kagoutiss · 1 year
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i love this game
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
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bittcnneck · 3 months
Vent about the RP community in general under there.
A lot of people like to say that they don't care about your aesthetic or how your blog looks as long as they like your writing style and can see your muse interact with theirs. This is false. Just because a blog looks good aesthetically, like a really nicely edited pinned post, a really fancy carrd, fonted and colored writing style, small and nice icons, does not make them a good writer. They can still be illiterate, keep repeating same words, not be creative. But that's not what matters for most people from MY EXPERIENCE that I've seen. But they always seem to get a lot of followers and a lot of people want to interact with them. However, you can be the best writer, someone who makes the roleplay fun, exciting, someone who makes people eagerly wait for a reply. And if your blog doesn't necessarily look fancy, it's a higher possibility you won't get a follow back. This is very sad. And I'm speaking from experience because I fell for this before too. Just because someone doesn't have cool gifs and small icons doesn't mean they don't put in effort. maybe they just can't. Maybe they don't know how to. And just because they do put in that effort, doesn't mean they can write that good. This is not to down anyone, I promise. I'm just speaking from what I have observed. I've had tons of mutuals on here who didn't necessarily have anything fancy going on. And I would see them keep making starter calls and ask for interactions. Then I look at fancy blogs and they speak about how they got tens of threads, hundreds of asks, they're getting overwhelmed by it, which is really nice, I suppose? It's so cool that people want to interact with you that much! But if your blog was half as fancy, would they? Please think about this guys. And please give people chances and actually read their writing instead of just seeing their promos and stuff and decide if you want to follow or not based on that. I hope no one takes offense to this, my fancy blogged, colored writing mutuals I love you all so much. I'm just talking about how unfair it is around here. Because it's so sad to see people who write so well get little to no interactions because their icons aren't nicely edited, you know?
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throwawayblog345 · 3 days
hey so r there any objectum people on this app ?? ive been harsh on objectum people in the past but upon reading a few comments from objectum people (vague ones such as saying people dont understand it, and that a lot of info on it is disinfo) i fear i may be misunderstanding. although it's not something i identify with, i don't want to send malice and resentment towards a community that i don't fully understand, so if there are any objectum people here i'd absolutely love if you can answer some questions i have. i apologize if any of these come off as disrespectful, as it isn't my intent at all, i genuinely want to understand it all (/gen)
1. do you consider objectum to be a sexuality in any way? there's a pride flag for it like it is one, but i've heard objectum people say that it isn't one before as well.
2. do you believe objectum is tied to autism, or that most/all people who identify it are autistic or neurodivergent in some way? i've seen objectum people say that this is true
🔞 3. is objectum tied to objectphilia, or any other paraphilia of the sort? i've heard objectum people say that it isn't and there's misinfo around this particularly from the show my strange addiction, but i've also seen people claim that objectum is indeed just objectphilia
4. does objectum have to be romantic or sexual in nature, or could it just be platonic bonds to objects, like how some autistic people (such as myself even) tend to give objects human characteristics like names and pronouns?
5. why might someone identify as objectum?
once again, i hope nothing here comes across as rude or disrespectful. i fear i may be misunderstanding something and have somesort of disconnect with this community, and am judging it too harshly just because i dont understand. most objectum people i've interacted with are actually quite nice and talented and share similar interests to me (such as computers, i've been a massive electronics nerd all my life and i literally give all my devices names, pronouns, and personalities) so please understand i am simply a confused and uneducated old dude who wants to understand instead of blindly judging :'D if there's anything else you'd like me to know that i didn't ask, please let me know. thank you! :]
( p.s: computer virus fans hmu objectum or not i will talk ur ear off about viruses . this community really loves computers it seems so including this felt appropriate)
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morn1e · 8 months
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the ladies of rs upon ye (eminem picture) pt. 2
original/pt 1 is here
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xx-l0stsi1v3r-xx · 11 days
blake nonsense
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patchworkgargoyle · 21 days
Hey, do sinuses have to exist? Can I take them out of my skull?
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q-uzi · 8 months
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eerna · 9 months
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sunmisbf · 8 months
if sunmi wants to release a song that sounds like it was glued together than she can. she’s testing loyalties the way she did w the ycswu rap many don’t understand this but i do
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shibusawaz · 9 months
me: gee i sure am looking for some quality reading material that makes me reconsider my perspective on life
French author and philosopher albert camus: girrl you know i want your lovee
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nostalgic-muffins · 2 months
the candle scene in the reapers cave i am having so many thoughts what do youMEAN everyone gave up their life essence so beel could live longer what do you MEAN
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opold · 3 months
happy 7 year anniversary to the day my prev prev employer got completely ransomware hacked & shutdown for a full 24 glorious hours
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acidbathcat · 6 months
om learning so mange new worfd from the norwegisn keyboard autocorrect.
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tazmiilly · 1 year
genuinely can't tell if the tornado sirens are going off
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chocolatina · 1 year
kitten im gonna be honest daddy would rather kill himself than watch tomshiv get back together
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