of Kelsey’s laughter and stand along the side of the rink watching them. 
Though they were playful, Taylor was giving her honest tips about how to be stronger along the boards, how to best use the rotation of her hips to protect against an opposing player, and how to knock the puck free with her skate while still maintaining balance. 
Though Carvy hated to admit it, they were pretty cute together and had strong enough personalities to handle each other.
After a few more minutes Taylor was clearly getting tired though because his attention turned more flirty and after kicking the puck free he pinned her between him and the boards instead of going after the puck. 
Just before he could kiss her there was a bang against the boards and jumping Kels saw her uncle. 
“Hey Taylor, take her out for dinner first.” Carvy called, his tone light as he shook his head at them before walking away. 
Though Taylor looked for a second like his heart stopped, he ducked his head as Kelsey’s laughter filled the rink again and she pulled him over to the bench to change out of her skates. 
“So what do you say? Dinner?” Kelsey asked glad that things seemed to be okay between her uncle and Taylor. 
February 18th, 2023
Just when things seemed to be looking better for Taylor, he had to go and be an idiot again. It was just debatable who was more mad at him, Carvy or Kelsey. At least the former talked to him after the game, meanwhile Kelsey was ignoring his texts. 
And on top of that he had to deal with his dad who was in town for just a couple days for business and was at Friday’s game and detouring to Amherst for Saturday’s. 
Thankfully Saturday had been a much better performance and after meeting up with his dad for a late dinner Taylor was debating the rest of the night’s plans. 
“Want me to drop you off at your girlfriend’s?” Gary asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Not sure she wants me there.” Taylor mumbled with a sigh. 
“Won’t know unless you ask…” Gary declared. “Also picked you up something to take to her to make up for last night.” Ignoring the second part of his dad’s statement for now, and though he was a bit reluctant with Kelsey having ignored him last night, Taylor pulled out his phone to text her. 
Taylor: Can I come over? 
While Taylor waited for a response his dad rambled on about how excited Laura was to meet Kelsey when they both came down for Taylor’s birthday in a few weeks. 
Kelsey: Yeah that’s fine. 
It wasn’t the most enthused response but it was Kelsey giving him a chance and Taylor would take it. 
“She said I can come over.” Taylor stated, directing his dad to her apartment at Hampshire. 
“There’s a bag with wine in the backseat. Take it with you for Kelsey.” Gary instructed as he pulled up in front of the building Taylor directed him to. Rolling his eyes, Taylor complied and grabbed it before climbing out of the car to hug his dad and say his goodbyes. 
With long strides it only took him a minute to get to Kelsey’s door and shortly after knocking, it swung open. 
“Hey.” Taylor murmured softly. “I’m sorry…” His apology was cut off by a shake of Kelsey’s head and she pressed up on her toes to kiss him softly. Hands dropping to her butt, Taylor deepened the kiss just grateful that she was kissing him and not kicking him to the curb. 
Pulling back to breathe, Kelsey caught movement out of the corner of her eye and peeked to see a man standing outside of a car with a phone in hand looking like he was filming. 
“Uh….Taylor…” Kelsey mumbled. 
“My dad.” Taylor mumbled back, cheeks flushing a little. “Ignore him, he’s crazy but harmless.” 
“Your dad is here?” Kelsey whispered, her eyes going wide. 
“Was in Boston for business, leaving tomorrow.” Taylor mumbled, kissing her head. “Don’t worry you don’t have to meet him for another two weeks or my mom would kill him for meeting you without her.” 
Pulling Taylor inside and closing the door, Kelsey continued staring at Taylor like he had grown another head. 
“You want to maybe start over?” She whispered, her voice squeaking as embarrassment rose on her cheeks. “Starting with why your dad was recording us kissing.” 
After setting the wine down, Taylor pulled Kelsey close, rubbing her back softly. 
“My dad was in Boston for business so he stayed to watch last night’s game and then made the detour here for tonight’s and is leaving in the morning. As for the recording, he’s just a little weird. If I have to guess he’s going to send it to my mom like ‘look how cute they are’ and make her jealous because she really wants to meet you.” 
