#tl;dr you're just so kind and lovely and helpful and fun and very very cool
xoxoemynn · 2 days
HELLOOOOOOO so I basically owe a huge part of my fandom identity to you, because if you hadn't run Our Flag Means Party I probably wouldn't have ever written my first ever AU, and that particular AU led me to getting much deeper into writing in this fandom than I ever anticipated, which has led to me making so many friends and really shaped my experience here, which is so fucking cool??? So thank you for that!!
And then I also just think you're one of the most interesting people I follow on Tumblr. You've got such an eclectic array of interests, and I learn so much about Aotearoa and kiwi culture from what you share. And I love how open you are whenever I just slide my way into your DMs to ask you random questions, including, but not limited to, what the postal service is like. I think one of the coolest things about fandom is how it allows you to connect with people that you never would have otherwise, and you really exemplify that. I don't know if I'll ever actually be able to make it over to Aotearoa but at least I can experience a sliver of it through your eyes in a way that feels more real than if I were simply reading about it from random sites off the internet.
Plus I think Maisey Rika is going to be on my Spotify Wrapped this year because of you, which is also very cool.
I feel like I'm rambling here but in short I feel like you personify all the best parts of fandom, creating community and sparking creativity and sharing your interests in an authentic way with people all around the world and I am so grateful our paths crossed. 💕
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bambi-kinos · 7 months
I just came across your analysis of However Absurd and thought it was lovely. I'm curious, as someone who thinks John and Paul had some kind of romantic or sexual relationship, what is your take on The Lovers That Never Were? Is he using the word "lovers" to mean "partners"? I have always interpreted it to mean that Paul knows there was something there but it never happened. Every time I start to be convinced that they were together in some way I think of this song and the devastating way Paul sings it in the demo and the heartbreaking fact that he still felt it that intensely 13 years after John's death.
Oh wow thank you! The server had a lot of fun discussing that, if it's good it's because I had a little help from my friends heheh (─‿‿─) ♡
I ended up writing a massive novel in response to all this so I hope you enjoy reading it heheh. For server members, I've pulled some quotes from my previous Discord essays on this topic so you'll see some stuff that you've read.
tl;dr - I don't think "The Lovers That Never Were" contradicts the secret relationship theory at all! I think it compliments it very well actually.
In order to get into All That, I will outline how I perceive what their relationship was built on and how they reacted to it. I should note that I don't consider this definitive. It's important to remember that we all have unique interpretations of John and Paul because of our experiences and our personal POVs. There is no single answer until Paul decides to tell us what happened and/or Sean publishes John's diaries (written and audio). Until that happens, we are all forced to look at the same material and draw our own conclusions which will naturally be shaped through our personal perceptions. Some of us are older and are much closer to the original culture that John and Paul were raised in; some of us are younger and grew up in a much more LGBT+ positive environment. This naturally has an impact on how we interpret John and Paul's relationship.
I say this because I know my POV on John and Paul is a bit different from everyone else's. I'm a historian by training but part of being a historian is the understanding that you will never fully understand the events as they happened because your personal viewpoint and inherent bias is simply too strong. But that's okay because this is a part of humanity that we all share, yeah? With that understanding LET'S GO!
Paul My view on Paul is that he's always understood that he's different from other men. I doubt he could put a name to it until very recently. Paul has synesthesia, he's bisexual, he connects to music in a savant-like way, he's neurodivergent which is why he takes criticism so hard, and all of that would still be true even if he didn't have left over emotional issues from his mother dying the way she did + his fraught relationship with his father.
Keep in mind that circumstantial evidence points to the idea that Paul orchestrated the meeting at the fête! He realized he had a mutual friend with John in Ivan (who is to say that he did not meet Ivan at a QM performance and had that mental realization there?) He went through Hot Girl Summer before and after the fête, wanting to be fucking fit so that he wasn't embarrassed to meet John! I did the same thing when I had a crush as a teenager!
So with all that in mind, imagine this: you're Paul McCartney. You met John Lennon barely a year after Mary died. You turned 15 on June 18th, 1957 and met John at the fête on July 6, 1957. At some undetermined point before this garden party you saw a beautiful boy on the bus and began riding it obsessively hoping the Teddie boy would get on it. You followed him to the chippie and stood in line behind him…allegedly because you thought "oh wow he looks so cool." Marky Mark thinks (and I agree) that you may have even followed John to at least one Quarry Man show before the fête. Is this 'normal' behavior? Or is this the unhinged behavior of a teenager with a massive crush? The kind that comes about when you see a cute boy with red hair, and red is the color you associate with happiness, and then you find out that he plays guitar just like you and you follow him around until you see one of his performances and he's so good he knocks you back and then someone says "hi Paul, I didn't know you liked music!" behind you. And you realize that it's your friend and that you can meet the boy you have a crush on through this friend. You just need to lose weight and grow your hair out first.
When did Paul first see John, anyway? Before he turned 15 I'd wager.
I submit the idea that Paul has been in love John Lennon for his entire life. It will be 67 years of love when this July 6th rolls around. John was making a name for himself, he was known around town as "that Lennon." A minor celebrity like we’ve all had in our hometowns. Paul loved music. Before the internet you would go to the town square to hear a band.
Paul did that. Saw John. Pursued him with intent. When John went to Gambier Terrace to be with Stuart, Paul made a nuisance of himself showing up at their parties and playing the proto-version of "Michelle" in front of the girls…and John.
I love you, I love you, I love you That's all I want to say Until I find a way I will say the only words I know that You'll understand
I don't think that a 15 year old Paul McCartney would explicitly label his feelings for John as 'love' or a 'crush' but I do think that's what happened. When you're a teenager, a crush can express itself in many different ways. I used to have a big crush on a girl who was a volleyball player at my junior high school…that expressed itself as intense admiration. I even told one of my friends that I thought she was 'really cool.' It wasn't until later that I realized that I had a crush on her.
But I think that Paul has always known that he's 'different' and that he wasn't like other boys while growing up. Part of his touchiness about his looks comes from being bullied but I also think that he's a lot more self aware than he pretends to be. I think he realized relatively fast how he felt about John (maybe once John picked up with Stuart and Cynthia at art college.) I think he carried that with him for years hence his anguished response to being jilted in Hamburg and how furious he was at John for running off to Spain with Brian. He didn't realize it immediately but once it sticks to you then it fucking sticks. I think that Paul has done a lot internal wrestling with being a bisexual man and what that means for him and that he has been wrestling with it for decades. I think he was fully in the grip of that wrestling as he and John's friendship began growing and Paul realized what was happening to him. He does enjoy women but I also think that he felt it was necessary to pursue them heavily as a young man to camouflage himself.
