#tl: ‘‘Darling,Can you hurry up… I have to go to work…’’
niko-ro · 3 months
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I drew a thing
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stewystew · 3 years
Ok I wrote this all in the tags of another post but I took my adderall for the first time in a week today and yeah sure, it’s worn off by now, but I’m still vibing so here we go!!! (woo this got longer than I thought it was going to be, so I’m putting the read more in)
I’m going to describe a movie to you.
This is a great movie. In one sentence, it’s a super fun found family heist movie with heavy The Devil Wears Prada vibes. which is like. the ideal set of tropes. Are you on board yet?
On top of that, there’s party-crashing, general thievery, fun costume design, an intense rivalry, a fucking choice montage, and it all ends with five friends and their five dogs living happily ever after in the big house that they stole, The End.
This is Cruella (2021). And the rumors are true, it fucking sucked. But because I actually watched it, I can tell you why it sucked, and it’s NOT that her mom got murdered by Dalmatians (at least that’s not the main reason). I can also tell you how it could be fixed.
Cruella is not actually a bad movie. But also, it very much is. (hope this helps <3) Ok. It’s bad because, of course, Capitalism. Literally the movie I described to you? Sounds super fun and great? If Disney didn’t have an obsession with making a quick buck on the back of its classic franchises, that could’ve been what Cruella was. But instead, they slapped an iconic villain on that super fun heist movie, and ruined the whole thing.
You can’t make Cruella De Vil a hero. You can’t. Other villain rewrites work because they swap the hero and the villain, or at least the villain’s atrocities are swapped out for something more understandable. But. A bunch of puppies can’t be evil. And when Cruella’s entire character is about Being Rich and Killing Puppies, you can’t change her motives or her backstory, because then all you have left is her aesthetic. Which isn’t unimportant, but you can’t build a compelling story out of an aesthetic.
But, that’s what Disney chose to do, I guess.
Here’s what happened:
1) Our main character, Estella, is born with the black and white hair (relying on the aesthetic!) (imo this is bad bc either it’s a cartoony Anime Protagonist Hair thing ooh magic. or it’s poliosis, and that’s ehh bc it’s very much framed as like. Symbolic of her ✨inner evil✨. Which is weird for it being a real thing that real people have.)
2) ANYWAY. She’s kind of a mean kid, but mostly very opinionated. We learn this when she calls a shirt ugly (aha, see? She’s into fashion!), and her mother jokes that she should be called “Cruella” instead of “Estella”. So. Now we have the name thrown in. Again, the aesthetic.
3) Blah blah, she adopts a stray dog, she punches bullies, blah blah, she gets kicked out of school, and she and her mother move to the city (she’s like 12 at this point)
4) but *gasp!* before they get there, her mother has to ask a “friend” for help because they’re poor. (So. there goes the Rich part of Cruella’s character. She no longer has anything in common with Cruella De Vil’s villainy!)
5) The “friend”, though, is very rich, and is throwing a party at her mansion (which is on a cliff). The mom goes in, and Cruella follows her. Cruella ends up getting chased by Dalmatians, but they don’t attack Cruella, instead they end up pushing her mom off the cliff. Cruella thinks it’s her fault because the dogs were chasing her.
6) Cruella goes to the city on her own, and meets two other orphaned kids, Jasper and Horace (we’ll call them J&H) (they also have a dog!), and they all live together and get very very good at stealing shit. Then, it’s like ten years later, and she wears a wig to fit in.
7) She catches the attention of a famous fashion designer (The Baroness) because of how good she is at fashion. The Baroness (who owns Dalmatians!) hires her, and now Cruella’s designing clothes for her. Also, the Baroness’s assistant(?) is Mark Strong, so the “Stanley Tucci in The Devil Wears Prada” vibes are very much there.
8) Cruella finds out that the Baroness is actually her mom’s ex-employer and the “friend” she was talking to before she died, because the baroness has her mother’s necklace, which she says her mother stole from her. The Baroness doesn’t know who Cruella is, though.
9) Cruella tries to steal the necklace back (this is the party she crashes!), and finds out that the Baroness trained the Dalmatians to kill her mother. To get revenge, she creates an alter ego where she goes full Cruella De Vil, the iconic black and white hair and everything, and upstages the Baroness by being better at fashion. (Yay double life! Yay rivalries! Yay fun montage!)
10) oof this is getting long. I’ll try to hurry it up.
11) at one point Cruella wears a fur coat and everyone thinks she’s skinned the Baroness’s Dalmatians for it, but she didn’t. Because she would never hurt a dog! *clutches pearls*
12) J&H are mad because her fashion alter ego is mean to them. She says “lol deal with it” but then later she says “oops sorry i love my friends actually” so. she’s not even that mean.
13) The Baroness tries to kill her, she fails. Mark Strong tells Cruella that she’s actually the Baroness’s daughter, and the Baroness had tried to kill her as a baby. Oh, and Cruella has a scene where she’s all “I’m unapologetically evil!” which might have been better if she were actually. You know. Evil.
14) oh, also the gay character is a guy who owns a little clothing store and he and Cruella are friends. He’s not explicitly gay tho, he’s just good at fashion and wears makeup.
15) So Cruella and her friends (J&H, Mark Strong, Gay Character) all go and crash another party for the One Final Score. It’s at the Baroness’s mansion, on the cliff, and they trick the Baroness into pushing Cruella off the cliff in front of a bunch of people and the Baroness goes to jail.
16) Cruella survives because of a parachute in her dress (lmao), and because she’s the Baroness’s daughter she gets all her money and her mansion and her dogs. And then she and J&H and Mark Strong and Gay Character all live in the big house together with their five dogs and are friends forever the end. :)
17) oh, also, Anita Darling, from 101 Dalmatians, is Cruella’s childhood friend and Cruella gives her two Dalmatian puppies at the end as a gift. Which... Would that make the Dalmatian parents in the movie siblings? :(
So now you see. Or maybe you don’t, and that was all completely incomprehensible. Either way, on to the next part!
So, obviously, it would be a much much better movie if it weren’t about Cruella De Vil, Puppy Murderer, and Disney had produced a goddamn original movie for once :)
Now, literally just trimming all the Disney Franchise gunk off the script would work. All that bad cheesy stuff would be gone, we wouldn’t be teased with the slightly-but-not-actually villainous stuff she does, and I wouldn’t have to spend the entire 2 hours desperately trying and failing to separate the movie and it’s dog-loving protagonist from the puppy murderer.
BUT. I will say that the one thing that Cruella was able to properly utilize was Cruella De Vil’s iconicness. Again, the aesthetic isn’t completely unimportant!
So I think it’d be good to maintain that. sue me. My idea is this:
Our Main Character is just some girl. Similar situation to the movie, but she’s named Ann or Sue or something. She reads The One Hundred and One Dalmatians as a child, and because she’s a Weird Little Girl, becomes obsessed with Cruella De Vil and her entire deal. And the movie proceeds in exactly the same way from then on.
Why does this work? Thank you for asking, I’ll tell you!
Disney gets to keep their dumb Classic Franchise money or whatever because we’re keeping the character
All the fun outfits get to stay the same :)
All that stuff I said about why Cruella De Vil can’t be redeemed? Doesn’t matter now that our character isn’t Cruella. We’re still capitalizing on Cruella De Vil’s icon status as an irredeemable puppy killer, but like. Without actually redeeming the puppy killer in question. Yay!
Weird Little Girls are awesome
We get a cute scene where Main Character is trying and failing to dye her hair like Cruella’s (Cruella’s hair is black and white in the book as well!) Her mom comes into the bathroom, sees half empty dye and bleach bottles in the sink, her hair bright orange. Already, I would die for this kid. (ngl this one’s the main reason I’m so attached to this version)
Ooh, this is the fun part. So, the mom gets pushed off a cliff by Dalmatians. I’m keeping this in. Main Character, of course, thinking WWCDVD? (what would Cruella De Vil do?), is like, actively antagonizing these dogs. The dogs chase her, push the mom off the cliff. It’s still not actually her fault, but the fact that she goaded the dogs into chasing her? HAHAHA WE LOVE SOME GUILT!
Oh, you may be thinking, but if she likes to act like Cruella, would Main Character still adopt that stray dog? I give you a quote from Main Character herself, which I’m totally not just now writing on the spot: “Cruella only wants to wear Dalmatians, I can still like other dogs”. Doesn’t that sound exactly like something our Weird Little Girl would say?
Ah, but what about later, when she adopts those Dalmatians? Main Character likes Cruella’s aesthetic and vibes, but she’s also an adult person with her own sense of self and an awareness that killing dogs is bad.
Anyway. Next slide!
I wouldn’t have to think about the Dalmatians at the end being siblings because 101 DALMATIANS DOESNT HAPPEN IN THIS UNIVERSE IT’S JUST A BOOK!!!
I checked, and One Hundred And One Dalmatians came out in 1956 (the movie is set in the 60s and 70s), so the timeline works! Also, hair bleach was safe to use by the 50s, so my scene in number 5 works too!
TL;DR: Cruella (2021) is a found family heist movie, and could be fixed by making the protagonist a normal person who’s favorite character is Cruella De Vil from the book The One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk it’s 2 am and I’m fucking exhausted
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wasabicakes · 7 years
Uma and Harry's relationship: An Analysis
So I’m going to dive right into this. Heads up: All my info is coming from one of the books in the Isle of the Lost series, Rise of the Isle of the Lost (kinda spoilers, yeah?), as well as Descendants 2. In Rise of the Isle of the Lost, we actually find out quite a bit about their friendship and dynamics. This isn’t by any means an encyclopedia of their friendship nor their characters individually. There’s a lot I’m not including in here (Sorry!), but I’m just bullet pointing the most relevant parts that I’m comparing, so this thing isn’t just a massive wall of overbearing text that makes your eyes go bloodshot.
Uma and Harry are each others oldest friends on the Isle. They like to cause mayhem together. Gil peaced out from their group years ago for reasons unknown, so its been the fearsome twosome for a long time. Until he joins their crew later on in the book.
They decide to join a “boat” race run by Captain Hook where the winner gets one of his old busted ships from his fleet.
Uma takes Harry’s hook and tells him he’ll only get it back if either he or she wins that race. They make a deal that whoever wins gets to be captain and the other will be first mate. We already know how that turns out.
At first Harry is hopeful she will make him captain at some point, but after she rescues him during an adventure I won’t tell you about, he’s all on board with her being captain.
From there on out, he calls her captain multiple times, even lending her his hand and saying, “Captains, first” so she goes ahead of he and Gil. When Uma’s feeling down, he and Gil offer suggestions of what mischief they could cause and Harry goes, “Captain’s choice.”
Their relationship is full of banter. They take jabs at each other, they’re sarcastic. Examples: Harry teases her when she nearly falls off the ship twice trying to unfurl the masts in a hurry when she has no clue what she’s doing. She makes fun of him for not staying on his feet when the ship sways hard. And how he never beats her at anything. And that’s just a little snapshot.
I don’t know how much time has passed between the events of Rise and and Descendants 2 - they’re still close friends, still captain and first mate respectively - but their relationship seems different now in the weeks? months? that have passed. In Rise, Harry flirts with Uma, but she never once teases or flirts back. He’s the one who is more proactive in getting her attention in that sense and she is unfazed: “As if. You work for me, remember? Do I have to keep reminding you? I’m captain, you’re first mate,” said Uma, pointing a finger and stabbing his chest with it. “First date if you’re lucky,” said Harry with a wink, pulling on his collar and strutting a little. “Shut up,” said Uma with a laugh. “And see to that sail.” (Ch. 13) “A few minutes later, Harry swiveled on his boots and returned to her side, leaning in closely. "Uma, darling,” he said, in his rough brogue. “I just need to ask again - how are we going to find that thing in the water?” “Leave that to me,” said Uma. “Just get this ship ready.” (Ch. 13) “I don’t think this symbol marks the treasure. Remember, we’re looking for a trail. The path isn’t on the ground. It’s written on trees. If I’m right, there are more of these markings. Follow them, and we’ll find the treasure,” said Harry. “Or we’ll find out where two lovers carved a heart in some tree,” said Uma. “Are you trying to tell me something?” Harry joked. “That I’ll cut you if you don’t find the treasure chest?” Uma snorted. (Ch. 27) She also offers us this little tidbit (in Chapter 13, for reference): “Uma knew, try as she might, she couldn’t hurt his feelings. It was all part of the game of question-and-rejection they’d played forever.” What does this even mean though? With all of that in mind, let’s flash forward to Descendants 2. And for the tl;dr crowd here is essentially what this next part is all about:
Where we have scenes like these -
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These moments occur when Harry is performing his part of the song from the What’s My Name scene. In the first gif, his lines at this part are: Never learned how to count ‘cause I’m number one. He crouches down in front of her and she says the words when he does, even putting her finger up to represent the number one.  In the second gif, Harry directly points to her and says, “she’s the captain”, then the camera flashes over to the moment in this gif, her winking at him and smiling.
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Again during Whats My Name, Uma goes to the stage and he promptly joins her where this happens. They move closer to each other spurred on by her grabbing his hook. Their smiles after she says it. LOOK AT THEM GRINS. And immediately after they both laugh and she playfully bumps him. Remember those quotes from before? Where Uma’s not particularly bothered, enticed by or even interested in Harry’s flirting in Rise of the Isle of the Lost? Well, look at our little sea witch now. It looks like she’s very much enjoying his attention. For Harry’s part, he seems twice as smitten with Uma than he was before. If he was merely flirting with her for fun in Rise, his actions in the movie show it’s developed into straight up infatuation. This boy is S P R U N G. In the text? He flirts. In the film? We literally never hear a flirtacious line come out of his mouth. He doesn’t quite initiate contact between he and Uma in the movie. But Uma does. It’s almost like a reversal of their dynamic, but with actions instead of words. And Uma’s the one that starts it. Whereas Uma didn’t care when he flirted in the book, Harry is enthralled by her in the movie whether she’s giving him attention or not. All eyes on me, let me see 'em indeed.
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I want to say this moment is the one that saw the S.S. Huma rise out of the waters all majestic-like and for good reason, too. Some context: She pushes Gil aside and turns to Harry. Her tone and his expression are serious when she asks, “What’s my name?” And this is how he responds. First, body language. He literally lowers himself by kneeling before her, putting himself in a position of reverence, submission. He takes off his hat - taking off one’s hat is typically done for courtesy - and says her name in…. awe? Adoration? Respect? [Insert adjective of your choice here]? You pick because - watch the scene again if you can - even the sound of voice is different when he says her name. And his eyes. He never breaks eye contact with her once throughout that entire exchange. (Remember that time in Rise he called her captain and didn’t genuinely mean it? My how things have changed.) Speaking of eyes…
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She’s dancing on her throne and the camera turns away from her to Harry where he’s literally following her every movement.
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Harry looks at Uma like he just discovered fire and is so captivated by what he’s seeing he can’t look away. He seriously isn’t looking away. None of the above gifs scream platonic from his side. Like, none. I can’t comprehend how you could even view him as thinking of Uma as merely a friend at this point. I never got the sense he was this interested in her in the book, but clearly his feelings for her have exploded since. What the hell happened with them after Rise but before Descedants 2 began?? Let’s talk about that second gif real quick. One of Uma’s moves involves swinging her arm around and pointing it at the crowd around her and they respond in kind by looking away. Except for Harry. Harry doesn’t flinch. Harry doesn’t move. His position remains the same. He keeps on looking. His eyes are glued to the girl in front of him. The line in the song before this scene comes from him, as well: Uma’s so hot they get burned if they look. They get burned, eh? I guess Harry is exempt from this particular fate.
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(x) His body is turned towards her, watching as she mocks Mal. He’s biting his lip as he watches. Now a lip bite can mean a few things: scared, anxious, uncomfortable. But it can also be flirtatious. Nothing else about his expression or stature signals that he’s feeling anything other than good af, so its pretty darn safe to say he’s just plain into her.
As for Uma, she is winking at him again and she taps him on the chin (physical contact!). The moment after this is adorable - dare I say, better than this moment itself? - because she looks so pleased, backing up as he steps forward to get in Mal’s face and talk about the ways in which he’ll harm her boyfriend.