“Your dad just watched us makeout.” Kelsey mumbled stepping away from his chest to rub at her face. “And what did you mean by two weeks?” 
Watching his girlfriend freak out from embarrassment Taylor really didn’t want to make this any worse. But he also knew he couldn’t get away without answering her question. 
“They’re coming down for the playoffs, well at this rate the one playoff game, since that’s also the week of my birthday. And they want to meet you.” 
“Were you going to tell me?” 
Softly Taylor sighed and reached out for her. 
“Kels, they’ve been floating the idea for awhile but I just got the confirmation this weekend. Of course I was going to tell you. Please breathe.” 
Nodding, Kelsey took a deep breath and let Taylor hug her for a moment more before she pulled away again. 
“Just give me a minute okay…if you want to head into my room I’ll meet you there.” 
With Kelsey moving to the bathroom, Taylor stashed the wine onto a better spot on the counter and checked his phone seeing that the video from his dad was already in their Taylor, Mom, and Dad group chat. 
Taylor: Thanks for that dad. Now Kels is completely mortified. 
Heading to Kelsey’s room, Taylor dropped his phone onto her nightstand and toed his shoes off before flopping onto her bed. When she returned from the bathroom her body language was still sunken. Slowly she climbed onto the bed and tossed a leg over his body, resting her head on his chest. Rather than leaving her there, Taylor pulled her fully on top of him, wrapping both his arms around her and kissing softly over the top of her head. 
It wasn’t more than five minutes later that Taylor’s phone rang and he groaned, checking to see who was calling him and whether it was important. 
“It’s my mom.” He mumbled fully planning on just leaving it. 
“Taylor answer her.” Kelsey mumbled on the third ring, her voice tired. 
“Yeah mom.” Taylor sighed upon accepting the call. There was muffled noise as Taylor’s mom spoke to him before he sighed and pressed a button on the screen whispering that his mom wanted to talk to her. 
“Kelsey?” A soft female voice stated in a questioning tone. 
“She can hear you mom.” Taylor murmured. 
“Kelsey, I just wanted to apologize for my husband’s stupidity. He really should know better. I don’t know what he was thinking other than that the two of you looked cute and Taylor looked happy. I really am so sorry and hope you don’t hold that against us because we really are looking forward to officially meeting you in a few weeks. But I’ll let you get back to your time with Tay now.” 
“Love you mom.” Taylor murmured before ending the call and rubbing Kelsey’s back again. 
Taylor could feel Kelsey’s deep sigh against his chest and he just continued cuddling her tight knowing that this definitely didn’t help with her being angry with him after last night. 
“I’m sorry Kels. Do you want me to leave? I can get Mikey or Lauts to come get me.” 
Kelsey’s response wasn’t verbal, rather it was in the dampness soaking through his shirt as she cried on his chest. 
Cursing mentally, Taylor tucked his head against her and continued to rub at her back trying to soothe her. 
After a few minutes her body went limp and Taylor sighed to himself because he just kept messing up didn’t he. Her sleeping was a good thing though and he just continued holding her as she napped.
When she woke up, she rolled off of him with a start and Taylor grunted softly before looking over at her. 
“Do you want me to stay or go, Kels? I’ll do whatever you want.” 
As she climbed out of bed, Taylor’s hopes dwindled a bit. 
“I’m going for water, want anything?” She murmured, pausing before continuing seeing the look on his face. “Stay, get ready for bed, pick a show or something to wind down.” 
Grabbing two waters, Kelsey took a peek at the wine Taylor had brought with him before retreating to her room. Tossing one water at him, she set the other on her bedside table before stripping out of her sweats and down to just panties and a loose crop top tank. 
Looking at Taylor, her face crinkled softly. 
“I said get ready for bed. What is that?” She whispered motioning towards the shirt that still graced his body. 
A little smirk crossed Taylor’s face and he promptly sat up pulling the shirt off his body. 