I don't think a day has gone by since 1957 where Paul has not known what he was. What exactly that means for him…is up for interpretation. That's where the gray area is. But IMO Paul has almost always known that he's sexually attracted to other men and that John woke this in him. The big question for Paul is what he should do about it.
John There's been a lot written about John and his sexuality that I won't rehash here but truthfully I think John was in a similar place to Paul in knowing that he's always had a sexual preference for other men. John was a lot less comfortable about it though. Having unprotected sex with his girlfriends was, IMO, John trying to subconsciously engineer a situation that would "fix" him via an accidental pregnancy necessitating a marriage.
Of course that didn't do anything because it never does. John still felt chemistry with Paul when they met at the fête, with that quote about them "circling each other like cats." IMO John felt something immediately -- it's not entirely clear what -- though I don't think it "love at first sight" like with Paul. IMO their friendship, while still rooted in that chemistry, developed very naturally for John and he got to enjoy a platonic relationship with Paul before he put it all together. I say this because John saw Paul as a kid, not a peer, and that this endured for their lives in Liverpool pre-Hamburg. I struggle to imagine John or Paul deliberately inciting sexual or romantic contact during that time period aside from the group wank sessions (which were really trolling sessions from John.) Like, when Julia died, John went out and sought peers at art college like Cynthia and Stuart, other students his age. John and Paul bonded over losing their mothers and Paul has that quote about pranking people with the "oh yeah…my mum's dead thanks <3" bit but it also seems like John didn't want to be around that all the time. He lost his Uncle George and then his mother, he was starting to think that he was a death-curse on men in his family and that he brought suffering with him. He wanted to be away from that so he took a vacation from music to get a chance of scenery. Which meant putting Paul in a place of competition with Stuart and Cyn but I don't think John was thinking of that initially (though he exploited the situation later.)
Then Hamburg happens and they run wild. I have an entire meta about this that you can read here but I genuinely think John did not see Paul as a full fledged adult and potential sexual partner until they were in Hamburg in the red light district. I think that something happened there that we don't know about, that it's tied up in Stuart deciding to be with Astrid, John jilting Paul, Paul saying "fuck you I'm done" and getting a job at the coil winding factory in Liverpool after being deported, John tracking Paul down and spending weeks (probably) groveling and then giving Paul an ultimatum to come back to the Beatles. All of that screams 'I just realized I'm in love with my best friend and I'm freaking the fuck out' to me lmao.
John and Paul Of course something else changed after that too and John and Paul ended up becoming so close that even the Liverpool squares around them noticed. I think that whatever was going in their relationship, it started here. In the place where John and Paul were equally distraught with each other, the future of the band was uncertain, and Paul wanted a sign of commitment from John so that he didn't feel like he wasted years of his life. And of course John always felt compelled to be the man Paul wanted him to be so he treated Paul to a vacation in Paris which was so life affirming for them that it stayed with them for the rest of their lives. IMO the Paris vacation was explicitly romantic for them.
I think a switch flipped in 1961 and they went from "messing around" to "there's something there." It erupted in Paris and they showed each other more understanding and care then they expected from each other. John did sexy pin up poses for Paul in a bed that they shared; John remembers how the French held each other in their arms and just kissed each other, lovingly; Paul felt that he discovered the answer and that all those big name philosophers had nothing on the self realization he came to inside himself. Paul even took a photo of John that high lighted his package! Thanks to @louiselux for pointing this one out:
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The thing was all the kissing and the holding that was going on in Paris. And it was so romantic, just to be there and see them, even though I was twenty-one and sort of not romantic. But I really loved it, the way the people would just stand under a tree kissing; and they weren’t mauling at each other, they were just kissing. — John Lennon, Playboy interview 1980
“We were like Paris existentialists. Jean-Paul Sartre had nothing on us. Sod ‘em all - I could write a novel… It was all inside me. I could do anything now.”
Paul McCartney, Anthology
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Something happened in Paris and it wasn't just them getting haircuts and John buying Paul milkshakes. There was commitment there. And then the spell comes over them again when they return in January 1964:
The first night, John and Paul stayed in their suite, listening to records and reading fan mail. George, who had been signed for 100 pounds a day by the Daily Express to write of his experiences in Paris, went to a nightclub in the Place Pigalle.
Back in the City of Light, John and Paul slept till three o'clock in the afternoon. That much everybody agreed on.
Quote by Vincent Mulchrone from Daily Mail: George Harrison was astir early, but John Lennon and Paul McCartney slumbered on until frantic photographers forced them at lens point into the Champs-Élysées.
Derek Taylor (a British journalist) wanted to know why the Beatles slept so much. "My office wants to know what they're doing in Paris, so they'd better be doing something."
Love Me Do by Michael Braun
But I know what you're thinking. "What the hell does this all have to do with these two songs?"
And my reply is to keep a few things in mind:
Paul takes criticism and slights incredibly hard, possibly overreacting in some places and letting them overwhelm him mentally.
He never got over Barcelona, he never stopped resenting Stuart and Brian, he never got over John pulling the rug out from under him regarding the order of their names in the song credits. He contemplated committing suicide by smothering himself while he was in Scotland recovering from John leaving him.
John Lennon had a baby with a woman in the middle of all this. Julian Lennon was born April 8, 1963, conceived in July 1962, less than a year after Paris.