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And of course, I wasn’t going to not mention this moment:
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Again, she’s the one initiating contact with him - running her hands through his hair - and he genuinely looks like he could die in that moment and be perfectly content with that. She even bends down, increasing how close they are to each other.
Meanwhile he is leaning backwards into her touch, mouth agape, watching her the whole time (I wasn’t joking about his eyes never leaving her). His mouth curls up into a smile at the end! If that first moment where he says her name didn’t catch you, then this moment would have for sure.
Now I know there will be some who say: Well, those actions by Uma aren’t necessarily flirty. It could mean nothing. Some people are naturally more touchy feely - they like hugs, placing hands on shoulders, linking fingers - and those actions are never intended to mean anything more. All of which is true. All of which is fine. But Uma? She’s not one of these people. Not based on everything I’ve read and seen. We’re not (please, please correct me if I’m wrong!) presented with scenes where this kind of behavior is displayed by her in the book. In the movie, she does wrap her arms around Harry and Gil but for the most part we don’t see her initiating physical contact a lot. So I tend to think her behavior here means something. Even if its just her being playful. Because she doesn’t act this way, exhibit these particular behaviors (light friendly touches, the winking), towards anyone else but Harry. Which leads me here, the final scene I want to discuss:
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Now this. This is intriguing. Scroll back up folks, look at Uma’s body language, her expressions in those moments she’s initiating contact with him. She’s oozing confidence. She’s joyful, bouncy. She’s totally in her element. But if you glance down here again. Her expression. It’s different. She looks vulnerable, overwhelmed (?), almost lost in Harry’s intense stare. Again with the eyes. Their eyes are locked. The space between them isn’t exactly wide. And Harry is the one leaning closer. Harry. And he’s biting down on his lip and he’s staring at her and his head is tilted. We’ll never know what was suppose to happen in this tiny moment - if anything even was! - as it was broken by Gil talking, shaking them out of this interaction. But to me, it looks like he wanted to kiss her and Uma was shook by the very prospect. And that is certainly something.
Because this is the same girl who - however long ago it was - told him to shut up about him being her first date or threatening to cut him when he teased her about couple’s carving hearts into trees and it having any relevance to them. In conclusion: Harry/Mal is nothing. Uma and Harry’s relationship has kinda sorta maybe changed, Uma is now Harry’s north star and moon and literally every celestial body in existence, and I really want to see where this is heading for these two pirates. Don’t let me down Melissa and Kenny.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
The Love Pub
"It's always a busy day in Kelpie's Shore, but even more so on this day. The return of Miss Dirge as a demon of all things has everyone excited to see the charismatic barkeep again! Of course, there's those that think her being a demon is bad for the neighborhood but as we can see, many have come to support her once more! We've managed to get an interview with Miss Dirge later on after the festivities so be sure to tune into News at 11 for the sure to be riveting story from our charming Irish lady!" The news crew's statement was played on most TVs in Daten's stores, on the channel itself, and even broadcast through the radio. Pastel shook her head, scratching at her still newer horns in amusement. It was the first time she'd been without her namesake in her own pub, mostly due to her rule of no weapons. No namesakes from those of the Immortal persuasion, no weapons period. She'd even enlisted the help of her friend Visor and some of the other demons. Standing behind the bar, she was already swinging out drinks and food at a rapid pace, heels clicking on the hardwood floor and air excited. A signal from her employees had her right hand barkeep taking her place so she could head up to the stage and take the microphone from the singer of her band. "Oi, oi, oi! Settle down ye rank scum!" She laughed at the loud cheer that gained her from her regulars, grin set in place. She'd missed working here! "Thankin' ye all kindly fer comin' t' me grand reopenin' an' all that! Dia duit t' ye new folk, ye'll 'ave t'scuse me elder kintypes. Nae, Ah've got some ground rules fer ye lot. Firs', no weapons. Ah'm confiscatin' namesakes from we immortal folk an' weapons alike. None that. Second, ye get tipsy ye get out. Ain' a time fer drunks here. An' last! If'n ye wanna fight, go fer it. Jus' give warnin' an' we can bust out the ol' ring fer ye! There's menus all 'round an' here's hopin' fer a ball room bash!" So saying, the band took over again and she made her way over to the next people to enter. -------------- Please note that above is the first post. Pastel's got three rules: 1. No weapons, no namesakes.  Complementary ponchos all around. 2. No getting drunk at her pub.  She won't be the reason people are idiots. 3. You want to fight, you make the request so it can be refereed. 
THE LOVE PUB Ah yes, the day of Love is upon us.  Welcome to Kelpie's Shore! --------
HITAGASHI:  "It's always a busy day in Kelpie's Shore, but even more so on this  day.  The return of Miss Dirge as a _demon_ of all things has everyone  excited to see the charismatic barkeep again!  Of course, there's  those that think her being a demon is bad for the neighborhood but as  we can see, many have come to support her once more!  We've managed to  get an interview with Miss Dirge later on after the festivities so be  sure to tune into News at 11 for the sure to be riveting story from  our charming Irish lady!"  The news crew's statement was played on  most TVs in Daten's stores, on the channel itself, and even broadcast  through the radio.  Pastel shook her head, scratching at her still  newer horns in amusement.  It was the first time she'd been without  her namesake in her own pub, mostly due to her rule of no weapons.  No  namesakes from those of the Immortal persuasion, no weapons period.  She'd even enlisted the help of her friend Visor and some of the other  demons.  Standing behind the bar, she was already swinging out drinks  and food at a rapid pace, heels clicking on the hardwood floor and air  excited.
 A signal from her employees had her right hand barkeep taking her  place so she could head up to the stage and take the microphone from  the singer of her band.
 "Oi, oi, oi!  Settle down ye rank scum!"  She laughed at the loud  cheer that gained her from her regulars, grin set in place.  She'd  _missed_ working here!  "Thankin' ye all kindly fer comin' t' me grand  reopenin' an' all that!  Dia duit t' ye new folk, ye'll 'ave t'scuse  me elder kintypes.  Nae, Ah've got some ground rules fer ye lot.  Firs', no weapons.  Ah'm confiscatin' namesakes from we immortal folk  an' weapons alike.  None that.  Second, ye get tipsy ye get out.  Ain'  a time fer drunks here.  An' last!  If'n ye wanna fight, go fer it.  Jus' give warnin' an' we can bust out the ol' ring fer ye!  There's  menus all 'round an' here's hopin' fer a ball room bash!"  So saying,  the band took over again and she made her way over to the next people  to enter.
TECHYTECHY:  "Does that, like, mean I'm already o-out?" Shorty burped, peeking her  head from the entrance with a bit of concern. She had heard some of  rules from outside, and it got her worried.... Then the blonde laughed  and hurried towards the counter, "B- Because I'm /sooo/ not drunk at  all!" Yeah ok sure.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Visor was quite excited. Luckily for her, she wasn't _dead_, so she  got to keep her oh so fabulous visor on this evening. However, it  wouldn't take a genius to realize that angels and demons with..  certain namesakes would most likely be found having to reveal some  skin. That would be nice, deffinately. Ohhh yes. Hey, don't blame her,  it's not every day you see an angel or a demon stripping. Well.  Actually if you work with the,.. Never mind. It's entertainment and  that's all that matters.  Visor leaned over to her friend once she stepped off the stage,  whispering something in her ear. "Can you imagine all the angels and  demons that will have to strip today? Oh lord" She laughed, taking her  visor off and holding it in honor of the lost clothes. What a shame.
 Scrunchy looked over at shorty somewhat nervously, fiddling her  scrunchy out of her hair. It's been _five years_ since she's taken  this thing out. What on earth is she doing. this feels so wrong. It  feels lewd. "I-I'm not sure I'm liking these rules man"_
HITAGASHI:  Stopping and staring at the obviously drunk woman in her bar, Pastel  contemplated if she would burst into flames if she sent a prayer to  God to save her from this.  Some people, she swore.
 "Me rule applies t' ye folk gettin' drunk __here__ so it ain' me fault  yer sauced."  She turned her attention to her friend with a grin  though.  "Ye've read me mind, mo chara.  Nae, wot can Ah get fer ye?"
TECHYTECHY:  Shorty pouted at Pastel, resting her chin on the counter before  whining outloud, "But I'm _nooooot_ drunk! I- I just said that!" She  hiccuped before eventually huffing and kicking her feet.
KR-O:  Fedora had already gone through a few drinks himself to forget his  woes of the company full of idiots that dawns his namesake. He  deserves this treat, but it would have been more enjoyable if he  didn't have to give up his cane and hat. Next time he should bring a  regular cane and a non-serrated hat, huh.  He gently set down his head on the bar, he could feel those immortals  coming. He could feel his liver dying already.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink was more grumpy than usually and sipped some water. Since  getting drunk wasn't an option, he stayed away from any booze as much  as possible. Even watered down alcohol can get him tipsy in an  instant. But taking off his precious cuff links, his favorite pair?  Now he truly felt anger nip at his mind; Cufflink put them in a box  lined with velvet and safely tucked them away. He wasn't losing these  darlings of his, not again.  t͡ɕʌ̹ɡo̞ɾi walked in, careful not to hit his head on the way  in. Before he hearing the no namesake rule. How... Odd. Earthlings  have to get their weapons taken so they won't go trigger happy? Oh  well, he wants to taste earth booze. t͡ɕʌ̹ɡo̞ɾi with no sense  of shame strips off his silk jeogori and folded it. He picks up a pen  and a bar napkin and writes down, "Where do I put this?"
BRIT:  Fundoshi frowned as he stood at the door. Oh... He had to take off his  underwear. Well, then.  The demon sighed and put it aside. He figured this would be for the  best, since both sides were mingling, but he was on edge being around  angels without protection.
 Jacket stood next to the Demon and looked up at him briefly before  frowning deeply, it almost came off his face.  "Will my Jacket get scuffed if I take it off? I don't know, man, this  is really I don't want to give up my pride and jOY." He whined.
TECHYTECHY:  _"Oh no, no namesake for me, I'm heartbroken,"_ Thong said to herself  playfully while waving her hand, then taking a seat. It was fine,  really. She didn't have any weapon on her anyways! She left that at  home. The succubus snickered at the sight of the other demons, clearly  unhappy with the fact of having to take off their garments or  accessories. It was cute to her.
 She crossed her legs, since that would be the best thing for her to do  in this situation. She looked towards Fundoshi's direction before  shrugging all nonchalant, "It can't be that bad? Come on, they're  stupid." Well.
DOTTIE:  Goggles ran her fingers through her hair as she entered the bar, a  little angry she had to remove her nameaake, but lets be real,  everything made her angry. She stretched with her namesake in hand and  tossed it to the side where it landed on a table in the corner, she  didint really know what else tl do with it. After her rather subtle  enterance she sat hersekd down at a table and rested her head up with  her hand, she was really not surenwhat she was even doing there and  being weaponless and.... explosionless, was making her a little  irratable to say the least.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt entered the pub without his namesake. It felt weird having  just his leather jacket on. At least it provided him some cover. He  folded his arms and looked at Shorty.
 "Looks like someone started the party early" he said.
 Wristband followed directly behind her brother. This wasn't the first  time she entered a pub before. In fact she has had a lot of drinking  experience even though she was only 19. Wristband also looked at the  band.
 "I bet we could play better" she thought.
 Bowtie entered after them. She looked around and noticed that there  were a few people here that could be classified as under aged. But she  didn't want to start something, so she let it slide.
 Baul Gag entered last and looked around with wonder in here eyes.
 "OH, I can't wait to try out all of your earth beverages. I have grown  quite bored of what they have served at home" She said as she clasped  her hands together.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Visor shook her head and placed her hand on Pastel's shoulder. "Nono,  It's not what you can do for me my dear, but instead what _I_ Can do  for _you_ ". Visor grinned. She had the stupidest valentines gift. It  looked awful. It was orange. It was bright. It made no sense what so  ever. But it was, in and of itself, still a gift. Visor pulled out a  party hat that looked like a traffic cone. The loveliest of gifts for  the loveliest of friends. She got on one knee and bowed her head  slightly to Pastel, holding the traffic cone hat up for her friend.  _"My dearest Pastel, will you be my valentine?"_
 Meanwhile Scrunchy was having an existential crisis by the entrance.  Does she go in? does she put her hair up in a normal pony tail? Does  she steal the door knob? What do?? She froze like ice, stuck in a  constant loop. Nothing could undo the trauma that occurred when she  took out the scrunchy from her hair.
 Meanwhile in the distance, Bottie was tugging on Strappon's arm as  Cuddles strutted a rather nice _bow_ .. "Come onnn Strap! You gotta  have some fun!" He whined, looking at his teacher with a puppy dog  face before gesturing to cuddles. The crocodile had make up on for  fucks sake. Cuddles just looked like she could see the universe and  everything at once. She saw __all__ .
KR-O:  Jokki was stifling some giggles as he came up behind Fundoshi, "Should  have brought normal underwear for once. Next time I go to the store,  I'll get ya a packet of briefs." He urged the other man inside, "Come  on, maybe there's an angry Irish man in the fighting ring, I don't  want to miss that spectacle."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  t͡ɕʌ̹ɡo̞ɾi enjoyed the slight breeze across his chest, maybe he  should take it off more often. Tilting his head and carrying his  namesake carefully and giving it to Pastel, he shows her a ripped  piece of paper with the words, "What's good to drink here?" Taking a  seat and ignoring the fact there were some stares. Screw having  whatever covering they provided.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  With a small huff the diva gave up her namesake and began  to roam a  little, texting on her phone. Ignoring the valentines, she's got a  date with a pair of stilettos she just bought. She puts her phone in  her pocket and enters the pub. "Let the Valentine's fuckery begin."  She muttered to herself and sat at the bar, looking around a little.
HITAGASHI:  Seemingly flustered, Pastel took the offered hat and placed it gently  on her own head.  The smile on her face was wide and blue.  Did she  mention she was blue?  She was beautiful with the orange anyway.
 "_Mo chara_, of course Ah'll be your Valentine!  If only ye'll be me  own."  She seemed close to tears as she pulled out a Burger Queen  crown made of paper mache.  Pastel held it out and then snickered  before turning her attention to the... alien?  Yes, that was an alien.
 "Everythin' is good t' drink!  But if'n yer lookin' fer somethin'  strong, Ah've got some sweeter whiskey fer ye."
GAMER-GODDESS:  Walking into the pub, Thigh High was surprised to hear that she has to  discard her namesake. "It's been forever since I've gone without  them..." She says begrudgingly as takes off her socks to reveal her  terribly uneven leg tan. "Goodbye my children," Thigh High sobbed as  she took a seat. "Give me the strongest thing you've got! This is  gonna be a long day."
TECHYTECHY:  "I'm not drunk!" Shorty said again, to Undershirt. This was as  interesting as this was going to get.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Fucking Valentine's day... Shitty holiday." Cufflink mumbled, he  wallowed in his own misery.  Jeogori's eyes sparkled, whisky? What was this drink? He must have  this. Dropping all coldness in his expression, Jeogori scribbled down,  "Please give me this whisky." His markings on his body seemed to glow  in excitement.
BRIT:  "It's not the worst thing." Funoshi replied to Thong, looking away  from her as he entered the bar. The last thing he wanted was to deal  with a succubus, today. He turned to Jokki as he entered, "Drunk  fighting is always only mildly entertaining, but if we drink it will  probably be moreso. I just want the day's paperwork to go away."
DOTTIE:  Goggles was alreary having a bad time. Not only could she not blow  anything up if she got mad but.... well no that was really all that  was upsetting her. She layed plopped her head on the table and looked  around at everybody, well ebst she could with her vision being as  blury as it was. "Annoying" she mumbled to herself. She seemed really  out of character to her normal self, she was usually so high energy  but that was usually only because she had things to excite her, right  now all that was going on was a bunch of people in a bar and a couple  drunks being well....  drunks. Furthermore it only reminded her of her  short time working as a waitress, wich ended upruptly with a few  broken legs... not hers of course.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She sees Thigh High's uneven tan and she cringes a little bit.  "Girl  I don't think any amount of alcohol with fix that mess." She says as  she casually orders some whiskey, sipping it without a care in her  small world.
