#tldr: i bought some skeleton hand model kit thing when i was in elementary school and just remembered i had it
skeletalheartattack · 3 years
Okay so ive been wanting to post this story for a while now but couldn't figure out a way to post it in a way i was comfortable, up until now. the story’s a little lengthy so i’ll put a “Keep Reading” segment about half-way through, so i don’t clog up your feed.
So around the time i was six, me and my mother were shopping in a mall, a little far away from where we live, and we come to this intersection that leads like... three ways. within that intersection, there's this little booth with a man taking pictures of folks with this little monkey. so i notice what's going on and i point it out, and my mother's like, "oh, would you want to take a picture with it?" and of course im like "oh absolutely. that's a monkey. of course i want a picture with it."
so we head over towards the booth, and the man taking the pictures says something like "if you want to take a picture with him, it's 10 dollars", and so my mother pays the man, and I head over to sit on this plastic lawn chair, with this big picture of trees and shit behind it. and so the man leads this little monkey (idk what kind of monkey, but you can figure that out yourself soon) to where im sitting, and for now we'll call him "Hoops".
so he gets on the chair with me, and we take the picture, and i think i cough or blink or something because the face im making is very... strange, so i kinda look empty minded in the photo. however you won't see the face i made, since i've replaced myself with Boe, only because id feel very weird having a pic of me at the age of 5 on tumblr:
Tumblr media
yes it's very messy and ugly, but that's me, and Hoops the monkey; i call him that since that's what is written on his little basketball jersey. anyway back to the story
so, im thinking "oh that was fun, that'll be a good memory. i cant wait to put this up in my house and show people." and so i get up off the chair, and head back to my mom. except it's not that simple, because BAM, i slam onto the carpet because Hoops has just now grabbed me by my ankle, tripping me... and starts dragging me towards the chair, presumably to take another picture.
now im not really thinking about anything in this situation, if anything i find it kind of funny, but yeah he just trips me and starts trying to drag me back to the chair. next thing i know, the photographer BOOKS it from behind his booth, and runs to stop Hoops the monkey from doing anything to me, and so i get back up and head over to my mom while he's keeping Hoops back or whatever.
i don't remember my moms reaction, but i couldn't imagine it being as humorous as i thought it was. so anyway, the photographer comes back to us and is like "i am SO sorry, this is the first time he's ever done this, i don't know what would cause him to do that." and then we leave the mall.
ive told this story to my friends a lot and they really love it for whatever reason, so i wanted to finally post it here for y'all to read. i don't know if that little dudes still doing anything, or even what his actual name is, but whatever it is, im glad it doesn't involve me being dragged around and thrown around like a mace.
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