However Absurd & The Lovers That Never Were I listened to "However Absurd" and "The Lovers That Never Were" in that order. My immediate reaction is that these are both the same kind of song: they are both expressing sadness and frustration with John. This is a common theme with Paul's post-1980 John songs. What I find interesting is that they depict different though related gripes regarding John. In "However Absurd" Paul is expressing his longing for a cottagecore fantasy romance with John and then expressing frustration at John mocking him for it:
Ears twitch, like a dog Breaking eggs in a dish Do not mock me when I say This is not a lie
But in "The Lovers That Never Were" Paul expresses a different gripe: frustration that John won't commit to him and "anticipating" the break up that he secretly knew was coming ever since 1963 when John abandoned him and his own son to play patty-cake with Brian in Spain:
I hang patiently on every word you send Will we ever be much more than just friends? As for you, you sit there playing this game You keep me waiting
When all of the clocks have run down All over the world We'll be the lovers that never were
For as long as the sun shines in somebody's eyes I believe in you baby, so don't tell me lies For as long as the trees throw down blossoms and leaves I know there will be a parade of unpainted dreams
And I know dear, how much it's going to hurt If you still refuse to get your hands dirty So you, you must tell me something… I love you Say goodbye or anything
All of the clocks have run down Time's at an end If we can't be lovers we'll never be friends
John's penchant for disregarding Paul's feelings and even weaponizing them against Paul; the dashing of Paul's cottagecore dreams that were made and solidified in Paris; the fact that John, no matter what his intentions, could not get his shit together and commit to Paul no matter what he may have felt. These two songs are not contradictory to one another. Paul's idea of "commitment" looks very much like what he had with Linda and John in 1967: sharing a home, sharing a bed, being together every day, preferably somewhere green and remote. Exclusivity. Remember that Paul deliberately sabotaged his relationship with Jane Asher by nailing a woman in their bed when Jane came home, knowing perfectly well that he was breaking their exclusivity agreement.
That IMO, is what makes someone a lover and not just a friend you have sex with and secretly pine for. No cheating, or at least your agreed version of it. No disrespecting the relationship. Continuously being together. What did John do instead of this?
I think that Paul started out his "relationship" with John carrying high hopes and then watched them crumble to dust, over and over, because John simply did not take him seriously. He got Cynthia pregnant, he ran around on Paul with Brian, he had the nerve to flip out on Jane Asher when Paul brought her around when he was the one who couldn't stay faithful to Cynthia.
My hot take is that these songs demonstrate that Paul simply could not imagine John ever truly committing to him and treating him as a true partner. The homophobia and yes ~society~ is in there too but Paul was happy to flout this when it came to just about anyone else, traipsing all over France with Fraser and Mal. The difference is that he flat out didn't trust John. Being jilted for Stuart in Hamburg loomed too big in his head. Cynthia and Julian loomed too big in his head. Brian and Barcelona, realizing that John would happily betray whatever agreements or understandings he had with Paul simply to screw Paul out of a deal, loomed too big in his head. I think in particular its Barcelona that made Paul think John didn't value any of their professed ideals. John broke Paul's heart years before Yoko came along.
He didn't trust John. Fatalism is easier than taking control of your own life sometimes, and in Paul's mind there was no reason to believe John was genuine. Like, Paul knew John very well! He had very good reason to think that John was simply not serious about him. And John, no matter what his intentions were, proved that correct over and over and over and over.
So ultimately, I think that's what these songs are about. The melodies don't necessarily reflect this when I listened to them but I think that "The Lovers That Never Were" in particular is juxtaposing bitter wink-and-nod lyrics with an oddly perky tune. It's Paul laughing at himself for ever thinking John was willing to commit. He's mocking himself because while he allowed himself to get swept up in the dream of a possible genuine relationship with John, he knew deep down that it would go the way it did. That John would find a reason to get tired of him and abandon him. And then when Yoko came along, that's exactly what John did. Paul fatalistically accepted that the time had come and John met Paul's low expectations of him.
The Weight I don't think John and Paul necessarily planned to have a secret relationship. It seems more like they bundled the sexual/romantic stuff into their "thing" where it was just part and parcel of who they were and what they did. "It's only gay if the balls touch" etc. At some point that changed but Paul became convinced early on that it wouldn't work out so he didn't acknowledge his own secret desires and dreams. There was no roadmap between him and John about where they were taking this exactly and how they were going to make it work. He had sex with John and even engaged with romantic actions with John, hoping against hope that something would change and he would be proven wrong, but then John would be careless and Paul would collapse into hurt.
And oh yeah: Paul never, ever discussed any of this with John Lennon. He never told John how hurt he was because he didn't want to put up with John's derision. He felt devalued and lost and in typical Paul fashion he chose to ignore this for years and never bring it up, forcing it to come out in bizarre nonsensical actions when he inevitably boiled over. Why would he choose to confront it? He made sure to set up several safety nets to catch him! Jane and the Ashers, striking out on his own with "The Family Way" score, rubbing John's face in his escapades with other males as a way to go 'see, I don't need you just like you don't need me. How about THAT?'
I don't think John ever intended to hurt Paul as badly as he did. He thought that if Paul was upset about something then he would know via their ~telepathic connection.~ I think that he deliberately overlooked warning signs because he felt intensely guilty about certain actions he took (God only knows which ones) and that he helped himself not see Paul's hurt. I do think if he had the slightest idea of what was going on in Paul's head then he would have changed tactics immediately out of fear of losing Paul forever. But at heart John was a coward and if he didn't want to see something was wrong then he wouldn't see it unless something forced his hand. Like say, having his former best friend/ex-lover look him in the eye and go "I can write new songs" and kill The Beatles in a court of law. (And of course once he realized what he had done, years after the fact, it was too little too late. He couldn't take it back. How do you make up for inflicting that much hurt on someone that you supposedly care for? This paralyzed John for years.)
This was obviously a huge mistake and I think it was one of the landmines that blew their relationship up. Paul allowed his distrust and bitterness to overwhelm him. He should have been honest with John about his feelings; maybe not immediately but when they were able to look back with some perspective. Paul should have realized that their relationship could take heat. He should have trusted John more and if he had then John could have risen to the occasion. Everything could have been different. No more "I believe in you baby, so don't tell me lies." No more "Do not mock me when I say/This is not a lie."
He even expresses this in a third song, one that IMO puts this entire thing into perspective and ties these three songs together with a neat bow. "This One":
Did I ever take you in my arms, look you in the eye Tell you that 'I do?' Did I ever open up my heart And let you look inside?…
Did I ever touch you on the cheek Say that you were mine, thank you for the smile? Did I ever knock upon your door Try to get inside?…
Please take note of the bolded "Tell you that 'I do'!" Paul's deepest regret with regards to John is not trusting him more. He wishes that he had opened up to John about his hurt and how he angry he was that John was devaluing their relationship. That he wanted to commit to John but that he was scared John wouldn't say 'I do' back.
From John's POV he's just being John; he's looking out for the band. God knows he tried to be what Paul needed him to be but he got mixed signals and inconsistent behavior and Paul's ice queen behavior frustrated him to no end. This resulted in an endless circle of "fuck you/no no no, fuck YOU/well fuck you then!/fuck you" that ended up killing what they had.