BRIT:  Jacket put his namesake away gently, very reluctantly. He just wanted  food and this was making things harder, but food over precious  material goods... He guessed?  He sat next to Goggles and grinned at her.  "Heya!" He said to her, "You look bored!"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Could've fooled me" he said as she zipped up his jacket. "I wonder  what they have to drink?" he thought.
 "Oh Jeogori my dear, what is this whiskey? It's sounds interesting!"  Baul Gag said as she looked at him. This drink intrigued her.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Scrunchy fidgeted. DOES SHE TAKE THE DOOR? DOES SHE TAKE THE HINGES?  DOES SHE STRIP? no. No stripping. Stripping was for donuts.  Specifically at the donut shop. Not today. _Not today..._
 Visor looked touched, really. This was the best thing she could ever  have asked for. She placed the crown gingerly on her head and stood  up, placing her hands firmly on her hips. With one rather loud intake  of breath, Visor boasted __"ALL HAIL THE BURGER QUEEN IN ALL HER  GLORY!"__ Ok, that felt good. She picked up Pastel in a hug and gently  kissed her friend's cheek. Oh, tonight will be fun for sure.
KR-O:  Fedora slightly raised his head and looked around. All he saw was  familiar faces. Worn out places. No seriously, he recognized half of  the people coming in, but he wasn't expecting an alien to come out of  the blue. Maybe he drank too much this time around.  "So isn't there a dead pool around here? Like a betting board where  you bet who dies in the bar fight tonight?" I mean, those were pretty  standard in the pubs he goes to. Which in on itself is concerning.
HITAGASHI:  Pastel signaled to her barkeep to bring the alien some of the honey  whiskey while agreeing with her friend.  She always enjoyed it herself  after all.  She made her way over to Fundoshi and Thong, more amused  at Fundoshi's reaction than anything.  She wasn't very big on Jokki.  Filthy furries.  She smirked and passed a very beautiful blue colored  rose to Thong.
 "Fer ye, ma'am.  Ye've the right o' it.  Lovely lassies always do,  aye?"
TECHYTECHY:  Thong frowned. Damn, she was totally ignored, wasn't she? C'est la  vie, then. She didn't feel like ordering anything just yet, she kind  of wanted to see the crowd. It has been a while since she interacted  with any of these characters, and honestly she didn't recognize most  of them. Shame.
 Shorty stuck out her tongue, clicking her heels together. Hearing  little miss Diva's awful crack though, the blonde gasped and cupped  her hands over her mouth towards Thigh High. "DON'T LISTEN TO HER  BABE, YOU'RE FINE AS HELL." Well.
TECHYTECHY:  Thong blinked at the rose, then looking towards Pastel confused. The  succubus then promptly blushed and placed a hand over her cheek,  expressing her surprise. "Aw, love, what the hell! You're such a  darling, I love you!" She giggled, taking the rose. She was a sucker  for attention, and many other things
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori smiles and shrugs, he wants to so badly find out. He slides  another means for translation and wrote, "Another for Baul Gag  please." C'mon give him the drink, he wants to try everything! Jeogori  patted the empty seat next to him, offering it to Baul Gag.
BRIT:  Strappon was tugged along by Bottie, reluctant in going into the Pub.  Not only were there HEATHENS in there, the last time he had taken some  place to drink apparently lots of things went down that he couldn't  even remember. He ordered tea and he ended up drunk. HOW.
 "You don't have to tug so much. Please keep Miss... Cuddles... Close,  though." He said quietly as they entered the pub.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  As Pastel was going around greeting the customers, _the lovelies_,  Visor was making rounds giving out roses to individuals seated around  the pub. However, one deserved something much more special than just a  simple rose. Nonono, Visor approached Fudoshi with a wilted plastic  Daisy. She took a subtle bow and held the fake flower out to the  demon. "For you, the loveliest of the lovely. May light shine onto  your soul eternally. Because you sure as hell don't have light right  now."
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl entered the bar, surprised to be here. She normally didn't go  out to places like this. No... she preferred to stay in, and maybe  cook or clean the kitchen! But, someone had decided the little  fraulein needed a change of scenery!
 So feared was she, that the ground shook... Okay, that's not true. But  Rosary did have a certain confidence to her. Especially in her latest  number; Deep crimson dress, stilettos, with her garnet bead rosary  wrapped around middle finger and wrist like some exotic, elegant piece  of new jewelry.
 "Sister, is it really alright to be here?" Dirndl asked, fixing the  heart covered camisole she wore, and checking her capris. What odd  clothing, she thought, but itb was the Sister who requested she wear  it.
 Rosary nodded. "Of course, dear. You need to learn the ways of the  modern world. And when you're lonely, you go to a bar. Unfortunately,  beer is probably not as good here as back home." she said, the two  entering the melting pot.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Turning towards Fox Stole, Thigh High furrowed her brows "Was this  mouth just spouting shit? You're about to get these legs, yo!" the  angel warned as she flocked to Shorty in hopes of her having a better  attitude.
DOTTIE:  Goggles smiled "oooh no im hqving a great time" hertone was.... very  sarcastic. Tosay the least. She looked around the bar again at  everybody there. " that was sarcsm, just so you know." She ran a hand  throughher hair again, and yawned. " nothins goin on is all,so ya  know, im bored"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie looked around and really didn't recognize anyone until she  looked at Thong. She felt like she might have remembered her from  before.
 "Say have we met?" she asked Thong.
 Meanwhile Undershirt sat down on the other side of Thong and ordered a  beer. He then looked at Thong. A blush spread across his face. She was  very cute.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens swung his legs in his seat next to Strappon looking around.  It smelled weird here... He kept looking around, maybe Onesie would be  here? It would be nice to have his friend here.  Jeogori grabbed a shot glass full of whisky after admiring how tiny it  was. How he loves tiny things and these cups are not helping. Quickly  downing the drink the taste astounded him. It burned like cinnamon but  tasted like a sweet treat. Warmth spreads through his body as Jeogori  drinks more whisky.
KR-O:  Jokki stared at Fundoshi, "You know, I'd prefer you sober. Last time  you decided to drink, you steamrolled me into the bed." He shivered at  the thought. Those were dark moments.  Oh but what's this? As the human approached Fundoshi, Jokki  immediately wrapped himself around the man's abdomen. He may or may  not be hiding a glare, but he was already feeling pretty disgusted  with himself over a silly thing.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Oh, thank you my dear" Baul Gag said as she sat down next to Jeogori.  She seemed to be very articulate without her namesake in her mouth.  Maybe it's just to make up for that?
HITAGASHI:  "An' me to ye as well, Miss Secrette."  Pastel winked at the succubus  and then turned her attention to what her friend did.  Her charming  smile dropped in favor of laughter at the way Visor phrased that to  Fundoshi.  Shaking her head, she turned to the new arrivals and  presented a carnation to Bowtie and a tiny dandelion to Undershirt.
 "Fer ye two.  Nae tha' ye've both got yer flowers, Ah ain' met ye yet.   Wot's yer name, lovelies?"  She hoped Visor had a flower for Jokki.  She sure didn't.  F u r r i e s.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She imitates her and pouts mockingly ,"What a cute mutt. I think not  sweetie." She  waves as she leaves and sips her alcohol.  "Hmm..what  to do..." She yawns and looks down at the rose in her hand.
BRIT:  "Oh. Thanks for, uh explaining!" Jacket laughed, "Normally people  don't tell me it's sarcasm and leave me to assume. It's hard to tell,  sometimes! You want some food or something? I'll buy."
 Fundoshi was very much surprised at the offering of this... Really  shitty looking flower.  "Oh... Uh, thanks." He said, taking it and clearing his throat, "I  don't think I'm that lovely, not I word I would use. Handsome, maybe,  but not... Lovely."  He simply gave the flower to Jokki.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "My name is Undershirt" he said as he twisted the dandelion between  his fingers. "Don't think I've ever seen you before."
 "My name is Bowtie" she said as she looked away from Thong for a  moment and looked at Pastel. "And thank you for the Carnation!"
ROAMINGPANDAS:  _Cuddles was hot and ready._
TECHYTECHY:  "Hell YEAH she will!" Shorty encouraged Thigh High. She didn't even  KNOW these two chicks, but she was all about hyping up a smack down.  It's what she was here for. "Forreal though! You're suuuper cute, I- I  don't know what her problem is!" Shorty hiccuped again before laughing  obnoxiously.
 Thong looked over to Bowtie, then looked her up and down thoughtfully  when hearing her question... She had to think about this! It'd be rude  to just assume she didn't know her. Thong was kind of certain she had  met everybody here once , in some way. "Hmm..." She mumbled, before  adding politely, "I'm not too sure... I've been gone from this  business thing for, a while?" Thong pushed her curls behind her  shoulder, then smiled at Pastel with another giggle.
 The demon was admittedly straight, but Pastel was working her heart in  ways she couldn't understand yet. Then she looked back to Bowtie,  trying to get her brain working, "Does Thong Secrette ring a bell,  maybe?"
DOTTIE:  "Uuh... sure? Food sounds good?" Her grip was tight into a fist, under  the table of course, and murder in her eyes, she was ready to kill,  maybe not jacket, she had a couple canidatw
BUMBLERBEE:  "Well, everyone seems... cozy." Rosary narrowed her eyes at the ragtag  bunch in the bar, but... prejudices aside, this wasn't the time. "Come  on, dear, let's get you at the bar into some handsome thing's arms."  Rosary grinned, pushing the young blonde lady forward.
 "Huh? Wh-what?" stammered Dirndl, being coaxed toward two barstools on  the corner. "Oh, alright..." with this, she sat, with Rosary taking  the seat adjacent.
 "Not to worry, sugar, we'll find you someone." replied the nun, who  giggled.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Hmmm" Bowtie said as she tapped her forhead. "Maybe, the name sounds  familiar, and I feel like I've seen a picture or two of you, but i  don't think we've met in person before. I'm Bowtie by the way" she  said before looking at the area in front of her. "Are you going to get  anything to drink?" She asked Thong.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori's cheeks were flushed, this alcohol was much stronger than  expected. But he wasn't drunk yet, the taste was good. Went down  smoothly. He pours several shots for Baul Gag. Before he sense the  thick aura of hatred from Cufflink. Turning his head to him, he was  amazed. /This demon was tiny/
BRIT:  Strappon picked up Cuddles and sat her at the table with the other  children. Why was he babysitting? Well, at least he could get a good  drink in, at least one. He handed Knittens and Bottie menus.  "Just... Order what you want." He said, clearing his throat.
BRIT:  Jacket grinned at Goggles before handing her a menu.  "It sucks when you come to these places alone, that's all." He said,  "You, uh... Look kinda angry."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Oooh, thank you" Baul Gag said to Jeogori as she looked at the shots  in front of her. She took one shot. "OH my this is good!" She said as  she quickly downed the rest of the shots. She started to feel a little  wobbly. Man this stuff was strong!
KR-O:  Jokki reluctantly took the flower, but he didn't seem like he was  letting go of Fundoshi's abdomen any time soon. "Thanks..." He may as  well be a koala at this point.
 Oh great, more holy people were walking into the bar and then. Excuse  the sight Fedora was witnessing right now. He squinted as Strappon  walked in and pointed at the small group, "Where are their mothers.  What kind of bad parenting is going on here? I need to speak to them."  He was already getting riled up, he will fight these children's  parents.
TECHYTECHY:  Thong's smile was still there, but it more so froze on her face.  Scratching her face, she asked carefully, and especially quietly,  "Pictures... like... on... /line?"/ That could be dangerous to her  job. She tried to control her face from going red, but she was already  glowing. Maybe Bowtie didn't hear that.
 She attempted to change the conversation. "Uh! I was thinking on it,"  She replied this time to her actual question, "But uhhh! I don't know,  time isn't right? I mean, if someone buys me a drink, I'll take it,  but..." She grinned, her fingers in her curls, "What about you? You  drinking, then?"
GAMER-GODDESS:  Deciding to ignore Fox Stole's provocations, "God, I know right and  thank you!" Thigh High yelled enthusiastically in Shorty's direction.  "Anyways, what do you recommend? I've never been her before." She  asked calming down enough to speak in her indoor voice.
HITAGASHI:  Grinning at those around her, Pastel clapped her hands together before  her attention was centered on the pair about to fight.  Walking  towards them, she confronted Fox Stole and Thigh High directly.  Mostly Fox Stole as she seemed to be instigating it.
 "Nae, lassie, Ah ken ye've got beef wit' the other lass.  Bu' if'm  ye're gon' fight, ye're gonna fight fair.  It's the rules, aye?"  Lips  pursing, Pastel didn't seem like much at barely below five feet.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shook his head. "Its fine.. my cousin gave me some treats for  us." He then pulls out a bag and put on the table boxes and boxes of  chocolates, cakes, cookies of various types. It was ridiculous what he  was piling on the table. He looks at Fedora and bluntly states, "My  dad is in space and my mom is 4,600 miles away!"  Jeogori nods and gives her the rest of the bottle. She can handle  herself, she's strong. He writes down, "Excuse me a moment." Jeogori  approaches Cufflink, slings him over his shoulder like a sack of  potatoes. He can't let this tiny demon get away. He sits back down  nest to Baul Gag.  Cufflink grunts at the sudden movement and shouts, "LET ME DOWN!"
DOTTIE:  "Me angry?? Nono not at all" she gave him a very pleasant smile and  croased her legs. "You know now that i look at it its kind of lat i  should probably go uh, so you have fun" Goggles patted on the back  with.... a lotof force before making her way out
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Visor stared at Fudoshi, a bit disappointed to be honest. She pulled  out another rose and gently placed it in Jokki's hair. She patted it  in place and blew the furry a tiny kiss before waving to the two of  them. "Have fun on your date, lovebirds" And with that, she left to  give more customers actual roses.
 Bottie sat at the table, and placed his hands in front of him, his  fingers intertwined with one another as he looked through the menu. He  can't read this shit. However his interest did peak when a bunch of  goodies were displayed on the table. Bottie raised his hand as if to  get Knittens' attention, "Would it be alright if I had a cake?"
 Cuddles on the other hand was quite flattered. The day was young and  there was love in the air. She scooted ever closer to the lovely  Strappon and fluttered her non-existent lashes (courtesy of Bifocals  for Cuddles' make-up.).
 Scrunchy stared at the door. It was becoming ever harder to decide  what to do. In an act of desperation, she flung her upper torso  forward and whacked her head on the door, resonating a rather loud  thud through out the establishment. Somehow, the door, nor Scrunchy,  broke,
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox pulls out her phone and checks the  order she made,"these puppies  couldn't take aanny longer." She groans and puts on a coat of pink lip  gloss , removing her  ribbon from hair. She turns to pastel and  shrugs, " fair enough." She said briefly. "You're pastel I'm  assumin'?" She raised an eyebrow.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nodded and smiles brightly. "Ofcourse!! I insist, my cousin  will be happy you enjoy them. Now which one?" He presents 7 different  flavors of cakes. Knittens already had 3 boxes of chocolate and 2  cakes before coming.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie blushed as she looked at Thong blushing. That was not what she  had meant by that. She coughed a little. "Uh yeah actually I was." She  said to Thong before turning to behind the bar. "Could i get a  Martini, shaken not stirred?" She asked. She turned back to Thong. "So  what do you do in HQ?" she asked,
KR-O:  You ear that. That's the sound of Fedora fuming. Internally, though.  He couldn't bring himself to even speak, he was that mad.   Jokki took out his phone and played the I'm Not Your Boyfriend song  as Visor passed by. You know the song. But he didn't know what he was  trying to accomplish by playing this song, he was just embarrassing  himself. Or so he felt that way
TECHYTECHY:  "I'll put anything in my mouth, honestly!" Shorty admitted to Thigh  High, "But uhhh! I kind of don't remember anything! Pastel is like,  /SUPER BAE/ though!" She giggled without really thinking why she was  laughing. Her next hiccup launched her mind into its next thought,  then she began looking around.