Nodding curtly, Kelsey lifted the blankets to snuggle under them with Taylor, needing to feel his skin against hers. This was so much better than having all of the clothes in the way. 
As she turned her attention to whatever he had put on TV, Kelsey’s hand slipped across his abdomen, brushing over the fine hairs of his happy trail enjoying the contact. 
It wasn’t long before Kelsey started to feel the weight of sleep, however, Taylor promptly pulled her in for a soft but lingering kiss before murmuring that she should rest.
February 19th, 2023
Though she had woken up in Taylor’s arms quite a few times now, it still wasn’t something that Kelsey was completely used to and it amazed her every time as she blinked away the fog, feeling strong arms draped over her. 
Reaching for her phone to peek at the clock, Kelsey groaned softly before trying to lift Taylor’s arm off her body so she could get up and use the bathroom. 
“Morning.” Taylor’s voice whispered sleepily as he finally released her. 
“Morning.” Kelsey replied, sliding out of bed and slipping on sweats to pad to the bathroom. 
When she returned, Taylor was leaning against the wall at the head of her bed looking all sorts of soft and sexy as he shook the sleepiness away. As much as a part of her wanted to climb onto his lap and feel his hands on her body, they had plans today and there was not enough time for a morning detour. 
Digging in her drawers for a pair of black jeans and her PHF hoodie, Kelsey pulled out just a standard black tank and bra and underwear before proceeding to strip to change into the clean clothes. Tossing the dirty ones in her laundry she turned to see Taylor watching her, his cheeks just slightly pink. 
“Like what you see?” 
“I mean…obviously.” Taylor mumbled, making Kelsey smile. 
Redressing, Kelsey murmured that she was going to do her hair and makeup in the bathroom, implying that if he needed to use it now was the time. Though Taylor nodded, he made no move to follow her just yet and so Kelsey moved to tame her wild hair and apply some natural looking makeup. 
By the time she finally almost finished, Taylor was dressed and knocking on the door making her chuckle as she let him inside to pee. 
“How are you always so gorgeous Kels?” He murmured, taking in her full appearance after washing his hands. 
“Almost done.” She murmured, taking his question as being rhetorical though it wasn’t just the blush making her cheeks slightly rosy. “Then we can stop by your place for you to change and go grab food before hitting the road.” 
Though Kelsey hadn’t told Taylor where they were going, her sweatshirt was a bit of a hint. 
“Sounds good.” Taylor declared, not pushing for more information regarding their date but just going with the flow. 
Finishing up, Kelsey moved to clean everything up and put it away before returning to her room to grab socks and tennis shoes along with her coat, wallet, keys and phone. It was almost ten by the time they left her apartment which meant they had 45 minutes to get to Taylor’s, have him change, and grab food before they really needed to get on the road. 
Thankfully it only took Taylor fifteen to take care of what he needed to before he was sliding back into her car with breakfast burritos in hand. 
“Lauts was already cooking so figured this would be faster than stopping somewhere.” Taylor murmured. Kelsey appreciated that but she still needed to stop for coffee before they could officially get on the road. 
Coffee in hand, Kelsey passed off control of the radio to Taylor murmuring for him to not make her brain bleed and she headed to Northampton to hop on I-95. 
An hour later she had pulled into the parking lot of a nondescript building which was clearly an ice rink. 
“We’re here.” Kelsey declared, looking over at Taylor to see a bright smile on his face. 
“Alright let’s go.” Taylor enthused, unbuckling himself to extract himself from her car. Lacing her hand in his, Taylor walked beside her into the rink letting her display their tickets and then pick a spot along the bleachers. 
With it being a tiny little rink, Kelsey and Taylor had to sit close to not crowd the people around them but neither really had much of a problem with that. Made it all the easier for Taylor to rest his hand on Kelsey’s jean covered thigh. 
It wasn’t long until puck drop so Kelsey settled in, ready to watch some good women’s hockey. Less than a minute after the game started there was a hooking call cueing up special teams time. The Whale’s penalty kill was strong and suddenly there was a break up the ice and with a five hole shot the puck was in the back of the net shorthanded. 