But John is guilty in this too. He never made himself accountable to Paul. He didn't explain his actions. He acted rashly and selfishly and then was shocked when it blew up in his face. He didn't consistently act like he loved Paul. He took Paul for granted and told himself that he was doing the right thing, because changing your behavior is very very hard. He didn't let Paul in when it mattered.
Did you ever take me in your arms Look me in the eye, tell me that 'you do?'
As Paul grew up and he started to come to grips with the "What happened" of it all, maybe he realized that he had procrastinated. That he put off what mattered most because he couldn't bear to make himself vulnerable as a young man. Maybe he was waiting for a perfect moment to open himself up to John knowing perfectly well it would never arrive, a common delaying tactic for insecure and avoidant people. Not admitting that the perfect moment would never come and that he had to extend trust to receive it in return.
If I never did it, I was only waiting For a better moment that didn't come There never could be a better moment Than this one, this one
I think he's still angry at John for multiple betrayals, slaps to the face, and devaluing the specialness of their relationship and their affection for each other. But I also think that Paul is angry at himself for not trusting John, for not working harder at their relationship. He also delivered multiple betrayals and slaps to the face to John, feeding John's insecurity and fears of abandonment. Making a mockery of their relationship and how special it was. Paul has been doing public penance for this ever since John died, which snapped everything into perspective and he finally realized the full scope of his own screw ups.
Because it took two to destroy a relationship this intense and this special. If Paul did not know that before...
Well. He does now.
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep13: Prototype
A B'Elanna episode, finally! And this one is a good one. B'Elanna gets to show off her softer, nerdier side in this one, when she geeks out over finding a cool robot in space and tries to figure out how to fix it.
The teaser, starting out with a black and white fish eye lens, seeing Voyager from the unseen robot's point of view, is very cool and different. And we start right out with a delightful scene of B'Elanna and Harry being science buddies!! They tease each other!! She calls him Starfleet!! I love!!!
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I feel like they presented the robot a little too ominously in some scenes for us to not see a twist coming somewhere, and it does make B'Elanna come off a little more naive than I think she would be. I would also have liked to have had some sort of explanation for why B'Elanna is invested in this robot so much, like just throw in a line where she explains she used to build robots in school or something. But I love how we get to see B'Elanna become this idealistic, excited kid in a candy store when she's in her safe happy place of figuring out an engineering problem just for fun. She's a kind person at heart, and when she doesn't have evidence one way or another, she chooses the optimistic view that the robot is good and deserving of help, which is a lovely side to her character that often gets overlooked. She's just luminous when she's happy, and I love that for her here.
I also love how even though she disagrees with the Captain's decision to bar her from helping the robot create more robots, she accepts it completely, and doesn't even think of disobeying her orders. She really took the lesson from what happened when she last disobeyed an order to heart, and she respects the Captain too much to hurt her by doing it again. That's character growth, baby!
Things take a turn when the robot ends up kidnapping her to force her to make a protoype for more robots. She does it to protect Voyager from being destroyed by the robot ship, but she can't help being swept up in the excitement of figuring it out, which we as the audience do too, until she finally creates one that works, and then the Frankenstein parallels are horrifyingly obvious. The moment when she finds out what she's actually done is a great horror reveal moment, and her turning point in the story; she learns the lesson all scientists need to learn one way or another: that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should, and that the real-world consequences of scientific discoveries outweigh whatever good intentions their creator might have had. B'Elanna is unequivically on the side of protecting others from harm, and chooses to destroy her creation rather than let it be used to kill. It's a great character moment for her, because it illustrates that she isn't angry and combative sometimes because she's Klingon, she's angry because at heart she's a good person who believes that all people are valuable and important, and she can't stand it when anyone disregards that.
Neelix also gets a nice little scene here, and Tom gets a hero moment when he flies a shuttle through a robot space battle to rescue B'Elanna. (Though what was up with Chakotay being so bitchy to him about it? Tom is volunteering to fly thru enemy fire to rescue your friend, dude! And you're insulting his flying ability by implying that they'll lose the shuttle if he does, and implying that losing a shuttle would be worse than losing him? Wtf Chakotay? Maybe it's meant to illustrate that Chakotay's still upset by the whole Seska thing, but it just felt weird and random.) Janeway and B'Elanna have a lovely talk when she gets back home, and it's a nice little moment of commiseration between two scientists who want to explore and believe in all the possibilities science can offer, while still having to acknowledge that sometimes it can lead down disastrous paths if that curiosity is left unchecked and untempered by caution.
Tl;dr: A great character piece for B'Elanna. Well done, with lots of good bits.
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capn-twitchery · 10 months
Hi! I just followed you, and I think your blog is awesome!
I'm planning to have a sideblog for an upcoming FL OC, kind of like his journal - I was wondering if you have any tips for an OC blog? I've been in the fandom space for ages but never did anything like that before.
Hope it's not out of line or anything, and if it is, feel free to ignore!
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hello hello!! welcome to the blog & thank you!! :D ♥️
disclaimer that i actually only joined 3 weeks ago so i'm no expert by any means, but i'll try my best based on what's been true for me! (and would love confirmation/input on the people who've been here longer)
from what i've seen, mostly anything goes for how you wanna run a blog!
liveblogging FL gameplay, screenshots, art, writing, just general posting about characters/FL stuff, anythin goes
'#fallen london' & '#fallen london oc' seem to be the most popular tags for getting noticed!
throwing an introductory post in that tag helps a lot, mine is over here !! i like introducing characters on mine, but a "hi i'm new and want to join here" would suffice just fine imo 😌
tbh most blogs are just people freely posting, oc musings, whatever else,,,,at the moment mine is more of a brain dump while i figure out these new ocs, and that suits me perfectly :D
on the more community side
there's like, 20 people here, so it's just passing the same posts in a circle but that's a good thing i promise
there being so few people & their stuff being very good means it's so easy to get invested in other people's ocs, so interact, send asks, reply to posts, reblog etc. etc. about anything you're interested in, it's fun, you learn about cool ocs & it's a good way to build community!!
i Can say with 100% certainty this is one of the nicest communities i've ever been in, bc i already feel so comfortable and able to interact with people without being shy, so if you're scared like i was--i promise people are very nice :D
i know lots of folks RP through fallen london letters & calling cards, if that's your thing! i'm very new to it however so can't say much except it's been fun so far!!