 Then she found Pastel , this time over where Fox was. Oh man, she was  getting told! That was kind of funny! Actually really funny to her,  just spilling with more giggles and snickers. What a fucking child. Oh  well, she didn't want to bother her. She turned her attention to  whoever was across the counter and waved at Visor. "YOO-HOOOO~! FLOWER  CHILD~!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori smiles and slides the bar keep another note asking which other  drinks they had. Putting Cufflink on his lap and playing with his  ponytail he shows a note to Baul Gag. "Isn't this Demon adorable?"  Cufflink was pissed off, incredibly pissed. "Let. Me. Go." he growls  and grits his teeth. Cufflink was in no mood for any bull shit.
TECHYTECHY:  "Iiiii used to be kind of a secretary, I guess?" Thong shrugged, "Ran  errands and junk. Right now I'm in the same ball park as the others  though." She /sighed/ with some sadness, digging out her phone from  her jacket pocket. "I'm actually super lame and don't do /anything/ at  all right now..."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Oh my he's adorable!" Baul Gag said as she laughed drunkenly. "How  old is he?"
 Wristband walked over to here brother and ordered a drink. She noticed  the blush on her brother's face and looked at Thong. She put two and  two together and smiled. "So you got the hots for her, huh? You should  make a move." She said.
 "What?! I... I do not" Undershirt said blushing harder.
 "Yes he certainly is" Baul Gag said as she ordered another shot.
HITAGASHI:  Grin stretching again, Pastel nodded at Fox.  "Ach, aye.  If'n ye're  waitin' on an order, Ah can get it express delivered 'ere.  Fer a  small fee, o' course."  Her grin seemed friendly but there was still  the fact that this girl had tried to start a fight.
 As all this chaos went on, Cammy stuck her head in the door, looking  down at the person right by her.  "Uh.  Okay."  Edging away from the  lady banging her head into the door, she tried to inch in and find her  friends.  She was told to bring air freshener though.  Weird.
OSCARK9:  Gloves walks into the pub for the fist time without his namesake. He  was not happy at all. Not because of the pub itself, but not wearing  his gloves at the pub. Beside all that, he just wants to have fun in  the pub since his friends is at the pub already. So with a little huff  he gave up his namesake and sit down at the bar seat "Man. I can't  believe that I can't wear my gloves at the pub." He said mumbling to  himself. Since he's hear already, he might as well get himself a  drink."Sir, is it okay if I have some water, please." This is gonna be  a long day for him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink growls again, "I am a grown man and 37 years old. " He tries  to get up before Jeogori put him back on his lap.  Jeogori's eyes sparkled like a fanboy's before excitedly writing down,  "He's so young and tiny! Can I keep him? I'll take care of him!" He  looks at Baul Gag with begging eyes before pouring himself s hot of  scotch he ordered.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl turned her head, watching as Gloves came in. Hm...? She smiled  briefly, though he did not look so happy. "Gloves?" she asked, glad to  see someone she recognized and had spoken to.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Bottie scratched his chin in thought before pointing to what he  thought to be chocolate. Honestly, he had no idea if he was even  pointing to cake. "..Is this chocolate cake?" he asked, pointing to  the napkins on the table. The kid was hopeless.
 Visor's eyes widened a bit in surprise. Oh boy, that was loud, but it  certainly got her attention. She turned her head a bit warily towards  the source of the sound. _Ohhhh man._ ...  Visor approached Shorty with a rose in hand. However, as she inched  ever closer, she started to realize that this special guest would  deserve more than a meager rose. Reaching into her bag, Visor pulled  out a flower crown and prepared to hand it to Shorty.  "Ah, yes, hello there my lovely, and how are you this fine evening?"  She smiled, gently holding out the flower crown to the drunken angel.  "If I may- You would look beautiful with this if I may be so bold."
BRIT:  "I don't see how you need to fight their parents or if that's going to  do you any good. I'm taking fine care of them, this is an eating  establishment. I'm babysitting." Strappon snorted at Fedora. He was  also apparently on a date with a reptile, he thought, before looking  at the near dealer display of cakes. This was excessive for a child,  "Don't you want to eat real food?"
 Fundoshi stared at Visor before looking down at Jokki. What the hell  just happened??  "Jokki... What are you doing?" He asked simply.
 Jacket blinked. Oh, well that's interesting. He was dumped before he  even tried. Not that he was trying.  He walked up to the door that he heard the cracking on and opened it  to see Scrunchy.  "Are... You going to be okay?" He asked the disgruntled girl.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox chuckles softly , " thanks, but I might as well behave while I'm  here, don't feel like getting my heel lodged in anyone just yet." She  grinned. "Sound like a good idea Pas?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens tilts his head confused. Real food? "I already ate 3 bowls of  beef stew and a ham sandwich for lunch today. My cousin is a cook so  he makes lots of food as practice."
TECHYTECHY:  Shorty gasped with the innocence of a child being presented her first  toy on Christmas day. It was an assortment of motherfucking flowers...  /on her head./ "Duuude, holy shit," she said wide eyes, "I wanted to  get this girl a drink, not a gift! Oh my Godddddddd--"
 This was so much for her. She really didn't even hear the compliments,  because she sucked like that! Instead, she took off the flower crown  and put it on Thigh High's head, "It's not a drink, but I think this  is fine too! Maybe?" Shorty turned to Visor, then kissing her own hand  and laying the kissed hand on Visor's face. "You're so fucking cute,  dude!!"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie couldn't help but feel bad for Thong. "Hey it's okay, I know  this feeling. I was stripped of rank after I burned my magic school  down" Bowtie said.
 "Well if you won't, then I will" Wristband said before walking over to  Thong and tapping on her shoulder. "Hey, I think my brother's into  you."
HITAGASHI:  The woman behind the bar looked frazzled at all the people, happy when  her twin joined her and helped.  Still, that was rude.  Men didn't  work the bar.  They worked the kitchen.  Huffing, the set of sisters  set about serving up drinks.  Her smile turned to the man who called  her sir and passed him some water.  "Here you are, sir.  Please  remember all us on the floor are women.  It raises morale of the  customers, after all!"
 And then, just like that, with a screeching noise on a guitar the  music stopped as all the employees looked at Fox Stole in horror.  Why  would she do this?  Pastel's grin fled her face immediately and her  eyes narrowed.
 "Mo chara, me name is Gas Mask, me nickname is Pastel.  If'n ye won'  call me these, ye call me Miss Dirge.  Nae, Ah ken ye didn' ken but  next time, ask 'fore ye call someone somethin' like that."  Heels  clicking as she turned away and moved towards Strappon and co, the  music began again, even as a smile worked back onto her face when she  saw the children.  "Dia duit, li'l ones!  How 'bout this.  Ye split ye  a mash, then ye can have some cake."
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was drinking his water at the bar. He heard a famillier  voice that was called out to him. He turn his head to the voice that  was called to him and saw his friend Dirndl at the pud. "Oh. Hey  Dirndl." He said to her while he looks down.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens couldn't quite understand Gasmask and just nodded. Just like  his cousin always told him, just nod if you don't understand.
BUMBLERBEE:  "You don't seem so happy." Dirndl said quietly, looking down and  noticing his naked, lewdly displayed hands. "Oh, that's right.  Namesakes..." she hand gently, leaning over a few stools to speak and  hear better. She was a quiet little edelweiss. "I'm just glad I know  someone here, other than the Sister here." she chuckled briefly.
TECHYTECHY:  Thong tilted her head, blinking her eyes in a mix of amazement. "What  the hell, that's kind of super cool though?..." At least cooler than  HER reason for being demoted. She would love to have the experience of  accidentally causing destruction instead of just plain sexual  experience being her downfall. What was she, a fallen angel?
 Thong turned away from her conversation with Bowtie to someone also  cute. She rose a brow at the rather blunt statement though. "Your  brother?" She had to hold back from saying she couldn't blame him, but  fuck, still. "Who?" She looked to Bowtie apologetically, then  shrugging in the way of saying /'I guess this is happening now!'/
BRIT:  Strappon looked at the demon with a bit of surprise, then realized it  was someone he'd once known.  "Pastel? You... Joined the Dark Side, did you?" He asked, the shock  apparent in his voice.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Scrunchy stared at Jacket before she placed her hands on his shoulders  to balance herself out. She shook her head no. She would not be ok.  She couldn't steel the door, the knob, the hinges, she couldn't strip,  worst of all she couldn't wear her trademarked Scrunchy.She looked at  this man with the eyes of a broken soul. All that could be heard was a  tiny whisper. _"I can't.. wear my scrunchy in here. They can't see me  like that, man."_
 Visor placed a hand on her cheek where she had just been 'kissed'. To  be honest, The angel was fairly sweet. even though she was totally  hammered. The human bowed slightly towards Shorty. "Hey, as are you~"  She said as her lips curled up into a genuinely warm smile. "I hope  you're enjoying your evening here?"
 Bottie raised his hand at Pastel. "so.. Food then cake?" He pouted.  Cuddles agreed. Somehow. That seemed morally incorrect.
KR-O:  Fedora crossed his arms and huffed, looking off in the other  direction, "Parenting is a touchy subject, I guess," he admitted. He  seated himself with the small group. Better than being surrounded by  other Immortals in his opinion.   Jokki shrugged, "Apparently trying to get a point across..." He  finally let go of Fundoshi, but not one of his shirt's sleeves.
TIMERIFTS:  Onesie finally made her appearance, however she was covered in glitter  and little bits of paper. Her plan was to make friends with everyone  here, no matter how hard that could be. She skipped into the pub and  looked around, everyone seemed a little off but she couldn't pinpoint  why exactly. She glanced around happily as she walked farther into the  bar, she had not heard any of the rules so she didn't know she was  doing a single thing wrong, she had always been a tad oblivious though
MAGNUSMATEBA:  Gauntlet drove up to this Pub in this new city he was moved to,  slamming the door of a rather expensive sports car. Typical of him, a  remainder of what he had prior to falling. He'd checked in at the  abbey he was directed to before but it seemed like there was nobody  home.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Dan son, this a nice flower crown if I do say so myself." Thigh High  said pointing finger guns towards the pair in front of her. "Good  shit, anyways I need to get me some whiskey, I'm gonna need some if I  have to square off later! Would you like anything?" She asked Shorty.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori was basically writting down pleads to get permission to let  him keep Cufflink while all the more Cufflink shouted insults at him.
 Knittens noticed his glittery friend and waved like a mad man.  "Heeey!!! Onesie!!" He made a special gift for his friend.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "This guy" Wristband said as she pointed at Undershirt. If he didn't  take her then she would!
 Undershirt just put his face in his hands. Damn it Wristband!
 "Rude as fuck yo" Bowtie thought as the conversation was interrupted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox blinks a couple times and shakes her head,"fine fine..sorry." What  was this? An apology!? Wow. Did not see that one coming.  Fox rolls  her eyes and takes out her mirror, checking her lipstick. Saw that  though. With a sip of her whisky she continues her browsing on her  phone.
OSCARK9:  "Yeah." He said to her and gave her a little smile. "I'm happy that  your hear as well. Want some drink since you're hear? I'm not a fan of  alcohol." He questions Dirndl.
TECHYTECHY:  Aw, she was bowing! That was totally adorable, Shorty thought to  herself! "The evening is swell and happening, I'd say!" She answered  Visor, wiggling in her seat with glee. She spun herself towards Thigh  High, realizing this could be her chance to drink. Or she could say no  and happily respect Pastel's bar rules, since Pastel was kind of a  bro.
 /"Uhhhhhhhhh..."/ Shorty answered, stretching her words rather than  pausing before answering, "YEAH! Whiskey is fine!" Fuck.
HITAGASHI:  "Aye aye, li'l one!"  Pastel ruffled Bottie's hair and waved a  waitress down.  The woman smiled, cleared the junk food from the table  and raced away to the kitchen.  She returned quickly with the  shepherd's pie for the children to eat.  "After this, ye can have yer  sweets back.  Get somethin' hearty in ye."
 Turning to Strap, however, she grinned and pulled a small little hand  fan out from... somewhere.  Turning it on and holding it to her face,  she spoke with a smirk.  "Ye underest'mate the power o' the Dark Side.  If ye will nae fight, then ye will meet yer destiny."  Yeah, she just  Vader'd.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  Gauntlet stepped in to a commotion he hadn't seen before, even with  the fallen he'd had to babysit over his previous time as a watcher. He  was told to find a Templar and spotted him among the crowd talking to  a demon as if he'd known her previously. Ignoring the rest of the  people, Gauntlet approached the man and asked him ''Excuse me sir, do  you have a minute? I was told to find you.''
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl blushed briefly, looking over to see Rosary... shooing her  toward Gloves! Even if it was a friend, something good might happen!  The angel scooted over, "Oh... maybe. I've nto had anything to drink  in so long." she remarked, idly stroking blonde hair.
 Rosary, meanwhile, leaned on her hands, scanning the bar.
 Who to molest... so many choices.
TECHYTECHY:  Thong tilted her head, her face now holding a much more amused smile.  She kind of wanted to laugh, but she didn't want to look rude in front  of this guy's sister! Oh my God, his sister was doing this on purpose,  wasn't she?
 "The guy hiding in his hands you mean...?" She asked, holding back a  snort. Oh my God. This was more sad than rude now. "That's kind of  cute."
TIMERIFTS:  she was much to easily distracted "Ohh hey!" she exclaimed making her  way over to her friend "Knittens hi" Onesie grinned and dropped a  mountain of friendly valentines on the table! She was much to excited  to be here, so many people to meet!!  Overalls sauntered into the bar, she had gotten tomorrow off work  which was strange but she would roll with it, she looked around and  was able to figure out that everyone had ditched their namesake, so  she stripped of her pants. She felt a little silly but hey whatever it  could be worse. She walked to the bar and ordered some shots, she was  no lightweight and booze always helped her loosen up, sometimes too  much.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens awed at the pie happily. "My mom use to make these a lot!" He  flashed the biggest smile he has to onesie and presents to her  sloppily made chocolates. "Happy Valentines, buddy! I made these all  by myself for ya!" He then proceeded to shove the pie into his face.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Visor sighed slightly, placing her hand to her forehead. Oh dear. "Ah,  remember, if you get _more_ drunk things could go bad fast-"  It was too late, the deed hath been done.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Yeah, that's him" Wristband said to Thong. "He's just really shy.  He'd love to talk to you!" Wristband grabbed her drink and took a sip.  She'd better watch how much she drinks, she's a horny drunk.
KR-O:  Raising a brow, Fedora analyzed the person that suddenly barged into  their space. He smells like an Immortal, /disgusting/ . "You have the  audacity to interrupt a conversation, huh. Wait your turn.... whoever  the hell you are."
BRIT:  Strappon smiled at the kind gesture that Knittens had done giving  Pastel chocolate before turning his attention back to Pastel, kind of  ignoring Fedora for now. He seemed mad.  "I'm pretty sure you butchered that line, but okay. I don't see the  allure of sinning." He said to her, "I'll keep a respectable distance,  but we're... Technically enemies, now."
 It was hard for him to admit. Then he was approached by another man,  one he'd never seen before.  "Looking for me? I assume you're a Fallen Angel, then. Heavenbents  come to me at my usual office hours." He said, though he was joking a  little.
 Jacket was shocked by Scrunchy's sudden reaction.  "UH?? Why not try, I dunno, putting up your hair with a regular hair  tie??" He said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was not good with  people having crises."I'm sure someone's got one! I've gotta go  without my favorite jacket, I know how you feel, bro."
OSCARK9:  "Great!" He said to her while he smile a little more. It's nice to  have someone to drink while at the pub. "You can order any drink you  want Dirndl. The bill is on me." He said to Dirndl.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Getting up from her seat, Thigh High waltzed up to the bar with a skip  in her step. She was all fired up at the thought of getting booze.  Arriving at her destination, she leaned her elbow onto the surface  "Two shots of whiskey, please." The angel said with her best smile.
