themagnusnotes · 3 years
Mag. 59 #0052911
i definitely need to listen to the hill top road episodes again uh oh,
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— they dont come back ?
— SWIRLING TABLE !! from mag 3 !
— agnes the tree girl !
— uh oh this is worrying,,
— oh she kissed him thats alright i thought she was going to threaten him ..
— dont go bacK ??
— spiders !
— ew
— oh thats why they dont come back :|
— its going to be an apple
— the fire eyy
— not a fucking clue whats happening
— .. jon of course they're avoiding you :(
you guessed it its timeline time :] !
1891 - Hill Top Road House purchased by Walter Fielding. - Mag 8
1923 - The house is inherited by Alfred Fielding, Walter's son. - Mag 8
1957 - The house is inherited by Raymond Fielding, Alfred's son. - Mag 8
1960s - Raymond Fielding sets up the house as a half-way house. It is supported by the local church. - Mag 8
Early - Mid 1960s - Several teenagers, Dick Barrowdale, Doris Hardy, Greg Montgomery, Ronald Sinclair and others, are residents at the house. They feel as if their actions are not their own - Mag 59
1960s - Agnes Montague is a resident of the house, she appears to be around 10/11 years old. Ronald Sinclair is kissed on the cheek by Agnes before leaving the house. Ronald is controlled to go back into the house and into the basement where he sees the bodies of the other residents containing spider eggs. He is forced to take a bite from an apple but feels a strong burning in his cheek (where Agnes kissed him) and escapes. - Mag 59
1960s - After Agnes becomes a resident of the house, other residents are seen less until only Agnes Montague and Raymond Fielding remain. - Mag 8
1967 - 1968 - Raymond Fielding disappeares. The police investigate and discover the house has been legally signed over to Agnes Montague. - Mag 8
1974 - A toddler in the Hill Top Road area goes missing, the local community assume Agnes is responsible as many pets went missing over the years prior. After the fire Raymond Fielding is found, missing only his right hand. - Mag 8
2004 - 2005 (?) - Construction of a new building begins on the Hill Top Road land. - Mag 59
2006 / 2009 - The events of Mag 8 occur (No liveblog notes currently). - Mag 8
Okay, that was long but i think necessary, i might come back and add better notes for 2006-2009 at some point.
Jon :( His coworkers are starting to avoid him (rightly so) but i still feel bad.
also !! i definitely think the kiss on the cheek agnes gave ronald was to free him from raymond fielding and all the spider stuff.
+ the table from mag 03 !
Statement ends.
– xaphan.
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