this is rambly but i hope it makes sense. TL;DR: intro posts are good, #fallen london & #fallen london oc, post whatever you want! enjoy 😌
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sylvyspritii · 3 months
Have you got any new VSTs recently? If so, which of them can you recommend?
tl;dr get the Korg M1 VST, it's 99 USD I started typing all of this and it turned out longer than expected, so that's why i decided to put the tl;dr on top If you'd like to read the full answer, then it will start bellow this line! _______________________________________ Hmmm, this is a hard one I recently got EastWest Hollywoord Pop Brass because i was lacking good trumpet/brass VST's, especially when it came to stabby stuff and higher frequency brass and trumpet sounds (this is especially important for stuff like JRPG battle themes for example) But i wouldn't say i have used it enough to properly reccomend it yet The Korg M1 Legacy collection, now /that/ is something i can reccomend in a heartbeat, it has all those cool Sonic Mania instruments, and far more than that too What i really love about the Korg M1 Legacy is that it compliments my primarily Roland (Touhou + many "classic Nintendo" sounds) and Yamaha (PS1 + Japanese visual novels + more) instrument "vibes" very well I feel like the Korg M1 instruments have a kind of "character" that some of my love for traditional Roland vibes (SC-88pro, SD-90, XV5080) lacks, but it's not like, the kind of lacking where it's emptiness, but more like, the kind of feeling where you feel like you wish it was "slightly different in this specific hard to describe way" Like....how do i put this... You know when you're listening to Titanic Monarch Act 1 from Sonic Mania and you hear those "cool bells"? Well, i feel like bells is something that the Korg M1 just does very differently compared to the Roland stuff i have, and Sonic Mania and Tee Lopes's music in general have really convinced me about the power of Korg stuff Oh, and his trumpets, they're really iconic, like REALLY fucking iconic, once you hear "the Sonic mania trumpet", you can never forget it, it's like how the ZUNpet makes the SD-90 iconic, the Tee Lopes trumpet, or, the "lopespet", is what really helps give that game's music, and the game as a whole, such a recogniseable and memorable idendity There's also of course Castlevania Symphony of the Night!!! Have you ever wondered where those cool organs from the Marble Gallery or those beautiful bells from Lost Painting where from? It's the Korg M1! Oh, and of course there's also Revo from Sound/Linked Horizon, i think he still uses Korg samples, even in modern orchestral productions, like those "anime sparkles" that he uses in almost every song in Bravely Default, well, that one is from the Korg Triton i think...? Or was it Korg Trinity...? Anyways, basically, i feel like Korg instruments are often underestimated in the general video game music world, they really have an interesting and unique vibe that can compliment a lot of existing VST/hardware collections This is why i reccomend the Korg M1, it's a good starting point, and contains many iconic instruments, its layering and editing options are also fun to mess around with, i didn't regret it for a second, even though it may get some time to get used to the interface, and i reccomend keeping a note app or piece of paper with you to write down your favourite presets, because it can be hard to find them again if you lose them
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dacelonovae · 10 months
info post
avatar from picrew.me/en/image_maker/1920418
muses (this is a very loose list, i might write other chars & update this list occasionally)
astarion (baldurs gate 3)
karlach (baldurs gate 3)
natanael (baldurs gate 3 Tav oc)
emet-selch (ffxiv)
symphanie (ffxiv wol oc)
muse grab bag (im not that confident in these but hey we're all having fun here)
[dame aylin, tara (the tressym), shadowheart, nym orlith, sorn orlith], [clive rosfield, dion lesage], [urianger, the crystal exarch, venat]
rules/bios under cut
no gods no masters
happy to rp with OCs
no autoship please but we can see where things go!
some of my muses don't care about your boundaries, but i always do. if you're uncomfortable with where a thread is going please let me know and we can find a way to steer it elsewhere. that being said some of my muses can get nasty so keep that in mind
i will drop threads. often. it's not personal. if this will upset you, you might not want to write with me. but if you are really enjoying a thread and i haven't responded, feel free to poke me about it
you are welcome to interact with me whether i follow you or not
i don't rp smut, i just don't enjoy it. flirting/sexual implications/getting right up to sex and ending a thread or cutting to the next scene are all fine i just don't want to go into detail. if you're not sure where the line is here feel free to push it, i'll cut it off myself if i don't want to continue the scene.
please specify a character if you send me an ask meme or something. even if that specification is a choice of chars or 'pick whoever you want.'
fwiw coming from my own fingers i consider myself to be a patient and considerate person so please don't be afraid of interacting with me either as you or your muses, and please ask me any questions you'd like if you want to clarify a thread or anything like that.
Me!: over 21, they/them
astarion: (he/him) i mean, he's astarion. but if you'd like: ~250 yr old bitchy vampire who is various levels of selfish depending on what part of his life you meet him in. very pretty and flirty and is incredibly picky about who he lets touch him, though has a habit of crossing his own boundaries. probably wants to bite you.
karlach: (she/her) loud and brash and if anything happens to her friends she will kill everyone in this room and then explode. ~30 yr old tiefling who laughs through trauma. has an engine for a heart that makes her physically very warm--perhaps even too hot to touch! desperately wants to cuddle and will do so if her engine has been tweaked to let her cool down. can probably beat you in an arm wrestling match.
natanael: (he/him) chill cleric of ilmater (tl;dr god of mercy to those who suffer) who grew up in the streets and came to the church who helped him survive his childhood. half human, half drow. probably the equivalent of mid-thirties in human years. just kind of a nice guy who likes to help others.
emet-selch: (he/him) world's oldest tsundere. thinks he's better than you and your entire species. extremely powerful mage. thousands of years old. technically can sort of shapeshift but doesn't. has been sulking since before humans invented the written word
symphanie: (she/her) viera adventurer who may or may not have saved the world/universe depending on timelines. grew up in an isolated hut in the forest with her loving parents. has learned to be friendly with people but can still be a bit awkward at times. human equivalent of mid-20s.
Astarion ---
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Karlach ---
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Natanael ---
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Emet-Selch ---
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Symphanie ---
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nkhrchuwuya · 2 years
✨️ Hello! Congratulations on 500 followers!! 💕
I would love to enter your event, if it's possible ofc 😎
I'm really sorry for my english tho, since it's not my first language 😅
I'm in non-binary spectrum (not really sure yet) but I mostly use she/they pronouns.