TIMERIFTS:  Onesie beamed at the people at the table, handing each a valentine  "happy love day!" she exclaimed, staring happily at the chocolate  Knittens made her "thanks so much!" she giggled and put them in her  onesie pocket, still no one had told her no namesakes but hey she  wasn't much of a fighter anyways. She looked around for a little  before standing up "I'll be back friends!" she scooped up her papers  in her arms and went to spread some cheer and make friends
BUMBLERBEE:  "What! I couldn't make you pay for me." Dirndl said in surprise,  laughing in embarrassment. The very idea! "It's such a nice offer, but  I'd feel so terrible to have you pay for me, Gloves... Are you sure?"
TECHYTECHY:  Thong giggled, but it was more like a squeak. She politely put a hand  over her mouth to laugh more softly, not wanting to appear Completely  Rude. "That's adorable, really," she insisted, then looked towards  Undershirt.
 The succubus blew a kiss before waving. Nice one.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens waved goodbye and was a chipper lad. The bar didn't seem so  bad now!  Jeogori pets Cufflink and picks him up. He should introduce himself to  the other people. He still has a mission for a teacher, He slips a  note to Baul Gag explaining, "I'm going to talk to others." Jeogori  walks over to the nearest demons to him, Overalls.
Sorry guys, I'll be back a bit later))
HITAGASHI:  Staring at Strappon incredulously, she started snickering.  "Ach,  lordy, ye're a riot.  If'n ye think Ah give a shite 'bout sides, yer  mistaken.  Also yer biased.  An' rude.  Ain' ye s'posed t' be 'bout  spreadin' love t' yer fellows?  Unless ye American lot see it  different from me kin folk."  She shrugged, turning to the new person  talking to Strappon, eyeing him curiously.  "Ye're feckin' rude, ye  ken tha'?"
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''I am a fallen'' Gauntlet replied ''I just got the metaphorical boot.  Name's Gauntlet and I assume you want to know why I fell? '' Gauntlet  honestly hoped that the templar he was told about would not ask, but  he knew better. The humans he had worked with in the past were always  curious like that. He extended his arm to offer a hand shake to be  polite, his namesake still on from ignorance.
TIMERIFTS:  Onesie skipped off to the farthest table in the bar, thongs table and  she grinned from ear to ear "hello friends!" she chimed and handed  each person a poorly made card and stared at them in anticipation of  their reaction.  Overalls glanced at the huge alien thing "oh hey" she smiled she was a  little intimidated but she wouldn't let him know that, she was  supposed to be fearless and blah blah blah
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt gulped hard and blushed even more. "H..h..hi" he said. Oh  god, hold it together man. "So uh.. you're name's Thong right? Wait,  then that means... oh boy" he said as he glanced down and then looked  back up at Thong. He didn't think he could get any redder, but he did.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink was just frowning like hell, his angry shouts didn't work and  his throat was sore.  Jeogori waved and writes down, "Hello. my name is Jeogori and this is  my new addition to my tiny collectibles." Motioning to Cufflink with a  smile.  The demon shot a glare at Jeogori and hissed, "I am not. I'm  Cufflink."
TECHYTECHY:  Shorty clapped her hands and followed behind Thigh High with a dance  in her steps. The thought of a gal getting her booze was firing HER  up. Fuck yeah! "Oh man, did I actually say my name?" Shorty asked  outloud, her eyes going wide. "Fuck, I'm awful! I mean, uh, I- I'm  Shorty, not Awful!" The WORST.
BRIT:  Strappon looked down at Gauntlet's extended hand as sighed.  "No, I don't want to hear the details. It's awfully rude of you to  assume so. I'd rather just help you become a full Angel again and save  this city from its conglomeration of sin and ghosts." He said, shaking  his hand. He wasn't much interested in another fallen, if anything it  only made him need more alcohol. He turned back to Pastel, "I  understand that I am biased, and spreading 'love' isn't my job, it's  clearing this city of the pests that Demons create. Excuse me for  assuming such on someone like yourself."
TECHYTECHY:  Thong pitied Undershirt. He was hot in a bad sort of way. Like you  wanted to hold him and make sure he was okay, sort of way. If that was  a way. This was all happening, in front of Bowtie and some dude's  sister and oh God, where was HP when she needed him. She already had  her phone out in her hand during her conversation with Bowtie, so her  fingers were already flying over the touch screen as she sent a text  to her good carrot pal.
 "Your impure thoughts are flattering, really," She mused, "Annnd you  must be Shy, then?"
GAMER-GODDESS:  Smirking at the angel's introduction, "Nice to meet you, Shorty,"  reaching her hand out "My name's Thigh High- if you couldn't tell  already!" She laughed while gesturing towards her ungodly leg tan.  Maybe one day she'll even it out.
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls nodded at them "nice to meet you both" she turned to face  them "why you at the pub tonight?" she asked, trying to make  conversation, she was kinda boring.  Onesie stared at thong, undershirt and bowtie, they probably hadn't  noticed her but she was determined to make friends with them
KR-O:  For some reason, the sound of muffled music could be heard. Was it  some chap blasting their music on high volume? Hopefully, but sadly  that wasn't the case.   The doors of the pub slammed opened, stage smoke setting into the  establishment and the music was slowly dying down for an " /OOOH  YEEESSS/ " To be heard.   A shapely leg then stuck out of the smoke and the figure that  followed announced themselves, "Gogo.... is /here/ ." Not that anybody  would care considering their intrusion would have murdered them at  this point.
OSCARK9:  "I'm sure as Jesus himself, Dirndl." He answers her. "Besides,  drinking at the pub alone is not my cup of tea. But with a friend with  me, it makes my day happy." He said to her while he gave her a smile.  "Besides, I got to apologies the bar tender for calling her a "Sir",  since I was feeling down." He said to Dirndl while felling bad for  himself. "So, yeah! Enjoy yourself!"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "I...I just... have never been good with talking to girls, especially  pretty ones like you" he said as he took another sip. The alcohol  seemed to be taking the edge off. It also didn't help that it was  Valentine's Day and being dateless sucks.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink sighs, "Wanted to drink enough to forget about this horrid  holiday." He feels Jeogori adjust him so that he could sit down.  Flashbacks to G'oun filled his mind.  Jeogori wrote down that he wanted to know earth alcohol before hearing  Gogo's entry. Crorssing out his reason he instead writes, "What is  that?"
HITAGASHI:  Waving her hand, Pastel smirked at Strap.
 "Ach, mo chara, it's no harm, no foul.  Too li'l too late an' all that  great shite.  Nae, Mister Gauntlet, Ah've got strict rules, aye?  Gimme yer namesake.  It ain' fair if'n ye get t' keep yers an' no one  else do-"  Head snapping towards the door, she was almost, almost  ready to go over there.  Good thing she had hired help.  Behind Gogo  began to loom a large a figure, the music from Gogo cutting out  abruptly.  "Ach, thankin' ye, mo chara!"
 "It finds this creatures presence... _insulting_."  Volto Foglia  stared down at Gogo, arms crossed and smile stretched thin.  Why did  things want to fog its senses by using smoke and effects?  Very  disgusting.
TECHYTECHY:  Shorty oooh'd over Thigh High's legs, then looked back at her and  admitted "I really thought you were gonna say Kneesocks or something,  but I g-guess I was close!" Shorty pulled on the ends of her short  shorts, completely forgetting that she hadn't taken those off at the  entrance.  "How long have YOU been here??" Hopefully not forever!  Daten sucked!
TECHYTECHY:  Putting her phone on the counter for a moment, Thong then got up from  her seat and closed the distance between her and Undershirt to wrap  her arms around his neck and press her cheek against his cheek.  "You're precious! 'Being all sweet and saying compliments, what a  gentlemen!" She then pressed her lips against his cheek, giving a  kiss.
 She was doing this on purpose.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  These feelings were reciprocated by Gauntlet. ''Likewise. I'd rather  go back to being a watcher myself, no strings attached. I'm sorry I  didn't catch your name and since we're probably going to see each  other for a bit it would be useful to know, yes?'' He then looked  around, observing the scene, making silent evaluations of who he saw  around him. Many demons around the place mingling with angels. A sight  he was familiar with, working close to the borders between the north  and west.  He hadn't talked to demons often and it was a shock for Pastel to  address him. While observing the room he had noticed the sign of the  rules. No namesakes, like she was telling him. Reluctantly, he pulled  the leather gauntlets oh his hands and handed them to Pastel. ''So  sorry milady, wont happen again.'' he handed the namesakes to the  owner of the Pub ''Do you serve canadian brew here?''
BRIT:  Strappon sighed and stood up.  "I... Need to use the restroom." He said, "You, other... Human. Please  watch these precious children."
TIMERIFTS:  Onesie slipped away from the table, they were not interested  obviously, but that was okay, some people were just busy!! she smiled  and headed off to another table to make friends  Overalls shrugged "i don't have a clue who or what is is" he chuckled
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens was just a bucket of sunshine as he finished his sheperd's  pie. "Thank you lady! Your pie was delicious!!" He glances over to  Oneise and signals a thumbs up.  Jeogori raised an eyebrow and writes another note, "So it is not  common, correct?"
KR-O:  Gogo quickly straightened themselves out, a sheepish smile about their  face, "Oh, sorry darling! It's just how I make my entrances in new  places." They immediately removed their shoes, "Now, I'm not barbaric  and read the rules outside, where do I set these?"   Fedora gave a thumbs up to the Templar as he left. Oh boy.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Averting her eyes from Shorty's namesake, she ignored that topic for  the moment. Stroking her chin as if it had a beard, "I think I've been  here for a year? Maybe? Fuck, I don't know for sure but I know it's  been too damn long. How about you?" Thigh High questioned while  leaning on the bar with both her elbows.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls nodded "I guess they are not a common sight, but the seem  respectable enough" she shrugged, taking another shot, offering them  both one.  Onesie headed up to rosary and handed her a card "happy valentines  day!" she exclaimed, cheerfully as the first time, she would not let  that get her down
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt froze completely at the kiss. It felt nice, really nice.  The alcohol was starting to cloud Undershirt's judgement. And he  kissed her back. "Thanks for the compliments" he said,
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked up and about, trying to decide if at all she wanted  something to drink. "Hm." gentle finger tapped her chin, while she  noted Rosary standing up to stretch a bit. "I think, maybe just  something sweet? Or fruity?" she shrugged, not sure entirely. "This is  my first time doing anything like this."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink forced a chuckle, "Thank you. But I get drunk rather...  Easily." He gives the shot to Jeogori. Or rather his annoyance for the  evening.  Jeogori takes both shots and licks his lips. He takes another bar  napkin and writes, "What is this? It's good."
HITAGASHI:  Her eye twitched at the question.  Though she smiled down at the  child's compliment.  "Well.  Ah've got slightly less strong Irish  brew.  Or mead.  If'n ye'd prefer somethin' softer though, Ah've got  some nice sweet honeyed mead."
 "It supposes It accepts your apology.  However, it would be best if  you put your boots over in the closet.  Miss Dirge has some slippers  for you."
BUMBLERBEE:  Rosary--now that it's her turn-- looked down to see Onesie there...  And smile softly. No longer a sexual deviant for the time, she  squatted down. "Happy Valentine's Day, sweet darling." the card was  accepted, while red polished fingers gently reached up to bring the  sweet little head over to be kissed by carmine lips in a motherly way.  "I think this will be my favorite Valentine this year."
TECHYTECHY:  "Duuude," Shorty frowned, "I've been here f-for, like, so long...  liiiike..." She started counting her fingers while one of the  bartenders placed their drinks in front of them. "I don't know! More  than two years, probably!" /Definitely/ more than two years.
 "Daten's really cool though, waaay cooler than Heaven," she said with  as much honesty as possible, "L- Like, I wouldn't mind just LIVING  here, t-b-h."
 Thong was going to leave her arms draped around Undershirt, this is  where she will stay. "It's no problem, darling," she smiled warmly,  "Just pay me back in drinks~" THERE IT IS.
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls grinned at them " Fair enough" she directed her attention to  the napkin that had some words scribbled on it "Baileys Irish cream"  she commented to the large alien  Onesie smiled brightly, she liked this feelings of being liked a lot  "I'm glad!" she was so excited to be accepted like this, she had made  a new friend!! she got a happy and giddy, competely forgetting the  mishap at the other table "i hope to see you around!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens got up and walked over to Onesie and whines a bit, "Onesie  I'm boooored, lets do something fun!" He wanted to play games, getting  sick of eating too much.  Jeogori made sure the name was imprinted in his brain. It was maybe  his favorite. His cheeks got more red, but no he wasn't drunk. At  least he doesn't act it.  Cufflink struggled against Jeogori's ion grip on him and looked like a  pouting child.
KR-O:  Gogo nodded and did as instructed. The slippers they received seemed  to clash with their colors but they'll accept it for now. The quickly  made ther way to these tall, red figures. They were something they  weren't familiar with and it wouldn't hurt to get acquainted. They  apparoched Jeogori, tapping his shoulder, "Well, hello tall, dark, and  handsome!"
BUMBLERBEE:  Rosary smiled softly, petting Onesie's head. "Of course you will, I  live at the Abbey." she said, slowly standing up. "You be careful in  here, and try not to cause too much mayhem." she said with a laugh,  stroking her smooth ink black locks back.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''No thank you Miss...'' He tried to remember the name of the place's  owner ''Pastel correct? I asked mostly out of habit. I usually don't  drink but I had to look the part to stalk the angels fallen from  gluttony back when I was a watcher.'' Gauntlet turned around to look  towards the room, leaning his back on the counter.  ''When you've been doing this job for three centuries, you start to  notice that some things never change. The drunkards and gluttonfalls  are always easy to see'' His gaze turned towards two angels discussing  how long they had been on earth though he knew there were more in the  room. Nobody had really noticed the stranger walking in. Gauntlet's  skills at blending in the crowd were still as sharp.
OSCARK9:  "It's okay, Dirndl. This is my first time too." He said to her.  "Something Sweet or Fruity, huh?" He was thinking for a minute to see  if anything that comes in his mind. "Well, the only thing that comes  in mind is a Strawberry Sundae or a Bannana Split. I know it's a  dessert kind, but how's that sound? I can ask her if they have any."  He ask Dirndl.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Whatever you say, babe, what do want?" He asked as he pulled Thong  closer.
 Meanwhile Wristband took a swig of beer and gave her brother the  thumbs up. She knew he had it in him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori raised his eye brow and stands up going to  his full height of  8 feet and 10 inches. He was not assumed how GoGo was only a bit  shorter, unlike Cufflink who was adorably small. But noticing fighting  wasn't an option he shows a note, "Hello. I am Jeogori. And you  human?"
KR-O:  Wow, this alien was taller than expected, "Exceptionally tall..." They  grabbed the note to read it and chuckled, "Oh no dear, I'm not a  human. I'm an Angel, Gogo Boots!"
GAMER-GODDESS:  Thigh High nodded her head in, "Daten is definitely better than Heaven  when it comes to buying food and alcohol. Speaking of which, I  recently moved in down here AND goddamn is it nice! 10/10" She praised  as she downed her shot as soon as she saw it. The liquid burned  slightly as it went down, jumpstarting her nerves as she slammed the  glass on the bar "But, as nice as it is, I do miss it sometimes..."
TECHYTECHY:  "I could use a martini!" Thong smiled with glee. Hell yes, Hell yes,  free drinks and a dude to hold onto, this is what she was about.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Okay.. Angel...? The inquisitor wants to question but the desire to  drink is stronger. Jeogori still holding Cufflink, gives a note  reading, "Jeogori. What drink do you recommend? I want to try what  earth has to offer."
HITAGASHI:  "If'n yer nae gon' drink, don' ask fer it."  Her attention was mostly  on her patrons, smiling at some of the older ones as they left.  Nothing annoyed her as much as someone lying to her about ordering  drinks.  VF walked passed her, patting her on the shoulder and heading  towards the bard and more specifically towards Bowtie.  Not that  they'd interacted much but at least it knew who the demoness was.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''Well gee, sorry! 300 years of habits are hard to break you know?''  Gauntlet wasn't offended at the remark. He was supposed to know bar  etiquette and he broke it in a flash..