“SHORTY!” Kelsey cheered because shorties were definitely some of the most fun goals to watch. 
With the remaining time on the power play Toronto tied it up with a beautiful shot from mid slot after a somewhat lucky rebound. 
Just a few minutes later the Whale got a powerplay and scored to take the lead before they had even finished announcing the penalty. 
By the end of the first it was a tie game and Kelsey looked over at Taylor to see that smile still on his face. 
“You look like you’re having fun.” He teased softly. “Does this mean I can drag you to an NHL game at some point?” 
“You’re lucky I actually watch your games.” Kelsey shrugged. “But I mean I’d go…to spend time with you.” Taylor’s face softened into an expression Kelsey hadn’t seen before and he leaned in kissing her head and hugging her against his side. Kelsey willingly stayed that way for the remainder of intermission because being tucked in his arm was a nice place to be and helped with the chill of the rink. 
Though he wasn’t ready to voice it yet, her comment had made the fact that he loves her hit Taylor like a brick wall. 
Kelsey cheered as another four goals were scored in the second period, two for each team leaving it again tied as they headed to the third. 
“Hey I’ll be right back.” Taylor murmured after a moment causing Kelsey to nod as he stood up and headed away from the bleachers. It was less than a minute after he got up that a young girl walking by looked her way before yelling “Coach K!” 
Within a moment, Kelsey was mobbed by a couple girls all around the age of ten who she had either coached or coached against wanting to know her thoughts on the game and just gushing about watching professional women’s hockey. It made Kelsey smile and she didn’t even notice at first as Taylor slipped back into his seat. 
“Well someone’s popular.” He murmured once the girls had left to return to their spots to watch the rest of the game. “My little celebrity.” 
“Oh shush.” Kelsey whispered. “Women’s hockey is a small circle. Bet the same thing would happen to you at a game up in the Calgary area.” 
Taylor shrugged and pulled her close again. 
“Everything okay?” She asked, still not sure why he had stepped away. 
“Nothing to worry about.” He assured her, squeezing her hip and resting his head against hers until the players took the ice again. 
Cale being out with concussion symptoms after just coming back from a concussion was something to worry about, but it was a discourse he was not ready to have Kelsey get all worked up over. And he knew that she absolutely would get worked up over it. It’s the reason he’d told his mom to text updates and only call if it was an emergency because Kelsey would be on a flight to Denver to give his brother and the whole training staff a piece of her mind if she found out. 
It was easy to forget about that for the moment though with the way Kelsey bounced in her seat everytime something exciting happened on the ice even if it didn’t lead to a goal. Watching her watch women’s hockey was more fun than watching the hockey himself and Taylor couldn’t help but just smile at her once again as she cheered as the Whales scored midway through the third to once again take the lead and then cap it off with an empty netter with a minute left. 
Exiting the arena they headed back to Kelsey’s car. Before getting in she bit her lip and murmured softly. 
“Be honest, was this a good date idea or did you not have any fun?” It was the first date she had planned for them and if the weight of his eyes were any measure he seemed to be watching her more than the game. 
Tugging her into his chest, Taylor smiled that soft smile before kissing her softly. 
“It was fun, Kels. Definitely something we can do again sometime.” He assured her. After all it wasn’t that he disliked watching women’s hockey, it was just far more entertaining to watch her. 
“Now c’mon. Let’s go get something to eat and then get home since I think we both have some studying to do.” 
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josai · 7 years
that's it Imma hardcore spam you now... prepare yourself. Ok first question... angst or smut? To read AND to write. GO
I like to write… angst? And read smut?