Okay so in general I'm really open, confident and competitive. Definitely more of an extrovert than introvert, tho I enjoy staying in and chilling (especially since majority of my friends are introverts). I like being the centre of attention and wearing eccentric outfits that make people look at me.
I feel like I'm really understanding and I don't judge people, so they tend to trust me easily. I really like analyzing people, their minds, emotions, secrets and because of my easygoing and fun personality, I heard that I make everyone comfortable. Also I'm not the one to let others push me around. I fight for what I believe in and I'm not scared of getting in a fight (verbal or physical). (I also tend to get really flirty especially when I like someone but I just like flirting in general)
I really enjoy baking, partying, writing, painting, reading and watching horror movies. I'm also into witchy stuff like tarot, zodiac etc and psychology. And (since I'm into zodiac and psychology I have to add this) I'm leo sun/aquarius moon/libra rising, entp 4w3.
Congratulations once again on your milestone! and thank you in advance for this cool event!
Have a wonderful day/evening 💕
hey hey! of course you're still good at participating, thank you so much for joining our little celebration!
some sweet chuuchuu for your perusal:
definitely one of your louder, more eccentric outfits caught chuuya's eye. not in a bad way, of course! he looked at you and was just awed at the sheer confidence it took to strut something like that, and the way you held yourself up was very daring as well. maybe he was a little intimidated, too. love at first sight potential?
he loves that you are so open and that it's easy to just fall into rhythm with you once he gets to know you. he's definitely going to be the type to hype up your extroverted side more than your introverted side, and you guys get loud together. like getting-noise-complaints loud, and not even in just the kinky manner, you guys just love messing around.
i feel like when you both first acknowledge your romantic attraction toward one another, it's you who will amp up the flirtation at first. and it drives chuuya insane, he cannot handle it for the life of him because you're so good at what you do. of course he's competitive and he will try to one-up you on that but good luck to him because he's all red in the face anyway.
seeing you in a verbal fight over your beliefs? he's cheering on you definitely. but the first time he saw you in a physical fight over something you cared about? jesus was he leaping right at you at once. you didn't take well to him getting in between you and your opponent, and that's when chuuya quickly realized he better take a stand- next to you. tl;dr rip your enemy
you guys get into little competitions for the funsies of it, and it's usually domestic in nature too. it's like a little thing you can bond over while tickling your interests as well. who can cut the best shaped carrot-flowers? who can make the best poached egg? who can fold the fitted sheets the fastest? that kind of thing. it helps that it gets things done in the penthouse, too!
bake him stuff please! he's always got munchies for your stuff, no matter how full he is from a prior appointment or meeting or meal. he's also a fiend while you're baking, dipping his finger in the batter or taking a bite out of the chocolates you're going to use... best to keep him out of the kitchen!
chuuya isn't that knowledgeable about mysticism, really. psychology he has a bit of smarts on (for mafia purposes of course), but tarot stuff? not one bit. he has superstitions of his own but he hasn't considered it that intensely. he'll be really intrigued when you do readings and that sort of stuff though. he doesn't necessarily have an opinion about it, just sees it as a part of you and he's willing to embrace it.
lots of art-based dates with chuuya! probably his favorite one is going to a local sip studio who maybe lets him sip some wine too. he's not a big artist himself but seeing you hum to yourself as you paint next to him is such a nice relaxing way to spend his off-time.
i think you'll be very cute with one another! chuuya definitely needs company that can keep up with his energy while being able to openly face him for all that he is, and you're definitely the kind of person that's equipped to do that. just make sure you communicate with him and don't rely too much on happy moments to build your relationship, because chuuya's got a stubborn side that you need to rein in as well!
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lycheesmods · 3 years
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So I've seen a couple people doing this ranking thing with Sims 4 packs and I thought I'd make one in terms of witchy gameplay, especially since some of those packs can be so useful for a fun pagan gameplay even if that's not what they're advertised for.
So I'm going to highlight my reasons for ranking the packs as above below the cut.
[Quick breakdown TL/DR, witchy-wise you got:
The litteral Seasons, Meditation Day, Witches, Outdoor Potions, Necromancy Stuff, Ocean Living with Ancestors, MOAR Familiars, Discover The Fae Cult, Eco Candlemaking, Spiritual Forest Escape, Spooky pUmPKIns, The Greek Well Garden, Get a Coven, Backyard Birds and Tumbled Adventure.
+Vampires, Country Kitchen, and Laundry Day. for a e s t h e t i c s.]
Seasons : I'm sorry if you're pagan or a witch you need seasons in your name, literally. It adds the 4 seasons, snow, dead leaves, and on top of that it adds fully customizable Holidays, meaning you can make your own sabbaths or esbaths celebrations to put on the calendar. It also features gnomes that spawn and wait for the appropriate offering, give them the right thing and they will gift you seeds, otherwise they will be angry. They are linked to spring and are very much akin to the fae. Oh and of course, this is the best pack for gardening.
Spa Day: With that name it seems weird to put it so high but listen: Meditation, incense, and the wellness skill (developed with meditation and yoga). I use meditation as a way to have "circle" time in game (and there are meditation stool cc for that purpose!). It is for me essentially, the "ritual" interaction.
Needed per taste / path:
Realm of Magic: I almost put that one up in essentials but only a fraction can be used in a realistic way, and I'm talking about potions. The main reason this is not in essential is because you could choose either this pack or Outdoor Retreat for the "potion" feature. Anyways: this is the actual witch pack, including spells and potions in cauldron and a bunch of cool plants for gardening (and if you feel fancy you can fly on a broom). It also comes with familiars that can boost your confidence when you summon them.
Outdoor Retreat: This pack is the absolute best for more realistic potion-making but has less interesting options than Realm of Magic. Herbalism remedies they are called, though some are to help with stress and sadness or fertilizer (which can be used as a way to bless your plants). You have to collect a variety of wild herbs and bugs in order to mix your brews or you can keep the bugs as pets! How fun.
Paranormal Stuff: This newer addition to the sims is a blessing for any necromancer out there. Séances, which can be done with a séance table with a crystal ball or with a chalk circle on the ground, allow you to communicate with the dead, to appease the spirits (which can help calming and reducing ghostly activity in haunted houses), and to do a ghostly ritual which will make you a ghost for a few hours (which I like to imagine as astral travel). It features not only special interaction with basegame ghosts but also spectres, a new form of spirit which are more simple in personality and that can be appease with offerings or otherwise talked to.