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Alright, Waiter you heard the lady!" He said. "So,you said you used  to be a secretary correct? What happened if you don't mind me asking?"  If he was buying her drinks, he'd like to get to know her at least a  little bit. It only seemed fair
KR-O:  Gogo tapped their chin, looking at the note. They got into deep  thought, then snapped their fingers, "Get a blowjob!! They're pretty  nice."
 Fedora was still keeping a sharp eye out for those kids. He swears he  is.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  A... What? What a weird drink name, Jeogori tried to put the name  through context but couldn't figure out what this drink was. He shoots  a confused look at Gogo and scribbles down, "And what's in the  drink...?"  Cufflink was also confused and raised his eyebrows.  Knittens meanwhile was not at the table and in fact was wandering  around, looking for adventure.
KR-O:  Gogo was about to speak before considering the fact that Jeogori was  literally not of this world, "Well, see deary. I can list off the  ingredients, but it's not like it'd answer what it is _exactly_ . So  just go ahead and order one to find out. They're pretty nice, I assure  you!"
MAGNUSMATEBA:  Gauntlet noticed a human with a fedora on his head looking around the  room regularly. It looked like the templar from earlier talked to him,  an associate perhaps? He walked to meet the man, feeling like if he  was a superior, he might have to meet him. Gauntlet moved towards him  and stopped. He hoped that he wouldn't have to break the ice but he  was prepared to do so if necessary.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori couldn't decide whether to trust this angel. He didn't even  know what angels are. During his deep in thought decision making he  loosened his grip on Cufflink.  Cufflink felt Jeogori's grip release and ran like hell. FREEDOM! He  ran through the bar, trying to find a place to hide.  Jeogori snapped his head at the tiny running demon but lost sight of  him. /Damn it/ Jeogri gives a note saying goodbye as he looked for his  tiny demon collectible.
KR-O:  Fedora rested his chin on the palm of his hand, making sure Knittens  didn't get into too much trouble. But suddenly, there was an  unsettling presence near him. He shifted his eyes to Gauntlet's  direction, raising a brow, "....What do you want?"
 Gogo simply stared at the note, sighing, "Ah well.."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink hid under table and stayed silent. "Please don't notice  me..." he thought.  Jeogori walks over to Rosary and shows her a note, "Have you seen a  tiny demon?"
MAGNUSMATEBA:  Gauntlet was shocked, This guy was more serious than he thought. He  came into this somewhat confident but now, he was intimidated  although, he would never admit this. Answers rushed through his head,  and he couldn't grasp onto one until finally he replied  ''I noticed the templar, whom I still haven't got his name, tell you  to watch over everyone, correct? Also that attire makes you look  important, so I figured I might have to deal with you later on.'' This  justification was already too long and Gauntlet right hand was shaking  ever so slightly ''My name's Gauntlet and I'm just after conversation  for now.''
KR-O:  "Who, Sir Strappon? No, I'm only going to look after the humans. I  could care less for the feather balls and what they do." Especially  what happened to them.  "But whatever," he continued, "I'm Fedora." He didn't continue on from  there, he just sort of took his phone out to check messages.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori was actually lifting tables and putting them back down.  Nothing tiny escapes him. Finally he found Cufflink clinging to a  table leg.  "NO NO NOOOOO!" Cufflink shouts as he was pryed off and again carried  affectionately.
HITAGASHI:  Wandering in late to the party, a new lady came onto the scene.  She'd  been told about this place by a friend of her cousin.  The neighbor,  she thought.  She saw the lady's brother at home more than her.  Especially on Valentine's Weekend.  Grinning wide, she bounced her way  in, skipping merrily after putting her weapons in a massive closet.  Bouncing up to the bar, she hoped she could get some apple juice.  When she got it, she clapped and set up shop.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''I can't say I blame you sir, us 'feather balls' seem to get  celebrity status just for being angels. I've seen fallen for 3  centuries and if it makes you feel any better, we're all shitbags in  the end. I swear one day the humans will create a heaven to rival our  own...'' This conversation was obviously going to get unproductive  soon. Gauntlet had seen social conventions evolve over time and he  knew that someone pulling out their phone in this context meant 'piss  off for now' and so he decided to go back to mingling. ''Thanks for  telling me your name though, I guess we might be forced to meet again  later Fedora''
KR-O:  "Whatever, your condolences mean nothing to me when you lot keep  making human's life chaotic." He smiled a little as he was browsing  his phone, maybe someone on his hit list finally dropped dead, "As  much as I don't really want to, we will see each other."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens whines a bit as he climbed back in his seat. "I'm boored!!  Lets play games!" he exclaims while looking at Fedora.
KR-O:  Gogo's attention was brought to the new person in the pub. Their hair.  Their was was just _perfect_ . They rushed over to the lady and sat  next to them, trying to appear as casually as possible. They rested  their arm on the bar counter, leaning to the lady they began to ask,  "Who does your hair, darling? It's absolutely _GORGEOUS_ !"
 Fedora put away his phone to pay attention to Knittens, "Alright. What  game did you have in mind?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Hmmm... Lets play hide and seek!" Knittens announced and ran to hide  while calling out, "You're it!" He crawled under the bar and motioned  for the bartender to keep silent.
HITAGASHI:  Smiling brightly, the lady turned to face Gogo while also leaning a  bit back to distance them from herself.  She remained smiling though,  sipping on her apple juice.  "Well, if I'm in a rush, it's my cousin.  But when I have the time, like today?  It's me!  I love doing my hair!   And making my dresses!  I'm Brooch Symphonia, by the way.  Who're  you?"  She bounced in place a tiny bit, eyes wide and happy.  She  loved talking fashion.
KR-O:  This kid sort of forgot the key component of hide-n-seek. Making the  other person count to 10 or something. He played along, either way, no  need to crush this child's dream. So he walked around the  establishment pretending to look for Knittens.
 "My, you have the hands of a Goddess for that hair to look like it  does. I'm Go-Go Boots, but call me Gogo."
(( OOC: Thanks all for coming but due to mod sickness and pain, this RP will be cut short and we will pick it up tomorrow! ))
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox took the card and smiled a little,"uh..thanks chica.." It's the  thought that counts fox.
Last time at the pub, Pastel was revealed to the world to be a demon. She and Visor proceeded to give people flowers.  And each other a traffic cone hat (for Pastel) and a Burger Queen crown (for Visor). People did dumb things.  People almost started a fight.  There are also children in the pub hanging out with a grumpy old pink haired man. Oh... and Gogo seems to have found a lady to cozy up with after a failed flirtation with an alien.  Good job, Gogo.
Happy Valentine's Day!
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens was under bar counter, to in the cupboards of the kitchen,  and finally giggling in the vents. Don't question this chain of  events. He took off his hat and waited patiently.  Cufflink kicked his legs and tried pulling away but Jeogori still  carried him bridal style.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox  was checking her order yet again until she got distracted by an  ad for valentines day chocolate. She shrugs and buys a shit ton of the  stuff , handing a box to everyone.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was waiting for Dirndl to answer his question to see if she  like to have a Sweet Strawberry Sundae or a Fruity Bannana Split. She  did said that she wants something Sweet or Fruity for her drink. But  he thought of desserts that comes in his mind instead of drinks. But  he doesn't know if they have any in the pub since this is his first  time at the pub and got him a little worried. So for the safe saying,  he told Dirndl to hold on for a minute and called out to the one that  he accidentally called her a 'Sir' to see if they have any. Also, owe  her an apology. "Excuse me, Miss! Is it okay if I ask you a question.  Well, 2 questions to be said."
HITAGASHI:  Giggling, Brooch smiled sweetly at Gogo.  "I don't know about that!  I  just love being pretty and making pretty things!  I have to ask the  same from you though!"  She gestured towards their general look.  "You  look _amazing_!  I really love your hair most!"
MAGNUSMATEBA:  Gauntlet had been turned away faster than he'd though by this Fedora  guy, but whatever. No harm done. His gaze turned to man, probably an  angel with a demon sitting on his lap. An unconventional sight he'd  only seen in the north, and it was rare even then. Curiosity probably  wouldn't kill this cat, hopefully, so he made himself look normal,  passing in between patrons to try and mask his approach to go sit to  the table next to this guy.   ''You look like you're having a good time'' Gauntlet said. He tried  to make it sound like it was aimed at somebody else but there was no  mistaking the fact he was talking to the man next to him, with a demon  on his lap.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Tur'tle'nek didn't really understand this human holiday called  'Valentine's Day'. A single day where you show someone how much you  love them? That's bizarre, she thought. You should do that every day,  at least that's what she believed. Anyways, Turt decided only one  thing could help her understand this day better than anything else,  and that was to experience it herself. Maybe there was something  special about this day.  After eavesdropping on a few individuals (Totally not weird for a  seven foot tall glowstick), she heard there was some sort of event  occurring in a 'Pub'. Well, Time to investigate the matter.  After making her way to Kelpie's shore, the throne walked through the  entrance, completely unaware that there were certain rules for  immortals and their namesakes in here.  Everyone appeared pre-occupied, so Turt just decided to take a seat on  the ground right by the door. Maybe she'd just observe this holiday  from a semi-safe distance.
KR-O:  "Oh please! I can't get it to look as good as this without my  stylist's help, she's the real hero here!" They took the compliment  regardless, they still haven't gotten their daily dose of ego boost.  After some time, Fedora just started to walk around kind of slow  around the pub, to give Knittens the illusion that he was actually  looking for the kid. After a bit, he asked the bar tender if it was  alright to check for something...or someone, behind the counter.  Getting the go ahead, he crouched down to where Knittens was, "Found  you."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt's fun time was interrupted much to his chagrin. "Well I  was" he said as he adjusted Thong on his lap. He eyed this new guy  closely. "Don't think I've seen you around before." He may have been a  little tipsy, but he was sure that he didn't recognize him,
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens almost shrieked and chuckled, "You're good at-!" Before he  could finish his word he saw Tur'tle'nek and his eyes widen. That was  an alien. Aliens come from space, dad is in space, he could ask about  space..!!! Basically running from Fedora and flinging himself at  Tur'tle'nek and excitedly asks, "You're alien right?! You've been to  space?! What's it like in space? What do you eat? Have you seen my  dad? How do you get to space!?"
HITAGASHI:  It was hard not to notice a bright white creature taller than her door  entering the pub.  Eyes tracking over, she wandered towards the Throne  at the door and held out a hand.  She tried to seem calm what with  having been annoyed earlier.  Be polite to the lady almost twice your  size.  About to speak, she was interrupted by a small child and her  smile became genuine.  How cute.
 "She's magic, then!  It looks absolutely perfect!"  One hand came up  to cover her mouth as a soft yawn came forth.  "Oh, sorry, sorry!  My  cousin has twins.  They're really... _really_ energetic!  It's hard to  keep up with them!  And she had lots to do today so I've been up since  uh..."  She seemed to count backwards in her head.  "Four.  They woke  me up at four in the morning!  Yep!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox sighs and checks the condition of her nails ,"good to go..ish."  She yawned as she walked over to the wall, leaning against it. She  took out her phone and viewed some pictures of her baby volpe. "Mama  misses you sweetie, I'll get you later I promise."
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Turtle blinked her eyes, Well that was certainly fast. Though, she  didn't quite understand what this had to do with Valentine's.. None  the less, Turtle smiled and leaned her head forward just enough to  show she was engaging in this conversation. "Oh, space is rather huge,  but it's a beautiful thing. There's all sorts of amazing things out  there to study." She paused for a moment trying to recall all of the  boy's questions. She didn't want to leave him without answers, after  all. "I suppose I could be an alien, yes. But I'm not going to lie, I  love the produce here on earth-"  Turt stopped herself in the middle of answering, seeing as how someone  was holding a hand out to her. Still seated on the floor, Turt raised  her hand to meet Pastel's hand, giving it a gentle shake.  "Well-Hello there. I'm sorry, should I not be seated here?" Turtle  laughed, slowly standing up... Everything was so tiny in here.. "My  name's Tur'tle'nek, and you are?"
KR-O:  That was short lived. Fedora let the kid go about his day and sat back  at his table. He pouted, realizing that until the Templar relieved  himself, he was put in charge of babysitting the Abbey residents. Oh  boy.
 Gogo waved their hand dismissively, "Oh that's fine, deary. I  understand that kids can be a responsibility." They bit their bit in  an attempt to not yawn. Good job, Brooch.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  This guy's breath was starting to smell like alcohol, a hardly  noticeable hing in such an environment. He clearly wasn't drunk yet  but it would probably happen sooner or later, depending on his  tolerance.  ''Greetings, the name is Gauntlet. Yours?'' he replied, extending his  hand for a handshake and removing his hat in the presence of the lady  on the guy's lap.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens was too amazed by Tur'tle'nek's height that he couldn't think  about how he ditched Fedora. The immediate thing he tries? Climb her,  of course. This is what you do to any woman you meet. But he's trying  really hard to not be noticed!  Jeogori returns to drinking at the bar, gulping down shots like it was  nothing. The thick smell of alcohol somehow gets Cufflink a little  tipsy with his nonexistent tolerance.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Undershirt" he said as he shook Gauntlet's hand. "So when the hell  did you get here? I don't remember seeing you when we left." he said  taking a sip of beer.
 Wristband glanced over at Fedora. Since when did they get two pink  haired nerds? Taking her bottle with her, Wristband sat down next to  Fedora.
 "So, new guy, huh? I always like to see a fresh face" she said, Fresh  fuck was what she wanted to say, but there wasn't quite enough alcohol  in her system for that yet.
KR-O:  "Is that what you tell everybody new you meet?"  Barely one sentence from Wristband and Fedora already looks like he  isn't having any of it. "Guess you can say I'm new."
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''I wasn't there, I was an hour out of Daten and nobody was home when  I got to the Abbey.''
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She sees all the tall figures and she retreats back to her seat at bar  , ordering a couple shots. She ties her hair back into a ponytail and  eats a few chocolates she bought with a small sigh."Happy valentines  day to me..." She throws away her chocolates and crosses her arms ,  resting her head on them.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "No, usually I fuck first and ask questions later" She replied with a  laugh. "Normally I get a much warmer response than that though. So  what's your story Mr. Grumpy?"
HITAGASHI:  Pastel merely snickered, gesturing towards one of her wait staff and  allowing them to bring up a taller chair.  She had a surplus after  meeting Volto Foglia.  She honestly cared more about the child right  now than her rules.  Children were so cute.
 "Oh no, oh no no, I'm so sorry!"  The girl's expression looked  heartbroken and she fidgeted with one of her pins nervously.  "I  didn't mean to make you yawn.  Usually I'm wide awake but then again,  usually I wake up at seven, not four!"  Still, Brooch seemed to droop  sadly at causing a yawn.  Man, that sucked.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. '' I'm a new fall,  unfortunately. Used to be a watcher, what irony right? I asked around  town where a pink haired templar was and found  y'all. Guess I'm just  meeting people.''  Gauntlet had pulled that air of neutrality again,  It was difficult to tell if he cared of not that he fell and he was  intentionally tight lipped about the circumstances. That much was easy  to tell.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens climbed up the chair and swung his feet excitedly, he wants  to know so much more of space from someone who's been there. But he  didn't want /any/ interruptions so he waited.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt couldn't help but laugh. "Sounds like a boring fall" he  said as he swirled the drink in his glass. Angels these days are  always falling for the dumbest stuff.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Turt giggled at this child's attempt to climb her. To her, it was  honestly rather cute. She carefully reached her hands down to displace  the child from her leg so that she could lift him up herself. Now,  half-cradling the ten year old in her arms, She posed the question,  "Is that better?" She chuckled quietly,gently hugging Knittens. To be  fair, Turt could be compared to a giant sentient pillow (In a good  way).