Drunk Honesty Hour
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okay so we’re reading To Kill A Mocking Bird in English class
and i- and i know y’all are not going to believe me but it’s true- don’t know why but today out teacher centered the whole class around “Ok Boomer” and who we can connect the phrase to the elderly in TMAK
i was speechless
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god-slammit · 6 years
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✘ DOUBLE TAP 💙 🚘: @65.tmak 📷: @ ? ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ ➤ Like, Follow, Comment and Share ➤ Sponsored By @TunerGearOfficial ⠀⠀TunerGear.com ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ 【Follow The Crew】 ➜ @TunerGearOfficial ➜ @Slammed.Series ➜ @Boostin_Daily ➜ @Memes_JDM ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ (at Like & Follow) https://www.instagram.com/god_slammit/p/BvNoLeTHMJ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8kqhg92lr527
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drfroebindia · 2 years
Momo Making Machine in India
Dumpling Making Machine produces high-quality products. The TMAK machine continuously performs R&D work in its own factory.
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Features of Dumpling Making Machine
It works with the session of 1 or 2. (Changeable according to the dough) You can set the filling amount as much as you require. You can set the dough thickness as much as you require. The machine works with a 1.5 KW Italian motor without any problems. It works with 220V house electricity. All of the surface, which is in contact with the food, is removable and washable. With different kinds of Mold, you can easily produce such products; as ravioli, Turkish manti, Turkish raw pastry, etc. All running parts are removable easily with high-quality engineering. The main chassis is made of stainless steel. The capacity of the machine is 4000-8000 pieces per hour. Want to about the Momo making machine price in India, call us.
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strenghia · 2 years
Løbebånd til hjemmet - bedst til prisen
Vi har fundet 3 danske fitnessbutikker, som sælger løbebånd til hjemmet. I det følgende vil vi gennemgå de løbebånd, som vi vurderer bedst til prisen, og som egner sig bedst til hjemmebrug.
Butikkerne der sælger løbebånd til hjemmebrug
Abilicaonline - gå til butikken Fitnessshoppen - gå til butikken Apuls - gå til butikken Relateret indhold: Sammenlign alle løbebånd (her kan du sammenligne alle løbebånd i en tabel fra 4 danske butikker)
Udvalgte løbebånd løbebånd til hjemmet
I tabellen, vist herunder, vises de løbebånd til hjemmet, som vi vil gennemgå. Bemærk, at alle løbebånd kan klappes sammen, og at de er på tilbud. Udvalgte løbebåndPris i kr. inkl. momsButikProform L6 City folde LøbebåndNu 7.900,- (SPAR 3000 kr.) AbilicaonlineMasterfit TP100 LøbebåndNu 7.995,- (SPAR 5500 kr.)AbilicaonlineKETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅNDNu 8.999,- (SPAR 5000 kr.)FitnessshoppenOdin T750 LøbebåndNu 10.499,- (SPAR 2500 kr.)ApulsNordicTrack Elite 900 LøbebåndNu 12.900,- (SPAR 5000 kr.)AbilicaonlineKETTLER ALPHA RUN 400 LØBEBÅNDNu 12.999,- (SPAR 5000 kr.)FitnessshoppenReebok Jet 300 Series LøbebåndNu 14.989,- (SPAR 510 kr.)ApulsSole F85 løbebåndNu 19.900,- (SPAR 7000 kr.)AbilicaonlineNordicTrack Commercial 1750 løbebåndNu 19.900 (SPAR 5000 kr.)AbilicaonlineTabel der viser de løbebånd til hjemmetræning, som er udvalgt til at være bedst til prisen
Sammenligning af udvalgte løbebånd i tabel
