#tlovm kamaljiori
void-lioness · 2 years
The first time listening to Scanlan's ballad:
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The fifth time listening to Scanlan's ballad:
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The tenth time listening to Scanlan's ballad:
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bifairywife · 2 years
“You must know true love in your life.“
“Oh... yeah. Yeah - guys, gals, anyone in between. So much love... in my life. Uh, actually... I have no one. And-and the thing is, I really... I want it. I just can’t seem to get it right.“
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wistfulwatcher · 2 years
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Well, damn.
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blorbologist · 2 years
Confession time:
In the campaign, I loathe Mythcarver.
Vox Machina are given the Vestige as a sidenote - 'here are the locations of a ton of cool ancient weapons, and also this sword I can just give you guys'. While every other Vestige involves a quest for it, or at least some planning, often with some degree of expectation of who will get it (Fenthras, the Titanstone Knuckles, Whisper, the Plate of the Dawnmartyr, the Spire of Conflux - they all really fit one party member well. Cabal's Ruin is more up in the air until we find out who has it, and the Ward has already been given to Vax by this point). Many of them are tied to character moments for the party members in question - 'take me instead you raven bitch', the killbox, 'my heart is someone else's', 'i forgive you, but I cannot let you leave'.
Scanlan doesn't get a noble quest with his friends to power him up. Scanlan does's even do anything of particular note in Kamaljiori's canon trial. He's just... given this Vestige as loot, and because it's made with bards in mind and he's the bard so he should get it.
Except Mythcarver doesn't suit *Scanlan's* style of bard, at all, and I can count the number of times he uses it on one hand, one of which required heavy prompting by Matt because Sam was so used to ignoring the thing. It's a glorified stat stick that buffs some abilities but never sees use because Scanlan is so heavily focused on support spells. It can't match the damage output or utility of his spells, so it just sits on his belt looking pretty. He gets one cool moment with it, against a minor boss, and that's it.
(Notably, he pulls it out and tries poking for a Blinked enemy during a critical fight which I'm not naming due to spoilers, and he just... still doesn't get to do anything with it. That one round could have prevented a death - sinking a turn into trying to use that sword actively hurt the party. It sucks.)
Credit where credit is due: I really appreciate the vision Matt had for the weapon and the intent behind it! On the other hand, it just... further fed into Scanlan feeling like he was an afterthought to the party. They didn't go on a quest for him. They didn't even think of getting him a Vestige - he's just handed one, in a fairly forgettable sidebar, and then hardly ever uses it again. It sucks. I hate that stupid sword.
So when I tell you I was grinning so, so massively during episide 6 of season 2 -
Mythcarver isn't given to Scanlan by default - it's given to him, specifically, by a friend. Kamaljiori is the first person to see through his exterior, his many masks, who bonds with him over love and longing and sincerity. It's not an offhand 'oh while you're here take this' it's for him. He gets a cool moment with it!! It reveals the locations of the other Vestiges!
Here, now, Mythcarver represents what Scanlan wants to be: a hero, a valued friend, someone who matters and has an impact on the world. Someone loved.
(And also noteworthy that this happened not long after Pike was dismissive of him, too. Whistles.)
And then Umbrasyl swoops in to take it, singling Scanlan out for what he carries - and Kami fights for him. Kamaljiori protects him, over and over and over, not for Mythcarver but because it’s Scanlan, it's his friend. He's going toe to toe with an ancient black dragon for Scanlan. And dies for it.
Not only does Umbrasyl kill Kamaljiori but he steals this Vestige. This gift for Scanlan alone, this first fucking testament to having mattered to someone, to being valued and cared for. Mythcarver isn't just a reward, it actively pushes the plot and Scanlan's character development forward, gives Scanlan what he's been quietly looking for in the background, and then viciously takes it away.
(This also gives Scanlan a bigger motivation to be part of that one stupid plan with Vax that's in the trailer: Umbrasyl killed his friend and stole something representing everything Scanlan wants. And he wants it badly and he wants it back, you flying fuck.)
I can't wait to see what's in store. This was, I think, my favorite change to TLOVM so far after 'darling take off the mask' getting a bigger Moment. I can't believe they gave weight and meaning to that stupid sword and I'm here for it.
