#tldr: this man needs therapy but instead is being anti-social and just not leaving his house
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(  Burak Cerek  .  Cis Male.  He/Him  . 33 )  Adam  from  Beauty and the Beast  has found  themselves  trapped in  grimsby.  though here  they  go by  Cenk Bay .   they  reside in  Sumner Heights,  and have  been  passing time  working  as independently wealthy.  according to  the  people around  town,  they’re often  seen READING and  they’ve  also mentioned  that  they’re just  as   self-destructive & temperamental,  but as   kind & loyal as ever.   Rose petals, distorted self-portraits, thunder over hills always  seems  to remind  people  of them.  i  wonder how  well  they’ll do  around  here.
Before the Curse
It had been clear to everyone that when the princess Emira married the prince Tamraz, it hadn’t been for love. For he was as cruel as she was kind, but as time progressed, she seemed to have softened his heart a little. Especially when they went on to bring Adam into the world.
For a while, it had been a happy childhood. His mother taught him to be kind and just and for a long time he was a well liked, happy little boy. But they had all missed the hatred that was growing within the now-King Tamraz’s heart. It was an illness that killed the Queen, that was the general consensus, only a few recognised the signs of poison. No one dared to call it out, and no one stopped him as he did whatever he wanted to his son, making him become more like a younger version of himself than the sweet boy who had been there before.
So Adam grew up, vain, selfish and unkind, much like his father. Then war broke out and his father left to fight in it. The young prince was left behind, after all there was no point in the whole royal line dying out should it go wrong. Then the news came that the King had died. He could play the part of grieving son perfectly, but in truth that day was the happiest in his life, realising his father’s torture was over.
But despite the King’s death, Adam didn’t change. He didn’t see a need to if he was honest about it. The truth of it was, as cruel as he was to everyone else, he was far crueller to himself. That was until the Enchantress came. Vanity, and a love of beauty took over, and in that moment a terrible decision was made, one that left him cursed. He had thought he knew pain from his father, but the transformation from man to beast was excruciating. But his decision had not only cursed him, but had cursed all in the castle at the time. Everyone else forgot, as if he had never existed in the first place. The only solution was to love someone and earn their love in return before the last petal fell off an enchanted rose.
As the years passed, despair took over. That was until a stranger came to the castle. He’d been aware the whole time, but it wasn’t until the man dared steal a rose he acted. His father had raised him to believe there was no excuse for theft, but in this case the punishment didn’t fit the crime. Anything else and maybe it would, but it had to be a rose. Well he had been granted eternal damnation for one, why shouldn’t someone else? But the man had a daughter, and she wasn’t willing to let her father die in a place like this, instead offering to take his place. He could have been kind and let them both leave, but the words of the curse had haunted him for a decade by then, and instead he agreed, forcing her to give up her freedom and stay.
But she wasn’t like the women his father used to parade around. He gave her freedom within the castle, and yet when he did make orders, she still refused. It all led to an incident involving wolves. It was the moment something changed within Adam, and the voice of his mother started to take over. It wasn’t an easy journey, but the kindness he’d once had started to become evident again.
Eventually he realised he had to do the right thing, and with her worry for her father growing, he let her go. An act of true love, but the curse had always been clear that she had to love him in return. Realising that they were all out of time, the guilt that he had dragged everyone into this and could do nothing was overwhelming. Despair had fully taken over, when the mob arrived. He had all but given up, expecting that night to be the night he died. It almost came true, until the curse was broken, and after all those years he was finally transformed back into a man.
But all of it was short-lived, as soon another curse came through.
After the Curse
Cenk Bey was a young man who was known for breath-taking anger issues. So much so that when his parents were caught in a house fire, and he was the only survivor, many people believed he was the one who had started it. In truth he had been asleep at the time, and had only just managed to wake up and get out in time. He knew he could try and fight against it, but it just became easier to give up. The house, now blackened from the flames had been left to him, and so he mostly just stayed indoors, leaving only early in the morning to do various shopping.
That was the life that Adam woke up into. His first thought was to find the people he loved but… memories of the previous curse came back to him. He had hurt all of them so much already, and Belle he had kept a prisoner. It seemed kinder to simply keep to himself. After all, there weren’t really that many people who had seem him as an adult anyway. He had further cause when he realised who the Sheriff was, and given the last time he had seen the man he’d been trying to kill him, it was probably better to not give him any reason to hate him. Even though he had to hope that he wouldn’t reconigse him now he was human and not a beast.
Time passed, though the situation never really changed. He was able to somehow come to terms with both sets of memories and try and live a happy, if not lonely life. The one thing he could do without is the blasted rose garden behind the house. He can appreciate the irony, he’d still rather it wasn’t there. He doesn’t want to bring any more pain to the people he loves and so instead has imprisoned himself.
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