Island Living: This pack is known to add a beachy world with mermaids and boats, but is also hides a very pagan tradition with the trait "child of the island" which has been called "shaman" by some, it makes your sim care about the island, its pollution state, the community events and feel a connection to the ancestors, which are spirits you can meet for wisdom. There is a drink called 'Kava', which is made in a special bowl and can be a nice thing to use as a special sabbath drink or offering. You can also collect seashells!
Got that ONE good feature:
Cats and Dogs: As the name states, it introduces Cats & Dogs and if you have Realm of Magic, your pets can be bound to you as familiars!
Discover University: As a university witch you can join the secret society which have meetings around a mushroom circle just off campus where they hang out in cloacks with the sprites and give them offerings on a stone altar for good luck and positive moods. Basically there are fae witches in University and you can be one.
Eco Lifestyle: Candlemaking! You can make your own candles! They like melt and stuff! Also for anyone interested in environment gameplay this is the pack with pollution and working as a neighbourhood to make the earth greener!
Snowy Escape: Actually this one got a few good pagan things. You can go hiking! Take a meditative walk in the woods, be inspired by nature, or walk up to the mountain shrine to make a wish and/or give an offering. You can also encounter various kinds of forest spirits on your walks and have multiple kind of interactions with them.
Spooky Stuff: Pumpkins! This pack comes with pumpkin carving and I use it every in-game Samhain.
Fun extra / could be useful
Romantic Garden Stuff: This one comes with a wishing well, give it various amounts of money (the bigger amount boost your chances of the wish coming true) and make a wish amongst the various options the game give you. Aesthetically this may be interesting for Hellenic witches who like the ancient greek vibes.
Get Together: The club system is useful for everyone and can definitly be used to make a coven.
Backyard Stuff: It comes with birdfeeders! And also windchimes and lemonade.
Jungle Adventure: This one almost went lower, but I do often use polished crystals on my altars. In basegame you have these relatively big crystal chunks but with the archeology table in jungle adventure you can polish them into smaller oval shapes, basically you can make tumbled crystals.
Just for Aesthetics
Vampires: For those of you who like the goth side of "witchy" aesthetic the Vampire pack will be good for you. One word: candlebra.
Country Kitchen Kit: My kitchen witches with country farm dreams will love the look of this small kit!
Laundry Day: Another one for some rustic fun. Don't like the washing machines? You can wash your clothes by hand! This is great with the off-the-grid lots that come with Island Living.
For the rest of the packs I couldn't think of a single witchy / pagan use to them.
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zombiiesque · 3 years
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Nocturne Alchemy Summer Limited Reviews
Originally published on 7/2/2019
Yikes. So I never finished my Vaults, did I? Well, I'll have to come back to it! Right now, I have a few reviews I wanted to get posted from the Nocturne Alchemy Summer Limited Collection release. I'm also including a brief review of the PC Eternal Egypt, for reference purposes! I chose three perfumes, and they sent me one of their choice because I won a giveaway on their business FB page. So what I have here, in the picture, is Eternal Egypt Summer, Eternal Egypt Ambre, Chamomile, Vanilla & Spice Tea, and Apricot Sugar. The sample is Kashmir, which is the free sample while available, that they send along with orders. Any of you who have been following me for a while know that Kashmir is one of my favorites! Let's hop right to it, shall we?
First off, I want to talk about one of my desert island scents - Eternal Egypt. I'll be brief, but I think it's helpful for comparison to the two special versions I picked from the Summer LC. The NA site has this description: Eternal Egypt (Signature Blend): White Amber, Red Egyptian Musk, Egyptian Amber and the sands of Egypt.
I started off with a sample of this many moons ago, and at first I was a little leery - I had ridiculously bad luck wearing ambers. Smelled like baby powder on my skin. I think I wound up putting the sample in my box for about six months, and one day I dug it out and waved it in front of Jody's nose. Win. He was instantly a fan, and he remains one to this day - it's one of his favorites on me and he can name it when I wear it. I think it's the only one he knows, even though he has others he loves, too. It truly is a signature scent. I graduated from the sample, to a 5ml, and now I have a 10ml I'm flying through. The white amber gives this almost a coconut vibe? This is very bright and fresh, and that sandy note, I don't know how they do it, but this is just such a classy scent. It feels like a high end perfume, but at the same time, it's very easy to wear. I must say this is pretty perfect to represent Egypt - when I wear it, I am transported. I feel like the red musk gives this just the slightest bit of sexiness. If you've tried Crimson, I think that's the red musk here, or something similar, as it's not the bold red musk style of Kashmir. It's clean and a little spicy, and very appealing. The combination of the musk and amber is just totally perfect.
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I've added a picture of Eternal Egypt Summer and Eternal Egypt Ambre side by side, so you can see the height difference. Ambre isn't as big as my 10ml original EE, but it's definitely larger than the standard 5ml.
One thing I want to mention, about a lot of Nocturne Alchemy perfumes, and particularly Eternal Egypt: these do get travel shocked. So a little caution note, a little imploring: Please do not judge these by what they smell like when you first get them - and please, please try them on your skin before you dismiss them. They change quite a lot with some rest, and what you smell in the bottle can be very different once it melds with your skin and warms up. Eternal Egypt variations in particular seem to do a lot of "filling out" with age; they get richer, more beautiful - the notes seem to meld and really reach their full potential with a little time in your possession. So my initial reviews will stand, but it's like they're amplified TL;DR? Give these some time. It's summer, it's hot, they've traveled a distance to get to you.
Eternal Egypt Summer is part of the sub-collection Eternal Summer. Notes are: White Amber, Labdanum, Crystalline, a little eNVie saphir Amber, Copal, Guaiac wood, Lavender, NA Chypre accord. I opened this fresh out of the mail (not advised, ever, I have to say, but I have no self-restraint) and I swooned a little. This is pretty different than the original. It's got a cool feel to it. I gave it a few days to rest before I tried it on my skin, but I could kind of tell right away I was going to love this. Converse to the cool feel, there's a warmth here from the copal, a sweetness from the guaiac. The lavender isn't a star, but I think rather blends with the chypre, which is absolutely lovely. I usually like chypres, and this is no exception. You can definitely tell that there's an essence of Eternal Egypt to this, but if you're worried you might be getting a dupe, you're definitely not. How does this make me feel? Like I'm at the beach. It's a perfect, sunny day, the water is a sparkling turquoise, and there's a cool sea breeze on my sun-warmed skin. Yes, this feels like summer to me.