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
The entire stream Kamaljiori trial: “go on a letter scavenger hunt! what’s my name?” while a sphinx beats the shit out of Vox Machina
TLOVM Kamaljiori trial: ...but what if we also put the audience who knows what should happen into a crisis of faith. Wouldn’t that be fun?
"Hi I’m Kamaljiori! Wound me or die. Oh we’re becoming friends? You even have a nickname for me? That’s so sweet!” GET FUCKED UMBRASYL'S HERE NOW
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art-of-vox-machina · 8 months
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THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA | Kamaljiori's Lair Backgrounds
By Salvatorre Yarrie
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goldenrose101 · 2 years
Bruh I JUST realized the narrative foreshadowing of having Scanlan befriend the chosen of the KNOWING MISTRESS.
Intentional or not, that’s AWESOME.
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wrens-wramblings · 2 years
Absolutely losing it over how much sheer talent Scanlan has. He can improvise a love song - on the fly, right after watching all his friends get yeeted - powerful enough to make a sphinx cry but when given the opportunity to perform what does he go for?
A song about anal beads.
He could be like, a world renowned musician if he really wanted to, but instead he's just making up silly sex songs.
Him <3 (derogatory)
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wackachewbacca · 2 years
When Kamaljiori set that challenge for them to wound him, I knew Scanlan was gonna be the one to actually do it. Kamaljiori would have to be injured either mentally or emotionally since physical pain was out of the question and Scanlan would always make jibes and taunts at their enemies with Cutting Words. But I didn’t predict that he’d actually be sincere and write an 80s love power ballad about the sphinxes and then conjure an illusion of Osysa to sing along of all things
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sapphiresterreart · 1 year
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Hey what if we just.
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Turned off the lights?
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Don't worry it'll be fun! He'll make a good friend while he's alone in the dark, promise.
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See? He'll even receive the highest of compliments!
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Wisest sage 5evah. This guy is as old as time so surely he'd know a thing or two. How delightful for Scanlan's self-esteem.
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As a bonus, he'll get a meaningful gift. He earned it first, of course, passed the Never-Been-Wounded Sphinx' Trial through the power of friendship music laced with emotional damage. But it's still from a trusted, friendly face. Isn't that nice? What a boost to his confidence!
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What a boost it is, indeed. You go tiny man! You fight that mean ole dragon with your new BFF! Look at him hyping himself up and inviting the gang to tag along. He's gonna have so much fun!
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Now hold on–
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Hey wait just a minute here.
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mikkeneko · 2 years
hey so um yeah your boyfriend challenged us to cause him pain so we wrote a power ballad about his eternal separation from you. yeah he’s fine he made friends with our bard and they’re besties. and then the hope devourer killed him. sorry about that
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void-lioness · 2 years
I'm not okay over Kamaljiori dying. Once he was "wounded" by Scanlan, he became a total bro and was so chill. I really liked him. He seemed like the kind of being you'd hang out with on the weekends. Fuck Umbrasyl. All my homies hate Umbrasyl.
Also: Scanlan's ballad SLAPPED SO DAMN HARD.
Edit: I misspelled his *NAME.* *Wow* I feel like I'm disrespectful. 🤦🏾‍♀️
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bifairywife · 2 years
god i love scanlan so much he literally heard a powerful and super knowledgeable being say it’s been centuries since he’s last been with his mate and dude just goes “she wasn’t like... with anybody else, if you’re worried“ like you gotta love his method for comforting someone else hasjdfhadsa
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artisinal-cheese · 2 years
Thinking about the way Scanlan told Kamaljiori that he has never experienced true love, them bonding, and then Kamaljiori diving after Scanlan to protect him and dying in the process...as an act of true (philial) love.
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gorgynei · 2 years
scanlan singing beautifully in the background of grog's craven edge conversation is actually such good storytelling. u dont get it. hes INCREDIBLY talented but all he gets used for is background poop accompaniment music. blows up
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art-of-vox-machina · 2 years
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THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA | Kamaljiori Concept Art
By Christine Bian
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