#tldr: 'go to føcking therapy' is a thing for ALL of them
salsedinepicta · 11 months
🎯 Unhinged Character Bingo 🎯
Tagged by @greypetrel - thank you, this was really fun and psychologically interesting 👀💙
🌸 Malva Surana
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"Now that I am free to be myself, who am I?" (M. Oliver)
The First Blorbo TM - I'll always have a soft spot for Malva and her 'yeah sure I grew up in a Circle and adapted so well out of sheer spite and spirit of survival that now I'm not even sure of who am I beside the story people tell about me, but I'm fine :)' thing.
🏹 Gwydion/Gideon Hawke
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"Why greatness? Why is goodness not enough?" (The Green Knight)
The caretaker, the lighthouse, the steadfast and Responsible Sibling that really, really wants to be selfish and self-serving at least once. Most definitely a "it's rotten work / not to me, not if it's you" kind of person. Also the most stable and well adjusted of the group -they have to be.
(why the double name: people constantly misheard and mispronounced 'Gwydion'. Later, Varric ended up popularizing the name 'Gideon' because it means 'great warrior' and that's just perfect for the hero of the story. Gwydion means 'born from trees' and they actually prefer it, but it doesn't matter - the narrative is stronger.
Do I have a thing for identity issues and names? Maybe.)
🌙 Maren Hawke
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"Look how we bleed from all this wanting" (A. A. Diaka)
(I mean, they both end up orphaned - does that count as having 'mommy/daddy issues'? These issues seem quite understandable to me idk)
Political animal & repressed mage - Bethany used to accidentally light things on fire, so she obviously needed more guidance and attention. Maren used to freeze ponds, summon tiny wisps, occasionally move water, and have strange dreams. All things that can be safely hidden away while she waits for her moment in the sun. Pretty much a constant waiting and wanting more.
(tag and template under the read more)
Tag time! I don't know many people with OCs, but @oketipoketifafifurn wrote whole books with them!! So yeah, hello Roby!
And If YOU, random reader, want to do this, just steal from me and say that I tagged you ✨
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