Når du ser på tabellerne over løbebånd til hjemmet, så kan du se, at prisen på et hjemmeløbebånd i særlig grad er bestemt af løbebåndets motorstørrelse, stigningsmulighed, maksimal hastighed, og om det har programmer og bluetooth. I tabellen, vist nedenfor, sammenlignes specifikationerne på de udvalgte løbebånd til hjemmet. Bagefter er der et afsnit med købsovervejelser, inden køb af et løbebånd til hjemmet, og så diskuteres løbebåndene i forhold til fordele og ulemper. Slutteligt konkluderes på, hvilket løbebånd der er bedst til prisen på baggrund af officielle anmeldelser, og løbebåndets specifikationer og features i forhold til individuelle behov. For hvad har du brug for, at dit løbebånd til hjemmet skal kunne? Sammenligning af de 3 billigste løbebånd til hjemmet som er udvalgt Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd (7.999,-)Masterfit TP100 Løbebånd (7.995,-)KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND (8.999,-)Motorstørrelse: 1,6 HKMotorstørrelse: 2,5 HKMotorstørrelse: 2 HKHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar ikke bluetoothHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sTræningsprogrammer: IngenTræningsprogrammer: 15 stk.Træningsprogrammer: 28 stk.Maks. stigning: IngenMaks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 12 %Maks. hastighed: 13 km/tMaks. hastighed: 18 km/tMaks. hastighed: 16 km/tMax brugervægt: 113 kgMaks. brugervægt: 125 kgMaks. brugervægt: 120 kgKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenLøbeplade: 44,5 x 114 cmLøbeplade: 50 x 140 cmLøbeplade: 44 x 130 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 179 x 74 x 113 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 183 x 87 x 142 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 175 x 85,5 x 140,5 cmTabel der sammenligner de 3 billigste løbebånd til hjemmet i forhold til specifikationer - løbebåndet med flest, størst eller mest er markeret med fed ud fra hver specifikation. Sammenligning af de 3 næstbilligste løbebånd til hjemmetræning Odin T750 Løbebånd (10.499,-)NordicTrack Elite 900 Løbebånd (12.900,-)KETTLER ALPHA RUN 400 LØBEBÅND (12.999,-)Motorstørrelse: 3 HKMotorstørrelse: 3 HKMotorstørrelse: 3 HKHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sTræningsprogrammer: 55 stk.Træningsprogrammer: IngenTræningsprogrammer: 32 stk.Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 12 %Maks. stigning: 12 %Maks. hastighed: 20 km/tMaks. hastighed: 20 km/tMaks. hastighed: 20 km/tMax brugervægt: 150 kgMax brugervægt: 136 kgMax brugervægt: 140 kgLøbeplade: 46 x140 cmLøbeplade: 152 x 51 cmLøbeplade: 130 x 44 cmKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 188 x 87 x 33,5 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 190 x 90 x 146 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 175 x 85,5 x 140,5 cmTabel der sammenligner de 3 næstbilligste løbebånd til hjemmet Sammenligning af de 3 dyreste løbebånd til hjemmetræning Reebok Jet 300 Series Løbebånd (14.989,-)Sole F85 løbebånd (19.900,-)NordicTrack Commercial 1750 løbebånd (19.900,-)Motorstørrelse: 2,5 HKMotorstørrelse: 4 HKMotorstørrelse: 3,6 HKHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sHar bluetooth og kan tilsluttes app´sTræningsprogrammer: 27 stk.Træningsprogrammer: 10 stk.Træningsprogrammer: 50 stk.Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. stigning: 15 %Maks. hastighed: 20 km/tMaks. hastighed: 22 km/tMaks. hastighed: 22 km/tMax brugervægt: 140 kgMax brugervægt: 150 kgMax brugervægt: 135 kgLøbeplade: 51 x 150 cmLøbeplade: 56 x 152 cmLøbeplade: 55 x 152 cmKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenKan klappes sammenOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 192 x 86 x 143,5 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 211 x 94 x 151 cmOpsat størrelse L x B x H: 196 x 97 x 175 cmTabel der sammenligner de 3 næstbilligste løbebånd til hjemmet
Vigtige spørgsmål at stille dig selv, inden du køber et løbebånd til dit hjem