KR-O:  "Oh," Fedora said to Wristband's first response.  "I'm not much of  a person to give out warm receptions," or at all to  begin with, "But I guess you can say I'm new. Mostly here to keep an  eye out for the Abbey residents. The Templar left but he hasn't  returned." Come to think of it, Strappon has been in the stall for  quite a while. Did he get eaten by the toilet? That'd be a tragic  death he didn't wish upon the Templar.
 "Oh no, dear!" Gogo began, "I wouldn't worry so much about some  harmless yawning. It's hard not to succumb to it."  They patted Brooch's shoulder, "Anyways, feel like having something  from here? It's all on me."
 It was strange to see the Abbey completely empty, save for the  volunteers working there, when Shades stopped by. He figured Strappon  may have taken the Angels out on a field day so that they don't get  stressed being in the Abbey 24/7. A good move, he thought. He had an  idea of where he should go, there was some establishment having a  reopening, so maybe that's where he should look. Once he parked,  Shades noticed the sign outside Kelpie's. He didn't like the idea of  handing in his namesake so he went through the trouble of leaving them  in the car and getting a pair of glasses. He just needed to see for  the day, so no big deal. As soon as he walked in through the door  frame, he spotted Undershirt having a moment. It sure was a moment.  Well dang, the man did go through with it from his Twitter rambles. He  doesn't know how to really feel about that. Either way he went up to  Undershirt to chastise him, "You, what I tell you? And..." Shades  said, slowly pointing to Gauntlet, "You... Who is you?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knitten's laughs while he looks how how high up he is. Nodding and  raising his mittens high with a proud smile. "I'm Knit Mittens!  Knittens for short!" He shakes the puffballs on his mittens for  dramatic effect.  Jeogori was probably drunk, he finished several bottles of sake and  whiskey with a big smile on his face. But every soldier can handle a  drink, he wasn't this weak! He will not succumb to this earth alcohol!
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''If getting caught in a museum heist is boring to you, I don't really  want to know what's fun to you'' Gauntlet retorted, unamused by  Undershirt's comeback. This wasn't the whole story but it felt good  enough to shut him up. Was this Undershirt guy higher ranked than him?
 Another guy, visibly older than Undershirt had walked up to him,  wearing sunglasses and a very visible red coat. If Gauntlet had been  following some fallen in his jurisdiction not long ago and this guy  came up to him, his cover would have been blown for sure. No matter  since they were in other hands now. He leaned forward to extend his  hand for his traditional handshake. ''Greetings, I am Gauntlet,  watcher for the last 300 years, until now. Guess you heard that  earlier?''
HITAGASHI:  Perking up, Brooch shook her head a bit.  "I don't um... I don't  drink.  I'm not 21 yet!  I have to follow the law, right?  That and  Miss Bifocals says drinking alcohol can make you ugly.  I listen to  her, she's really old!"  She gestured to her empty glass.  "I do like  apple juice and the fruit bowls they serve here though!  My cousin  comes here when she has to go on _dates_ with gross people who don't  deserve to talk to her.  Lots of creeps."  Wow, good job rambling,  Brooch.  Kill the mood.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Dude, where the fuck is Strappon by the way? I haven't seen him in a  while" Wristband said as she tried to keep the conversation going.
 "Oh hey Shade's what's up man!" Undershirt said. "What did you tell  me? I can't quite remember. Something to do with being careful or some  shit?" he said with a cocky ass grin.
KR-O:  Shades shook Gauntlet's hand, "Yeah, that's nice. You can tell me your  sin later to see what I'm gonna have to do to help you out."  He snapped back to Undershirt and took out his phone, aggressively  looking through an app and then shoved the device into Undershirt's  face, "Pendejo, don't play dumb with me!"  He swears he's gonna choke this man one day. He'll probably deserve it  too, but today's not the day.
 "He said he had to take care of restroom business. Maybe the toilet  ate him?" said Fedora.
 "This is why asking's good, ya? But I'm intrigued by those fruit  bowls," Gogo admitted. But the later statements concerned them. "Oh  my, I'm guessing they get /taken care of/ here?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  After Lord knows how many shots the drunk angel waddles over to Turt  and sits next to her. She looks up at her and waves a little  bit,"H-How..how are you so tall?"  Fox slurred a bit, looking like a  small child. She hiccups after blinking a couple times in amazement.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Turt couldn't help the fact she was grinning now. Ahh, this child was  so precious, she thought. Though her amazement with this kid was cut  short due to the sharp smell of alcohol radiating from Fox's pie-hole.  That was _foul_ ... Almost defensively, Turt found herself holding  Knittens a bit more securely now, looking down to Fox. "Genetics and  time. Are you alright? Your breath is.. For lack of polite words,  disgusting beyond all belief."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt squinted at the screen "Oh yeeaaah that. I'm still a little  sore, but I should be fine. The doctor's just bandaged my up, said I  should be fine in a few days. It was totally worth it" he said taking  another drink.
 "Pfff, sounds horrifying" Wristband said. The prospect of getting  eaten by a toilet was both terrifying and hilarious at the same time.
HITAGASHI:  Cammy, having finally seen a familiar face, wandered over to Shady.  Even if she was wary of all the men around him.  She needed to know  why she needed this bag full of air fresheners.  It's rude not to tell  a person.  But... oh.  Yeah no, she can wait.  And be patient.  And  kinda child right behind Shady because no.
 Twitching, Pastel turned her attention to the girl who had called her  Pas earlier.  What part of no getting drunk did people not get?  She  prepared to say this before she slapped her forehead.  She'd forgotten  to tell the alien to remove her namesake because of a child.  For  fuck's sake.  "Oi ain' old 'nough t' be forgettin' shite."
 "That's true!  Oh, and the fruit bowls are really good!  They give us  this honey yogurt to dip it in and it's really tasty."  One of these  fruit bowls slid into place in front of the pair and it was definitely  bigger than one person could eat.  "Uh... usually I eat these with my  cousin."  She rubbed the back of her neck at that.  Brooch's  expression shifted to one of almost forced sadness.  "And, see, the  rule is if you push someone into doing things with you here, Miss  Pastel gets to shoot you.  Or you leave!  Or you go into the fighting  ring.  If they ever choose that last one, Sleevies beats them good and  through.  She's a veteran.  She knows how to fight!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She pouts,"luucky, and I...I may or..maaay not've had one to  many..drink..thingys....s-sssorry about that." She blinks and looks up  at her ,"aww you...have a baby! How..m-many months old is it?"  Referring to knittens. She shook her head and slapped herself. "Fuckin  duck dicks , sorry..uh ..hi really..really tall person." She scooched  back a bit.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves is waiting for someone to come to take his order at the  bar seat. He turn his head back to Dirndl to see if she thought of any  drink that she wanted. "Man, service can take a long time to come,  huh." He said to himself. "So, Dirndl. Sorry to make you wait for who  knows how long, but have you thought of any drink that you like to  have? Or dessert if I may add?" he ask her.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens awed at her mutlicolored hair, plus it was so soft. He played  with her long hair amazed before looking at Fox and bluntly says, "120  months I think. So I'm not a baby." He puffs out his cheeks and  crosses his arms getting pouty. This usually got his point across how  mature he was.  Jeogori could barely write to communicate and his cheeks were the most  saturated hue of red; but his face remained the cold expression he  always had. He picks up Cufflink as he staggered over to a booth and  leaves a note with horrible handwriting asking for a drink to sober  him up.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She chuckles softly,"Aww , hey if you puff your cheeks like that how  am I supposed to know." She looks up at him," You'd make an adorable  baby though, even if you're older than me." She exaggerated to make  him feel better.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Turt found herself terribly conflicted. What on earth had she walked  into? Was it too late to just take this child and ollie on out?  because she was really beginning to consider that.. But-.. that would  be kidnapping, according to humans. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea  after all.  Turt really had no idea how to handle the drunken angel. But she was  now not only disgusted by the stench of her breath but now their blunt  use of curse words in front of this child. Even Pastel's use of of a  swear word wasn't as offensive to her. It was probably the smell; That  alone could ward off the entire Spanish Inquisition. Carefully  ignoring the angel, Turt turned her attention now to the demon ahead  of her. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she posed the  question to Pastel, "Ah, Pardon? Is something the matter darling?"
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''Hold the phone, help me? The hell do you mean, you a watcher too?''  Gauntlet felt like he had found a fellow sort of 'brother in arms' but  that feeling quickly vanished. He wasn't a watcher anymore himself. He  looked to the side as if ashamed of aligning himself by this position.  It was time to run from this topic to Gauntlet. Luckily Undershirt  mentioned something about a bandage ''So what's all that about  something being totally worth it?''
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt grinned "Wouldn't your ass like to know" he said. Shifting  Thong in his lap again he finished off his drink before asking for  another. "I don't kiss and tell." He actually does a lot, he's just  being a shit lord.
KR-O:  Shades nose crinkled with the displeased expression he had on his  face, "How the fuck are we the same rank. You're /going to lose it if  you keep this up/." He had an obvious concern for Undershirt in this  regard, but perhaps he'll get to chastising him later at the Abbey. He  didn't feel like asking God to smite the guy with Thong near him.  That'd be just rude.  "Watcher? No, I'm not that. I'm more of a trainer to help these  fuckwits fight ghosts."  Undershirt was hopeless and Shades felt another presence behind him-  Oh!  "Ay, either I have shit memory or it's been a while." He said to  Cammy.
 "I mean, it'd be concerning to begin with," Fedora began, "After all,  there was an alarming death rate when that one literal shit ghost  showed up a couple years back. He remembers that so vividly. He  shuddered at the thought.
 "Now I have to try one!" That fruit bowl sounded like a great deal to  them and Gogo weren't about to leave this place without trying one,  "But at least you have support from someone. Even it if sounds kind of  brutal, it counts!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Hmph! Don't lie. Your breath smells like my cousin after every  Valentine's day, you have to be close to his age!" Knittens pouted,  and adds, "I'm no baby..!!"  Yup, Jeogori was passed out. He sleeps on the booth table with  Cufflink slowly sneaking away and sitting as far away as possible to  him, a few seats away from Gogo and Brooch. Cufflink's stomach growled  as he's reminded that he hasn't eaten at all today.  "Mother fucking appetite..." he growls and looks over the menu  angrily.
HITAGASHI:  "I... uh... well.  It's been a while!  Yes, yeah, that.  Um."  Cammy  fidgeted in place, concerned over the fact that she was so close to a  bunch of men.  Were her gang here or were Overshirt's brother and gang  here, she could manage it.  She held up the bag in her hand.  "I uh...  I got told to bring this with me?  It's got some, uh, um, some air  fresheners.  Yeah..."  By some she meant a lot.
 Pastel turned her attention back to Turt, shaking her head and smiling  politely.  "Ah'm hatin' to be an inconvenience t'ye, but ye can't be  wearin' yer namesake 'ere.  It's nae fair if'n ye get t' keep it and  no one else does.  Ye ken?"
 Smiling, Brooch pushed the fruit bowl more towards Gogo.  "Go ahead!  It's really good!  It's fresh fruit and everything."  Her head tilted  in confusion at the second statement though.  "She's not really  brutal.  She just tends to headlock them.  Which is funny since she's  only got the one arm."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox raises an eyebrow in protest , "how old's your cousin dude..?"  She rolls her eyes,"I get it I get it , no need to get your macho  panties in a twist." She adds.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Man, Shady was fucking pissed though Undershirt didn't seem to  care."You gotta live life man" he said as he was handed another drink.  "And we're the same rank because you kept fucking up and losing  yours."
 "Oh yeah, I remember hearing about that" Wristband said. I just  laughed my ass off at the story. I mean how could you die from shit?!"  Wristband nearly fell off the chair from laughter.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "He's... 25 I think. Not sure, he keeps crying about some girl and  being in highschool at home which is why I'm here." He rolled his eye  at the memory, his energetic cousin crying like a baby and holding him  was tiring after all morning. Why was he like that every Valentine's?  It was a tradition a this point.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She shrugs," close but no cigar, im four years younger than him.  Sounds like a real looker." She crosses her arms. "He really shouldn't  have you here though..you okay?" She raised an eyebrow.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Turt grimaced now. Oh dear, she sighed. "mm.. I don't mean any  disrespect, I really don't-" Turt paused and placed Knittens down on  the other side of herself, away from Fox. Now, with her hands free,  she could at least have a bit more mobility in her gestures that were  to follow. "It's been erm... over... a thousand years.. since this has  come off. Please understand-It gets stuck in my hair and I can't get  it out easily once it's wedged in there-" She sighed. The only loose  part about that shirt was the part around her neck. Honestly, out of  all the things that could be her namesake it was the one thing she  struggled to get off.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shakes his head and smiles, "Don't worry, nothing an  astronaut in training can't handle! Plus he's picking me up soon!" He  gives Fox a thumbs up and looks up at Turtle.
KR-O:  Shades looked into the bag, his eyes lit up with excitement. He  fucking loves air freshener shopping, you got no clue. "Are you  selling these? I wouldn't mind taking some off your hands."  Sadly, it seems like Shades would need to hold off on these air  fresheners as he turned around to Undershirt with a thinned out smile,  "You want to, ese!?" At this point it was difficult for Shades to not  want to shake Undershirt.
 "Well...ok,  That sounds not brutal. You win." Gogo took a piece of  fruit, inspecting it a little before taking a bite out of it. They  didn't know what they were expecting, it's just fresh fruit. But  perhaps the giant alien a few seats away was now starting to get them  a little antsy. He already has a small demon in his grasp, and Gogo  didn't want to be next.
 "They were eaten by toilets and suffocated in shit," said Fedora,  "That sounds like such a bad way to go..."  Suddenly his senses tingled. "I feel animosity in the air, someone's  gonna end up fighting." He readied his phone, not wanting to miss  taking pictures if something were to actually happen. He scanned the  pub until he saw Shades and, ya. That man looked pissed off. He prayed  to the Lord for a fight.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She smiled a little," Heheh, good luck with that. Your name's mittens  right?" Fox  pauses and tilts her head to the side , looking up at  Turtle,"You need some help up there signorina..? "
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink ordered some food and watches Jeogori, making sure he doesn't  wake up any time soon. Or rather, hiding when he gets out of his  alcohol coma.  Knittens nods and again shakes his mittens, "Knittens is what everyone  calls me."
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Turt stared down at the drunken angel. Without even thinking, both of  her arms wrapped around her funbags as if to keep them safe from the  menace from below. "Please---don't touch me" she stammered. This human  holiday seemed less and less appealing.
MAGNUSMATEBA:  These dudes looked about to fight. Undershirt seemed to know the other  guy and very well at that, maybe a little too much? Interrupting this  conversation they were having, partly to avoid this angry duo building  up their emotions to having a bloody duel, Gauntlet spoke up ''I used  to be a watcher on the border of the north and west. I am now a fallen  due to greed and I got here because I was told to find a pink haired  templar and I tracked him here. The rest of, well everybody else just  happened to be here.'' Gauntlet looked back towards the man in the red  jacket. '' And I can fight already, you shouldn't need to train me old  man.''  This dude getting angry at Undershirt hadn't told Gauntlet his name  yet, not that he'd asked either but he looked older physically than  Gauntlet. On the behaviour scale, he was much younger though. Older  angels are usually less impulsive in their speech according to  Gauntlet's past experience, but times also change really fast. Old man  seemed like an ironic but funnily appropriate title, and it might  divert the anger of mister red jacket here towards him to avoid  killing Undershirt.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "See this is what I was talking about. I just want to have a drink  with my date and you want to come up and start shit. WHy don'"  Undershirt answered Shades.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "See this is what I was talking about. I just want to have a drink  with my date and you want to come up and start shit. Why don't you sit  down and join me?" Undershirt answered Shades. "Or better yet, punch  that guy" he said pointing to Gauntlet. "I don't like him that much  anyway"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens hid behind Turtle's leg at the tense atmosphere.  Jeogori was awakened by the sense of impending blood being spilt. He  opened his eyes and rubbed his head, shakily writing down, "Damn it...  Fainted." Getting up and noticing the little demon was gone, he was a  little pissed off and his face showed it.  Cufflink fell out of his seat and hid under Gogo's table, motioning  for him to keep silent of his situation, Screw getting carried by this  mother fucker.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox backed away from the impending brawl and prepared to hide under a  table if necessary. She was not breaking a nail today, she knew that  for a fact.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Oh god Undershirt's gonna get in a fight again" she thought as she  turned around and saw Shades provoking Undershirt. This was new.
