#tldr: we got solutions to climate change (affectionate)
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busnautica · 3 years ago
Just learned the term eco-mafia ... Like dude.........
Depressing Ocean Rant just skip this
(grumpy peepaw mode)
So, I'm like a second wave immigrant or whatever but like ... Well aware about third world countries like my own
And the eco-mafia are using poor peeps in these countries that have obviously been forced to turn to illegal fishing for some scraps of money to live (they become slaves bro) bc rich peepo wanna eat some fancy fish bro they stealing corals from my home country's coral reef
(funny actually - it's been going on for long before I was born but it's only dawned on me when I visited a museum in my teens and there was a coral bone - on the plaque, stated it was originally stolen from the Philippines and then donated there ...lmfao...)
They're aware. Everyone's aware of what's happening to the planet - just systems are driving stuff and slowing down 50 years too late and I KNOW this sounds so depressing but ... Like we got the stuff. We got the tech AND the methods AND the means to carry out these methods to help ourselves.
Anyway ILLEGAL FISHING. wouldn't happen if there wasn't a need and that's weirdchamp
Personally I'm ranting - I'm not here to say stop eating fish - there's some sick ass (affectionate) fish husbandry out there (including my ol gramps peace to you bro for pioneering fish farming a fuck long time ago)
Also best meme to come outta fish husband is very beautiful very powerful
Those guys can survive winter and keep the fish stock alive and free of parasites unlike the tropical default (was it a remora? Whatever it is the cleaner fish died in the cold - the lump fish - they good to keep going 😊)
Me @ this documentary: too tired to physically react- types here instead
EU tax money misused for feeshing bro I - Spanish mafia clan winning court battles over Interpol bc of the loop holes
Titan fish sized loopholes: can't do shit on this part of the sea sowwy!
Interpol: surprisedpikachu
It's just layers of shit ass systems that push most people into crime (anywhere in the world tbh including the richest country in da world muwica) nobody is like BAD because they did a crime (that wasnt like the murder word or the r word what the fuck why the fuck would someone willingly do that irl etc)
This ain't an essay it's a rant - I hope the eco mafia smells my farts and chokes and I wish them, regardless of what reproductive organs they own - a very heavy period. To get in the way :) maybe a very nice STUB YOUR TOES
Also at the first world countries - like one I currently live in - cheese n butter ain't that impopo like calm down why are people here suddenly reporting that the stuff we line the shops with are linked to deforestation.
Maybe it's bc I'm not white and I hear of this shit from not only the stupid amount of documentaries I love to consume like spagetti but also literally from my family lmao SNORES
Also it's pointless to have the consumers point at each other and go ITS YAW FAWLT FOR EATING MEET or CONSUMIN SHIT LOOD OF SOYA ... Like chill... Bro. Hyper production is doin it ☺️🔪 companies have already been making more than what's needed 😊🔪 but they're also avoiding the symbiotes whilst swimming through titan fish loop holes ok 😚🔪
Love whatever the fuck vegans are doing - but aim the banana gun at the system first before some of the weird tunnel vision ones bitch about poc and their savage meat eating ways please
Isn't it weird to like understand how our world works? Then like some of us ( LIKE MY ASS) just .... Cannot help but think of Alterra
What's actually going to get us out there? I think we can do it but there's easier (mechanical) ways to launch right...? (But it involves a shit load of landmass UNFORTUNATE. It would use ... Probably less fuel. I'm not Ryley Robinson idk how rockets work babe)
Mining "gotta" be up in those asteroids
(also ppl super mining for components for GPUs for crypto man this is like a weird and interesting time lmao)
Anyway ACTUALLY my rant is leading to something that'll at least give you existential
Idk ... It's just... Similar to how I feel about how she sat alone in that containment chamber with her unhatched eggs but ... Still reached out and still loved her unborn emperors ... Idk man... Family.... Dude..... Whilst the world sorts itself out under better guidance we got family (found or ... If you're happy with the ones you were born with- cool bro)
It's family baebey - also shit on zoomers all u want but I trust those shitheads to change shit regardless (also what the fuck am I a zoomer or a millenial stop making posts about zoomer or millenial childhood experiences if it's the same like --- ... Maybe I am a cusp as bitch.)
Zoomers r funni and when the ppl in charge pass on it gonna be free for the taking babes
AU where the Mafia child next in line finds a better way to make illegal money and uses it to help the planet out found family tags please god ple---
Anyway go eat this poem just eat it
Eat it like spaghetti
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