Eternal Egypt Ambre is a part of the 13th anniversary collection. NA says this: Eternal Egypt Anniversary Collection – a reinterpretation with exclusive notes, beautiful blue pearl bottles but most importantly celebrating thirteen years of the original perfume blend from Nocturne Alchemy in four new iterations and limited to 75 bottles each. From the elegant label art to the carefully chosen bottle and the exquisite ingredients, the owner & creator of Nocturne Alchemy (Emerson Hart) wanted the create something to honour the first perfume created at Nocturne Alchemy thirteen years ago. Aging these perfume will bring out the resins and natural notes.
The notes for Eternal Egypt Ambre are: Bastet’s Amber Absolute, Labdanum, Cedar essential, Palo Santo essential, Black Patchouli, Benzoin, Heliotrope, Smoked Balsam of Peru, Italian Lavandin, Black Pepper and White Amber Absolute. Oooof. Well, y'all already know how much I adore Bastet Amber, and here we have my two desert island scents? Okay, that was an obvious gimme. This, too, is pretty obviously different from the original Eternal Egypt. The bottle is GORGEOUS, as is the label! When I first got this, it was far more travel shocked than Eternal Egypt Summer. I couldn't really tell what was going on, and there was almost a black licorice note in the bottle sniff. What? Turns out, that's the palo santo note. It can smell like anise, or minty...but I gave this a good bit of rest before I tried it on my skin. Four days. The anise had calmed down, and I could get an idea of what this was going to be like on my skin, I thought - except, it was so much better than I could have imagined! It absolutely transformed once it warmed up and melded with my skin. Wow. This is more complex, and sexier, than Summer. I'm having a hard time picking out individual notes, that's how well blended this one is. If Summer is bright and fun, a day at the beach - Ambre is a sultry summer night, a slinky black dress, and low slung heels. The palo santo gives this a cool feel, as does the white amber.
Honestly just so glad I chose both of these, I have several variations of Eternal Egypt, because I love it that much, and these are two wonderful additions to my collection. Backup worthy, really.
One of my favorite things Nocturne Alchemy does for their Summer Collections are the Summer Tea and Tea Service. You can read my reviews here, although I've added more that I haven't reviewed from previous collections. The Summer Tea Service reviews are separate, you can find them here. Y'all, it's hot in Florida. And it's hot from April right through December these days. I find myself craving the Summer Teas as soon as it warms up, so they get a lot of wear from me. Green Tea Crimson is easily in my top five all time favorites, ever.
Last year I missed out, but my good friend Heather grabbed Apricot Sugar, and absolutely adored it. So I promised myself if it came back in the Resurgence, I would for sure have to nab it - it seemed like everything she wore it with was perfect, and of course, it was wearable alone. So I chose that for my third bottle, and as I mentioned, I won a giveaway (thanks, y'all, SO much!) on the Nocturne Alchemy business page, for a free bottle of their choice from the LCs. They chose Chamomile, Vanilla & Spice Tea for me. I had already eyed it, because it sounded delightful. The notes for this are: Blue German Chamomile, Bastet’s Ice Cream Accord, Vanilla Bean, Vanilla essence, Black Tea, Cardamom Spice and a little sugar. I love chamomile tea. I have one that's chamomile and vanilla, and it's so soothing, puts me right to sleep! And Jody's mom grows chamomile. This is very realistic. I guess this could possibly go a little floral, but they are such masters at blending, that never happens here. It's got a bit of a floral/herbal tinge to it, for sure, but it's reigned in beautifully by the vanillas. The cardamom is more of a supporting note on my skin, just a slightly spiced warmth, honestly, it's perfection. The balance here is superb. The black tea is something I utterly love, and it adds a little strength to this. Unfh. I've mentioned before, I didn't use to like tea notes, they would go bitter on my skin, but that's never happened with NA, and this is no exception. This is just so appealing! I could not be happier with what they chose for me, I adore it. The ice cream accord adds a tiny bit of foodiness, and it's at the perfect amount. Yum. Obviously, you can easily wear this alone, but I love to layer my Summer Teas with the Tea Service, it just is the perfect compliment. The first time I wore this, I added a little dab of Apricot Sugar, because that's what I had on hand, and it was delightful! I wasn't sure if it was going to wear well with this one, but I have to say if you have both of these you really should try this, it was a wonderful surprise. I've since tried Rice Milk and Sugarcube, and those are both easy winners, too. I haven't tried Sweet Santalum Milk or Coconut Milk, but I suspect those will work well, too - or even my original Bastet's Ice Cream Accord, if you want your tea to be a little creamier/more foodie.
Apricot Sugar: Apricot stone essence, Apricot Skin, Egyptian Sugar accord, Papaya skin and Vanilla fleck. Oh, how much do I love NA's sugar note. It's just so dang good! I have a couple of bottles of the original Sugarcube, and I have worn it alone, because I love it so much. There's almost a freshness to it, and of course sweetness - but it's not tooth-achingly sweet, if that makes sense. That base is pretty present here, more so than it is with Lemon Sugar. The apricot is bright, juicy and just a little tangy, and extremely realistic. I think the papaya skin is more of a supporting note, I've had it in other blends and enjoyed it, but I don't really notice it here. It may be adding to that juiciness. This is a simple blend, but it was meant to be layered, and it really shines when you do that. As I mentioned above, I wore it with Chamomile, Vanilla & Spice Tea, and I've also worn it with White Tea Vanilla, and Crystal, so far. I'm going to try it with Santalum White and White Ambre Ombre, because I feel like those will be great pairings, too. I think this is a very versatile layering perfume, and would be lovely with so many perfumes. Anything with vanilla, for sure. Bastet Ice Cream Accord, some Dinos, Eternal Ankh, really I think anything you think might work. I bet it would be pretty with Egyptian Musk, and definitely Diamond. I'm so happy I grabbed this! If you were a fan of, or yearning for, Love of Bastet: Pink Vanille, I think you should definitely get this.
I have Dimetrodon from last year, but I've run out of time, today, so I'll post that separately. It's currently available in the Summer LC Resurgence, in the Prehistoria collection.
What did you choose from this release? What are you looking at? I'm eyeing a Dino or two, and more Teas....always more Teas! I hope y'all enjoyed these reviews, and they helped you to make some decisions. As always, thanks for reading!
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