KR-O:  "You're going to drive me to drink and it ain't even New Years.."  Shades tried to calm himself down. Inhale, exhale, repeat. But then  Gaunlet had to open his mouth.  "Listen, m'dude. I honestly do not care if you do or don't know how to  fight. It's technically still my job to train those that come to our  Abbey. Aside from training, I help out people with their Sins. Some  are hopeless as you can see," Shades then pointed to Undershirt.  He inhaled and exhaled again, "Also I've been an anxious mess since  yesterday after my dinosaur went missing and let's just say my anxiety  medications ain't helping so I will be..../irritable/."
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''A lost dino huh? Well it's not my specialty but i'm a fair tracker  so if you need help, gimme a holler'' Gauntlet got up and put his hat  back on, leaving the trouble zone. ''See you two later'' he said with  his hand waving from behind, his sweater reading 'Never be game over'.  He wandered around the pub only to end up at the bar again, sitting  there alone. He placed an order for a drink, the same as Undershirt  was drinking to not get noticed and put it on his tab. Payback for  that little comment about punching Gauntlet  Nobody had successfully  discovered this trick in the past, as long as he didn't get greedy  he'd be fine. Gauntlet truly never was game over.
HITAGASHI:  Blinking at the situation, Cammy just kind of made a face before  turning to first Gauntlet then Undershirt.  "Um, okay, yeah."  She  handed the thing of air freshener to Shady.  "You have that.  Please  don't fight you two.  I really, really, really, really don't want to  go to jail this week for breaking ribs."  Her discomfort was mostly  edging into annoyance now.  Why were people this dumb?
 "If'n ye can't, Ah understand.  There's an angel who wouldn' be able  t' easily either.  But ye mus' keep yerself calm then.  No booze, no  rough housin'."  See?  She was understanding.  Pastel sure could  handle... no.  No.  N O.  Attention get, Shady and co.
 "I love Sleevies.  I don't know how she handles having the twins  though.  They're so hard to keep from destroying things!"  She huffed,  cheeks puffing comically.  Brooch's focus did shift briefly to  Cufflink, waving at him beneath the table and turning back to Gogo.  "They managed to blow up a scooter."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  ... What? Cufflink's interest was piqued from a child blowing up a  scooter. Coming from under the table and pulling up a chair he signals  the waiter to bring his food here and raises his eye rbow, "And... How  did this happen?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She watches gauntlet leave,"Hot damn.." She blinks a little bit and  cracks her knuckles quietly. "I'm just gonna prepare my ass for a  fight, juuust in case the manure hits the fan..."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Don't worry, I'm not really in a position to fight" Undershirt said  to Cammy. Thong really did seem to like her spot on his lap and who  was he to change that.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was till waiting for some service and it's taking forever for  them to get to him, which makes him bored really fast. "Man, service  can be a drag." He mumble to himself in an anger tone. "Oh, well. At  least I got something to drink since I'm hear." He said to himself  while he's drinking his unfinished water at the bar.
(( OOC: Please note that only hitagashi has input on the serving staff at Kelpie's Shore.  This means that within a post or so, you can say you've received your order.  This is to prevent a massive wall of text that never ends from having to control the 15+ floor staff of the pub. Occasional input from these background characters may occur, but it's best not to wait on it. ))
MAGNUSMATEBA:  Gauntlet had made apparently made a mistake to try and put a drink on  a tab. He was told that it would cost him double for even asking.  ''Fucking hellbents...'' he thought as he slapped a hundred dollar  bill on the counter. Stolen of course, but nobody knew that. He shooed  the bartender who told him this off. Stuck with a hundred dollar beer  that he thought would be free. If there's one thing Gauntlet's greed  told him, it was that he HATED losing stuff, especially a perfectly  hundo dollar bill. He couldn't hold his liquor either, this was some  fairly strong stuff for a guy like him. what other option did he have  than giving it to somebody. It was a bad reminder of this whole  experience at this point.  A lady seemed to have observed him leaving the angry duo behind. She  might take the drink. He got up from the chair and walked towards her,  handing the drink to her ''Do you want this?'' he asked with only a  bit of annoyance showing through his voice, his gaze to the side  opposite of Undershirt and Shades. He really mostly hoped she would  take it so he could get rid of this damned beer. ''Ah excuse me, I  seem to have forgotten my manners.'' He took off his hat again, it was  a polite move a century ago ''My name is Gauntlet, and yours is?''
(( OOC: This is OscarK9. Oh okay. I didn't know that I can do that. Sorry about that. ))
KR-O:  Shades swatted his hand, as if shooing away Gauntlet. He took a seat  next to Undershirt, "Well, you know. I'm in a position to fight, but I  don't exactly feel like getting demoted either. Or launched into  Hell." He paused for a bit.  "My body's kind of shit too, there's that."  Accepting the bag of air fresheners, Shades settled on to it as if to  hug it. And he honestly needed a hug, "Ah yeah, sorry about that  Cammy. I'm just nervous. What if Delta ate someone? She's not exactly  small, she BIG!" His breathing began to get faster. Calm down man,  what harm can one teenage dino do.
 Fedora set down his phone in disappointment, "What the hell? I was so  ready to see teeth getting knocked out. This is pretty lame." Though,  at the same time he was thankful, no need for Angels to cause a bigger  raucous.
 "My, well aren't they an energetic duo," said Gogo, "But do go on,  this sounds rather interesting."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She sighs,"hmph ..just gonna wait the ads kicking out. Should get  interesting." Fox said with a shrug. She'd volunteer as the fighting  tribute but ain't nobody got time for that.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Yeah and I don't want to fight you anyway. So, you want anything?"  Undershirt asked Shades. "You seem pretty stressed out there."
 "Wow, that was incredible, actually!" Wristband said to Fedora. That  was the first time she'd EVER seen her brother not fight when  provoked. It seemed kind of surreal to her. Maybe the alcohol was  stronger than she thought.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori was probably too drunk or dumb not to notice Cufflink  literally sitting in front of him so he wallows in misery at the bar,  drinking the rest of his sake.
KR-O:  "The sweet release of death," Shades responded. That's all he could  muster saying at the moment.
 "How's that incredible? " Fedora asked.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Oh man, guess I'll order you something strong then" Undershirt said  as he called the waiter to bring them the strongest thing they got.
 "It's incredible because he's never turned down a fight or tried to  defuse a situation before. I guess he's either matured or the alcohol  changes him like that." Wristband elaborated.
OSCARK9:  Gloves received his order and he's enjoying his meal. Despite from  long waiting and all that stuff. He can't wait to eat it all. "Man,  this looks good." He said to himself and drooling at the same time.  "Thanks for the meal!" He said in his happy tone while putting two of  his hands together and off he eats.
KR-O:  Shades shook his head at Undershirt, "Nah man, it's fine. Besides, I'm  on medication. Not exactly a good idea to drink. I also don't have a  designated driver."   Fedora squinted, "It must be the alcohol because people like that  don't really change their habits much."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Designated driver? How are you going to get us all home? You have a  bus or something?" he asked. That or maybe just make like 20 trips,  but that would seem like a pain in the ass. Since Shady didn't want  his drink, Undershirt took it.
HITAGASHI:  Cammy stared at Shady and Undershirt for a minute before fishing out  her phone.  Scrolling through the images, she came across one with a  dinosaur and her herd.  "Is this your Delta?  Because she showed up  earlier and I have no idea what she's doing aside from being babied by  Estelle.  Which is weird.  Because Estelle hates everyone not me or  the herd."  "I don't know how they did it though?  They made it do something  special because they want Sleevies to date this one guy I call Softy  though!  He's a sweetheart."  Brooch tapped her chin and hummed.  "I  could ask?"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Maybe the alcohol was starting to get to him a little bit as he  misheard Shades. "OH wait you said you don't HAVE a designated driver.  Come to think of it, I don't think any of us do" he said to Shades as  he looked around at the crowd of people. How the hell were they gonna  get back home?
KR-O:  Shades stared at Cammy's phone for a good moment, then sank in his  seat. He could feel himself deflating, "Yup, that's Delta. Good to  know she's somewhere she can't exactly eat things."   He pointed to Undershirt, and turned to him, "There ya go. The shit  you're getting must be strong."
MAGNUSMATEBA:  The lady seemed to have ignored Gauntlet's question. ''Oh well,  whatever then.'' He directed himself towards another angel who had  just received a plate of food. The food didn't interest him. It was  getting rid of this nasty bottle of beer. Maybe he'd want it? Couldn't  hurt to try. Gauntlet sat down next to this dude, happily digging in.  ''Hey, my man, care to help me out? I don't drink and I seem to be  stuck with this.'' he waved the bottle of beer gently side to side to  indicate he was giving away this bottle.  He overheard Shades and Undershirt ask about designated drivers and  smiled slightly. ''I'm sober guys!'' he yelled out to them as he  turned in his chair to face the duo. He still had the bottle in his  hand, some incriminating evidence. Gauntlet was getting sloppy in  covering for himself.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "I did order the strongest stuff did I not. It also doesn't help that  I've been drinking for the last few hours" he said. He then heard  Gauntlet and turned his head. "Yeah, I don't trust you at all. I can  see the bottle in your hand." he said pointing to the bottle.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was eating his delicious meal. He heard a voice that was  calling to him and he saw a new angel that he never met. He asking him  if he wants the bottle but he shook his head. "Sorry. I don't drink  alcohol either. But I'm willing to take it out of your hands if that's  ok?" He told him.
KR-O:  "Hey, I'm sober too!" Shades responded in a sarcastic tone. "Its fine,  i can get my van for fewer trips from here to the Abbey."
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''Try me!'' He answered ''You try and walk a straight line and I will  after. There's no dice for you.'' Gauntlet then turned the bottle  over, the neck facing down. Nothing came out. It was still sealed, he  had shooed the bartender so quickly earlier that they never had time  to open the bottle. This was the funniest thing Gauntlet had done in  the last six months. He started laughing and while he was collecting  himself he heard the guy he'd approached tell him he'd take the bottle  of his hands. Still recovering from this laugh, he answered ''aw  thanks bud, I'm Gauntlet'' He extended his hand, offering a handshake.  This seemed to become a reoccurring theme with him. ''Legitimately I  am sober though, just a bit tired from driving most of the day.  Besides I got my sweet ride right outside. Not so long ago, at least  to me, I'd have been talking about a horse, human engineering really  has gotten far...'' This comment caused Gauntlet to chuckle although  this thought was legitimate.
OSCARK9:  "No problem." He told him. He took the bottle from Gauntlet hands and  extended his hand to him and gave him a hand sake. "I'm Gloves. Nice  to meet you." He said to him with a smile. "That's cool that your a  sober. I hope that I can see your ride later when we all get out of  here." He told him.
ROAMINGPANDAS:  Scrunchy still stood by the door to the pub. With an abruptly loud,  and manly, scream, SHE RIPPED THE DOOR OFF THE HINGES. Her hair flowed  in the soft breeze. Holding the door over her head, she stared into  the pub at the patrons before blinking a few times.  ..  And with that the angel b-lined it away from the pub with a door  overhead.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Cufflink snapped his head at the angel /ripping the door off/.  "...savages..." he thought and shook his head But unfortunately the  sound caught Jeogori's attention and when he was turning away he sees  Cufflink. Nothing could stop Cufflink running like hell.
(( OOC: Hey guys, since we're starting to lag a bit (both in posts and the site itself), it's time to start wrapping it up! ))
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Pff" he laughed at Gauntlet's threat and smiled. "I'm probably a  hundred times stronger than you."His attention was then turned to  Scrunchy ripping off the door. Oooookaaaay?
OSCARK9:  Gloves heard a noise that was right behind his back. He turn around  quickly to see another new angel that comes in the pub with a door  over her head. "Well you don't see that everyday." He said to himself.
HITAGASHI:  Pastel blinked at her door making its way downtown, running fast,  faces passing.  She considered the damage to the frame and called over  Volto Foglia, deciding to use her tall friend's freakish build to her  advantage in removing said frame.  She'd been wanting to do some  upgrades anyway.  That in mind, she moved back to the stage and took  the mic.
 "All ye newbies, listen up!  Me regs ken tha' me pub closes nearer  dawn so there ye go.  Ye can either stay.  Or ye go.  If'n ye go,  ye're gettin' breathalizer tested an' if'n yer drunk, we've got taxis  on call fer ye.  Ah've got shit t'do.  G'night ye yanks!"
TECHYTECHY:  /"Oh my Lord you angels are so stupid,"/ Thong had mumbled to herself  for the first in a long while. The apparent chaos and threats were not  very attractive to her. The succubus then SIGHED loudly and wiggled  herself out of Undershirt's lap, dusting off her legs. "Perhaps this  is my cue to leave, then."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She gets back her namesake and she hugs it tightly,"mommy's back  ,mommy missed you..yes she did." Fox cooes happily exiting the pub.  "My little Valentine. I'll get you chocolates later but you know their  for me." She spoke to her stuffed companion.
TECHYTECHY:  Shorty suddenly landed on Shady's back, nuzzling her face into his  jacket before yelling into the fabric, "TAKE ME AWAY."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Baul Gag and Bowtie both woke up at Pastel's voice. Man they both had  a lot to drink and they'd have one hell of a hang over. They both  walked to the breathalizer, both of them knowing full well they'd need  a taxi to get home. The two of them got into one and left the premise.
 "So, you want to give us a lift then?" Undershirt asked Shades as  Wristband walked over. "Think we should give Thong a ride home too?"
MAGNUSMATEBA:  ''Yeah sure, I can show you my car later on Gloves.'' Gauntlet was  getting more and more amused at the comments of Undershirt. As  Gauntlet was getting up to leave he replied ''Who said it was a  contest of strenght, Undershirt? That's kind of useless if you can't  hit me isn't it? You want have this fight, we'll have it later on my  own terms. I challenge you to the sabres.'' The closing up call was  made suprised Gauntlet. He went to the counter to pick up his namesake  and turned around to then find the door missing.  ''My, my. I usually  steal what's behind the door not the door itself.'' Walking out he  cried out ''Yo Gloves, you want this ride?'' as he turned on the  engine of an orange sports car.
TECHYTECHY:  "Not necessary, I have my own ride," Thong assured the group of holy  immortals. With a polite smile, she blew a kiss to them before walking  off towards the entrance. "Get home safe, kiddies~!" Hell yeah.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt just waived stupidly as Thong left.
 "Well, I'd say this night was successful, wouldn't you?" Wristband  said to Undershirt and Shades.
 Undershirt nodded before feeling around in his pockets and realized  his wallet was gone. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY WALLET...THAT BITCH!!" he  yelled.
 "Maybe I spoke too soon. Let's just get out of here." Wristband said  as the two of them left.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeogori tossed Cufflink onto his shoulder and walked into the distance  showing him a note saying, "Where do you live?"  Cufflink shoots him a confused look, gives him the directions and  asks, "...Why?"
OSCARK9:  "Yes! I can have my Gloves back!" He said in his exciting tone. When  he got his namesakes back. It made him feel like he was alive again  and happy at the same time. When he took the breathalizer test and  took the beer bottle with him. Gauntlet is asking him if he wants a  ride. He shook his head. "Yes. Please". He answers him. "Thanks,  Gauntlet."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens mean while was calming his cousin who was panicing about  leaving him here and goes home.
KR-O:  Shades began to laugh at Undershirt's misfortunes as he went on his  knees to get Shorty for a piggyback ride. "That's what you get for  communing with a Demon, dumbass." AND HE TOOK SHORTY TO CHURCH.
 Gogo then received a call. It was their manager and they were less  than pleased with their prolonged absence. Time to skedaddle.  Fedora basically went into the bathroom stall and dragged out the  Templar to take back to the Abbey. Hopefully this guy didn't actually  end up during a shit.
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