#tk trying to respect boundaries and also being very soft about bj getting some sleep
parameddic · 3 months
Slump — he would not mean to, but TK is safe and BJ does not get enough sleep 😴
The way he knew BJ was asleep was that he stopped collecting himself handfuls of popcorn. The movie was only partway through - the girl had only just escaped the dragon pit - and BJ was dozing lightly on his shoulder, under the blankets they were sharing, breaths steady.
Realising BJ was asleep squeezed sharply in his chest, heart aching for it. TK rarely saw BJ sleep at all. Usually he just looked ... all loose, and exhausted.
Their apartment was quiet, and safe, and dark. A corner of TK's mouth pulled into a smile, something soft that BJ would never know about but might have liked to; lovable in a lot of small ways, as well as a lot of big ones.
"'kay." A whisper, and not meant to wake BJ at all, just some noise he made aloud to trigger the movement - he couldn't stay tucked up beneath BJ Anderson, not really. It wouldn't be fair to either of them, and so he would try to let BJ rest easy on the couch instead, rather than TK's shoulder. "C'mon..." he lowered him down gently, words more subconscious than purposefully chosen, "I got you."
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