Har du brug for hjælp til struktur i dit løb? Hvis det er vigtigt for dig at få struktur i dit løb, så er det vigtigt, at løbebåndet i forbindelse med hjemmetræning har programmer. Programmer i et løbebånd er lavet af fagpersoner, så du sikrer dig en god struktur i den måde programmet er sammensat på. Der kan være programmer, der specifikt målretter sig fedtforbrænding, hvor man skal træne inden for et bestemt pulsinterval. Der kan også være programmer, der giver en bedre kondition, hvorfor pulsen skal være i en anden pulszone. Så ved at sikre dig, at løbebåndet har programmer, kan du sikre dig en løbetræning med bedst muligt træningsudbytte. Det er dog vigtigt lige at få med, at hvis løbebåndet har bluetooth, så er det mindre vigtigt med programmer. For med bluetooth er løbebåndet kompatibel med app´s, og så kan man bare finde programmer i diverse løbeapp´s. Er det vigtigt for dig, at din løbetræning på løbebåndet kan blive alsidig og udfordrende? Hvis du ved med dig selv, at du hurtigt kører sur i din træning, hvis ikke træningen kan blive varieret og alsidighed, så bør dit nye løbebånd til hjemmet kunne tilsluttes app´s. For selvom løbebåndet måtte have programmer, så kan man køre sur i det, når man har afprøvet alle programmerne. Men med app´s bliver det aldrig kedeligt, fordi der er uendelige træningsprogrammer og træningspas, som man kan prøve af i applikationerne. Endvidere kan du følge live-sessions fra et studio i Los Angeles i fx appen Fitscope. Så hjemmefra kan du joine live-session med rigtige personlige trænere, der går live. Eksempler på løbeapp´s, som du kan tilslutte dig løbebånd til hjemmet, såfremt det har bluetooth - iFit - Fitscope - Nike Run Club - Aaptiv. - Peloton Digital - Zwift Har du brug for, at dit løbebånd til dit hjem skal have en høj tophastighed? Tophastigheden på et løbebånd til hjemmet er tit en overset specifikation, men den kan være meget vigtig. Særligt, hvis du er godt trænet og vil bruge dit løbebånd til bl.a. intervaltræning, hvor du kommer højt op i fart. Her kan det for nogle være en stor begrænsning, hvis løbebåndet er begrænset til en tophastighed på fx 14 km/t. Det er nemlig tit tilfældet på billige løbebånd til hjemmetræning, at tophastigheden ikke er mere, fordi motoren er for lille. Det ses fx ved det første løbebånd til hjemmet, som vi gennemgik: Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd. Her er tophastigheden kun 13 km/t. KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND som koster 1.000 kr. mere har en tophastighed på 16 km/t. Så hver en specifikation bør indgå i dine købeovervejelser, inden du køber dit næste løbebånd til hjemmetræning. Skal dit løbebånd have stigning og hvor meget? Stigning på et løbebånd betyder, at du kan justere på løbefladen, så det føles som at løbe op ad bakke. Stigningen på de løbebånd, som vi har udvalgt, justeres alle elektronisk - dvs. via en knap på displayet. 3 grunde til at vælge et løbebånd til hjemmet med stigning - Et løbebånd med stigning kan give en større styrketræningseffekt af ben og balder. Det skyldes, at man bruger flere af de kraftfulde muskelfibre ftb, når man løber med stigning, som giver flottere ben og bagdel. - At løbe med stigning giver en større overførbarhed til udendørsløb, hvor det sjældent er helt jævnt at løbe. Hvis du derfor planlægger at træne op til et udendørsløb på løbebåndet til dit hjem, så bør løbebåndet have stigning. - Mulighed for større all-around træningsudbytte i forhold til forbedret kondition, øget styrke og mere fedtforbrænding. Det skyldes, at stigningsløb meget hurtigt aktiverer flere muskler og sender pulsen i vejret. Skal løbebåndet nemt kunne foldes sammen, så du sparer plads derhjemme? Selvom alle de løbebånd der er nævnt her kan klappes sammen, så er det langtfra alle løbebånd til hjemmet, der kan foldes. Der er også forskel på, hvor meget det kan foldes sammen. Nogle løbebånd kan klappes op men ikke foldes, så meget at man kan pakke det helt væk under fx sengen eller sofaen. Eksempel på et løbebånd der kan foldes sammen og gemmes væk under sofaen Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd er et eksempel på et løbebånd til hjemmetræning, der kan foldes helt sammen. Eller det er egentlig ikke at folde det sammen - i stedet tager man konsollen af, så man lige kan skubbe det ind under sengen. Der er vist billeder af Proform L6 løbebåndet, herunder:
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Som det ses på billederne, så er Proform L6 til nu 7.900 kr. (SPAR 3000 kr.) et fint lille løbebånd til hjemmet med plads til tablet. Og som det ses på det sidste billede, så kan man tage konsollen af, så man kan skubbe det ind under sengen. Løbebåndets affjedring - skal dit nye løbebånd have særlig god støddæmpning? Et andet parameter at kigge på, når man er på udkig efter sit nye løbebånd til hjemmet er løbebåndets affjedring. Dette står aldrig angivet under løbebåndets specifikationer. Men hvis affjedringen er særligt god i et løbebånd, så er det altid nævnt i produktbeskrivelsen. De løbebånd, som vi har udvalgt, har alle et godt affjedringssystem, men affjedringen er markant bedre i den næstbilligste og dyreste prisklasse. Fx har test-vinderen Sole F85 løbebånd (se senere) ekstra støddæmpning, så det er 40% mere skånsomt for leddene at løbe på det i forhold til at løbe på asfalt. De 4 mest populære Sole løbebånd sammenlignes og diskuteres i indlægget: Sammenlign Sole løbebånd. Hvor meget må løbebåndet koste? Inden at vi går mere i dybden med de forskellige løbebånd til hjemmetræning, vil vi lige have den sidste købsovervejelse med: "Hvor meget må løbebåndet koste?". Det kan være en god ide at afklare dette, inden at man begynder at kigger efter et nyt løbebånd til sit hjem. For når man går til butikken, så kan man lige pludselig blive fristet til at købe et løbebånd, der ligger langt over ens budget.
Diskussionsafsnit - hvilket løbebånd til hjemmet er bedst til prisen?
Alle de løbebånd til hjemmet, som vi har udvalgt er suverænt gode løbebånd til prisen. Derfor er det svært at konkludere, hvilket løbebånd der er det allerbedste. Det er svært, fordi det beror på individuelle behov.
Det bedste løbebånd til hjemmetræning i den billigste prisklasse
Hvis vi fx tager den billigste prisklasse for løbebånd til hjemmetræning, så er det sammenklappelige Masterfit TP100 Løbebånd til nu 7.999 kr. (SPAR 5.000 kr.) et særdeles godt løbebånd til prisen. Dels på grund af, at det har en motorstørrelse på 2,5 HK, tophastighed på 18 km/t, 15 træningsprogrammer og en bred løbeflade (50 x 140 cm). Og dels fordi det har en stigning på hele 15 %. Men det har ikke bluetooth. Det giver derfor en begrænsning i forhold til træningsvariation. Hvis vi tager KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND til nu 8.999 kr. (SPAR 5.000 kr.), så får du et løbebånd med bluetooth, 28 stk. træningsprogrammer. Men tophastigheden er 16 km/t (2 km/t mindre end Masterfit TP100). Og så er løbepladen noget mindre: 44 x 130 cm. Relateret indhold: Sammenligning af 5 Kettler løbebånd Proform L6 City folde Løbebånd til nu 7.900 kr. (SPAR 3.000 kr) skiller sig ud fra de andre løbebånd til hjemmet i denne prisklasse ved, at konsollen kan tages af, og det lige kan gemmes væk under sengen. Det har også bluetooth men ingen træningsprogrammer, og løbepladen (44,5 x 114 cm) er lille og tophastigheden (13 km/t) lav. Hvilket løbebånd i den billige prisklasse skal du så vælge? Hvis du er ligeglad med bluetooth og ikke behøver at kunne skubbe dit nye hjemmetrænings-løbebånd under sengen, så er Masterfit TP100 Løbebånd et godt bud på det bedste løbebånd til prisen i den billigste prisklasse. Hvis bluetooth er vigtigt, så er KETTLER SPRINTER 2.0 LØBEBÅND det bedste bud. Du kan se sammenligningstabellen, vist herunder, igen: Read the full article
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